' il e-l 4 , mm 'BE MIKIS!' - Ra Ae heW kert thai' bukte. , Hit a fwad WW' "! A wssd-e leU-Ass ctwAed to carta r3J uaaey UAJuag Aewve. HU had saade owned ' torth. Weak Um lit . A- hear- TVa Awato it Ml aa Ul . A wrd pn. TW ;m mc tb tht a brMb Tat lhtxa WH.-'flrf trowing beaut ful hurt deserve a pi in the scrip - buol of roetaoryi . t .... I. c,v.J bIim .W. . , : J r . . " if4 nf not m - iwaut nni hnJ vt rrovned wiih ihonw. . Tlie lo-MUful thought ba t eridel .l?y Jftfoet Maotjoiornr, eq. AtaMt iJl Wrf fiptrJEI .Pill M avwl iom kwumI qr kraj, M"W ia aif aJr( 1 W "JV mi, arax," tbt aMtact eriad: Wkat 0Mrr awl curpat aduna r Maaufta," da) rcaetal irp'inl, TV7 ftr-8MUft kad with thorn." ,v C r m wpapT ma ine inuuauy anu wicnia x lie Mwr. nj we ijnenutj m cuni iin m it iviiiwHit ii ia cum pl ulj i ey. tk for a frthj ,rier .U pVr ou't tiatlj, ctlimot. of K9rf tnrJt, upon my and ail object. Ilia idea may 2.e ia "the weak, waihr. . fftexliaiin flfwd," ajiJ hla 'cotnrptnJ of lnpa;e toaj enable him to atrinf lften togtCf -Uke lunrhea of onions anl yet PT toll nVeafre and poor eon- rem. Bat what i the labor, the toil of each a mn, whn diplaya hie " ItadtQ , fJUfer" er ei largely, tn tht impose J 04 j J"ciooa, veil informed Editor, who eirrriaes hie vocation with an horn- if eocctonrfa of ita reopnnai'iiliijea and dut;e, apdevotea hinwir to the con iImtI 01 !.ia paper vhh the aatne care and aiJuity th-t eniblf liwer beatova Xpoa a ait, or hum .ip phyician opon a parent, without rrrrd to' aliow or (Jia IUy! Indeed the mere writing pmrt of .edijnf paper, ia buiafmallporuon of the work. The induuy is not even ahnwn there. 1 he care, the time employed in .tpcui,(,i far more important and the tact of a (nod Editor ia teller aliown hy hi aelecttona than any thin j ele; and that ve all know, ia haj( jbjJjaiUe liiif 'a' wKae aaii, the Editor ought to be esti mated and Ubora ondersoiHl and ap predated, by Uie reneral conduct of his juper its tone -iu temper ji uniform, consistent cniirse-iu principle its aims its manlineia ita dignity ita proprif ly. To preverve theae as they almoid be preset ved, is. enough to occupy fully the time nd attention vf any man. If this added to the general supervision of the newspaper establishment, which tnoat Editors have to encounter, the wonder io how lltey can fiqd ijibe -or.rooiB o tcnVe rW,'H s " ' Alexandria Gazette. FoactTrrLJiEM. A writer in the Bos ton Alias relates the following : A Con rieei'rui la-'y. who vaa in tht habit id Iwaja leafing oweihtp( or other be jhind her, wheat ver she went on a j.ui iey, was not lung since proaiftd by her husband the present of a haififsome abawl. if on the oeeat on of her leaving faoase the .next dar, she erd every tliinf 'Ur wasted with her. The lady of Coarve exerted bersell t ihe utmost and the pair set r.ff toward the, pl.ee ql their 'jest:usiitn. They had' nt prrwerded a rnile, hnneve,' when the lady exhibited f ymphmts r.f fiilgeliness, a oul, andn her hubpd'e mqainnf aa to the eaui e, afie egclaiwed in a flight. (voodnrsa gra eicu' I fir got the laby.' S the ana n I f-V- f HE euharTiher will prartire in the Superior Court of Law and Equity and the County Couit of Orange. fieptrmter 1. 93 & OjLUmlSo YR. TflHtsua Cain, having etblih U ed himaelf in Hillitborough, trnJers his pro IVaaional aervwes to the puWit j aq j Cud bs'tnimd mi ail umea at Uk (XTior, wi door north of Stray. barn ot ."StchoU Wore, when net pru&auoflally enesged. , MiylS. fitf To Merchants Vi&lTlXtl PETERSBURG A EICHMOXD. sirs, arc. : stf. I WI8l4 to holifr Merchants viaiting Petrra-. m r i. a d -i .a I 1 t4i rv snd ruiLnrrwkv T,jee r? w v'ntJ In their Fall Slock. that I am now mppueo! with n'freah, large, and eomleto ssiortmrnt of nil kinds of Gooils in my ""i"i' " uuiuv juuu- etyles of HATsJ AND CAPS laid in on the ... .... ... a lii ' ' ' ,1 ,,. I m 4 lavurable trmi. I will aa? ta my old eiia t North Carolina and Virginia, that I am p -jwivj to aarvs hen en my usual terms. FRANCIS, MAJOR.. Sycamore Street, Pewrsturg, Vs. tSpasiBAw A tw Equity Sales. mlSmm J. fkOrfmrn. ami TU- TVfcUja to ar3 Lend. . TIT swtuo T a Aw mt tksf Curt af Ceidty to &kna. nd( Ml SrtSeasVv km. 1M1 I amJfe&v for safe to the fee ea the sk dav af Xeaeestsc ttitM the nmnes. oa ft read ef rwrha asw'h a . A TRACT OF LAND. nfpafc to ess abas hwadrrd WlJ1 tog the mtfW af FUt stives, !wudnf tk reaalraeeetth tsto KUraheth Parwrws. widow 4 Ulkto Jesses rittn Bond and erenrrty ,KiitA. Tstlr nsade when the ewwry m paid. Jtrahrr IX S3 4w JuAerr Kerf a afW-fV'w NaT lie iTJ V virtue e a diriveef tbe Court af Equity I rfuQ orfrr for W is the bihrat toikr. brtwsl , the cam Imw ow m HiMarmigti; ea the t tih rf rf twrf, 4aeth. the Tract U LAND wkrrcoa the late IWm H mU. at the time ef hi. dntk. . J MPS VFD EDO, c. X. E. Srptrtubct t3, Aufrr Djtm tuT irr, mmd tdht-PttUUm U U titfU mat tJAkxmatr Vnna, Vr. T V virtue of a oWrrr af thr.Oittft of Equity "wbiu caw, maile at tSfwlbrt Irnu, 1841, I ahaB ofli r for tair to the higW Uiirr, an tlaa ixrmurt. on the lal day f Xowmhrr Mil. on ; mitt of twelve uontha, ail tbr Ktal Eatato of the I btr Alrt aaJrr (raia. I BoJ ami awitntj win be iequ!il, and title ream! unUIUte awory a pa. JAMES WEBB, c . c ' JWh, rirt W eJUra. asaunt UM. 17. 4 tew, vwwwq w ui ir-illt j Petition to aril ft. tlrtl, , .e tb. Coul1 io th't rear, made at tSrotembrr term. lt. I UH oK't (or kV to the hicttret baUrr, at the atoatof Eli Murray A Co, on the Kd of Neem krr aeit, on rmlit of twelve month, all the JLAMJ dearnned in the petition. Kmc en the ten of Via? awl Bark Creek, adjoininc the lamia of Jam Srori, Jr.ttf Criarjp. aad other, it be. 4nc the muicact or the late 8imiel Hewlett. Dond and aminry imtured, and title to be made when the money ia paid. JAMES WEBB, r. x. t. Sfptemher S3. 93 (w Jamtt Murrom' ktir$ at LewPetitiyH h tell Land, BY v:rtne of a derive of tlie Court of Equity ' in thia eaae, made at Keptemlier term, 1 845, I shall ofler lor aale to the hi-'lieat biUrr. at the tore of John CrutrhfieM. Mar Cane Creek meet. tni kouae, o Saturday the S5th day of October Mit,en credu 01 twelve month, the HAD whereon James Morrow reaided at the time of hi death. Bond and arcurity required, and title to be made when the money is paid. JAMES WEBB, c. . e. September S3, S5 4w A CARD. DR. Janir S, Smith, inieixline to de vote himarlf exdusively to the dutiea of hi profeaiHon, oflers his service to the public, and will thanXfutly feoeivs any call. August 19. tf90 Insurance Office in Hilton! J gain tht less bg Fin sVlfswere, ntrrhmndtxe, fe nilS subarribrr having been sppointed Agent -J of the .Etna Insurance Office, of Hartford, Cl, and having received the tie vanarv blanks, Ae. is prepared to isaue poliriea of Inauranre asaioot kW by Fire of Houses, Goods, Wares, Merchan. dice, dec I The advantages of Insurance against Iom be dosjuction of property by Fire, to which nil are more or lees eipoaed, unit be evident to every j one. every pruueni man enouid at treat enect a partial insurance on property. Any explanation sa to terms, Ac, will be cheer fully given by the suhwriber, either personally or by letter. Building, Goods, and so forth, in Mil. ton or the surrounding country, or Villages, will be insured at this Office. NATHANIEL J. PALMER. Milton, X. C, Aug. 14, 8145. N. B. J. M. Palmer will receive sppNcstions snd make surveys for me in HilUborough, X. V. " ' IS. J. PALMEK. Court l WsTdtm Orange CoBnly. Hillsborough, August J9th, 1845. 1RDERED, that bercafier all appUcstioos tax relief from the Wardens of tbe Poor tnut he made in writing, snd signed by a Justice of the Peace and at least two other teapectable prisons. By order, f(bs Court.' ' N. D. BAIN, Ser'v. September 1. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ORAXOE COCSTT. Cpurt of Please and Quarter Sessions, August Term, 1845. vs. C Original AttchmenU Jjme Cook. y " - IT appearing to the satiafartion of the Court, that the defendant in thia caw is not an inha bitant or" tbi state It ia therefore erdersd by Ihe Court, that publication be male in the Hillalm. rough Recacder for sis weeks, that aniens the said defendant appear before the Juatires of our next Court of Pleas and Quarter KeInn. i Iv. k.1.1 1 (at tlie cxsirjty uf, Omas, at the cfAiit houae in Hillaborough, on the fourth Monday in Xovcm-' her neit, and then and there plead to untie, that judgment by default final will be entered asaiiiKt W and tbe tend levied on aold according to law. " 1 4 T r TanV - , 1 "wnpn mem. a oe anove rewsnj win be given Price adv 4-00 fj"' C 7 P" who wi ff him and deli fnce adv. p4rt. . . 93 w ve him to sutocriree. Tw.,oe 4i?l I . BAXTER DAVIS. 1 rust Stile. tn. tf- B V virtue of s deed of trust exwnt-' ed by Zachartoh Trice, for certaffi pnr poees therein mentioned, I ahalL on the 14th of October next, on the pre. rriie. U for cash la. the Jiirhert UMrt h TRACT OP LAXD whereon Alsw GoodWiVs wmiiy now uvea, on Ueaver Ureck. in the counrv of Chatham. 7 ,. . - . UEO. LAWS, Attorney. Septimi' Job Printing EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE, I A liOCSE Ixn LfYT U f I f HaWk. prim f at, 1 ill rfc Tlftisi is a sainU. m m Tkaaewaayej at d WO ftft caJ at iLia aAr & n r,ir.i Til B.I 11, MOFFAT'e - VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS PHCENIX BITTERS at 4 tmmmmm I vtoawaMafra4 swrf iana at st ato fta QfiMTMUi. MVTK aa CUOK aftCffUriCJ, arrcc rio.vs Loaa m4 aie ra avioooa rsnu utu oouilaixti- S a jpk vmmv aja aavaaia anA - to MUMfC IHVlK. mmd 4JK a CoerrrrvEftn, vulii . cuiaus, enuue cuiMamus. MraMa)a( coaavrr nenoaa, awraica, BTHTEVtXmU re an.- ratrrrOM m caai "aar irixW riirV rEVKaM AOVftt. toftaamta;tos- Qn I it Maf it ta t Tttr.M. ac mtwmb. a ss it:aua roimtwiusftuiu. OBNOnAL snsxtitr, sm4. i-vftisi rsraa. Lruaeirucr Kiia- rira. ' txvrn copi.AXif ti, a ceaus r. 1 a NKKII HUI. DIIKtlKI Htwr fciaii i.lratorfli,iiiaV Hill wta IW Tp.nfci , titi inr shifts. c ciut omiLtrr. sttroit countisrn aa . usj.mc arm rioMk rLnr trios rfn, ncsar. r4i.rct a cnulk;. ?XZ,IIB. Tto iwil wi rfifcy, nSnna t-wt r r f a) ream Myis kf ia at af aW Las HHRtlNtTIINi Ttoi tftkl att to "- :" --r-. - , ti -ir 1 , atvait r immid siim ukao, acrarr. fiCTawai.-x, antivjL acBoroLa.'a KINO! 8TZXs wm to, t'tCiaa. atawf Scriai v VOBKIirfd taUt. M WUrtMin; HM le Bmh MiSnm hiMaa)wliamikanto eatowsaaSiiiaii RarfatahtoMa. the life fills m mm imm PORIFY THE B100O, Aad tkas reasevc all disease from Ike ay stew, A irt ami win w ih UFE PUIS a4 rRnNIX IIIIlnk..arMhrsa. Mil Bi IM MMIIM i rj Tto ni, W iWw awaWia e asv a4 ia vUia wnrrwr mt Hmtm. tnctker vita a MmaM. all4 M Mof ', Qvmt UmiiIim," tlii IW wetw, k. a Wkith it a Srasuif l bromdtny fnm Wall Mt M car vw, mf waiea mrmrn tt.Mkteg im chv v. tcry m Sad a. Ta wrapaat ti4 ftaajarinaa ai ef?,ikk IMrafce llHwa fc aai 0m Mk a kiia am at n oa a mmmnd thai iav ar tcaata. I nratui, mmi to mm mt kM vnh aaaw w prw; hal if to, to 1 I fraai aa, a daM trnrntk Ibaaa. Saal Uty im Sirad G7 Tnjmnd mmd mU kf on. wzzaZaZAra s. worpAT. 8M ftnalway. antaar 4 Swaaaf eiaal, N', Tare, Wmt al kf D. Hpartt, IIiIUarouKK end V. C. Parrian. Round HilL Wm. Trice, Trice's Store. May 26. 7S Bacon and Leather. l-E irriberhssa lrge lot oTthebftrni , fed BACON for sale, which he will aril very low for each alone. tie awn aa working nut bts entire stock .of i.bA 1 tlLit, which be will sen at very reduced prices for cash, or on a credit of ninety days to .1 . t , . Miuan wno in anowa 10 He punctusk JAMES S. SMITH. July 8. g STATE OF MORTII-CAROLINA. ORAKOE COVSTX. March Term In Equity. Edmund Strudwirk, and olheri. vs. George BurgHim and wife, and otktrt. A FFIDAVIT being made and filed with tlie Mauler that John K. Burawin. one of the defendanU in this ease, is not an inhabitant of this atste, publication ia made in the Hillsborough Recorder for air. weeks, that unless the said John K. Boigwin appear, answer or demur, on or be. fore the second Monday of September next, judg. nK-m wiu or ias.en pro eonjtio agsinat him, and the cauae set down for bearing tJC parte. JAMES WEBB, C. ii M. Price sl. $4 : 50. 88 Cw NEW ESTABLISHMENT. Boot and Shce-Haking. 'PHE, swaacribers, having entered into eoperf. fully infonn their frienda and tbe public eeneranv. that they have token the &bop one door west of the Confectionary, and opposite Moore'a old atand, and win be prepared to furniah every variety of aniriea in iiiw line, nmn toanionalite and good. Their msterials shall be well selected, snd the work well executed and they only aak for a trial, feeling certain that tbey can give sstiafketion. GO Journeymen wanted, who are rood work men,snde steady and induatrious hsbits. Xone chera need anplv. WITHERSPOON & CATES. July I. 81 15 Dollars Reward. nm tnm me ubarriber, about the 8th of March last, a XesTO Bov bv the nma a CELBRX, and sometimes called Boob, about ?3 yf "fftge- He is of n yellowish onjidez. 'on - rhunky and thick set, and had on when ke fcft "" j"" fr)rk coat and pantaloons, and bUck ht though it is probable that he baa nocc Public Sale. "O Y order 1 the County Court of 'Oranire, the - un(JcrlfiVed Commissioners will, ofler for sale, on Tuesday of November Court next, the Old Court Houae uvthe town of Hillsborough, with, the view to its removal by such, tin as they or a majority of them may direct If erm nine months credit, bond and nbproved security will be required. CAD. J0XE8, 8en, ) JIDWIN HOLT, C , c. w. johxstox , 5 mWooeffc August 37. flMa mmd lMaaa fiMa, aw, a4 . wtm mm BaiartMiPfcanbiam 1 - - 11 anxa -roii SALE. THE Wca'tar 4e nTnxtW Uas m tat (t af rtM&, J rtmai.M nmit' i .t.i.a nrai tw. lirwnkttMjtmttMljaiavtr . fte,JBwsl ban tbi aw mai af the aat tm U eitxraarrv nk nt ia Mft eaywaaaiw to an In Cat J'vns dUrkt tW tae rIatatkaa etoixtc-rTM aad eals and isaW tWeaataa, Tkal sartion af tke eawacry ia mid. ei an tte meat knkky part af the WaaScra im. trkt, and a.arttW tW the asnat fait by feefde fraaa Nartk Caeatina.' . n . Tk busd wt3 ka nil jtofttWe. at in aartioM to ssut pHrtarrs, and geed kand in tkis twawrj wU be token in fajvsses es etvJiu gnen, Tke tiiie is sknitarA- J. W..NOUWOOD. ImJj IS. U SELLING OFF AT COST ! ! ! ron CASH. Ureal Burtralnt to Ic,Iiad. THE awbarriker kaia dewrmiaed to tVmt ki I --r .1 -w j. - I tieal period, will boas sad aiWv thi dale, aril U ekent,andeiirn-iveburkef out Goam at cost, ron run olt. Hi aanertnwnt wiB be nmnl very large, env braeng tke nnreaf and aaaaf avatraUr ltoode,and inJeed every article na.1y kept in eatab&kmenta U tbe kjad. He invites punrhaac in the town and roan try to give bun csS. MrvrbanU in want of goals to ill ap, wiQjEnd K greatly to thru intern to VA at lita eooJ, P. B. RUFFIN. Jnlytl. 6 Mew Store jcsTHJreivKD. nrftlZ aubamLen Intend keeping enmtantry en JL hmA n iIvm Kmm Hi mmmt af ilv. i'.rt band at their Kew Store, eaat of the Court Uouae, a Unr kit of "Dry Good! soctt m Cameos su Prfeeat hamWoma nsaort ment of Bonnets and Ribbons; Csjubrirks aa3 Mualinet Heaiery of an kJnda, f fovea, kVwbg Bilk. Turk and uw Combe, Bed Ticking. Apron Checks, Lawns, Ac. fot Lndies' Cm dreaaee, lin aet Cans. Artificial Flower. Oil KUk. ParaatJa and Cmbrenaa, Fans, Linen Csmbrie Ha.idker - : chiefs. Bleached and I bMcaehed Cloth. Silk and CoUon HandkercbJefs, rial ami Cotton Thread, Coat and Pantaloons Cloths, Trimmings of all kind, and many other artklrs ia tbe Dry Goods line. HARDWARE. Mowing and Crsniing Bkvlee of the-very beat quality; Xaila, rota, Ovens, Skillets, Shovels and Speidee, Chisels and Augers, Hammers and Giav Meta, Hinges and Screws, Shoe Knives and Awl Odea, Wending Horn, Knives and Forks, Pork a If aul w fv.: ...i Combs, .Stock and Pad Locke, Ten and Table tpnoM, ami atony c to. np rniinwrajcd. unuvi.tHia. . 1 oe very best bree and Black Tens, Sugar sna couee, repper and Alaptee, Mouuaee and Salt, Ginger and Rice, Castile and ether Soaps. rewder ana enot, r lower and Meal, Iran and Steel, Porter, Lime Juice, snd Raiaina, Sperm and Tallow Candles, and a B umber ef ether articles in the Grocery kns, - UKUlJS. Epsom and Glauber eaha,- Anum ami Can. pbor. Opium and Sugar of Lead, Cream of Tar ter and Magnesia, Brimstone and Annette, Calo mel end Sheuharh, Quickailvea, Oil Vitrol and AqnaforUa, White Lead and Yellow Ochre, Red Lead and Lithanre, Linseed and Tanner's OH, Lamp Black and Spaniah Brown, Window Glass snd Putty, Mustard and IS utmeeTi, Logwood and Glue, Maikler snd Indigo, Varnwbes ef all kinde, Ink and Ink Powder, Camwood and Coprraa. and all otner Drugs usually kept in Uus plsce. CROCKERY. Common and liverpool Plates, Common and Liverpool Teas, Diahes, Bowles, Mugs. Pilchers, snd 1 umbiera, Tea and Ureapi Pots, Ewers and Basins, and many other artklea ia the Crucksry line. TINWARE. Wash Pans, Milk Psna, Dippers. Coffee Pota. Cupa, small and large, &c eke. All of the above Goods will be sold low for eaah, or on a credit to those who will per when called on. 0The Common Country Trade win He taken in, exebange at the aaerket pMcea, Tbe suliarriberi intend to use every meana In their power to please all who may favour them wita their custom and aa their uood were houTM for cash, they think they shall be able to aril at ss tow pnees aa can be had in Hillaboroucn. Call ad see for yourselves. A AIU'KLE & CO. Mayg. 75 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ; ORAKOg COCItTT. Ia Equity- September Term, 1845. James Vickers, and others, re. Joseph Bklork, and others. IT ftppeari-ig to the satiafaction of the Cowl that Joseph, Janett, and Meredith Blalork, defendants in thia case, reside beyond the limits of tbjs state where the ordinary process of biw cannot be served on them: It is ordered, adjudged and decreed, that publication he made for ait week in the Hillsborough Recorder, that unless arid defendsnts sppear and plead, anKvrar. or de mur on or before the first dsy of the next term of this Court, to be held st the court houae in Hills borough, on the second Monday in March next. the bill will be taken pro eonfeso as to them, snJ srt dowAfjflfccrw psite. . .,, ; JAMES WEBD, c..K. Price adv. S4:58. 95 STATE OF NORTH CARpLINA, OlSKOB COOKTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Seaaiona, AuguatTerm, 1845. John A. hP Manning . vs. i Original Attachment. George Miller. 3 IT appenring to the satisfaction of the Court! that the defendant in this esse is not an toha-1 bitant of his stale t It is ordereil by the Court, that publication be made in the Hillsboroueh Re corder for two months, that unless the mid de fendant appear before the Justices of our neit Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county of , Orange, t thn.eeurt house-fn Hillsborottirh. on the fourth Monday in Xovem- ber next, and then and there plead to issue, that judgment by defsnlt final will be entered against him, and the land levied on sold according to Isw. JOSEPH ALLISON, c. c. c. Pjcfta4va50.(. 94 Sna fil1NSor tale at Mil Office, Carrlaso IJakins .Painting. 7 TH2 swbamhet Brtawrt&Jy taXems'lLft kt aena af U S a swd me easarfy at tarya. tfcat ne ia aww avaaia4 ta eiaewto al work toa law af knauaias, ewk aa Cafriaeas. BaramV ee,Barrtr?s.a4lemtI2: sJvkrw skafl be sato mf fsjai Ijusisi ya jaBd asaterkK and in &aaak esal eVataUlrtr, Ut eempare witk any saade in m atato. Tie tens to seat tke Kavint in toy tmpkj nfnt rate &mM am prrrwiwd to kas etarntad iS Iran Wait an the anavn ims in werkaatn-ltke atjle. , reraons wiakv ing Iron Warl idne.-wsOl im wet to give ansa esIL kVpairing and rainonf nu&fuBj e&rianl an icwamaue trrsss. HENLY COBMAN. Keptombrtt, e tl m Pclcrsburc Market. fcPEING OF 18. I V rmam f" tnie' M I ' angseeeived e atork, juat irckaaed, by saaeaa enr nrm hi svvssva,an ane neat aauaetsann nnmn. at tke f mm I k prieta. Vt e kave m kaad a very keavy aanrtaarnt af every thing naairsble fat the Drag bwWneas. Ata, er ras aaaT W a itsfeet&tin aolk-it can Bom nor old Frienda, and the c' tU genmSy, aaaurmg aWaa that we are prrpaW b eoVr thea trrater induee. meet than ever fur Cmkt er an tke nana! credit to punctual enatosnrrs. btlym we ewi narrate a Crw of ear (ratling arti cle, mi mf rare, rnerrare ana eerrv aims' im I arfli tor snrrvwnf e i . BEST gt'AJjTY, end AT TRICES WHICH CANAUT FAIL TO GIVE ATlsTACTIOX. Epaoaaalto CremeRed I Paris Green i Pruaaian blue Vetiligris (dry and bail) j Terra DeSeinna ! a 1 Alum G. Camnor Oidnm I gv nd I Crenm Tartar 1 roorr, iampuaacs. Vermiilion, Bronara Tartaric Aeil Aloes jjinaeed Oil Lamp Od Calome. (heat) fupr.C0r.80dn (sr nest qoality) Tanner Od (da) Spanath Browa Venetian Jlrd laJire (hr-rfpfoUnl snd MorrUla) Madder, Coperas Loewaod. Blue Stonn Khooarb, Iperne, Jilap Msgneata, Qukkailver Kala Powders SealhU do. Balaam Copavk 1 Cewik8oaia. Arslie I oninsiene, rCsmweod, Redwood Flower Puh'hur Cochineal, Red Sanders Cologne, Florida, and Toilet Water E M recta. Otto Ross Fancy Soaps Bru-hrsofaD kinds Pepper. Mustard, Spice Mace, XatiMga, Ginger Sulphate Morphine A relate do. M urate do. ulphu Quinine Castor Oil (in bottles and barrel) Sweet Oil sto. do. Hp. Turpentine do. do. iiloe,Jakefall kinda MltoladOa Putty, Shoe Blacking VarnaJiee of aU kinds WLNBpW GLASS af altsisea IJqwsrire (beatCakbra) I Wh C lP uZ StlVpral and Dental In. ICraMGreea stnimenta, aad Medi- I Crnne Yellow enl Book. TYLER it HILL, Wholesale DnunrwU, Sycamore St, Prteraburg, a. FebraarySA 7 PETERS PILLS. LET 1S0NE DESPAIR. eTTtllEtt Filla have tang brea kaewn aac anpraetatad for tbeir eitreerriisarv and iatmsdiata peweri ef restoring perfect kealtb persoea uffrieg under neerly rrery kiad of disease which the kaman frame is lisble. TbeT are partiealsrly ret em mended te all IHoe esrsen wbe are aflieted eith as kind of cartsie " lingering eamplaial at there ie medictoa netora the public wank kaa so pa tera! aad keppy aa fleet upon tsi ajytem ia enreccil'is (he alomacband liver aad te the for. raatioa bealtsy chj le, aad tbeichy purify iae the blood. They are arkaenledged by the headredsand h-Nisaeda wnn are aaiae t bete la be not ftalt . . . a n a . me moai mtie a aa pteassni ia their eperatton. but the most perfectly ianoeeai. safe aad ef ficient medicine ever nAVred let the aublte. Tbnee who nnea make trial ef these nil's sever alterward fsl willing Iv be nithval them which is aaSicieat preef af heir good qualities. r of sale at thia tiflice. Jt'ylT. 34- PRICE REDUCED. Dr. Tyior-s Balsam of Liverwort Fr the cure of Cough, Colds, Catarrh, Athma. Whooping Cough, Bronchi lis, User Complaint, and all Affi cliots of tne Throat and Lungs. 4ftHIS remedy is iavaloabhi and anequalled, - It ia purely tsarUbr and highly medici sal, mild aad gentle in its efllets epva the aja lem, and k ing entirely free from all miners1 products, by many 'so justly feared aad dread ed, ia perfsctl v sale, ft well as saluiaty. From a knowlederf' ofiis proper! inJand tbe wonder ful success which has attended ii, s'rVe j- drl-l nuHlt aad aggravsied asra. for nearly ten years, diriug which it bsa been in ne, tbi Proprielur feels nohesilsnry inisUcdutiiig it, aad reeoftamserfinf it te sll who ftiiforlenstcry msy havs aression to resort le some mesas (if recovery. Fliyaiciins not nnfiequruily me il intiinr pradii e, aad nh Ihe Midiral Fsrnl ty aeiierslly, it has mel with mutb mora Iban ordinsrv approbation. Cerlificalea and testimomels enuld be Tar nistied ir abundance from the highrsl and must respeeisble sources, of persons who either have been trksll rrhevrd by it. er entirely re covered from affections ef the Lungs and Li ver, but we isssrt only the following. CtM SUMPTION vo RtlSINC OF BLOOD j t CURED. I hereby certify llist last August, I wss al- tscked w4ih d vsjnrcaeand profure demerrhsgs roni Ihe Lungs, severe cough, with theexpet toratioa .f much muvoua pain ie Ihe bead, arenees iu the chest, snd olber dial retains mpt'-ms. I bought a botlle of Dr Tsylr s '" of Liy eiwort from 375 Bowery, whirls 'iderthe blessings of f rovidenee.fsve meim. medisla -elief. Its cff.ct bs been m k in n y etse.tbat I cannot too highly prsnrit. CHtRI.K.S L.SMITH. AnrilS. 1843. 153 Tillery street, Brooklyn. For a common Cold snd Coegh, tbs is ens of the verv best remedies ever discovered. N. B There is s apurione and counterfeit ar title aflat, and lately introduced into this plsca. Therefore be careful to gel the genu ine. whieh is frnm 375 Bowery, N. Y. - EST A Fresh" Bnpply rf the above Medipina juat received tnd 6r aale at THIS OFFICE, i ' IHerambar It. II- I TAILORING. rPHZ aSikatriSa kaiaa mini 1 t. . Bi kiawnrftotMtanrnsfHUtdeanaAtjt aarrhad as aicela kia sraands and tke pkkka e jrvagy. Cat ke iaias U enrrrme en 6m T-TiZT -t f -Brtin, yj rvinkandaandNcw'arijandkaviBUJ ke laapea, to give eatadMtaan to a! nkaTiZ P7 cawjf as ay anop, arean tke avWilto cm Vw. ' pipj aaaravira was an I ! Tfcrchantit, ixuifri. atld itrf r Uratert. ATtkekdeAsruatTrrmaf iha CeertVpVaa and tW 11 was sppoiaiee fsLZ dud Kerprv foe the ceeary f Oraara. kavrbv notiry aa Jrawrts, MiQctn and Mcrckaala. and ail ethers who beyererll.ee Val b wekia er aarwwanvtaeonw wd end kave their Weiebie and Meaenrea towOhd W the standard -.li. "V. IiftaBef9ftieeae4aftUBejneaafaii tbeae w be kave tbtw weigkta ar awasnnwaeadad. and of ae tune at wLkk it was done and it ae peraen tons to cesnpry wok tke law, wkkk nra. idea that they ekaS be Iratod enre every Vie years, tkey toay eipect suit to be eenunrnrrd to enforee the prnajiy. . L H.COBMJvN. IIEW8' Liniment and Elixcr, FOR RHEUMATISM. rTHE syJ Jen, certain and sura tefie that the X nsetsfUiai rn1 gi'osuarrer i, almost beyond belief. Iu prnetrsung Powers, are very great, sa muck so, that C worst rases kave been tNUrely cured ia two er three Oajr. Persabs rijiubleJ with this ceniplsiat, have only to ae thre preparatioM aereeding to directions, ibeElixer.uV. wardly, and the Liniment applied esjtwardty, and a care ia tffrcted almost before they kswe ivkc4 for any good results to follow the snplirabCe, Quito a imler of persona ia the city and stale ef New York, who ksvs been cared by tke aar of preparalions, kave frieea large sums to the Projvirlor. to be applied to th giving ef thea to the poor, which is daily dorar. Certificates with out number, are pouring ia every day er two. It at fearless to say, that Ibid article has slsa lee. counterfeited, and tbe public are cautioned agamst buying any that kaa not tbe aignature ef Cemstw k Mm t'- - t- . ..I m. wpm earn ponjo, 80U, aholeaale. by Cpmatork A Co 91 Tort. land! street. New Vork; and b'y'D. Jleartt, Hill, borough. Dr. James Young, Oxford, and J. A K. Sloan, Grcensberougk. Aprils. j AcouiIIc Oil for Draftirsi! Xrll resTly valuable preparation, whirk kas '. eared kundreds of persona, who used it ae. eeeding to direetione, ia now for aale ta this ptacA, It kas been knows lacuna ncsarava wka K.. deaf for years, making their eenss of bearing aa pw as h ww was, giviag enure toiwractioa to eaptolmtellandtMproprieUnmsdteaf, tioa the public against buying say that kas art got their signature on, Cesnsterk A Co, X. Y. Sold, whoJesajs, .by Cemstork A Ck, 91 Cees, Isndt street. New York; and by D. Heartt, Hilla. bnroueh. Dr. James Youne. Oxford, and J. A B Sloan, Greenboroufb. Apnl X. , 70 Lin'u Balm of China, For Bruit; Sart$, Bikt, CufiOli Asecs, ndFikt. AVERT valuable leeparatioa ander this name, is to be had af 1). Heartt. ia thia rJaeau Ii. ingredisnU are so well adapted to the healing ef Cuts, Old Sores, Ac that iu effect is immediate. One night's aptiticatioa win auiTice for the cure A I" T I f a m . . snu mm w aimoar, any kind el pain. l b. pua, lie ran well Iprerciate thia article, aa thev awt tha worth of their money tea times over. um, a a sat sate, py Lomstork t C, XI Cort Undt street. New York; and by D. Heartt, Hal, boroucb. Dr. James Yeans. Oxford. enJsJ.'Y K. oioan, uirenarwrougo. releusry it. Cast India, Hair Dye. rOLORS the hair aad not the rkin. Thkis tbe only genuine pre pars tioa that will cole the hair without injuring the skin. Il will, if Uaed according, to direction, color tha hsnheat red or grey hair the moat beautiful browa er blerk, according to Ihe length ef time wlirh it is sppfi ed. Be careful snd not purchase other articles of the seme name, unless yea wish to throw awsy your money. Full directions sccompanjing each bottle. Sold, wholesale, by Comsteck A Co, tl Cort. ksndt street. New York; and by D. Heartt, Hills borough, Dr. James Young, Oxford, aad J. A K Sloan, Greensboreugh. Aprils. 71. COMSTOCK & CO.'S SARSAPARILLA. SUPERIOR QUALITY AND HALF PRICE. For tke ture ofSmfub, Ckrcnie SktuMtuM. General Debility, Cutantou Ditettet, Staff Eruptions oftkt Skin, Tetter, Pimptet or Put tultt on tke Feu, Mtrevriel and Sypkilvid Ditttmtt, mSht from n impure kalit oltdf, JkmUoni of tke Tkroot and Leg, Pvim end FtritHhg of Ike Bonre, IJrer AJjtetiont, and all eVsresrs arising from on impure ttute of ihe Wioti, trftmure oud Imprudtnee in lAjt, TjrrtWre Vte of Jlrrtory, d;c. rpHE great popularity of SarMpariiTa, and its n estslilished rfT.caey, render it superfluous to enter into sny encomiums of its virtues, or sdduce any evidence in its favor. iTie SarsapariUa is warranted postitivrly ss good as sny other that can be mads st One Dol lar, at just hslf the price of those so murk sdver used, snd as strong and in sa large bottles, vit: rirrr cksts rta pottis, earns nouses re posse ,. This srtirle bss cured Scrofula of 30 yesrs, st ter the Dollar articles had been used ia vein. Sold, wholesale, by Comstock A Co, tl Cort tandt street, New York; and by D. Heartt, Hills borough, Dr. Jamee Young, Oxford, and J. A R Sloan, Grecnshorough. Aprils. ,71 Sick Head-ache Remedy, A SURE CURE 1! TkR. BPOHX's Hesd-srhe Remedy, is sllowrd to be the only preparation that will effecta ally cure that worst of aU' complaints. Persons using this article will never hsve the sick head ache. 'If people had rather give fifty cents er s dollar, to be entirely cured, thnn to be laid up for two or three days, they can do so by buying a bottle of thia Remedy. For sale by D. Ileartt, Hillsborough, i Dr. James Young, Oxford. J. &. R. Sloan, Greensboro', February II. 63