1 n UNION, THE CONSTITUTION AN j THE'-AWS-TIIE GUARDIANS Of OUR LIBERTY. XX1II jilal I si U . .. B , il : li!) lU II llll lill 1'ln "' Most. Ciicap, Chciipcr, Chcr.pest ! j fl'llt. aaderalaartl ul nni Ibrw ahaO. 1 f full 4 H later fiotttts, na lnwTWW IMMBi bUUUl toUUa L4AYS & PALMER. i.jj am. 1 , .t iji-, j hf a Agnes ran icta the rtm, seroa Fdae &r Satta!.- Evening Pin. pauied IjUo -iNiii g 1 Mliea, sister of Lt . w : l - war"! .. . a at m i jifteou. jury pmetcuia lo Ui aunt1 'Agnes not waariiig i!m (trewirt of Lei t b ber du'y, ber BMd 14 I laiocJ M degree ibet 684 br with -prtHt vht-i she fefirrted po it. Her tlwcghte luvra ta a Mwnnef ruBBiei, aj the pdific to rati sad , j, w i tVkftVr II. 5 1; V ITU TOO LATD. 1 at K4TK SlIUKBLAKD. sister. Ilff UioM dicK waa mm td ami kef heart brst with a ft a"d Ah! tUt ouV t braid by a ,r.J.!PrubIe,a wmd f Edith. It w ai elaer aaotioo. llt we r mj no . a at a a . . -i. a ... . a a . . a a ,.. a-aaa aaa ay to ibriaw lift ; we pro inumauon site Had reecirrd I IN piw net lneij cwwmw". j "!'" &, mhI k&m'&ct that Ae IwrAroe a nntie trarlt-Ut zctj viik her ia ! ! w -JIim Sausa. er. and ler thmtna at findSn- lr ia tluiflMiird art to ilffMt liemlfolrdilT W "Una faiA ia lime, dear a'uier ! Time fmilJ f f l flikwaUe arquain-lier rfca I bW wo 1 ! U the f n-at reuwer the imier wwiiJa Public Sale. !-UHrtliyrr tmr. h m Btvrr tuo Ule J to I I'aj.py, Uiith.' .1 uajr enrruft our fethngi. Tioic Til I. I auLI i W late Mli!US( J.J NHiik.dm-OTl. m fl StU iJy af 'J www trr went Uie pall vl ; artt, aa a rmlit uf tra mxmtUt, aO kk tilnr. But w th b a state lo be i Uorea, majr well b imn-utrd L Wm litppiet Uiaa tba bo Mi eaai-mpm f jiiJ bymtit t brr loU Tba, at umt pre. - U into tl.e next itrti. rfit mind f t henm rlr. j , a a- a a . . . . ia a iiiue wuue, r.wh vat a B a -.a . . . parlor, and eWU Uit Udinr door. tUWd. Milfied and CJlcd uU a rtlHit-tU uffica tf wntLitrr. ber Ikmumb. fel her band v J brad, aad bef Ur prkiif w watdtfofcocatwt. Bui.ialtff HJ J Ut bad twrard eolJiy froai lbs! ', and br eoaU bH f W ber aa", CJ A f ne, Mna ab lrd f ber Rkf drath. k.iad ki tiMt Edith. Ska found bet aaiml ia a sad atata f drpiet aka. Tbt dr(reiioa f ber luttr bad aliaoat brlea tier lieart. aod redrrrd bt r de.perat and iatpioaa ta ber affiteuoaa. I a MlUt IB HH1C, U-.l . . a aooa aa aba eoutd b in to aait Titua t tlte Siork f l!ure, faille. Slirep. lt, Wbeat. OaW. Fodder, Hay, Ilotiae. bold Si Kiti-ltm Famituie, aiid Tar tain; I'teni!', Wagon aitd Oeer, (SJ aimt atkrr artkira Im lrJiiu lu n Million. Om bkrty y ouug .exro ITaiuan aUl al W a4J am the mm the mturr aivtac MJ ni g"l frprkoU arrriv. JOHN KEDiXC, Adm'r. ikiobattl. 01 3 Trust Hale. BV uiu f a IW4 in Tf uct, ncruirj to tl ailwrilirf by Uw Uw Juhu A. t'aarrtt fur frftsm MiriMiwii tlirtfia iBnt, I will urfl to mi, krfcu Ike ruurt Imhmt Wm in tko taaa of liJl'fuuch, wn TuFalay lit ZMtUy 4 .otri ta a it (la-wig lia rcMl Uy f rauit atrk.) tf (vSbwiiig trsrta aoj pivrb uf Laud, I. H : I tar TitMt fuu(iuiiiK 216 Armi, morror hw. ail. )aiil( Ike iaOuU U JaarfA Allinoil aixl Urd Hn irt; Una kf Trrt cnut.itiiiig tMJ Snrmm IrM, kouaa aa lk I'almrr W. auljuiinakg fiut, f arrub anJ oWr j ali tlie but act! U ntr. wbrrron ttwr Mioi aixi Mmlilc ar aituatrd, nd ilituac aiuJ Iut abtfrun ikr uUl Kamftt re U'IrJ. atltuimuK I'fhk" JtNiris alo ite 14 a!- jaing Ca. lkwry, . 63. aoJ owe If on Ua at aaw 4 UrWy I'.rtin, known aa no, . A cilitf aiae aioNthUlUan.ii,tbtNir fttaarr fi'ing ImuI wiik aljrucj security, witk IHlriral frma liver U. JOEIMI ALLISON, Trustee. Ortalirt IT. Pt 3 Trust Sale. BV irtu of Vrti ia Tru4,maWb.v the lau Julin A. t'aucrlt to the uii.Wwf nrd, he will oltf luraak-, at tita towt koue in HiIUkonHigH. m tk S3J Jy f Aii1r neit. (tina. "J l,f of rourt cck,) Two llkrljr Xrpro .Wen, by the naia-a of NValWrr and Frank ; tlwy are riccllrut rarprotria, aobrr arul alrail. Una of ajkl km a aiU be aokl In Vb4u and tht olhn on a rrrJit of uiiia liwnlhn, the iun-haar( (iting baud ami gxal awurity, ailk intrrrat from tti. V. F. PaVCETT, Truatee. (Vt.er t7. 02 S tttettM dt"ired f Uo ywa rail dial lijipineg f lUtber Irt my beart puiVate in agonir until ita Luti ronruUire throe. 1 a4 "not Uiia ledta on." nine baa a bigtier inUainti tliao tha Edith. Time baa a true healing pow s ; But it ia men-ly external, Agne. Deep wounda of the apirit are uot to be itealctl itt lime nr by tiuie.' , , "They muat be healed ia lime, t'wter, it em heali'd at all. And tltia healing dura not pioreed lro. enema! lo iHte nul; but in true order, from intiiuate prtii eij Ie, by lueaiw of the most ultiiuate, e- uiciiu remarking, a liiey uiti ao :nw , ; . . , e. . iiL...., i.mhiaLi -n.. .... it o i t...t .1 i... Arf.Mith unfold, the direr of leara. II ia neier too late to ! treat reatorrr tba healer of around ' Seairely liad the heart of Edith aufold. stha dryer d ..eil P"? !.!!.. i ni.- . f ikB ,nor auffere r to lb'.. ire - 'omanWI, ere bert ky berame nerrai. J The firla are ukine their auaaie lea. on this oiomirtf , so we wdl go ia here and be by our-!. There was nothing ia Ute way Uiia was said, whieh kf EdiUi hi iufer that Agnes was known aa ber sitter. Hut tiiat tlat (jet would heroine kaoao. aha Alt to be inetitahle. She did not star bine, and when she left the house of Iter friend, re 9 llirilil !milll!i linm. .n.t ..!. t . . ..-... I. . i ... i.... ..Iia nniiii ruirtuitia. J known tne moruiymg lact sue lud eu-l.tHirH Si.. many 'kjr.aa..l.a a ittanirfi aaV naan Wa ia.ii uaaaaar aiaavaa . - - . W - . . . a -I ... I IttafjfaMaT I 1 LaM o.aaaaa .... ;1 it.. tbat It is nerer too late. B,M ri-l to ihe selfiah ptide of Edith. But Wptre her w.Ui TmeVsaT leep (.ief aw.Ued ber. 'f. sht wH.ld sometimes say. X beauty iEdtth, a. well her po- -is not made k:..- La tf. u ,J,. who nious twrlwns. An afflteuon is n t aader t!ie W aur-ftes f pride! Mf aMMrr bss cettaialy it it leewa. m tate.ba tia-beard, Ednb. lo wbat is tight aad ia it. 4 yew wtU be sas aiaed. , Caa f so f-e a taosmt leg ai4 tka optaaoas f tliosa wbo keo yew so laager altar Uriaae eaaaad arnilft arks cared SMt fos feat personal qaabty, bat only fae estpraal eoadiuoat Iook aoi back, siawr. Ut tka past. wiOi its Laiory. U sealed op. Bl hx ir- id IS) btp. k fewseu. aaracaur, bat it ta year dsiy ta da aad tkst duty eater apea widi a tsaolata spiiiu Tbiak at tbi, sitter, and wbeo I aeil sew jow, let mt find ) prepared to go fotwaid. itb a Biat step, ia tba way tktl u ads plain bafwra faaj Wbat A goes said, eouM pol bit to bss t ss efleel apoa tbt miad if ber si. Icri sereadea ss it aa oy w panar satara I tba eiieamataaeea b) wbieb ska as atrrouftded. ' When Agnes eallad to ea ber agaia. she oss batter prepared lo listen lo .ber sagftauoast tad ow ibt question as to wbat she could tod eegbt w do, eama p for eonaideraiioe. 1 do not tbibk I could gits leuoot . . VVjrrrTrTJ A h..i.a no bearin upon the IinpoaiiMa ! said Mr. CJreenlear. seniinent l ineutunio. -- r" 'A uZuoh of our ia ouiic with any s - ImUiUe r echoed .he aunu L.I tored of the... wer. a young man ; " f ;fn 1 JJ Fra.ei. aipivj tut u ,. 4 ' iuntui9 ; ixuueu 1116 aunu m aw " . t - - "IlUloo lr-e. 1 saw lier with my lltaiiiM! Caiaon, and one nametl l'rrrival. .a a .. . . . f a. . . . - al. u!a aliaxlukaaa rle, spirt aecei No! aeccpt it f " I fear not." w Yes site will. Givinir muaic letenns whiek Carnn rannot be o reiy pleaaant an wcupa lion htm the maiden' ten until health reivu tlirouoluuit th n.'moitint alton. lire rmpire of the iiiiud, iroi eedinp. 6rai, II l,,ul u' l permitted.' from hat is inierkir. and filling all. even fla' Vou mu&t go ai lo hat is lowest and exterior. Lift up, then, your head, dear sitter! and bate faith in time. Bvltore me, it is never too; lale.r '"' ' " r j Thus spoke Agnes My to her young er sister, who waa panning through deep waters. Aguee, m lio was older by many years, utien-d no idle words in what she aaid, She had, herself, teen a sufferer, and had rniue out from the glowing cmri hle, purified 1 y bfilietion. She, therefore, eould hate faith in time. She knew that it was never too late to he happy. That lime was the healer of wounds, the dry er of tears, tl.e great restorer. But Edith, poor sufll-riue Edith ! could not believe that time had (tower to dry her tears. Their fountain was in Iter heait. and she felt that tlte the spring was un- lulling. Agnes was older than her sister by more than ten years. They had been at pcratcd early in life, in ronsequence of the death of their parents. Agnes found a home with a widowed aunt in moderate cirruuiFtanre,aud Edith, who was a beau own eye, returned Edith, weeping ith 'Both er unremitting jbut Cirtnn firat mtde . I i.:-t. ... i.;. I aatu Air, , lagc, un ii " . nd see Iter, junele and aunt. i rirpumautier of onr Hee uii ia out , aati ...... ........ -,t .5.....i,M U Itiok. e'Mnebr . - - IT. .aa ..f nata- aTkHsW 111 m aiain U f. ltJISiS a.' ar i w 'rJ.,":r,:::7; ; McMon and consequent -1 bate hee liar TaissrsBwa-aa saw asm at a .-aa. at a- -i i - : - 4 - , ,.. . natientltr.tak tbat I spaa it a a.. .a i ilia a . ri iiaiirtna BaaaiiisaiBCBa?a at ai - - - m . 1 a a IaO EdiU,..ndlelI ber. ,!,at if ah. i. onderU.ins ur-n the vounf f '.rl been equally lg '! " M?7 m I . .I v: ;-;"-;;.. i i -..i.i i,,.. hW. th. the 6nl reauiu ueitee wr, me linen, wi .iviiik inia lur a aui'tiuii. wit.. . - - m i .. ' i f i. i. It. v.. imi an i h iii nav iter uoaruiinr. iooi'e w .wer nwwr, ..v. ... not . !..ft -' - 1 . I... - .UillU H Will I'C U IW ItaC. IIIP.IIIIIU imi.ni - . I'.tM. i .v.-....l .t.rn.1 rat'iilitinna and nroaneets in lite:orrP . "a"!" " i-., ""a ihrouffh teu, anil MleintIenU 5ha wU tHit.ao gold. Hut mere o a " ,. , , f. lit mltia I; aaa.laiaaatai i t awa neataiAlt lii. piaraeUr. 'and E.llUl llt CPJ i'a ivui am aaaaauv. cssa aims lsb asrara ilka dra was 8 this is true, sud take hope. that 1 hae pro aoeceta. ske said. teachers can alar ays Hold by ntieal Franee, nth g'aal pumj. M Do yoo think you eoutd leack it! Yes." ... Yeiy well. Yon need so longer fles- - . -t I . E I. ....k. ! ed that it is ao. 1 have passea pair. ii a auuauoa aa rwaw ,...u.. atera. as deep, pemspa, aa inoaa amue school canooi o oumiobo. tyinatv . ; . a t...a a . a. - a .1 t vhieli you rt atvw piMwj wi (ej&ct sty w lormrMo a a aABB.I aa . KJ .a . . a. . 1 .1 not overwhelm my laiuting.cow about bi heart. Bui. the .1. ..it aniut , ' more gentii"- ",": "T .m.k .1.. .aih araor w in iDreawd forward, seeured lot Mr.Greenleaf left his wdow and niece,' Ul0 .mploynteBt. Bat bow to heome bitj we, e mo. trying. Already had ltt,rni"iS, 1 But Edittt cauld not see bow this was to be done. She bad aimed at tba point I iiliagse to isach, il she eoaW Ob got.iho com pre mi-m. ... ..-:.- .uha aUMl i.- "r ' I- h....., aha kaJ a ... - . a " a ' a aa f - T. - at.I Bf tl V BTUlllTSrU MP W7 AM Va BOBS , . SIB1W aaw ----- V - that site wiu preler it to case and eomlorl. w,ie. "7l?Vr Tela . ' oikhi a light salary which he wss able to fdy p,oo.pt.r. ' Through ber saggs. at nome. ssev iter at any rate. , nwri- i ---.-- , . - . ii;. eut oa all in' tiR. nJ it.flueiie. a I will, hud use mv best tff.trU lo in- ed the lovd atal was in his heart, and re- g-t s a eei. ii tnotinn. nml. llicre i .".. .1..... .1 P.nN dure her lo abandon what she is doing. cei-ed for answer that it Ws too late. "A..rJ.iL ,: Tunib had thus he 1 """ -IT ' . .7 r-uiui caueu upon iter aisier, aou iuauc s mf tnme iirae wier iw ..--, ,... -. t il.iT How are wa known the objeet of her visit, with her come advised of lite laet that Perrtval was .. . . recurring quea- uiu ic a iiiiiiiuaiiiuu. i aian a inter, ana iu"i" - j ti , . . t; t . . .f.i i.; I..... t.. i eu uueie vjreenteat. Ainea. reiii . rearet lttai.'iie nan ui wiu 9 f aa f ha. liona. , a v a - I el rhirh j she was sble to gat tka aiiuatiou ol Fiench teacher in a aswly satablithed semtaary lo yousg ladtas, with s salary of lour bundled dollars tear. This was better lor ber ihsn gif a a- . a ing lessons in pilsut lamniea; ana wan mvi.iic . v ,... I,-, 1,1, .U1 aliilllV. lL.llltn. t .n araal a trial lo DCr IcCllUVa B Wat ed, .promptly, yet w.th great pM-araj ft B in am linl rtil. JJ"" .,sa m Iar "The one, Wuuja W. b.cn. -utatismohitgea to nun lor itts oner, ,nb.,ied. , 1 e c.oaer tn.erro..r ae ; - lhe Uier.! s f eJ disinlefted eonduct 0f out rannot accept .u j a itetro nmen, w t m , . m u wrong, and ' A 0'peoei lh,t.4 0I Mis. U.eenlesf He will be iiuieh dianleased ii vou uo imnrMimn rereival bad made. Upon Iter, . . . v.... ' .f . . ft.y .,l.l P..li,V - ' ' I C . " .only mereaaes your ""' .'S aawsaa aa. k M Why should he ? He has no claim j Two months brfore. the lima af f a a aa t - I m . a a ft . upon roe lor ooeute .ee. , or tne niaruagc , . ; Dlrt, nol Uli, 0ve prompt you lo do some-i 0. ,OBf, Btfot., r.ghtly aoprsetaled hf f . "But sometluitir is due from vou to his . leaf's embarraasntcnte became, known in , ' - . . . , In . .1 .. i. ..;.i.r . rr'.!-. !l 'w(Witi4raaMi i t , . ... . ii mi .''!. .. i . . t ... Minnt in WJ'uni'tt1S'vur iioele lurntahi.. . r.i. .. - ,ni , - - - aunt, ,ti. .uv . a nes openeu inacves oi am, wiw'i, rour unhapptnets. Yoo llllh, uaauincieelieneaof her character. love vour aunu to whom yoo are indebted d ,h ettUi B0, -.I- aipisasing to bet i, f 'J-n. ' U !' ffeeiion and rare of a mother. ! wbl ,he ,nj ff IUng thai a! tHCril I ..,.. nn,.iulililAIAIHh! . 1.1 ....... ahe bad want of some one " STATE UF iNOUTU CAltOMNA, OBaSOK "OtSTV. Court of IMe. and lartcetstonN " August lerm, 1st..- a.--. S Petition ftn Dower. ',UkJ. Vaaa.aodofArraO ifurafra laan, e. 1 Tenttoa VTJIUJ. rw,airfWS eteafNtniea, I T appearing U Iks aattlacUo rf the Court, I .l-Yu-.h.. I v.nn. mie of the deiendanta lit 1111 .1 ill. . 7 . i s. ... ;,.hutuuiit of this butoi It m therefoie onlered Uy tks Court I, that pul4jc.ti.M. la. mvie ia the HilWroogh Ktwrder ft mi aftttaucceaiMjr, for id defrwlaot to appear ... ....i fa., ,J ihU Court, to he bchl tor ttta m msv aawata a.. . . . . . rounty of t)rauge, at Ute court houac in ItilWw t nigh, on the fourth Monday in Novcsshef octt, to plead, aaawer or demur to Hie af.rc.-whl peti tion, or the- will be heard ev pat to h"'- Witirs Joaeph Allwon, Clerk of aaid Couit, at olDce, the tourtfi Momloy oi .mirui, . JOSEPH ALLISON, c. c. c. Prireadr.6 00. 00 6w S 1 A I E UF JSOKTU CAROIJ N A, ORANOK tOt'NTV. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, . ? i August Term, 1847. - Jamu ll. Vkritlit, t.'uarilinn, va. The HtUa ui Lnw of 7 tumtm M-Vmrkt rfe- ": Juatiee'a JuilgmenU IT apnearinaj' to the wtWaciion of the Court, that William M-Cmckcn, Kliwlalh M-Crm-k-en, and Ihe ehilJrcn of Jolui kl'Craeken, deed. its William H. M-Craeken, John 11. M-Cwek-. ti.-..- I M l'rirUn. ami Lhxlth a n, I iriHi . M Ufacken.thc dcfciidanU in thw eae, are not ;..i.. ,.r .ii It ia therefore onlert;d iiniauiraiiaa wa ' - - 1 O ' that puWicatiim I mail, in ihoHilWaiwugh Ke-, rorder for ail week, thai aaid defendant appear at the next term of our Court of Pleat and tjuar i.. m ha ln.1,1 f if die conntv of Orange, t tk. M,f h.mu in Hill)4HiriHiirh. on the: fourth Monday of November next, to ho caue whore fore the real catate of aa'ul deeeaaed, deaeeiuled to them, ahall not bo aold to ast.Kfy aaitt rerowy. and Ed it i met but sciuoiu. i ner moved in different circles one, as she emerged into womanhood amid the gay aecnes of fashionable life; the other iu a quiet, unobtruMve, humble sphere. Each had her pcctilUr experiences. Th mint with whom Aenes found a had nassed throuch many Uouble but out of them all she had come, better and wUer for her uials. Many lessons of widom were imparted lo her mere, ami, by example as well as precept, sue led the opening ami maturing mum ng- ties to perceive the true beauty and excel-: lenre of a patient, nopeiui spirm eve. un der the darkest aspect of human affairs. At the age of twenty-tltree, Agnes . with the severest trial a young heart ever .ii,lnroa. in the ' faithlessness of one into ,-hose keeping she had entrusted ner nrsv ..l lui.i allWlinna. AlanV O IVS oi uaia ami w. - ...... - nes ever n ttii still a deep shadow iiix.n her spirit, the best friend she had known since her mother's death, was re moved by a like affliction. Her aunt changed her earthly for a Hcavenljv exis tence, and left her friendless, so far as all the means of support were concerned. Her unrlc, Mr. Oreenleaf, with whom t.M;il. h-.d round a home, so lar irom tan- intr nnv interest in Agnes, had always fell a prejudice agalust her, and discouniged nil interrourse between the sUtcis. 'I he ennsenttcned was, they seldom met. W Unn 1AB fkltllt dipd. no notice was taken ' f UVI OHIli "f t of her by Mr. (iteenlear. fcUttii vwi cu her a few times, and sincerely tjondoled with her in her affliction. But there was little sympathy between the sisters and their iiiteTcourse soon became as formal as before. It was a matter oi seu:rep. ft fill aaJtllM ftarataa as tf it r. ta.al lt liAO BSatla a,M . . " . . . . . . 1 aivAiajl ajlnl.llBBV I I AIB BBrill It ltAK f faS tk'fltl . aaaS Blfa fl it A W 9 IT1 flTf nfflHTI .tatal the alher's side, and raised by bun witfc "-.' 'T', T" "JiPwni .1 ..nr...nniVineall vour wanis! ' 'J " A. "Sa . ' , tia ttnine. in Urn uninlnvp,! aa miuu laJ4---r--- . .T. 7 . .. " ." .i toll the nieailSOISUPPIl wg Bll your wmi m ajhoBI SOS COUIO Coo uectionate care. j" -r'rZ.ttuZt Anea!M the adooed child of Mr. ..refnieai, ami t v.:,u ' I a ........ r ,.r..m. .k. . V ?f Waier lk. Greenlesf had been though, by every - - rf tMwA oT. I".ri r....f P.diih. at fiist with a nstne emotion one to oe a man n ?c , . . , Ther tak a lnno-far ihwn a 1 la understand each ' , ' i.t. II;. ...... ..nl,I i-nme 111. even- Uiiimi'I'J B" "". . ..' -a ..r .turn. iii.H sue utiiuati, , w v . . . ....i ;.. . tn .i!et. ret firm voice, rcpli-1 ttially, foi a large share auu, -j...--, j-- I , , I P.I,. -.1 line liuauai.u mo ... , ' r 1 1 .1.- -1. . u-VM mnr nnele to forsrel lhat lie naa. real possessor oiaini.air..c a via i v - - - - vn i . .. . a i. raiiPRiv m luiu artaa va aw a-- b , -" " - . niece named Aenes." " I'arion was liatdiy awara ma ..u... , a ; t ,? , 1 1 . - , contributed as liesly ol ber esroiegs 1 .t t... n....! ihr.iuah Ilia inilld.or i . . ... r I I If' . . I.... r km. H i ,nfl inougiiia. v.. - , w what can 1 doi : one lorcru aiwn me sustenance auuwawn w. ... ..... a ... .i .an v ii pr uuiv. wiiiio nm.r ntiiar. ana in una giuki lusvtiio. l ihia and lie. as eae ner - ; . -- . . oi ' , i r i. ... i.-..i.. ro1,i..i:.n(ii io enter a,iih ,iin affrrtinn. tba mora inttmata would be t ie , thouebt of ii ! ihia kaowleifea keeame. la a little while. raigm reret e. t i.i .i,;-.. ,n naaa ihrutiirlt heri an homa eoutained ibent all aad Aenes aa . lor "Sister! let n.e once, and for all, tell in any way influenced his leeimgs 10- v ... , (, her sUier. ' vou thai I -m not loo. influent by any dith. until il f J"; whal ha l done, EdiUi! Whalj l id t at n.v.r loo late. Edith." ,uu in".. , , , , i..r. .n, 9ili0il Ins earl. 1 lie II I . ..... i . ...... k.. niuih. tmnsideraliona that you or uncie vrcru-,v.rreiiie. ...- s irrl ( now doing I lijiterntBuata i " leaf e in offer. 1 do not wish to trouble". In real motiver were so clearly apparent ... . . wai sno,jief g,h 0f tie, , irrlen.ent, so sgtetble to all, i..5n..,v wav.andwillnotdo8o,iiucn-iiohiinelf.lhaVhefelta momentary dis-j . o DOge raelf in families here , hld bven oowred ain. This wsa said ::..ii.. n..';t U mv dutv to te the ; eust at his own cupidity, wuiauc new , . of equality . the pause ol a mora than uaually cheer- ' a"' v. . . . . i alie li: circumstance that Had trantpir. u, aitaraa illtimac. M t rottSic teacher 1 No! tionallv a .a. I . a"... ntiin fitinnAfl. Miaiittr i n:iK mr mv -i-vta i . - fanii imiiiiai Hut unrlc ouers 10 " iu...-.v : """- 1 , . - xtrmA No She cnuiu not enuur ic m6. t:.,1 iih an exnression ol. imiignani. ... .....-- ,- her mind, ana asaeo 1 .7 ..... .1..' t,l not aunnrcs.1 serious oicuaMon. , ...j, imtiatiencc . . " What claim have 1 upon html Shall t Time works won. Sm lllliaasa rum - " Ia there anything wrong in learning m aaaa A II .. S..IB I -ia ; continued. 1 tte love ue jean, .... . - - -. - ? ii-7- t" 'iieu in"";, .. i jest a lections, many u ij a ' . . , , :, use. ont jor justice anu ngni, atteceeded. and she had little hope of die pension er upon Ins pnde . hpy J inordinate. sel ..-ring the clouds thai hung over her jless to talk to me m lh jja la ut. ,n , .ick-i.. tdeUheratelydmmeil. k.. ..onmlnil h v uliame and nriue. arm but tne vote Ifish consiili the end, it was U m,alv.ad fold mv hands, as an , her, .ecomiea uy 'K, fwinlv ", replied Edith, in sit a ut a..' --t , , i a . r. ...aitaa ami Pinni mil inn vuu f ui i j ". r - ... -i what tnv conscience tells me is nb Edith went back and reported lite re- ''" t .....,t,.n.ipalinn. selfish considers- tone expressive u. ... I" r" ,; . II none in teaming, . . i. .i . wmnir in leacninv iiikiii, eii.v. . t Old not say ineio w .ij . . .1. .. l..,.t U.n .!. I'nv i leinn comraci . . - ' ; ....i,:., ,1,-m n.l:.n r... . m... rlt hut 1 1 at lie, ta 6 ........ hi., il,a rl.avrin Wf " , , ' m VI. ihan. ahnu Id VOU leel SO OI8- .11 1 1 m tier IIMCT.ICw, mui , , urn..i m l ne uicr-L ., . ; t.r - fclt anarv at tha i canen . Ol l.l . . .in1 n'i ' " " mine. I . .....-. t.ua ww...- . ,. . . - a aailiOlt llfrtl IV . ItU Ilia Hi' V indenendeni irirl. No further attempt was made to influence her 5 bm he was never recognized by her sister when ihey chan ced to meet at the houses of her lasltiona- hie acquaintances, among wnora iv iwp j tretsed at the ihought of becoming a teach . i i,., nn r when, ihereby, you may nave tne Very aoon after the change i , fce n er, , when ...er y, j J ." " - - i. w . . ... nlaee. E' cie s cireumaiansca - . - , ,. r.lokv t .ti... naiimiI .. ui. a lhn l ol a arm. mat ar.. ..... Should not the bare a aa " - af ' ... a a a a a a Il all.a Battalia .... . a. a ilia ininrr nil ax bbbb ainri wa bibb .-. ja I a I... a I. a.. BI 11 IF IFPCI I IB 1 1 111 1IIB 1IHIIE B.aa " " ' - u.ar'a awita were lewer. anu Miiui.-"a ;.. ... " It a iw - ? - t manner was not the same. . She was not . ful conversation. dtra. vaia-s (. v V.-- J-'':',n Ii does. I never could have behaved it possible lor me to feci at 1 bave lelt for otna weeka past. 1 cannot say that I leel happy. 1 never expect tbak Bull am not unhappy. And how fteat a gain this ia, I need nolaay." lt ia never too late to be happy, Edith,',', replied Agneej and this 1 hope to live to see you prove. Happiness, aa I have often befote said to you, cornea Irom no external condition but ts the tetultoiao internal, gradually ptogressmg change, by which our minds, from die otdet, are teatortd io order. The use of afflicting and disturbing eircumattBces, is to break up lalte and aeldab atatea of i mind, to the end tbat newer and better the' onee may be formed. It is but lair, then. u': - .. mr...... fi..rti nf Kiid Court.' ... .. r I,,.,., 'mill had been so for at office, tha 4th Monday of Auguat, 1847. ' years, not to visit at her uncle s J. AhUSU.t, c. c. s, therefore, never saw fcaiui, " .a 1 a liait down noon peneu nat moat T long kept in doubt ; Tor, within .. j , - d .bandoned herself; to infer, tbat ia the progres. ol time, ea rn. Iler relations!, p to Edith, h weeer - o fc wtiilHft Carson, breast f Her i lister anu ao ..rnaleucamsUncea will consptie with it rally well known, ami u. ia . . ai all aatisfaeto , ti a irean o --s 7" i " . , ,h. , Lib.. c?ora,n?,?u,e ;o, he mind of his betioihed, asked toi-ubsi-o. .ban ,t ever did. or and leeltng oi inoae , - nilslnot,.(l. . . , earnestly "5 7 Vu aV.,. fa,at and moaaaalt. who heard it. , , oo well duJ Edid, un.erst.nd the f s && I.I.... ..n.n ami lie Wa BOie IO Bituiii, ... Willi a Price adv. f5;00.. .Barter. lUN(iLB4! Shingle! wanted in exchange . for Good. "'".! unless bv spcrial visit irom u.c iac. . nndas these visits were never very fre- . a a ... ..AMimnii nu a qtient, and always enaraitr.. serve, they rather seperaled from each olh- ;' ... a I a I . . l...aa PLANK and LUMUUK, t " wa..., cr uiai. .. -a , in eichan4e for (looda. " J In order to sustain herself, AnM, who w ara nm ,.nin.l to take all k.nda of. , . .:,.fl from her aunt the advantages Cmtntry Produce, auch at Corn, t)aU, rodder,' . ftu,Pilliont' sought employment llav, kc &c, in eickanne for Good. ! i,,..her. f Her taste and ability i ....:.... ........B f Mm... Beea. as a music teat ner. r,.:.jr aiu i... Wii. F.ithera. Tallow, O.O.. Arc. LONU.VEBnfc CO. , July 13. ' . - 87 WANI'EI). ONE THOUSAND yards of TOW and COT TON cloth. . . soon procured her imny scholars, and in .t..'.ii.ar.iiiia wealth and fashion. This fart soon became known to Edith, greaily to her nelouisbment and morunca was eene made varied impressions modes of thinking who heard it. It was something to meet her sister, and. aa a straneer ; but her r.in it had suffered, .i.,- and he was able to excuse. lo some extent, tne r...n - had been nurtured m a sickly atinospnere and among those who had lalse views oi i;f ' s ' i"iii rnurse of a year oi two, the more il... common ability possessed by Agnes nroetired her extensive employment her prolesston, ami gave :-.... , ' hl ;WM reduced b great " St.. P,iremiiv and died, leaving hia wife and ife during Ihat tim. niece deep oinrp seeu. nu ilu : . . ...- clearer of misery had she s.nideniy go. e u.. . quivering lip a .a a M r. Carson ! . You are Iree ! -. The young man arose, bowed low, and I hastily retired. They never met . wards, except at. strangers : t The reverses which itau overiaa.e.1 ir. Greenleaf proved o be utterly uisasiroua. iW exneeded her wants. mil panact ber to relax her efforts. I... I .a.n mnrp 111 I. nau i" " ..... .... Hail over before seeu. auu Ilia. I eut; .- , , i. .... . .ii.nii .n a hiirlier ami fail rilt-ll 11V tlllll.lt a wm '--mm Edith remained There is only one way ta be bsppy 1 this life, sitter." aaid Agnes. " Only one war to rise above the depreasita . r .1 power Ol gnat anu aometh.ng. The old " Work ia worthip," At the end of a year, E with composite ol tba that ia in doing monk who said, might alto have ike-heaiteuWea " . ! . . . . JfH.t .tie.&n wim on, ana tvet tnanau" ...raell ,11.1111 ivi one wbo did-bot . t- . . ..,.a til iw. savco irom u.a -.--. lh. not IOt) li I mata. aTtllalalaa alone. Timi wn-. wttrnlrii ...... :n,uJa tbev csatea w u tion. . . She hail railed, one morning, upon a I-. i l ...,1...... and was Sitting laaiHOO ai uHoni.".".- ! - , ;;, in tlic parlor waiting for her to come down, wounded spirit . the world to use the skill and had - a a I . aaltatt I I.Br I IIIIIVIllO llllll w knowledge she posseted, ai a w ..... and she felt as il H .he was sinking, half-paralizea oy uu, - . . lhrob. tion. and suffering keen y tne P-n'J" " . . if cond ,av m head upon Jn doing wuai sup itH"",a - - , aaid work is happineso mr it .. - . .ffliei,on. t,, that wttbout aoma kind of labor. X",. id. Ag.es. Time either ol tha body or mind, retailing wjJ- ""J xuk heater oUound. benefit loothecs. no one can ba t.-PPxAt b '7m t lihava been fseliug This it a truth lhat every one tytbat -Ud J"" MOt,tdlttoiacleaily lor with reluctance, aod yet it jc4cbotca -".. . . nearly all have to praetje.o,, ol P' S r?oo y, clearer ind cleaier will bt or nec.ss.iy. By tf been to yw - ,VltJ,UUinl 0ur heart. Ed.ib. vidence your aur wn ooott y.ur bands. . m, U1 aome la : t Oct4r 13

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