rfcl l Catlttla,sa.4 tat lw ttirltfr 14 tort jr. - riJnk C 113, tpft f WCaiigt ,Ui iW B Cr I"rr at E-triA fa fU af YVi (JViwbt? ifuU fjil Ctf Alex j,!, Caartte aaJ tha Prtrrbarf luirtlfmorr. ((r- f m ta pui.4 .l the Irua fry u U r w lb WkigB fa tW wxt Langm fa rrU- L- ta dw Tarift. Attheta Contra, the De- i - a - . . . . . a . ., te a.-2 -li.u'is a. lb ik kt-U tWan rU. Wl lj tte!a m m( ew YaVta, i CjU k. ty W ciU tmr Uy tra Xew Yad LaritUtM. Ecaare ' li Almj tUgrw. -" - . ' 1 tmr TTcrauWff Btk kwrui pea tit tLU na fa tulfaf cwa range fa tWiM, m awl m fa tkia at-.?, iaruc. lly fa 0 Tar r! E,Sr&U Di.ui.ta. . Kim a bat av tt tuu Vl.4Je aer.t af tha atafwriia, they j aukiaf fa difttref fi of tbia mh y. Wtkal frort aa XiM&tj end TumJaj 14, bdJ at tofc t'"iaule4ladifB..w a a cU utT Kmf brat crap rr lvgrW. (all rLa:itT, aJLVd is U anrra Aoa-fet af ual auKmrv, audi the cwrjnrf' Lort cof crop. - . - . t to!jr ia tr irrrttoct, firlJU faf f I' J t! Iff frf -f a tiU rLa I i up - fp. tie utV-t i kli (f a feieli U ta miirJ at a.UUa tt tidrfj ilo il UUU. I5ctt tlia U r.' . I, ;' -, L i Tie ri f ti mjxrr f CHmm. vmti tt tie trfi cf Uir Frw rir&i KHi, M x.!!!tf J t War-1 t tb tilt U I (4W Si'tit BMff b vi,i. ao ni t r: xt il f r.i n: fitU tteri jr. lMt, . ft! saJ P bXjr tUtt. J4a tKiiUi . V 1 ImA maMTLik ran juii4 atf aitaiSw m lij. IrL I lrf r IAaAa It&U "7 faM9 t Wih wnt 4 trrtt4 kt ! A . -t iW fwr ti f tm4jh tM-stav frwoi a ."T? t wtu w feat tv4 capiat 4 r fiZfrf Th i.fartiiMiM t IV Wk f lha t" T?r? P4 wilt I to riU!'it the Chrin rrli-wa. nHi.rrl to U lull - th rrc-irrU 3.UiO. . V. n..,.,!. tiR.M i.aw itXitOltlj rt t-VbUh th auxl rriM U0 Uirf 3 tarilTt WV i iUrt aaJfabml 1'awUira; liMv. K. fcira were c- oiu-:t.l y prrana vho ut-rJ tLa itIi$MMi t a rUV. IMM ASO V!.TrR rashicas, for, 1C5. " " TJt. Irtla CanaiUbAl mmAI ta A jwrtU'.'y arn.aaca a Lm arntUs aU tla aaUa- nrrj.:r. tUt Aa fee jaat nwiiil ian C wnkakk taa fal aa4 U avert eLiaM tlUlIta"WiaKatr r nI4 a.ae4 a.lw4JWMaisf fa.aa4 a ll-te ea kr H.(4 MM 1 wie eaai a w ro. a'alilfktUisfcHJri,,i,t U'3Uirx3t-ifH."iHrW.rV iti1ki, j u,k eil w- lP9 HI rcoip!rii4l IUI At'J. eJ Cy L"afa aad CU Tasted; TtlOhE Vno ACE SITTECXO ITOM flT8 . ?t?r,T& Darin- U,e h-t w.h. (ptVr.) i.u 1. VZks. The Tvraty-iiifiib Coczrt, U ia now tiit iwrorut tatiH, aej ehow t! eSnmity f tVtr iirvtVmi-na ; tut tLrir iWllmirrdiij pur pMrkl We ncnr4, attJ atlr) cauU iLrn, (tUttW it mini gritlol, u!t kut link Attn tLh,) 14 t!ie lluue w the Wuj forty, tHe luiiTwMfmmttisl le t4inI ae k , tt wne (e enxitirr rmisiign. At tl Isfit amina of, Canem. lw(Ci tfaie- muM be a rwnjilrte ; ktAwi-oU fmtut!rlr M:iun. ur lUry ma4 euirk ej t tLe wart. 'oTtkmutitiiMi It1aut any ihinS l i.Mj'rJ tli ir pmprai. VIA a m yatitr f 54 ia tUe llnwr, of 6 in the Mr-iutc, and a IV tuurralic rrf-iJ. nt, eunly t!rre fo Iw no t turn ai tW not briaitins into full 4y tle brati lira af ibrtr 6 trade tkrtrinee. W't muimeml t)r iVT'"flt itnning arlictr to t!ie at Vbtiua wf Hir Whig tVitT.!. Tht Tariff Smsitle peaV'mg f "2 ll.rcat luade by tlit Lo rofticua to rc-iluce the Tariir to the e.ricl ..(venue JtinJarJ, lUe AlexauJria (Ja jftte tajn: It frem to u. llicn. that upon the fririuN of the Adininiiitrtilioti n-tls, anJ fhouU rrft, the whuic mpoufi!.iliiy of iieiro) intr or altering Hie I an a law anl that the Vhis e peeia'l y tlioe irom parte of the country not dinrily on J et KniiaUy intm eteJ, ami where puMic opin ion IiM not hrctnure been so tkcuicJ in fiwcf th?Ttifl. ouijht to intcrfrre ae little at potoilH. Iia ing the weight of re Fponaibtlity where it property twlonet. The TtrilT U iu the haikle of the, rcpre- feutaliTce front New 1 ork. rcanitylvari:.i, Maryliiml, nl a few o:her Stale there let it remain. If they, deeply eonrcnie J, think thai they f an tan! what is propos ed, tmrely oilier parts of the county ought not to complain. If they are iiuprescd wiih a conviction that their manufacturing etahlihment re too prosperous, their friends and neighbors may well 1 content to acquiesce in their opinion. If they feci anxious for a chance, why should others interpose to throw obstacles in the way of their wishcs.'j , - . Thi is. ri doulit, ilia trao'IUy c( the W hig members of Congress. "Their oppon ents hare the majority, and thould be forced to take all the responsibility of leslation. The Whig can force this rcponsibility up on the Iocos without in the slightest ue- grcceornpromuin their own principles, ty saying to them,44 Uent.ca.cn. prepare your hiU to suit Vfliirselves, and we shall vote upon it--we shall not nrlcr a single amend ment or suggestion the measure shall he out own In every patticular." If this course be pursue.!, the focofocos will be forced to carry out their professions, or stand before the country convicted o tioti-ble-dealin2. f Id "on tlie contrarS'. the Vhiirs meddle with Ute bill further than firing a simple vole niinst it the tricky Iocot will, a usual, rem to he vr ry anx ious to rcduVe the TaritT, and blame the Whigs for preventing the reduction. Our ewn ronvii liou is, that there never existed a majority, having more dread of respon sibility on the TaritT question, ban the one which will assemble ia the next Congress. They arc between the Devil aud the Deep Sea." ;' If they enact a ho rizontal Tariff of 20 per cent, they will be Ccreatcd at the next election, and it they do not enact such a law, they will convict themselves of a want of principle tiiat can not fail io bring 'dotru oa'tlicid U.e iadig ilie An.iican J!i.!e Soriiy more tUn o..fJ J roj lee r l H,Vr ami TrU- menu, atrrgng eresr 2.003 pr cay. naie are to I XUled by New Ilanil.irc, V irciuia, Indizna, MiMtMippi, and 'Ten' ucwee, and their Iz-gishttures are of ihc same party. i?a fjipt the full Senate will pivbail y rompiUe twenty-tour Whig aud thirty Dfinocrat raskins six majority. There are eiirht vacanciea in the Houee, viz. four from Miisfcippi,one ffcm r hv rnla, an J one (to nil vacancies) from each if the State of Louisiana, New Itamp l.iro, aud Masnachusctts. There is no doubt of Uie tlct tioo of four Democrats iu Mississippi, (as the choice is by general tirkrt,) one in f-ouisianu, and one in Mo rula, leaving New Hampshire and Ma fachuscttsout. (and thtv do not seem like ly to elect.) the House will ioii';iin, ac- turdiiij to the tablet in lit Journal pj l oinmcufv Diaincrati, 7? Virf, 0 Natives total 222. Majority over Whigs and Natives J51Y Shewing a Whig giin of four h;ciii!cn, snd a Dt mocjnticlossof ten, compared with the oil Cougrcss, when tlcctcd. Sundry changes were sub sequently made, mostly in favor of the Whigs. Of the members ot the last I louse who voted against Mr. McKay bill to re duce t'ifi Tarifl"if 18 is, forty-five arc re., clertud; and of thofe who voted for it, fifty eien. , Aa. Jnltl. kLoi-U emJ It t'i- a,;, J rvW then?. . Krmrk tludut tlZe, Ur t. vzm ui LiiJ C I is ti natwewr iwe af j-.-toj fae L& 0tkm r.w; Uk anl cWes(eiefdefaeeWiaraa. . .. kt uj fcinuiuw Vkiwria nA la e.w effrorted ee cwrrj-r. fci are, kr te viimrm reJ f'n aJ ZJxi f ." as ifpuwuoB w..ww iiw my im irre w a aa wt-'atwUv eUrarice. V arcrtim. If the Sute Ccnu jutt la- ere tune ria fa dw Mad. fa tU Sow ken. lobe 3Gfi7S3.a:i inrrcaseor ttjwrirn,nt wr, r amy rwee me ru- Urn-. Mark, l fce, an-l Uwa ILJUn l pImIL Bowl'r, rm-jA, refcraw, en4 werBe i wmm a jmm. j r i ."V. mr.J ;w llHi tVlil D-TJ- ri'.mrt t-OJlirt lion I ruVa ia prtKort'ian e fee uanunt of E& U v ... . n,- tk .-j .v-:e Raw ami i l bauti.ia im.clairWtiiiMti :!; v.'o,il at t i rHi .... . "i . '.i'.L V- J ihvzO k.tolt ,J tvrare en I Triifiwia,". t'Uk TeU; aUarratkaa ia tie ret-ra. wnr fc m ia ( m&&g kie eatteenee te fWaUi (Us wart ia iwl aaeat U&weelk ek aa4 tf pied tL He ii ron'itu ta ifi fa kie r VfBwt4 erl feat evaikakfa, ae tkat Lie araik ekejt t 3 aea(b He sm eisa ere' emr aaie kaaia I h ir "-rtf a ik e ktr l Pr" Fe4ike, -kirk ate kUW4 ly 3 tie UJVW.te Uiiure fa H Xrtkrr cirfre. Mr. C. eWJ pX 1m ta ke&t te tie public toe enVi-nrJ fat U eery lite. eJ ftreni8C Uwtotea eetriwd. lie ka aakle ewty rftwl fa Lie re!f to e a aaara vUfaati J etii:e kjnrrul ct tbm IvUm'w. I y ""'- Vwm'r. aaJ raRHcoa A'p: teaaty Imi eralweriij k fJWae it rat fa the wk i a4 ka krw iisitwm: ; 5k'nae,Te!tw. klcfl. Tiirei. H U ble I'rM k aK bmt ailhaul aurre. Aa4 ac fa u2 i;.. i-.. ..J fMBlnra: . I if aa. i eAlnktn J eirrtiuaa aaV k be bee euadr. A - -A. ! . . L. .1. " " . aaa. . . .. a. a a r .La. . wi,,ia.a:i inrrcaseoi , "J p " , lu. euT, tarr; Mark, l i. or 13 Per rent, in Hie ream. .ywastrt astjrnj v.tn tapuit p:i, g . iaiX. ' I air: ef ealn. Te be KtiL anfv ertiwee iLe v laroaTAST Dhvioss. la ear e K . tVh fa pruKKtiaa e t. uanunt of E& ia it-: j0- be tnMU, will ii.ure a ontintiaix-e uf Ihctr fwl rafale. 6 a ril t tft d ol it bu k-e any bad rf trt. The laS? Piiki- . v . l. i?,., t,s,i I'-J, tn. sudnk L-i uri l Jl -iwf , Chapciibtr S if4id. ii has brt n aej mn fatiieri ha ihe fne only hae il.e tn.itii U a-e it r-an.ee 'ttt .r..,...,-....1: Pet0. IVawaUh paiti dr g.be, Mlet b- t;M- tor .he ire of . WF FaAee'. aW r..nt fac a. . 4 . vt t a n a a a " aeer V Yft Uatr.re a,.. u.it.a .! -C" frciurer.r f lteaa wJ1,Ivt; irel-.VBr.n-t: e gn r.ii5e. I a ill be ee tVl iif.l - M,J i l-"'- " IUUorej House er,t lior-lriirr I jur. I. ia .1 a a.. -I... .. a. at 'MlSr-l, D .1.1 li .J, CU,-, IlllJlM 1 l'ir? ulj W t!,-r; IM?. BW aiat Mameai j f ;; CM I-it ac. aivd ear: e u roSorcJ 5 t-. V-.-iZT:- V Hotice. ; !.L tbeas fackbif4 ia lie rtm.e teT Mr. E. tVnrf, dcmrn-U aie erqtMttcd ta aaake u innile I) ukiJ te Long, NVrl, & Co. WILLI A 51 HOOPER. Admr. O.KUrI. 9 c3? (tptain AM It. ! tl.e f.ei-e sdii gerbconer Ufidrfewaifr.. ho armed Hue a.prn ng !-.., I'a.I ... Il .11 at. .1 . that the day ?reviu. lo hi f I'll 0fl.fl I , - .i t)Urtwn .h eU rf UiCa. nea arrived t f an rpg-eeni t be wet n ;it4-ua.i. euniai.kiie 44n Am. Tbtteuteitbe V et UWcr. en iloinjey t!:e S ttk t4 X lev ven.hrr, at ta cofiit bouarjui Hill- borooitU. lite Trad JjikI avbrreun LAW ritOFESSOIiSlIIP. , We are gratified to elate, lhat the Tms-tl-e of the University of North Carolina have crl iblihed a Lsw Piofenrbip. of which his honor, Judge JJaTTJ.e, ha been appointed Professor. ; This Department will cnl-ain two Classes; of which the first, rulled ihe lit- drpm tent f 'rfr, will 'consist of such Suuleuuor JiJiW, as Have no connexion with any of the ('allege Classes, andfhe sVcon.l calletl the Collrge (Vi, will e n-lis-tofsuch Irregular 'Member of Col leee as, wiih the permission of t!ie Fa uiiy, may be desirous of joining it. I he plan of Muiijes comprises black tone's t'ommcntaries.S.erdieafia Plead- in?, r.hittr on rieadinitireenicvi Evidence, tJhitiy en Unirarts, rruiae' Disest of Ileal Property, and lUiams On Executors, together with Leciiircsor. die Municipal laws of the State, a modi fied hv the Acts cf t1 e Legislature, and de- rifions of the flate Couits. ; A complete Course will occupy two years for the JnJtiiinJent Class, and to tears and a half for the Colltze Class, ai the end of which the Dejree cf Haiiir- i.or or Luv will be conferred on such Students as, by their proficiency, may be deemed entitled to it. I The Professor of Law receives no sala ry from the Trustee of the University, but is emi-led to demand train each mem berof the indrptiuUnt A lass, 50 pr Srssion for the two first Session of ihe Course; and $23 afterwards and from each member of the Colltt Class, 23 ner Session. The Professor of Law, and the mem bers of die Independent Class, will not be subject to any ol the ordinary College the llajfen and D Jmrn-e-n ermiet, near M 'ay age, in which it Iftrrrer were t--tally rou'td. eontulrr.tle lit in killed, woundrd. ert't prironcrs, munition f aar, aol ptoeietntt; end it a thntibt al Port an P a l thai the llayt en wi uld no b b!e to ief in ibe Spam-h pait of the i-Und. .V. I. Ccuritr 4 Enq. 1rro)iars a rati Dwrlliiif lloue. t ba Ilouce. kiUlicn.Larn, tjtablcc, and all mfw-aiy Oul-Hm-o ; b1k an e.er!k'iil t1I of water in the yard.' ' Thm U die iuu divirajik- etai.it for a More end public house between Hi!leamHisti and IJa- : Msh, A note rtraiti.i'b and roi. at Uie aci'rry ol the Bank of Cat t ear at IlilUboriH-Kit, ul.l aim in pivannt. SAMT'STKAYIIOltN. Ci(o!t13. CSte regidations. n.;. t tirgititr. , 5 1 1 C Marvtom Efctfion. Speaking Of his party's recent victory in Maryland, the ! Union says: It has sounded the knell of j tho Tariff of 1 8 12 irf the ears of the Whig i i...i..- 5 I in il .1 at. HM ! .... naUon of UlC people. . s ; "S MJ " "1 wLJ . r,nMt for.,,,' you to execute your threat to reduce the .v.. t , .t.- : r I duties to 20 per cent. We want no shuf- . j...i :. ' . 1 fliniF or dodirniff no seeming to do what mniv li Hi pi iniiuai-'ic a itianiiv i kiii, o - tcu JiOco Focn inpnuitj" ranriot dipguise ; )' -1 ae a - em . . at uicir want ol prtiifiple. rer. taui. TIZCICaK'a'S ScH IlocH--lTiif publication, a more extended notice of which will bo found in another part of to-day 'e paper, seems to attract the attention of the public Com one end of tho Union to the other. The opinion has kwj been enter tained by oWn intj men, that the I.ocofoeo lead- on don't do no cahojcling with the Iron of Pennsylvania and Sugar of Louisiana but we want to see you march right up to the mark, and carry out ybtir professed nrineinl?8 lo their lccitimatc results. Do this, if you dar?. Pet. Int. Dtirlliwr in Ort son. It is said th? t on tho 2d of November last, in one of tho : courts of law of the Territory of Oregon, era in the ntnte of New Vo;k are a eonupt wt of 0ne criminal was fined $.)00 for sending - ill I . a.-.r. . a a - - j ...... fa; an a.riRn.nt of Hardware, and t'etibiy; j aMOrtmrot cinw4a, fa prt, f Cold and aneiaxln-..tU'Civckei?,l' JL nil, Lrver en.l Vetre Watebea, Cuanl .xc. , IClu-lna ami K, t in tone Euantriieii ureaai lliiy rrrftfu!ly mute their nUon.cw and : y. iKin?1,Ma.Uman,lio-ee-e fcubUc eeuerelly le five iWm a cl, to -.aw-, . ..... ,.... ,u. stUtU. UUU and meandjuiii!elorUienriMe. Tips hair, Culd and Wer I'cmciI, -a -Aa aavi i i.i i.iLe. ariiai . iia nnuiu uie ia a - tl.Hi.ks lo the community f'r llie tcr lilvral rtiarc of ruati'in Sureloforeextentlrd to litem; ami hoj hr rkc and feraonal allcnlio!i to butancaa, and rwuiwtile prieca, ulill Ii niuit and receive a- fair pioiNtrtion of Ihe traile. d 1 ... Ia.a. T .1 . -M ' ih.t ha ai!iiitted in anv frame at a abort no- 2 fea Gold end Silver, Blue and Polished Pteet Rpecta tlea, to auit all agre, very eurior riinl Gloesea, For the Recorder. At a meeting of the Temperance Socie ty of New hope, held on Saturday the 4ih of Septcnitar instant, theatdience wa ad dressed on the subject cf 1 cmpcranee in an appropriate and interesting address by Mr. 1'. II. A.cIJadc, of Uhapcl 1 1 ill: oticr which the corprcsration' was waited on. aud an cudiuon of t enty sultseriber wa made to the iemperance plcugc. . . The uhiect of Treating with intoxicat ing liquor wa discussed briefly before the Society, and the follojtir.g trsoluticn unanimously adopted; , Kcsnlved. I hat this Society i willing to unite with all other Temperance Socie ties, ajnl willi all the Voters, or other in dividuals in the County of Orange, iu any lonorable way, to put down the practice of Treating for electioneering purposes. After the adoption of the above resolu tion by the Society, the question was put to all present, whether members of the so ciety or not. and the resolution was passed y .'. : . i ,-a-. .-.t i r. t- Severn! other resolutions were passed, 1170IE Ai Wofeoy'a Brut Hutrfr House '""" " one of which was a Vote of thanks to P. M MSM.ASSCS, Fayet ron sAiafi:. "iTltll .iubanilier.bmii re nvnej lo yVyK wemero part of t!ieUte, ollere for . $'S Vale bi UCslbCNCE. and a -mall kja; rLANTATION at HiilaUwuph. The Residence is aituatetl mi tluit Inautifu re-innice at 'the River, ovcrkinkinff the ti&E ITia IIoue ia a nraU we'l-licL-l;cd I'uiUir.s, ;of Four Rooms and a good tViLr, connected wJ. which a Dutumovlioiut Oflit a e.iih Two Roouws and all necc--ary put BuiMtU3. Ti e Lot eon- tains 16 aciea of highly improv ed land.. ' The Pli ntation i in a few hundred yard of the dwelling, and coniuin" 131 acre ol fertita land.' It Iu, ukiii it actrftd neer-iilinr Hjirinii, and a valuable Meadow, which jielJa V0,CUU lb, of hay par Biinutn. , t An extended eredk will he siven'on the rrorrr- ty. if desired.on &.od bond anJ personal B.ctrity ! rul,.h. Morjhine, with uitcrcat. .... . ; For further particulars reC'rence ia nr.de to my aeent. J. W. JWwoo.1. it lli!W! oroiu h.' Dirr. sTurrs, c. -.;. 1Vi:i:t. &. C'0.,wouUre fully eimotince to the public that they have tH.VEIt-PI.ATED WARE, CUTLERY. AND lAMi liUUiHS f ilT-t Table and Tea Spoon, Euih r KnWee, t'art ura, Camile Stacka, Bnutu ra aim a raja, vo oprnrd a ilrus nlmp in a room unmeiliatcly over,' yjut IVteut Steel I'cua, Knives and fotke, Uu ir etore. They exwl lo keep a full supply ngcM iUperior Pcn-Kitivea Congreea d.v Bcia of cvcrv'ertlcle uwiflly k.l in Hri'i? Mores. The t Ran and IrojM, having f'onp, FisUda, , follow ing i a 1.4 of a tew of the k a.linq; article j yXaAe tjoxMj Walking Cane. Mantle Clocks jut oia liltig. 0ium, 1'uL Klui, PuL Al-e, Tel .p, Cream Tartar, " Iccac, Gum Cimphor, Kadix IS iliac, , ' ' rH lii ka, tSap. C'iir!. ivxla, Tattaric Acid, Gem Myrrh, , J. W. NofwtH.I. il HiiUVorouchA JOSEPH V. NgKW'UOD. . October 15. St- MEDICrXES. ISitr ite of Silver, Hydmrg. Cum Crcta, Batos J'opaiva, Acua Ammcnia, f;.l. Lavendar Comp. V a-tor Oil, 'Alcohol, v -,hpt. ISitre dulc. Huax of Iad, Paragoric, la.uliiuitn, Croup Syrup, Evcnce Peppcncrnt, Pearl Barley, Arrow Root, II. McDade, another, to forward the pro ceedings to the Recorder fot publication. ; The Society havimrgot throuh its bu siness, adjourned, no doubt with tlie picas- ins reflection that tliev had spent part ol the day in so good a pause as thai of Tem perance. ; -!-. " ' - 4 -. . ... . a W ho will emulate ' their xscwi one friends! x"f : LAMP, Oil and October 14. LSa. FavetU-ville CA.ND1XS.1 I JAVA COFFEE. : -j J-,m . " "w 1 ... iulph. Quiniue, Cslomel, Erig, DrE-STlTFS, P.rXTs, Arc. Itali-io, ' ' ' ' Crome Yellow, Madder, Lamp Black , Whit Lead, dry and in Yellow Ochre, Oil, Glue, - Gum Shellac, Yentieywe,' Venetian Red, A-c. Arc. &o.' oz. 4 or. 6 ou Vial Corks, Arc. Country Physicians and Cenntry Merchants Silver Thimblea, -ilver 'leere ButtoiiaaiMi I lair fi.. f .lit Chains and Keys, Med Jo, . ilk anJ Buck-skin Money Furs, Hair Bruahea, and Ke ol Builalo Hair Comb,. Coral, ilk Velvet Keti- culea, tSilver-pUted Epaulena ami nuver omui, tsteel Key Ring, finperior Etcr-poinled I-eeda, Percuion Caps Meel Tweezer, Oliver iioubuw, Colotrne Water, &e. - ' rXjrWu-he, Clocks, and Jewellery or every dcHtript.cn repaiied with neatness and despatch, and warranted. ......... LEMUEL LYNCH. October 1. " u List of Letters, Remaining at the Pest Office at Hillsbo rough, N. C, on the 1st day of Octo ber, 1813, which, if not taken out with in three months, will be sent to the Ge neral Post Ofliee aa dead letters. Stephen Moore, Anderson Armstrong, f ranaa a. aiayjiaro, Francis Avcnt, At Co. Ca'ren T. Anderson, ! ' It Syd S. Boddie, 2. JUST-KECEIVED. A KETS. Ako 75 facks Petersburg SALT. n,,, v A. M1CKLE & CO. October 14. - t ; will be supplied upon the most liberal terms, and James Bishop, (Jj" Prcacriptions put up 97 Ecportcd for the Petersburg Intclligencer. , Petcraburg, Ootobiir 8, 1845. PETERSBUG MARKETS. -Tobacco. Ouly a few hhds. per day are inspected. JN o change in prices. Jaies this week 2 to 7. ... .. v.. I Corros. Supplies of the old crop have nearly ceased, and those of new are very limited. The few bales sold this week brought V to 71 . The Steamer accounts tended rather to reduce the N." York mar ket. . ? Wheat. Very little brought in, and the price has improved, although the ri ver is too low lo enable the nulls to wor. Prime Bed commands 90 cents, but the sales generally range from 75 to 87. ' Corn may be quoted 52 to 53 cents. Onlv small lots offering. Bacox. Virginia, hojr round, 8j to 9. Notice. !!7;.!frZcAdoo, Scott, & Co., W OCLD respectfully inform their customers, and the public, that they are now receiving politician, the moat corrupt of any in tho Union; and Uiia publication of McKcnaic's but prove, that this opinion w ax jnst and well fonmled. ' No won-J der, then, that the Empire Club, with its illustri ous leader, Captain RyndcrH, and its singularly homogeneous mixture of bad, wicked,' and mi eliievuus rncii, should he cboWn to act so promi nent a part in the operations of the Locofoeo par ty and that it should be chcrUhcd with so ntueh fondness by them - Buteurelv the great maw of a ' f ' 7'.'. tne people of ftcw" or! are not so, deeply bunted with die corruplion as to permit this combination to ejist much longer; and we hope this publica tion of McKcmic'a will serve to open theis eyes, that they may see into what hands they have fal len. We have nothing to do with the manner in Vvhich McKrnzic procured tho letters, this is a matter to be settled by him, w i.h those immediate ly concerned. Whether he was actuated by an honeat desire to expose this corruption, (which is probable,) W by the desire 10 make money by the le of the. work docs hot eonccni us, if the booi MARRIED, "VOTICE iaiciven to nil per.'ons.hang suits J their Sloik of in Uie Uounty Court of Orango which hayoJ F.CI.I. A0 WIXTEft GOODS, liecn pending more than twelve months, and in h1,e n pUrri,aswl dmine the last month which costs have not been paid, that application thc rjtips of Ncw york 8n,j Philadelphia, at the will be made at the tievt term of sod Court fi.r j 1()WMt CfUjll .,ricea Thcir St0l.k quite hcavyj executions in all ,ucU cases for t.ic Clerk a Fees; ; .!,.:- f , wnprai assortment of Drv Goods. and that executions have already been ordered in j f(Jf L(ui;cs' oni Gentlemen's wear, also a large many eases for said fees, which executions will i sortu-ent f irats Bonnets, Shoes, and Boobs be held up until next term, after that timi unless j Groccr5t(, ch as Brown and Loaf Sugar, paid, they will po into the wicnu s nanus, ah : MoasscSt Cotrce, Imligo, Madder, Pepper, Spice, pereoM,flnd. particularly Ihe plmutuT a, "o 'wnin2cr. Ate A pood assortment of Castings. Iron, in forested in these suits are requested to cull on- the present Clerk and pav these cost. . . JOHN BANE, i- . -. HARRISON PARKER, - GILES MEBNAE.' OctoW7. " 97 Notice THE auWrilier, having qualified at the May Term of Orange County Court, evecntor of the Ia.4 will aiid tcsbiiii'.'nt of . WILLIAM HOPSON, deecased, hercbv"ffives notice tq all persona indebted to the estate, lo come forward StceL Wagon Boxes, IVails, Iace and Halter Chains Tin Ware, a full assortment; V bite Lead, dry and in oil ; other Paints and Dye-stuus, with manv other articles too numerous to mention. They solicit a call from their frieruls, hoping to 1 able to give satisfaction as to sty le, quality and William B. Edmonson, price, as they arc determined to sell to suit Uie lwrdnessofthetin.es." Country Irodtice taken for Goods. RufTm's Mills, OctoU-r 1. 96 3in Joseph G. Bacon, Templey Blakley, , , James Brockwcll. P William Chambers, Harden Couch, ' Anthony Coloj -Coroner of Orange ; County,. 4 . , William Couch, Reuben Cardcn, James Christie, Marshal Coryent, Calvin D. Carrol, Mary Clark. . P .. Col. JesFC Duibain, Martha Eurkam, . Mary Bickey, Alex. Dickson, Yonne Dortch. M William Eccles, llenrv Evans, PuhSic Sale. 7 ILL be sold at the late residence of John Brown, deceased, on the 20lh day of Octo- a challenge, was rendered ineligible to any office of trust or profit, and w as deprived of the privilege of voting at any election. He was drawn as a inror oetore tne grand jury brought the bill against him; and by order ot, the court his name was eraseu from the list.' This is Uie right way to establish law and older in a new country. tar. watchman. The extraordinary productiveness, of the soil of the West is strikingly shown by fact stated in the Alton (Illinois) Telegraph of last week. That paper says: - . t , " The quantity of corn which may be seen from Mound Farm, in Jersey coun ty, under twenty' miles from this place, cannot amount to less lhaii five hundred thousand bushel. Nor is ibis all, or ihe hen. From Mr. It. A. DividsonV resi dence on the Muff, on the road from Alton: to E hvardsvillc, and about Seven mile . . .. . ! 1 : 1 . ....a . 1 .11 In this county, on Wednesday the 8th inst., by J""""' ..-- j I lr next, all the Crop of Corn and Fodder. Stock Henry EdwariW F ! John Field, ' ! Charles Frasler, Auston Forme, ' E. P. Green or John . Fpstpr. , . II Sarah Mcintosh, James Marlow, Lewis Moore, Sidney Mitchel, Elizabeth M'CuIkxh, Frederick Moize, T Hiram M'Veigh, la. Mayers, -Thomas M' Daniel -t- N , Hazel Norwood. O Betsy Oakcv. i Mr. Piper, ' Rev. Henry H. Prout -William T. Parks, , Robert Primrose, K. F. Pleasants, Geo. II. Parker. . -R Mrs. Rachel Revel, " William RobeiU, William Roach, J. Reed, junr. J- amucl Reynolds. '-.: 8,. John" hepherd," Mary Ann ' alesbeard W illiam Shambly, John iScalcA . T Bit hard Tapp, Mary Thompson,' 'Susan Thompson, Sarah Thompson, Levi H. Thom, f1 j John Tinnin, : " William II. Henderson, Sruiucl Turrentine. lo Miss Sarah II. Holkmas, daughter of Mr. Samuel Holcman. ' - In this county, on Thursday, the 3d instant, by John C. Douglas,5 esq., Mr.' Ilia a Lincu to Mis Jane Hojikins. ' " ! In Christ Church, in the City of halcigri, on Wednesday evening thc 8th instant, by die Rev. Dr.' Mason, Discas K. MacRav, esq., United die Rev. dliam Jones, Mr. Cauvik C. Strowi. , pngoatrfnjiia the time prescribed j by law, or this notice will lie plead in bar of their recovery.- : WILLIAM THOMPSON, Ex'r. October t, 26 Public Safe. WILL be sold to die highest bidder, on the -33d of October, at the Plantation of Wil liam Wnnsnn: iWensrd. on North East Creek in States District Attorncy.'to Miss Vibcixia Hb"-. tiic lowe'r fart of diis county, all the perishable ax, daughter of Louia 1). Henry, esq. property ot thc ucceascu on saw pianiauon, con- , ' ' " ' sisling of Corn and Fodder, Catdc, Hogs, and .. . Farming Tools, j Ouillinry. And on tho 28th, at the lata, residence of thc " Died, in tin county, en Thursday the 9th in deceased, on Cane Creek, will be .sold his llouse stant, Mr. Samil McBaoo. aged 63 years. bold and Kitchen Furniture, Crop of Corn , Fod . . c m .i. ia.u I. ' dcr, Arc-, Farming Ltensds, Horses, Cattle and Died, in Somemllo, Tenn-, on the 19th ulumcy Hogs Wagon, and other articles too tedious to Mr. AiaSKT Woods, formerly of this place, aged mcntion. , Also, nmo likely NEGROES, about 47 years. . I A credit of nine months will bo given, the pur- Died, in Hardeman county, Tenn, on the 15th chaser givbg bond with W-edhy . ...: r. r f , aw. -f w;ii;'. f uiiuuu, r v. . - for twelve months. Shaw, esq, formctly of lliis county, aged about j' 28 years. -- - - - " i -'" i V WILLIAM THOMPSON, Ex'r. October'l y.c. s -.viUOt. :t 90 of Ilorsca. Cattle and Ho;s. Plantation and Black- j smith tools, with other articles too tedious to men lion. ' (j .lso some five or six NEGROE3. Terms made known on the day of sale. JOHN lj LEATHERS, Adm'r. S,-ptcmbr, "6 Tvlills and Tan ITard STILL FOit S.U.E. rfHIS prbpetty, not having been disposed of, - is still ofi'ered for sale on the aaioe terms as formerly advertised. -1 w ill sell it all together, or separate the Tan i aw trom Uie Jiuts, as may sun purchasers. Also, a Neero Man, alwut 36 years of age, a good distiller, sound and healthy, honest, and of industrious and temperate nahits. , Also, good Milch Cows, and a number of fine Beef Cattle for sale. ? v. lso, a good new cast iron Bark Mill, and two Copper Boilers, for boiling, tan bark, and one thicc-horse W agon. , A reasonable credit cpon on good security. J. S. SMITH October.!. i . Ivi i 4i. 96 I-.:mbert W. Hull, Milton Hushes, William Haniis. James Hutchina, ILurict Had, 2 I Francis Irwing, M ary Junrsey, John Joues, v . Measher JetTreys, Thomas. Jones or Wm. Thompson. ---y Nancy Kelly, Richard Knowle. L Benj. F. Lockhart, -James S. Leathers. M Georjc Marlctt, Charles Miller, U Merritt Udcy, . Dicey Umstead. V t James Vaughn. ' rrmf$ :w; t Snsan D. W Itherspoon, v ltenry K. Witherspoon, Robert Webb, Rev. Alex. V ilson, Samuel R. Woods, Joseph Wedding,1 William Ward, George Whitfield, Burton Whitaker,, . 1 Joseph W eilding or Geo. Parker. Y John White Joseph Wootls 'v William N. Whittcd. Joseph Weddin, or Ja. AshW. SsT Those calling for the above letters will please say tliev are advertised. JAMES M." PALMER, P. M. October 1. ' 5 t A. '11 T It