.10. 123 1, tf'M' : Slr ..rr,.a rSJTJ -fe .:-r'-i:Sr.., ....w, ,iiAj. W' J-l--. - 10 o'oiH iU - li'.Z.tr hJ:.ht Wr4,,ei tl -. at lit ' , I -t . 4 4 ;f T , rjt , . Kit tor nairno inn K,oo wp Ponj Me, from the ! will hKhn'yt the K.e ,43J fW lw -.lis! change fxhbheJ . subject fur eirerUenCa ill W a i.'riculture!, ; ' - lalWeoreJu.-riliv a.mpiA. Havin? 4 fsrmrrbr dr-ring for. P1..terjiflj fl.ifrr. it rrrijmfd ilwt! tha ftinj of these woo! J be f the txxrni nf the imet rrqiirril to frr-iliza'tlse Ct'M iu a few ynj but V et wrlment jirovfJ t!at' the plirfr r and dater used m nt Vejeiria U withpLaienoitieia wrr m-nle 1T t'j lrin j with lime, at ne rate of 23 to 3i) tintel -r aerej thr lime be h bro.ijht C3 mile fom the lilii, arid Lit oa th Ln.l at 2$ real p?r buahel. ft w.t formed into a beJ, is inrhe in thicihe. a:td cirerei with earth thathad been pl')a.'h?.l an f throw a r? r it !"ef.re it was alaced; a Itearj; harr iw wat p is cl ortr it a e n a It hi I been reJueed fpiwpr, al the bed of lime and earth wa tlien fwi'iently turned bf the pjmih rid harrow, until the whole aMti nrd the a;pearan"e and itie!l of laape rt n he?, cont.iininx a'out ten part tf common soil ti 011- or li.ne. It wat then car ed and aji ttg -.rarJy orrr th fiil f; and in eterr int:iriJ h gav a rct;frrt of rl irerj eqnal fa ten bad of aub e inanaro ta the sere. " w The ld of m'uinff ihe' lime aid the eart! waa aojwled fmro "apreadin;1 the refuse of lime and am J gitlined frflm aVjut bulIJinjs, and laid npn th field, the efTc of wh:rf, ! observed, wa more i:nmJiMct!nnany eui! qianiitr of elea.t Ilrnc.'ahhosijh the .ixtnre "of Iitnan! earth WMiqnIIy an; ihei'icceediny Jiu carry the fert lizinf prinetple of the lime, frdin a aieee, into the noil be'ow.om' pletelf 5 ditid'd it," and ren(IerinJ, that which wa before tonmpact and loo cold for the mot of lie g ass and grain tn live in, br.h warm and open; when imnicdi ttp- ly the wh le aoil, wh eh befo e felt hard tin Jcr the not, became io elatiic that per aona of ohaef ration, bf wa'king oer die fii-M even ii th nijht, distinctly tn!d haw far the lima ind cor.i,i 8t ettended; the c lor of ih anij wa likewUd change I in to th t of chfolate; now these elfeeta a"emttd to pre that any thio which would arpa-ute the particle of the soil and aJinit the air,w.uld render thee cVl a id heary flava warm and fcrt le, tlie free i:terco:ir!e of air earrj'inj off the acidi Ae.i nd to meet this'. idea, 'ploughing in tha fll was ad-tpted and found aueeesfid. Aa an cxporiine.it, one ha f a flnld, six year ago,, wj plo.i 'ed in the atiMimi, "the other half in the aphis;, bo.' thUt" part which a ploughed i t the aprin taa never vet lr ni!ii vran or era equal o t'teoiher-' Si readiiis manure in the an- l imit from tin compost heap, has alW were ot.i lost. 111 one ro iM point outi nr ra?on ,f t'.e vrt, what fieU tK r had ;,CIf 'tea ) at o.Jv.mx load pert. Uj been drr.oited pn.? Tl.e toll wa, a ru!d 1 ?. f ,fl nj uglii load orh?aTrrhr.b!-t.,white.ishtbK.wn.andJ lr ' l''r -ujMr mlseJ with the ma a few a, ot'ol red c!ar, b.adtd with banl n , "J ari,,tIi, ?uU ,,feP b!Je;Moanrork.c'hiflvcoJlrtx.rnied'n?ldlh' ,r? ' Wto-a clearinf wi:h iron .n I capper. Nom? ,,f tha ex. eri-1 f uM,, e ",;ure.f tara-yar J, let a quaou- O en alien leu Will universal urce, ooii!,...:j ,.,.. hut rnmi linw nr ntlipr. tt-A u,3 gra i) nd grass; Uto eal a ..f the nla J itjre being ctrried into ihe aoil by :he ism upon 1 m oruoi4 up . i Imu in aome measure prepared me r-011 vt; rpce'ive it. Vrgetahle substantes luveal-i tiii'iy ihiuii tjicicii nan fiiit. .1 .. well rotted, the. compost has jhecn us ed with the sains ancccs as stable ina mire, ami to ltii!f as they operate in sepa rating hs soil and prouoting the acesx ofihr 'air. thT frti'izS inA change the co bir of the mould. ' , . W. Yovno. . Ft on the M.iina Cnliitali.r, , MANURE. , - Messrs F.ditous. Very few fitrmrrs. - ' ... . - . . i eomnn.ut.veU-: .re M h found who make I J . t any etroris at all to increase either ihe ftont my system, and attach the fertilizing ,lie(l, o $50 00o n( Koori. o( tl.e Wil quatuiiy oc qtulitj of their manure, -Tho ingredteritt lo a suhstance w hich famicrs m.ngon nlll ..Jeh R,d K a.l f,!l aiihject is a very imptrUnt one, and h is', can actnally in1 with spade and ,, io jkn lg43. ,CJ lonCi) .y ,.e to be honed that "farmerswill, era long, bee ime not n.ilc.thoroni'hlr convinced of Iheiinjiortance t.f atlciiilmg lo the manure Chcmistf, generally, do not tell lis the sury bktirise Vo make protision lo inert heap, but, that t'-ey will d something reason why the liquid manures will not the iireiesi LHiugdue on the bonds ol niore than to tali of the excellency of ma- ' do. much good 'when applied in a fresh ' the RaLub aud Gato Rad R.-ad Coi'r -nure. , 't' : , ,;.., ' , J ,ftate, though this is i perfectly plain tojill j pmy, endorsed by. ihe .Slate. aid to laise. . Nov t ilopa not require a Tttge capital .reflecting men Lhpiid manure, if appli- me funds to mc-i'the current expenses of in onler io make "an ti'Mindance of manure ed upon an impervious' or gravelly soil, in the Site until ihe ttxes ol 1843 should -fit requires only a firm resolution, a aTash, state, is not retained long enough, be paid into the Treasury, :.tht-f ised the g'md yoke tif oxen, a good cart'.a goinl .for its dccompofitioft to take place, or; for. public. Treasurer tiv burrow ihe sum of wlicejbarrowr, and a good sp.itle. n',We do"! the roots Co diink it up. It is put 6n a li- $5Q,C00 Iro'ro one t.f the Boards or ol ihe nst exnnAt ta Vrera tirnier 'in' 'mode-, oil id liiauurc. -and ruus olT in the same! Hanks o( the State: aad heinff likewise late circiimsi.mceabuihln snlendid nierdK. rnry.hiil then every firmer maym kc , c;i .pri3l yard of Ins, bajn-yard, and inay:H double or treblo tlie auaiiUtv. and also . improve the quality of Jus manura. It wouiu ue well, li eterv oarn-yaru were, haned aonVe'wh'it likea nulk " paiV.s-1 pin every way .toward tho centre; b it if, a nucHlcareaiulcoiisequcntcxpensc necessa farmef cannot 'afToril ihe expensn of bitnV-' rj' supplyingonrcrops with saturated water i;2 his barn yard id the jight shape; jie f iu all their stages throughout the year, and 04 u. -iru e ni . . . i !.e amount ( f aiiitli or mud to be foi.nd in the Siale of Maine? If this Tluatls material cia be iLhtly anaje J -if ar farmer ne anj ktl well nnke trotig rf. bna every rarU tvorure this eiimJ jfiom swamps, pond holes, from the ifF01"5'" ofnata ran be able U apare Hire wtl in Jh cnurtt f t arh rear, in rolu-i tia uuteriil for imnure vrl at f f ftcia tll bait upon priiri'yT llow iiiurb oiauure will a finnrr ho like rnrfuerTliriAf i man ofertf r? r."cli-ct tr of run J. &e. be placed onon the bottum. Irt ti alo direr orer the animal intnure with loam, turf, inu I, Ae. o that its ir IttesmaTnotracape. When dijin over manure. Jrt os not f rg et to cover the tame with aome material calculaed to pnient the precious matter from escaping into the atntrttphcrf. " s f-. It hi bf-ca ohen aiPr ed that one load nf ani n il nui-iro will ferment three load of peat is a ubtanee whicli ia 'M be fVoud in swamps, and diHVr f.-om mad or muck. It niuot bs more of task tu bri:. ' peat i;ito the right condition to operate well - as maajre than mud or muck. !. '.-""'. . , Il ia cay' enough to ice that erety far 01 wlro cjrr fin I mod6r muck.'&c.'may d'Miblo or treble the quantity ofbi.J uanura 1 at a very trifling 'cipeiise. Those who! may 'iior happen' ta reside near some! swamp may certainly piocure t least a considerable 'quntity of rich' matter in Wa!e places j turfitij the highway', ic.1 Bui euppiiae t' ut a farmer cauii it (etnta terUU enough to saiufy autiliiinn.ho caojtdto bis luanure b,y jlnij.inj in green crops." Variiins nio.let o( ( lough ing in crops for manure bare been rrcoin mended. Douching in grxs stub!i!eim mediaudy after haying, ami aii ing fresh grass seed, U one exct Ileal mt thod of im crotint'ie ami. If grazing litnds that are cleared of n'u.Mrtirlion m the idui.gh W!rc ma- a:eJ in the same way, tite far mer will flnJ bis labor t be wcl! applied. 1M niz'tins i.lcnp of clover htfulllcncth. a;.d the ning of I'la-Ur of Paris to aid the growth of the clover, shotd I in some cie b i.ihctiot'd.- Every farincriihoiild take a 1 agi iculiural paper, and thcse'ah.!!d give out to'the ncoiik in plain unvarnif li ed language the necessary knowledge. If! yottn lawyers multiply upon us and eon trire by" vile inirigues tosirin h'rgh places and bold agrii ul ural skill nnd industry in the most sovereign ro.leinpt, there will yet be found a redeeming spirit in the people." 'J. E. K; U null r J, S ptem'j. r, 1814 ' ' iA(iUIl) MANUKE' 1, :A ,lfu, nrctiv Vnrr:l hf.li..f mnmiI fr n, tliat thore is " soinc rood' iu i;.idi'ee el toborrow t1 the Ltvrs-y and In ncver 6CC uiuci, preraralion Cidler for the coI1 ,lion orupplicationoftlus .thecheap- f st an(i niost valuable ot all manures, and .. ve rcrily believe that the subject is as yct Le?..lature and t . hie month y re ilenenl celvthcu2htcf(ina way to lead toj i h e' Cntptroller. w.l, show die DMcUcul result), bv one bona i.el8rniT, nf ,h ' ntr 'ly ,'",, Ecarceiv nny pi result) rcalpaying furinet , out of a thousand, Now, having for atvotul years- been attj" cxpcri.ncn'.ct in this way, and sensible oi' t. ,..i ..t.. r. I'aiiin 17 cvwciKiiLU ill t iviiun-iai'i nMra it. f i. j . s s incrs. i v ,. !,,,..,,'!(.., As I discard ol chemical formulathe; 'ank, watenrg caii, ana otner ti ctmat, - . , . . shovcK I have Merc hop3 Uat my will be IcIIowcd. , state: but apply it to a soil rich ia deeay- a,'cd 6r iteeaying vegetahlo 'mattcr,'4and on lilt: nj iiiii"'. nuv.c uu , .... , . , .. , liquid manure. 1 Wall here take the liber-! L l,h tvt'nx pMes of the Sla-e and tv cfthrowinin my mite to the pjiieml' ,'B 'f " ftf ,hp ,!'fi, I--fe' -e, fund, by communicating the little 1 have! cfl the pulj,,c j re""!.r" ,l ,,s "8" f ...:-.i t... va. r,,tiu..Jly or qtitte eahaoMrd.texcpi as lo the which a vigorous vesiation is going on.ij.i ion.out lis lands. ;At ihe time inese and U never fails of its 'extraordinary ef-; requrements of ihe board were , made, lects. 'Tlieptaa ot ntimimstering.jiqu.iu manures ma ppriecuy ircsu iaiuf w y.wu- bly"the best'of aoyi were it not the conti- s ;.t "v4:1 . . .1 - . tan. wLf 4 altufd bulf or three pam fad i pin vcrea Uiirnt i.e4t.aaJ the liquid ma- ;C l! . -1 " .liinx- '"r.. LU;rlS y.Cucc 10 it. ILn u luacd t p w iA the, nd icA and aDowtd to remain, or luufwccks,t.TI Use decomposition tulierUtd rcat'i three or fuufwecks. sceme aooiij comnietttL bc:uir tua-AMc.n. . . . . ahy stirred alKnjtytcra;ccon.ptiiion has k become r.bouy.10 rouMstcocy cf gruel. , I lie !.cle is then ladled (wtili a polo and bucket) over the low partision into U.e c- cond Cor,r, which is aUo three parU filled wim cart,ouuca pest; and as tlie second floor is meant merely as a filter, we hare it low er cn one eiJo than the oAcr, ly whit h rueane, in the courc cf a day or two, tlie carbonize! jeat is left conipur,-, lively dry. The Water having p3sed off. u.o Mrr t;jtV u:e urst or lermcnui , floor is again filed sis before, and tlie con- Wf tv77.:V77. . I S U tU Id) fi.t U Jaauarj. tscuu, of l..r!, wer.e-.t, , t j ri.. , ' ' ' tcuts of the second floor, if conklcrcd set- interest o-ighi j.i,fy u be ue uf rt.e lo uratcd enough, arc then sliovclcd up into a , R',, v j,CM ,hfjr und lex t V the earner, and allowed to drip, and furUicr Tieasu t lor the oubbr serme, be tad dry tdl used, w inch tlcy may be tiUcriai-ter to the Lirrary ..rJ. t .o into hr mediately, or at the end of twenty j cars, d.a nbiMion f.n l lor the u of Com. at scarcely any thing will effect it, if not'woo tii-hot I -, V ; exposed :o llie continued vra'LinJ, of i ' ' RAIL IJOADS." pure water, or exposed lo tlie influence of As lta emh.rs.sen s of the Tiessery the roots tof growing plants. By hclcg Uries in part fr. ro ihr r . nerfion o! Me thinly spread oa a granary floor it toon State ti ith or ll.A K ad-, i bee.10 rs a oecomes nenreuy tJry,ana saiteU to puss , .r .Gavcruov'at 5Xca3c Ta li: Crnrral Ismtly of 'Jcrih Caraliiit, ; at Ills couimenreiuvni ,. the seiuu ol 1314 ' '.! hu -' 1 " J -".a 1 1 f ' ' CraKor tn ! t r.t"' v ' . ' ' L 7 f1 " ' unitjtht Umt s Cflia flew ' " Your hierti.ial rettrn to the seat of Go ernmei.1 f.r.tlevpurpoes ol lfiUt,o'a, a lbs iejr'Srniaii-ie of a fee and hippy people, is alwkys an neratinn id in'erest 10 the p' triot, and one of gautud 10 lliin, wbufti ki id prnt i lenpf diiected oor fiheis ia il.epaili8if pt.l.ticol wisdom, and crt our l-ts in U.i f .rmired nd bsppy land. May e not Inpefi.ra edhtiimanee bf the san-e hn-it, by walking in the ahie psthr, ard derno tfly ask nj- of Him 'hat guulsnee aod polity ol pu poe wl irh will lead 10 ,hule?me and wits legils lion. . Msny niljef a 0 importatrc will er gfae your -ttiUa.. but whither veo dee m t'-.is a 1 ropr time art tn n (II i f iIqi,4s a maiiet for yeur dt liberate con stdsrslinn. ' Pl'BUO FINANCES. The condMton ol the Pubhc Tresnr.ry should espteUlh ene your a tenlion. The sppiopri-tinr rii-ide at the smbm bf.re the Fas. Io dt'eharie thedeHt'di e f.ti bu l hne t.e t'apttol, o fr al:auVt ed the j nl lie fund, ttit it was inst.dit ieni t mesi the rua. nt tx.tensrs ol die p(.v "nnteot ami the ptihlie I re-surer w '""""-' nMi!. im nuncy ,r,,S,lt be "V.'r neeJtd ti uuei those exnrn Inferences to b's leport io the li j amour i itia ws Kepi on nana lor ins use ; as ,ti w oeeme o oei:cr tnai me " ' shotl I ue thtse funds thm co else- "w - fuptis beloasiRt ni thfl . . th Boatd." i ne last i ttsiaturv, awa-e oi me eon At,ilM r ,k. ;.'.. 4, . .4 k.; v..A a. i.a " vi r a i - ;trj iu ' Ift ak lo ,., n.r. Rute, d rc.ed tl.e Lttary Board to ie- deem thoec b'-nd S and findtne it nccet- desirous to do somellnns lor llie relief of the people i ducted the Literary Bord bad Jess ,an $3,000 in li e Treas. ory, about $100,000 ia bonds upon indi-.- the State. ; j , ' ' t t h ridttals, and the balance of Its funds in I ' Air. ady ihe Literary 11 ad bolls of the stocks and permanent 'seeuriiies.' , f -.Jbonda of this tioiporauon, endotsed by i 1 lie Jj tersr v , bour'l, clcsiruus 10 uieei that high confidence "ttani(crtej by the- ,ar 1 e h- .- ! J ta the prPjl. tcl b ne ft si tch tie iSrd re., fa d,.M .into.. ii,o ir tie.eCeMit.fd to l!-titi.rr (f .t so i r tie.edeMit.ed to lj-iiti.r. (f .1 so pl e.ilou t. a. we .e,, Ma nM, ,t wss unUU ,0 ato d it, sd rei.i!ei t: e B.tc. 1 birh ti.r Ho.id ctt ediUfiwi .r..i ...t t. Ji ttUn Bph t!. .Ii.r.-rs. nflecil e. bow emb ra-a .gi.ir.o.heH. -d.fl rgtd wuh il.t n....r0,M,i 0f tl L t-a.y at.d In rm. l It.p...a,,l n ! u. be reouir c I to h .!d lt.es. IWs sabieci to ib t, . qoirrhieul of i!.e PuWie Tresurr. and to be feit d from ivetin ibrn, 10 me pffii-.I artil reiHiaurM if.veai oieij, hereby- a Jare aoiouuttf juier terrst is j,t. , " ' J fitrelfre reeomm-od tint smn'e and rermat.rnt pr,.,U,oi, be m -de t sups ly UrlWlv...,, ...I ., ...V... tatur ol kbfoibi'.tf i.. .ei to d vt-e the riieans wRcreby lt their uerfu'nes to the ptiblic Bi''y be continued, and the State at t'.a saute tiii.e utatn n de riment on rci'unt td het lmbihiias for lhse roidrl .'-The diffirultivs, .ndrr ;liieh thee r"aJ bdjitr, snse fr u il etr iodtbteduefs Ibir their rttnsirue'iiOr. The' ilirington and Rilrifih Rd Uoad. in luthuj llie sea rt uts VVr Lhrletoi, Cost some tao sj.d a a aa t . iiotS i a .11-rs. wil ls trie su rii pa d in smooitfd to lb ml tl.i lt-rn hundred at.d imocL.trd baCof rand Tol a's oi.Iy.'Ieavini the if the eoet of eon-trnrlion a debt sgiinst the corpora;! ia, the iuteicrt cf wlnth attKorb a Isre pottimi .f. i's re eeip's. S.t' of tha Usleigh aid Geton Rd R d. It roM about ore million live hundred thousand d.'i'a-s, wh:l i:s stork pa'din Was on'r abttu'i Six bnudred and 6f y t1 oitKatd dolltts, le ii.g to e r a ei.ee of is cost l S 'tutruciioo a slebi sajititivt the corporation, the in eresl of wh:ch ab soils a'l it leetijitt, afier delrVyirg the rmtest eijieriK.'s. To aid there c r, ora'io- s, il.eSil,tin der art i,f ids Ljituie, p s-etl for the put poee, endorsed far the Imier 800.000 dollars nf i's bind', none ol which i yet Cue anil lor th- firmer f30fl,000 of its bonds, h. If of wliirh hf tt thte and t-cen tad or rede- med WO.flCO hy the eq porat nn itse f ; $50 000 at I en re deemed b bv Literal t ' Ho rd as dirertrd bytlt LgeUtue; 8"i().OO0 hive been paid by t'e Public Trc,ur-r ; 'and f 50. 000 continues to ull due ch anreee lir.ir Janu iry,Qitt ll ll due v io meet l ich. the ljC(iLtire aiut tt ake tirowion i.i the eveat ihecotporsiion fails to pay. m eccurc tnc .-'ia e a"int an io-s r, . .i e. :.. . i ' opon these endorsemei ts, tl ce d S i: f m O t- ge hats been ruecired, as required by thects, upon eli'-h property ad tTects ol these roads. It h reprc fully subinit ted to your wi-d im to adopt such roi.r.e in T' la ion t thc?e roads, as will secure tl.e public in.etet- ' ' In regard to the' Wilm'pj'on and Ril egH R41I H tail, it shouM he rcmemhercil dial he'Sti-teis owrcr ol $600 000 of iis capiiit,.titk, m.d, meie:oie,-'whalcr course may be ftirsued tst ul .etltes): sbrdity upon i;s endorsement, due rtgd sh mld be bad to this stock ; thai it may be protertrd "a lar a posstb e. with out intolt ing the Slate In lurihet dif ficulties. Anil further, the State being (he principal stockholder in the e. r.mra ion, lit r honor requites that i s debts should be paid. Wit'ioni- ny relerence whatever to Ut mern tegU Imblities She ho'its 1 1 1 " putt on of the sti ck she holds the roat!, ttoambna s and rl! its efiVrJn value, u'ider mortgng' l mdeiii nily her and creditors must rely roiinly on the ib-ra!ity of ibe Siate to per.mt them to gel their money fionitbe rorpor iion. . , ; - , . '' " It is hi lie ved, fr im the su'ces sltend rg ibe; opi rat on of tin' ro.d,.no with standing its best v . loss, s by fire ard at ea,: t.H..t if indulged for a fsw years it will be alls 1 1 tneei all U liibiiitus. and extricate iise f from tlcbt, ;nd aiipreciute the value. of its aiork.- . i ,, . ; This indulgence, it is believed, may bs easily siren without any fuither risk 10 ma oistq as oeiore ei-ueu, av.yu , uitiiinu.i vuuifimuci iuic State Treasurer lulds $50,000 mote, paid the corpomiou. , . . H d Irn U tlTfrMit !! I.lrii) tj r. If rUi (mil ltf ' ttKi jiLtiui kf ipt.cti!wt tpi(f.;ioiif vr; tt-tN .: 1- M)'ki-,rN.9 c, stWt, 1!. Ir(r ii cf lUm, .t e J.i 1 I luie, loJ. ib ki'?W m" I-'-) fal i't. An J I (fl.li not iLo' ;tu..f.., I iU a.-d .i W ti . ?M fl9r!-' B'J MiBijly..j.4'i io'i! e 8 uiV :t'i cr"u.'c i.ll i it.ttt iu ntrei'tlufe itn Ur . ir' a c( I t.r n",Lit ?. c, u d rijt, mlurtl v 11 m tit tei'j!'l ie a sm-ti itr..,)i U e fitn ii D r I iil.tr I i ilt e wlirh .tmi, at4 loe-,l'r n-ivl oi.r " iti stat artais. :u ore r3-i.s. m1tt liu-iaiy Fund should be io sre a:d ten io ikv ftt,ri.to. .f'ba 1 ft -t uiti ifetscfii rt'tild l is -s4 l)c, ttsn to ibe-e b ors Silt, b vi,m.cciitii icrti.iy, ami ns owon-i" at m troiettj. iftf-trg oer to o.iiiiot.s of dvlltrs. U seeoro their i.t.. . . t " ' a 0, K-rsns iLy jitlj em - a nua'ly ifeiee rtl cruC iatsretl; Mh 6ms n .t fuciuita like the !itdtMla tl JSl tiuld thia cr:'e te sdopud, t'ie.1 It.isiil i, be aidd ' d r!iee!; Jlte Jj-1 uikrv Fund i I bvve a sa'e nd rtriaio: ittrttimein; aud tbs Stkie i lfebr n fui-1 titer tutuUei'.. , ..' " .. . I Whriler yoo willa l. t l' i or, some v ier course, is skl mt ted 10 your Const i boa fnni4viliiiiigu.nki;d I t'.Tk it. e'erat or. - But wl.ainef emr is f tra-jtery pr. bal 'e tl.i4..1f dezut'aws iih d smile (toisiou sbi-u'.d be. n.aJe toilotkc often Uet lift ea-h. wm.II rrtder sus:an the crtdi if the 'State, iu every j river at J1 ttme nswabl? fjr aterw.-' osibte ccut ornry. . - , ," 1 boats to Fyetti!e. .'. . In cf rd 10 Ue Iiie jh au'l Gaston I Will a pcra)iintstesn.jSkiniiai0i ' ISoil 11 a!, this wot k loo asc'ntiiuctfil.i fm vr cxf'l-m roil ofWi'aii -on. la-. s itio.c siai.c, oioty tp a crrdit tiis.!' cur nil', ma a g'ou i vnpi!.e f.oai baUiK-e due or its cuisiuctoa ' t fier.ex- hautt tc the hois of the iu ck suUcr bed. amounting 'o a sum much larger than ibe Whole 8101 k. , e M1 .'.; ,;', t.r, ! j Tms corporau m l aiii r failed fi Ja t u ry, 1813. to pay, the iotinrt due on its bonds endorsed bytbe Sute, the Publie Tiea r i promp K pil it, ai.d pteserv ed tie fsith of t'.te Suite, a idha coniit.u ed lo do so ever since. ' "I'll- amouiit thus ( aid will appear frem bis repoit. , ; A bid iu Equi'y lias been tllrOk-otdinf bi the it quirtneots of the al alih'vistrg the eocvrseiteiit, to tequester the profits ol the Road to ii!euin ly ihe State iud a iereirfr .a been rppoiiitcJ. It i be lief ed that iheVereipl of Ik 'u Road, for years to com will b iurutTieient to keep ii in rrphir and pay the interest ip n its Ct bt; coi'S.quiiy its debt mu tconiinue to increase. , It is, ibeitfre, resptnfully sirboii Ud wheihei it wui,ld not te betttr f r tha s.otkbolders, the S ale, and ihe public, thai the load and its effect should ba dipt d tf wuiirrih m-rtgrt an tlii litiher itf.I int i the lunils of the St.te oriiito ihe h.ndr .of a new, set of slut kholdrrs, mcorpina ed for the purpose it o:ay be dieo.tsrr..S('.: ..r little dnult is emcriainrd, ihlih een.iu present prospects, it mil not only keep i tell io rtpmr, tm will yield Lcudea eonsiJrrabie iueonie. ; , Should yoo determine to tke . Ibis course, such, f eps should be adopted a will bebi st caleuUt'd lt enhance the va lue of the property, ; Th roure is due to tUe Slaia topnl' t thn aginM her lis b I tits it is duetothose iedividual alio toluntatily entered into bonds io the a mount o $500,000,lo indemnify the Siate sganst her endorsement; and it is tun to the stockht l lers io make Ihe property, if possible, bting mote il an the unmoni of tht debt due form the corporation: so thai the tl"ck may netbe tn in irs ls. ' A'.d, in connect an with this sul ject, 1 will esppctfii!ty rfr yob to the messit;e unii td by melf to ti e la-l Lgtsla t re relative to clTet'tings communication by rad toad be. wren this rosd and ibe Sevsral ro'l toads a hi h Kira:ua e at Wel- . . , . . . ...i, ... , In - . - ,. , . ; lviclgt ett 9fn t orcc ,wu iiu.itit menis would gready r nhaoee ib mil-tv nd value of ihe Raleigh and Gasioii Rail Ro id, and I doubt not. would cause it tu krti'g a much h'gher prii c. ; Sn.cc the adjournm' n' of the last Legis laTure, a poition of ihe Ponstuouth' and Roanoke Hail Roal, within the hmos ol this Saw Was torn up nd rendered im- ! pa?9blf,' by an individu'sl claiming it a a pttichisBt, at a sale muds nnder an xecu- ti n againsftbe ctoporat oh. whereby the trstel and trnportation on the road wtre fitr a iime obstructed. Tlie legality of the course pursued by the purchaser he un dfrijone judicid ineiigation, and the tr.ntti r is now penl'eg be fire the Su- 'i r...,. ...'.'. ; It i nntmydflsicn to express or inti m ile an opinion astn lie ptopnety ir Ie galny cf the course pursued by the pui , chaser. ... .The interest, which stnckhMders have in a corporation creaiedfor ihe public use and cooeniehc', should be sorject to dteirjleht-; and the poper'y held by such eurprtion thoiibl be lib!e 10 its debit; bui itus interest and property .shiuld be rrached by the creditor in such way as noi to put the public to inconeninc'e, deettoV the ,fta'nhise, and thftiat the ob ject bd in view by the LBte!ature.in its creation.: If thero be nt law' to enable ciedtiota to reach the interests of stock holders and. the property of corporations, without utitriii.eni to the public,' such Lw should be passed ss ti'. emble cre ditors to secure ihdr. debts, and, at . the same time, secure tn the publiQ the bene fit and convenience intended by creating INTERNAL IMPBOVl.TlIFXTS." t'pv' itc n.1 jti f Ifi r(f) ! r- Ul Ute l! at i-oitl'it of tie N tar iht j tr. dt 6VWt ir. drrh f f f"i 1 a '! : Ut tl-t Mtl ..' rtf d wi .... rwtiihuuD ut a.rns una ixis t Jiro-e tiuol ih ii.tr t-rir t'e w-i-r ', " M'pii.M ..ti ) 0! u..i.tTi I r.i 'jn l. La i: . ..,?... !,t - ri.j.i t-i arp tha ilitt tj., , Tiers rsu g I wl lot i'kcui tn tie . r a . . .. - (r - Trr i.et ie.ru g tar (!' vu I!y found ntar t'.e c aneurrn t.t ot tt.V la'lotiaireiion, bttfe woi.ld be r- qm -its to bim lii. uj pvru.sru liU) ni ja il'. . ." '.' t Tke the Cpe Ftar. fr inlrei--r arij not i f.. me.l as tlie detrrnt tl it t rbaootl bi io F Mitt lie; l.ut Vc ttoi, m . 1 -mi j oi.m fftti iie liter HitiiC4f'9ftUl . - . .f .1 ' am ,t.' s f ibe str. bs readied h stcs' Iheaee lo some nigabJr pmin on the r.o b'e y(kin. bo cn etiti.ate the iat id rsntasalo the State! - " ' . 'Tske the Nttin slushy las a slcsjr. bnal ascended if. in "its preeet-l ci iirj tov id eondiiiori, a far ss ISit.i t fir ld(- wid.ta taeniy l ight md. e of Knhuh. ' " , it is' safd, by tbo.e.brtt? acqtiain'eJ with the nrrr than n.vlf, to be et al' times iiiVle (row Newbern to witbfn shot i' 0 tt re of iVsrneboroi el.i sowe .fitly niileslirsni from Raleigh Allowing a looi cr two d-eceni In evrrv mils t.tcrsssry to ti i ,sny s-resm "a ' cerrritt. can t'ojht be en'eusii.cd that' eght or ten dans with Ittks'of ten' ff ilnt esct, a ould gire pe'mehr nt ie inn boat tiieitiou to Via immediate vicinity ofR IiJiT ' ; -i Agiin, ibe c.'iiVre of this ncr In soma' pltce is t xtrew.ely cirrtiiou; s ing a'iout for trf.t it rt t-jrns tn sf.er wind- ing i i.iua a' tery ahn.l dit;.ice oi ta own tlani.1. A'ros the isthmt.s st those points f af 1 prV.stmation, short nsngElne eau.l miehi be rut, with locks st tt eir lower lera.ina" to r,s, .l u at once aoidiig the expr nae of any d n. ibottening tl.e'nsvigslion, shd oter'eomiie wii;U'vir ascent ther. m tht be in the ntttiMl ihannel. "hi improvement woi.ld eivnermar- ttit sit.n.biat luvlgiooo frooiTiewbereJi tiany point on -the Kenee tn wt.ich 11 m ght be carried, and H e Leiltty of n. vifation would bn piratic increked bv dtadenirg (he'cuiremsnd inktng it qnal ' t lUtk water nariglin. ' Busts t f ber then could b'e easif) lottd be sicati.bostf , ' or propelled b) ether pmrr. Ifliiuetiisieiy Connected with this in. provetiiCnl ol the Neuse, it another tub. jeci of importance altogeiitr "worihy cf con-ioeri un. Our llaibni r of Beaufoit is behet ed to beeqnsl, if noi'superior to any other on ' our custt, south i f the tMieapebke. In Inv l.st mesrng 1 drew the at rn tion ot the Ltg'sla ure to ibe propriety of ptsng open Concrecs the ot resnty 1 1 , rrraki'ig a ship, rhsnntl from Panlieot Soiiiid 10 this Ilaibour; as well as the ne-' celsiiy and n il ty of oprhing a sliprl.sn- net st or rer IN ag e Uead between the , Albemarle Sound and the A lant e Ocran. I now ini e rour attention, likewise. to those subj -cts,' whh a reeommci'd.tion that you pit ss their 'consideration upon the attention of li e General Governoin t. But to the connection between the ns- vigalion nf'tbe Neuse and Beaufort Har bour- wba evfr connection there may be between Beaufoit Harbour and Pamlico . Sound, tlief'tllii boat on the euecn nti avail thrmsrlres til it benefit. Such craft as will navisate the river caVnoi live in siotmv weather in the wide walers nf the Nense b liw Netrbern, sud ' of the Pamlico Siund. The rier boats, ' heirfjrewid have to put their cargoes ahosrd of larger craft at Newbern to be" taken to BeiUfotU 4 Th'-s traiitshitimtnt it is desirable to avoid, and it is more than nrnhabtt it can be avoided, ' . s , I lie eremm ol country between New hern and Heinfort, a distance ofrome for. m tyor fifiy miles, ia eoruparaliiely a plain bu lit la cleated above the Neuse al New' bcrn, or he O' ean at Beaufort, wnh a sei . admirably adapted to the purpose of eon ttrucling csn ds A cnI may be cot Jioro- lietutori to some p Mnfcon the Treni and t Neue ai or near Nswtem, so as to svoid ny wide waters that mifiht make tbe usi- ' ofttl.tn fflanfrftrnii. &nrl IhA rie linsta tu. locked into this catr.l. and thus deliver. thei cargoes from the upper country di-v rert on ship bVsrd in one of the bist Har bours of the Union. . '.. '. "; ..The prsciiesbijity of this tmproemrtt ; is unqoestionabls, if there be streams be- ) tween these two points of sutTinientmag- nitude and elevation to aerve for feedri-s to the canal. . Upon this point I am. w, informed; but it there, be not such sir-1 ma. ; there is ample water euJHcinvletr ioa ;

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