1 V .- n m m r-- 1 r? p Iff) la 1L ONION, THE CONSTITUTION AM4 HWS-TIIE OUAttllliNa OF OUR LlBEttTY. o. I40C. ovi;mn:i: 23, it47. 1 ail J lia llii i i .Mj if j j iijiij jj 11 SPECIAL TdlXrl, or tuc Superior Court cf Law. AT W M art ftW Ku,rior CmhI f 1m J Ecuir. krU fcr lb covet uf (Vm-. mm Ik wmmI Manday f tirptrJt U Onlrird. ay bit hnuor, the JuJf hulJi I luJJuif amid LMrt. lnH a tirrial Trrot of Uu Court U bod 1 brr nfl. wrf iW the tk-rk f .U ivm' give Bulk ItkmuC, The tmC titw. aad M'itnr, ia rjvil cmm, see ttrnrtw awtifej 1 lhe onln. .nd ' uin-d ! altrud orurilinr. ' .U mo VUtm hoMocm rn be tried at tlii. tern. d 6-iid.ia.a and uitnr ia tnwmitiiiw and tit. I tlKUarau, are - MuirrJ to (ttrtt.1 Mt!ay your rich soil, Khrr4l. iMlunr'. Unlet l UWug. , w ." to prevented by a liufe rare! the! a family of ilire rln!rm. just the time f ttiwittf ; 1U Prcpaie a I it of wood alJ to. A biiae of aali ami water. 3J. A ly 4 Each strong enough to toar potato. . (Jraduata ihea iifrni UUaM.tr of whal tua mar mi.U Hating pijwrcj ll.rm, ula LbJ4 Tbta nri a you ti row from Uio' djr, 'ah it ell in pure wairr Cro3 : bet tlat yov feat e, to lire on fir hum! ml ll B. - Itut i1 aDufion to mafiw pern J to Mr. Latiis. owe that en:ltman a Co I nonunitr to M offtoJeJ : hk U be diJ U,iu( ftU to rmtncc auJ tkxe U iuiei Mr. riJrr'a first rCT.nl to oH. j 1 -14 yirU. yon no. om to tf.taiid f -1 Mm ,o "' - w- . . - - I. -I WHEAT. CVtoixv 30. U. M. JONES, V11 Srral " important rropnow or- j jn , Mff p. , c. . c. j cupiw the ituti. n of ihu !.. an.t. : rt ,1,, ,, ll.e bogfl. i ilie eel lentain orrr ? . ten mm map w urn in vr, drain ti(T the watrrll ;n ir .ut LrM mv mind free Irefll J wwj ouo, ll tlioaRbt of t Pp 7 w rwi for m unie. todo riS!.t far U Le ofiigbu- -A .- "P -f. i Tbe wife f tle Bee. Mr. Malcolm tut- mrek . '1 :.i. i....k,i in 1... Mr. M.koloi pared lie Coer with ?,rarkk r.PM Utrp.. He f.!t deep. dt..W. . araai n.1 9 I iv r 1 iiru Plittn ui oil mi m run 1 vi-wm - " . a .a. ar ,ai uott the n,', ered eaU.ng. .nd readr to U y A. beer . Ur - J nUtrr-e W ll quite disearied biw. Wrifire Ut could be BJe order to Mr. Elder. iU Ud inrnted alinf d.reer.lUon U. U bin, i .to to H, f V J?"t SLf ple om out, h-h.wv, -rr-- ..' V.. 1 t...t-.i. yoe tememMr. oir. ciorr. mai 10 nv -a - . . LlillTin. lllllil It Hit 1. an .. ela k.ka ?- I I! 1 I .4 aMlaveaffAil miLinaf mw -- at - iiaat aamu ia im u i. u 1 tie I Ik a. am atai la I.. a.. Z. 1 I . t ... af.a f.ar tl.aa kaie. awl til frfOnV. of in ng to raie mmim-iIum- Mr. i male any ajjeetm to gitmg P Ueir piea- top. Tbew lielit grain mar be g irk. Malcolm ; but be Ml m dirouwgiHl hy eanl Home nu funineiu u.a.r, w. - . ... the rerepnon He Hail met w iiii irom ix. wiuiimu : - - E2i D. F. Do Shongh, "llTOiri.D rrrtful!jf infonn t)tc ritixeiia of II JUf,th. l!il be ojx-r. lo eie in.1 trartina t a aiuNt lime iu Grasni.hr. tlu. 1 luraalrrua iuriiW, U MM'h aa way Uxor biia j IV. . -T . . . i1c,,,ur" " dry the aeed in alacked lime. unlai re the atron, , PrePaiedrUy ndl.ea.;toCin to hdwnsrare nottodrTirt! . w " 1 IV7I lierall illSl i U'MI in Uu I i.btainiMl fr.Mii many light, am! , that day. from all marly and e drarenua aoiJ. !. ! w,jje a , Urkm. thathe paawl on iiImh.i doing made every effort 10 redure ell their ex to. ,e5ir liia aiore wm a rainw trttw jt.i'" - . - inurtiev 1 bad iti yoe aad too of the teatt y. prerious to my accepting the eall of due pariah, yoe eiatrd that ay ineeae would eot be limited to the foer bsodred dollare Based at the minieiet'e ealaty. Jkiiuila ion by the laui. nv the artititi ftf Innfk iiiinn ilub I i . i id rouni 1 -r . . . " inucn quicker. KUi of XariU Caroliiu, ChaUtaia counlr, Wa, tftat mulrrM 'uv, riiiarna of , mil IV Uiat hat. alt.11.lni Mr ll V ll. . . . . - a a 7 . . . . . . . MmmiijU Srh.wl Cr iiivtrucii.m in f ;.Kr!lj..j, ! ,Sou in wheal by checking ail ex--BllJarelli4Vth.llpUf.ll!vlud!llV.JU4. h:,1Cr;,,,, i'f,,w,! f he weuV .He Uriw.l wrnu ne pr.iMMr. ialvrii uihlrr ,Ur hnj. Ihr Willi w Inch the rnoi inulea it .rmiir.ii- wii me tmiuarv. ireii barn yatU niauure j mi wlat litil, not al.inff now a qiMiiftty : I rriL'ii litrru aiimpg me n neai. but it in tmy. Tlie owner or it put in nana up- 11 w "" "5 - -- . . , . amaller torn onJieahouMer.. be .i going by i '" ihanto reduce ttom Ve ! . i.nV" aaid. - Jurt flrp in. I want lo .how you ol to a erna.n iree T , r,. .:t.:w ' . . t - . . KB t. - .r aiiiiiMin a it 1 ncrm an a liar 1 at. 1 ar . ariiieBBra 1 1 1 11 1 aar- u aa uiuiuKuiei " any one ,lay l!,.n yon ean Weth.ng beaunful." . u - ' f y",.,,:,,. ...j lh,. Bui , n harm ia done to ihe Mr. Elder went in. ami wai fliown a worm 10 gire up w uu,Jt "V- . ilVl oak. for inane daya. bm ii f eery bandKme md fashionably ma.le ear-' pleaeant indulgence, ami eome 1 "gm u , ... mm . . 1 . ..... . ... .u.tnu.1 nl Ii!n. I nil and Mm. I earnest in what the requir- wtre kepi Jred dollars, named. Tbia i afforded 11I.0..1 he..,-.....t-d. and .r... f ! At the end of the first three montiis. , fc 1 .. , . ..... -..i . the mi- 1. ci..t.a a. ..M.rM.e i. .11 . niief iiiiiiii 1 11 uintai m ni iv 1 - " i iiuiniivu iitiurtft . , lime iii tli I sal ..... r...... : ' main ziitw iaaainBiitea .t .1.. .,1 1 . . 1 . . . i-iiwi ai 1 ilia, ia 1 ni ina 1 iti av rtakavae aa luit ia . r..u. .!. . 11 ai.ani anmjTaata a iti nrraa eniiiii 1.. . alter aiier!' c dii v a w iMHaurtumt tMaat uiuiHtiriHiJ La ...,.: . . ; ,,,? g'Mi Uifhf uh Uni. I i t?n ii i ; ifiPt u..... 1.1... ....t .i .i n. ti.: . i-..rw al. r .ni n - f:iti trafl soon annartiU to Mfo iIhw chiWrea thw taluall bramh of luuU-.l,., ' "ou,, 'f ica m the rtraw of audi train- ile.ir..v.l s-..l - ,-.,. .1.... ( ..:! vi. i. ; r. r Malcidm. but thev were in nea a eaa he amird chea,, .,,J uww aa lu-al, rye. om. Ap. (h ( aMI, fur. arj , . fc 11... r ,i, wm.r nf vour eliurcli." thev wrre alKMit, and practised " '--I I'" miJ fifth, of ,he trht.le ahea w hen burnt.1) re. .... .1M;J : " " :"" . V ' 1 lf JeniaL Their eipensca uui H win am raur be lunrutttn. llu r.JU . . . . ' ........ ...u iuith - . ... . . , ", 2..-.; :.i ..':.Trr , uiiirea an amide nr.iviMoii for it in the. whirl. ...... r..,.i. i.i... - -x- 1. :. M. I..liBr . wii in the lints of seven bum fmi. i. c : nn, 111 a liin ucenlible ifa reailv a. in ..r .i.:.i. . i. i...h n... ......i. .I.m.. St i the l.iweat sum that had been w-r bub liaarii uiMu'r-.ii ia kit 1 . . a - aaa aa c eaa a 1 1 a m iitrii mav aisa aaaaaa w a ibi - iiiih iiiui ii w aa w 30lUO.to!r. 1847. N. A. Su'diiian, J. C. 'ne, A. Tonence, Wiliiain Siedman, John A. Moore, i!. Kiddle, CJ. K. (Jrifftdi, 8. MClcncluii, John A. Hank. T. II. liam v. A. J. Mediiian. Paschal M-Cay. ..uciu:rr i a. I'rwin Ilie Kalurday Evvniiif Port. rny ing- the H in later. nv t. a. ARTiti R. - He ouht to have a fine puir of bor- ni-ter. When be gave up bis school, lie S .1 " ll.l !i ps lor eo line a rarriase. "And so he ha, lie bougiit a noMe -eed span Ian week for a tlious awl d.llats." ! e'pene of removing to . and i Mr. Elder said what he roiiKI in ni.e ! ing there for three month, had qutto and liv e I . . . . . 1 ii .. 1 ....l .1.:. ...... Mr 1;iliHiIm naiu & . , . hi the c lctnt carrtase; out lie eoiiioii i n:'"'"' - , Mo iej . tnnncy. money ! 'I ,al' ihe" !r, . i. u.S. 1 . .1.. . i u v the l:ist dollar before the quarter'a sa . " b wnr.1. uuiii i"-...ri .... , .i. say much, lor lie nan no ncan io on o.i ,i.w w - .luce- thi, raP, I growth of heal straw ; f1" ,! "P Ill f"li ore than ever .Uut the defieien. , lary due ; and was forced to let bis and thn- ean-e- the r.t. Th.re is the -1 7" 1 f Ul 'V,,h. 1 i,1,:,' al i 7u Tlal"?, sal.ry. On the next! bread bill and meat bill run on for a ecu- 1 al rf aj tne ISiWe. 4nl that I care for al.J '". . . . .1. ..r ..!, . ti.. .r nnid the mo- These were paid the mo- -anie ..hitimi K. la-.d rich with dee-v. Vm " we tilUie'. re for a , " mni.i,. d r,!!ed in ide of weeks. I'ay. I i.. e.r. .Ia.u ... :..t, . n... -1. 1.- u; n'ie ihu I do for the duot r V . , i...i. ' i 1.. mied liia sahrv ; inVi fr tiinX, I IZ ' H U .-Uing of P?i , " t.u He d b(s ! -1 doU like U.ese bills'al all." he said Fuller & HPfi rpnPr h ""'rl '"" to 'Sron gUSU,",e' l,M 6UHrradnd reVcived this reply. !to hi. wife, af.er they were Pau. -A X UUer a neQoepein, : h frrh,are. .r prepared wnh l.o.eX.lrfiea,. Mr I.,.ll. J 111 tell vu what. Mr. Elder, I am of w Cf ...o 1 1 Awiff an iiiingo, HAVIM J fiinn a o-imrtiKT!.iii in the saJ. w",r' " P'eteiH the evil mention-1 ,;..:.".. 7.,', "Ve,i!-. i. il.i. matter If our uoes mm no goou. awwr - dlin, Bune. wojui re., JJl "i.,f,.n,, ! ed. A dreeing id charc.,1, it U said, is i, ' r if V .I . Mr', V 7 0'.,e if ' td, ister .Teed to ci. ie fat four hundH ' '"g''0" -W,e l,,e their friend, and ibs puMie enl rallv. ih .1 they alio an afferiual preventii and it is now rV ' "'l! ;,",rCIl1 ,,"ih 'ri be lh mYdTtS to - cVn rJeb ' a'i " dcfic, income and eon- h.. wJtea ihe .,,d WM! door wet of Me-.nL extensively used in France for the wheal f " ef honl M ow that our e !,,HU,dt "','1 ' '. hen sentient debt always occasion. We must lr , WeW. A Co. .,,1 fcanine ihe court hoa-, i crop 1 iot U'e W',Cal , mtniM.er's salary is very small ; in fact, f' bus"c8 ' f ' tde'l; .n"J jKn i bJlband what he have, Httd make it go as where ihe, inteml ca.rjing on ihe Ihmihm tu all . ,nnl, nri.. ... . , ' entirely insuflivieiit for the maintenance "P0" U8 10 8el h,,n ml Vf tJ''rU " f !! n i.le " it .ri.ni. Wanche I hre is another thing tndinensahle to lf .'f,.. .. , c " , ll,a,,ee i. :. .1,. dean ih nr. I don't far 8 P0f Mb. . , . . . They .re prepared lo fumUh SADDLES, l'ge wheat crop beside, good s..il. and J ?,m' I 1(J,.e m,8hl f P !-'A I fU wi mon than you do ; At the end of two months, the hundred from r-l to 1.. infrrior to anv manuri that i depth ,.f s'il. If the reader Will 11 J" " ' 8r ,nak,,Tl r.to nrte nte I iTke fo ee a I net! P-'H; bU" " lured ithe.ute;.UC.rrii.,.B4ro,,he.U.1 take the trmdde to examine the loot, of f " e.rt l? "'1 mfu,,nt un' re V'Til 21 lo HeS iat had lMen said about the three or four hum H.VK.NE.S.tathehe-j , Iie w , fi , 'J ctt.barrass-jPJ 2 , d that Jf The, h.e n h.n.1 . no,,, ,d we.U. r1' ,,f on e 'f P U, whal h,,,;,,, , , ,,M ,,e 0 : we muld afford lo give him, and if he M.'- Malcolm JJi .-ort.oe.iiof WHIPS. 0f.iui,1,wiimi)I,Ey,MheMitface of the ground, and the ..ther . . ,0 g" ,n ,- ' V ,:"Vrv-'VVi .'i L r ." I'tT.ebnker "'irorer and TlulHTer w huh a- MAKTINUAI.Es,T,.vellir.v:i'.:;- J ' -r I"'""'"" fi iu income, and us an honest man, J 1 ! wl,at K TRI!.'Km. iirar .ml hifkaI.o kkixs. I downward. I litis tin erain extracts ; .i,..,,!.! . t, i : : I alwavs sneak out mv mind Mandv. mounuu io neany nity noiiars h ncn me . w rr nivniu hoi in ins i n lies- a v i VI lia j a -.a.. l MT!RRi;p IKONS .ad BKIDLK BITS. aUi nmirialiinent from eery part of the soil. . n, ym know Ilg wH as j0 t)nt J Mr. Elder made no more begging ealls n"1, 1""1" ' wa Pa,J- welWIretol 7-" " r "'I ISfS' Pr,,,,,ue il 5,1 b"''nee. ihe soil ,,e ,ive f luuJrej j0ilar8 ! on that day. But he tried it aga.n the ,. Ir Malcolm did not doubt but the ad- KlVs".!. must no, only he 6ood. ht deeply ploush- ' j next, and found that I.arkin had been over ! 1,,,on?, amoi,nl Prom,McJ wh1eln,,,e co?' wS?tii -!, I' shoubl be ,lronEhlv turned up I doiri know anjr 9UcU thin?, friflld .he ground before him, and said so much ; .,,-11 Wf,u ! h Pt"g''. 1 undcrdratned. for EU(,r ,lul k-ow lhat ,irrc are about the iinjuisition or the thing.' that . 'P'. ' co,,ld no ,,C,P fe?,,n lro"- rrv... :h .u..:. r.i ui.oni .... ri.- l (. i. uliv.v. miui rer. . i . i ! i. .1.1 .i. .i.: bleu, ii things went on as tuev were, . ... . "... .... j . . j- ..- iiunureua aim iniHiraniiH wnu iivf mi iiiiikii i . ui.iu u ii.mc . i,Hirr;. , , f-, . . , , r.mJSHI(il.ES. KI.UL'K. and LL.MUCU.al I i-.in l.i he u inler.Ldled. uideaa tliA land . ... . . .1 i... :.. !...;...... bl...t I. . ..f 1 ' the Clld Ol the year he Would be in tl. .... .t .... . f ni.. .... . .. .lohl ol l.n.l I wt fi...i.1r..l flnllir. anil alluding to Ine sunt eel, that earned peo- i 0 ... . atl bll 1 1 1 11 ia r 1 1 n aaAall lm 1 t I ea It AeeAP Ihe market prirva. t be well drained Hw Mitrcpsnive freczinir ... 1 : . .:.i 1 .1 I I t,.. .lr. it.-!, ih...k. Ia llu i. r.,.i,lu.r. . . . . ' . . . "w"" HCHiicr iirru nor .litre. and frk-od. eencrally for tlw lilnral .hare of p.t-1 l ,,,aw ro?1' 8rf r,,KMl Vt hundred dollars a year is all this pa roiMurethey have heretofore rwied; an I tliev ' thrown out. Hut when Ihe ground i risj, afl-r( , p.lV a miister. and lhat hope their friend, will call ami eiainme their a, pi-'ujineii ocepiy ami nmronginy, uie wa- Mr 4M dcolm was distinctly told before aortinrnt be lore purchaaniK rliwhere. an the? in tend dUpoMng of thvir work ou the uiot icaaon able terma. November a. Oi ler on the surface has an opportunity for hc camc f ,e ri,u,t not five on t,e 8a. perenlating Ihe depili which remler the arv ufl-ercd, why did he come ? Mr. Pel- Chcip, Clipper, Cheipast! rIIE unJoMgneJ have jut ojieiu-d tla-ir irtm-k of Tall and Winter (jooiN, e.n- tirarins every variety uxuall' brought to thi m.ir ket, which they intend wllins r ry rkrup for cath, or on a chort ereilit to pumrtual deulcre. They in rite tlieir friends and die puHic to rai! ICT amine Uieir aaMrtinent. "-' LS &. I'AI.MEK. Octolr 19. 01 w heat in a measure safe from il. An intel lisrent cotenipnrary remarks : In groumU not naturally wel. we believe that this evil would be remedied by snhsoil ploughing. We mean the pawing of a subsoil plough, at the lime of the latter operation, so as to Ion never received more Beg your pardon, Mr. Lnrkin. Mr. IMion never received less than seven hutt- ttlit a nia. r aa.ittk liieii narliliteirlar fiat ae'tttit I a iv smwaraas niui nun ioiui iiiuiit iif n 1111 I , VI Ubi'lt of all things in the world, he had a horror I k r ci ill ruiANtil itmie 1 1 not tsttt In L at n n i tight hold of their purse strings, lie was I , r,,riS t,.'if ,! he h.A hm'11 in" fn..i i.'i.t.l ...t .!;- i.:.v , i tercourxe with the principal members oi inuutti n mi uiuvii fiiii iiiic p a nun . l n i l ialking. and doing more mischief than he i !8 d,urch' "nd especially with the lead thought rop mg vestrymen, who held out inducements ...r " , ..it to him beyond the fixed salary. But no Ihe Iter. Mr. Malcolm was a man ,ilUwim m!ule ,u ,he suh 'u 8nd ie bout thtrlv years of aire, lie had taken t ..... . . u .ii: :.....i ;. ha immadi.irlf replied : Yes, I bflict soaetbiag aaid on that lubjeet, though I haeoctthooglitof it since. We al ays bad to ntke op some, thing lor Mr. Prlwn. and.! suppose we mut do the iitne for y.u, il it is neers airy. Pa you find your silaty ioadc quaie?" Entirely ao. And I koaw it woulj to inadequate from the fit si. It is impos- 1 aibla for ma 10 sopoorl my faailr 00 four it out to a person, who wished lo sue j bundled dollars, and bad I not been auiir him, for two hundred dollars. The j ed that al lust thrte or lour bundled dol lars extra would ds naue op curing iu year, 1 never would have dreaord ol ac cepting tbe call. It baa been a piineiplo with ma not to go to usdi; ana since i bite been a aia 1 hive not uuul this time owrd d.dUr; and thould not base owed il now, had I received ainee I have resided in C , ihe iocooie 1 fully ex pecied." Mr. Malcolm spnke wiib warmth, for he lelt some ti.inri ol the nlural man. at the indiffereoce with which a promise of so much eoutequence to bio had bsen diaregaided. " How much do you owe!" inquired tbe teairyman. " About two hundred dollars. Indeed! So much. A bitter temaik arose totht minis er's bpi, but he forced himself to keepsilsnce. He ws a mn, w:tb all ihs natural led lingi of a man. w.n, I ppose we must make ii up for yoo, .one how," aaid Mr. Elder, tha lone in which he spoke, showed that the subject worried biro. 44 A re any of the de minds oo you pressing!" be inqir ed, after a short pause. All ol them are piessing," replied ihe minitter. I am dunned every day." " Indee.l? Tim's bid 1" returned Mr. Elder, speaking with more real kindneia and sympathy than at first. ! am sorry you bae been permuted to grt into sq unpleasant a situation.' " It certainly is very unpleaiant; and entirely desioryi my peace. Were I n t a ..L l :. . a t . ia .a inuv uDoappnj iuaieg, 1 tnoum nointv 1 Ik.i.l taw iniloli An umnl' l ailltaililsa it . a .a ai i i .1 are aiii ia uuiivoi j iv iiiuuiiuvt. dred dollars a vear. I here were always , orders a couple of years previous to the i .... . . s a extra subscriptions made for htm. date of his Trust Sale. call lo'tl.e parish where hej.fAl lf) mauers appioa:nea a climax. I never n anv thin.r mora than mv now nrcaehetl. At the lime of his doinff i w a .ui ., pulverize some iix or ei2l.t inches below ,ar pubscrinli.naiul pew rent." jso, he was engaged in teaching a school, j ,i,r8 bt nm . w P'f6"' al ihe demli f the furrow slice, and not to i. ,i... i ' .i. i r. ..t.:..i. i.. ...;...t - . .r-...,. ; most every week, and their settlement po ! --- - t - , Ii 9 IHllll. llltlll aV lull OUJ VllWIla U j 1111.11 IM ibiintu 0 H.IJ VVI1MVI - j a i l "11 l r turn up, or invert the subsoil. There are- presents f ne kind and another ami in ble income. The Bishop who ordained i ,.,,?I.V u,8. 1 1,18 wa" 8 condition ol plonsha to be had of most nf the manu- ' nPV ;, ,1PVPr me i(.ss ,h:, from fit him. leeommendrd the narish at V, : uun?s, ,,.1 "P.08 enuureu ny a man ol Air. r i t I. ; .... 1 .. ... 1nli-riiin rkirrli Sfnctf rif rirrht nml nssii, vear extra, when Air. l'e inn elt t hem. to mnv or!" " "'a" & llltr 111111 III lilt- f;ii'!iircrH. rnrp!tlv made for such a nurV ... .L.tf. I . - a t ll m iuiiuvr ifiiui j t viai vaiiiii mini i i ciivii i ii mviiif v "j'j'i y iwa .. II C C I 4 f I p.e. The practice of stihsoiling doe '. nnv:nir upen ; .1,- vrslrv fr',htf ten ' Mr. Malcolm, which was done. The lat-' ,,ar. wKtev ol leeling. Alter laying a not much obtain in our country, but h'i 5-ears, 1 happen to know lhat there was Iter was an honest conscientious man, and J wake ,or haJ' lhe ni8n, "unking over never been tried but with the best effects, ; J, S011ie,linsr ,0 ln:,ke p at the end ! was sincere in his sacred ofl.ee to which ,u hat was lo. he. t,0"e' h. cam .to.,he re" reMdling invariably in the improvement of ..... aiu, it ffe.ieiallv came out of, he believed himself called. When the in-! ,!,(,,a,.u conclusion that it was his impcra- of the quality, and the increase of grain. 10 'kvXa of a few. viUltion t0 settle a, C camP, he left 've duty to those he owed, to mention the e m i t i i . i . ....... . ..... . ..... ... . . ; ni-u.icii tna nl hia iojcd Ira IIia tcfri finil Well, it isn't risrhl, that is all 1 have home and visited the narish, in order thai' 1 V .. . . J BV virtus of a Deed of Trust, executed to the uitweribpr on the 2d dav of Aunist. 1)343. for certain imriose. therein ineittioiieil, I i-lmll, , u Enuland it has obtained great popula' on the 13th day T Deeeinher next, oiler Tor .le, rv, and it is said, logethei with draining,; ,0 sav; returned Mr. Latkin. A min- i he might determine whether it was his j I. -. al.a liAiii tit II illIutmiKrli Ilia I a . t a t. .1 I . f ' v . ... iTn ii Tot iT.tw. . . ( u ii Z i 10 "a, e a,lllc" ,,ne ll"r" w me Pr' ",U!l 01 1 isler has no business to saddle himself up- dutv to go there or not. On his return, "whenJobn It tive. in facl.two acre, of , congrog:lliou j,, ,!ia, way for less ! hiswife inquired, wi.h'a good deal of in- mado known on ihe dav of mIc. I ',r the plants lo pasture on. lor every lnrin ,js reai weight. It's an imposition, j terest, how be liked the place, and if he JOHN 11.' WEBB, Trustee. I ne surface of culture, ll protects them j amj one ,nat m no, troing- to stand. I'm I thoucht he would go there. November 8. 04 j alike irom me ins oi extreme urotigni, ami ,ppose,i l0 an these forced levies, lrom! " I think I shall accept Ihe call," he suiil. This was not spoken with much learn from them without further delay w hether be had anything beyond the four hundred dollars lo expect. The hardest task Mr. Malcolm had ev er perfottned, was now before him, and )evcesive wel. It unfolds new mineral. nttiviiDrnru niltttl Tl.:. i...ti..;i.n L ' . , . I UI-..1.WUK. . ii ii.i...-' . rocfoiri-.i. In Hia mnt n ,r OMIitS. Will e aeknowlediml lo lie one of the most viihmlileever t ., . , ..... .,. .... .... . : i ihe ease with which their descent is made. . :.t I.I.....1 .....1 A..;. I. 1 UIMeovcrvO a. a iuiihi-i n mv tu..i.iu .mi ..uni , i I .1 U.uiri.wtoSanKMrilla,whethcraaasiMlorificienc.,nr1iges a vigorous growth, and thus or alterative, and aUmli infinitely befme all the! defends them from the uprooting inllu prepantions aud eonibiu:ition of Mercuiy. It ! ence of the freezings and lhawings of win purgative propertie. are nlone of iuealeululilc va- er" hie. for thee pill nine be fcikcn dailv for any lie- . . , . . . , Sod. and. instead of weakening, hy the cathartic a way. best, in oiir opinion, to liar effeet, they add .trench by taking away the caux row lhe land ploughed from (lay to d ij, of weakne. They have none of the miserable as it is ihcn easiest reduced to a line tilth, cftecla of that deadly ppei-ific, Mercury. The teeth, ,u ,,e scecli0)l 0f seed, the heaviest are not nijurcu-ine none am, ..... nr. . ... ,-.. :g r rotlrse the besl : and eml ol meae uisirawing j . . ... ...... i many people tiiid out w hich is me neavi- est hy casting, or throwing ihe grain some . .. . . . . . : ... raiizeo no, pui. hi... v. wv ( aymptoms, new lifo and coiiwijucnt animation w evideut in every movement of the body. These: Pilla, for colds, cough, tirhtiies of th ehivrt, rheiiniiitiwn in the head or liml. will be found aupcrior lo any thing imagined of the pow ers of medieine ; and in billiou auerlions, li pcpKia, and in all dineowa pculiar to women, they ahould be resorted to nt once. Those Br..n drctha Pilla will be found deserving of all praise. GT7 Agenta for the sale of BmndrcuY Pills: D. Heartt. Ililblwitrngh: A.Torrence,Pitt!l'oro'; Wm. Foahce, Foshee'a store, Chatham ; J. B. M Dulc. Chapel Hill: lie A. Mebane, Mason Hnll j E. & W. Smith, Alamance ; J. ft R. Sloan, Urcensborough ; James Johnson, Wentworth ; Wo.d A Neal, Mmlison ; Owen M'Aleei, Yan cey vflle ; J. R. Calhmi, Milton. PP' ..:...:!. " in nit iinr. " I raiher think the hrst error is on the j warmth, side of the congregation," said Mr. Elder, j Don't you like lhe people ?" iitquir I think thpv :irp not nnlv to blame, but ed Mrs. Malcolm. allv .lishmifst iii fiximr "noon n sum for 1 Yes : as farTs I saw them thev were i fore ,,e Pat down to breakfast, and anoth the stinnortof a minister lhat is plainly iverv pleasant, irooil sort of people. ButjPr hefore nine o'clock, would have effec inadequate lo his inamtetianee. Here, in Ithe salary is entirely too small : aaid a word lo you on the subject ol my alary." Don't let il dialre.a you so much, Mr. Maleom. I will aee that the amount you need i. al once made up." The minister returod home, disturbed, mortiGed, and humiliated. If this it ihe way they pay their min ister," he remarked to bis wife, after relating lo her what had happened, iti. the list year that I shall enjoy the bene fits of their peculiar system. But little good will my preaching or that of any one else do them, while ihey disregard Ihe first and phinest principle, ol hones ty. There n no lack of ability to five a minitter the support he needs; and lhe withholding of lhat support, or the sup plying of it by cooeirsinl, show, a moril obtu.ene. that argue, but poorly for their loe of anything but tbemselvet. I believe that the laborer is worthy of his he shrunk from it with painful reluctance, hire that when men build a church and But the path of duty was plain, and be i call a minister for their own spiritual good. was not a man to bold back w hen he saw his way clear. If there had been any he sitation, an imperative dim received be- our parish, for instance, a thousand do! lars might he paid to a minister with the greatest ease in the world, and no one he " How much !" Four hundred dnllats a year, ami the parsonage ; a little affair that would rent Itially dispelled it. Mr. Malcolm went to the store of Mr. Elder, one of the vestrymen, and found him quite busy with customer. He wait they are bound to supply bis natural wants; aud that, if they fail 10 do so, it ia a sign to tha minister thai he ought to leave tbem. Some may call ibis a selfish doctrine, and unworthy of a minitter of God, but I believe it to to a true doctrine, and shall act up to it. It does men no good lo let tbem quietly go on, year af ter year, starving their ministers, while distance on the floor, and only us inn thai which (alls farthest. This is certainly a oppressed hy his subscription. And vet, for about a hundred dollars." ed for half an hour lor him to be disen- "ey nave aounoant mem. to make ihera we are very content and sell complacent ' W c can I live on mat, sam Mrs. iai- j g"geu, anu men wem ou., saying, as ue, y"""'"""" "r7 pvs n'r wsaitn in our niggardly tender of four hundred j culm, in a disappointed tone; "its out of, passed him at lhe counter, that he would higher than ib.y do .piriiuil siche., it is dollars. i the question." ) ca'i " a?i. I oul eng paaut eeiore .wine to settler " A thousand dollars ! I don't believe i " No, certainly not. But I was assnr- j Oh, dear," he murmured to himself,! even tha mott hiilli.o,i gems of wiadom anv minister ought to receive such a sala-' ed that at least seven or eight hundred will with a long drawn aigh, at he emerged, before them, and in this unprofitable task I summary method, but il is probably al- j ry! I have no notion id' tempting, by in- he made up during the year, I,...,!.., I u iih nn fnriher advantnoe than lhe Ouccments like mat, money-iovers into me , always neen uone tor mr. i euuu, .u cartai ol lull nfih wheal from the lighter sacred office." ' be done for me, if 1 except the call. seed of chess oi weeds,: In some way ) " Pardon me, , Mr. Lnrkin, but how , That might do, if we practised close .. . . i i t. r..ii.. .l.....,.l ! miir.Vi il enst vnn io lil'fi ? Not hs . eeiinniliv. Itut n-hv drt thev lint make inn 1 1 1 u . i siimiiii .ii. r. ll I .-iiTiiiisru in . .v.. ..... - - - ..... - . j- - ..... (iiu , i..n. w... ...p.. .- - - i WAN I'ED, ONE THOUSAND yards of TOW and COT TON cloth. LATIMER &' JONES. COclwIS from every other seed, and if this method does not cleanse it, the sieve should oe re sorted t. Washing in strong brine will cleanse it of most things; as the ligliter suhsla.nces will float on lhe surface, and may be then picked off. Il lhe wheat is smutty, it should be again washed in an olhei biine, with a little quick lime mixed with it; or in lhe brines mentioned in the following recipe, which we get from the American Farmor. ' The smut may al- than two thousand live hundred dollars a j the salary sever or eight hundred dollars year. I presume." 'at once? It would be just the same to "Hut I don t put my expenses along them, anu roaKe tne minister leei a greui side of the minister's. I can afford to deal more independent." spend all that it costs me. I have hon-( "True. But we must let people do eslly made what 1 possess, and have a i things in their own way. We can live right to enjoy it." ... jon seven hundred dollars, aud I therefore I didn't Question that. Mr. Lark'm. I ; think it mv dutv to give up my school. This has upon the street bin this it humiliating.! aw the lat man to engage. 1 gave up all I will II I had engaged for only lour hundred op. ' worldly good, to order to preaeh dollars a year, I would have lived on m everiainog goapel for the salvation bread and water, rather than exceed my j of men. In order to do ibi. sucee.ifully, income. But at least seven hundred werel oy omd mutt to kept fia from ihe de promised. . It was, however, an informal' pr.ing car.a of life -and there mutt be promwe; and I waa wrong, perhapa, in' aometbiog tacipiocal in those to whom I trusting to anything ao untriiled a. this., minister in heavenly things. If tbii be Of couna it will be paid to me when Ii001 lhe cue. alloy labor will be in vain." make known my pretent situation; but- Oo the next day, as the minister wa. the doing of that I ahrink from." 1 wtlkiog down the alreei. he met Mr. Lar- was here again (or hie km. 1 bo allusion to this genilem-n'. only turned your thoughts in this direc lion, that you might realize in your own mind how hard it must be for a man with and accept the call." " No one, certainly, can charge you with sordid view, in doing so, for your Mr. T- bill," were the first word, that saluted . pei sou.! matteit, which the vestryman the ears of the minuter wben.be returned ; had made, still caused biro to leel sore, home. j It touched bin in a vulnerable part. He ' ' What did you say to him?" be askct. bad been talking quite fteely, since then, r

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