4 1 9. J hs?dy i -yj V"-J rn-' 4I It IT" UNION. THE CONSTITUTION AN I) TIIC LAWSTUG GUARDIANS OF OUR LIDERTY. Vol. I. YI11USD.1Y. I'EBSCAIXr 20. 1843. My year rich aaa, ; . - ' Etuurrmut, raiurr Urtuv Unaiag poor W h' travelled much. and a loegi point, ia diking ia to nuke much m but Other Fo'ka wUI rows ia aed tle fxjm it MaMtacLuacfxs riiuiflua.! MAAOBMUN r OF THE HOUSE. This noble animal if an iodispensible' acrvant and coin pan io nf the firmer. lit ploojhs. he harrow, he cart over the farm. lit t1 tarVet, lo ni,1, nJ 10 m"t ing; he also accompanies his miner lo el"C t':on frolics, noli teal f .theringt, and win irr !f ilh ridf e, and tot company is at much soughi after, at iuch limes, at the orator's or lli" fi Jdler'f. 'I he horse is more often abased than any of our domestic brntet. He i loo j nerous la nn hn limba or Itit wind when we art in hte. and hi feneroui 8inVi:ion tHi nften ratttra liit rein. On 0t f rm, hawcrer, tl torn e I not jat.ro we hre learned from lreet prneoce J that grxa moit fc our ehief rvltanet for hone fd .that the horn wU oroelhinj etibttastul soon after bcinf put npilat Lit fra'n theo bene Cu him murh noil tiun at any other lime, bee acte bt if ties most ia want of it. and beeaete it then baa time enough to digest and to (o into ibt rytU.m. I . I ! t.H lie dcti wuur ia v cij rmruj wu lain. One peek of joodeornia equal to two peck a of eat, but aa rour bit rnav not l cod. prefer iumir.r down balf a , busbel of eafai before yrar bore. tooo a'- I trr putun j liita rp at night lit must um rumciuiug uu uia awoiacu, sou (ha bar may be worUileta. Tour oata will amer fur bay ar.d rmiu too. Your bone will now aoon eat eat aa murh at be j wanta be will eooa lie down to real and to alee p; and before morning bis grain will all be eonrer ed Hit good chyle and will be n(HirUIiing bit blond. The neat morning yazt bore ill be read to start before yon wake op. In Head i.f waiting fur bin to eat a new mens of grain and then to Wt it digest, jou find bun plump and good naturrd and aaling fur nothing but your company. , l is well known thai horses are often ruined by eatinj grain t improper times. r aimers hare fanned that eating it wliiie possible of tliia owen leep it in we as it the fatbion. Like otber ipda.it i h'ftg as yon can. 4j bat its rvn.sad bamaa iaterroorae A good dnser will nerer ft e rower b teapot ari!y relief ed, at hm, liora its lnalhiaearna;tuaaaeqinrirdinurrf nilirg atrtotptd fuiliea and toiieee, a Mil, tul it Lai been fouly overcome by friction, caused by the suraetk-a that i founJ in all btn!!.'. The momentum thus acquired may cany Mm crof a plih. or " part way op the next hill, be a' ou'd there-1 u fore be careful not to check tl.'u motion in h CANKERS vs.'DROKERS. The Eduor of tLr CobcodHs Intelli- grocer, who is a dear low of fun. and trra a it reaJ ra to a liberal portion r-f it. baa Utelt been Dvin? oat llie oddities and the Jeaf t degree; but by ke ping hie team j qtiJJiiies or New Orleans, and describes along oot of iu way. and making them fa- aaamu-ing ic-neio one of the Courv, ror rather than cl.eck it, lie wilt lose none m i. j, occurred in bis presence: , i fm Torre. , ' I In 1813 the lVgUUture of our Sule Put you find dioH'htltts rirfrs egnti- t .ia-f imnoain!? a fine sf 250 vo nuall difngardinglhis .liioua princi Mexchnge brokers which wa coni p!e. They ill come to a walk b;le-dettd bv Uiat cUs of our frllow citizens a maiir r oi peepsI in where we lr einosed the elitterinr and on eompee ate for this total loss the driver 'counted stores of wealth that so eininei.t. fiuds it necessary to renew Uie momen j u JUUnuUh these shops in these bard to generally oter .imen at on me mgu- lhp . i. wil u .,. Drin way. wt attempt t. outstrip V t cipsicau.e of injuiy from grain; but it is wind, and leare steaut engines behind. nw,f0 Wb knoWB Hiany l0 It is f-t drifint and sobseunent neflecl ....m,,.!- nn -,,;-a;. hutnetrron that bring on sprained j-jinis. broken Iun if cunl f firting u ,tH 0rUr stopping. It ami premature i4d aje. ( i jf irivjs ileui eiercise oon Hares that are worked on a f irm an ! Lrr-ml,. i ii. m,..i ln-artv k ;..! of food. i are well attended to, ill often be rood in thmt j. n .i,,.,,,,-,; - . , .rat-, li;n hmses. harness at 85 years of a;e; while th There is no raorcdanger in giring ahorse that trsrel ita sugea arc nM expectea to the ant hearty food inten minutes after he an in givuig aa suou as be quits mowing tn a last longer.oti the aserasje, Hun six or c- .a j,, jvij,- in)M m0stbeai. rrar. iwy r un w 1 1 incut me triage uwki'i jr, nnpwn n j uijut ana oppressive. AS will to more. The tram, instead of f'eourse, tbeeagleereof the law soring the food will of the earna-. ,ious placet" of mammon. is fount! flanging by the breaching. 1 o lace iLi 1 .MESSAGE '-77. 1 ; ( M,iuui is atLTta w tss mirtw H 4 f HSf TSS STATU f CrsTHM: la say sattge, at sit lejinoiag t the sessiot, 1 called joes at traiioa la taiiows subieeis ia eoBattwa with the bistory or ibe Sute, aaa sDfs ed the pt eprieiy ! seadiaf aa sger.1 u Load os. to procure frt-m ibt ptop-r cC- ces there, eo ies of DcoeBts. witlnrvt which, it i impossible tUai oar Toloaul History can eser be correet'y wntea. Subseoseht rcficcioa and ciaaoiawuoo in 14 the cebdiuea sf ibe records and pa pert belonging to the eecaat ted lr ilUse departmeatt ol ibo goscisaeat. have santficd roe, that wt Mist a woa to peifora at bone, f deeper m'erest, and of more imardate necessity, thi it.ai eoateaiplated by the foreign sgerey which bat beea cosamended to yiur eoa- aider ion. turn, andbewdlofiendo rtby whipping (imeft tlM w,tbout regard to persons. Lis team while raking the neat hill! Fol- .brought them iu o coon in anwer f. r the ly, folly. Yoar team mul hae time to f drea-ltul offence of trying to gel an honest breathe, and the best time is while walk.'r,rinc. without uavin? t253 for the at- l-t, if peiUc, r!' B7 ' aeeestsiy l rowpWl tl stnts ixt trr Bcke, ss-d bse ibm copied ti d ar ranted adr bis sjisioa la td'i- lira to l is. be sn ght w it!a ofcios ptc prietf , be aitt oru'd te t Hain. a far aa pt aeiraie, eir er v e t(iai pr'r'i r copies of tl.e prrenJing-ff sai-wks sawe, coOKty ss distnrt e lamiiwes, o gn; tdta lhfriMe.iscia"baneeiin iba racecraenrtaioa of the 1'ot.t neld C n frest s-f 1771. for the ptr, e ol srti f into effct ibe Atti'le f Aaeii ea Asm -eai oa.and s f the pw-clieg- ol -roM.s Coaioiiiees and Cowi e ! s f Sf y ibeqgely ei eeavn iid-r !: anlii. ly of iht Proi.cil Igi-lature. Wba'e-er may be ibt plan wheli aity secure yoor Usr, I cannot suppose insi m- will fad to eictte a proper flegne u u;ic- real. , . , , , j i t . Jostiee to arees and ta our ilJasln ous Retfletionary patrio's, reqnire.e thai m .hnuld Mesene the nsteiiuls ol our ing op lull. - But the tent should neeerijcpp,. be required to get op a great degree of momentum on using ground. A day or two since some scores of these victims to oppressive legilauin were in court the State was represented by the proper authority, and the defendants by their chosen c-unsel. Now, as the law is framed that the tax was only laid on " exchange br. ker ibe brokers weroat een . i . Ilia farnvr to serve in octter Dimness, nr . , j are sold in the tanner for w bat the skin Is . . one tonru own f e!ings wortfu ... - . and he mav rid himself of t't delusion We he thrown out a few bir.t. m a . . afler i0et exeriire ii.inres former nn nW, on the subset of borse hjm more l!ian al 0tpr t,,cf. i, vio breaking. We hold that any hore, with eilletrrciJe jaimiiicly afler eating, be- proper errs king. w oc fore the food has bad Umetocnsnge.tiiai sjre as an ox. I lie norse requires uiue- AetfMPtM 4 whole system and causes rent treatment lecants he snow more jei,j( ifany travelh r objects tothecost And this cirenmttance mikes it ahsi.lutflyk, r..i:ll(. on ...;n while on a inurnev. .. ... J . MU.U.. - - necessary inai nis onycr hmw i we gn, w er XM y,jU pay no more lor nan than ths driver of an ox. We cannot , illlllIl4.i llf .u .!.. ror half a neck . m . s i I ....! a touch for ths saying oitne uisiiman-ioai for jr-uu or,jer if t bushel you buy at a horse knows as inuc'i as a ruin aecoru-.i w,ieMtp, aud your landlord will cuarge Front the United Stale Saturday Post. ' OTHER F 0 LIS. ' ' 11 m axul.l Vi w aliul mm irxn ill . people ia it and not quilt ! ol them, pminpieu w ii.rn.ioio tH..Hru....s batthoseonlv who bate notan iileawbicb - Uirough iba oncertamties of th,y did not borrow at seeond-hand from .Ua ! ere f,ur' w,,pn s...K..ri..., ,i.if . firl case was called, ard were somewhat ridieukxit tu.ntli or anxiety, beauburn. arnned with the Sain W eller s-rt of evi ingt. ieaUsiet and t,epida.ioi.s. from ;dece elicited by the Sute in pro.ecuuon. were want of ind-penJence of thought It ran as follows: f , and action. Ws are so bampeted by con-J D J" l Jfend.nt in the . '(.lit' miiin.iicms. roniroiiFU dt cusioiii. anu . held in bmlily fear and menul slavery by tbe thought of Other Folks," thai there is banlly an independent being leu upon any enh there are few npn in cm zed eaitb, and next to none in w u.i is colled accitrt ' " ? , Proper respect for the opinions of oth ers is not only allowable, but mceaiary and commendable; but this eternal tfK- renct to the notions of those about ot in nets trifle this labor to destroy every accidental trace or mark of individuality ttHfo-nrraniT aciion ion Th Act of Asmbly. reoairini btt . " " L .-V leiter bo.kt should be kept la this Depart- MecUenburDef taction oilr.drpnnence. int. was Maat a. i"- ind etobhe, n truth sad Cfitanty, sious w we ciose oi usf. ainm . -1 M naM..a- r.iwid,stioi' ne lb e .a. a I lev a vis - a aistratiaa. Un tne reureiaeai w in;inuill,n ol ,ii0.i,Mm, Americaa e- leauesaa irons owce, aa p Y. liisn. lhai it Wat a boax and a Ubiiea nanasoi iiiasoccruf,.in- - manuscript i lames, eooUimng bis tUi ei4 correspondenee. dutipg iht years I76i, 1783 aad 1784 been laitldully loll eoi.sequenuy.aoonoroaeo.eiic.o.ia, b . illustiioit Uooas. Horn 1782 to tut preseni lime. , ; -.tonouora a Torv.pro.a Froa. the close of ibe resolution, so far . ,,; lo fe luon. Papers and l I ers now in the See nf 84. "P fnf o, vftlL Hooper, t r.e ol the dtl lowedi aad ,of No,ih C.rohnaintheC n.inen.al tbrokeatenesofLetur . . . , i holly inautliorued, nntwitl-.standing its ing to his bigness. Still we roiijuctnre that some hones nave more unutifunu ioj thin some men have. How TO TRR AT HoRSEI OX A JorB.NET. Mich judginent is requisite to keep a . i . : ......... VOII nothine for tlio bar. Suppose you ' . . : .... pay double tut wnoiesaie price uiro.u-, rour horse keenini is then but fifty cents. ...!.- L . .1 .-.I in anv country town in pew jjogiauu. And if yon Chd for half a peck of oats with I a I a tt ? I fL:!l r.ta ltt l horse in good trim on .mi journey, aim nay yon wm nnujour om uu. uheu your jaunt w but ';u inues u is max sum.. STACK HORStS. Thete m-"y bo krptin a diOTerent man . w . S - a f ir i'.o o.inu'V. If ha has been Kepi out .... rrom ,hwe that are on ion iiurnejs. . - i . 1 1 . . ....... 7 i .1 at patt.ire be sliuid ba uj wiicn up aux They are always kept ai nome, anu meir pot to hay a .d grain fir a nmnbei ofdays h-mll-M have leisure enough to prepare hi'inre -tjrti.iJ' llav nmi siraiu hum ue thrir toodtor litem. . . a 1 . . a 0 . Iuf.iod while he U'wfS Ii-ud,but wncn (jralrt t the principal loon oi tiage ui first eotnuience civini 2 am you must) horses, but it it found economical to mix . - . . m a . . I . .a ?. J:...I i:nii iho O'lantitv. ben tie na oecomr n rheao subs-lunees aim u io uipiiu .! i.ieii'niiT rain von can make that .i,. Momnch and to keen the horse in his prinrip.d food on a journey; and this' health. Cut straw, or cheap hay, mixed you will find cheaper than any olherfood. with Indian meal, is f mndto beexcellent - . . f ...... 1 , . - . . i i . .. .1 We have Known lanner, oi very Uo 1 lor liaM laoonng norsep, mu - sense in other matieis, act mosi asnrui vers have lcwiire enougo io prcpam, in the management of a horse. They wul j,as n w become the common food ol suili ieam. - . I hirty years ago it was the prac;ce of d.ivirs to give their bor es meal and wa ter on stopping for a few mtiinb t to take breath. In hot weather it was no uncom mon case to see a horse drop suddenly dead in the street. On opening the su mach raw meal was found in cakes. Tbe violent exercise to which these horses are suhict gives no time for ttie rich food to change. The horse cannot vomit, as n.ao mid some other annimals can, he i;..s with a load on his t omach which he Yes . . m a ulvit is Hi proiession: Hauler. Pray, ho w much capital does it rejiiie to be a bankcil That depends altogether oncircum stances, it being expected, however, that a private banker in liquidation will pay more than some incorporated banks -" Does the dtfendaut make any purchas es" ' ' . . " .'t . 1T nometimosbitTS tncnrr-ni m..-j "f. 'What does he dj with that uncurrent money T' SjIIs it when he can get a prodt on it Did you ever see any thing but uncur rent money in his establishment: Yes, heaps of cold Did you ever hear him eny that he was a broker!' ; No, but I have hpard him say that he would scorn to be a broke- Have you ever known him to buy bills of Exchange! Yes When this answer was made the pro secuting attorney hrigh ened op and con cluded he had cauaht the witness napping. as the Executive Drparlmeat was con irratd, pomit aie oto,iia.a ioi fc -f. lidM to-llllMlref tl,t bisb. To what extei.t .he filet of .he xewlutsos.rw bitb ry shuld be plac- two Houset. tlit.S.ats Department, and . Wofe ,'hewplid. NSi.tebss other offices, can contribute memomlt of proud al tbsa Noith Carol,- inal treai auuccir, i an cacccuwgij lteiesting icquiiy, which o one at pissrul "is prepared to answer. Governor La.wsirs first sdm nitirauon commerced with the adoption of the State ('onst tution, December. 1776, and ex undd ihrongh the years 1777. 1778 and 1779. A memoraDuum, in Hit nsaawriu proud os. . . Tbt British troops in no pari of Ame rica met with such stubborn and nnrtmit tmc resistance, in ptopoition to the mesne and Humbert, as th-t enc umtertd ainorg ibe iahibiisnls ol Koitli Caridmt. Cota wallit "pronounei d the country be iia V.iLin Km! CkUaba.tlie mi tt ing. louod emong ma ' PM'"'. fe6eWou(j.g,rjctinAnieric,.ai,,i he found .hows .bat, at the expiration of hit urn. ,eCf pUwn Mchatlotte, in 1760,nd bit oi aervicc, o ocPoai -.v- , vtfr,f j by ,ne uneeie- - . . . z In mil Imali continual consul ation of Other Folks,' in roattere purely our own and nohody rise's 'Mist hathai ism is Sheridan's) is s red cul.iua at it is iroumeaone. um Poor Kiebard pmnoonced that it would be no such tax on the n cket at it it to dress, if it weie not for the eyes of other people; and the time it mark will hold good oi every thinj tUe, aa well as mere costume. Wh.t is the reason that man inerage ur aucielies ai.d aSoci ions, somebody has not ttattcd a club, the membns of which may keep etrh other in countenance, in doing iheir own business, seeking their own innocent plessure, impro.inz their own minds, dressing their own boJies, 1 - ? .tv . : - ... .!.,,Mapa tA lK.-iP nurfl anu easing .o..row.. -. -"..j . lB ,l.,fe,ant aoJ as mm. ; '" " - - . lhai' these btl s l exciiange io pwe nun a broJter. and euhject htm to the hne. i ne bad accumulated io bit office, in a chest, for preaemiion. Tbe chest is not to be Umm h uepaiuuaou Je iiiierest- . a j. -.!- J mm ing pspera it inusi nava conimu, probably preserved ia tcatUrtd fihs in vsriout offices. , Go. Nash, presided in the Executive Depattment during the year 1780, and until the summer ol lol. wnen ne ie- signed his office. Of this brief but mot inieiestini period, niemor'ult probably exist: but none, it it believed, tre lo bs found in any D'ptrlmeot of iht Govern ment. His correspondence, u it can pe .raced and eecured, will doubtless afford mtcresiinc information in relation to both ihe expeditions undertaken by Lord Corn wa'.lis for the subjugation f this State; bit advance to Charlotte, the gallant defence of that village, the defeat of Ferguson at v jfive " dol.bin" a mess of gruin jo?! be fore starling in t'.e inornin j, tlioitgli he has not UFOfd to ealins .t before. Just as ir a l. .if iiPi-V nf ..ma or corn, erainmcd; down hastily, would aid him in his Jour-' ney. Dobin would perform murh bt-tter though peifornitnuch better th rough the day without a mouthful of firain. Even one that has bten long u' d to it should suHj I fill of it just before starting. Your most hearty fod should all be given at night, unless you have ostlers that can bo depended on to feed them two wav! Such a Young America would be a jreater docovery than made by Columbus. Tnis tvrn-iy of Oiher-folks-don,' hat in good 0ith brcorn a despotism ... . . U - .t .. .1 I lihof WtllCh ll'toO1 y woutu euaum mi w.usi Folks did not. We met. the othermorn ifig, a flock of fheep, m one of theeweeis. Tbe leader .d fashion, keeper of the con- i;nip. lAciilutnr of the manners, ami tie .v...... - ' as it was only necessary for the develop-1 at King't Mountsin. and uie consequru. retreat oi ins x.orusnip kouuui auetion followed What did t!ie defendant do with these bi ls of exchange?' . .. Presnme he remit ed them to his cor respondent This answer threw the whole ex unina- tion off again, when the prosecution, de are eventt which crowd themtilvet into the hiitory of a few weeks, in the autumn of 1780. The baule of ihe Cowpena, the fall of Gen. DauJsoo at Cowan't Ford, the api areni conquesi of ibe Stale, con- muted by the erection of the Ko l sum i C I. ...I ilia mmmt nf I .n VPrnmflll OO ho 22ud F.browv. 1781, "he defeat of. monious manner in which tie surround h.i.Mi.i wria mine paw vr paying their ieseete to his Lnrd.bip. and ihoso under his eemmand, that be had to reiiie into Soutt. Carolina mtvuid such annoying call; tnd the recolkcticn olthtirrojourn in that place induced Uie Biitish soldtere , to entitle it " Tbe Ilornes Ntst." An extract. from Tatlclon't HUtory of the Southern Camratgi s nf 1730acd'81. h re with communicated msikcd A. win ahnw the manner in which the enewi a of America were teeeied by ihe inhabi tants oj Norlti Caudina. Indeed, our whole history of the Re volutionsry aliuggle, thews ihst nn body of enemies to Amcrtcn Liberty, whether 'oreien or domestic, Brilhh or Tories, r. i i r.i . . could nnu resi lor uie soies oi uicir icci vy on our toil; and it is our solemn and patri otic, duty to preserve, by all meant in our power, every memorial oftlm noble strug gle. These memorials are now scattered of er the Slate, and gtaJuilly disappear ins.; and like the leaves of the Sybil, ihey rise in value at then number du cresi:s. Very retptcifu'iy, your obedient tcr- .;.i..iw r.f ti n nil nf the dork, tool 6 " ' f . Ill i.;- a,Mn;.,i .inni l.pnJ tit t.luntfe! askeU Illtl ma BJU III! sv s- w - a took it'termined lo follow up the scent closely, ! asked j Have you an intimate knowledge of .t i. . ko.i n i ..rtiiwiin eve rv nhttn of the a hole flock went through the defendant's business! a . . Now these sheep were noi a h is no means t remove. m a or three hou before morning; m sucii , si,lw us one case where a nor-e oas , cisc a part of tour grain um be given at bocn injured by eating while warm, and! night, soon after you stop, and the remain-' we w;j iihow you a hundred where he er two hours .t b ail before you run w in(l died in emseqwenee f travelling: ; tm your journey. mediately after eating grain. You have We are aware thai som? over wi.e team- nil eat hearty meals immediately afier la sters will argue, tha; if you give your horse b..r, and while in a state ol perspira ion hisri n aud h he will cat no hay of it . out injury. And you have all Kit consVqutnce. and that you -ill throw pain, on using violent exercise n"' away themnnev you pay for hay feedin?. y after eating. Judge of the , horse as ol TI117 thcrelore' end.awir to slutr in as yourself, an I you will judge rtghhy. iniiolt h iv x iv.aitlrf nl firsi. and fflVK the nirrriiFNT MODES OF DRIVING. morn nalaiablo food for a dcsse.l or stuf-1 There are at least too modes of driving fer. This is most unwise on two accounts iIorsea on a ionrney. The mst tmpor- yo ir hr needs his most Hearty io-hi 'on after his day's woik is over, and ve y hearty food hurls him when fed just before his work c mmences . . ..i ii .!., . .lv.n.I nonaira WHICH jour irn n" "i- - :. ...iro mii. li more ner to etatt a II n-liiv - .. ... . . . ... ..r than io keen it in motion lw gr' " ' S 1 ."" . ' V " rt TOi P von move a soon eats enouji to cloy him tuiiicienuy wimn utiuer - y to induce sleep and r. at; but if he m-.st ,h of water on a dray, . yon find Je l.ave por picking for some hour, after he- tl.r inclined to stand a ill. though jjmr tub in , ,.l no, his im.e of sleep and rest is mves onward; but the e de!avI: it may require the whole nighU quires lite motion of the !. ' a " ou mi fod.h.f ih .t h. m-ist nirk over, to satis- keen v-ur tub moving fleadtlj lite w . . i ..." the same. whit more ridiculous in iheir pertinacious copying of oilier sheep-folks, lhao those of is are, who would singe offour hair in a solution of aqutfortis, provided only other men-folks and women fo'ksdid so, tid n.1.1 os it was the fashion. Greater absurdities, are don, and hae been done. ever since there was one human teing alive to look another in the face. Can we not in these days of "progresa" have that "Young America" es-ablished! Nine y five bttndredihs of our wants are purely fictitious iioety-nine aie mu- j tually imposed by " uvner roiiw. " kick cp great note and rows, political, polemical, social and mobocriicd, at the bid and beck of other Flks, and all the while submit t conventional tyranny, and shrink nd hudder under conventional e- and Paul-Pry-ati.eness, wnen WOlllU Am tliia give us suet) a iasie oi ireeouu m-n. social tyranny thai we should nol resi till we got a surl.it of true, aemal bona fide liberty the permission tobrtaihe through nnr nu ii nostrils sfer our own fashion. . There is no ned of being singular No. he is too smart to permit any one to know bin business Have you ever had any transactions with hi ml' I have had the honor to have been his ! partner, i vnn ever know nun io ouy or sru Texas money on communion?' The defendant don't call Texas scrip money, and when he operates in that ar ticle, "he does it exclusively fur his own benefit 'You hive said the defendant was a banker explain how it UiUcrs hoiu a broker A broker bears the same, relation to a banker that a Hank check does to one fill ed no. - - ... . . .... Does the defendant receive uepos less Don't know that he does, but feel safe in saying he would if any offered Do you know any brokers in the ci Yes shin broVers. cotton brokers, tobacco brokers, and other brokers n.iii'ivoi know 'an vol ihe money brokers in New Orleans! Never ti with one since the lave ill n-ed no in-re spurring. learn hts once sei me i-a fy the cravini of h s appotite If you arc used to trarellin you know' . When your V you ot always bo turf of the best of in motto,, , WJ nay lor your horse., in IN-w , lora-mc . - --- , . tlimie3 in Dutch tav, rn keeper mWUes you ,o feed P,""rt;. it. with kh fVttf c ..t-. He argues that, motion, for there s "JZ, 3 are more haarl it f rnnd iu'this than in what ; But bodies motinj on nother buuy is cut hiu i fll Ki.,nm. .Well; give held to it by attraction, and a y aco uire as.lntle necessity opinion, or the coi tiadb lion . . I I ill a knowing horse such hay , an i no w in stare you iu the lace aad whiniww. for gr-iiu. ...... ' .ooiioii is soon ove.c.ome oy iu v.. --....li.ij hill vou acquire moment un l with bat litds ciDr', and one important none of the affeeiation ol singularity anu j 1?",.'"' for ihe obtriHt-n ormeoi. . of Othei I Here ihe witness iook. ms pn, u ii"H Folks," in iheir peculiar notions, or in - T " f . their adherence to the customs w hich of brokers a. a turnip would do in a dark aaauta Is.t.a it. A milltl UliCa BuJ . Cellar. sink the individual into ihe atomic pariol T -.a . f1ll, lin, ap. . . . . i.. ... ... h.l How mnch harnmes3 in this mc ue- one-cotoreu noir. on , , :s larf e a party can be raised, lo mmJ iheir penus upon a ci.ea.iu u .... -. 0J busine-how many can becontcn', not only pleasant ."f if need be, lo beenme fools in their own oi Pure ".l" "j " . way. and consult their own eomfo.t. content make un unhappy honu, and m xvll t. .hia new "Young sly serve to foed the evil that taey war Amtrics," gets cleveily under progrtss, against. Pyles. the battle of Guilford, and tbe re trial of Cornwallis io Wilmington, fol lowing in ouick sucression, aie among ihe msi prominent events which gie chariicier to American bistory. The ciorse of our atiioiic State, from the tarhest period, it imperfectly known and lightly ajipreciated;Coinwiillie andTarle lon bad better opportunity to ascertain die true character of our people, than any American historian; and hey have borne bitter, but Willful testimony, ol our re b lhoas nature. Governor Nash was soeeeeded by Go vernor Burke, in Juoe, 1781. The true character of ibis abK energetic, but most oi,f..riunate Chief Magistrate, seems to hve excited but slightly ihe attention of those most familur wun our History. Noilnne in rehtion to him has been pre served i i any of ibe public offices; but his entire correspondence, presetvtu oy his only child, an intell gent aad amiable daughter who tlill umes fmn, may be obuit.cd. and will abed lighi on me lew durk bui eventlul days, during which he held ihe reigut tfGovernmeiiU Few incidents of the Revolution tre eal cuUtrd io excite deeper interest, than the r.irrnmstances conneeied with the descent ii noil ll.luboroufih. ihen ibe seat of o- ..,n,.ni. kv the Tories on the 12th Si.nn.mher. 1781; the seiaure of the Go . . ... e : i .. u:- .1 rnor in the mwstoi ms meuuf, on c liery in eleven days ihereafer to Mjor Ria'.j at Wilminiton; bis close confine ment ai Wilmington and Charleston as a nrhontr of State; his escape imm &i. Jsmea' Island, and lelurn to hia office in the sornif of 1782; the duties of which in the interim, bad been discharged by the Speaker of tbe Senate, Alexander Mar m . .... '. ' One of the modes, which has occurred to me as best calculned to effect tbe on jeci of ihit coinmunea ion, laioaothonz' my tuccessor tit ihtt ueparimn, ovw J. M. MOREUEAD. Executive OlrtXi, Dec. 21, 1844. Eitrart from Tarleton's History of tlic Southern Campaigus of 1730 and 1781, Pages ICO 161. "It wst evident, and it bad been fre quently mentioned to the K'ng's Officers, that the counties of Mecklenburg and Ro. ban (Rowan) were mVre hostile to Ei g land ihan any oil ers in America. Tho vigilance and'ammosity of these surround ing districts checked the exeitions of the well affected, and totally destioyed all communication betweeu the King's Voops and loya'ifts in ihe other -pars of .he province. No British commander culd obtain any information in that position, which would facilitate his designs, or guide bis future conduct. Every report con cerning tbe measures ol the Governor and Assembly weulJ undoubtedly be ambi guous; accounts of the preparations of ihe Militia could only be vtgue and un certain; and all intelligence of the red force and movements of the Continentals roust be loully unattainable. Tbe forag ing parties were every day hmassed by the inhabrants, who did not remain at homr, to reeeive pay mi nt for the produce of their plantations, b it generally Bred irom co ver, places to annoy the Brush deiacn- mems. Ineffectual attempts were ro-uia opot. convoy s coming from Camden, and it. i....noti9ta nnl at Riair's Mdi : but ftll ..t.vmi. .... ' - individuals with expresses were frequently murdeied. An a-tack was directed against the picket at Polk Mdl, two miles from the town. The Amerlcane were gallant- lv received bv Lieutenant buyon.nf the '231 regimem: anu me nie oi nts pany fron a biop-holed bailding adjoining the mill repulsed he assailant. N-ta ith Unding the different checks and -losses sustained by ihe mi'.iiia of the district, they cool nonl their hostilities witH qi- rear:ed perseveiancr; aad the Bntifctt