rtmm fVttf S.IS. G-WTft tUwvf, J h 111 ey. I oat fcw ibt ef tVt talrt f tLe Caiueet of Ftc. : Ut I f'F-t of Kif tbal tbr Hrp4rl f g Wsae as f4 ewl 1 rartte J a, f stem I .J legal aruiwwet. m tht Aitor y G-weril or ibt Pslitf Terei; and capaU .Wy, of tettiag pcpt coatretaa Uh act. At i : I aUdissce to rewrdwuoo of be It.stf CommMS, at its IwImium, fee Citr.ntr reperttw m tHi Monte, e the 20ih December, 1812. tat amount ww rH bad beet received by each, aettber ef tht Literary Bastd for t!t two j reced ing I teal yeare. aad m tba report bam which ibaTrtttartr pretends to h.vt tx-tr-eted lit ttaieeseata eoataited it hit ex Libit I). to which 1 lta betf after rtfer. Tbit iepot aboard U.at ay predicts or, well myself, baJ beta fjt m!y paid ur per diem iy wtll m y other ara.b-rt of the Bwd. It aa rriouj 'end bftt iht me ten of tbe Uoutt ; and a!;ko-h tht IVgialatata did wot adj-wro antd the 29.li J.nuiry, a ktnUr f the Legula tart took toy mum uivon tht tastier. EltrtitaeletrasBCtiaB, at least, of that branch f tbt Leil.tor, that fit ebarte wat correct, atdeas we choose ia tterib to tba members of tht body a gets de nlietioa ol de ia peremtitf this wrotc cbargt to p-ta tnoticv'( and to tht Coo miiueoa r inance, a still roser ir.udup vatht Ptbht Tre.suiy ia passing tcutli' era eoctrsry to law. la addition lU.t repealed legislative sanctions, I submitted tht qatstioa to a fpnUeenin of tht rrry ttchrtt WI anam Dieata, aod rrqqisUd hia dilbeiat opin- iaa ea ibt mi tr. 1 bat rriKi in wa gi tea. a'ur dot iateti(iitMD( that iht Go Vtraor waa tr lilted to tht paj( and idt at allowance for trae Iirg ezpcoiraaa av ether ate mbtr of tht Boatls. I hot ihrrfort aolbtaittted 10 tertixt per diem nay, aid oy trarelliof ei- feaaea, a well at any Uer ' Deotber -f eiuur u-arii; teing periectiy tauanej el y legal tight to reetirt ibt aaae. I should ofieuonably tik a Com niitet to look into the m t er, ert it not - e!l known, tbatetery legislature, from the pasigtoftht Aets to the preenton incluirp, ha'tbrea fullr apprised of thit rb rge, and the Arts rl Asaenbly art bt fort yoe, so that they ran beJcoDsiractcd by crery mentber for timeelf ; but if it be befitted tbit any further light rao be tbrova apon the tutj-et,'by aa inveaii gitioa, I uott letpteJullj request tbt ap paiotnent of a roareittee. At to bat purports tt be tht opinin of tbt Attorney GentnU.l hate tera bo nored aiih a tight of 'it, fur the first time, since it was printed by order of the Se- Jljvr juiJipa jucaJdw be.' n rirr n. place, thtt be tb uld bat rttj oniled 10 tut inquiry at Atn-m--- v u Nt, C'jroln, ard in the next pl-c, ib.l he slioulJ he made such a repor a. The quesiioa rut by the Traortrwat whetb et Mtht G iternnr ia entitled in ty as1 Cnminiatiooiier." The repnnte is, " lining estmined ht Aeia ot A'seaMy rcfrrred 1 1 10 your Uot of tie 6th, my pioioo is, thai tht Cooimitttoneis alone am eniitted ti the psy allowed by the Acts "niMied. The si twrr ia e ie. The direct quetium it, whether the Gitrrnor i to be considered, under ibt Act, a CoiBftif sinner. and llif rrf.-rc, enu tied to piy I To tbia no answer is gitrn. The art directing who -full compose the LiLruy Board, and the Aei g'ing iu it.embera py. say nothing about Coi-fni-si"ncf; the word is not u3 in either An. in connexion iih the men.bers ( th" Uo.rdand the law ey s the periont compnnng t'e Literary B a d &c. $kall receive pay So he opinion ahowt, thta 1 til attention wapill to ti e Ac s on Hie ut jert, as to the lurmaiiou of the opinii-n. Hut I dcaire to draw your attention to inn pa. tot ine lieaturerti eomuuniCi- i n purporting to ite theaamunt which I he teceittd f r my srrices on the U 'di. It is seldom in any eouiruun ca tion, as many iiiaccurarirore to be found, a ait cim aiued in ih; and 1 know of no ofijcul rnmoiunicaiion, where mnny e rais bare been crowded into so tw.!l a pce. In bi Ieitr to the Speaker, he savs: The araot.nl which the Goternor has received is alto desired, and herewith ominuoxiird. narked D. extracted ff m the reporte of tail Hoards, in the J -at and prei t Legislature The amount receive J is one thousand two hon df.d and t'tiriyenl.t dollars and teteniy seten and a half cents." Boib of the abort statement are wholly inarcuraK Ilia ttateroei t marked I), ia natexfatied from the rrpria f the Hoards to the U-t and prttent L-g'laturet, nor me ihne any repurttol the B ard ih-t will sus tin the arcur.cy ofihe naierceut maiketl L'. The amount receitcd by me is not' $1233, 77i een's, as reputed by the' Treuurer. S far from hie Wiemeni! uiaikt I D. purporting to be ex'r ted from 1 ren irta of ihw lluarda. ha him:rhsl it' ihus: D. Fr im i!i Report f tle Co-np roller, tt Ue ll'iust of (uuiiumis, December 0. l81i.M I mutt drtw yonr attention now t hi stateiueiit ouik'd D a paper unrirnUitd fur imccnracy, in adding bills tfeiienes incjired, supp'ein( number ol days o ertirt pon h U url. and lit rhargee of other's eipentet to mjti H. ll will be by relereuct to and statement I). the Treaturer tut looted up ths chalet' on Die Lierry .aid. an J makes themj t oiual to $10) 00 thru s ys m itffl rct to tils evm:aT.t4 atHit ittmt ! Gottrar Jd rLJ for irrri'rrt i ierw fotd,- itiUt taw tawca rtaawra may M ded ia tka ewtteeteets of ibis tuwrntat D. I will refer to oat tt. tbae talc red: " Drf. do, (e. Uorebtad) 18 daji aaj txptatea, t2C5. Aad tl.ia ia 4"be sme which ih Treaawrer tepwtt tm ibt etat.l ba rrrmed foe mj ser- kcs ra tit taid lioaid. aa t il arpear fa tht Comi Uo!lcro Iteportt at tOib Uee ISIS. lUfort I ?raw roar a'tcn'toa to that ra port, I will prcmWc thai ia Le l'l ol 1811, iht contract' re apoa lha W.bwuriea'to raago, and tbost apea Alligator Can.U bad completed their coairact. aad s'esir- ed a ttl settle mewl with tht Board. The t'ibataiiea tw AUigaw were to bo 11 eat. and tkt pattc lands wcit adrerlised tobt told. At to aaaay impoftRiusaeaeuoc wett ctowced tugeiber at we same time, itwatsgrer d that iht wbolt Board ebofchl attead tba ttJce at iht swmpt. Aeeoru itiflf a coerrrar-ce fur all ibt Board wat M-gsgetf, aad Mr. Galea, a memorr oi me Board, and yseir. set wat by SmiiLStld. wbert Mr. !ai.ly. another mentber. wat to hire jotted a, be beinc at that puct. lit declined rnieg. and Gteror Dud ley, tbt.oihf r member, wat to he-e join ed at tt GoIJtboru , but a ear smtti llicre, we reetitrtJ a la ter from him in- (tm'of as of bis in.biliy to attend. This threw iht transaction of the whole bati erst upon Mr. G. and mi setf.'and it was rpoa that Uip this ehaige of 903 it pre dieairf. lnw 1 mtue yoar attentioa to iht Comptnllei report, fiom which tht Treasurer pretends be made tie eiuac.1, ami I gie in extent. Cath pail eirentes inenrred by LHerary Board, on iu virtt to aril tba Swamp land, iu ot.andDec'r,194U Exprnara aa t!low Tavern bill at yiuithCeUL f 4 OJ GoUdMrv', . S SO KuawluIL " TJ GreentiUe, 4 00 r'a4uneton, 5 . Banwwa'. I 75 ClarW, St 74 - WaAineton, 14 SO Poat on letter, from (ov. DuJW. SO Tavern bill at Grremilfe, 1 60 . FallaTar River, 4 00 - Leigh's, ' M tervant, (AnJ ew,) S 00 Mr. Marhin, printinf blank notes, 4 M Advertiijnt' Pungo Tributanet, 4 CO Mr. Cogdalee emire aa Aurtioi crr, 10 00 John Malone, fur 18 iaya hLe of car- nas, boraes and driver, . ds 10 Got. Morrhcad, 18 iliya, at S3, 64 00 W. K. Galea, do. M CO $259 00 Tbos it wii' te seen that after deduct in the $51 paid Mi. C.les, from tlie t'259, it leasts the t203, with which the Treasuier chtrges me, and tbea tars I have received it for sertiere. .The wr- rant upon which tbe money wat drawn KMJUM.in my fetor, and the torn 1 re making an error of 9151 in this tfnfle veta. I heie are v.noui otner rnsmrraTieF whicb will be seen upna examination. The tument D. aWe. contains stre- ral palpable inaccuracies, which ia evi dent from the CumptmUci'e teport, which the Treasurer had before htm. I am unwilling to chares one who hat held official connexion wiih me, although not ol a very coubJt n i-I character, with intention. 1 errors or misstatements; but so many errors, in to few iiemt, mutt tax onte charity much in induce the belie I they giew tot of inaUeilence. And il all these errors lul ot a tendency t-i swell the atn unt tt my nceipts, instead of diaiinithir g them, and to thow large pay lor li t e emce, there might be mtue hope that they did not priced from dt sign but these euoreare til on oi.eiile. The call in-du by the Senate, wxt lor the amount 1 hd rer-ited for "per diem compersUion as Fiesidei.t. ex-rtjjieio," ol the Lil'iary and Iuiirnal lmprntemei.t boards. The Tnasurer in making hi answer to ihe call, adds lo t' e aaniunt had received, my own twilling cxjer ses, Hie irvrlmg expeUres n( aiinother member of the BuaM, l a"k hire engaged for thn wh.de B.iarl, Printers bills, Auc tioneer's bill. &c until h-j gtt the tun of me thiiucand to hundred and thirty ti.-hi dollar; (and to show how careful lie bat been to be accurate, he add) 771 cen t, as if lie had got the sum true to half a cent. The Conipiroller's Report to ihe Ltt Home of Commons to which the Tiea surer rtftrs, and t'-e rtatemen: I bad the honor lu submit to the Sennit with rav metfaie of tin 13l!i ins'., thows the a' mount thus received, and I believe icoi rect. 7110 foroier is prm ed and m be found in the LgiUt ve docuineui o' Ls; eeseion; the latter .s rent to the S. nt? on the 18 h iiittant. as above ttittd, sod I f retume wat p intetl and upon ihe table uf Sma or belort the rail na made upon the Tieturer; and when the the Senate m d the call :;on l!ie Tra aurer, that ihey might be siiil lurthcr as svred or the corrective of thete tUte meni. it brh-veil him ! be accurate and correct in hit rejly. He has not been either tceur to or ri.nei t, and ii is re tpt t t'ully submit'ed whetiier it it not due to the Treasurer as well a my self, that a Commute ehould be ia sed tu aid him in aureitaining the Hue amount ( have rrrei. ted Inr my seitiee ss President ex officio of the ltrrary and Internal I.npMten.enl B ards; aiii further to civ ihu Treasurer, an ttoMntun ty to thow.il he em, that h ery inaccurate mlor nation wtich he ga e ihe Senate, wat not giren by deign. Very r4s,ec fully y0i,r obedient ser sa-it.: . J. fa. MOKliHSAD. Exccuti OlTue, Dm mVr 30th, 1841. MARRIED, i i Faiikrui coun'y, oa tle 2J ii.-1 atant, by llus Rct. War. ArenJelL Mr. Jon-' il. ' Vxnmw, of Orange county, now rr'nci;al of MiJwajr AcaJciy, to JIim Labulixc Vtuu 5 finiati ti in ira . . t r A. .rk- -1 17 iSKlllw - roue ACTS. 2. Concerninr the adjtibilitT of ei- dence agaithe sureties of 0crra and others. .Makee tue rrcetpt or ecsrw, todiemcnt of OlSrcr admiiUe end com- fe'jeni against aU or any of Lit sccurW ucs.J 3. To proeUe fer a saraaey the of fice of County hurreTor. Given the sprMnntin; power to ihe County Courts. 4. lo amena uie sin section oi uier f.L .v. e.,-1. .:...! v. ...... rnL lrl 1 1 I. m Art more effcrtuany to .off f f f JTliT theoffenioftrwdir-gwuh... L?Til?? charge ia tbt same B3 of Imiirtmetit an? f f ? defeSant widt tr-dlnf with Slates, re- f f'S 'in Ltte tuZ eeiti., audew inowin, then, . 2?- be stolea. and petit Ureewy.1 VrT? ,JT j.v.- IfinruiiiiciiH iwii"vin L"!! . . " e C . r t reel, the Sheriff to summon the Magi'-, a'?'(m "J irate, within fifteen dara after the death! wdemtml "hattocrcr, of the properM of any Clerk of the County Court. whoiW l1?!- Z7Z shall die between the sittingof the Courts, to CI! the vacancy until the text regular rleciioa by the peofle. 3th. To amend Uie sections ni die ite sited Statutes, concerning Clerks and Re gister. Makes it tht duty ot the Coun ty Solicitor to examiue tlia offices of the Registers and of the CIcrka of the Coun ty and Superior Courts, at or shortly be fore the scs-ion of each and every Coun ts Court, for the purpose of ascertaining whet! er all papers required to be record ed and registered bae been doue so ac cording to law. 6. Tm amend an Art, entitled an Art to keep open French Broad River, in tht enuutv of Buncombe, and the Tennetsce River in the county of Haywood, for the passage of Fib. patted in the year 1823, chapter 118 Imposr a the same penal ty prescribed in the first section of the be fore recited Act, on any person or persons who shall fell timber in the F.enrli Broad river from t'e three fork theteof, to the Henderson couuty line, where said line crosses the French Broad river. 7. Concerning Jur Trial. Gives the right to the parties or their counsel. in all such trials, to argue to the jury their whole case, at well of law at of 8. l o extend the time for registering Grants, Me ne Conveyances, Powers of Attirnev. Bid of bale and Deeds of Gift. Extends the time to two years, exempt ing Jlorgages, Conveyances in I rust, or to the Swamp Lauds iu Uie Lastern part of the Stale. 9. To rede to the United Slates a cer tain tract of land ly in g on the Llaad of Portsmouth, I artcret Count v, for the pur pose of erecting a Marine' Hospital. 10. Io amend the 9th section or the Revised Statues, emitted an Act concern ing the Comptroller. Directs the Go T--vthyer waen me wgisiaiure is a .a a t not in session. AUn, repeals that part of lite Act. which rrquirea the publication of the Comptroller's Report in Jice news papers or tins Mate -and amends lha Act by publishing it hereafter in two newspa tiers in the City of Rah-ii-li. II. .To redo a portion ol Rutherford County tn the County of Henderson. Cedes that portion of Rutherford Coun ty Ivingwesii T a line beginning at a point on the dividing line on lop of Sugar loaf mountain, running Uienco Jsouui 10 tie- trees Last to die ooutli I arolina line. then Went with said line t the Hendcr- Kon County line, then commencing at'the beginning point and running another line on the dividing Iti 'ge between Fall Crek and Reedy Patch I "reek to Broad River, at Pan's Gap, then North 5 I'egrees East to ihe .McDowell I ounty line, then with said line to the Henderson, line. 'Z. lo authorize (tie rorUniuth and Roanoke Hail Koa I Com any, tn charge toll on their Bridge over Roanoke River, near ihe town nl Weldon. 13. Evtending the jurisdiction of Jus tices of the Peace over Judgment', and ameiidatorv of the 6th seciiotiof the Re vised Sialtiies. entitled Justices of ihe Peace" and the 4 th section of the Re vised Statutes, entitled Courts, County and auprior. .ive a Justica of ihe Peace., exclusive juried ciion oer all du not execedinj j 1 00 ii the principal. The 2J section dismisses ail toils brought in either the County or Superior Courts for a less sum. 11. M're clfVctually to prevent the im prisonment of Honest Dbttus. Pro vides that hereafter no capiat at ku hfa eim bun isur, unless Plaimiff, his A?ent or Altorner. shall make affi lavit in wrtiing, before the CUrk f the Court in wi.ic said jtidgemsnt may be, ot ill Jus lice of the Peace In whom application is in tde for aueli prwess, that he believes llm defendant has, not property to salisfy fUch judsmeiit, which can be reached l r r i - . . . i -"'a s.a antsrauini Mi "linn;, f tfealment, and shall annex to the said sng- gestion. Wfffitoit. that h. verily & . . ... ....m.uini. ij cuvii 1 1 .inn con- a . . - i ves i ie masters therein stated are true, oy a flicejucta, or lias irauiltileinly con-rincipjls are solvent. Al , directs the italed his property, money or effect, or.G..vprnor to cancel a I BomU where the m about to remove fro:n the Slate. Pro-Principals are insolvent, upon condition vi.les foitlier, that no Court in this State that the purchasers smreiider to th. shall permit an issue of fraud to be made agent, for the use of the States poeMonoi up and tried, under the provisions of thu ihe lanN purchased with all Ihe imt.rove Act for the reli f of Insolvent DebioK. ments thereon, and a release of all rlaim Rer. Statutes, chapter 58, section 1 Oih lo any money paid thereon. Also, r-ives un ess the I relitor. hit Agent, or Attor- further indulgence to Purchasers. tiff, in any judgment, shall he da-jrous 31. To prevent obstructions in Iliteh of aiibjmiiM tba ba I ..f the defendant in cocVs creek, in the county of Richmond sa.J judgment to iho payment thereof, 32. To amend ths 123d chapter of the such Plaintiff shall be at liberty loprotW Act ofue Revised Statutes, entitled an Act in the (first instance by cire facia against Concerning Wrecks and Wrecked proper suehbad, without having previously isy. Changes tha Wreck Districts dis suedanycffziaiaiscrViaciMiifljasainitqualifictany pilot lo atat a Cjintnw- rraJat.t, bet escl tdrtful tl3 -mj for irtd at tie tfreaaace ler .1 IHitTdi roor Debtor.. Ei ntijhfu ta additioa m the pewperiy ew exempted! f' Execution, afr .w.wi - .L . A t stall be the duty of the iestice of lb Ptlce to whom such application shall bo mi e, to appoint thieo rtspcrtaUt free bollert, dtsiatewted ami enBeeteJ wifi the f artie, to lay otT and assign to poor debtors, the portion 4 which beSs eatided. The 34 section declares u and void tad of bo etfcei, all and tve- rrHmveranceoy ewe, oera ot t. 8-ToroiecTUrTOTie BrtrTgee in TmH. WathingtoB and Unslow Loua- liea, rlnflicu a fine of f 59 for toiciD y rarminf anr decked resset, boat or lafl sptiiit ay public Bridge ia these Coun ties.! 17. Concerning the Superior Court! of wieareland l.oumT. 13. Supplemental to aa Act passed Lr. 1833. entitled an Act, topplemenial to an Act, passed in 1831. to lay off and es tablish a Road from ftlorranion to the Tennesf ee line. Appoints thrre Com miasionera for the purpose of carryin m w a a . , . aid Art more eacetuaiiy ion operation. j 10. Assenting io the nurchase by the U. S ates, of ceiuin land in the Town of Wilmington, and rediug the jurisdiction of North Carolina orer the same, nndr certain limitations and conditions therein contained, f Laud on which the Pew Cue om House it erected.! 20. To appoint Cumtnis-ioners, to view and lay oil a Uoad in die County of Ashe. . , 21. Supnlemrntal to an Art passed at the present Session of the General As rembly, entitled an Act to amend an Act to incorporate the President, Director and Company of the Yadkin Toll Bridge, Authorizes a charge of 73 cents for a loaded wagon, drawn by four hortet.j 2 To amend an act enti:led an Act. lo punish the default of returning OTicers ia the election of Pretidmt and Vice Pre aidrntof the United States, passed 1812-3, I hap cr 29. Direcu, thai the offence created by the above re- red Act, be cor uizable in the Superior Courts ol Law of the County where in the defaulting Ulii cer resides.! 23. Concrrnins the Superior Court ol Currituck County, f delates to ti e issu ing of the Clerk's certificate o the Jury.) 21. Tm loan to the North Carolina Mi- lMrfereK,fKnKil!lJiV,VLil!i.,i A rma and Equipments. , , 25. To pn vent the felling of timber in the Creeks and Rivers, within the Coun ty of Cabarrus. I in poses a fine of 10 if anr person permits the timber to lemain 20 days 20. To authorize the forrrl sure of the Mortgage of die Raleigh and G .-ton (toad. Direcu the Gorcrtioi of the Slate to hart nil the Mortgages on the Road f. reclosed at ihe Spring Term of Wake Superior ourt. I ie Koau is then to be told to the highest bidder, after due advertise ment, on the following terms, viz: $25, 000 in six months, and ihe residue of the purr-hare money divided into four equal instalments, to be paid at intervals of ten im nth, w iih interest. The Governor is to bid for the Stale the sum of $100,000 I sum sufficient to rover the last Mort gage and interest. 27. To attach that part of Carteret Ciunly, known as Ucrarok", to Hyde County. 29. To Authorize t? e Wilmington and l!alcii!i Rail Ruail Company to issue fonds to the amount uf $100 000. to rrdcem a like amount of Bond issued wider the Act enli'ed an Act for the re li f of the tt ilmington nnd KaleighMtail Toad Compiiiy." Pledges the faith f the Mate for the pay ment r f ihe Bonds, ruthorized to he issued. The ohje, t of do bill ia to relieve the State from th iyinent of $100,000. as ihe securiiy f the Wihnitij-ton an I Raleisli l!il .(ad, before . - t - the meeting of the) next gislatnre. by issuing new Bonds to! ake up those due, nler the Act ot 1812, 1 1 !.f . fe'?5 I8'3 rtn.iiM.. nt: i.aormy 01 me state or ths let Road is not increased by tins 2J. More effectually tosecnr? the debts hie for Cherokee Lands, and to f iciliiate he collectinff of the same, f Directs ilie Goverm-r to appoint a CommisMonrr. l rsainuie me uonns given by ptirctiasers of Cherokee lands, and ascertain ii the : .it. , . . . ' jfj i i BeCUTG lO the fit TOna nf tl.i son shall fish with w Zrh7w cd in fishS ITl Et, waiPMiir I hpfaln. 'rnvn inihninn ed in this State 12 months, under a nc:ia! t!.e cot I rrj uae. UiaifTivcr any pwi w . ... . i t to t! Criioocrt m ti-e tmmui rt k!JrwtoernattL tjfcea sot tc!d 33. ltrlaikgtot!Bic3rdbTBrEH Eoad ia Buncombe aad Hroderr cm crnaa- ue. ' Uaada woiiief a Koads, ulT t EH rents fat failure.l Si. rA rJ a ronioti of RuiLerford froonty to therotuity ol Cfcaveland. 33. To aHow the Jastiret of the Vettt ILr tiA. ..w t t-v a i-t r.w i!e nur L - m . I ofptirrJotifig Uie iustaaasavret aim ioerbav Turnpike. 33. te acead the Ret lard SttUtes, entitled at Act ceteeramg the kgtciee, Pilial tMMtioaa aad cituibabve abtet. tnd tht Rvtlsed S amies. Desreats. fDt rests that U thvisioa) f la testate e Real Ettate, that Urfy tball be charged with the excess ia value, wbkh bt er tht baa received, over aad above aa rqesl duui butitt thait ef their personal estates. 37. To orea tba ftdte and laiixm liter. 38. T amend ibt 8th see to ef tht eO.h rht Ut ef tbt Revised Statutes, ea tided an Arttunceraioi Fauit and Fran diIefit Conveyancer. Mikes all row traett void fur It ttr-f lands lot Iht put post of digging for gold er other minerals. ooleti they trt mailt ia wnurg. 39. Providing for be re-mgaaizaiioa of tbe rorutatmib aad Ram kt Rail Road Company. Dirt ett iht Geveraor toap point a Commissioner behalf of tliis St tt, to act with tht Commistioaer ap pointed by tbt Su't if Virgiaia. wbe shall expost to pubht salt lha t.id Iw'td, will ail ibt property, pr it urges, iignw, Iranrbisef, and iamvaitMt belongirg 10 tbt R ltd. Civet tht rirbl to lha Sutt of Virgiaia lo fix ti t amount of Ctpi a! Stock of tbt Company that tormtd, and drrlart tbe number of sbares.pro ided that said Stork ahall aot exeed f 000,000 not Irat than $300,000, nor anv share Iftt than $100, aor more than 9200. Pro tUei further, ibal tbert tball bt no lss t!ia twtnty Stockholdert, to i nt of whom tball bold mart than oat balfof tht Stick. Dutcta that any time after tlit talc herein pro i Jed for, and forma ton nf another Company, iht Petersburg and Koaooke Kail Road Company tball bavt rrivi'irgt to past over their Bridr t on eondiiknt io bt tct-lrd by tht Commit tionrrs. . 40. To provide for mskier t survey from Raleigh aud Fsytttevillt West to ihe Georgia line, Directs the Governor, Ixtort tlit third MunJay ia Nov. 1810, to etu-e a survey to be made, iih a new of making a Turnpike Road. 11. To amend an Act enu tied an Act to provide for die collection and manage ment of a Revenue for thtt State. Re turns Insolvent taxablet to Uie Sheriffs. 42. For a Canal from Cape Fear to Lumber river. Authorizes tho opening of Books in the town of Wiliniugtrn for subscription of Hock to the amount of ,"'-'- mtm m. ... .m,. 43. To amend the Revised Statutes, enuitcu KCIlrtiws 9oefeiics. TKuidow. era them to appoint Trusteet to hold pro perty and rcitivc donations. 41. To alter the time of holding the Superior Courts of I,aw and Equity for the counties of Rockingham and Guilford. 45. To authorize the making a Turn pike Road in Wilkes county, and to incor porate a company for that purpose. 46. Concerning Sheriffe and ConMa bice. Makes the officer liable for the debt, when due diligence in collecting tjio eanie, has not been used, notwithstanding the person against whom such claim ex isieu, may be ab!e to pay the same. j 47. Supplemental lo an Act passed at the General Assembly of 1812-M3, enti tled an Act to lay off and establish a coun ty by ihe name of McDowell, and to fix the time at which the Superior Courts of Law and Courts cf Equity, nnd two tcrme of the now Jury Courts of" Picas and Quar ter Sessions, shall be held in the counties comprising the 7th Judicial Circuit 48. To authorize the holding of two additional terms of the Court of Pleas and , Quarter Sessions, in nnd for the counlv of Catawba, at which there shall be no Jury Trials. 40. Concerning Inspectors of Hour. Authorizes the appointing of an Inspec tor in the town of Wilmington by the County Court, who to hold his office for the term of live years. oo. I o amend the 7th soptinn nf it.. UorUml Kt-..,. ...:.i.i i-. , Ward ' 6I. To repeal the 8:h section of the K-ised SuttL,e,,,i,led aSconcct ia:- Crimes and P.in.!,mAnt. 52 Providing for the appointment of, ssing Clerks. Gives the appoint- wer to the two Principal Clerks cf Engrossin, ing power to the two Principal me Legislature, and reduces tlm number to two, whose pay is to be $3 per day. 53. To ameud'the 58ih section of the Revised Statutes, entitled Courts, County and Superior. Makes it unlawful for any Officer to execute any civil process, on any person attending divine wo-ship, during the time of such worship, under a penalty of f5. 51. To revive and continiio in force an Act passed in the year 1841. entitled an Aet to authorize the laving off and cstal)-' lialung a Turnpike Road from Laxton. Lynch'e in Rutherford county, to the wi- u H n . V rn I .1 .. " . '. U Lwe- j T - - m" er,,1fnt to ,,ave ?f PU T"? VP" on the suhjeet, based upon the knowledge that the fund to erect a Penitentiary must be raised by a direct tax, and therefore di rects that at tlia n?xt Election for Mem bers of the General Assembly, every voter, entitbd to vote for a member of tho House of Commons, tdiall bs at Iihertv tn vntn fur or asaintt a Penitentiary. i;tc mu i-u.iiruue in torce an Act pas?cJ at t!u teiuit of l8I-.'2, oa .' J mm l MBirt acJ eitT.J l.e peoftotia aa An j ' If tf . rl.tjurr 35, ennded aa Act I to lotm i.....t. i.i.ib.i.niiMitniitmfit CsbjJ ctirey, chapter 1C9, rftiiikd an Act to amrai aa Act twMed at tie Let rectioa of the GcseraX Assembly f U a State, etstided aa Act to mcorronte ilo Lakt Drummer! and Ortpeai Caoal ccm- pany, and for other rrposca. 87. To regvtate lie 70ih ltd 71st Te rtmrnt of Korth Carolina Militia. t8. To pre ret tho kvtbgof Execo-" tn Bpoa groa Leg crops bafore they aie tutored. CO. To amend the 103 i chapter of the Revised Statutes, entitled aa Act conrrrc ing the improi ement td Rivers and Cm kr, aod to prevent olstntctkma to their oati gatica. 60. For the relief of the Blind, Deaf and Dumb. Appropriates ISCC0 ancc ally out of the Ijterary Fund for the rdu cation of tbert cafortunate individuals. 61. To prevent Free Negroea and Mu tation from traCrkirg ia ardent spirits. Directs a fine of 110 for the first offence, and for the second to be indicted ia U e Superior Court and fined or imprisoned at the discretion of the Court. C2. Supplemental to an Art passed by" the present General Assembly, entitled aa Act to attach that part of Garten I county, known aa Ocrmcoke. to Hyde county. 63. To prevent frauds in levying Exe cutions issued by a single Magistrate, and to encourage and facilitate the practice of taking security for the forthcoming of pro' -perty seized under Execution. Mukct it the duly cf the effcer to specify ti e property levied on, ia lie bond, and to furnish the rccurity a list ef the same, and all the propcrtT levied cn to be deemed ia the custody of the security to the forth coming bond. 61. To consolidate and amend the Acta heretofore pesred on the subject of C m mon Schools. Some of the provi-ione are, that the Superintendenta shall be ap pointed by tht Court next preceding the first Monday ia October of every year, and take office cn the first Monday of Octo ber; that committees rliall It elected on the last Saturday of September in eiery year, and take t lice cn the first Monday in October; that present Superintendent and rommittrtt ahall continue in effico until others are chosen at required by thit act; that 21 per cent, le allowed Chair- - man orSupenntendcnts, of the money that owy past through their hands ; that thit) act shall be printed and distributed amonj the counties; that all perrons over four years shall he allowed to go to the schools; and that county tax when levied shall not be lest than one-half of the estimated amount to be raised from the state. ' 65. To incorporate the North Carolina . Mining, Manufacturing, and land Arroci ation. Capital not to exrcvd tlCO.CCO, in shares of $100. When t&0,COO of the stock is tubrcrilcd for, are declared incor (wm-hUmL CO. In relation lb the StatV LibrarT. Definos tho dory of the librarian. 67. Relative to Notaries. Reduce tlie fee to 50 cents. 68. To provide for the rcmorul of the obstructions to the navigation f Ronnoko Kivcr cccastoned by the erection of tho Pi'trndmrj Rail Road bridge across the tame. Instructs the rentpeny to ccn atruct a Uraw of euffcicnt capacity to ad mit the easy ami convenient parVpge cf mch steam boats and masted vet m Is ca navigate Roanoke River. 6U. For the more speedy admii.istra tion tf justice. Authorizes the Jm?gc to appoint a special term of Superior Courts, w hen the business of the civil docket can not be done at the regular term. 70. To modify an act concerning Slaves and Free Persons of colour, tarred in 1130. 1 71. To amend the b9ih cl.apter of tho Revised Statures, and 49.h icciion of raid act. RiLi'.es to the iiisrrction of Tiir pcniinc. 72. In addition to the Revised Statute', eniiiled Willa and Testaments, to amend the same, and to repeal part of the 15th section of the Revised Statutes, entitled Lands of deceased Debtors. Autltorizrs testator to bequeath every interest, ami t!i rcels a free construction "of wills. 73. Concerning the Agents of CheroLeo Lands. - Directs a duplicate statement of all monies to be made to the Comptroller. 71. To amend the 10th section of tho 45ih chapter of the Revised Statutes. Auihorizes the Court of Equity lo ar point ihe tin e and place of sale of all pro perty made by a ileeicc of said court. 75. To amend sn act mused at tlml.iat 80M' of t!ic G an act a:end ncn, Revised Sta of the General Afscmbly, entitled an ret concerninjr Coro- Stulutc8. chanter 25. section . luiven me power to three Juslices ol the 1'eacc to appoint a Coroner, where a county is without one, end il sha I be ne cessary for one to act in his official capa city. 1 70. To prevent fraudulent voting. Is made an indic table offence, leaving the pe nalty to the Court. 77. To ralablifh and regt late a Turn Pike Road in the county of Maccn, to be called the Tennessee River Turnpike At r- oaJ Appoints Commissioners 1o lay offtlie tc. . 8 'o wicoarage. the culture and ma- av nulacture of Silk snd I:harnL-o t...i: .1 0 ""-" tnuiiiiis in tins tate. lixtenus .1 . i u. .U'e,!, M,c P imons of the act ci ? V cucour- , WMtlt i;iuevw III tlija a n... lonn l ' nit ctil nt PRIVATE ACTS. L- An aet to extend the provisions of an act paracd at tlie resaion of the Gene ral Aweinbly of 1830-31, enti led an act for the ro icf of such persons as may suf fer from the destruction of the records of Hertford eounly oceasioneJ by the bum in j of the Court IIoiifc and Clerks' off- of said lou.ity. Extciula tli3 fo -