. i , .i .k. u V . r.mf in the e.nt fin Wt.d, 1.-3 uoi aimed on the UHl in- Tl.tf hkH r of h Nfc' .l (!,u,J. k,.tkawihitaf.i'aU-a.r F X- Uiu. Xi. ia a gK-. The U.il Lor. i.wuily reialtvba the ro,h U J T"M; Important from Vera CYoeJ ctrYmCin f!u t.t o.Ur "g. J P 1rul ie.fm W , Ctt. Kearny. f iU U t. Iharj. t tet d jtewa. Ib I"1 - Lc--wyff'i HLlfCmt.Al. 1 wro. y0a , im?v Inter last ering. had not LW. aU wed Iwiw it ff gl t f 4. ii it l-f p itf Urtl mmlmem mrm-lm f, U,! uorrfurtrtt if many rtY Ir aW T "V ' - - 4 75Jf7fI J2 f.,e,. r.en.i,f Ve.. C'fW. ""'Jfi CMrUl rW ' ia lar .fi.rn. TbjW. tuluk. . Tfctird.1J-9 April W ion coxc;ccs - rffnuirll T?lo.lftrtWiinii.rfCe IU ' JI!: t U! .wt Fn um the um n Ull. Ulan Hal he .a. ? !.or, w lU Ancr ff ink, T.nd canii enl. bt til esl c-la- P "ef " 1 '"'j'1'; !' (,!. Harney's Umsoon Inte mH at vet an iatimuiin.i fr -m the r a.ile il.at if i!' t! bit f M.y. !.... V. Ida i.s.K ..,.. i u,i,irh h. i pwyeJ m ie.n-incf.j ta . .:--, a.rrMilr cttil. did rarrrnJcr. t?.c eisib mouM fire uww i rnt oM Mnder ,itr ba- lU,OUl iTf. U that a W nm f , act the aJ de.y it 'IVre b ai4 tTO, . 1 M,y i lure filled i.h tbilrty. ti.d ta the tat d ,"1 any ''J""; m . m. mul,s !,!,, Went nut of the city ye- ur- ta he I.KOO U.ii i i!w city. a;J i.'.'JO ;f l-l. to .4 of Ih. public. pre.i.fen. , J ' day. Uh a hea.y a::u,unt of tie , ia theew'e. -.V". if rm. bid Iii lift bet o tpred. Hit -r - - , - , wrj a, vs.luahlc. All Has nnwrt n.tiit it iu u irom rua n i i ... n, ..... w " peih'pi. cot of tfce ,i" tV k pm!aMv have been raptuml. bad Uen. t!? quarter t .me oi me Jme eauiji i u,. iai our neu nuar. ,e,y retpecuVe. .d . J" I .,, ,t' I. to. Scot, had a eavalry liwe. It ra. tie... . wit:..: any ry. .1- tJtf m. ' " " ; ' "7-- " - - nncricd lot! evening ilut tomriMng hke i;aPt. il;Uh? aiw irprw iimi i.e w .rrra-nr u --v... ,r to .cqahuu,elf well . " f te thousand Mexieant uere teen eom-1 ,e tiup .Vi...w. tm,. .-y a. bo!d and l,q0e.,t "Zl. .V..,oh Inmi Mexico, ith a Jare drove of rattle in. - - Uft on record nuine- -' "V- Vrj :s ""r "i fur .he IeleaS,,ml city ; but a. the imc. 7- laertry .cquireoitn t. '-" " i- " - - , ,ent w?4 nol thpn ruinnU-te, and as e imiuki am naiw f.uia r iiuh m gt.uinc iMriiienr, ondence aad public p- . . ,w V'lVVi on . i .h. had no eavalrv. thev could not he taken. The St. Iui Kepubliean r the sum ,Sr city f a t'mt n4 rnjun ' it 2 o clock, r. .M.. o i uie jwi. tu me.. . . ........ .. i s. .!... . . . .t ....... till talentt, alfiouh, biffhcit order, were catted with an tccurtte know! kind, enabled him ia the variout public was called, lit orator; and he ! routeri&ncesnfbi beti.lpi bit corretj n;x$, . . (feJ.t; The l.nd n? Icam, however, lliat lCli. i wit'l,". uiioim iu" if .in..niu- ,k l iwa rc i-hu mrwii.ij wunirninv!, TVLER. reaain Jtr " ' 1 ' ' roima,uis on the northern fide of the city, lion fio.n New Mexico. It it taken from tht the AmmVan flag now tW in iriun ait'l tliio.xi, . men in liHrJ r4 of llir tranwtion t ind na one mvui to Mr. Trier it raher .all and thi ! h " 1. ! L ' n of fcceeded ilnrin the day in wpiunns an etra f the Indtm, lenrr (o.) hf Mfrly Ikbt eorr;Plex.e0. blue .y.s tn4 pr. isr,fv .,.-. j lhre ,h.n on.e in . '5pa Bnir rati e. A wMu r. iJHtc, on the ; ji iMtinw: rir,Tt.,l u', . U. but S .tf.. Hit minnei. ate rdain a-d mm. t..!..l now Mmnnjr. which it is honcU Ui bring I noma i auiwui. i.f.j.. nat ju poi wm.n,.H, Thf tffount .ff.bte. and i Dr.'aie life he ia . .i .bl. . .. ' ..nnj' r i tm. 2d Dngoous. in from U.e Inn, and roulmn, the . . . d ( botpi.abla and caure .ut. ILterrortat Afl,r ,n,j,nc.t(e.l.ff,rrnirolurrnt , At the magazine, Mhul. rat MntnreU uiul.n. e ril micre ul I aot. tBk :..:-:.- ... -.W k. i.i a . V ...... .. t . dav m fore vesten iv. a onsidcraMecHian- f.ov.f hark ILnl and twerty-hve Anuri- uwiHim in " " - lO, U3 l!.e T lllie Ol "l"C:i I T nir iusi j . , , . f . , . , , . want ifjudgnenl. to an inardmi-e van.tr. lirtnt,sneJ lo ,,m ,n ,h imponam t"1"mno" 'a wm-ii. n ariW ..u-.vm irni0crnllr niitrKI Conventioa. tod the influence of b.d adtice; io tbi h acii ,n ,d i 9 ol yrU Cr. z. don,,.v ofKnalwh ..or American inake.at it filiation. . Tl lVtu,vfiicf.i.vr!,ti..tiihUh im-t iatL. may be tdu'ed, txlrtme obtinaey in per- The Vnen and Spi nre. lav. W:'s " th,orl "'V 'lu!l?; M!i;e A w"n ' 1 C a ' , , , !,U"a. nt lre Wchjv ih 7i!. inrtit. no.m J tUtirg in opinions onct formed .thitt in(r unJer Pl)l(t:l Urn,?tT.nf( Ac &c, in C"k1 vernacular. I he Mex- cn o o.n conn.V. ;nd hroiher to tapt. Vm4 rffi,iaWU:.n. r,ard to eonseonencrt. .,.! .i.. ,, l. leant manaseJ to ret otf tafely t!ie Iar2er Davi I ;.ldo,oi Loluad Dontplian rvg- ... , , . . Tbere can be no doubt that Mr. Tyler . of lhe Cm llc. . ,lh h. U ifld round portion ol their air.nntnnion. and , it nou ..nent. tU, t.onvc,ti l!wPh i, mitt, ok hi position to act with the whig -iholf wlifh w re:urned , the C-,ff carefully elowed away inside the at y-Mn mMt ::Z btthiM,n H I. ni, who wa, LilUd If' left llJf !n .,1. u u, and then da . placed bU in ha rrctidtmitl chair. Jn lne ef, flailU 0, lhe f lU. frrt; lhe 0. ume he vat srurk. 1 he hall earned artillery to am jr. lien he mu -M to .? bly . t.!.. fn,. ,! clothed wiih the power and pa-ronage ol Ca!(, 0r lhe Mlu on lhe Soulh an( un. away almost hi ent.re head, took off the wore io hu-ihua. wat known U.c counts m th. .l.-..ut. I.e ,i w thilhith ttat.on. That the whigt al.o ,,ofiU 4,, Hof,;off UJ llPCPa?afiiy , arm of drummer hov. and wounded a cor- ,n New Meico of the Change in Cencra! c,.. oftW.il. hLW. acted ,tho.itdoertfleciion.inhinonii mo.e in (cheion to H e rear, pa-t the pural h.-s.dct. It had none entirely over W ool t p. 81!,on. ..... The nam, Mrr-. Venal., of liram.i. oat on. it alike et idtnt; tod from thete j h. h orJer t , h propPr potitinn "nt r,U!f Pennsylvania reg.menu before I he insurrrct.on.tUH connoted of uhout Vm1 w-i jf of 0r.np., ,, j,in . Jx k. two ciutet flowed lb consequence which !10 lhe xecutton of which it became it reached the t pot where the brave but 2.C00 men, and started for inta I ,in, of Chatham, were prrm'titnl u the (iifi retulteJ on the one tide in the embirrttt- llf re..ry to Uck a,,d take potseti.n of unrortonate eaptaui was sitting t ol. Price tent out about 3D0 men to quel n f)T nimiintion. Xhc lmMn ,,;,, ment, difficulties and total lot. of popu- M rpJubu lhrown Bp by lhe enemy. . I ??lUfl.lake 8 c .of. onr U l.,,cm l,,r.v nrt.'",u '"y-tne .ndct , (j h M.kvtii H, J.nty ..f the Pretident with bo.h the gre.. n4 of ,,1,,, WaS o ,rlj,m, pve full effect to a description of the firM Iron. San.:. I e, v h, an ensamrnt tmii m m f ji p.JuM of the country; and on th. o.her ai(J holb hled m t., ....aniry. The re- If ndinr of our tro.-Pt on the nf.ernoon of hce. I he Mexican, drew up S.MM .. fa h lv ot! tide. b.tt.r dittpfoiataitot oo the part of doubts Herf ltukf(l. cb.rrd. d i.k.n. the 9th-a more .urnn( spectacle hat .11,.. but at the first are frjun on r hraie ; k4 h Ii'. s,.r,te4 retee bri.f made by die P'ahly never been witnessed in Amcr. M.jsou,, boyttlur.y.MXof them fell dead, 3 tWes P,-3 POLK. enemy, who loa te.er.l , ki.led. ioun. I"1' , I or tuul.Ieto.nuHc 3. te.l .. 3 Prnini Prtlfc ia nl middle statnre. dtfii. and nnaoneri our tote one . .. . e . . . .... ... - - . . . . fi wi h .fuUanJuI rbrow .ndareniark.ble ... killed and tet.ral w.mnded. Ca,.t. regular,, and au o nemeipccteu ma.ui. purjueu men ii.mi.gii the ro T"'', q ek ud rcne m.nt Jye. The expre.. AlburtK ( the 2 1 lola .try. e killed b, W rft J. f lrmk ll,e fvMe.v ,n,r,!'1 !. JT ,,M V crL hour c' 1 WLa,n 3 . . . , . m .Von of bis cuuntenance it t rae, bat ut a round h,. trp,ed ia be fro.n t.ie re. Notwithstanding tlut every man own. and raneho in his path; i he in- Aae. I. a.l,.unu,,K coarah. e ter.ouictlitoltenrelieed bya pecu!i.r Ca.Ue ; th, bid tcered hi. hea l hn.n "as animnt to he fir-t-they plunge.1 m- hab.lanlt lied to the inMiiibim-, where tVreace a..d caucus ... .he after,,..,,. ih. t rleatant .mile, iadicat.te of the Ueniir hi body, the tame th.,. . king off the lo water waist deep as they reached i hey are hound to s arve. a. Mor.n leaves iam Jtion. at the i.lSM of hit ditposiuon. The amiable character arn o' a drummer (, b.,v) and onadinf !hc hore-lhe - stars and ttnpet were them nothing wh ..ever to u!wl;l on. f(r Mr. Vrnib!e. a:,J that vrd hi., i ol hit private life, which b eyer been pritate. C.pt. Alhuro. at a Vi g.nu flont,n?-a rush, was made for As Mr. ;aldwril wa, pa.n? on, he nimin:,i(l!). urriihtiid pure, tenir! to hioi lhe e- an. and formerly e,.1etd a newspaper ,,,e "l11 d .n'n,J !o"d "r, U al 3 ,,!,;,jm-' ,,u" soun1'1 artillery. Xw1sh4inlin?i!.eaec...iidiir,?ul.vinnl . ' . . r ! i i . i. i : i? f.i n ... pressed onward. J hree Ions and laud nn.I learned from rumor m the edire of the f . ,:i., ,..::, leem anu irienuMi'P oi ai. n , " : wonndrd in .he ba-l by a mutket .ho,, eers arose Iro.n their eomraues Mill on Settiement tint the A.nenean army had ,jKy w.Wl, itl llM,,r rffort(( ott ,h, ted firmer The skirmi.h.n? a.. buwiT.r. n- hoarJ. awaiting to be e.nharkl. and mean- whipped them wr,e than ever. Cant. u m( The Whi,Mwi!1 nnu..ca!. n Mr.Polk. check to the adtaneioi Cfumn. mh.ch vhde tl.e tops and every portion of the lor- I lendly, of Hay eo.mty voluntcrs, was lhe diMnn f their oni-iuems r lup tJno.ige of bit acqoaimance Fw public men have purio .r a n.i.. a ih.n m f.,iiL- in lhA aiiiunnnj in iimn. unirn - - i ............. ..... , , . .... . r.L.i. ... ., ;. ,..0i .i,i,u. f..,, .t ;,. nnti,,nit n eicn vessels were crowded with spectators only one killed on our tide, und omc . . 1 . .. iu uiicii.ie mo uriiiuvi.uv i.i. ... ii.ivu - - " i'-- --, . . - i i ll ii i 1'ierc anv v.inl ol ainiiiv in uic Oii'K-a.r i.n; l ifiiT -K-n H .; ii.. ifi .n,l tP.r r.l ihe r ir ht p it h V ,f lc scene. No one who witnessed it seven slight v wounded. " 1 irre ' ' .. , every ticpntude. Jn 1837, when ajl Lis the left and rear r.l ,fe ctr, nre it n, e,. ho i xVhv tho havecho-en. Our I,;k-for .urce u, .he .n- co!leiguetofiheTenneeedclecat ..n.in ted andcoacuenred .he w.-rkol enirench- Ji eer birffct iho l.iku.nff. Why tho . 77,, . .r.v f .r,, ,,! iv ...riotUm '.',e pcoiA'. the II uieof Reorcentuive? determined merit Mcxitant did not oppose us is a greater Mtf.lCt. cry or truth. ,nH,, p,tn.twn o. i.ie jHopiu o nppori Jut; White of Vh.t S.a.e a. The pipe, ued for .he pepe f tup- myrtery than ever, considerinff their ffreat rro:n lhe X. 0. (Wnerrud Tunfiu V.ri.. r, .Ii..n vre . m r the tuccettor of Gen. Jaokeon for .he plv.ng .he ci.y w.th frc'. net, lift dvantaSes at the lime and that they havo We havi. r,.,vimj a Mexican paprr t"l. ju-ulun the 1 uh-,,t f r I... roar presidency, be incurred the haziid of been d.teoteied and broker, up. eo.nj.h f,,,,(J Ti",Mfd cvery lrP of our ad puhlished al Tan.anlipa., called Ml I )e- to M.. war; ml wJ losing hit popularity throughout the Sute, lely cu tng off the sopplv froru the ks, Tare- fensor," dated the 1 1th instant, which is w"c m " wl,,1'- we Uxe Wcn 7 ' by aoing hit unalierable purpose not which are ti-.uated oe dutai.ee from , 1 ! trps, both rejr.Iars and volunteer., rntirt)y or-cupirtl with lhe revolt of the tvwVtfh were thrown out uponwnoct to eeparate from the great body of the de- lhe city. have suffered mcred.bly since landing--. troop,f M ,,idl r!v lok Uee in lhe cj. ,,,1,, mtrh M ,h. MU ..f the wnr. m A tnocratie party in the presidential leti.nf During the advance upo-i lhe tear of marching over the heavy sand hills with- y of Mexil.n jt ap.,Pars ,,at lroPp9 ,,ririplcaof Vcm vr.rj r ! Ala.! that thev I.J He therefore beeame identified wiih the lhe city, pa.sed midhipiutn Kogers. who oul water, under a broiling sun curing the lo ,)e ,ulmi,er - nim mi.,n WVTe on ,,e , j,avc lH.tn l(rrw.lvej for jhe benefit of a:w friends of Mr. Vtn Buren in Tennes.ee had not yet bee,, tei.i fro Vera Cm, day, and sleeping out without tents or ueu- pvc 0f stariiI), ff Vt.r;l (;niz. to reinforce agm! in 1836. where Judge White received the wt b und on a car. ...l o.detrd hi le J,' during the heavy .lews which have t,((1 Ttmm of tlirtt city, wl.c n, excited by ?oe of the State by a papular majority el conweyed. uder a guard, to the prison 'a! . at night exposed toci, to a con!m- jj,,, womn (,f tl0 metropolis, whose fa- Mate Ucctlonv Oter oiae thousmd. tt Peroip, but foriuinuly i! ey ere en- ual t,rc "n tl iMtteries of the enemy na,;,.;,,,, ,a .e wrought on by .heeler- t'OXXECTICtT At the lite elvti. ' Mr. Polk entered upon .he ttormy ca- countered by our forcet and Mr, R ge,a "e.1 not a murinnr has been heard, Any- j opposj,;,,,, t,l8 Cnve.nmcnt, they tj,"wtau .he Whi. htvVeompleiely aweptn reer of poli ics in 183, when he wtt wa retC-ied and is now on board ,i thing can be cllecied wnli such troops. ml jlUo mminVf iin( .110111," n (1- iavn-c,.ctrd U ihc'mcmWrHofl'o" ehoten .0 represent bis coUn.y in the ship,, w- as iher rajl I it, Tor the return of the ,talu ml mM ollkeri, ,DJ. State legithture. Ie wtifctr tuccesnte he city . now completely turronmled o"oofl8l5. (Jen. ( analizo was direc- ? . . ., , K 1 n.,U(4 nf yeart a qember of .hat body, where bis by our iroop.. eeh di.i.nn having taken FROM VERA CRIX ted to suppress it, and called to his Hid hn,,""ne ' W r the .cmte ability a debate, and tden.s for huMnest s etiong and ad'anarous joit on, ajth The Picayune gives the following epil- all those who were standing by the fiov- KrI,rep,,,iivc. Tlicinrnilioriu 0 , at once fare him repre.entiUon. , i ' Au- enirenehmen s. co.npU-.ely cuuiug off nil o ne of the latest news fr.iin Vera ('ruz, rrntnent. The (Congress, alarmed at the Bre " fol,ow"s Jjmc Uuon, s. U- p.t, 1825, being in hit thirtieth year, com fnuntea.ton hy sea or land, and. ai the brought hy the ship Oswego, which sailed intestine commotion, offered full pardon J A. Rockwell, and Truman Smitb.v 8 Mr. Polk at chosen tojrepreent hit ome time, are aafe horn the fire ol the thence on the 19th ultimo: to the rtbelv provided ihey returned to the atato election waa carricil by the Dtwocw district in Coogrets, and toak hit tea Ctdet The pcitiins of divis oi.s were The ship Yazoo, with Captain Kcr's their duty. This, however, was taken RII0I)p rr n Tl e election Vhi'h i. in the national cooncd in December fol- et sbl shed on the 13ih, exteml.rg from squadron on board, has been lost on Anton as a proof of weakness lv tho latier, and . V 1 1 T ' 1 rih ii.H.mi. f"' lowing. Ia DecemVr 1835, he wae cho Punia de Horn ... on ihe ii!.-. to' Puma Lizardu, More than one hundred horses they became still more insolent. No eon- 1 1 " . . (,.,,.. ten Speaker of the Uue, and tgaincho- dc Uaita, on the H, in one ui.broken were lpst. , fliet had taken place up to the 1st instant, Sta,c wfn,vr" nJ B'"?'-'' ,n ' entothattlationin 1837. Altera eert.ee lme, and aciie p'p.ut.'.n wereon foul 'lhe flop Diadem, which sailed fiom and tho Home Mi.ister, in a hrler ad- ha resulted in nnoiher uciory to the ' of thirteen yean in Congrett he declined for ih - i nraedule tubjugitou of lhi this pott wilh two hundred and thirty dressed to the Coventor of Tan.atilipas, ' rdr party. Elinha llama is elected ' a rs-clectioi in 1833. In August of dm furmid .b'e id-ce. horses on board, Install but twenty-seven of that date, expressed the hope thai the "J Rlct H. Cranston j elected t (""2r( year he was eleced Coernr of Ten- Su c'o-ey 1 Vere Umz now besieged, before her arrival at Vera Cruz. revolt would he suppressed without the frmthe Extern district ; in the Wcstf m !t" net-en, anj ered f r tne eonaitutiond and so entirely are eerv means of com- The ship Louisville, with over ono effusion of blood. - there Is no choice. '. . term of to yer. wia twice a can- municai-m eul off, thai, in, a few day, hundred hordes on board landed barely fif- The miniaer say. that hostility to San- ' ri(,r didttt fir rr-eeeiitp, but defeated. On the the new must reach us that both thei,iy ty al Vera Cruz, and other vessels with la Anna, a disposition to embrace monar- Benjamin F. Atkins, charged wiih the m 1 80h May 1841, Mr. Polk receie4he and caul art occupied by our ticmnoua lionet on board, have been more or less ehical prinfiples, and disinclination to of Archibald MclJiarmid. In PuinlMrlml coui. loa. anrn of ihe democra.ie national con-troort. . , unfortunate. march against the extern;.! enemy, are ihe nJuly,.'H4C, was tried at the late Sur ytotion f f PreaiJeut of laeUuited States. The general injrcisioo temi to b? The ship Charles, with forty mortars moving cause? of this pronunciaincnto. Court of Bladen Lcfiro Judjje B;te, anl 6ff"'