MIIFt TBI tun frrnh Arriralsl - - . 4 " ,HM w Jw Wf - ( IjVEOETABLE.tirEPUl EW STOHK. NBW GOOES, ana it imrr rati a lwUtolWi' JU tirrallf Rrdttrrd Irlr, ftor T irMtf t rS " - - wr,n ia,, 1m ik Mitrri umwM IB M-, r ' . . - . . .., - - . .MMliir MlNWitf imwu 4t . ,,,1 W.rU rLrtf FW1 and Win-1 i " J eral tetwrf rbctf Fail and VI ia- y "W ! P Um MP KM HIM J mmm y--- w Li US sr.. tWar MM I 1 ' : f tire (M (nm titu f eHij w-J 11 nnfl TT7I rt r l.i,to a tto wiLr4. TWv wUI kw anU rtt l 1 o 'greatly iw !" d UpM --w ( La txlMlitrx. lit furttiCf t4niV TlrrnTrl Aft ill HI V I ! W AH-C UUUUU) MrH. tfc a aiWtrJ ii. grrM fM.wJiwW; tM JCoppcr, Tin, & Sheet Iron gxer M pun U niMkf btfe curtvrnaun (MTi.uw awl wrws W Tall i III Tame iU k HtnMMir ua iwi AM S1UUU I UIII V MflA3 it'rP Fuller &. HedKeDeth. establishment. a. a. . a 5 a w k ki 1 1 i ii ii I CD 4 n rr?t milsborough House. k.'A 1 .4 Zi ubitof Eaitoralti. M ff 1 'it .ILVlrff LJL f2. :MIm - 1 - . UnuWa t j r-r ---- , km BuwarlfciM MMUlnuw m IMIWHnrtl - . ....... I Pmmm imJiM I'mirt m II CtJ hiJ "iA.- mitrtAum t Umwml tut is . . ,. . . ruiulonlW Imnuc, im1 rwotruit al I I Jul It. Land for Sale DIP BTUIT5, RC. tbnr will tbctr fiirU rW- fills, .nnnl U 111 rs. f ad IhK DKII)I.K.-,i vSStY- HOT i M A K T I K C A I. K . TnwOiBt Valict Crr;E1M v; ill fin&rn CH WITH TIX. rfiirb It rtsgafra iM-r aiiJ nraior itlt that ' laiwl 1'irnil MOl UK1D1.K Bl IV t u . . 4tirf mmmf iu the Mak, anaMirJ, furitilrl Wbn)raW m t!irtr I orrHR t aW Urea TwJ ""eiur" '. . . Wratf iutH ortbrra lail lute. . A a a UJr of uL -UnJ. h W inferior to dom in Ut aooJlr lrt uf Uua aUtr. 1 tb foie UihU a. ....I. t "w,",u I . . ' r m .a. If L : .L I Ou ihft. Ur.J ar a Ttnrtr af Jrtaiui.l im- -J ",un m "" ""7 pmHtlHeHi-r HiUr. Wheal and Ta-!" to KJU w tff rurtmnrr., al a ter. bare Ufu. aivJ iiiM Vi!l-ui rr i""" 1"- ' . ' . . tlm I ffJ-TW n p hr win uMnt(H ItwiU W aoil waasi au rurrair. l,HWili .-N-OtK. U'MBCR. al Pl'f. IV l!MI!i;(). t nwrkrt jnera. . I""1 f'--1' t imlly Wral rfiarf .f fmt- i 1 hHwl -nj eaa , J I Xuf.uWf t. j fill! aiWrlbmlu't JunI ir I al!T r4 n a ailla lnif Hit arr ntta to dkMt l H.ri Urtrhauia at.J wiltrra, ai4 dlirn4 at JACOB HAICJIAWOIT. .fUMMna au4 I arr uw hirh llnr -a t uu. vi ' ; rat K W(tf J i im,, r - tor mmvnibmm Kw-,. 1 ' l tbc atvkt aR ay on ItanJ ; it...,, f""- H-4. t. 9 VAHIETY STOIU. j A. Blickle & Co, 1 1 A VE jtit rnt ifJ ihcir i4rl. It iat ;T CotMl.. riulNariii aU lit a m(u uv) 1' lruu;tit la thin tiuTkri. Tlir are .VtrrninrJ to fit tmn.ll raQlM, and bpc llr fuUie will call kjhmi iBfm ar4 hx4 llwar aiiirrritr. Paalbrra, Brra(. Tallow, CtHiulnr t'tutha, and in fart all kioda of TnnU from Ct couutry, iU I Ukra til extlwric tor CiowSa. OrloWrC T l'lr " Zinc ' ! r Alum ' Magnraia - AhI, Tarlaiic fuljiliuiW" Niirie ft Niiroua Brnaoir Muiiatie CfUU ri. STATE OF NUttJij CAK01.1NA, la Equity SepiomUf Term. 1847. VitaxMl mttd Vf Vary. Isnurt fiunffpH lun thrit fri. n.U mil rati ami t-iamim tltt'lt aa ! . j . .. . -n. i . . ...... ..i- i - - ' m1 tomtit m(,im IU.-I. mm1 lmt - IflM tt 1 . a . f . . . h ' a. f . . . i piu irnmm who m Mxrranv mironixra r.m nnra , Ir iu! J.-inj .f .heir ori on lU niorf ma. , lf,n,r , , M hstlti , -nH, rf Vn Qau al.l Wrma. janj UroriiCol.lwrnCi AHW,!r A. .ami f.Bi,inTW in C.rl . lilt!. ..f aU I ma? I aura ikry will f H r"J jrina. ' . i , All kir.la of prndorF. aark a rura, t.Ulrr.Mta. f , K'i I air. poultry of all Linda, countrv w!e Wotfia. ltina, Ar, I lilrt ia trUnj' tof ural ti.-V I Mnrl. KOnCRT F. MuRRIS. 'tVb.lH.Pm-ipi, ' i'lum Arabic . l. TJtm. i Aii.iimniac uau ai worries, Gen. iPay lor in Town. IT REl lVEU, ladirn PortraiJ.uf Gen. Z.Ta,U. Fine ami mart anhVarard ("olon J.i.r. Fancy Caaiuwrra, aJ Ulark Ffrnrh Ik aiin Caaininra. . I'iuk Calias I'UUl Uini-, bit JUUnl. ' Utark Allw, !m ilk Wary AU(Ta. Illack 1N.UH TfTiwa. VUJ tVumta. , , While rajaff'amUa-. liinla t-t-Jiiarat. While f 'uttun Ilandkeirliirta, Lau'nTl KiJ C!lora, Nn. mW iriA ( l itir lrte4y . W. j " f!f urJ wr" drrTueil Gr'ri.l ft. Lrtl niYe 4r. i Maddle nUnkrta Ae. if j" A frr.h Im rf Dr. IVn 1J v- Tkn W W iff wa Ac. Jui .W, rf j ",ifu8 Yc! F" ". Mrr- irhanta. LON(!, WEIIH a July CO. 8 KOTICE THIS! Af fitt,irftw!uut$ retitiun lij trll Ijin-U j IT appeaiinf to lite aniiafaclion uf tle ("uiirt, t that the drkn.UuiU in tltia raae arc n4 u.l.r-j UttuU uf Ckia atate : it i tlu rtfjn- x-it red th-tt j u:ltratmn he uimIc in th? IhlLilwrwn;!. Re.-or-1 rpjjR irtner-hi of Workman & l'!ry a dr. twai aucc-4t k, iwOiMtui Ue aiJ j t inF ,Tn .liMxeH , muliial rnnarnl, ami detudjnta to efjuar et tie next triu cr tlia.-! undrraiRurJ hing, oil the firat day f l)t Court, to be laid Cf IV c.ntuty of Omuic-. al ;fruiher U46, formed a eo-artt.-t.t,ij iu U W.a court-lmuM: iu Jl JlsU'iu;tv. ni liie -cond . . mil 11 mo. uf M.,ch ,.rt. tc ... , , j .armgc MaKiiiff Husmess murlotU ttiUiii, .rt..iuoiw!btUkard ' ' n i,rtr. on J di-erer ii.:- U i.rt)r.lii.f 1" . ! ld U.turw Uie rittariiaof HdUUrruuich. and the (ISMOM) V. hUMJ, C. M. .. I-"""1. "" -rd to Prk ad., i 1 : 50. 15 -b i1 ml "'k in I"." of " MIS. "Ill . MIIIB I . OTIUI J IU.UT HI mUm bart ul Ire roiuitr . Our Uiuhcr. are wi ll w a rn mod and ufcoad quality. Work ahall hot wily 1.e d.lK" to uit the tiuara, hut lower lhaa tiual f.r ta4. IV'nuii fioin il.f country will funl our hoi two tloiiu ahoe t lon rtir.aitla fare toruicrly Offuiui-d by Mr. ntlrv tiorman. . ITI.LY & CLI.UKETH. Fchruarv ii. , C7- . Pciition fm lwer. STATU OF NOUTH CAUUMNA, oRAN-cr. rors rv. Court of J'Jcan untl Quar.rr Stsnti, November Teno, 137. VfiUUJ. Venn, anttA.'xrt. IT apprarHtf to the aatifM'tiun uf ti Cotwt, that Willi J. Vanu. one cf tLr def- niauU in thia ca. ia not an iiilial'il.nl of tt U tUU-: It ia therefore order d be made in the week aucreMaivel t the neil term of thta Ciurt. to h h.M for iha t.y the Court, that j.t.W io.. ln'" . HiJUbniorgh for aix j Ju"' k ihi. Cv urt. to h, hM & tfc3 ' ""r.1 rw,p- county of 0rane, t Ihe court hot in KiL'Jx-' f'" rough, an the fourth Motidjy in Fchiuuy neat, u iu'a'?u Um JUST RECEI7EJ), 9-i For i!e by I.O.N u, WE1JB ft CO, i Fren Hup, to pU-l. an.wer or tkiuur to lL kunn-iJ u ti lion, or it will he heanl ti mrte to LLn. . Witne. Joneh Ailinou, Clerk of aaid Coul, at Mae, live fouilh MunJav of .Xo t Ur, lati. JOSKi'll ALLISON, v. t . e. rrict adf . 4 50. 1? Cw Moughlun'a Win trf, Pr.K;f Villi. SJJIr-lm" Via!, A.U tortia. Biu STATE 01 NOltTII CAlIplNA, uANGt: cut -kit. Coyrt of Pleas ami Qturler Scisiouf, November Terui, 1847. 4-lltn EJwtirdt, jr Ailmr. of Aden Kilwardt, un'r., iteefuxed. Wm. Frermcn and mft Folly, V.'m. Etavtr und j iH'nl wife Lucy, Dut44 Atdrtu-t e.id wife Jvaiiuh. h f Petition to aril Hlarea for llitman. u;n EUa'.'c I Iv toue. , Indu l.ul.lK-r I'ltih i'mn. u.. i . rr- Fen' Sulih. Jwii.inc, Co. Vttrni.li, French Do. lo. Coai h l)o. PsUrut Fuse, for UUilin. Alo. a geod aotiiii'nt of Carriage Trim mum. My 54. 80 IT aiipenrinjr, to the .atiarartion ' the Curt, that William Freeman and wife Polly, and William Beaver and wife Lury, dtTt-udulit in thia raae, are not inh.l'it uit. of lhi atate ; it in therefore ordered tli it (uhliration be uiade in the llilUboruugh Keeorder, notify ijiR aaid dcfendtuitn of the filiriiT of thin petit'on, aiid that tht-y appeal t the lif it ter-n of thin Uourf, to licid f.r Raid county of Oratte, at the court hotirtc in IilU!)o rouh, on the f.nit!h Monday in February (if it, to an.wer or drruur to the allegation therein kc( forth, or the tame r. ill he Uk.-i firv cynjetno a to them. Witn.M. Jopli .lliaon,rlrrk of our uid Court, at oir.ee, the 4th Momltv of Nov. A. 1), HIT. J. ALLISON, c. c. c. prireade.fi 00. 10 6w STATE OF NORTH K'ahoi.INa. tiHinni; tnt .su. CJnnrt of and Quarter S?jnii, November Term, 1847. WilUlm Uotich fjrij,,,,! AttAchuiPDt, Willi, J. Vann. tT afipcarinir to the untiufnrtion of the Court, tint ihe rf(iiid:int in thiaeaw, Willi J. Vanu, a not an inhabitant of thia atate ; It ia then-fore nr.fored bv thr Court, tint publiration he mode in th? Hill'.)(Kf):ih Kccor.Ier, for nt week aw ceivcly, for Ihe a.iid defendant to appear nt ihe next term of thia Court, tf lie held for thin roun ty, the riir houxe in IfilUtKirmizh. on the fourth Mdilday of Fcbrunry next, to phja.l to or replevy, or the laud levied on will ho condemned to aatiftfy the debt of plaintiff. WitiicM.JoHCph Allison, clerk of aurnidf'oi)r.t, t ofTue, the 4th Monday of Nov. A. I). iHi'd. JOSEPH ALLISON, c. r. c. Price adv. $ 50. 09 w mm i ' " r . Carter. OMINGI.r.S! Shinglea! .anted ia iehaiie for fiood PLANK and Ll MUCn, of all kind., wanted in eiehane for (inodiv t. ni are now ureoared to tale nil kinU of rroduce, auch a. Corn, OaU, Fodder, c. 4r., iu rirhanse for uoodx. Alno. every kind of euuntrv-nudc Clotli. Dre- w a i , Feathew, Tallow, A c. A c. LONC, WERRiCO. July 13. 87 Tor Sale or ItentT" pjIE STORE IIOC8E A LOT, now ncc. pnil by u a a emrery, on the corner, ad joining the .tore of A. Mi kle A Co. LONO. WEIUI t CO. Oclolier 12. 00 WANTED, ONE THOUHANDyard.of TOW and COT. TUX rl..lk ton doth. LATIMER A; JONES. October 1 po-f -f-T" want Q00D LXQUOES. tT Rt:it:i CD. tienuuie ririMH Mr. inly. lniit.ili.Mi . Holland tiin, warranted L Jamaica Rum, beat quality. I ofitirmn lo. do. Port Wine, heal quality. Mak ira Wine, ' lo ' " 1 , Radii hcill.w lirtiti rVricn ST a ienck Valeriii liliri 'Cream Tart hwiiterhnvl Madeira, lMt quality. Rye Whit-krv. I ne Tierce London Porter, Crnt rate. Tbrw, with Div twiner alnrk, in .kr t complete . ful. A Rol nnwtflment. uch as i. rarely found in ibi market, j Manna, Kc which w ill he auld low for carh.or on abort ere-) Iodine, I.idi dil to biim-tunl dealer. . - Kreannte, ( AliHi, Bacon and Ir.l, Corn Meal, and j Caloincl, 1 riour. . KiLCJeut K. P. MORRIS.. PeruUn.; Julv 12. 87 Nitratef y0jj MinHoluliMi, at I antliar;, Iirin llidrarg: .j-jTrnniil Ure 11 KB Oibr . Cu Anii . WornwrcJ Jnnipef t'ltKON HaMafrae Tine. Uigilalia Cokhicuni (ipium . IK. Inij'hi Iron Muriat: Canlharilca RhH Lxltuc Verdicria , ., -. ... ( l urtry i nnrr, Terre de Vienna, ' Pruidan Blue, ' IVelhrn-Ocre. ' - , Red UaJ, Whit I-eaJ, lilark I-cJ. Iixliito, ' (ilite, Veneiin Red, Miiddrr, limp Uljrl, M. llrM. lt.ua. i naiiw , w -" - i.rome iireen, i.nnare, Crome Yellow, PnufT, Tuinrric, Pumice 5lce, Igwood,(iround & D, Rotten t'tone, . V. A R. linaced IliUXpenu Oil, i7 m i El I 1 r aT Fall & Winter Goods. TJIE auWrvlwr baa jmrrhaicd the entire eterk tiitmmlm mt TL If iura. A Co, with a tare '.......L LiJ iu.wi!hcju from the North.aud uf tunte e mow ireprl to it lrj HooA li4 ! lirtH rrlrt tow a can i nmiR'" ww wwi J in tU tutriel. B m abort ereJit to HinrieJ I It U h.Hl thai tar elt known Iibetahty In I it ..h- .n I rkMe altri.lUHi to Iniwiie. w ill aeritni J from my friend and a fenrr.nn blief a KM . Iahareui p4nnae. , Jiirf hvaiird. larn rtoieitl IRON, fioni f;nhaniV wk, folk-d wul .uitolde ( Uim tm. Alrt a laree Mjrtna it uf. HADDI f: TRIMMIM. .ml tmmmt Tf THtM. MiW arac.f, roti ' ,v wi i iwji a errs rax, s9xx,sr i Mi r. WMUtW. aiti.t feU Urn. laM JRO f CrC. INf f id w.tiir ., , ri. utrvmt mLouo, uiiKm, . , riT. liter oonrz.Axn.r. uriur. limlu. NKHCIUItL U I k : t 1 1. ateia Lar awaHf .a im . J W. W mmm rtmm . mUMT an mic at- i.ia.iar mT CXWrtJiVr mn : 4fn : tLPmrh,Xmfm nki. raiut.t FZZ.E8. m MN mt tt f AS ww t)mtmt m ' M a T .. at-. "1 r 4 1.S m imm la)4, aa. lawa, hW. jmm, mmm MMKI MA-riaW Rt aal f at Loo u i.ihr iikuTT?.. 4irft'W. H Jtl.llV.K. u corot. SZItQ'i sn mn I' 1 1 Jt f .7, Wlieat.TawI.IIewal,ewiiieianti lew, w uiuu,uw .. .WWkJ and CoitiMt Clotli. UUu ia etchanee tor toml 77T7"7. r ' T " - '-.-"'- wJ ml Crttton Clotli. Uk u ia etcbanee tor C ly MURRAY. Scnr. pTwCH' IMC. D. JAYXH'.S Family medicines. A JUST WECE1VED, a a lieneral Aaaortluent of DKLOd wnd LI?U" DYE sTL'FF's. A. Mil 'KLE & CO. October 6. . : , 99 Sugar f' ! IVrV tranil."loh,n. 4 i Ba illl-nur itt. i aFiititrfaBl f"ii I iIMaiw, i ... ft Hark. 1 Vegetable Universal Hlls,! ARE A HTRENCTIIKNI.NO, PI ROATIVe " AND A PLKIFYI.VU TOMC. j The 1'ilU are iibirr.liy acknoaUdgcd by' ill who have uwd theui, to be a PUa:.ut, Safe, I . in J Ccrtiiiii Cut for Bitioint Fecr, Fcur and Ague, Liver Coiupliiiiit., NUk llclalic. Jaun-1 dice. IiMlijicetion. Iiiipiirity of the UlooJ, Cutatie. 1 iut Dixcarea. Ncrvoua IrriUtiou, 1tiit;u44', HaN-j lual Costivcurwi, of Appetite, lypepia, Pik-a, Colic, Worm, in CUiUltcu. Female C..ui-' plaint., and all DNciiaca ari.ii.ks bom a Torpid . Liver or Impure lil.-od, and they arc beyond all compnixuii the heat of all known .perifica for the cure f thai ctaa of diwaw-a for which the Mcdi ral Faculty hav for year united in preacribing ' the celebrated Tanner Oil, MpinU Turpentine, ;Cnji! Varui-h, 'Co'h VwrnVJi,'- luaiva. . tiKtra u.u.vui i ... .Spirit. I ruiary, ,. ijierry, . , Sp.JUul,eenna, ijujuu rane. , TruwK Bougie, K. Catheter, Bicaat Pija. t (ikuMea, bvnngea, aiwnrtrd, ul ami :le Cork. wl. aMorti'd, "pony. Ac. Ac. Ac. lo. a full and complete awMrtmcnl vt :iuks. ' 1 ' LONU. WEBB &. CO. ICS. - ! - ' ' "' 1:ti"'M "''mL.tmmrm ORIFV THE BISSU. A ad thai remove d.r.e i.. twi A wtl Irnl will il,. lf't FiLli i FHSNIX B I TT I RS j. t7Z tifl' ft KC; Vl'i i a1iwaailtoiwiu.'jr.i..M. 'Jflwi If isll TYlVt.X'4;. ! Tkacai.4"iawaifMi.e.jw r vTIr;"vr P'F'wifi rr-l wrr. m twa. i..n-r tt . I kvw:'; p r to......" e.-..n . FivjyJ'' " - .''-' "" - J atoai.aa.e.giil'lii.ifA:'ow:i.M p. f.wm..m , Hi iJOfaeMaatf IaJ Vafm" 15 u 40 - V,r ' . i - : i . j, a . -.J . . - Iawr v. . 'S 1 ! ate ov, 4ivS?x3- MIRl W'AREIIOLE OF -A, -At ., R I NTS ONLY. 36 Cedar Mrcet, New Tor. ,EE, JUDSON & LEE, (LATE LF.E A JIDf ON) TCFPY lb tpacwua Five Storv WAKE MHtH SE. No, 56 CEDAR STREET, the le of wlik-b M devoted to I lie cklilbilion and a I ul tu niugi Article oi ; , ri:i.TLD CMIal tOKS. i Tlunr iHrcacul hloclv conmxt ol nearly luc 'i'hoiiwniitl racknscw. JAYNE'S HAIR TONIC Thi uluulle iimwriliuii evriln, lit. ar1i to a new and 1.C.I- It from :. i ! llw aetinn. rlf.uwa it fnim acurf and daildrilll. " 1 1,1 "l eruptive diaeaMC wliih often apar U.in the wr.iifw taf.fce Uxn. Im hmm Uw m tmti ikry m i'Mij. .f,i.:. w hmf Itow wo tWwir .niton: to' if taal w .w. itnt htmm ms mt '' few. nw- tjr" frf M4 mm .. lJ bh -h. m m 9 m mjr T9 ! n?a l.f VU. w,w.wi.' a. w U Iniivit. ' iif ImU . ci. N. tw rwiti 1). Meant, IlilWx.r.-u.ih.lul D. C. Parrib. KoiiiiJ Kill. Win. Trice, Trice' M..jr. May SC. j Tut BRAXDRETII PILIT a a ku, " family medicine, eperially in a c.u:itr - , cct to audden change of ti'rtirrature u : ' their tabic i. incalculable By hniuK xU I ' drelh Pill alwaya on hand, ln.iii.l uUtt ' tack of Mckuena lake place, lhr can U f.r i once, and w ill ultcn have ellcctiil a cuk U ' the phyiciau could have arrived. lu cholic and inflammation ot'tlir !!,!' ' rill Will at once relieve, ami ierivt-:i their uc, according to the .mi ction, null ; do all that medicine can do, to rt-tur- the h W urms A-tf h ..,...... .1,. k.i, r-.u. riii.. ir M " ri"""' oi iiuiiscftiotii ' ..j: .i:.. . i.:..k ..n.. ,i, Diwnwc of the Heart, ami all alfi-rtioti of Moniiirh and Niwels the Rramlrrth Fill wi' ioiiud a ncver-fiiling remedy. To iiwure the full bcurlit of these ceM heail, and in a majority of caca produce a fine growth ol w Mil. Italeogivc tl.c hail a vu.1. t.Mv a.i.l lMa..lir..t l,iwrttlia,s. lllliilm!. led bv anv other article of Ihe kind- I Pi", they ahould l kept in t!u i JAYNE'r AMERICAN HAIR DYE. war- "P0"1" tummcmiim nt of M,km.' ir.lr.nllv .v.r.li., lo tUm direo. ? t t One rcwrt.tl to. OllO tVl lion, lo change Ihe hair from kf other cdour ' h" "ft diacase has hecum to a licautiful Ai i as. or irf-ctlv Ja BuAea. -,'"'b in the .yntcm. tavitlxaliff atliltin ( VlJ a&L 111. ! 1 T Amenta f. h Mlf of Rmiidretli ' m ivk-i-u n:ri'itt la . ..iitv m.m D. Heart!, Hillshoroui-h: A. Tonei.ee. I'ntA t Fevet and Aue. These Pill are warranted to , h"m:. eur F.,.er..d Aetai. and when the direction M'D1, Chapel IHI: lieo. A. Mch.ne. V; ... .ml i r.ir I. n, I'lT.rlftl. llir m,. Hall; L. A: .Smith, Alan, ill I- ...i,nt , tircenKborouch ; Janic. 'l V V l"w t-'Vt'l'rilllftXT. a valuable re. Wimd & Neal, M.-tiJi-nn medv f.r Couch, Cold., ConMiioption, &e ' "' J- H. Calhim, Milto, Thi medicine prnducc. a free nnd eaey jclo mtion, and never fail, lo cure Aftluna or relieve a Coi'ffh. i J AVNE 8 TONIC ERMIFIUE. a certai i in i j 1 sarunnnrlllii uud IV lid I firrv. iInbtaeinga.iniTll()i;SANDSifdilTerentrMt Which are the two pri'nei,! iugmlirDto of l?V!A!Tri&w'? -Le Roy. Pill; audarcaoi-onilincd with other X?.M m 'hc ,""f' 0KUU ",,J Mt-j vBlual.ir Ki tiietliul Ari ul. (luiutd to Upply rer- j lulu .nuntive Iiroiicrlii winch wrta ate deliciclit ' ''" - - - of.) that the w hole c rnpound rurntahe the i J T1"'10 cf,,,,i, " ,hr ""Y,f ,V"r ,,y ,,,e . . . I MiMV Mil tllril'lJit TO PRINTERS. fTHE Proprn-tor of the - Randolph H n Kiinr desirou of devoting hit ho!t nd lcaaut remedy for , Woriii, Dy .pewi, tion to other buwtic, olfcrK lor mle the Yut Pile. Ac. t whicll Bal.1 aicr W now pnntr.l, loae mr- JAYNES CARMINATIVE BALSAM, a the Type. Case. Stand, and all other fiiv. certain cure for Bowel and Summer Complaint, thereto bclonsing. The Pro i a Kmii'. ' Diarrh.ra, Dyacntery. Colic, Sick and Nervous Ihe Tyj (Bourgeon,) are neailv all w Headache, Ac. , . 1 good-will of the aicr may lie iiitcrtrd, alim JAYNE'S SANATIVE PILIA for Idver .tided, that the coiumption or wir isaltm Complaint, Jaundice, l)y!epia, Ac. A very ream er week. anv aiul valuable familv medicine. The whole will be wild at the verj -low J A Y.N F.-S ALTERATIVE Thi nrcpara- 5250. It will onlv I trannferml to Whig ' tt nt msYt'iU mtm nfftnul GitkiIk. f.,r r.-h. or .4. ! timi t-,iinl,'me .11 ttu ine.lirii.iil virtue of thot on the Condition, loo. that the Pres snail W' mo.t eirective, nuM iigricibU and Burnt ja-rfi-ct I'lBVE OK PACKAGE. article whieli lona exiiericnce bn rroved to ih- taken from the rountv for one year at ! w the most aafe and efficient alterative and de. ; Anv practical Printer of icstici-taWe tatf"1 ..p . . , . .... - . - . , w -.'. i ....i: i. i ... ...... ,11.i..r.c ! ,,: ,.t i..:.., ti.i::. .r. . i . . .1 . . , . . , . . , , oiwirueui iironcriicn, lor me cure oi rcniuia, muuioii iiuoiih, can, iv inum-m - 1 oiiie and Aperient kleuictne ever olli red to the J New Style are received alm.wt every day :tand ... . . ' J... ... ... , , ' .... if.M ? ... Wl,:, .tth f .iil.Iia- - i .i II 4wi"14 lilac 'VllIHi" V ft V t iiiivhiiIw- ivv ii i aaiiiiutai. i uv .....a.-- IT'1' . . - Jmny ofthem are got up for our own aulca, and j . . r , i,,,.... t... t ,,.-rfo.r.J v 1 ' ' , ' . : , , W - " " . . 1 I be w ithout them. A .ingle trial i. wore Hli- factorv than a thoiwand certificate. Be careful to ui-k for Dr. I.c Roy V Vcgctabl, t nivcrsal rill, anil take no other. Price 25 cent per 1oi, with full direction. Principat Olfice, 147 (jrernwitb corner of Li ucrty-.tnvt, iNi oik. J. llcllIIARI) L CO. , , Sole A Hicricar) Agent. For rale bv LtNO. WEBII A Co llill.berci.gh. ELI MI HRAY, jr Cedar Grove. A. S. WEUB & CO- Clover (ijrden. April d. ..... A an Anti-liliou medicine, no family ihould lot to be found cl where. 3j These nicdiciuc arc recommended andcx; lcr ofyenrs. hiecd in the band of buver. Mcichaut will lie able to form aonie idea of the Mtite 4 Mungiim, VK. William l)icliffnm 7'A Samf, v.. 7'Ae iSflwc, , tfTATii or north Carolina, 0NANV1I.I.K t'OtTV. Court n( Pleas ami Quarter Sessions November Term, A. I). 1847. Juxtice' Execution levied upon the Defendant! in terest in a Tract of Land, foriiierlv hcloiieiuir to Rhnila bickeron,deccn- ed, lying on I?eaver-lam 1 creek, containing 2Q I. loll' U irw. j T appearing to the aatiitniction of the Court, that William Dickermin, the defendant, i. a 1 non-resident ; It in therefore ordered, that publi cti ni be njadc in the Hill.horouglt Recorder fur six week urceanively, notifying the raid defend ant to I and apcar Wforc the Jin.li. es of the aaid Court, nt the term thereof to bo held at Ihe court house in . Oxford, on the first Monday of fchruarv next, then and there to how caune. if any nc naa, why the Ju.tiec judgment .hull . not he alTjrined, and Venditioni Exponas imucj j ng.iiint Ihe defendant' interc jn the aaid land. ! VVitne... J mm a M. Wiiriii-. Clerk nf ..i.t A FRESH upply of MOFFAT'S PILLS & Court, at office in Oxford, the rind Monday of f' PIIGEN'IX BITTERS, jiwt received and i November, A. D. 14T. . JAS. WIGGINS, Clork Tar ILL W taken i T " Ca.iing, Lin Plank. r EXCIIAXIE. in exchange for wood., incn nd CoMnn Ksg. w . . a w .li Z f rruitol U.U ol price, corrected ironi iay r . . . , i,ltrllir.ei.t ncrw.n. in .. Anv ncraoii wiKhimr to nurchaw- ' " lay. with every variation tu the market, are ,. .. . . . ,.r' ., .,,,: " .,, ' , ..,lim i! ! President of ColUrex, Phy.ician of the Army completed in the early part of licit fpn' , i v...... ....i ii.u,,,;,'.!. .....i ii,..l,.,.,.,L Im- r.r.lm. ... lie had I ,, . , II. Ill lllll ..,IT,ll,iUI. I1. .lllir..,i,imp, ...a, ....., , ,, , ui 1 1, H.I I ..... I'X.ciu ,vnu variety oi our aaain.im.-nu wm-n w e , - , -. mm. .I.... ,P ..roi.rielor. inwt ...i 1 ...... . -I..V.V ... .u. . ,11.tw f M.,,,,..,,,.,,, r .,,. .!.,.., inn. 0SE AKTlCt.E, ,itM,,. ' ltat twice the value of the entire atoek of, All tlie almve nrenarutions arc nrenarcd ei.l. Iry gmala u.unily kept by our laruest whoknh' ,v JAYNE. Wholel" inucpisl and Chemist f'lUtii 1 hint Street, I'liiindelpliiu. fjj A supply of Ihe atiovn medicine has just been received at the Post Oiiiik is Hill.bo eOUiH, and w ill 1h .old by J. M. PALMER, Agc-nl. tWeinhcr "I, 10-- hi October B. A. MK KLE A COr II'ST RECEIVED a fre.h aupjily of m v cinea, among which are: I u'latine CapMilc, MacnulKiy SmifT, Ervalenta a new and admiral, If rcmrdv habilual con.li(iatiop. - Also, lot of Lime and White In-ad. LONG, WEBB, & CO., June 22. g jiiMtera. Thi fiu. together with the fact, lh.it ottr nicaii and our attention, lust, ad l ucion videil among a ast -rio ot riclca, ore Uc .il wnollv to one, will render the advantage which we can olTct to dealers perfectly ohviou; nnd it .hall be our cafe that none who viiit our e.tabliHhnicnl ahull meet with any disappoint ment. . ,;, Our a.nortmcnt i complete nt ull acaaunaof the '.' LEE. JUDSON & LEE. P. 8. 0. F. LEE, formerly of the firm of Lord A Lee, and lute senior partner in the ori ginal linn of Lee A UrcwMer, from which con- Exeuangenof the ' M'ill confer a favor. December 27. ll.r.1.1" POIlVllllIl 'l R. I). HROWN STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ORANOK t OlNTV, Courl of Pleas ami Quarter Sesion, Novrmbrr Trrni, 18 17. A irnh Sharp, JHE HILLSEOROUGH EECOBlE ia ri ansiini wKKkiv BY DENNIS HEAKTT. I TcrniW. Three Dollars a year, or v'( i Inr and Fitly Cent, if paid in advance of live ul)M-i iWrs. ho make tl.c pay im j ly iu advance, will be furnished at Two l" I a vear eaeli. I'-ronliiMie.t iiiiitiaoj-, r aa . necliou he withdrew aome time ngo, b resumed ,' Jhwirl SSiirfl, Adatit Anthony and wife W, ! serilicr out Of thia state miles pav busima in connection with Messrs. Lee a ml jiul aon. end assure hi friend, that ihe new concern shall have the Baltic pre-eminence in this branch of trade, which formerly distinguished Ihe other two house", to which be belonged. Julv 20. S I LI VIE AND WHITE LEAD. IITST RECEIVED, a lot of Lime and W Lead. , June 2!). LONO, WEBB, A C. 8 FRESH SUPPLY. -f PIIGENIX BITTERS, judt e-rbi Alarms ornrc. F( MITE'S Sketches of North Carolin 4 NUMBER of eopie of thi dceplv iiileilif. 1 ing work have been deposited with th llov. be, AGENCY IN RALEIGH. j 4 S the Bank of Cajie Fuar ba disi-ontimifd I il Agency in Hillsborough and transferred ,e I the busincsa to Raleigh, the. iiWrilar will attem to the Renewal of Note, and other Uank Uusi nesa, for the citir.cn of Orange, and otucrs who may desire it, f,fr the usual compensation. The Officer, ef the Bank w ill dccljnc attending to bu ainc.a of thi kind. LEOPOLD E. IfEARTT. Raleigh. May I. 26- 0FI Bt-awxit, in Hilt. boron rli, and eni mm i Wier oi nrr ctw. Job Printiiiir . BXRCUTED A.IbrFICT,. jlrn'ry WMtsilt, Sully W liihiI, Oulvin IiumM. miif ptit'r. Petition for Dower. 5T nppcariinr. to the satisfaction of tho Court, tlia't Adam Anthony and wifp Sally. Henry Whilsilt. ISnllv Whilsill. nnd Calvin Whitsiti. defendants in this case, are. not iutabitant of,M,h "lwjueut insertioi; longer em this Slate: It i theretivre onlered bv the Court, j Winn. Court advertisement that publication 1 made in the HillslorouSh Re-: eeni' tt A deduction ot one-""' advance, r euiuc iiersii jn the state ' rioiisibie to the editor and in t 'c:isc . pnper lie aent to a uhs,-f il cr out of the more than two years without a rayn.ent- AnveBTisr.xKST not exceeding wf one dollar for the first, and twenty -live " eonlcr for six week mi-cessivclv, foi aaid .U fen- dants lo a,.rc na the next term of thi Court, to Us hejll for the county of Orange. a the, court hqlftie in ITilllHmmgh, on the fourth Monday in Fcbrunry next, to plead, a'nrwrer or demur to" the aforesaid petition, or it will be heard ex parte as to them. . , . Witnc... Joseph Allison, clci V qur said Court, at office, the 4th Monday of Nov. 18IT. JOSEPH ALLISON, c.c.r. Price adv. $5 00. 12 6w f- tMi-KS for s'aUnt th Olf.c. made lo adverticrs bv the vear. iaVrtisin? Kntrs for llir HilLslioroiiili ' One dollar per atpiarc (10 linw) W!' insertion, and 25 cents for p. eh r,,,1,,l'li duetion niiidc in fav,,r of wt .i n il i n u a follow : 77irrc l.'o, One square, f t'O Two square. fi 00 Three so. ( 1 cof.) 8 .r'0 iiaitcoiunvn. . O.ne evluma 16 Of? 3!J fX Sis S fi' II i"1 fid if f J