in r f ii i in n in 1 1 if i piii ( Vol. XX III. I - - - - - 1 - -! THE FRITTS Of, WIVWA7?0,XK, Oh. tMgW wb t Vfr, I wa. Married while fNif, lit sst ff y choice; as 4 bo hippy y flurried lift was. 1 hardly bear la Itiak, Mr. ,rry w. D on matter; aBl W.Medw Woa. I!, iW.!U;:1,Ufil,,, qoe pro(eio. . e..y 1 JI f " ,M rrr j, ! "-nunrn Bin ery riostiy n funs. u ua vifqinru iwaj Tbe.e art r tPPy bear, ..d nuapeakatl. 1 drJ ,.,eei of . ,.jri .oj oort ru tfc,rPr .. . Fat ie. je.f. afitt oar ,rrur. wt B. . .r, inu, ..repi ,Wr .. hii neer Uioufbl nf lainf i. But at tiai time we had two etilJrrn boy ; and I. fool sH that I w, ihoht that they were delicatethai they pined for freth amatiy ar. ail ao; and wrfd ay hatband; (or be, in,! tho(ht, waa wear ift bioitell ay by keepiaf eo elate to vai bf iai, BFa bbj hit office. I U'frd him to re tie t from i bifinfat and LonJ-n for a few weeka,! n.l iiliiu .11 ;u . .....1.. f. . .l.... t anj t.kae.lltntotbeeount,y forachngej bf air. hloh Mr. Iar. ...hol u ar. . 1 H.( iHvin'n vim- ... , .... s . , rede: and be now look paiaa ! gratify e. lit eould not lei.a Loodoa e.uraly. LlivV f. h!h,0tt,Jt eome and .e. u. ae of.en a. peat iblt . j utii. we went into me eountri; t ana , y children. It waa ia a pleasant tillage M .1 leaal, I tlugh It pleaa.nt thea) abooi ! eigni miles no our lnaon tionr; ana left busiaesa early ia tht afiernoon, w ;nou-t Uul mf 5pPy, ay wicked spend the evening with ns, aud returned ,,, ; on 1 it was that did all the mis early the next morning. I e,ef The instant he waa told that 1 b.d Ontdty oh I I shall acter forget that j racei?,j ,.0 B kmott tmmt. day I received a note from a friend ho.rillfr ,fr.ard a arted lor Undon. ht W VI nillBjsj HlBCff Sf wff;v Htrvtif there, aod my friend had eng.getl to aej, r.V:: .T's ll I J bal no expectation that my husband would visit us thst day. Indeed. 1 bsliev-'i,. ed ,t impossible that h. e.u.d, a. lkn.w commnwe on that very evening. I bad gtten .ona to y a.rvant, . mI ll,l k.a K.. .k.. ll .Al .al.i.n until m late, but had not said wniiher I was go- bv Hi.r: and was leaH'g ihe door ol oone, 4nttwflrs Br.afi mv VOUIttrrPi out. ucsli tie- a aa tie fellow ! (then nil quite fie years old.) ran ep t me. and asked - Mother, where are yoe goirgP , I evaded the question; for I feared the bora would wish to go with me, if I should mention the name ot Mrs., and I bad made up mf mind to go alone. Itui Willv dune to mv hsnd. and, in biswinnior way, said, "Yon most not j gn, mother, without teibng me where you ( art going. And ihen Ins biotner ran. out, and pot the que.tion in anomer way. Are you going 10 Londor, to see rather!" . Ungosrdedly, thoughtlersly, and yet, oh, how criminally ! 1 answered, Yes, yes, to be sure, I am going to London." Little did I an icipa t tht iraio of miserie. Which followed upon thai answer. How could It M.i.a than nnea. durinf HIT Walk, be thouithi obtruded itsrll that 1 had decied my children, and I f. It ill at esre; and if 1 ad, even then, listened to the reproofs of Conscience, forgone my anticipa'ed plea Hire, and returned to undeceive them, all might have been well. But I quieted my sell with some wretched topbi'irj: I he pot told an untruth:! am going w London, though not to-day; aud I did n ii ssy lint was going to-dy. I had my pleure uie lasi oay oi pleasure in tin woild tlul I etrr enj.yed, pr fch.ll enjoy, though I lite to be sn hundred yer. old; and then t returned. It was about nine o'rhrk. I found my bqyi opt of their beds; and the first ques tion hey put to me, wss pid laths r find jou!" Find me ! Father find me ! What do you mean! and why ars you not in bed!" I replied. Their story wii soon told. My hus bnd had arrited at the cotuge about an hour after left it. and was told that I was gone to Lnt m; thai I was walking thith er eien ther thst I had had a letter thst morning whir h 1 had put into my orket; an I that I had seemed in a great hurry to go after the letter came. On heaiinc this, my husbsnd, accord to our servants, account, .rented trou bled, and, without waiting for relreth ment or rest, immediately returned; leat ing word that he would be bark in the evening with toe, and thst our boys might sit op till we came, if it wera not tery late. Alt this wa. my.terious to mt, except that put of fie account which rrlrted to my deception. I could understand that, a'a, too well. But why Mr. Percy lZ"m?i& uoubled an.iou. lest some b.d' -f ili- that fnsad wss the mother or our o ar to hm ,nJ hof.j bck , Uj mort hu. . ... . fc1"!" ,;." ! " ,b" f l"J'," t i SSi? " iX-S; uking lunch wib my poor bojs, I pre., inf to ticb ht ey M fOO0 as rayself l.,.:,.,.. mutl jv ,. ...iimit vir. pared for iht walk. I pieferr.d walking .. undl(M lhkl i. h.d nai met: but re' !UU,..refd? J0' KlTlT' U0.f. THE . ........... ... ..... : - sbou!d have reaot so early is lb day. o how be cneld M roikt U e thai day, I cuhiIJ not eadtrstaa J, nor b j Lc lUotld be so talipes w tee me, 1 did not wait long is fttipcntf. Tht sound ef wheel, waa root Leird i a barkery-roara Iie sn at the door. end t my hbad sprang t. Jii fitsi exrj. ' I .7 a a a ftly areovat wai aooa given. Dul. ; i ,. . .. .' 7JZ? " m " J M B 'alJ - Mlor. "you tfi b Jl; "P w " sj WiBW mterpotr d livery, our did job rt go g M , fo , ,,,,, h). band l-oked terrible fiif oed, and eery amiHij anj I tu.ied myiclf is doin oraihirf for hie coojlorts and then put (lie by a to bfd. . And iheacamo ray batbiati'e ei plana tKa. lie, ton, had received ft letter ihat fatal aaornint;, of fr mote iaporanre than aamr a letter tli.t be thought required rav eoBtidr rational well aeha owe; and. ' la all Mtl h kxt . . -"" - ( wire, nu n.i urcu inimcu I W'KB J Nil. hiW.BJ ,., eoBMl mt. Totf, MM, iknkull hM ,iat, ..i, hrfakrjM. :JB ail.Ma ma.!. rJ Mntcttafi In lha it. .7. - J V ' V ae a n ma uniea llt RI(J cuoea 10 , , e.,cJ M bjW, lher fcfet( h, woaJ b pr,,.ired WikiB. Al aU - "'''eredhadbs found e at the eU.. or even bad be kwn j ,.miBi - i ... . k. iuoJ. j hid u metMt ,, t ,,i,er I fniat . htm m,tU h, l(lB. fot Ke- hf W0J,j 1,,, ihought ol mi friend ' m BB llll 11BIB1 BUUVIII BBalBB BB K III tk . . a am .All awaaW ta ttlMm WM po,bk. , hlJ ukei dl(tt. ; v rh t oi ,h: rr ; Whea my husband reached London, taanA u't a.ha.sed and an. ell , - . - - - w - - . I Bill Iff IfTB llipir B rBflSBlaaaaB.Birnf BSBI IB VI I W 'milh " u a Mg.mglJTS wntB ha f(M,a lh nau sot rtacritti hom - befor, hit0, ll9 wlled lfnptlienUy j ........ tl, nreaaiae busine.s which bad eaus-. aD(xpected visit, sad Djr my ooac- countable abseaee, to take the re I rem- ,earjng bcgiu4 to grow less ; bul time raeoi be so much needed. After waiting ,10rlent Wllj, it .it it almost dinner time for sorus lima in great and inert asing sas- j ome arcident dial joint of m;at is pense, be went Irom one lo anotberol our j rroleucompany calls Ir. Itenmin for London friends, imagining the possibility g0t l0 gel iUy Pggg oa Saturday, Mrs. II. of my be ng thu fonnd, noUiin doubting ; mugl j0 n,e m wayiiie bell ring, the reality ol my 'journey to London, j lweiVc Uie dKr open., and iu rush the How was he w dubt it! he asked. d ! t..:ijfen floin StIOul John has torn hie ' . a . I not cznticitlv told our boys that I wa.i - 0ing tbilheil and bad 1 aer flecetrea then or himl : At Unglh, distressed ueyonu measure, tT int j0ihi tncit oi uisappuiuuuciu, anxiety, buatnes. eoggeosoi.. sou bou.. a - , . a I ly f.tigue and .ickness, my husband once ! more leached hit office, and, finding thst, I had not mad. my appearance, determm-, ed to take a coach, ana return m uie cut-. tsje, with the tague hope that be had j misunderstood ihe poor boy., or thai they ami ihe servant bad mt.uncer.toou me. Thus ended this terrible dsyr-ienible. at least, in it. consequences. I must dsss oter. eontined Mrs. Percy, ths reoaiodei of my history as briefly a. lean. I dars ool dwell upon it, Tht night, iiwtead of snjoying tbe rest he so much needed, my husband complain ed of pain and wearnet. The following lay hi. .ufferinj. increased: we sent for a physician. It was putrid fver I The infection might hae been taken from tht coach io which Mr. Percy travelled. We never ascertained whether or no it were ao; but were this the case or not, mine wa. iht guilt, and mine hat been tbe nunishmenv My husband died. Poor hula all was the next victim, and then his brother. Iu less than a month from the day of that ile fdsehood, 1 had neith er husband nor son! From the Christian Watchman. FEMALE TRIALS. Mv heart always "stits within me,' when 1 read selection, made by editors of newspapers, even "CluUtian Citizens," which ate designed for it. married ladies. setting f rth our duty with relation to mak ing our home, nanny to our nusuanup, that wc should always welcome them will a rlipprlul smile, when they come in Irom the cares and fatigues of the day, and do all we can to make married life pleasant lo them, &c. Now, this is well, I ac knnwleilire. and trust I strive daily to re tluce a irood theory to practice. But al hnv me to inquire if the catcs and fatigues of the wife are always 1 might say, ever appreciated by the husband T Shall I give -t short sketch of domestic life as it is ; not, ot course, ucscriDing CONSTITUTION. AN I THE TIIUItDA Y. AlCl'HT 20, l!47. CunHjr it altouUI I. bvt I ih to irr a fir esanple ef every djjr life at home. Mjr Mtijhtfir, Mr, Iknson, a Uyer bjr prefmioa, U thp mvriJ rali a rt fpectaUe man. Ilia income b await, but he rairrird a la! who waa aMe to furo'ub ilieir mall ho.rt Itauttsomclv, anJ thej bate aome hcpeuf mpfri!T (a remsioa. Mrs. D. vra eJueatrd ia UMtJtra timra, and eofnwliat flikjnaMjr, to tbat tbe boat of e ila htch ignorant young lefDCra are lirir In. rame ll.u-k ami futt upon her, when the atartrd on the doubt ful pilgrimage f matrimonial life. But abe bad firto prinriiilet. rnerry of t i i t t i vuaracirr, anu arroiru lore lor iter nue. band all food eiimuhote in t1e path of uuiy, tirareti like a licroine all the " M a pot tompeu," which ofun roiue from the clonda not ao bij aa a mau'a luud," and in due time, succeeded in miking a cheerful and faithful inanjjernf their eco nomical eatal.lMimrnU .M r. II. baa been a wifo twelre year, and ia a mother of tire children, the joungrstbut a bibe.and tlie family are aa iuiuy aa a large portion of families. It ia Monday morning, ami this pekt J unutterable thingn" to a New Knglarul :r.. I I. . I...... i .1 I. .. .1.. -I .: I 1 "" w w fiw tu Uie oflire, wbete the boy has a good 6rt the bolf and papers are all in good or der, and Mr. U. ails down to answer few borne to dinner puuetually at one oVIock naiU C,r ,n-be tale it q.,iCly, by, and then hurries back to the office. Al the hour f tea bo eors koine otv , , . . , . , : m - - - - - - , liini. i. l..r..l I il. . . itv. tiMti nu, iv uuviv ma; .iiuuic i rhyme of an old song. Ths hearth waa rlran, ttia fin m rlrar, Tbe kritle mm on fu Ira; Denaon i in hia Mrkiiif rhir, A ltd Meat as niru could be. , handkerchief., () ;, u Z) r- ii . onkr and n nw the babv is crv. " J"' r.V""d: ,"W.,r..3r "? utinv. i... ... - i..i i... r t .: :'h. Bmi,' lfl Bllloo.hls ilLi ' , ,u "7 telj outjr -Vhe Tlotiv Pile of i week a " . n.jnt!iliMiim M.irv iiumt have some mou- eyt ,jlcIU to ,.vl a thimMc, olie hud just lost hers WilUaiu has cut his linger with a p,ece 0f gia,,,f anj u calling loudly lor hi. 10iuer. M VeDton endeavors lo keep Wl B B W Wlirwii Vimvn f w chctrM anJ lighted i i,e hubbub : ai uwt by,l(relrorls Mione, j, M Jler' ,1U8banJ c(Mne m al nd perhaps wonders the " pie is not a little better warmed," and with this comment, and a smile on the baby, he is off, till it is time for tea. I forbear to finish the day, Mr. Editor, and shall only say, Uie after noon is made up of little trials, too small lo mention, bul large enough lo try Uie aitli and patience ol all the patriarch'. Now, sir, this wife has surely borne the burden and heat of the day ; her limbs are wearied Iter whole energy ol mind and body exhausted and she is exhorted M to welcome her husband with a smile." She does it, for a woman's love is strong er than death. I would ask, should not M r. Benson givo his wife a smile f U hat i:is he done to lighten her cares through the day ! How is it ! Iu nine cases out of ten, after silting an idle hour, he wish es Mrs. It. would put nil those noisy chil dren to- bed he should be glad to have her tell David to go to the post ofhee for letters and papers, and at length, when half way between sleeping and waking. he looks at his pale, exhausted help-mate, and exclaims Well, wife, you begin to look a little fatigued. . I cannot ask yon, Mr. Editor, if my picture is not a true one, for you are a strangerto the joys and cares of a married life : but I pray you be more just, and now and then exhort husbands to do their part towards making home ngrccahle to their wives, when the latter have, like At lass, borne a world of cares and vexations through the day. The Two Sisters of Survey. Tlie following beautiful passages on thcadvan- 9 . a tages of those wonderful instruments, the microscope and telescope, is by that elo quent writer, Dr. Chalmers whose re cent death is the more to be lamented, says the Boston Transcript, when one reflects on the depth and expansion of so great HWS-TIIE OUAUniANS OF easiJ, and in horn has passed away from easb both a 'philosopher and a Cbiratiaa : While the irlcfcope enaUrs ua to tee a aistcm in every star, the mkcrocope un- loiis la us n world ia every atom, jne on instructs ua that this mighty globe, will the whole burthen of its people and its countries, ia but n grain of sami in the van field of immeniv ; the other, that evy atom may harbor ll-e tribes and fa- wil a of a busy population. The one shews ns the insignificance of the wot Id we inhabit ; tbe other redeems it from all its insignificance, lor it lis us that in the leases of every fivest, in the flowers of ev ery ganlen, in the waters of every rivulet. there are worlds teeming with life, and rjake raali promises. Look before you numberless aa are the atara of Uie tirnta !eap, and not leap aa thousands do, and men. The one suggests to us, ihaUabove afterwards, when too late to jump back, ".nd beyond all that is visible to man. bitterly lament the consequence f your there may be regions f creation which 1 folly. Tbe best course is, to keep your swtrp immeasurably bmg, and erry the' eyra open, your mouth shut, and joor impress ol the Almighty'a bund to the re- inri, p,irc. Then. ,f J0U prumUe, you mutest scenes of the uuivetse t Uie other, wilt not hesitate to fulfil, or run cmiy be that, wiihin ami beueath all Uie minute- raust every body is priming to yon as the nets which the aided rye of nun is able to ',M3n who never fulfils bis agreements or explore, there may be a world of invisible nr 0p 0 bU word. beings ; and that, cotdd w e tlnw aside the I u . mysterious veil wbirh shroud, it frotu our t ScIcnCfJ for Jfltcheib-Profrssor senses, we might behold the Uieatre oT ;.. Lklji i( a ,cUer ,0 VnkttM SlUiuiau, maey wonders as astiomiuiy can unfIJ ; fray . a universe a comp:,s. of a piHnt, . I The metl0j of U 0b,iouMv so small as lo elude? all the tNiwers of the ,i, t.. . .. it microscope, but n liere the Almighty Ktf u, j, foIlow j, tf ''.''.itiferdirted. -Ifapice of meat I put of II,. attributes, where lie can an- ia eotJ mJ hefcleJ Q other mechanisni r worlds, and fill and am, UtM u , h W auimate them with evidemea or Ilia glo- ,wr dt.f ,nJ haVe leaa taste than if the same ry ' .' piea-e had been thrown into water already ... m .r., . HUUSIUUUj creaiior. I "ere was a certain lawver on the I ape a bng lime on me t. apr f . , . ,,-. Tavn.lhe mil mm dioritina llin. i lima tltgtfins" then. a J - aim nir uiieiii anuw ai iniirni. 11, . ..ii .! in it.. -..n.l ...,i waa a man wiil to oo in tlie worm, and , . . ... , . what was tomewhat , a ,,.,b of the law, averse to encouraging U ig.t on. One day a client eaiue to bun in a vw- lent rage. Look a here, 'Squire, taid he, that ere blaMed sh.maker down lo ! Pigeon Cove ha. gone and .ued me for iht money for a patrol boots lowed him." i Did the boou suit yo.i !" Oh. ves ; Pie got em on, fust rate boots. Fair ' price r " Oh ves.' Then you ewe i r . ... i i. . . ... . ii. him the money honestly!" "In course." Well why don't you pay him f - Why cause Ihe bhtsted n..b wvtil and sued me, and I want in Un l,in ....loflha innn.v ifl kin." It will cost you something. , "I dwn v keer e-cus for Uiat. How . much money do vou want to bee in with !'' I Oh, ten dollars will do." 1. that all i f Well. btree a X. eo vou rear eo ahead," i fdtfelfilifdrDarted, wtllsaliafied with Our lawyer next railed upon Ihe shoe-1 tiiou.anua peinaps nave cuiuvaieu wiui maker and asked him what he meant by oul notiring Ihe fact, is never known to commencing U gal proceedings tgaiusl ascend from right to left. If uncoiled. y Whv." said he, "I kept on and f.nced lo assume a direction contrary sendin to him for money till I gt lired ' to that ordained by nature, it will aicken, know'd be was able to pat, and I wa j and perhaps die outright. Theie sre oth 'tennined to mske him. That'a the long ! er plaint which twine indiscriminately ei and the abort or it. Well," said the ( Iher way, or both ways, as art or in.tinci lawyer, he's always been a good cue- j may direct. Wire liranch. tomer to vou. and I ihiitk you acted too I r 7" ' " '"' ! hwtily. There's a trille lo pay on ac- ctHint or your proceetlinjt but 1 think i you'd better take this five dollars and call ii square.' Certain, Squire, if you say . so and darned glad to get it," was ihejhc will make an excellent husband. If a a a .lt .aa . answer. , fn the lawyer lor ken over me . one V. and kept the other. l In a few day. his client came along and anked him how he got on with his ease, i Rapidly I" cried the lawyer ; we ve nontuttfil him T he II neve i trouble you. "Jerusalem! that's great!" rried the cli ent; "I d rather gin fifty dollars than have had him got the nmnry fur them boots!" Spirit vf Iht Timtt. The Hen-Pecked A friend of ours on Fourth sereet, had a sprightly male Cana ry bird which he mated a short time sinee, and Mrs. Canary soon built herself a nest in the cage, laid the right number ol eggs and commenced sitting on tlirm. It would seem from what followed, that she now thought herself entitled to exemption from all other labor, even that of providing food for herself, aqd that Mr. Canary was ne glectful of her wants. On Sunday last she came off her nest and went at him, drove him about the cage and after pick ing him severely, returned to her scat on the nest. The result of lliiu thrashing was soon apparent: Mr. Canary has ever since been careful to keep her well sup plied wiih food, bringing the seed to her and putting it in her mouth in the kindest manner, the flogging having operated to a charm. Tiou 7 elegruph. Newspapers. A man (says Dr. Frank lin) ns often gets two dollars for the one he spends in inlorming his mind as he docs for a dollar he lay out in 'any other way. A man eats up a pound of sugar and it is cone, and the pleasure he has en joyed is ended ; but tiio information he gets Irom a newspaper is treasured up in the mind to be enjoyed anew, and to be used whenever occasion or inclination call. for it. A newspaper is not the wisdom of one man, or two men ; it is the wisdom of the age, and of past agcS too. A family without a newspaper is al- a ,ways half an age behind the times in ge aUR LIBERTY. aeral fn formation ; beeidea they can nev er think natch nor find rum k to ta!k about. And tlieai tlicre are little ours growing no in ignorance, without any tate f r read ing, ttetides all these eiils, tlteree the ife, who, vhraj the work is dour, has to it do with ber hands ia her lap aad nothing t aninse ber, or dirert ber mind from the mile and cares of die domestic circle. W ho, then, would be without a newtpaperf Bo U yoa Ap-ee. Do aa yon agree. The plighted wrd should neier be bro ken. Hate you vowed to bap into the dork f Co and do it. But mind and not uoilinir. Iii the first case, the H.ttn. . , I , ... utl , ... . . . bumen of the meat coagulates from the . auaii uie rtMiu, in i uc Hi viiii) mic ai . - . " . . . . . . , . . ,urfar inward, and envelopes the interior . . - .. . . , , . with a layer w hich is impermeable to wa , J, imM ,he Ulea McwJ;. ' . ' ., . An Error. Profewor Ohustead dt nes Ut he i. the author of Uie roiumunicalion a'Tthnting to the Teh-graph the power to V lhuM4jfr 9U"m' -le ) " lhe ,,,e ,h;l1 e haU hT' no ''"'y lndei vtn, or hear of lightning striking, as ,lon tfinnpn Hee spreau over the earth, could not, should suppose, ,c nweriaineii ny any one who reticcts "OW em:ill a porlU.n SUlll SlrtlCtUreS Ol art mjxteM, to the grand operationa of CuriOTU Fact rhere are many twin- ing plant, that ascend their supporter, on- ,ly fiom left to right. Of thisdeteriptinn Good HusTjand. When yon see a vnunif man modest and retiring in his man- rter, who cares less about his dress than bi rnoial haracter, depend upon it,ladies. y(u see one mat is Kind anu attentive to his mother, affectionate to his sisters, in- dustriou. in his habits, and economical in his business, rest assured you have found one of w horn you never will be asjiainrd A Word to Boys. The Learned Blacksmith" says: Boys, did you ever think that this gteat world, wiih all its wealth and wo, with all its mines, moun tains, oceans, seas, nnd rivers, wiih all its shipping, its steamboats, railroads, and magnetic telegraphs ; with all the science and progress of ages, will soon be given over to the hands or the Boys of the pre- rent age ? boy. like yon, assembled in school-rooms, or playing vjnhnut them. on both side, of the Atlantic ! Believe it, and look abroad upon your inheritance and get ready to enter upon its possession. The Kings, Presidents, Governors, States men, Philosophers, Ministers, Teacher., Men, of the future, are all hoy, whose feet, like yours, cannot reach the floor, when seated upon the benches upon which they are learning to master the monosyl tables of their respective languages. Dreadful Explosion. Among the late news from England, is an account of a terrific explosion, which occurred at the Gun Cotton Works in l aversham, on the 15th of last month, apparently from the spontaneous ignition of gun cotton. About twenty live, were lost by the explosion, many persons injured, and a great amount of property destroyed. 1 he account Irom which we derive this information, says : Before the introduction of cotton the four buildings exploded were used for drying powder, and were called stoves being in a row one before the other, with a mound of earth in a pyramidical form, of about twenty feet, base, between each to cut off communication in the event ol an accident: but this device proved utterly useless, for all were blown to attotns. immense bars of iron even were twisted like twigs. The a f lo- 1 3 OX scene of trrrot and df i tmrtioa was appal, hog men, women and children fly ing w ith , streams in every c.rrrtjoa. Tka extraordinary effect of the exploo- ioa en ike buildings in the neighbor hood, and oa the com fields in the vicinity, ran not possikk be realized eseept fcv aa ejs " nitnes.. l be roota of aU the buildings . iihin afcovt quarter of a anile of tlie ex plosion are mm tidily stripped of their tiles, and the walls art much shaken. E ven in the town of Faverthara, fully n mile distant fiom tbe scene cf the disaster, windowa ere broken and the looses oth . crwie damaged in some instances. On the opposite side of Uie stream which , forms ihe oorthern boundary of the Marsh W orks is a field of wheal oftomn extent. The explosion has completely blasted thie over a space of about two acre., and the ears, drooping and discolored, present n scene of desolation in perfect character with the adjoining ruins. Tlie willow trees wiihin about fifty yards of the build ing. No. 3 and 4, are lorn up by the roota and trattcred about in all direction.. Those more distant are let. seriously in jured, but ihe foliage of all within a veiy large circle is wholly destroyed. One of the most remarkable effect, of the explo sion is the removal, as it appears almost botlily, of the enormous mound of earth skirting the No. 4 stove. Another in stance of its power waa shown in the forc ible ejection from a deep well of two mas- sire pumps, Uie leaden pipes of which. neatly twenty fc-et long, were drawn op and thrown to a very considerable die- , lance. The explosion waa heard distinctly at the distance of tliirty miles. The strength of gun cotton is stated, by the English pa pers, to be just six times that of gtinpow- dr. Professor Schoenbein has said that it will not explode at two hundred and eighty-four degrees but the facte of this case seem to prove the reverse, ninnesoU. The following in relatioa to this new territory we lake from lha Wellington Correspondence of the Balti more Sun : "The territory of Minnesota it looliur op a large number of imlusiriout New- Liiglund settlers are going into it. Their mill, are atreadr makitur music in the wild woods. An immense amount of dressed lumber will be sent down from the Fall, of St. Croix to St. Iritis and New Orleans, (.'en. Gushing and hit Masra chuselts irgiment will settle in Min-ne-n-ta after the close bf the-war. It will be a favorite resort, too, for the soldiers of the New York and Pennsylvania, and many of the Western regimentt rh will inHifa-tir iranr wno4 BtMuntfif-a mess of pottage." Improvements la Manufactures The Scientific American announce, a revo lution in calico printing as at hand ; house paper is to be printed so cheap that block ing must be done away. Instead of two or three weeks now required to engrave a copper roller of the highest finish, the in ventor, with a few diamond point graver, and acids, gels up one in as many houts. He has also invented a machine for shear ing cloth, which shears five to six hun dred pieces in a day, and does the work belter than it is now done by the old pro cess. cotton manufactories in Georgia. lie uuiiioti V vtmuii itiviurica ai mo at the present time in Georgia, is 28, via : n Upson county, 4 ; Clark, 4 ; Greene, 9; Richmond,? ; Muscogee, 2 ; Newton, 2; Baldwin, 1 ; Putnam, 1 ; Morgan, 1 ; Bulk, 1 Cobb, 1 ; Chattooga, 1 ; Elbert, ; Troup, I ; Campbell, 1 ; Walker, I ; Warren, 1.' Pitcalrn's Island. This remarkable island was visited on the 26th of Febru ary by the British Government brig Spy. The officers went ashore, and were re-' reived by George Adam?, son of the cel ebrated John Adams, the founder of the colony. They met with a cordial wel come, and after partaking of n repast, in 1 .1 .U ... ... ..1 ntuiiiis a uiu voltage, me iany reiurnCU OH board the Spy. Forty-six whalers, most- y American, had called during the year 1840. It will he remembered that this island (in the South Pacific Ocean) was settled about half a century ago by seve ral Ltiigltslimen, mutineers of an English ship, who took with them Ouheitan wo men. . Mr. Alexan ler Dickerson of Newark. ha recently invented and patented a mode of melting iron ore and producing bloom ed iron, which appears to be a vast im provement upon the plan heretofore pur sued. Amongits other advantages, (which are oertified hy that veteran iron master, Col. Joseph Jackson, of Rockaway.) it saves half the fuel and hair the time for merly consumed in the operation it is in tended to facilitate. Some drunken chap io the country, in attempting to cross a deep stream ou the shadow or a tree on a beautiful mooulight night not long since, came near being , drowned. t n