I tV art w the eovii'.kw if MW-r. jsedS-'j;0 ' ywr....-". -J" kt!faij f luaayfjb. lf comp53" Jurors Tar-pcal aa Art pawed la IKS.ro L friirnJ to the rourrtr cfMinw. Ta iamrpor-te Cross Creek LoJsf. t ioJ lairpettdetil Order of OJJ f Ta pitta ir .w-atrueuoB ci cn JttC rirrk. calkd Six Runs, ia f. Ta kltcf th O"5 of trpwattrf roo- L iiTjneS eountj. livee the sp- iK County Court.! - i T attach a poruca of the MUtiU of 0j KTinKnt to the G8ih fff Imeat. . Graunj- to iho Superior Courts of cotnW-aoi asawv, . ! I IieiYik on-irLiJ and J I L onratKa ciawury way new "V. . ' 1 ? id T9 smrml IB act, inrwporaunj ux offlrnioa Academy. U To inccrponte a Company of Ca- ia the I own 01 11 uiuuiguin, ia uie it Authorizing the county wort of ,Vb loamy. o exercise exclusive ju- l-uji over tne ruouc kosu, inn a is UviJiuf line between the counties T ,Za and I Icavcunu. It Ta incorporate Ike Trustees of the n Female Institute, in the count of . ... II. Ti amend an ael, entitled an aet to T't the location of the Court House i? county of Montgomery and for oth MinMwief, parked at the session of Uie VrJ Assembly of 1812, chapter It 'fa amend an art fur tha letter re i inn of the town of Mockst ille, in Ua- county. Provides for the election of umiN'ner-, vc. j 15. To htrorpontte the town of lion , ia e rwiiii y of L'uion. fj Vo idea fur ipmrtnunent ol eojamjf sioncn. &c. I IT. To incorporate Uie town of Maricn i!.: coun'y of McDowell, and to p- .:it roiiiiniiwioncr for tne tame. is. To annex a pnrt of Ilutherford jnir to the county of McDowell. 19. To prerent the foiling of Timber the a ster roureca in tlie county vl tuil :0. To repeal a part of the act of the acrJ Auzmbly of the State of North irolina. Iter. Statute, cl aptcr 89, fec- j 1st, a to the tune and manner ot tuns Wardens of lite Poor, so far as re f in the eoiujty of Northampton. " 21. To autlionso the Court of Plccs I Q iartcr Sessions of Beaufort county, appoint rnccud Jur tices of the I'care, J making compensation to such Justi for crrtain services. To umend an Art, entitled an Act to orporato the Faycttcvillo Riflemen, of r f i. u.,i:iai4 r. U t tl t rcetiln f Jit nf. tJ, Tl ! It 3. Ta a4 ta art l Uca-p' it a itia 1 CL Ry, aaJ ir tlitr kt: ta. " SI. To auiLMtx 1)4 Coait f ! ii Qtrr (! if 't: t an mmt pcJ JiW t f th p, ar,,n .lir j rtFMUaa la totb Ju$ t Ux et lUto M-tfice. &JL T iepa! aa Aet psaed ia h I Mr I K3, eret rawf Fiit Case paau 1 ia 0t f Payt ut!. 53. T repeal aa Am paaacd ia tl t jeaf 1823, rati M An uirvp.l paia Art esd ia li t t nt I8i0, el.i!rd an act to suthoriza ai.d ewioatr.tba roci sioaeis of tha sf rraj laves if -Tt iSU. ft titers. lYi!a.irta and Tarlo- Niia, ta r-aix aad ktep ap tla Fire Eaiiue Coaspaaiet. . I SI. Sui pUkcbuI to aa Art Darted at tha OearraJ Awa.ilj of 1812-3, raiidcd sa set o (ay i tlat.d eLb'ih a atar coaa ty ly ita asaa f MfDoatll. S5. Tosaterd aa Aet pttstd ia 1813. eat tied as Art to iaeofpoiata le Naata huu 1 krr pas rnotf a-. (.EsUad U.e lima for opet-inf buka aid rreiiaf skbtctii tioaf.k. tlie lt ef March 1843; ! redares the epiuj stock frota sit ta three iloat.d dollars. - 68. To iflcorptrit Wail icrtoa Ara- dratr, ia ihe roaitr of Dvrlte. 57. Ta I. cats Uta Cwait Iloasa ia the coiBty of Catawba, at lit town of New ton. IS. To repeal aa Art to rrre.l the ilitd Sretioa of aa Art passed ia ibe yeai lr23,rbptei 1272,enuded sa Ael unit rtct iha otanneriB ahUb lirenres shall I nearer be iurd to if uders ot Spiriiu 00s IJqtiors. aa Ut ss rcjtid the cown ties of Kit beflond and New Ilanunr. - 39. T af point Coisoiiartis fn the town n RKklord, ia ihe county ol Surry. 60. To repeal aa set patcd in the year 1812, entitled an Art to rrr-e-I an Act pan d in the year 1833. eautUd aa Aet 10 abtIih tha i'ff.re of Count v Tius tea ia tha county ol Moote, aod for ott er puiposea. 61. To eon firm a sale by Jsiors W. Csion Ajtnt for ths State. 62. To authorize lie tenoiajif the county ef in Wayne cooaty, Imm Ilia town of Wayneibviu' to the fillajs of uildiboio RESOLtTIOXS. I, Ia fovor of Wm. J. Lrwia, tor f tl, lor ear rjing a nl of elrrlioB t Pitt cwiut- rK, 1 Mt tit t! ;tt U $4 t ltU 4 ft. Ijfcteliai rtU'lrj t tt ITatar- rf tl j I'atea. taa Ctatitktk a, a4 ta law taa CaaralajM afaar Uacrty. Thtiradajr, Janna7y7c7 Ileoltb ariXlUUerttstb-W km kcra bimri hf Dr. Ji Waa ita the ki km'urf fatlite, ululiuiij U BMulfr et Dirttx anJ DraUia ia the tea f IIT-lwoo-a aad iu W. aftr, far &e jurist I. The jj-Jsoti h aLoU BIBTn. Trmuiem, Fiaialre, 7 IS Total, DEATH 2 rhlLImi, ef Comukioo. S &a of Ia&jMBatioa aflLa Lunga. t b&na under ait aara'h. 1 tw 'tara ef age, of Mboong Cough. 1 thirty yrara of age, of roramauia. , 1 t"t year, af Lark-jaw, Traumalir. 1 fiw jeara, of Drojy of the Brain. ' 1 eighteen awtuh,of Croup. . . ' 1 Cnren jeans ofCboBc. 1 oiity jeart, of Pnromoti'a. 1 aixtj-riglit, of lutrmtvranrr. IrigLty-lour.afOUAge. 1 CAcra yean, of Conn.m;tiun. UcValha. y, tt, Mrti. frnm ttrt m V P4 f OZem a&I Ta Ea U rwJ, fca tmeni mn.u, a l3 u mix rxx ttfemtft. la Oa l!da U utmtnmm te Tu fiirsUoai it uT f J3 J Ite umAm kig Un Utra ttf i-Tt"Tt of rie Ljle e Si kMUot. " 1o - at tit p pofiJorw fcrlw Cets-re-i fc, ennef-tiaa) of T, &i Am afaa ta U m gwat wtmm 9tm mamg tbe fmda eti4 atranwra. Vkkl or Wit eidarf of tl wopemi arWaaca 2 be atlu-d, we ait im yet Afe te IWm aeaovtBie. 1 111 1 - B Tbe Great 8eMELa) X3, afttt bring eaawer- ed eaj tbe Cfferrwte, fee KJii aad Carton lealUasW TWrafaOrrGewenlbavwK Ktmi2erti tie pupae, baa, e Wra, attde a eonOwct wka that rcnaj Lr &e pmeat yeas. a 11 11 urir t aji 1 .1111 mi ajn Crcham'a 3Ia-azlne The Fcbraa ry ncuber ef Bk jojnj wo hae been recti - ed. MTt tare not bal f tat le wad an torsion of lie content, but ia&e tirbneaa of ke ema aieuoi it m not eorpaiard eves by tlie Janoary ntnber. It coolain t bigllj fibkbnl cs-t-t. ing--the Cbirf'a Vhu&iet, Dr. Itoar'a Vik,tl Mandaa Chut, Tortni of F-ljmr Poe, anJ-the lee LeCrr," brsilai tneral lrtter peai engrT. inpCharaiiiig Amrriraa bUory. Ia Uik work tLe km of the ue a1 UI ba m Ina grmlifird, than tl bner of Aawriran Clcraturr. TEE LEC1511THE. The Legislature at!jnamcd tint d.'t on the 9th uicUuit, after a arwion ef Cfty-ihree daya. We omit our LrgUlaiive Sumrcary for the iaat week, and in place of it, gUe the Captiona of the Acta paaard daring ihe aradon, which, we have no doubt, will be more acreptal le to cur itaden. After rrading the Cak iu, with the explana tion!, we think our rcadrra will coinriJe with oa 23. To incorporate the Phipnix riro njuny iu the town of rJizabellt City. To lease the silver Mine to Ceorrps tl ing a wni m etmion to rm rouin-. 1 . ...... . 1 , , 2. Aulhoriiine ihe (.oternot to erect firave b lhe lHnH' &u " Hlonea at the graea of drccated nrrulra of the of wuch good to the atate. Many acta have been ArmMy. .- " paamI(ruirt,inourliuuteJ jutgmrat,il)pro'e I S?ilrK but Umcakneean Fetum $40 lor inaolvenl polla. jtettlncm. 3. In Ctvor of Henry Atldingtt n. The bill tat eurmitting the quertion of " Pcni- ft. In laor of Jamea U. Turrentine, rlieruT of , trntiary" or " No Penitentiary" to the people at urange. iiwurnt , win u, amount paai ny Augurt election in IS'lft.haabeen pataed Into hint a,t am C P.f f4 li a itTiut nf lura.1 Ita Cta lit a-rtae I 7. In aror of Wm. Stringer and Grrea HilL a law, and may be put down aa the moat impor tant art of lite aran. n. ' We have but little ioubl Martin vountr O. la (nw mt Waa. DUIa, af Maron county. ' 10. In favor of John L. Chrudan, b'heriir of Matrtjtwaery aatiy. . II. bUbding toSmithfK-U. inBrunmaaVcoun ilhtrland, the discoverer, and for other. . (Autlionara tlie I. . Officer in eonmait "I . I .1... ... . ..h I III. M,nMn in . 1.1 .town. 15. In fcw of Wm. T. Bain. : 13. In favor of the Juaticce of the Peace of Haywood county. . - . . " 11. In favor of cVmut-1 Waltcrt, of Macon county. 15. In fitvor of Thotnaa J. Rfanc, of Maran 8. In favor of Arthur 8. Moorins, HhcruT of that a large majority will be found to favor it '7. Miy r 4irtM hitory ahonJy te pt,:.ULcd, wtra wi3 le mutant Cce&r' y 01 Lei. w iion to tLe Old Nonli Sie. - Our Lleny aa dearly bocftt, let to aa it waa a free jiA-roy we lcr jte imt it. ' 1 . . 9. Gem.' Wathligtow't prrrale cKarae tcr afford to us a rood examtl-; aod bis military rareer, bo tha oCcers of oer isilip ua euntr ceeds woncy tl lentauon. 10. The toIuBteers of Tenoeaeew tad Kentucky at tha battle of New Orlea&s esdttred awh;- may the survivors lift to reap a full reward for taeur toils and priva tions. .... '."'' 11. Marquis it Lafayette did mocb fur ite ettaMUhment of our inJcpcndcoce - may wa not Argrt his sjuutaaca m tiat rrrat uaie of need. 12. Our country is process ui in arte and science; she scarce las a rival. 13. Gen.Ja.ksuo Our daughters lair, and attrone gravw, The Herat rooucring arm did aave. VOLt'SiTCCI TOASTS. By the President. ' Of earthly rood, the beat ia a good wifr; A W, the grealeat curat of btiatan hie. By the Vice President. Texas may it be annexed to the United Mate. To Hire. i LIXTLY jaarg Kegt Ct. be at a ei lBtTva.U'kaitati at alt, t!kltb Wlrta, cVeeaui. ta JUS. C. MttQGD. Jameary 7. t5-f 1 Notice. T5 ea-aaaailira - aa ea4v. i a- tkelnatulvrvWef iXXTA W IBS, u L C. bavief iLk lay nyuui b) iunot limju. Dan, a3 lliof iudiiaed ta ibt wewtt aae trfw4 ed to con toevanJ iiaiir fn'rr, t-aat cfca .44 eoxsatbtav They wtS be rajir4 oai by cither ef the auhaoilirr, or by John ii. Faiajrtt, wL it mmdaSj ewsiVe4 to attrwl la the hn JAMES WEliU, Jr. . O. F. U)N. 1 . JOHN II. WEUB. January 1. 14 THE CASE OF BIK0P ODEKDOMC The recent tral of IJL hop D-njauun T. Cnrr- donk, of New York, hrfcre ti e House of Bihora, on cbarge it ia fWi, of imLriety and grate im propnitiee of Uhaxiour toward, certain ladice, and hkb baa escitaj conaUerahk ibtrreat ia the country, baa resulted ia a romktiuu,by a vote of eleven ayea to tlx nave. The vote waa aa fuuowas Gmitv BL.hopi Eitatlwra, of 3Uaaarhnartta; Hoj kin, of Vermont; Henahaw, of Rhode Uand; BrowneH, ef Connecticut! Mrllvaiiie, of Ohio; Ire, of Drlcwair 5 Jchn, of Virginia ; Chta-i, of Illinoi-j Smith, of Kentucky; Frecntan, of Arian aaa; Polk, of Louisiana. Not Gi iLTVBiauopa Delancy, of Western Xew York; Doene, of JCew Jerary; Wbhting lam, of Mar Iauh Iveof North Carolina; Gad den, of South Carolina; Kemper, Mluanary Blah Tlie three prrarnung Buhopa were Meade, of Virginia, Otry, of Tennea-ee, and El'iott, of Geor gia, who Lad no vote on the question; but if ad ded to the above vote, wouU make it bartora to aix acain4 Biahop Outlcnlonk. ." 4 " la eonaequence of thit conviction, Buhop On derdonk baa !ea aupended from bit oflickd du ties, but will ft ill enjoy hja aalary of $6,000 per annum. . , .'. I.vduxa V. 8. SgXAToa. The lection of a U. 8. SenRtor, by the Legislature of this State, was aain postponed on ilia 30th tilt, to the Monday following. The opinion prevails that no election will be had on acc0a.1l of the opposion of the Se nate. 'i' ..... .... . . . rpces. j. To amend an act passed in 1836- ,to iucorptirate the town of (Jreensbo ..!. in ihe Cuuntv of Guilford, fitr aU lite sec. of the set of 1830-'37. 3. To incorporate the Faycttetille Li irv InFtilute, in tne town 01 rayeuc- 27. To protect Uie Public Bridges in ynvll county IWarreii count v. 3a. To incorporate the town of Rock intrham, in the county of Richmond. 31. To incorporate a Milling Uoinpany m AnMin county. itt. To improve the navigation of Cy press rreek in Blidcn county. 33. To divide the Mihua ol the coun- ty of Anson into two regiments. 31. To incorporate a corps ol cavalry in the county of Chowan. - 35. To incortmratc Dun Faison Acade my, in the county of Duplin. ..... . . 1 I . -. T Jt. I u incorporate Washington lxwttc, '. 3. of ihe Ia lppcudcnt Order of Odd , . J lVIIou's, in tlie We intend pubhVhing in cur next, or at acme ear ly pertod, tne awe Report orra-JcvaoMw-a Senate wfcich accrniranird the bin. The IhII approrwting f 5,000 annually for the relief of Ihe Blirnl, and Deaf and Dumb, we look upon aa next in iniportancc Thit provLdon, at prearnt, ia amply -uftViont, and we hope aomeju diciout lan fcr tlicir education will bo put into immediate oprraiion. . The Mil in favor of Poor Dchtora, and the bill more e (Ttxtuul!y to prevent unpiixonmr-nt for debt, we are uirliiicd to look upon with favor; and we hope, that ui their operation they will accrmpluh the humnne intcnticna of tliote vl.o enacted ticin. The action of the LcgUlature in regard to tlie Rail Road! we believe, waa the best that could e teen ukcn under tlie circuin-tanrca. We regret the neceity which dtmanded tlie foreclo. I sure of the mortct-f on the Raloish and Gaston eT'lnVavor nf Willu,mDavuLrn.of Meckbn- RouJ but we do not ace haw any other measure burn county, for $GG9 93, hrinij the fourth part ( could have been adopted, in justice to the atate, of a juh niriit oMmnrd by him again the Ca-' wouj Un more to the benefit of tlie coun'y. -18." In favor of John Hill, and others. 17. In favor of Morrwi K. Tayloe and C. Kep- Iiart, f Cherokee couuty. tiranU Uvcra 3000 I I 28. To alter tho mode or appointing, acrr 01 UiM w rrm iron ui i. . . . . ' I is. In favor of I. II. Mar-tellor. I 1m.Un.ca,,.icau,oncoun y. &vw rf Wnu Thompiwn, RaUigh. hav I ij. 1 o revive mi act iw i-riwr t vr- i(K lletXing ,0 ofn.n.ittee room in the Ct itob 1 B . 1 . f .1 a C 11" k..a AM aa 1 " ..... ... . f 'iMUOii 01 me town 01 iciiiuii, ui j in favor of TUo. H ibwn, Micnit ol tan- We are too much crowded for spaee to notice other Acta of Uie Legislature w hich we regard aa . tawne aviuauon tooij-iiiy, ut -u u atockholdora, u a -torknobier.j j S3. In favor of Thoraw W. Rookrr. i 4 L Iu favor of Ma-had Francia, esq. 85. Kclatin- to tlie statue of Washinon. Di- important; but our readers are referred to the Cap I recta the tremor to cause tlie fragmtnts of the ,hemsc,v anj nn foim thc own opmbns. statue of Washington, to be removed to Hie room t 1 . ... 1 :f . Lit JW i I We repent, the Legislature has done well ; and j 26. In favor of the Commissioners of Rakish, though there may be seme emissions, there is but , Authonara tliriu to get building stonea from Uie jjmjc n our opinion, to censure, State a quarry.J l Tim niuiipii rvr- II vlTinV According to previoua' notice, a numW of the citizens of the IlaWheWa aaamlded on Daviea fountain, on the 8th instant, for the purpose of celebrating the victory so well known, gained by General Jack son, below Iew Orleans, Uie 8U1 or Ja nuary, 1815.... About tlie break of day, some cf the ci tizens met and fired a few guns, which an nounced to the surrounding country that all preparations necessary had been made. At about 10 o'clock the people began to come in from every direction until about 12 0 clock. There being a considerable crowd of people collected, and the hour of the day having arrived lor organization, they were called to order. Un motion, James II. Christie was appointed Presi dent, ThomaaSquires, jr.. Vice President, James Jones, t'crretnry, Barnard C, Maze, Treasurer, Lieut. Thomas Gill, Maishal of the day, and James Woods, Assistant Marshal. Tie procession being formed by the marstal and his assistant, they were earned through a lew evolutions, By Marshal Woods. AirTieu!ture--the surest foundation of our nation's welfare; if politics! demegogurs blow tip, may far mers go ahead. By llosea U. Smith. m. A. ira- ham. Governor of North Carolina -may he not involve our state in debt by inter nal improvement. By Thos. Squires, senr. If the wish of our people be for a Penitentiary, may our next Irgistature cMallish it. By Wm. r, O. Smith. Andrew Jack son" God and our country. By David Johnston. James K. Polk, President elect may his administration be to bis own honor and to the prosperity of our country. ' By Nicholas Holmes. The name of James K. Polk a few months ago not known to many, it bas been brought to lwht bT the voice 01 this nation. , c,. '- :; r..:- ll.i.t. nv it ni. Dlionia.. aavic a muuuwu ooor in son. dui neu in painousui. By Thos. Jones. On the 8th of Janu- ary 1846, may our Hag be seen oa uavie s mountain, wiui uio inscnj-hob aiv SON on it. By Johnston Jones. James K. Polk President elect blameless in private cha ncter, may be act aa wise in hie chair as did Washington and Jcllerson. . It was then announced by the marshal cf the day, that the barbecue was ready aaaa a t 1 lot tut vnese wno wouiu panaae 01 n, auu he gave a general invitation. , The proces sion was then marched to Uie festive board. where we found every thing served up in the beet of order. - While eating, some spoke of Ihe manner of eating our barbe-! cue, and compared it to that of the com mon soldier; others thought it was equal, if not superior to Gen. Jackson's own ta ble while in camp. : After eating sumptu ously, the company was again formed in double file, marched to the ground on n.'llii-ll lhu I,.., ,fn n J. -nn thm president of the day stepped ia their front, and addressed tho company in something like the following manner: We have as semble j and have celebrated tlie day with that degree of respect duo such an occa sion. Nothing has occurred, as I hope, to mar the feelings of any one ; all has been nnion, concord, and social peace. And when we depart fiom this place, let each one consider that he has performed a duty he owes to himself and his coun try.' Therefore let us go home to our wires and our fire-sides to enjoy that li berty which was purchased for us by the ' blood of the Revolution. ; New Firm. , THE aubarribera h sting pnrrlawd the entire Stark af JatM Wei St Co i3 ceetinoe tha faur tl ihrir ot 1 -tai L bimWt the Ina tx4 err ef J .. fc J. II. WOUt. They tale thai eertuaoai ta return their thanla for the kiuJarat aa4 bheraliry UrrrUio-e ek aaW ed te theta by tbeir trie! and cvMratna, at A ko) e, by ekw anentioa to biaibea, bleral prkee and fair draSng, atill ta merit and receive a Ue ral ahare ef tbeir patrcnatre. JAMES WfclWJ, Jr. JOHN II. WEBB. January L f8- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, oaaxox cocvxT. ' In Equity To 5Iarch Term, 1815. ' KrUtrm JM end ttheri ) va. VPeUUon te era land. . 72ae Ilurl Ind tfJarr.S IN this ease it appearing according te law, that the ortmdanta, Thonia Hart, the leira of tfa- morl Hart, deceai-M, Georee MT.ae and t.!aa tth hit wifr, Finn Ray, William Tbomaa end Etlen bia wile, and John Dolly and KrLeera rue wife, are not inhabitant of atate 1 1" ut licttioil k therefore made, for aaid de&r aaarta te appear at the next Court of Equity, to le twkl fat Chant e eocnty, aa the eourviouao in Uilbiorovgb, en the aerond Womiay ol sitrrn lcxalta j K-aa,an- wer or demui to earn petit n. ne tne atmr wiu be taken pro conlneo agtwtt Uwm, and team acconiuigiy. JA3it.a ttLM,C.X.C. Price adv.fi IK Sft-Cw STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, CEAXCS COt NTT. , In Equity To March Term, 1815. Join Morrow mud tflcrt ) " 1 va. V rctitica to tell Land. Juln Xirt ana Mm. j . IN tliit case it appearing according lo kw, that the defendant-, John Moore and bia children, who are the brira at law of Helm Moore, deceas ed, are not inhabitant of tliia atate; Publication ia therefore made for aaid defendanta to appear at the next Court of Equity, to be held for Orange county, at the courthouse in- Uilbborccgb, on ' the second Monday ef March next, and j bad, an ewer or demur to aaid petition, or the tame w ill . be taken pro confearo against them, and heard' accordingly. JAMLS VVCIili, C. X. c. rrfceadv.J 60. ; 68 6w List of Lcttcrs, Remainii g in the Post Office at Ilil'sbo- ""Tough, N. Cn on ihe lat day of Jarnia- og-(8.5twhich, if not taken out with . in three months';' mil tie ems u-tfiB" General Post Office as dead letters. . V -. " ;A . .,: Mrs. Elizabeth Aldriilge, John Ander son, David Andrews, Wm. F. Askew. Rilhprt Hecbcc. SamL P. Barlow. Ma. ry or Elizabeth Baldwin, James R. Bar- . bee, Jehu Brown, Alexr. Doling, James. Bishop, Win. L. Bowls, Robert N. Black wood, Wiley Bell. . C Wm. Crabtree, Thomas Crabtref', Min Julia Crabtree, Jesse Clinton 2, William The marshal Cain, sr., Matthew Crowder, Alexander - then dismissed the company after a few Craig, Reuben harden, John Uulbreath, nuns had been fired, and they broke up f W m. Cook, Mrs. 1 hebo Clancy iu quite a becoming manner, JAMES JONES, Secretary. D 87. In ftvor of die Door-icepen of botii Haua- 35 extra. TIlO Prolesl. On the Saturday prcced- nig the ailjoummont of tlie Legislature, Mr. Bijjjs town of .Murtrccsliorougll. , ,.200 i:-,,,- ,mountof the GovcrnV Pro- . i- nrine.l ir. which be tailed 37. To appoint Coinmissioners for tho -,., ,,:,, rM , fugitive. I . . , ... ... T s .,i .i.. m ' ... . ... 1 fllWCn. Hlilll.'XI I'. Ulv JUmviuvw 'a 1.. rr1:i?irtn In a AatiimmI r lair. 3?! Ill Civor cf Jolin II. Wheeler, Public Trc ''"'i n of Asliboru', in ths county of Ran- nljili. mnnded that it be sjircad upon die joumul of tlie i .... ... . . ..o .n . , .i . t . l .nr. bcimtc. Tlie cotwtuut.on accurca w uie mciuocra in V. i . niture Tor tlie uovernor nouse. ..... tost, and to have tlie rtatviu entered upon the I'MU Stokes county. 32. Relative to re-l uilding Uie Branch Mint arV ' . , . . .. . . , ,. 3'J. To incorporate a Volunteer Inf.m- charlotte, Memori-dixe. Congrea for an appro journal; but this ir contained not wmply the try Company in Wasl.ingtoil, Beaufort prhtbrn to rebuiU the Mint. j reawn or Hie protest, nut was a onueu arsu- o miitv. I 33. In favor of Adam Van Bokkclin, for $500, nient in favor of Ennett, and contained palpable 13. Mi'.iinr compensation t T.i'.CS Ja- for the storage an.l package of Public Arm . ! and gross m'lsrepreseiitations and misstatements in the county of Person.- , 1 . i. 10 incorporate a corps Ol uavaiiy i U -.uirtida iu universal tee of the senate witn tiismrcmy anu uupnev 1 1 the county of Perqtlimons. .l,mti.m I in the case of Ennett, the Speaker with improper 1-. To iticom-irato tho Trustees of 33. Auihorizins the Governor to employ Coun- TO,,auct. and the Senate w ith convicting an inno- STATE OF NORTU CAROLINA. 0HAXCE COtNTV. Court of Fleas and Quarter Session, November Term, 1841. Tlionu $ D. Otdhcm, Et'rA Caveat of the last vs. I will and testament David Turner mid f of Thcmas Brewer, olhtrs. J deceased. then formed into something like a hollow square, whenjhe president called on Car t. Richard M. Jjpnes to deliver an address, who etcppeUlforvvaril and addressed tho crowd in onto a spiiited manner. He a?Mr. a.avt-A .if Ka nattaitl AM at a Aaa B tAV A1 epuac HW p... -.j.y, rf hg ratUfartion of die Court, miller our prrkent form of goyemment, to ; 1 .j'caieb Lindsay and bis wife Martha, and assemble anil to celebrate Victories like j Thoma8 Edwards, William Edwards, and Wesuy that which wias a people had assembled Edwards, are not inhabitants of this atate; It i to celebrate; fie then spoke of the many j ordered tiiat publication be made for four succea toils and privations which the soldiers of j weeks iu the Hillsborough Recorder, for the .1 r 1 u 1. .... ewm.,i raid defrndants to appear at the next term of tins the Revolutioi had to encountershowed . to hdJ of 0r,nge) lhe that in their sKggle fot independence in- htU8e m HUUiborough, on the fourth Mon experience hal to contend with discipline, day of February next, on the procceling in tlus and liovertv fitli wealth; ne next spoKe-ease, - x . .. . Morgaiiton Academy. 13. Tn irit o 1,1 il.n f'nnntv Potirts of quires it S:a..t.w , . 1 3(5. Autl10n7.u1- R . v'hiii, inu 4uij ii mi.--. 1 1. To incornoiate the Carthnsra Male ai I Female Academics, in the junty of Mihire. ' ' 13. To incorporate the Trustees of the fi 'lliania Society and Academy, in Stokes county. ' ' ' I IB." For the relief of Samuel lowers, of ividson conntv. Relieved and exone- t iled from all pains and penalties of the m wtiiw executed by the Clubfoot aiu I.1 'n of the Revised Statutes, en-, Creek Coinpany. ""RJ an act concerning Divorce auu Ali mony. 17. To establish a new Renicoenl out of 'he M liua in the county f Union. 18. To inci.r,i..rate the town of Pitta "to'"', in tlie coun y ol Chtt'iam. 19. To rep at a art of an Act of ihe general Assembly .f he State of Nonh CJrulina. Rf vi.ed Statutes. Clupt' r. 80, s 'c. 1st, a t the tune and nunner of lel.i Wardcui ol tins PJOf, 80 Ut aiJp:an -el iu all caies where tho interest of tho State rc wrt mM o( m ml j,y a party votc Of - i-. . 1 a 1 W. Ashton to cnctMe a course tne wnig senators voteu agamsi -pnu- Suite 1.4 in the city of Raleigh. - mg c IFr cn tlie journals, ana as ma 1.0- 37. In favor of Justin Martemlale. I fofoco Senators retired in a body without the bar, 3. In favor of tlie Commissioners of the town . nJ ,0 voU it w ag not put upoll the rc- of Wilniiiiirton, and others. 'i- Wt,- w hava mora room wa mav. Der- r ...r 11 a vvtt iMipnn 01 vrna- - 111 luvur vt mwH ...--? 39. low countv. 40. In favorofReederAlKiugce. 4 1. In favor of William Ennett for for car n ina aw.it of ElcCion to Ondow county. ' .7 . . . . .1 - A CmllMI HlA 43. AllthO llllg Uie uowraui . ' i ,1,. I,,,-,. nr nrr nt- il llarlow . a 1 Tlie followuig gentlemen from tins county have haps, again refer to the subject SUPREME COURT. This Tribunal com menced ita Winter Terra on the 30th ultimo of some of tj gallant victories won by some of the o leers of our Navy; he next glanced at tli victories won by our late and much lan tnte.l patriot General Har rison; he thci brought his remarks to a close, show in; tint Gen. Jackson ended the war in a laze of glory at New Or leans. The orator tivinar concluded his speech, the following Lasts having been prepared were read: Rtnri.AR toasts, JOHN TAYLON, f fate. Price adv. f3 50. 69 6w braneo of the 8th of Janu- J ave assembled to celebrate. e necessary respect to the crniitage we celebrate this ,.....,,..,v. . . ... 43. In favor of the Students of the IWIC15 dim-. Loam 50 Muskets. " .',. ; 41. Relating to Cherokee Indian- retiduvr m North Carolina. Request our Senators and Ke pwscntative iu Co-igress to use ihcir influence to obtain a sieedy scttlenrnt of the just cliuin4 ot Uie Cherokee Indian wading in thit ttate. 45. Con e-niiig the printin of the Inaugural Addresses of the Governor of hit atate. a a i..i.,:.. in Kitini itea of allowances. - 47. Iicsolutio.i dircetinj the Secretary li revive timnowils for enclo-inr tlie Capitol ivc proposals for encl.in tlie Capitol wtt a 'Jiciii WA JiJ an " Raduij been admitted to the practice of the Law: 7;i thi Superior CuuHh Shepard K. Nash, and Richard J. Ashe, of Hillsborough. In the County Cowr. Samuel Field Phil lips, of Chspel Hill. Cousjress In Cie Senate very few of the com:nittoes have reported upon the subjacts refer red ta tlicm, and consequently but littlo business of national interest ba3 yet trunspircd in that bo- 1. In remci ary, 1815, we 2. To pay Hero of the day. 3. The Uolsiitulion or the U. &iatcs us equal privileges, and vercigtis long may it en- Notice. npHE Copartnenihip of H. GORMAN & Co. w as dissolved on the first of January instant, by mutual consent. January 13. J. WEBB, H. GORMAN. 59 2w guarantees t makes us all dure. 4. North Urolina the first to declare inilenendeneeJher sons will be the last found to desca it. 5. Our Milla is powerfnl on land, our Navy on the bosom of tlie deep com bined they ca ibid defiance to any foreign foe. 0. In all celbrations we should pay a due respect tolhe soldiers of the Revolu- J lntion long lie their memory. Pocket Book Lost. THE subscriber lost his Pocket Book, on Sa t unlay tlie 28th, or Sunday morning the 29th of December, in Hillsborough, or on the road to Richard Thompson'a, four miles north. The Pocket Book contained ten dollars in cash, and from twelve to fifteen hundred dollars worth of notes on sundry persona in and about Hillsbo rough. The finder of this Pocket Book and its contents will be liberally rewarded on restoring tliein to tlie subscriber. ARCHIBALD BORLAND. January 7. b8 For Sale. A FINE YOUNG ;jACK, large and hand gome ("except one crooked leg,) will be of fered for tale at the court-house ia H'dlsborough, on Tuesday of next February Court A eredil of twelve months will be given. Inquire at this Office, January &. 68 A.J. Davy, Rev. Robert Davis 2, Wm. Dickson. , ; Edward Evans, Wm. A. Edwcrds. F Thomas U. Faucett, Abisha Faucctt. I ', G Dr. Stephen Green, Mrs. Rebecca Gat tis. .. II Richard Holeman, Henry N. Holden, Bedford Hurdle, Ezekicl Ilailey, W. R. Hopkins, William Home, Thomas Hall. C. W. Johnston, John O. Jackson, John K. Jackson. L - Norwood Latta, John B. Leathers 2, Wm. Love, James Jxve, Richard Lee. M John A. McDade, And. C. Murdoek, Hiram McVeigh, Rev. J. A. McMannin. P John Porterfield, John W. Potts, Mn. Nancy Prichard, Richard Proctor,. Andet son Proctor, Allen Petty 2. 1. ' William Russell. S Bryant Strayhorn, George J. Sneed, Henry Skinuerj William Smith, Thomca Sng. , - . . . T . Miss Frances and Hannah Thomson, II. Teany, Messrs. Tiunin & Clark, Dec jamin Troliiiger. v Haywood Yaughan, " . W Miss Sarah J. Waddell, Mrs. Eli;abcth Waddell 2, Miss Rebecca Waddell 2, Dt vid Warren, . Samuel Wilkerson, Green Woods, Miss Margaret Woods, Mrs. M. E. Woods, Jack Williams, Mr. White sides, (plough maker,) William S, West, Hubert E. Williams, SamI, W. Wilson S. SO1"" Petsons calUn" jor any of the above letters will please say they are ad vertised. Jajvy I TU09, CtANCY, r, v 47- a a