u - . i 11 i - '- - jTtoei tW GmimA Fas. Til AT COOK! A frwa V laeeJJ .rasa lt N rr,,T p els' rr4 . f rrwa-drar el ! Vk . T -k -rf' tr Ja'ew . ta4 we4f4 u Mtmf SrMM pl.te 54 t;evem4a as . jf,ef. T el the pwMie.fea t tact H e j U,ti pit lkl. aa4 tf p-w Tarn f ,r,,,r! jc4 h ranrvf ! ifc Bif at n f r- lU Uu-a. a 'er p-ra'i;) aa J . - - , f iaa rtM o! nt tUr tjeeWwdV a?.-er t tee i i-tt g al tetion, tad deli't.te e , arct'T 4Bate te'l. w 6a'r;rr iHa nraUfi f ilairika a Ua Alaaay Brf.M t ff la(lDtr tar"UI r ia h Sui f Ni Yk. e4 a &m flnf t kat W ca.ua :.f Mi -a lUa f tt rameat l ikai'-.tl S:a ea. Tft ara par. t,ehlrlf "tt.rluf i'nthlii" ibt Wa f j r f J "'a abowt Wit grftittfi( fi!iae- ta twdJoea of tW. tiia tamyXtlc 4fTrtMi to the jtuia mltrh chateieitxe4 rfiif tn h BtU.JaiUiolJ.e(S'Mdr a GtafrU Gvetaatcat ted that ot the 8wle f Nt Y.ii. 5!.elerxi. in tii uWHlwrWjj Lsptr, oil prrtiBtU pkt VLre U tt t eia etn tu'o frrm me perie.M Qt lria 1 b aabaitUd rth,t btl rontirtraj liit ittie i a tnereeoar faction eur ibiit.lkieo !to giier ht prr'vl . ttror. and eniiat, amd 6 ami a'13B ia efry ihoj "C i g ia fKOfarl aa I lr eomra pure, iha da tuueuoa irf tSt rly iadj eo Jen e of lhebt tad teiioa whirhiaiba $HJ of car a(ia 1 ooet'y! Uun ta itt lea deia, ta eh lor fcUtill f eaka in ttitta p'gta. Wlttrt it oat of the faud to trrt:b a vsioi apiraion of f-neroot irapa be for ba auflrioS and aillic Siort arbirb ehrqiirr lfe l fbt whole ft jijrof aatBr lbt peblietticB baa thro a tht be!e Iaeafoeo party into agay. Mr. cxeu. Iertoroat Het bat innitaied a lft tiaoiiatiin imo the onpa rf iha work, tad bat got tn mjunrt on en tht at'ontr ta tht bada of tfc b-wkae'lrft derived )rom itt . ' All thia lenJa raihrr 19 ineraaao thaa d:m;nih ibt tale of tht boat, which hat Utdj beea iaroeoa. Thit W.llnna tefa Markup a aa ea of ta Can!aa PuioU abont vhoaa to ranch eteiieroi.t a ft up a frwjeartag. II a appomtfd m an offirt in the Naw York Co-tiro Uoutr, taltick h hrM unul Van Nra atotoiitnf the eo;lfctfrafttp ia wke ty for the preaent C -Uector. M'. Lat rente. Ma- kejie, amnjhia argutent'in jntifiea tion of ike poHT'CtiKMi of iht piitae 1etira, eitt inUnr of a tiuttlar Tiolaiinn oftAeiat tutc lT t'e Irefeot, 'n ihe tnsnre r.f the GlennrcT h pftrt,&e. At tn the meirta br Birb tooHtained aerea in the rorif-pn'e. c, in a letier lOires d ltMoj;h U irw icrK Tittnnej 10 the editor of tbt Union, bt tajt tin in May la, 'Mr. GoUspb w.ld m he hd rereid eert fiont B'f aidm t hreak pfn ant and all cftht Caatom Hou-e bxt hat war lorfctd. thnt ket and their cnn tRit nakoa, to Mt Uitir ciun mm 3.000 Biienn-V-klea then nearly fin iihed. if ef o, and i'ntt. tn enJ bozra atd jnOitn't tn ifie attir, hert Ihrr art ' pernrn 200 fna mora mirf 1'tneou ' t eeorda. ff e thn bjranm force one oftheC!m Ile piohxa, marked J. and L. Hrt'a Paper,' called Edffr ie$bory, earpiier,f (h with hia brother, Juhn S'antbury, and Janet Arnittrnnj, wtre than workng in tha aparment) t aid him, and Stanabiire broke a Urge rrew-diier twiea while eptnitf it The content, like tht eon ten ia nt nearly 00 or 300 euch pine box . e, waa a vx ore of etery thing law paper, eua'nm h-oe paper a. ne wnpapera, teraft. loee lefert, litr fin Virginia ahnct Mrv. Andrew Jrkoe. letter ebt law affart, peiiiion for ofli-e. and paper about ihe gold riiln of Pomti. Mr." Crel, Ha mher eUrk, eame in jaataa Mr.Sinbnry had fmhd opnin it. Tn eoatent were tome d out on the floor, and lhs fitat titne thvt drew atten tio'a' wr AMorrey Geeeral Van Bur-V bttert ahooi hia gmf)!if , en-k johhinf, Ave.- Tbey were read by ali with aur priae.' Ia tbi lefet be fiit!ier ( new opened a priaaie nr eealed leiir i myl.fr, enlera whet a taie of warfare pieTailed ab'fh td it own rule.' Th tnr.iee of the merchant. their papr. entrtea, Aie., I w mot acrwpiitoet aboqi, and alt rer.:rd of tht department ton enuld be more o." P.e aared ir, iht had Ht) marked private nn a CoM-Hnie trunk, an one would hare opn-d it; anl bad he aaled op a-T paper and eadora etj that they were p-ivate papert, no i.ne would hr rk it. Aa 11 i. the eaae i very different, and I hli cot only b enjmtied in a lw enort tipnV'lecal groond, but alt hat eidirt from aoei ty that ! acted o bnnori'jle and propel pan." In the an cornmmieation be men tion that he i enf -pM n wriunj "The Lit and Opto ion- of Tho na H fhie, Martin Vn Buret, and Jtmr-e Kwx Polk, with 6-njraphiMl eotire ef their piliiiC'l ar-iae." and eipeet to hi it ia Wahiftgioo by ihe 3d week in No emSerJ From ty New York "San. t neo tral p-p-r. (whw erlitor. he the wae, it t. eaid lean a littj te the Damncraey.) we t.ke h. f 4lowig cnrnftentary on H wiaitrr, to Mch we inite eeriou a'.l-n'io't: Political fecrtti The terent pub licatrot) by Wltra Lyaa Maektoti, ol . ...... ,r i,uft fr iKt i!llV"et oMhiii.nsr i'sa 1 la ecotUia cf tLera.'.ery q't'ter. Tlie wendl srrm Ubll- erei w " r m . i. . I , t j..i...n ik M . I1 I a" .f New Ywk. f rdi try fd.t 4 " w b "' T at pM eita a gva eb f. if .o a4 dsn " Tfc a'trwy vf -ma s-mjJ e i re roga ted ay a'4 MrfaU. ltb teg thee t Cart at, it. tir ee tend er i1 ii I twaa-enta. i lv-cse the rftty ,4 ,. im4,r iiJret p'ta rf tb iht itba.1 fi ar m 1 ... I - , . h tj. f j , ,IBfJ -,..,. M-ii . rr Wt oartT. The deevr ff hit eeaftryrea ta Canadi la beea tp- fropriat-!? itlrrH 10 flir Ui weik, bmI ia attaeking ihe party that fed htm at tn p.U expe tor Yrlk Ctma llonr. the oniirry f hi im.fu,-.iii vrrr U.-a araduliv wi: aire iheir way ta rhi;e fiir. Thy I pertert'd a r.ot el organ'le'ioa m 1 1 Lena t I oaeqnalled in tr btauny i f the eoua'rr, and by woikinf ii-to each ihete band. enablling nea apf. buyirg editr whn were eal enough 10 be aald, eoe- trojipg bank. gnernieg tha putai ea fceet ef the p ople ami dnenf pu! be opinion, they o ta:nrj the nnre control . of the 8iia and Gener l Gnerii n-ui. 1 The watt nJ meant ae4 t oh"tin it.i. no erae fnlyei4-Ume.linlet rrtoan. from etch Mhrr. In reault hl i'l lowed the effort taolltinen ire control, of the public mne)t: 10 teeore .he eu. , no. . . .0 prectou, .,. or aar.-. . . . . .. . L.. u.e 51.0 , ,e.-ury tenrcj , ..; ....,.......-.. ... cnae in i ni mm muurnr. ,.1 preient Cabinet doom-d,' timply be. eaoat it orgamx tion doe not p-inl to J n wccraion. h"ph.o. ""i' t not r!ire-td to the annniae-me of puhlio ; opinion in faror of p.dk o,eeor, and I tnnnnof ad Ih fieuona i now being perfecud. earh bu yant wi h hope th-t a ; lnt alict of patron will Ml in ihrir . aid p the breaking up l ih preem Lafc i met. Such are t'.e moral nl poiim-a ; Sochthepnncirl-ar.fopaitiea! What' to bt dare? L-si the pe .pie d.mand the pwrrof j.tribwtirgll.iap.iiaa.re. Ilj Concrete pa a Uw nukm ibfliti.f I pntm. er. co!leor, 4r. rlrclive. Ab.d-; th eaticuae anuciiquei.and toii-ii tmi wonhy and nprtght eitzn ti cim? f' ward thera-lea at ran.lt lte for olTire, without the endorse arm of wire pulleta or hired braaler. And above all, let the people chrsh virtue, uligmn, and imle peadenee; let p.rentt guardi)te,r chd dren from corrupt iiifluen'e. govern t!eir honaehald by th nurrsi Un)r!', and tSu preaerv oor Gtiernmerit and malt tution from the corrupt ir Queue of par ty organization.." From the National Intelligrncer. A NEW BOOK O.V THE UNITED 1 STATES. Baron Vom Raimer, an eminent Prus sian atatesman and plulosnnher, ha writ ten a book upon thi country, emhodyins tht reaulu of hi ohsert&tion during a re cent visit of a year or two. Itntaybe remembered that he waa heie during the recent Preaidential canvass, and maniest ed great interest in ihe'pnpularjagiution of that time. lie ws present at the Whig Baltimore Convention, and several otheclof the great a;hrrings rf I81I. Being universally esteemed a man of abi'tty, candor, and deserved "crr.iral emi nence, considerable anxiety- has been evinced to see hia bonk. 'I he only no tice We have seen of it is in a letter pub lished in the C!umbia (s. Chronicle, signedihy the initials ol Airs. E. Y. hL LF.rr, who says that the sheets of the work have been pladed in her handrby'a publisher fir translation. On its g neral character she says: Throughout stu h portion of the hook as I have read, his liberal opinions are ap parent; and he seems imbued with an ear nest 'admiration Tor American institution, although American lravelliri manners do pot quite meet his approbation. In one reaped, however, he vindicau the peo ple, of iheJUuiied Slates Irom a repr.tach cast upon them by almost every traveller who has v sited our sliores, viz. that of being inordinately va;o and unaide to bear rensure. Hamilton nil-, us a nation of braggart. Tocqueville'says, 'Ainrriea i a land of freedom, where no one dares speak freely for fear of offending aome body; neither of individual, nor Mate, of the Government nor the governed, of pub lic nor private affairs; in a word, nothing. I know of no country where there is loan independence and real di'ctisxion than in America Spurzheim remarks: I have never found o much retraint under a monarchical Governmenlaa in thi country where thy boast of republican freedom. "Baron Kaumer, on the Other hand, oheres: My experience does not con firm these accusations. I have often ex pre-sed myself freely, (even ieierely, con cerning various matters, and contradict ed with great earnestness the opinion of others, without finding myee!! ihe least censiire'd on lhatacore. When I spoke against slavery with slive holdprs, against immediate emancipation with the aboliuonists. in favor of democratic opi nion with the Whig, and Whig principle-, with the Democrats, I drew forth varied and instructive communications, such as mere minntonmi as?ent could nt have produced. The Americana would hue far more reason ta find fault with my .k- f.- - . -..I... .r ITi : , . 1.. 1 7u . n...L -I r" w ai. - i i t . ... i imuij in ... t ,(l mir a 0111 aa we aa a goo niie, anu , ng i rrnm i in-'r.p n-ic . BllccCgB which they have met in are matter 01 niatory. Ami now. w in ; t!ie power to Jrallic wall the State for . oii'Caaue, eierf t lomeriieo. no F dictation to the radin.1 party they aatlAtlt At.tll ffflllBP tnt I i at II ttllll At Slim I.....t Z .. avt ; l. a ' I a( I alaaiel lit pAmM at laa atiaT t'.a Itil. I .... L ' f i 7 2 . ! m'"v."r ;wrf "----" "." ; , avow all the ilortrinct ol open an jaaaaaa eT aa kl a.aaf I. at.laMAI a a a . . T" - . t .1 It t I P t a - ... ft . . a tA'anU I ismir.ii i"iiiii.Mn'MMn, uauir wivji lucm nr an kiiuia vi puujic.'"" jrwn (njiiira itwwu io ' i inm The followin extracte from M Apia bt T; I ban sot towed the Aaorrtcaus eierestrely curio i, or dis tance to very every traiger & ajuet urn: They tcera ta rat M tbla ipm rather iadiftrrr!. It it rj ruin that I hate nked a hundred timet nor que. turns than 1 hare been aked. "lit p. ear to &ce in opioioa from It eerr traeeaer i Use Lnited luaJet tb tubieetof lb fceanry oft' voutea. eaying mat n reer eaw m aaaoy pi and tirlly fre in any ecmtry. lie U at a lt to arrtMtf t for the frU Who rouU bare jnfortned Lint that many r-f tbe Amrricaa Uitea'drai.k, 'Inear t re 00 1 e the r nlrir bSooai from their r!re k a! a . I t) thit tuhjrrt he it quite eloquent; eo that a lraner wmil4 alnrt imagine tbe tbt roed iT that country. It it 1 01 i praitic a rominn one.' wlerea Iforone.i'e irttifjing ta tn American fceart, toet Merer beard of it. Pairing a few inareura-j ia what dietirrt on oar euMry ie, ted ) ear in H New j riea, however, tbe llaron' work will into J wf t entrnte to be name, fr m th pre , h dewetr'e'5t'lii!rbipalreat3cr-',in(lhirernsikadurtor)t ef her aniaana It ti e tame character. BrttM ' in' politic! institution of tbeeoantry Sieaaer with 5!e.Narp,eaoerBrfread 'htftuay edify eorne of miretatevmit. IIeeivl. A. uncle) Alnn,l pree In own mind cponteerTtuHiect.loi; wo, i wi DC ?n4 eiJcnt!y deeply akillcJ ia pulitical . ecience, - 1 I)K1.IS OF TEXAS. 1 li rhatlcrton Men-ury, itt tn U article vft ihi tubjpct, eontendt that if Congreat ran astarne ihe debt of Texaa, it ean aunie It 9 ilebu of all the oiber sj!al. It reaaon a follow: ' It iiUI ul!,l i!.-.r i!ir. Alt. fercuc; in ihe case of Tesa that 1 lace it - i,v i,Sf!f-iIUl.niHc!i a abe will piy f.rl the aMtntp:in of her debt by an equir. lent in hi r public land. Tt-ia may be admitted, a a qneation of ealue, but it . . . .. . . u.R-t not alter U.e ra-e. I he alue of 1 i3!;.i, . r any tiiirt ee, 1 jnt -nai me ,. ,,.Wr. $i. iur .ur.n. I 110 noAerinma&eaDaraiiiiinnie! Uerower PW-. ..... 1 he principle m-nnfciined on Ihe ground ftf ilu alleged peculiarity in the cae of l exair. i that Uongrea canmH gie a slat, money to nay her debt: but mar aeume the debts," tinder a bargain pur inorlin? toofTer an eauivalem Mrvlj.,.l atM I'ennayUania, for inaiance, hare no j,n,j hut ij,ey have canalt and oilier work of internal im provetnent. Con crea can a?une their drhts, 11 llteae jtea will turrender a portion or all of, ' iMejr public works to the General Uovern- ment. The nature of the nronnr ran makenodilTfrencein the principle. Whe it.er it conauu of Ian,!i lvinr in a araio of nature, or in the midt of settlement and wealth in the thape of a great thoroush fare of trade, it mmt l? property equally capnble of birgi and tr.nilVr. To n-sume the debt of Texas in con sideration of ihe land of Texaa, appear to us to open hroadly the door for the as- ttmption of all the State debt, with th aduittonal danircr, that it y -t in United State becoming the proprietor of the great works of Sia e internal improve menia. For twenty years the strict con truriimiU of the Constitution have been trit?"Iinj against the Getterat Govern ment taking any part itt the internal im piovetnenU of the State; but here is a co!itriction of it pmyers, which may give it the proprietorship of the most powerful or Uicin. THE ANSWER NOT YET. We are ony t ee in th Wash ng'on Jiiurn.l. a aort of jerking nr.t of the olj quarl'nn. " who ia Jat.es K. P.ilk!" ih a rap of the e.li o. knueklea upon ih .it "ia- aa . , tibl-, as if there bad been a triumphant answr 10 the qtiee. by aome extraorli nay exlihiti to of ita;eti.nihip on ti e I an of the P.esident. The q.ieirt. we d-tiibt not, wa put with nte go d fil ing by the editor, whoever he , that first g.ve it utterance. Mot natuial was the q.iere. Wo remember when we told a loeof.ic-i fnend, itoring the 1i1.11 g ol the Convention at B.I imore, tli.t there as lorne int-nt O't of uomina'tn; James K. Plk, he ma le the sim- inquiry, 1 ot Oi ly from tinr-ra .ee of Jt.e r .ims 1 f mh-Ii a perion to anv qul fiea jr.na f r the (i-si-i'io, hut aa if 10 give a most emphatic eooiradienon to the rumor. The election of Mr. Plk givr no answer to the que lion in l.if?ii it i n-!v put; nor baa there ben anv aelof the Presi.lent. iinc tii n.aiijj'ir.iLm, that would be likely to ie,rs tlm same inquiry, or furnish groin. 1! f r a favor! le answer. J.rnes K. P lk lt!. been inanat'nted P.-e i.'eni of h Uuted Suts, ami in thai & tMlin, lit il!bavtr Tr im eve;i his niMiKt.eiiis. iho evstltnre. of re-nel r'lte ti h Chief Mgist.'e of the Union. Ilui he mul do oor-, and bet ertlan he has yet dune, to lead ti a g-anfyirg an awer. M'. Pdk has ttven nearly all the time of Ins rx'Cotive fi'e, to the ilismisi.l of smalt nffieers. not one in a hundred of whom is chargeable with the sluhte! inaiea.nee, nr negleci ef duty. He ha counted t'i dog leave of the ho.tk t.f ihe Coitsiitutioi, instead of devoting liin-lf to the? SMidr of it esr.n'. He hai kill ed the Hi' on the public windows, father than to srt himself to administer ihe great afTaiis of the nslion -ind it is tri rtmphaiitly askd by.bit frie'uds, who he i? It hi ae inn amwer, but do not lei ihe qu-atintt be gat f in. omil he his some sctinn to be' errdiied to hi ac couut. ; IV. S. Gazette. An intel!ijent correspondent of ihe Richmond Whig, wii ing frm Boston, ss vs Ii ha been recently said, that New BngUnd is making a perfct rh-quer h.iard of her ebttntry, by the numerous Riilroad crossing and re-crossing in e eialiy t. for eee act 4 w If aaeend Den bet liili Moeaaitftt. tad Wk ta aey 4t rvetiea aeiaeatea retetry, tab aaiited at Ut rtasbeef AeooiIiet wkiatlieg brar tbiil ware leg, at tbry dtg ahft iheai aa t!aticrdibl taia ef gaaM gee tad bartbea etrt erewdttl too wib tfcat ked of Hnhea which U ey are ia. leaded ta taetrot ta tad fieaa U't eity. Dy t war, apeak! t I"rotica ai d Ktaade( I eat iratiaoVd ef a er-acert. tKHi wt'Ji eat ef the Alrtr. !Snrri, ! Pb I' Ipbia, wba rearM d jrfaierc'if ia the falrdrn a, bitegies H-t with bttB or der tie ftftn awe effort Kleea E fiaee, f. r he Rloda of Af tua. hue tbe firm fata a'ready teat tritnftm !- rrasotitr, which are ar w reBaieg aer irvrvprrrF, urn. read red Ina couutry aiseh eeent'l ter 1 icr, in irci ru in na - .11 . f - Conjreaa at firemen relatte ta Germn hnvgant. Co. M, browg lit with tim deptrhc to our Goerirner.t fM M'. MrLaaei and bet'e. .ratorBew Mi.qoMi im n20W, ." ''T iUihtrrofedroniaec,UlUc!rucFrtTrr". ' "" tor ta to dt.tieVithrd tnd p-r'' lboJy of ultra IW ttyltng Uicntaelvet Aabtaador a Mr. E.eiett. fol. U n the National Keform Aeocairon. These tl... L. ih.i ih nr .m.- m... t , he e.rn.d . - ta UrtrJ e ubtrea- 09 by l'"1" ... t. 1. . r .1 : i ' VOUIIIII 1111 V r.B ,ule,n0" cnoet t atuf. rionly tct LETER FROM BUENOS AYRES. ... - . m . , MtHa ten. liuenra a, re aui ai 1 1. aeu irorn noiivtw, o ...-...-.. .. ............... , mcoi urusuiy na ottnrernreu or u.e WftBtrtiUeo, ia t te of tnt w'. hen ht wat Bred n.to anaecmpei.ad I ancnoroy tworeeitoi war onerretcn i.l .1. r- 1 . n 1 1 and the i ther Entli-b. On be t.tut day tht whole IJurnft Ayrean eqnadron, eon- nn ci iwn uuj-, aiiwp m wrr. ' two rhooner. mounting aixtr-ont gun waaeaptured by ihe cnmHneit forree,and carried into Mniitetblro. The fonijo era on board were landed, and the ei at were lr-nfenrd to teaner, 10 be t?kn j It Uueno Arret. The FVenrb and'Ei-j tilth were fining out a fl.HIa, a.iJ to be ! directed sga-n.Hht island ofwMartin Gar cia. A joir t dec1arli n"hd ben ptiblihed by the French tnd Britiah Mmiicr. that their mis. ion tnd purjnse were simply to ensure tho perfect independence of the Oriental Republic, uu.ccompanied by any idea of invasion or aeqitinnn ol termo ry; and tht two Powert bait laedrd one ihousaad troop, wiJt orders t attack the. Oribe if h should eomti.il an v boaiif act 1 leint Montevideo. ' '"' ' ' I ! rench i eaidents heldla mee.ine after the ... ....... . oepaiutra 01 t'.eir .vim.s.ers, an i resoivea that they had no caue to break op their establishments and lese the country, har ing received sstisfaetory tsqrancea of P'Olee i.n fir person and property from ih Rutnoa Ayrean Government; and they had signed a rquet to the MinUleis not 10 interlere by force or hostile metrt in the M intevidean qnarrtl. The Duenna AvreV ftrit'sh Packet ef the 'i stafea that diplnma io rel.itnns were not yei entirely bfr.kn rff l. Marue i c n inning to act a Charge u'Af firea of France, and Mr. Hall in charge of the Brit sh Legation. Thb Anti-rent Trials. We"lem from Delhi, New York, th.l on the more mr of the 1st ir.tttnt Jiide Pa ker t.mk occasion to mke some augeer.lionrto the B'la d to the Counsel of IheJdifleient pnioner. in order to lighten their respee live Ubjr. There ia, t.id he, a vat amnnni of business before the cqort i-arly one hun-lrtd are indicted for m-.r- d-r. It is not expected .hat all intl.cted .r tuts mi-nre will te hung. it i rol necessary that ill rnnuM ne. rul-e i-i' r 0 fcucr nui require a run example 10 or mule ol all the pnsoneit now in confine-, mer-t. Was it not best, then, ihst m-at' ot those miiiclMl lor murder, and agi.nst whom the proof was char tht:hey were preent diguied, anl armed when Sterl was killed. ahouVl plead gnd y of man rl.ughter? Si it seemed 'o him. It would save Tit amount of frnf, I.b-r, and ex pere, ' A gre.t inanv, owit.e to the ex leosive coii.binti(.n that has exite tf, have been thittiehilrpslr drawn irrti the p;.m- rnision of rrini and ao infraction of the lw. Where persons If-a l gu lty. tht re ia some opportunity tor iiie 1'omt tj be merciful. Tuey were inclined to be so. He advised that all arrests R. a.ae, except in flagrant rae. He intended t re main umil all those in euttudy or nn bad were disposed of. He advised thai th counsel fir prisoners, and the counsel for prosecution, meet and ronsu't' on the aubpet. Tnt court would do the tame; and to afford an oppoimnity for thi, an adjournment would-be htd Until 11 o clock. '"' ' ;'' : --''-"'.'. When the court again opened it seem ed th.t the proposal of the Judge had been acted upon, and adetermtna'iii mde to set at larce numbers of those in c .f.fine ment. Witness the subjoined brief jecurd of the proceeding'-; Harvy ilnhbel, ArebibaM McNair, Jas. Bernhari, Wui. Bryant, Cnauneey P. WalcottMilea Bramble, John O.Tjiddle, And.ew Li(lle, Ilimer Rurgen, I.i Jenkins. IIimr Sinftrd. Cantiue Cm nelly, Jjmet A. Mill. Widiam Tonp ki;is. and Abel A. Fuller, ti indictmrnta for biiog timed and disguised, ptea'ded U I.T. an J were aed ia ten varjirgi 1(1 aa erred i U fint ta(rj lro$tS lot 15, Ue i Uul (Mearayaai !fc!a if Urn C. !;. Patur, leg u f I.C09. - - , Uil iia VertB'lye, li!.iae Seni-b. Jha Crby. Abx4r ltrk wiUv. JLa Ileadrirkf.- Naaaiet JleMirirka. Ael Gevld, Will.aai TfkB. and Tbarnaa Drwry, ta iadirtneete f. r betag diegaieed tad traaed. fur al enptt tairre i. er. Air., p!(eJ g liy, a4 p-a their own icref 1 ixt:c U keep tLe petee, tit i:rhtird. , Ab'ab'M IlaJUy M ta iaJIetaeal hi mvrdtr, traded gvdty al eaiaalaagbtet ia the lotntH degrees plea aereptei. Several oibrr reroa ar alea tr rainrd ard p'eaJed la U.e lud eltnettt agunat ti e. At thit rate all the eae, ezrr; t a few af the leader, will toon be't!lfoI tl. Frew the EWU UeaJ Jwretl THE PKOCEEvIVE DEMOCRACY." The dansrrctit form ia ahlch tire ndi . " m a an - a- - . tltat'tbe more ultra tbe doctrine tbe more cenain tber are of the countenance and j ultimate adoption of the Democratic party 1 hardly appreciated by moderate men, who are unable to keep themmrre ar tury trheme, and laid the fuundationt of . 1. . . 1 t.i 1 in 1 the joctiro pany, wnicn, aimougu nut cideil and denounced by 4he Dcmoc ratio organ at the time of itt origin, toon t wal lowed the Democratic party, and forced all imtn it worst doctrines into the creed of lie mw ntie fai(h Thef Bre the nicn ho firflt ,ximi up $l9 reheUion in Rhode Il- hQ f0nmfnWH the anU-TCnt ... V v.i, r?., k,.i.t,,. then DOW agrarian tome 0flhcirreceU publications will ebow how rar ther are prcpaicd to go; . . -. . Every citizen of ihia 8tal who ba pnn to KUltiWm in , piunj ..lunJcnj to a uonf, ana uw uif, in au prtoi.iiiiT. Kreauy (hnrtrnoil by tlie rol4ry, that km nii;t.t be ur titcd lo rriirtioo. Et-tt ritirrn of th Ktate who baa now no right to a fWhoU, U a plundered man 1 of an inrsliinabl right wlorh brlone to htm by puUM upon; virtue of hia eiiKtrnre. Lery man baa an indi. le riclit and Utle to UnJ enough to uve and no one baa a jut title to a funt more than ia ncrrwary Cn the aurMiU nrv of hia fjm.ly, while another ia without land. land ia en uia lienable right PUS OP RE TORINO TITE LAND O? NEW YORK TO THE PEOPLE, To tecurt to entry Farmer a Farm. 1. No one hereafter shall, ander any cirrumatan cca, become pnaMtMrd of more than one hnrulred ami sixty arre ol Lirvl m Uu tate. Te aerwc tn erery mtrhrnie or pmfeuntmel man m tor. 8. No one hereafter aball, vnW any cimmwlan cea, becooie poMraaetl of toon tlun one lot iu a , uini ot u.e cut or wwu aumonuea. TaaUUk at once tUFru.Lt Ttnur,L 3. There -hall he ,ial court of commi-aon. romptMed of Un.Ui.J.lcrs sn.l (ponr) laiklaml era, pio(iortione lo tlie numlirr of their repev tta classes in tit tate, who shall, in all rases where land ss beU by a twenty jeara or more, a life, or a perpetual lease, tlrterminc, on prin cililos of eouitv, (without resaid to wronf,) what (or whether any) compensation hall be paid to the claimant in full citinguih- locr.t of his chum. 7 oJntlit mtwtgnim. 4. The homestead tot or farm shall be intilirti.tUf , except at Ihe will of the occupant, and then on-j ly transferable to a Ltr.dlcs person. ' ' " I ... II To aholUh mmii niitlet I u ntrer-duinir Ltttlitt tr i'n ioJia arii - i out tout. 1 5. Everr corporation, of whatever namecrnatt-r fed fivlr vrani to nomnl twilttin., IaimI tinll 1 . Tti.n-wl .i; r ii,. . i.ti. .t it.- .i-.v. .;.,!!. , I,-T. ..ibut during the remainder of a aessios) theiw i --"a s ".ess-f 'sva ' - - sau . buildings occupied for tueir basmesa. , This in a few years is to be the estab- lished Democracy of the country; for this is the latest and the worst, and in nn in stance has the latest and the worst failed ' to be the most tucccsrful doctrine in the Democratic party. It follows from Dor- riSIn, ani Dorrism is modem Democracy, j inevitably; for the " landless'! exceed in! , a w . 1 a. va. v itiv 'u 11 1 1 a a mi' majority to overthrow the righto of landed property is just as plain as those row era which have been claimed for it in this .State. Jlultrriai of an approaching S'onn. We find the f. II twine aiticle in Inst I uedy J'mladelph.a Sentu el. an i.ld and Ciniteiit, and, if we may a id wiih out priin;iee iq aiwava oecmnu ami tcaprctabl Demucraiie J.tuina', Ti . -,...,.., - ""V" "I ha Shored faithfully ihntv , year f r the Democratic party, t'omtng frm such a touree, whose p.diiirsl .rhni'oxv e.nnot be ouesii.ir.etl.Vh article certin!v Salt ia l..m anil al.t.1 it points nut ho small amount of error in Ihe Administration of its choice, , From the Bontincl. Tuf Adutinislration lias . Emtl. 1 I. h t erred in its course towanl the friend, nf Mr. Van Buren ' and G.-v. Wriihi in Nw York. These it need towards ea . opponent, on coming into power in March is cm nvey and not as ihe (remit tn whm it' was indebted for thei'tfe.tof Mr. Clay. '" II has erred in its cooise toward ihe fiiein!. nl M. D .lls j atrioue hand, who secured t.t'Mr. Polk the State of Pennsylvania Ii has eired in it course toward the friends of M. Tyler, who' came ti the reseue at a period ol great doubt aiid uu eerisir.tr. M ! ' It hs erred ii it course toward the friends of Mr. C.lhnun, who now, far no good reason, so f.ras ihey are concerneif, r arnj ed against the Administration. la 1 Cre. CaatMt. wUm, a4 tlq !lrebJa 4 U e"v rr rni, a.w iet u reftt4 i.. tl cinag UraagV tla grot BsetMMee wbieb bate ea tag e rei el l'..e atteioa f lie Peaiaer. Lc rr tr. ' Tbe ivM iia tipo.tarae7't;i ta Adaaiaitrtia pan d rtflee. Itta tua late ia eapMix. . Ike aVA 'fm aWe ea ae the pent fra tU a jaiy 4 ha aoataiar 4 by iia ara J , H e wel. eel&ak, pe-eda IiwaJ ef Piebk ai Pali eaa 1- ra ly Le ae ieteieai tut l eir ! 14i.b.eiae. new bumzB or tub CcC;rcaIoitnl Itibc Ajipfttdit. and 7 U tStmtvjef. .-'" THE mi.-fiJfc4 erir!R.t-! the J yT. jasttiditf (be riwrsWint of Cot. free La preavtilrd tbreaetuiiw. Their pulaticti rA M and S'tjr awe that fe eat It suervwi slrp in rvery aafwenre ia bollt brsachr of L'orrr : brief of aS th eV bates; every iirtrtant tet j and an Api'. incltidint- at fuQ lenk a3 tbf rrt iid jeV s k Iii-cml durin; the sesMtHs. Tb work thus rooi'uctej hy then ia tnoU tmtrrt political kafcay. Tbe rVnalora trora lb rUtM and tbe KrprernUtie beta every aertioa of lb I'nion Uii.j with tbraa into Cot.grr a kaol eJ(f of ti('-rz. eer.Uoieiiik, attj intrreaU of their av-erral rntitueiicie. Iwt4ie (inisei, saJ tlie putlie Uifartoatioo. a it exist aaoonf thoa tbry rcKieetit. are ecibodied l-y ihrni; and in thw rrurU V of I'onjrrwi tt.e imkira of our time m brrnht to iu tet. and is there concentrated, ia Jiret-t.n-; the puUUral r-wementa t tb whole country. Tht Uim.br thus tire threusb Ca pra from every quarter react upon Utaiulio ss a vt bub', snj aU it. roniponrnt pails ntaJe I moa in reoperation. Tbe prrs cannot l anor asr fully rmpWrd than in condensing and arin apreatlinf abroad the intc'.li-ence nf our free eon a try, trWutjr to socb rappy rentu tiunuck ear at nwrt miraru'.outy atljusted Hate and NatiutuJ in. stitutions. . . , lUainc LlentiAed oarwlve with die t hin of d vanrinc the UM-futtie-a of tt i.rre-s bv tul.ILine full and impartial report, andbavuig a latjre mat of the LVHtrjewriona! Globe and Appetnhi, fawue.1 during tlie last I. it years, whit B would he impair ed in value to ta and utility to the pulhc' if tbe work were tliaatibi.utu. w hate a doubl moUie to prompt us to rttrml it tltrouc,h a new series. W are rest4e J, if oail le, to give it prrwanenre, and to ha ml it down to ucresaora aa a siandartl work worthy of bring miantianed and imjroved. We shall enter upon 0111 new tmdertakuig with. out bring uiMrmrtcd or lwnlrned by any aasorisio blior in Uie 4ra; and, tnueuninrunihrrd,ha!l hope to niak the new scries a step in aJvsnr of the fmmrr in all point of eierution, With view to aerontpuA tins, we shall he (one or th other) alwiya in stU n.'.iKe in CVngreas; v. ill com paie the nunuarript of our own reporters with tb daily report of the thy paprn, ctnrert all by our own obHryauon and kn.m U-Jge of tb proceed inrs an.l in iinportant (natters, brr that w ill Dot aawure us of Hie fi.lrlity of Uie reports, . will prorure the akl of the nirnihere tlmnsrlve toob tain tne eiaet srope of tbiir rematka, Tbe wwk, thua authentiratrd, wilt le stereotyped, Vtbkh iaa guaranty that we will nuke it a 'perfect aa it m poaatUe for us to make it, aa w wouM not incur the eiperwe of steirotjping it if we jliJ not feet confident of iu superiority over all wotks of tb kind which have been or are Lkrly to be puUisbed." Ktereotypinc the wwk will enaije a to mpp' lost ot mutilatrd nctnlwra, wtkb wLU dovilli', ot;t making any charge for tbrro. , ; Tbe ConirreaMottal Glob ni Jc np of the d.tUr iroceeUuiyi of tbe iwo flout of Conprsw. i'he siechea of th ntertihers ara ...I t, bring them into a reatlul4e tmgth. All the reao. , lutiotM ouered or rnntion made srs gtye) in tbo mover own worila; nd the yeas and nave ea all the important questions. It is printed with smsil ype brevier and nunpereil -on a double royal sheet, in quarto form, each number containing six trett royal quarto paiges, v . The Appendix ia matte up of die Presi.lcni' annual mrssage, the reports af th prior qwl otfi cers of the Governmenl tliat acrompsnr it, and 11 tlie bins speeches of meniher of Congress, written out or revised by tiirmsrtvr. It is prin ted in the same form as the CVmeressinnal Globe,' ; ami usually make about th name number of pa I We print i!kj nuu.ber aa fast a tbe proceed. ,7,.'inffs 01 toncrcsa lurr.i-h enough rnattcr lor a 1 mga I nunil j miml-er. Dining the first month or sii weeks of ' el,',,, there is rarely more Wince done than I wK' p,n'' w" numlier of the fnejrtsional !sw'"? Ihe Appendix a Fek Glolwi and out number of the Appendix usually ruflk ient matter for two or tbre naniher of each vverya week. The neat session will re a long one, and it is supposed will be nauitwlly intcrerttinjr; therefore we calculate that the Con grcMonal Gloho an.l Appendix will eaeh make near one thousand Urge quarto pnor, printed in small typebrevkr ami nonpareil. V furoUh complete indexes to I o'.h at the end of a sewJon. Wc have on hand the Congreasumal Globe and Appepdix for the lat twelve scsrions of Con pc. of which flv were long and seven were snort nesaintui. J he iongrrwional Globe ami Appendix fur each aeawion are bound together in excellent binding, with Kuskw backs and comer. Our ptices for them, thus bound together, ere f 3 a volume for a fiber, and f 5 a volume for a long eitn. mi.king J46 for a lull ec.' These who want the back volumes ahnnld f ply for tbem im r mediately, a they are in demand. Thlat Ccn grcas md j-rild for two htimlrcd and twrn(vHX at ta; and it is prolwlle that the next will subscribe ' for at leant aa many more, as the proreedingj of Congress for the last richt years cannot I p'loeur ed from any other source, (Jutes A Heston having ' etoppctl prutt'ng their Kcgistcr or Debate in 1837. ! 1 r.. I...-.1 t : .l r.. t -it . ... we have on hand. The nent session of Congrett will be a long i one, and therefore the Congressional Glol and j Appendix should te ti for the se-sit.n, which i i ,he charge for the unbound number of the past long sewions; 1nt w have concluded to reduce tlie price as follows, until the first day of next January, after which time the Congrestionat Globe and Apjvntlix will each I $2 for the ses sion, and no deduction will be made on account of the numlier of copies tnken. . ' :"'r- TERMS. ' For one ropy of Ihe Congressional Globe $1 60 For ono ropy of the. Appendix ' 1 50 For four copies of cither, or part of both 6 00 For twenty-five roiiiea of cither, or part ; of both ; ; ', y; '23 00 The money may he remitted by tnail at our rifk. It should lie here by the 7th of December, at fnrvlicHt, to prorure all the number properly. Proprietors of ncwewpera who copy this Pros pMtuM, and send to us one ropy of their paper containing it, sliall have their names entered on our books for one copy of the Congressional Globe and A ppendix during the session. " ' . Our pri-c for thexe paper are so low that w cannot afford to credit them out; therefore no per son need consume lib. time in writing for them and not sending the money. . ., BLAIR & RIVES. Washington, October 4, lM&.'-t"--' 98 BLANKS for tale al thit Of.ce.

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