.411.011. U.tea. t -e rMitl!B tad U Law. aw - IM liaarauaae ar ear uwni. - Wed n cud ay, .Tl.nrch 13 - mx governor. t r T ASt Ctll KTT. Tle Treaty. W. tewJ a aartbrra pap ky the U m9, carta-; tidy aor lw ftaaa We-biny ia cad ta lb nr lag af tha . lb in. Al tbt th alexin a trriv ae atil aeVr rwMJrfsiiMi yt itefteaate, ad it 6d dowUM. Ac adiag to rata, mm . af itt HK al jrtual-l aVatare had beea -v!Jd. aad lb pmii began brishiea that it would ka ad"f4ed ia it aairnJ. J form. f.X. A frttet received (ma Rh-i,h ye-aetday M tba Sta. -a lb. cirrpia. a n. KlACIlllS, I.N THE HENATE. aa T.uUy lU 3J of Maick. a mMg vaa arrciwj (row il PrV raWtifl j Um rmfVac Mra Mi. Wit a4 tka BraiilUM GatrrauM-ot.wUirl MaroreJtokwuitoJ. . j wyn, aaa i uauUH, atoed ia a4- Mr.Ca.fraai ike caaimitlM a Uitarj af- """. lkh crrk4, atJ lha Uouai aJ fain, rrporuJ a IhH to aaranaia an4 ItuUaia ika iw,na V..0--"1-! Th La41ea Ciarta.KL.Tk. Marck .Kam CLfor I ator tl,ia aork iaaa arlakb.ari.ak.ra A pl,na waa prrpuj !y Mr. P, frar. fc Ub , ,y-na 1 ori, a, ? Ik. fr j, B wfitte, ...j j,,, a la to wtrnl lh imparutioa of adultrrataj M ... , . . , wccbI In. imxirtaiMa Mr. tirvirr moeJ tkat ikt Senate gn int. Et rrulit hiftt Ukh aaa carried, anal tba doora were cloatd. Th Trtaty ia, af rouria, aadrr mnt.lnition. Tker. ia a fepoit that a rt wi tekeo bat aea in( ao aoHM af Ik. wijrtmat4e ara Mtoaa of ike Treaty, and Ikat tkey were aUvkrn out. I do ajt find any authentic aoihority tor Ih rrjwt; nuaikrr of tUia woik liea bebre ua, fined witktk. till k may ka rarrect utuJ variety of choice aciginal article, ky erni- Do ftaturday, Ik. Vie. rreaideol bid kefor. neni Aiaeriraa wriien. Tke eailUiakmenU tor the tseoaU the annua! rrport of the rwitiui-wnrr tlii aunilwr ai. Iw. elegant engraeinga a beau of patent, aha in g ll arationa al tka patent tUul frniale figure, om tepreaenting - Eipeeta vflSc forlka pwt year whick wa referred to Uon." the other " Coutcmi-Uiion,- anj aUo a rkh lb. camtuiue. oo patrbta. colored Taakion plat.. A eammunicatMn waa ncciad rVutn.tbe De 1 -m partmeatof Klate, ahoftingthcanmlierafpaaaerf The I'taton fflaRazlae lorMarckiaor gera ah arrived ia tk. l'iiilr. (tate in tke year rtameated itk twa kandaomeengrarng,"citri ending aa th. 30tk af September, 1917. Kuiu the hut," and the rarjuried," wiik a AuaJry petiumta and memorial were preariiteJ. rolored plate of tk. Fadikma, and aUo attetal A meMg. waa received from lb Hou. coin tuU i!lutrating the auhjecta which tbey rnunieating a numWr of rrial bill whick bad precede. Ttiia work ha. a larire list of taUnted leea paaacd by that body. contiitmtora, and baa acquired a hiph character Mr. Pearca reported a bill providing far the in. tke eiccllence and variety of iu aurjecta. partatioa of koitka, mpa an. charta for Ike CW greeaioaJ Librare. which waa naa-ed. I rre.pndenea of the Balriaxir. Pun. "TBe Kenve new an rrmntve areaon, wne at terwarda aJjouraed. I On MonJjy the 5th, ahartly after meeting, th rVnate went inl Eiecgtite 8cia. On TurUy, after th. prearntatioa and refer, aca of randry petition and aiemariala, the Sen ate, on motion of Mr. 8eir, went int. Uiecu- ti. Seaaton. , HOUSE Or REPRESENTATIVES. - . ,, ,. , . M . , Oa rndajr th. 3d of March Mr. Rockwell of- fcred a rea,lut,on. fa, cl-ng ih. dehat. .. Ih. ffioenry appropnon bill to-morrow at t a elovk. which waa agreed to, after tke rejectioo of atvcral ameiMlmenU opmed. On motion, the Houar went into committee of the whole, (Mr. Aahmun in the chair,) ami took up th. private raleudar bilk , Oa 8atunhy, th. lbm again went into com miitee f the whole and took tip th. deficiency . . .... appropriation bill. Mr. Strong, of rnn.yN.i. adjreaard Ilia committee in Uro, and eicut of 'the court, of th. Admini.tr.tion, ' Mr. Chen uUmi, and commented with ac , . ...i- ' y uiun m amtm anil mnry ui iuc .luimn titration, in regard to the war with Mexico and iu courae in the Oregon negotiation. A diacuaaion then aroae upon the appropriation for tli. miwion to Rome, between Mceitra. Milliard and Levin. Meeart. Charle Brown and Ivin next meat ured weapon. A sparring eniued, which wa parkling and entertaining. Finding thai the de bate tended to peraonalitire,' the Speaker called aiole-. The qitcttion w, shall H the article them u order. r the words in the article excepted to" Mr. Brawn raited tht point af order, and died he reae- pa't of he treaty ! Il re rule, Ac v . q,lirci a vote of two-thirds to retain the Mr. Tompkin. appealed fn-n the deci.ion of ar,ide or P"1 of h artif,e' " the chair, but th. lioua. did not .u-in the appeal. WW r"l C,!,U5 be afr,r,ncd I th. r .h r.u; r.;. r ur. 1 . After going ihrough with the treaty in lotu, ibm tAinmittM rot and iht House tdjoum- a M aver to Monday. On Monday tha 6th, the Houa. proceeded to the consideration of the hill exempting tha Judgea f the Sopreme Court from holdtug circuit court fur th. apart of twa year.. Mr. J. R. Ingeraoll pokt at tome length in fa far of the paaaage of the bilL Mr. Bowlin delivered a strong argument agitinet the propriety of paaaing the bill. Mr. Jacob Thompson offered an amendment lo tha bill, limiting th. lime of exemption from bottl ing circuit courte to twelve montha, inatead of! two yeara. . ' "1 The ainrndinent wat agreed to, and th. bill, thu amended, then paaacd the Ilouae veaa 89, naya 59. . . Mi. Uall, of Misaouri, moved a auepenaion of the rules, to enable him to offer a joint reaolntion of thank to Col. Price mid Doniphan ; and the motion waa decided in the negative. Mr. Cacke aiihinittcd a resolution instructing! t'ie .iv,u:i!ce on mi'l'arj nff.tl.-s a? to what offi. On Tatai, t. Am l.'iaeat ia aed. Wag t -r4ia to KflW faariBii,K Mat e B9J. Ms. Ca Clistreljlk! sciaatol a juik teaalti to ift, faUi U a ewf. Bs'Wwy laada to a, fttfmtfrWft&ft ikcar n maiinm. ; . Mi; BJfttU us UJ lata iattasVeJ. . -, .Meatat, Eaat, BjrWOMft erd Hacked, eark f. Ms-fly as Mffwrt af d Uk - . Mr, MHletaaad U apes My fa eaefort af (WUl . , - . Mr. Umtimm edtatatoJ lb tefoeac. af iLeta aoIutMa to tW Miin oa aaiiary aira, 7 Veaar. GUJUj ad Pa3k edvarasfd tke rvtrfrare to the tMaBiwtttae af th ftkule, MMlt aa-cad lt ivfphiUue, mJ rtM at to mim uUim efgrJ ta th L4 r ftita Crrl Bril suk ttrlurt mj wujh Ukm m U tit Onmu&mtit)tt.Z&S. U Uxw imo(4 itwrtfiuto a rouutwitrf of tha wbvlt, aa4 tai4 a lh Ua to aaiv tii oV&irMjr in Ac mmic Mr. Dkkry afJ U uAe ect the dtwc of tlialwkUagftarmlaaMMiuaft, TW frM WiAjt UewoJrJ aa Mr. IX'a -. Iin Ilotwa. Ta Kmm cacm4 ia atart of thaa! MraJairaU to tba aOI, abJ tittti k to U r i Mr. C. J. !oeeraa asa! la ttmmdSrt A ito Wl la iu aroBm. Hi rto- ,,ul U " "- - , may be read wiik profit. Tkk auuilwr ia eahek tahed ft-kk t kaiMUome eograing af a koa awn.,' inaatraling the tuinrM of a Ckriatiaa family. Tk. work ia kword ia aaonthly auaiLera of twrntj-four large acta pagea, al oue dulU a year, ky Kamuel U. ralWaoo, 13 Ckeebal atrerl, Philadt 4ua. Crabam'a Masazlae. Tk. Man-k The fate of the treaty in the Senate it uncertain. The Senutr. themtelvet hive tpokrn of the remit a. doubtful. The whig Senator, held a c.iucua yerterday inorning. in relation lo the treaty, and, nf ter an animated debate, adjoumed without Ciwninir lo anv conrluston. I he whiff i ate aa much divided in opinion a the tic- j m " on",e 'u,Je,, w ?"e ! whig Senator exprersed, lat night, the, , 0lh9f iVdoublfol. , if Mr. Wel,i.ter honM auntain the ,jerion which he haa niade lo lite tre-! lrVt jt .! h rrjwteil. He objec tt lo a rhiiae, deemed eiwniul by the aouthrrn ! Senator, which U capable" of being con-1 .trued, and a intended lo be ao consini cd, as to prevent the U. S. Government from pnMintf any law prohibiting slavery I ! . i . t i. : iu me lerruoric w men we acquire, lucre r womlw of democratic Senator, who "PPf ',c rPi') nJ out anJ ,hf e ,,f ?"r"e' " ' xo . ,,rt " me pnrt.CU- L erounds. There were two rotes taken ycstrrtlny, which resulted in striking out two articles from the treaty one of them, the 10th, confirming .Mexican land grants, a The form of taking quet lions on a trea ty it this to wil: The treaty is taken by articles, and each atticle, in turn, is open lo amendment. A motion miv be made to strike out an nrt'n le or a part ol in ar : this in.ini.fr, the question will be, M Shall 1 ft-1 1 1 1 9 aais ic7 caii1 -isg4Rii ite ils lifri U lt.n.d?" There, ih. vote riA.ihir.1 . lltea V an tit aft fkilaiaaiak irA oonaanl Ia ika, taai.l aeai ner.Marv, am v?oa ,hia ast vote all those who may be opposed to the treaty, on whatever ground, may unite and reject it. But, again, it may happen that those who have dissento'd to par ticular articles or clautes, may still give their assent to the treaty; in perference to taking the responsibility of its rejection. Not a single Northern Senutor, whig or democrat, can show his fare lohiscon-ti-tuenls, if he dors vote against this treaty. P. S. 4 i o'clock. The indications at thir hour arc very favorable to the ratifi cation ol the treaty. The final question will not be taken till to morrow, hut a great ef fort will be made to take it then. ION, Hon. George W. Campbell died at Nashville, I'enii., on the 17th inst., aged 80 years; He had filled mauv important public offices, represented nur'govemment n the court of St. Pi.nctsbur.h, wa? twice ii4 f ptrt4 Kffrwfy of ilia Tf wry hifM MKla In 1IU, u tiffJa AtVrt f t!niia le lti po irartrJ fwear ia finp li'mmer dt!(Da!a tarrMnr. ZtZLlzz ft Fret E?7. A nta J- ! frlw. (ml nan aftnar4 to) l Kidam.) (mat GaCo waMtrtr. vta f nMl SiariT. tW arKuif fr fra har H 3Jr, Kirl.r4 Crtal, f tki ImwB. Ht m Mn4jr hrra, lav for 0rt wf MtfUtralra, aad fall rmmiueJ trU) ai the tarn Saprt C'Mit. 11 bv m nmeJ NrJ. artont IS yrr JJ, ml rim uh Parirr tLU pUrt. , ttyw Camtoi., Eczlucky. The ltmeKw (Kr.) n smrr, jvkinj wf tlt U bi ConrmiMHi htrk rrmuljr Md al FianLlort. maailt : The I Urn mikta. (lite hrgrn fff brdrt tsaeniMed,) nmuinau Wlr, and alan dclrfatr u ih Naiin4 ftonrration al I'lii jJ lhia. all f irlMim mi!lrn(t U rt her llmry CUjr r Zarrtarj TjW. i llir cme or iw wher ahalU i fratt'eittiaM, be Wcnf J RHMt rrnaitilr staihMt m ibt triunpk of tlie Wltif rmaar ia tht rice tton f Pre at. Tfc'w i riartlr rif hi partr ran Urajr or ombt il. BLTREMB COl'BT. The fIUaa infr fjiini-ma hae bera da liveratl inr iHr rrport : lir Kcrrix. u. jM la Mci)..ril Es. r. UradU-y, fiNW KlgeeHnrt, ilecUrina; perKina auflerin; friMO general deltility, or that there i erimr ia Ut order appeal- jay prpci. They arl itintny 0oh ihe'lid ed frro. 1 nejav I remained here one a nek. Thete A!. in State tx ret. Jeffrey, r. la.'.priug. are iinatetl in a liutealnne nun frma Cacaelt, affirming the jadgmcui be-! try. The, wurta I Uiiuk are a liulle low. I Ionic for dyejiepria, debility, and aflec Alan, ia Sute r. I'rideen, fom New ! tiona td ilta Lklneya. , - llanoer. direciinf a rrnie 4t wore. J AUo, in Adaut. e. Ttirrentine, frnm 0 range, rrtrrinf ihejtidgtaent below, and directing a renire dt novo. Alto, in Ilenmtt r. Willumtnn, from . . , . , 1'aaaell. affirming the ii.ltiiient below, Al, in Mute tX, ret. Mrlntoth r. He- AI.S in llong v. He. Imnj Wavne, t Kve aUey. to the t.ltilMowa Sulphur , mcrung w nriu in ram rapiam a uw fona toe cttixea of tto and th. adaning ea declaring Plaintiff entitled to j-olnirol. j Spring, in Smyth county, bImhiI forty ;uidfor tha pnrpo.0 of apttointinf dele. tie, thai ka eoaUnaea to carry aa a Macbia. Al-o. ia A rr intt.ro . Kay. in Equity, milea dwurtU ThU w a ron Sulidiui W "end ihe alomaid county nn- at th. old unj kaowa Mlhe Pmiodrr f from Y.ncry. d,.,n,,nt the bill with .te. and up-m ihe kidy-and bow. -ration. t - . oU mat.. eU. but parueularly upoq the latter. .It. - ; fufnillht tt notice, highly Improved ilnine, friHa Moote, affiiming the judg recommending this water to thote who ft comreittea appointed to art tie wiik ika torr Gear, Gudgeon. fcbfti.MouUWarila,0 ment Idwring under afftxiiona of ihe liver. tm IIh, AIo, in Sander, v. Small wood, fioro ilnbw, affirming ihe jiidgmenl. Alto, in Tucker . Tucker, in Equity, Irooi Sn.ktt, declaring that the proceed. f the land mutt be equally divided per capita, &e. AUo, in Week. t. Bell, in Equity, from Carteret, diinit ing the bill with coat. Alio, in itri tx Hem. ptdk r. Whitley, from Ma tin, affirming ihe judgment. Alto, in Athford r. Itobmton, from Sampaon, affirming the judgment. By Nakh J. In Ami r. Ami, in Eqni- tv, from Granville, directing an account, Ato. in Kearney r. Jeffrey, from Granville, declaring that there it no error in the decree appealed from. ton, affirming the judgment below. Alt.,tnUatroway t. Cox, frnm Wayne, reveraing ihe judjmcnt lelow. AIo. in Hiooktlnre t Ilronk'hire, from Also, in Beaneham r. Norwood, in E quity. from Orange, directing an acrount. Also, in Ethrridge'r. Jones, frnm Cur rituck, revering the judgment and direct ing a rrtiirf rfe novo. Attn, in Elliott v. Nixon and Gianber ry, from Perquimon, reverting the judg ment below. ' Alms in Hall. McRae & Co. t. WoJ. side, from Bnintftick, affirming the judg ment below. Alto, in Murphy. Exr. r. Woltide, ftom Brunswick, affirming the judgment below, Also, in Notthrop r. Woodtide, from Brunswick, affirming the judgment below. Alto, in State v. W.iotlsiile, el. al. fmm Brim wick, reverting the jndtrnienthelow. Also, in Webb and others, v. I.igoo, Ad n. in Equity, from Person, dtsmttting the hill with cottx. Alto, in Howard", Ex'r. r. Jones and Ferrand. in Equity, from Jones, ditmits ing the hill with cost. Also, in Bank of Caprf Fear v. William son, from New" Hanover, reverting the judgment below. Sante Anna's Retirement There is no reason to doubt (sava the N. 0 Del t:..) the truth of the report brought by the Edith, that the great Mexican, whose en ergy has sustained this war and commu nicated whatever of vigor has character ized the defence of Mexico, had received uan iioip... anirmi-c mr j....Kn.rm ue... . v ... -a ,...,. ,,..,, - Board, wilhtn th. proper time. La or A. hall be A .0. Attorney Genera p. ( .pe tear; chenp -and plenty, ihe 11J2tni on. Bank, in Equity, from Wake, ditmi.nng. attentive to stratigers. AH thing taken) . . ' ... ... ,he infnrm?inn: into consuleration, I think there is "toJ i . I i .i . rr : .1.. .i ... i..t . . . .1 1. v.. his passports from our Commander-in-j On motion of Wm. Patleison il was Chief, and ere this has arrived in Vera resolved : Cruz on his way to foreign parts. A gen-; 2. That the chairman, with the assis lleman now in this city saw the letter to tanre of John Tapscolt, Henry Fogleman, Gen. Twiggs from Gen. Scott, directing John Nelson, John Siockird, Wm. Nel the former to allow Gen. Santa Anna lo son. esqr's., appoint 120 delegates to at depart in peace from Vera Cruz. j tend said convention, and the chairman ?"---- .. I arcordirvply appointed the following per- A Curious Fact, if U be a Pact A ' ons. to-wii : correspondent of one of the Cincinnati John S. Fogleman, Michael Robertson, appers slates that the Bnena Vista battle- John W. Morrow, William Grisson, Pe field is still covered with hones, coats, ter Lynn, Daniel Anthony, William An pants, shoes, and knapsacks, &cv And thony, Julius Coley, I harles S. Smith, what is most singular of all is, lhat a Tew Paisly Kirk patrick, John Whitaker, Aquil Mexicans who weje left unhuried are still la Jones, James Squires, Thomas Jones, on the battlefield entire. Neither put refac- Alexander Woods, George Nelson, Henry lion nor the wolves prey upon them, but Garrison, Daniel A. Montgomery, James they are dried up like mummies. The only way he has heard it explained is, that the; - Mexicans eat so suck pepper that it pre- serves their bodies fmm putrefaction, and' at the tame time spoija thorn for the tasie of wolves. Certainly they do not decay. sad the wolves will r?ot froy upon them. ID THE AI7UCTC& Ue f 4 8k?fhr aaJ Ci!rbrait tr,r J4- J-Imv!. Ji4.a Ul. &n,Ugmmlk lm tntt&nz. rhtnf J-r.JaIIfTTtri. K.I T rtarrjr. iwittii Ir. durirf i& TtonM lU.r, f. II. UtUmir, . II. aoa an, it rU lna. X dIrf K. rk, !ljrr WaJ-VIl. to trr tf aOteU. ky fifiaf Um i.TKfcM I!arrk.J. fl. 'Hi, P. B. (raiaiia rur lltM tmmmontnyHm ma' KCb. C Joera. jr- AJM Durian. Jal u'mm, it pjr ap4nfy tt arttJinf hUm.tV KktUaJ. Joha N. fttmbara, W2k hIi narat ia pu?Jib . ' J Andwwt, Hary Ant!fra. AMtrrar Al A grrm Mat at art afla-ird wwM htlt.MimtmUi.lUitl.bA MT.5ry. twli UMr varwaa stn tng aljrra. ihat art AUrkV. W m. Palicm. (Srarg Htatfr rtMraieJ for tha er af dtfrarJAIVtfh', Jo!ia lIo'uDrTatri Mrovd, llaw. hat are ptati kjr tha hfa prvt nf wmm at lit blarra uf IatUiMbia rraort "MIy iut f u-r. w kirli ara taowa to them. jihiiia. P. II. ! P.lr. lULard Cferek. Thrra are taluiMa aninrrj wairra ia'Jt Cbe. Wm. TarpW. P. J. Fniih. ike moaoia a hrtt boarvl sod Uatr!!u( ? J" (!aal. PtiUlip t-raw ford. Denj. F. ipenara aia rrmariaUj c!iap. Foe the : Koay. Jolia F. l.yo. Wardrrmi Srara, iai'rmatwa of ilia afiir trd. I will ait a KiArrt M. KhirUa. MiaaitiM Caai. Jo- hnrt arnaittt f ar k l ike too a- lama tot MU. . la rntne ouL t ratJ l!u ourh f .'reena bllr.ll t . ' -c . . ft Airj m ourrj rfMimr, ana Cfwwa WW Blue B!f. al the I io.nl Spur IJaiu 1 pd eer t (Jr-yaoa Sulphur Sjrin. Heater. Joha Woul. Hjy Hrarly, ialrotliBf H rail at it a I returned. Tht Hetiah Terrr, J. R. Ilinton. W. II. M a plaee of fjhi.H14 rraort. and ha.'"". J W. Bhaw, Jcneph J. Alii many vMiora erery araon. Thw water :. TIhwu Y. Ielane, J.aeph n. Me i. aaiJ to he eirerdinpW raJuahle, ia ihe!IrTr Mefwlni. Paij NeUon. n.re of timpay. dyapria. e. 5 " " " . " , ' Foorteea utile. froutihia Sulphur Sprinf. "o roMKa of llrary Fogleman. ihe are VoVt Sptinea, (now Spraker. ia'chairmaa and aerretaiy were dLdipiai tiyine rouaty, I a. Tlieae are IJhaly hrate water, and are much retorted lo by From there apring I paa.eJ thrmich amell ami tatte are to nte the fame a. the White Sulphur in (Jrec-nluier. which I fl ailed tome year ago. It will act upon the bowtlf in a Ira. quantity than the i, . I. . . i last named water will. I remauied hare ; one week, and IhmK I am warranted in tomaeh, dropty, and eutaneoua Jiteate.. ovvcii luiir irum una uai;c aia ixuig a o , Pretton tkli works, where several thou sand bushel of sail are made daily, and sold at twenty cent, net bushel. The water is pumped out of the earth a di tanre of more than two hundred feet. There are many curiosities in this re gion of country, such as cavern .alt and iron works, nail factory, lead mine., shot tower, &e. Board can he had at the Gray son Sulphur, for one dollar and fifty cenit a day for a man and borne. A I Conk. Spring il can be had for ihree dollar, a week for a man and horre. At the Chil- howa Sulphur it can be had at four dol lars and a half per week, and in the neigh borhood for lest. Travelling eipentes are i i r..i. i i. ifc ii il,. part of Virginia as in thit stale. It i aliout two hundred mile from Cha pel Hill to the Cliilhnwi spriug ; the oili er round are not to far. a iiitsua w, ai i-b fliitivtbts wi nip oiv flai-iti ing under the (licenses which have been men tioned in this communication, lo vit.it this part nf Virginia, where Iime.louc,' Sul phur; and Chalybeate waters are abun dant and cheap. There are mineral waters in our own slate which should not be oveilooked. There is one iu Chatham county, owued by. Mr. Marsh, that is a good tonic in ma ny diseases, as dyspepsia and general de bililv. from whatever cause, as chilli, agues, fevers, tic. 1 have derived bene fit from the use of this water. There are mineral waters in Guilford county; and the Buncombe sulphur, which ia now a place of fashionable resort, in tke county from which it derives its name. Yours, most retpectfullr, GEORGE W. PURIFY. N. B. Editor throughout the ttat. a.r. request ed to eopy. IA ttiatiajaam fliaa i4HiIaI aalift ft l..uveitaB Democratic Keetlsg.in Orange. At a meeting ol a portion of the De mocratic? of I trange, held at the Union Hotel in Hillshorot.fih, on the 3d int.. Gen. Benjamin Trolinger was appointed chairman, and William F. Sir) horn, se cretary. It wat resolved; I. That we approve of the proposition to hold a Democratic Convention on the 12th April next, at Raleigh, for the pur pose of nominating a Democratic candi- date for Governor. Lashley, John J. Robertson, Patterson I nompson, mioeri unmet, uoctw un- a a- a a-a ' It'll I. lett Durham, Wm. Pearson. Harrisa Wilk erton, John. Marcnm, Willtaro N. Pratt, Lew Hutching, Robin A. Cook, William Trice, James Stagg,. John W. Hancock, Ww, J. Duke, Williamson Parrish, Ame- ft.Wm,i.4.ii W. WU, ...h.wj MiJ. ?. PinitBk. iiae fur. i P1 I!tr. m. Pmi. UaiiHe. fiforje, iuraan, .fitcoea smiimhs J-u r. naiMin. J Taparotl, Jka Foalrr. Mnrnm tj 1 91 IIm1m tt.".f!:.M ftflAK.uA """" - , Freewaa Waller. J.diaU. lVafkr. itb. m oriefaiea. . - ed. ' 3. Thai we recommend that a ronren- lion of the Democrat, of Change .hould Ie held at I Iillhorough, on Tueaday fd May court, for the purpow of nominattnc eanalHhie u rfnrraent the rouniv of lr-! im ik. Sn.is nl lltuu. '.Jl f nm. ! atigeia the Senali and IIou. f Com- mon-, oi nr next i.eneni Aarenimy.anu Ccrporalloa Procee lings. Hauirday. Marvk 4tk, lilt. Preaent, all Ik. meatKera af tha Bnard. The eotnIUe aDMintad at tha Ut meetine " to aetd. wiik tk. law eonertor ake4 tat further tim, u make a reoort: which waa evaniad. ;Th.l theTreaaura bad received fro. the collector the auioW f 833 4T That ha had paid aut (mcloding bia comiuiHton aa the. whole amount,) the aura of f 53 75 Balance now ia kit kind f ISO 73 AU af which ia Miataincd by proper voucher. Ordered, Tkat the Tictaurer pay ta Captain John Berry one hundred and fifty dollar (ISO.) of the amount da. him, out of th. fundi now ia hi hand, and take kit receipt lor lb. aame. Oa motion, Meter. Long and Moore were ap Pd a committee to wail on Capt. Berry and prepare a atatement of bia account with the town of HitUborough to submit ta the next meeting of the Beard. Th. following ordinance waa ananpaaufly a- V. it Ordained, That from and after th. adop lion of thit ordinance, every citizen of the town of HillalMronifh who ah.ll tM to ive in hi. nr l..r rf 'h TPOmUd bj th. Eexican WhlgS. If we were aaked lor the two nam' which,' more than any other, the Democratic party ih-nnunre as the head and Iront of ihe .Vlural Tiailoit ai.d Mex:can Whig!, id this country, we kIhhiUI undoubtedly .mention Henry ( lay and Daniel Webster. If we were asked what imth'lhete is iu ihe charge, we i . i ii -hotdd point ft two fresh i grave. ... which the mouldering bodies..! ( ol. Henry I lat and .Major toward Webster rebuke, even in dentil, the coliiuinialora ol a puiriotisni that has laid it. iinwl ehen-hnl idoU -on the altai of u.r iintry. The Fate of Genius.- R;b n Page, the once celebrated engraver in lmdon, has just met with a most melancholy end. . He died in ihe.great metropolis ai ihe age i of sixtv, of starvation, lie lived m a mi nt w an a serable room.at Bethnul Green The on- ly furniture in il con-inted of a broken chair, and an old bed. u which lav the skeleton frame of Pate. A Pol ce.i.a.i ii it i . wat pissing Ihe ho.i-e and heard Hie cry of miirtler.' -He entered and found Pasre in a frantic slate. , He aid to the i..j.mi. f mm luui, mi. I am itirt. ul I l.u.t im anim-l fn.ul in ent fori it.... m,,nili ' 'I'liji nn icvinan vlil frr IIIIV III'MIII.. . ' p........ t. " a surgeon, and whn he returned. Page! was dead. One of P,ge'. relations keeps a carriage, and'his sitter I a partner in a banking rstablifhineni, yel thi old man who had gained ceh'brity in hts profes sion, is permitted to the of trvtiii. Il i almost incredible, hut such i the awful fact. Wear a Smile.-e-Whi.-h will yon do. smile and make others happy, or be rran- bed and make every bodv annd you - miserable l xom can lte among rauii - ful flowers and singing birds, or in the " i ii. c ., f tk. mire, surroiinded by fogs and frogs. 1 he amount of happiness you can produce is incalculable, if von will show a sm.lin : face, a kind heart, and speak pleatant i wortls. On the other hand, by sour lo as. cross words and a fretful dipoion, yo can make hundreds unhappy slmoti .be vond endurance. Which will y..o dI Vear a pleasant countenance, let Joy beam in yonr eve. and be glow w vour forehead. There i no joy so great is khat which springs fmm a kind act or a pleasant deed, and yoa may leei it ai n.u, I. a - aai a - 1 o-a. iifAivia, inwDimi. n. ml it. l. U J.r kajt m jr f fwaa at U Hm d arWuSt; tly Ouaia lata (to -rU ka liataiat ia It Uaad. alark, H ttefeaa eWj Mwrk om tarry. jwLaa Oat aaal)a,,AM. A Jl nc tM A4 ftxr a atota, U &a aw(iaj ky lUaa. f ata dMMra fraa aT M cflv it rsj ta iJ Pw-jJ. Ka? UJ&rr m &4 ta Cmm to ftta Kara la aim tt m-j A kwl cWaU ka ft i Vy a fam auk to lLa aai?Wi alMrie. TW U mtd&t, tauf ftanrttstafy is 6m VUmi. aot f-mlMita mkiit dud fiiaaaaWitJtcra(aMMM'' .i .- r h v . ,f ff lll)Tlm rtf ,', tt tl kr am tba arawiitorf traaVw? Atmjk Ua. A"aiUckiarttfrcUaraj,'awaw B ftftta to a twWiwajMaa, fcttih. Irj ar atiarrvH, w aknof ar mii aWaaw, to f duck a ceana af tkia aWina at kart trf rpnsf aaJ ri rirfaml -! aaU ky A. B. IX BAND, DrefW. 10 ritJuaaurt. rantrr af HlUlMa, VaTaaa tWJaWVy LONG. WEBB & CO, HOW. . ... aaraacft. Hr ALEX. 8. WEBB 4k CO ianer mrMfbam lbmm ruir. Piir ft fwrkattle. Ktskatifeator fl. t ihruarj I. Ia Ihia alara, aa Taajay eaing ika Ttk b teat, ky Ika Rrr. juka A. Me anu'm. Mr. ta- H. Wbite. af Plr-vooth. Mia PaaarM - 9tmMmw -fAu. , , ' ' lbllnar. " : Died, in thia eaanty. Ike th tnatant, Eus aatra Ctbbi Laa. daughter of Mr, Jama in tk. 8th year af ka. ag. t ii... . .' 1 . I MaChtnO SllOD. . a.a.a.vr. kcriber return bw awcera thank la J hia UteaiU, IIK, re.n!lf . U the MlftMl. j moulll IM,ruii. j J . ' . " IIor rorr una Tbreahlnf ! ach i nca, ! both portable and etaiionary j tnraw Cultera af t. l 1 w ftj:n f m. - m" "r.'V" trie lunula oi au ueacninton, i.ogr i oouo. quality alaaaUkinda of Caeting adia thia arcuon ofrounlrv. rmlracine Mill ami Fae- ir-f A handsome feduetmn an furrner prKT will be mad oa large caeting. tuck a Will and factory Gear and Gudgeona, where pattern (i fumidied or ai. on hand. It ia confidently be lieved that thuee who wkh to purcbaae any aruV cle in tlie above line, will do well lo call and ei amine both raatertula nd watkmanabip before purchasing eW where. All Irltera on buaine, dirertoil lo tlie auhacriher, Know Cainp, N. t'H will receive immediate and prompt attention. JOHN STAFFORD. , March 7. SI Smp l . K O P II A T ! aotordunc. with my cuatoai fo( Ihe I at nine year. I now noti fy th. Merchant- of Virginia and North Carolina, that my atock for lb. Cpriiie Trade baa been receive d, cotrtprUing a laige and aril arlerted aatort SlolfKklll IlalB, of aU Ihe varioua qualkic. or i W9 . ttHtfaiA. A A -n.f Abo Palm Ltv, Lkkhobv. Paaaaa, aa well S great variety of Braided II af S for tum- '"'l i. luree aa UKuat. mnA in u audi term a will warrant Ihe amnion that I Will aell a low and on terms aa accommodating aa any regular hnue. HI INCH MAJOR. " Sycamore afreet, Petersburg. Va, March 4. , 81 4 w Moticc. 'THE tuWriber having heretofore qualified as Executor lo the estate of Pari Pearson, de eeaaed, lata of Orange county. North Carolina, , William Pearson, aa Executor, do berehy giv. no(i to the following peraona, who are ei titled M.,Je';?,Mlto V hs tam., ccording to will, vix : Tbomaa G. Pea-eon, John M. Pearson, ,nd Joe, A ltmm ho Bu4 j thia tute, to ibeir heirt, adminiatrator and tire utom, that I am now prepared Sad ready lo pay ever lo each of them the aeveral sums in which they are entitled, and I dp hereby give notice, that I will not hold myself liable to pay jple real there, on, aa I am now ready for aettlemenl with aii legnieea. WILLIAM PEARSON, Ex'r. Maroh 15. l 3wpd Notice, itii -t .ii a pleaae call and settle their accounts, as lorn ger indulgence cannot and will not be given, for he owe money and ia Compelled to pay. All those who do not attend to thw call, may expect to paV cost, j, -g since ,nif no,ic. Wl, put inUl tht hmltl of lne piinter. a nii.fortune ha ovcitakcn me, in. the dettrudion of my subles by fir., which make. thi, rail more imperative. R. F, MORRIS. ! March 8. 30M .ii iur:.lll T'tta CoItto JtClieli'S LJ& O&IVB THE concurrent te.umony of men otiategnty and worth ia tht seal 'idac we can have of .any tact of which w. hav. ,o cagavanc our- . Tha ereal advantage Boaaaaeed by thia article aver avert otbei, are Ma VertaiQty, bale- ty.Conveniencai and feoooniy, AU PUjaiciapt admit that great dinger ia to be aprabaded &o dmgeing the wbea ia a iufiaatBMd sad ua healtby tte. In tb. us of thWcalv thia oljec aa an n erij " 'J ' tioa is entirely removed, aa aa Baua can BosaiMy j mult fnm M . jt being ia all eaae. applied ta jrnaportioat of thya;Urby avoiding ;aUtnm"","KT,i' - "V"w",'u,K"" : wnd tha msim af any pungent articl ia tba aya. Iu acUviky tn aubduing m- to 'f ml ku tkw eaa requir. the UH mora OM u eflct , cure. On. Phyeiciaa ramarktd to ua, after having wttneaaed its eflectt ta vral inataoce. thaMt was a - penec nr. amer. . s-"'V reaaont why thia Salve ahouM be preferred eMve very thing ale iu the treatment o. uiamara u n eye, but wa prefer it thoald ttand on its own tna rita. All w. ask it that itt viituet ka thoroughl, tatted, and tkat tb. direction be strictly fallow. , D. MITCHELL. Psery, Wyoming C, HY. . - v For i -Hi Pl5 March 14,

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