Vt; at effWrf a!ck3l la jerTa iacV-daa'i'j: ike eawie f at pe ifee pret p-iU. ti aaiy lew pod r total We a4 lea the i JH atmbee agef, tWj'rVati y mt the wb4e affair. Tit It CLWtttoa ia Ua kefwteUg af poet ia ita gteetal tbrvsoas aa ibta tea t wauoe. TEXAS JL.I TI1C union. IL-port af iU Creaks rms JLSa&a. J , MI wia lorttf , Tit Chairman of tht See a Caav.Sute. Uader whet cuttniturti! Of rai-.tee aa Far pi R.htons, JJ. After, aay , t, ar tttatioe ia aajr t rn.ee f Ytrg bi, tubaaitb d a Report Tut lta ratio! the state appropriated. eVtire day, Uit 4 h intt, rtlativ m the annexe- l ta annexed. Ii aay ewth ha been lioa retvlaiiaae wun patted the sa-de,aay deurt revealed ia the only way af Representatives tome time naif. Tat U btrh Cat ef assents aia act muted m Ceport it 1-Mif aaJeUboraiej werantaly knew tXapurpoertolttber Coveretaeats. giva extrvets and st.te la eoaeleint ta which tha rommiuee Mia aimed.- With regard ta theCoertititiinal paw- eraf UitCovarnarat la acUa fuffii trrUry, tba Report aftrr a detailed lasts-) l' ta ol la ujtet. pf tha rpin- ia ibal furh Hef doc xiL 'Tba Atit'.iif to ba dfUtiad is ia btt brauihof drpanaeat af the Gumnaeat C-v Ciit paH rtfidr. jlhlTnt, aoliciioat l.r l!e tnrarpora Thartiuataff iht fowf iulf tia abieb m ta aaaail bar tepartta o tit t am primarj-. That it falit btil r x enrt. viUhov ba teanbilwy (r.o lie tuih-Miir U mlt For war . ta tba 4irr trl and aa rrmukaMt of tba mtj inpljr mqbrt; aad coqrl aiy eoai Utr a frata af fBeiat iepc: -bnaf aiOi it tba jwtiH'ti of a ff5ja , erta ia U.it toppoii ion, ia aa ttibota of trrniurr. Or tbepoarr any fefaliifoai tbat vb!idt'oa which retta apon Uoa-lawa ta which cm t!.a arqoii-ia of terri ory J br pvrtbatt mj ba taafut aad proper. Th if.UTKf ol Lnuuuoa and flouda art ia poiiit. Inttautb. thra, m paver to acqnira trrMcrr drnf ff , and evaea an'r by acfrj iapl.ctOB, ta thequeuon at la bt dcpir mrr t ol tha ttAveinmeot by whicb cb poanraay btaarrciwdaiotl ba deera'mrd by infmnca and oere aary inplieuoa. Iba power itarif tol bfinf diftiiiC'Iy pciaee, not being men lioord at li aa an iairgia! power, Uie ' Cntitut on ccut J not, o! coaitr, indicate la trim bo, or by wlat fwnrt onarietii a. U ta exetfWed. We qnvte tht argc nent of tha Rrpottoa thit point: "The tieond laquir? aueeerd. By bht department of the Government may the power bt rxrned! Wi b which doea it reside? Wh r h i the aaihnrty which m.kee the aeqn anion whea it baa been t'.a teuli if uect uful war, Ciinqoti ? T f'Ongrete ia fen tha dirreiioa ta lieeHrt wai; but it it to thia ofljre, the rrlariinn f war. that the function ol Co grea in rction U it it confined. Co'ira may declare aha it to ennJuci iT N t Congreit ia tlie leaU Cue grata gives tht authority, fu-n thet the Oien, but with the eonduet Congreia baa ao province of authority whatever. Tha rropret of t'jt war tuhjecla the lei tit-re ffh nay tare been win too oc cupied. Itut oceupa'ioa of iliit cbaracx r gie an title lo territory. It if to the teriuitatin of w ar, to the arrangement for .ce, that til', hou'd it be tcq'iired, muu bt Uvcel. Ti I pece and teeogi ttim by the to-irg pa'tr afCxea the tra, U'.e i in it n-i t; tha enee ia that of poettiOii diitiPHiVtd Irooi ti It a dirtinctioo V' e thott intputtxui. The i!e artmr nt. then, to wl.uh the protiuce belong to cttliteiate V ilin tior, to clanea the condition pf the poseion, i'icbart ! tl.e biul o'Jic,.eit roi summation, m.te the i oitticn r-KorcKTV, that is the dr prttnent to which tha iicqiiisitioii ar;d the power of a-qain.ion is to be attiibuted. lerritorry is prunert): b.retn is i.ecea- ary to transfer. To pa-s there must be No uland so retired, no people so inof-aifei-riient of several jarne term. ar- fensive, aanottahe threatened with tii rangeet, co-id tio. eil. when the-o ' tatii-n. 1 not ours the duty, hits' we ir siiy of t:em have to be entrtd kt", exclaiw, not to git-? rotor to arcisaiion tanacted with a !re gi p t : t c ! mrlio against ourselves of the character of that ritr, there is a de ixriinut a-sign'd by j we are to 1 u I t cSarf These re our Contftuiin. It is nud uji if ile' mark art deemed not innppio rial w haJ tf the Un- culive aul iwo-;hirds of iheii''j-it not in a view ol tha fact that llie Sf nt. j' Texa ht given nn intinutiin in any S , i i' e arqu'ni ton of tcirit-ry by known lorn-.; certair.ly in no form whxh, ponhjf , c.'inJi'ion it ihe sae. Pur-. according to ihe nagta of iiaii ns, can c!ue, abg!ir and te.m.' ei.gge menl give auhontv lor a pmreeijingioanofna- lir the arrji ement t f ttese, tt.li the I f reit" a t'i rity which is in n.ake the v . C.ncsion of t: e piopeity -all these in dicate the j:ri?JiiMi..n t i be apjtroprite to the dcpir.meiit t which the lunctiou ia ateit8il, and aligned exrlutiielv, of en itM g ii to e parittnta aiih foifin su-thor-ty. The ror.rIiio.i would srem. 'hen. removed b-yond the nach of contrast r sr. that territory ex'erior to the Ui ior, peroittted to bicome a part of it, ran only fi'.d a Uaful pastxga through the Veutc vower of tht PreeiJent and Se nile. Thia department, in tha reason ing whicb h-is been subnitied, so fr lr-m eetiin up claim lo an extension wiili'.ut la.itatifr. or en cmg avmice l jir si!i.:i! n. i pre cn ed in the rh tacttr f an auxiliary oilr lo oil.er power, inert, till ne of these inrokes lit ait ance, A further guri.niy, ton. it f.iut.d for ih" iiiiioiinos chtraeier nf this suthority. Anl whiia thai? It ia tha repreenUtie in the Govermnent ol its emeiv tie tleaen', u federal cb ratiiiti!.' The rase presented by the j..ii,t res lu lions of the f!ue propoaine the annex lion i.f Texas is. however, a different c-e from one prti;:irirg the 8"qusition of t'i itory, by einquet ir by ( urchare. A foreign pipu'aiion it to be iianferrrd in a m-s; but in this particular there is nothing to distinguish it from an acqtti-i-tion ty coii'i'iett. whicli would extend a;Oi Hny 0er the mquered people at we I as over the eihjigird territory. ' In bvlh in-unees an I all instances of theac qotition of art inhntv e4 territory, the po. paUtini ia broajht under the law and po'iticit usge i.f Uie country which tn-ket the aciaititon. ... ., .uiuruii mi (ma irupiiaru eaaiin ia uf ft it wh:ch girts it a J t- Taa oeta tspecvhra. t stay It per- 4Ud la abtre, 4 He redout la qeeta. m a chtrartet la turtle awa ken aobt n peprMHjr t4 p. Iter. 4 seWeWw of tit ttil!nft of Cat- fret To t eaeT Ta eatta appro- aoea bavo beta dtacljse4 tfcroagb the aola channel which parlinteaury bodies art permitted ta taeogaiet aa authority for 'airC!cilatMa. Taa aiaMiiiia tsmaJ tht fcait of laa ami toltaa lor oi pM anion i, tUtl a aaig bbwiaf Siaia bat aabiUea to beea)aritiHabed. Sp(oainf tha l(ttt iau ia tSa rrtaeai imtiara. jdcrrta daa u tha repontiaa of oar GorrrnateatV Haa araaoteraita p di tht appfi'tnet a Lata ta precot to O'her aton, aad their epiaioa of our proceeuirg! I aequwiuoa a!', teputa Ua anthiag in the eiodaet of the grav e t 2TirT We are ia the paMiee dailv of arigSpg tha bbit, fatt obtaining fixed rot ia he stage of ntioaa, ( prompt la become their law.) f dnaiiciliary io tiai"n af atrvng Paweraia thaeorerntof weak Powere. Where ate tht people or Government ta ba found who baa beta louder ia arraignment if the prevalence af tbit prae'ire tbaa onraeive! It no pre- eaatiii due to the iiJuef-ce which our proceeding in tba mode propoad to tie may exer, ia laying a foundation for as- thorny t plead our own exarnj la agamat aa, li aufie tlie accent of reiaonnranet which we may haeocctioa boi too often toraiti! What reply will whietoem ploy or distinction ta niake-in our owe fa 01! Will ourt have beervoa the contra ry, acenoipaoud by toooaJor such a dis tinction? ' At far at iheaHitir wiH tianJout tothe wo ld, who tie to know of no rait gating ciieuasUccee withhtld from viw, it there had been tuch, puaratt his been dispeesing with contula-ion even, not to eptak of waiting for application to as sume ao authority to anaex oor neigh bor taot, duUte the eonthtion. and pre tenbt a time for their unqualified execu- a neighboring feeble Sia:e let it ba Tex- a, tha State a prey to thia latt of-f!lie-ti-ins, what would be tha imputation in iiit case on the strong neighbor si:p posing I jm o.t to instigate, yet availing himiell ol the dtbaucbirtg tiolecee ol auch ditractiona. ti accept the spoil nf tha countrj? How tartly do inch ex amples run inti that worst extreme, and how important it is. therefore, that no c.'untcnxnce be given to public sets wh ch may lend in any degree to their tn'redue- t:on. The fact ishuttnn notoii msnf tbrgr aerl prerlenet at this mooienl if the lust of WrrtlwM azirandizemeht amnne-os t'nn. The lieae spread eervhteir. lows a that of our G.ivernment. no nr.v -- v f osing lertnt ol tr.cnrporatioii, but asum- ing, tu art on Ioji the work of incorpora .iin." Nji the change i trregiilat pro creeling oidy, but f urcim'rontir.fr pursuit of objects of aggrandizement, will be inc ted agiinst the reputation .f coun try, and with no occasion for ineorring them, as the opportui itie srero obvious of proceeding in concert, if ai nexvinn be the re-1 desire of the people in the two countries."' The final conclusion nf the Committee i lo the efiV.cl thst a foreign State, in its character of political organization aa a Sta e. if t ipulatioh. urm, condi ion bt requisite to the admsion ran find no lawful psMiga r admi-sion through the power of (lonfres; but the jurisdic tion is an nodoubierl appnnrnance to the treaty making power vrted in the Pre sident and two-thuds of the Sena'f : and that the only mode of accomplishing the admission of Tea lawfully, supposing tin to be an event desimble and desired, is by the resolving of the present Sine of Teta in o iu oriiiial elements uf po pulation and tcrrit'irv, which mv, in these firms, at composing territorial re gion, past through the on'eal of the trea ty mk ng power. The Cincinnati Chronicle says tli.it tlie production of Wheat in the State of Ohio is about eighteen millions of busht'U an nually, of which nearly oii3-h ilf is export ed ; and if to th-a were to be added the pnrk and corn exported, it would he found that Ohio, as n producing State, exports bread and meat enough to support a po pulation larger than her own. The ave rage production of every family is more than douhlc enough for its own aapport. This rjpeaks a volume far a fertile soil and an industrious people, tbs Saxm wm op tut. eessici. rrgreas bat been ana J ia C-.in ??' Aaring the pvl wetk aaertral iu-r. uat qucnKt- , f Tae.STX, nearly t!a wbolaf wrik wat tpewt ia diea of the JeuUa pt the bill wUicU had ocrapicd the two f eediag weelr, for redveia; the rates of Postage on letters-, e. traweminetl by fie Mad. TWdieweioabaa. however, bera bfoegbt to-a rloae ia that body; the I D lwirg patsewo) Saturday, by iheanrptia ing tasjority of lweiyeix votea, a'l the membeta of tht Senate except two be in; pcenat Tbia bill proposes a greater ra ducttM of postage that we tliuulj bate ad used, Uie ntgUeat potuge leitapoasia git lettera and packaget weighing aot mora than half aa ounce for any and ail ditanrea being five rents, instead of the etittinj pottage, which, a our readcrt know, vartea, according to distance, frwm ail and a quarter rent to twenty-Sac cents for each eingie letter, and tor coa ble, treble, ar.d larger and heavier lettera in proportion. a should hart coun- telle. n lest rate of reduction, because wt bdiere.'hat for a j ear or two at laatt the revenue of the Pott Office, under the ope ra inn of tlii change, will WI short of its axpeaet, and moat acrestartly fee made rood from the Treasury. We art recon ciled to thif iac ntentenct to the Govern ment, however, be the increased accom modation ta be afforded to the People, and by'the'furthrr consideration that thit re duction will place tha mail on a f.wting of torocthing!ike equality w ith the pri vate expressce. the loteifcrence of which with the Govr rament mails however con vei.ieni it may. hare been fjund between particular points, bat always app ared to ut to, have uohapp ly interfered with the intention of the Contihuina to place the snhject ef post offices and pott roail ex clusively within the control nf the Gene ral Government. By thit bill the privi lege ol tracking letters is taken'away from Postmaster and other Officers ol Govern ment, with few exceptions, and in , lieu thereof they are to receive cicdit for the amount of p tstne on lettera concerning ihe busineca of their respective office. Ac and severe enactments are made gainst the abuses of the fraukiog priti lege which are said extensively to prevail. .Member or I ongrett are to retain Jhe franking privilege as it exists, with the restriction t f it to letter! written bj them selves. , , It wool I be a stiliject of regret ihat'a bill wh'ch has roet the Senate to much la bor, and the principle of which is un doubtedly apt roved by the general sense nf the peojle in'everyjpart of the coun try, should fail in the other House upon its details; ef which, at thit hie period of theJcssion, there is great danger, should the attempt be'made to effect any material t-tiaitgc III ill. ls.ll, tkwsk tk. .1..- he an improremei t We incline to wish, therefore, that the bill may pass llie House without opening its dcta.N, and that a tri al of it may be made as it aland. W e ourelves have nhjertion to some of its pro vision; but we have greater Ijeclion lo ihe continuance ol Uie present onerous yteii for a whole year longer, short of the expiration or which time there is no possibility of Congress acting upon the subject if the prrsentVpportunity be suf- tered to pass away unimproved. Io bi I on the subject run ever re expeciedto le universally acceptable; and it is lazarding little to say thit, it the present hill Tail, it i an even chnnce "heilier any. bill on the subject Jwill be passed lheefive years. The Report of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations npon the Annexa tion subject, made on Tuesday last, has been spread hr-f e our readers at large; hit. rr tve i r. formation of thdl class of t'lem whoie occupations do not allow tl.eni the nccesary time to mas er 'papers of sucri volume and coptonnes-, we have prepared iratnlr2ct of.. he repo't, which such traders will find in the following co lumn!'. ' . The bill for'the establishment of aTer ritorialGovernnient in Oregon, w hich passed the I loose of Representatives ear I v in theweek, andwasj-efcrred in the oeinte lo the I on:miltce "on lernto ries," Ics heen reported "back, from tint committee. Thetbill might now, it seems ti u, lo he ref r ed to the Committee on Foreigi Rcluti mnto inquire, not wheth er the passage ,f such a bill is, under ex '"tingcjrcuniMances, 'rcrommrmled by any very urg nt necessity for that inqui ry was propel I v within the pmtince of t et.ominiiteeon I emtories bui heth er the passage of such a bill would be r mputihle with iherpirit of existing ira lif- between the United Slates and foreign Poweis, or with that enmity which is as much a part of international lawf ia the f.mh of treaties. Sagacious and reason ing mpii begin tnjnpen. their eyes to the conseq i. ntei of inconsiderate acti-n in this matter. In proof f which we copy fro; the Jomnil of Cnnmrce"' the fol lowing pangnt.h, plaiuly'imlicaiini how ihe puUe of the siih-tanthl meri hant. of th e great mties is affected by ihe penden cy of this q nes don : W e are fr e to express our opinion," says the Journal of Commerce, that this ' hill ought not to pj!. . Whether ilesign- ed to be opeiativer inoperatie li e first y-ar, it ought not to pas; because, in the firmer ca-e, it would be a palpiUe iola- lion of the Convention, and in the latter, sn unnecessary and useless ( rovocation ol Great Britain. So far as this we are prepared to go, viz: to give Ik r rexprcl ' ful notico of our 'h to terminate the j.tint orcupa cy. We should then bain h condition, nt tlie end of one year, to ' lake such fsit titer measures witb'a view lo the adjustment of the controversy, as 4 mig'it be deemed expedient." . Corresponding opinions on thisx ?ub ra rrarelf txpreseeJ by taxcy e. i.kJid?mBtiteau leJ to rcpecLlrt TL b ll f redaciag ilia price tf Ae . " . - t r r t . 1 PaUie Lands, afier aadrrgotBg eosiJra bJe Iicu4ioa aomt w eekt ago, beirg i .in Wit a apia tba House of Repreaeaue. vtt ta W eunea-Iay laat Ofccrea to Ita ep t the Ulda by aa apparently cVriia ote. A aaotioa bat tndeed reea evade to reconrUer tba vote; bul,looiieg at tha advanced period of the sswb, and the iasnrobabilitv of eeuicr a bill of auch eon- teqaeaea tlirougb both Hoot, the belief is jttatified th.t the suiject wu not ie re saaied. Ilucb tothe em!i.of tlta Ileast of Rep reseetauvet, Friday and fcatorday last were gireo a p to the consideration of bills relating lo individual Maims, of which, with few exception;, the House succeeded ia rkarini iu caleavhuv IlaJ this duty to our own- citizen earlier ecru pied tlie attention of tha Iloave, there would have been more certainty of the Senate's ability to art opoa thit mass of bills, ia addition to tha many others r a more general cha racter which tha Hour is prone to delai ihe pasting of until too late a d-y in the session. We hope much, bowever, for the claimant! from the habitual readme. considerateaess, and assiduousness of Se nators ia tht peiformanct of their publie duties. FVra the New Orleana rirayune, January S9. lrUBttfrM!awBs&k rirrnMcn. The Lei tslatert of AiktBtsa'adjoarned oa the lOtn Jan. The aaooeUty rondi tion of tha State it about at dieoorsgirg as that of the " least favored" tattoo. Amongst tht aett passed wat eat that squioted at lepwdialien. It wsi tneted that the paper of tbt Bank of the State should no longer ba taken ia payment of Taxtt. Tha Rank it purely a Suit in stitution, sad if we mimke aot, the char ter coniaiaa a pledge that its pper would ba rrceived as payment of all dtbti due to the State. ,. . At the meeting of the Leg:alture there wat f 36.0C0 in specie in Uit Bank. Mr. Uertraod introduced a bill to appropiiate this sum lo ihe payment of tlta interest on the Stte debt, which was lot on ila second reading, by a vote of 63 to 12. Towards the close ef tht session. Mr. Trapnall brought In a bill to apply the in ternal improvement fund to the redem ption of the State bonds, and to make the bonde to redeemed ta imuroveeatnt fond. Thit bill wat aIo lost The Governor tent a special message lo the Legiilattre to Uie effect that the cuitent expenditure cf the year would exceed tht eorrtot reeaue by 110,000 j but ao proviaioa i made for the defi ciency, because it would i quire addition al taxation to lo to.: . i The Irfgil'nre spprnpria'.ed the 135. 000 in specie wh ch il.ey. found ia tba 0l TJailfc, ill. pM.Wtimlt. and the comingent expensea. nf the ses sion, and adjourned. All ibis looks tery bad. , From die New Ymk Tribune. THE ELOQUENCE OF FACT. A short time since, for the sake, proba bly, of a shilling or le. a rum-ellr fur nished a man in Pittrfiold, fe father ol an interesting family, with means of in tnxicaticn; and when thus deprived of his sen ms, ia the evening belay down on ihe Railroad, and was crushed iodetb. The c t zens, roused to ind'giiatirn, at once called a public meeting todopi measures mora eflVetually to prevent tl.e tale of such liquor. . We learn from the Pitufield papers that Governor Bngg, with the accus tomed philanthropy, warmly sympathiz ed with the nfili- ted lannlv; and ai the mettisg, after alluding in a'mosi touching manner lo the allocking death and to ihe destitution ol thosa w ho were thus de prived of their only means of support, said, that from the moment he had fir.t heard of the dreadful easnahy ihe quia lion had been frcine4tsrlf upon him with insuppott.ble w e ght, If'ho did the On the Monday morning before hi death, ssid he.Meded Pomeroy rose early for the Ubo' of the week, his wife bsd prepared breakfast, and liimelf aprnke the ehjidren, to breakfast with their fath er, intimating il at a whole wrrk would past before he should eai with them again. On Saturday evening the same table wat again spread, and ihe wife and children were waning to greet the return o . ,.,.Poanu anu tamer to tne.r nut cit-jol The sound of approarhmg foot-teps 1810. the whole amount of le tl protluc a.led by the cheerful cry of -Faih- ed tn the United States and Territories was b er has comr-l' when, instead of father. Ihete came theoverwhtlmtng intelligence of his awful denth; and from that hour tleep deps-rted frcm ihe wretched wife, and the voice even of childhood' gladness wat hushed in that deote home. , sessed valuation of the real and person But ifAo did the deed? Who made nl proper y t.f all it counties in the year those children orphan and that' wife; 1813 amounted to 8.077,3C0. a widow pernape a wretched maniac! Ii was not the ponderous nulling engine it. was one, batjrtf the form of man, hn. in ittnnr nf .11 .;k. around him the seed, of mie.y and de.ih. ! For all the wealth such liqooj ever pur- chase,!, .aid the eloquent Chief Mai1 irate. I would not it J L 1 1 - - --w www m as a plate. Another New Ixvkstio.x Tha B.- ton Post of Saturday (ive. this account of an invention, which, if successful, is like-'oats is tN York ne.ri i..t." ' - ly to b. a formidable eomPe1it,r,M:.ri Morse's m.gnttie telegraph; , ,!,' ;1j1.ia "JZ ""'S "'"fj vve wtie Highly entertained yester- day afternoon by an exhibition t.f an in ten inn for transmitting substance throuth lubes or pipes. wjtVgicat'velocity, Ji j the purpose of this invention to transmit letters or packages any dUtanet which may bf desired a hfyhJ npidiiy almost Uf rilta ef. Tie ptn If terwrlktd y !apJe.piiei .:.' tDly aisa au-Let, wkKk itita'fo w - a i.b an by a torrtfsp cenrgv tt ett. tt &ea ts si-r an, u charged aidt air, tie I tie or package it i Steed ta tbt feeder, and is UtduU- ly tttharged tkrwaiatrep'rw w,lu leity, aad perfect ttfty. Cat Used, the latest', it of epiaioa that aa eudsy af IM.COO woald latere tba uansaiiasioa of tmert tad package btlweta DoUa sBd.Niw Ywi.wub retftctttXti.iatle tpact al l'.f aa boa:! i CorjrtxxrtiT Eaxa. A ceire lalag beeatxpreaacd by toast of lie Not lb Ca rolina rspets,tote faraiibed akb a lt aad tfrtctiptioa cf the Ceaetrifeit Cllaof tbt Ba&ka ta Soatb Carelica, ia order ta present iwpoeiuoav a coaaiderabte por tea or the eircalaiiBg atrdiaai el raorta Cro4iaa beiof ro posed cf Soclh Caro line bills wt base applied to ana of the t fSeera of tbt C.cd emend Bnk. aba baa pvhh ly banded aa the fallowing luU t20'a Bat k ef Charlestna, eipeJ J. Ilatailtra, Pretideat, A.'G. Rote. Cash ier, payatla t T. Street, and r'a ed 18ib No. 1833. Tha paper ia softer, Una- aer and whiter than tit geauiet aoea. which have a ahgbt yellow tinge, aad owing to thit raaee tbt engravieg, wbicb ia rather coarse, looks loo black. Tbey easy bt readtlf deu-cUd by tht letter ria tht word of- before "bearer. Ia tht genuine notea the extreme end of tba r tame down with a dot, whilst ia the tpo- tK-ot ones it turns up. 10 a oa the Plaefr' and Mechanics Bank, signed Daniel RaveueUPrtaideat, and T. H. Robinson, Cashier, psyaVlt to T. Heiiot. and dated May 28ib, 1847. All that wt have area here ire numbered two hondrtd end ndd. There art seve ral eaaikt bv which they may be infallibly knowr. Ia tbt Cashitt's signature oa iha genaint aoiee the last stroke of the capital letter JT descends below the lint and auirounds tht letter IT next to it, instead of their betrg joined in ihe usual way, aa in the counterfeit. The right hand end of tht good notes ht waved wa ter lines above sad below the wotd Ten' and a sleeve it represented on tht arm of tht band that holt' a tbt hammer in the re out of tbt lower margin, all which are wanting in the coutUrfcits. $20e I!t.k of Georgrtowe. The tig naiuret of tbt President. .W.Coacbaian, and ihe Cashier. 0. L. McKay, are tety well imiwted, bui otherwise the bills are altogether unlit ihe genuine, tha tignttle in the counterfeits being a house with the columns in front, whde ia tht genuine notes it is a female silling, and a ship on der full it I. The ink it bl.cker and tbt engraving heavier than in the good coe. t'2Qa and ISO's Commeicial Rank of Columbia., In these no attempt baa been mail an iuiut l. g awin tulU. of Ittah he coua'trfeibra seem lo hse not even had one before them when completing the f-lse nt-tes; for they have the name of J. En art, as Cashier, whereae all the eocd notet are signed J. A. Ciawfutd. The plate i.f some Cummerrikl Bank in another State hat been used, and the words Colu wbia, S-iuth Carolina," appear to hate bren added with a pen. (5 a Bank of Camden, old issue. The engraving in tlwss i frnuine, the nle bamg been bist on the w.y from the Nor.h luCamden, before they were t gr.ed. Some are circulating en'ireh bUuk; others havt the names of the PresnJeal and Cash iei, but so pnoily imitated aa lo imprac on no one who is stall lamili.r wnh them. . $lt Bnk of ihe Stale of South Caroli na, signed The. Salmnnd, President, and 1). h. f)eSusiire, Cahier, and li.l'd Charleaion. They teem in he liihogai h ed 'rom an old bill a ith ihe Sta e House as a vignette, and on bad paper, so that a'lhonih ike gfierI appearance if ihe g'nuii.e bills is prer caved, the leattatten tim will discover ihrir baseness. - Thk Growth or tub Northwest. The Territory of Wisconsin was set off from Michigan and organized into a Ter ritorial Government in 1836. Its whnl. snrfiice is cstimaud at 47.000.0CO acres, of which a little more than 10.000.000 has been surveyed. The first sales. ot public lands took place, in 1835; the amount soi l from that time till J-nuart, 1812, was 2.003,418 acres, for the sum ol .761,702. The lead mines of the Territory will be an inexhaustible source wealth. According to the rensus o was 31.230,153 i nunds. and the raniiul invested was $1,3 16,756. Of thit amount Wisconsin produced nearly one half, or 15,120,350 pounds; and the capital em- piojpu ty ncr was tt)t,60t. I he as Ixtehkstixo S.atkmknt. Mr. Ell - orth, roiiiinisMoner of Patents, in his re - "fZ TlTl V f ? . " " " i . Pi,,"l"'n 'f t!," n''!'?1,'19, 8:''0001 Tha Bum'lL''L--hii i 1813, wa IfMt ainarta I s t- . , ........ma ana and ParU !. ft. -V L ... "! hU raised in r.: .. " :; ."" n ahdf bushels; hnckwheai. .1, tun? irdlllH nillP mil'liiii- ami a half millions. P.ft .Z..t" t com were raised in Pemuylvani t; in Ten . m '..W111 I1I.1IIIIII3. .11 IllliiUll - I . : . : ie.seo, sixtyeven millions. Nine mil linns bushes . f. potatoes were raided in 1 ennsj Ivaaia; Ne York twciity-nis mil- lla; Mea V a mt!lRs. rcr bat.!rt4 and t rtyt ae t!tnd priJ if uAirt werataired la reaastliatata. twtfctr.tlx thottraad pounds of sal. etjh e- I taJrcJ and aeteaty-ibt i'oks.o4 pneods tf gvr.acd aioeteea) 'bof and gr4hca of ice mZe. 1 be a4 produett f tj b-Io rowntrr re at f41wt; Wf eat, 1 00.310, e.30 ta-Leis; oaiu-v, oatt US 9t9.a)C8irye.t4b047li btrkaUtUT! S59.4I0; itflian com, 494,618.316; prta te, U3.7C3.I33; bay,' 1 5 4l9.rC?; tft -nd hemp, 1C7.0C7 tow; tfbacco. If j. 731.SS4 fm&'fi cf4ton. 747.CC0.CS0 pound; iwv, sj9.b79.14d fouid; ailk. 313.76S P"oad; sugar, 126,40010 pounds; wtne, 179,210 gal one. Vult. IVritr. - - Tnm tha Xrw Orkana picayene, of hmuau lite im urcmxT rci inire. Bast a Axxa Carrraco! The rkooner Water Wtlcb arrived lat t feighl froea Vera ties, wtkh place abt hit a the SSdi alt. Col, Wai. Boardaaa cava passeegrr iabrr, with despatch s from Mr.Sbat.i.en to the United Statu Government. By th a errit.l we are ia poseioa ef the fact ol Sata Anaa eiptare. Stee ear last advices, be had trade eeera temptt apoa the eiiy of Purl!.; at arktrg it at ihe bead a f four tl oosand troops, oi half of wbih wrre cavalry. latbeieea detvtrt bt wat repklted with eonaidt rallclort. . . - , Soon afterwards It left the a my, sbt at tr lesgaea bl w Paebla. with aa ertri of sevrrl bandied men, and proceeds d to wards Jalp. Bf.tt ttrivitg at that city I e parted with bis ttroti,andatter led lo make his etc pe to tbt saeuntaias oa (-ol, and ia the tli-f,aist if a ftisr. Oa the 1 3th of Jaaaaty ba was diser vered la a lararea (ravine) tear a little lodiaa vdlfge called Jito, enoit Iee art Irom Jl a, ly a eruple ol Indians wLo wert huaiing. ri a lot belorgiag lo the Indiana became retute aad furious, the Indiana Mloaed the direeiien t f ibetr baiking and ft und iba Dictator, wba offer ed ibeta bia wrteh and turb money as be had about him if they wotdd guide I ita to hit hacienda. Thit they it ft ted It do. but gave the alarm and ha wat taken prisoner. Whea he wss esptnred ha had Ukra off bia eotk leg on account of tbt inflam mation produced by w a'king pr on i', and wat ranied ry bin senante. Oa the 20th id Jaaeary bt wat pat la tht prison ai Ptr.ite, where he nw is. Ctd. Boardman, out Psradre oa tht road between Mrx eo and PueMs, march ing ai the bead of tha Government foicet, to give Snts Anna battle; but ihe fotlantt of th Despot became eo drtparsie that ha dttertrd the nn.y thd wst captsicd before Paiade croe up to him. . I.ATE FROM TEXAS. The Tex n Crngnss ha passed a bill In submit the srlertinn of a tita for tha Cpilid ol ihe Rrpuhlir, to the people ita 1847 President Jonet approved it. ; Private clsims, tome of them for tery heavv amounts, enitinue be ptcsed upon ibt a hntinnt-f Congiess. Weon derst nd that one gentleman has aakrd an aUiwaireif3()0.fro. . - A It Iter from Red River roanty,tti-e editor tf the National RegiMer, s-y: Thete ia by far the largest in migration ibis fall dut we bate ever hd. not lest than ote thousand wcgoi s having eroii ed Red Riser in the last six weeks.' SINGULAR FATA LIT V. Wc regret lo state, that Mr. Eli Parker of tltia rounly, received a revere Icatirg about five weeks sir.ee. A few days af terwards he v, r.s attscked with a iliscrrt? in the head, trrr.icd by some St. Au;lio ny'a fire, and by others, the Muck tongue; and on the sr rrntecnth day fiom the lime ht icccivcd the bcatir?g he died. Mr. IVkr-f lived with Mr. James Ellincr, about three miles fiom thia place; and Mrs. Ellincr, in attending upon Mr. Par ker, imbibed the difcafe iu a smtll rcratch on hor hand her arm inflamed, r.nd in a few days rhe died. Mr. Edward G. Thomson, a shoemaker, uoiking for Mr. Ellinor, attentled upon Mr. Parker, 'ami shortly after hts death he was attacked with the disease and died in a few dayr. During the inflammation of Mrs. ElliiioVt arm, Mr. Ellinor's shaving brush was us ed lo pul some ointment on it, nnd after wards he used the brush in thaving him self lis neck and head inflamed, and in a few days he t!ied. The wife of Mr. Benjamin Andcrron vhdted Mrs. EHinnr she look the dicease, and now lies tlan gerotisly ill; her htuhrnd and four or five children arc also ill with the same disease. The wife of Mr. 1'aiker, Mr. Josiah Ellinor. and other persons, white and co lored, hnv hern attacked wiih the same disease but are leroverinjr. M f. Tlmmp son i' ted in this phep, w hich is the only case we hat e had here. These ati l.len dnth have spread eon- Stern itinii tlmntola .i. ai line fiillf1 I ' isn ttWJ C 1 I I'll ivtttt'p ( rj ; Imt as it is confidently hilieitd that 'ihis fatal disease hat been a-rested, we trutt ti e alarm will soon cithyiclc. 'VrrW .V. C. Prm. vauoks lM8COVERED.-an.M,. niimhf r..f the Journal Asiaiiauo" fpub- lh: rr' 'nd Orientalist, now Fre. ch Con- wl.nX Arabia, hns pnWiched a "",,ce "n!,e '"'t ihe real onicnrn mrt 8 ""ge aitarhetl to ,. he d , by a joint, throna-h which it ran rlevte r jr?S.wi!nr" Psurr; rcmarRa-y J I . . . " . i.. nnriiiinK realm,. 92, 10, where It epeah- 1 . I. ui ino 11 l.n.. 1. . f I t. .1... l.trtl i ... ! ii t'riDjr rraiieii t e mc ..e t. . ..... ' I me vnicorn. i ins will mrow grca jight i n other passages t.f ecriplurp, which ignorance of Arahia preveir.cdotircomp'e hcudiii, fjnuii'

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