"l.'Jl-lt"lllJlll"l.Jil Hf, Tt f.., li p. rrt S..i'rt. in t, nh. enrntrvioed iftfrffff itrrtortintA bleb Ral.f w, a iv cfcw shepii'l.e i ,4mI w j, f .iiiii? Iv am.-., rv ioo"rs Li i,,j!r U.r of "' rt Ilinf j.Ih i m.. m- i,..m ,.f .iiiH-i !r, h iiriVbj - tira, U t eiit. ; li I In !) Iriui In t.. m Al fil lavl, T hi,i j,,L : 'rirrrviiiTn -market. ' La t'..n.t., av,4 f -( li b, mi, ri n r e. ft - !lr'il! tt Ho. J'M d ,f A.,,, ii. a t jameu a uo. M f, t l.!. t.is .t. liW . -I, , I. .. .. v. - jmm v - -.vrr-'..-'r - .O" i . it.-,...i .... . i....- i ...... -vJ. ' . -c - " - ' - ; j . . " . . ,ht m ten piw ttur w. !! frintfl, i U raj Bff L nil El?tt rr...i'Ur7. II. -k - "l.irk 9rTnHm A U,m4- .,TI If05"8 rl ta EcJ Eljray to' -UryOa Sa!.,. ; i3 iritf lL, W "'i: J tVn!3rdlf , plrilllif r 0. !r.y. frr f a,i-LaHlar.!,.. IV jn-fcU4 k-v.jwHtr.ti.iy....-'t,llj W,Lt ; -ii n v t VI.CXK. o'y.if i i i&fMrr M lair. fs f "f" M;' '"'i . M,IWI lrfiwwt !cr.hfirf.d. t-..".! iir.-i u t 4 rA 'r'.'!161 roa ?irn.n:itrtXT. l rrI w iWimm IaMt,7r?f.1,to, W..W, t'y t4iptonutmi,UmStw.l9mwm. W. nd-i-. in tsta ImJ aw IMiiac nOaK title t Car TlMi!CI) i'H.IItlKC.s 'B-. j" Ns! a mairriat;. i , ? !. I; mr,,. I. a Liu r.(l a n.uli- j.,;, 4 5.. A taut I rtwU im4 I TWJ m4 Tnr aU Cid Isciaa : I. tiM w Uimi'mJ J ""'w- iwiPNil'lt ii. iff itV, njfl Jlr. BWl blnl Liq ft H I W-ir.-rTI,. f, i:J S-Xr !rrafaIa ilia fcam mU4 raa. a irJ6.. n (r 4 i i!l IV tut of ihr Mtiitlt t4iu t; Thf ttthrf i in fW Ut Jtii of t!i tlmntf, it akauM W Hirxr 6fettttt'y anrur ar m ronrtjuic f ... .. . . , t4. i:r l' ." , r.,V-r f ilia prinirr. Of U.m ritarartrf tV u of llw ' BVf.iira; it I ia IV rj U -ring rnrm,4iu( W more lUaa anjr a:'4.-r 'irr in lii a!j-li4M. . - - ... . I Mr. Diiitirirn Kprerli. e he in Hir r. run l--! itx a!f apeecli f . .. .. .. . .. i . . ... ..' . . . l.o, an ilia UA ftrnn iu fViMta anMuink-J , iltr f 'u,in fiM.urf UiX" We icvotutnruj U ia 'in.tMi f .ir !. Dr. W. It. M rbe.n-ra. (mia itv t RaV igh. i . Iwa t'lwl"tr' VtU tr of (TiiihuI Mnli- rv ul r.i!"l t l Aaaloaij in ilie M. Loci I M.rrailr. . . 'I in uie lorm-r rtxiui in nut bib iiuubiil. - .are on lua way to hi honta in Tenneiee, araa fivrn aa l!io aulhotity upon aliiih the ktaienMtit n Am mail.-, vt e inous ii at me unte inai tne re pr,..itati.w f the arntimrtit of the regimrnt J w , t!u KMilinn in w hich Lieut Pciuh-r h.ia ainre Mi. etei-llene, U. flraian, baa aw.VraJ elrc , Z"!uUJ ItmrlY-l Ulf tbe IWA-W ,4 U.e wh.de p.-op; I Dr. J. P. E.' Il'.-dy. ll.HHigh N. B0ABO OP ElTPEBlimOTDEim I P S V R'm nil T ti.a. ia .i..K the --jnrii orr4.ie.l by the , ' . . ... ' . , ... - , in rate of mv eb-eli-.n. I did mt resrd w. WmHljin, Kaq.. al their uiieiiii" on 4 WEETIXGofiheBwrd.d'Huwriiiietidaiiia ! 1 V r IVl 111 LU J t J. jth .rf l!ie rm.iio.Mirr fiom Kuile, auJ Uie fe-: .. ., ' , . , , . " , mi trlf at oil In foie ilie coin eti'i.in ntel, Wednttihy eventnjr. die 30lh inlaiit. ta J of Uie ronuiMw K bouU br Oraiiga eountr, ' one f the in-wt extraordinary omtmeaU of lha nfteniUa.ttn.tlieel M ,liePri.leUuJl.lorti.H,Ul..Jebra ... throt.gh a,e,ua ,. "m.II greaiet Irial. My .,!'r, ,,lf ,',,u" nc -f pledge, one vh . ha teived b . .unity j.Wcall. ,l lai.,4 ,0r i- ta,-ni2; ...J (Tj Tht aboa roedicinei are foraaleat thiaot We regM to Iearad.4tIU.ra-nW. Coving. ldu,y It tbal troiV. and lo the Keptddte .h:,V'0 rue f ?fUO,UH U'P" , r"'" . Sr,,ll' lhl" "before make. u&ral.lu eD ,E.Rrr AffP . ., .... ,,,, i iJ , ., W . , aILanitindetnitP0ral.tberonliieeiiti brilliant vieitHiva of Vera 1 mzand (Vrm behad. - - . . IJuAitl Agvin. ton.e. Kenaioreleet fnint the dinrt of Ittrla- i lnne halili-a are were Majrine, forbade " """ . i . r. ..... -otpiihpm- immin -' I SenJeniher 19. " .48 ... - .. ,.'.6L-. .- ihatmiun ue in the eniirse of a nre. (.rdo. ei unlike the quill-driveri of bw Krr.PlIhN MOOKE. c B. t. I ' vpnix auu i.juaaun cuunura, uin at niarrMurnra fie X'tmrlH af 'tfef aTa.till'ft llaVflletafnf . I aa llTta aaa eariaaa-a, lea Lit I mu,!fi iiAeu.i wa tat w aa na j I' IMZ III I'llin 11 Hl"l llta II" a W"' - . . - a . in nnm mi iiii iiipi hiii mil 'I l''". Caiaain CWalda. of tlie Orange , M'N the an . plan, t ol a l.onnn-uoM J tf .jj mtM , b.andL WW J-.h i ,l,v jaaju 4ac-J iwO-i" and Vanrv cm..v. ho pa.l thruueh tbia " ii t-farMi pna y , henre ihnuld mrt be a Hie bualiel. .Cheap living, liiind IJron a. ' pnnnTn'RT nnnnn M l (wii in uie aim ic a iirrri-iitr, ui nnwilllll? In IlllZarU lllB eilvTt 01 . i i , - - - - wore preaein al th. o,erMu.n, with Capt. 'In, I, rela.io,,,hip ioar.l any of dm a..l- A.'h. and dopendenre ttpot.. whu-h aPp,ar8 ... lite CWo.t.u X'ar ufl ,lMfWmH llmwrclurcd GCOFffC l)t JOnCS & CO. Cm-able weouhl mM y th.t he had l.RH nndrr mv Command J hen in front MTtTelaax. uh , ar. anxion. n .lhh UmU.1. "W- UOODS ' f tnJiSm , m . , ' , . ii i. ii I refer all persntit, who are anxious on -i,!),! iincnu)tonn.iii in it opro.-iiion to , , , , , .. Wiwai84ana neiau weaieia the Xa4,vil!e I ,,.o. and by .h-1 .e.. w.a ham been unjual in ...telf ami ,1 a. n(i,.,allJinif o( ,liy poli,;on lotlls . jt , , ,,ave a Jj?J gft "'r' U Inrtow f.iaat. Dye MuIL., ' tott '-ofC-.Cpi.Mubte.whove. L rridrnry ,1'.-. INI b in (;alifornia.and .he power ..f . he Home ' .'lilVra. ie. Tume Ilruslic Whr. no,i,eU!gill,.ea,U makeit If- 13 ESPECTFULLYannnunee to their friend, : h.g. to eornct tlie f..b imnreaMon aa evaJent. , f , ; j , . . .ball eetteln aiteo.pt t, . . ducuoi, into that I errttory. Jl...eu ... vlenlier 19. 4-3w U Merrhiinl9 nn p,,,,, of North c,r. ly ,'e,.,l.d to be made, i . CunMahla ac ml 110.1 art r.i at ' ln '"? ,e f lie ",,,J,C- ? have utir.npt to Iratfer their tlavet from the rtcrr n, that they are well prepared tofumiab W iiMwiedjea th.t an uufavaialde impr.ion waa ra"k': j J ,, " " . Olllv to add that my two letlow W oil rill- eaS to the west of the Rm-kv Moi:illiu' U1UWA W'ASS fit EARTHEN WATJ3, wi, iU lrti j(, Uleir jcl)1,ttmell, f hum nn.le on hi mind bv the evi.h-n.-e of Lieut Pen- ",e !""e ',rc m',, . 7 . , . hrre all ilie l.-pii a I tlps-it!.. to f peak of wi mex w, tlf. int-vilalile'loss of llieir lVtlolevalC mid Retail, j at the lovft prices. 7'heir stoik U In part of ,ler. He did not approve oflheatrone expreaaion ,n!P"7 t W ''ru"y .." , pending this eanvatt.-' If I am fleeted, I propeny." Thev misht as well atlempt Cur offyenore an.I Bollingbrook stieeU, 'ir bniwlation. aid tbe balance baa Uea t.,1.1 ... ,.1 ,K,U Lfi. i 't " 'P1:. - .. .hall di all that an lionet geal nn.v eflVri .,-1Lmv'..IM to New l-;nb.nl or to PETERSBURG. VA. m a.orth.ern life., with . .i ...r.i f .: t.... . .... ii.iiiii.idii..ii. w mr.i rifui.iiii-ii-i in .n u m. i i, is nip iipauiiiir in a imitr . ariii'iR i in auuiium zu mc biiovp. mpir miim'k hi i . . . ,. . :.. i .-..:.. : . T... " . .. .' .-..? . I 111 rpllll'llt lllO .Ulllii 01 Ollf lj I1IOII HlIU P9- t'uii-iil ll id aui.l I i-.it I il .mill rp. pheed him-lf hiia dealroyed all confidence hi hi Vanadate. I was immimted by ibe pen veiarily. CapL Constabla now aaya, helm " die ,IC in prlmaty asetl.Wci by Whig, ui.iKMt coiiri.l.'iii-c in Con. Taylor, a a kind.hu- j mine, oMiziiis, and au able oJlirer." and thinks ! tb.it without vanity he can aay ho "ouglit lo I ii dpt. Cotist.iMe ronrhiih- hi card a follow : Thai pari ol ihe ex'raci in ihe Union, x hid: makes .me 10 have enid what limn l r of the mm it. the Regiment would snppoil Tajlor and Fillmore, it false. The remarks I made n to ll-.e twmbtr of vote for thi'fe men, were in rt firenee to tlie ('uuifanif I had the ln-m;r to com maud, and mil the lirgiwni. This U the error ol ilie . ditor of lite RatiMin, it. his ii'al to wrve tbe ease of CJa-fa and Hut h r. never saw the rditot in my life to kirn 1,1111. ilionuli he makes a t-tutemrnl hi It he tirnfeMi-a lo have heard me make. Ilia eor,,., however, is it. keeping with .. . , . .... . i tne encintet ol licneri l aj nr, ami me. grnvi lling. rontemptihle, meaking editors iu tlie Locufoeo nit.ks." '; . Letter IVoai ticii. Taylor. The following letter from Gen. Taylor wa;rt!nin:itiona eotild have been deceived as published iu the New Orleans Picayune of the , my politietd view. From the hegit. Htli inu, Every gtHid Whig will read it with ,it,r now I have declared myself lo he ptiile and pleasure. It ix just fu.h a letter asU Whig on all proper occasion. Willi might W expected from him elegant in it die- this distinct avowed. .published to ihe lion, elevated in its sentiment, patriotic hi its! world, I did not think that I had a right views, and explicit and decided in it tone. It is 'o repel nominnioiis from political oppon- connected uairative of tlie acrica of ciientnstan- "18 S"'.V ,,,nre ,n"n hm' a r'"1 10 rer"SP ee, which resulted in l.iahecoming a candidate, 1 'l,e vote of a Democrat al tbe polls? and and presents, iu a compel form, all the matters S I proclaimed it abroad that I should not hearing upon the subject. It w.a prepared by ! 'i ,,,e I'fferfd support .r any body Gen. Taylor to correct anv miscon.Tp,io which o( , ' M mJ P0! Mii,.' . -..Mi. rlitt when in November last I returncil ...gut IB! Iirwiun .1 OT .11 li I'Ui.livailu.l U i ,.. i ai ... r . r i .. lo the United . States; one before either ol -vera! etters and detached sentence, oflc.ter ftf JaJ upon winch the utmost ingenuity ha. been cflm(.,)ioiu w,rl, it 8S pended to create an impression that he JCv-picsjm,Hlgudoubtru, J( ono uf litem VfOull hold an equivocal po.it ton before the country ; nnd well a,,v has he sustained himarlf. An air uf truth and ! Matters stood in this ailitmle till spring, candor perv.dca every line, which cannot fail to: when there were o many statements in reach tha haart ..f ev,ny ttan rjitlieed nader. "A jrirctilaiion concerning my vii'wi npnn the Picayune well oh the letter eh.bit, questions f national policy, tbjit I felt I . m a . 1 if lrn!lr ajv - - . .', " nn wi k-o but airra in iM-uua iii-f ! bare brra fivrn up In ilie rpliMia 'rriiiruin f iho- bare liet-n maJi . " . . . . .. ' M rn i.n.Ti.r. . in iiliniil ...1i-iIiIi..m ,, airat'iTfiitriU iiiine, ir if ilie wanner in wUth u Urfttt -.n in tome ( my letlrra, rii en in ill frcnlinn antl rre 1 nrrt-rarii(.i!rnliilrrrMiiiU-nr',1i-ive ilettriiiin B!ralnl to llit imtJii rna - - - " " -" " Jui ,i,rn frvlu the ruiiieit, ami w-paraieJ fn in a eri- tf rxnl'iiaturv furia and r ir. .. .. ..'.. . .. , ... . . . .. ... .. . . . iiiirpuvr iiiiii iui-j were piwiine faliimiion. I eddrof Jim th;i Irllrr In rrrrtthe inju.iwe llut bat ln tlm.e t,e. an.I il.e puldie the exu ni ibal I i!lilrr.il iir-Tft. I tbii-iiot weary ynn by an elattotate recital of eerv . iiieldenl eonnerled nitli j the fjri prietiii'tuni uf my name at a ran I e. .. . ,.j ,i.,.,.g. r.Pm..,,.nn.,n, ,..... iiiii iir biiv ihi.ui.h im mr uia.v mru unurr Inivenmrnand - annf - abomincw I ii-.t ' .ra m inr uuiig..niiii i. ninnuiiic ' ! rd In the pnMie uitli a f.'tmi.latv ofpidi.; .. . . , ... t.... i. ..' ..tent rminpiet. a. r.puvM.n. ...oax i .a alaVa.l.ir-Alla.ak aTl ll IIMtttt f tr.tlYi II at mlllltf I i. . . .e : : :. I 1( ail M ,. lwl (lderiibe to it trnn. ipi'i'ir-tiim, ill 1111111111 iiri. iiii. iiih rniiiii. i an uv aria' n i''ii.i'ai aiE'Baai.a :. ..,. . . . i i . :7. : ftrangert, bv U lugs 'and l)emo-ratt, In rnntent to heroine a Detnoernta and .Natives, in tepariir. and mixed mcetinj!. I refiftcd tl.rm all, and 'eoiuinued l. do to till led to believe that mv opposition' was assuming lite atneel f a def.ni.ee of the popular wishes. I yield ed onlv when it looked like 'presumption onrrw ur ,,e, h- j Juna . MjJ ,1. L HKt'HWlT,,"e " ,,,HW ,,,,', ,4,r JU"J 'M,"ry nrrji fcfoarn. a urge nun.l-T 7 nt iutt VI Suit it WJ ...j ma j.r rl.m wn ,1,1, .B"lel hlm P-" 0 . ,Ii "I'xi a. ,! l.-l j.W , bl iN !,m s.!lollJ,!rr. 5 a S rrrn. I . T . - - lll.lllllirli!i'il lilil hill (illia 1 - . " m -w 1 ' . - i . . . . . . 1 mv Aiinttitt&v ai.tl 1 litM.M le m iiIkmiI rv. AlyliarpUir LIE? tS. ItiWl e&riie i KtVTiv ttitwiiirTi I i ; .liraim iiia'. a n its punt l . r a in i.n iili' i a a a . a. a- . . . . - ... . to ret-ift longer, and even, then I should nol jay was nominated as their candidate for Pre have done so. had not ihe nomination jo yct it wns without any execution oT bene been presented lo me in a form unlikely ' fl.. ' him hnt ,.,.. m ... nuTr)OSC f jrfeat. j to awaken acrimony or reproduce the hit- r. ?.. .. i ; l i i... i . .v. . . c-j .. ... ........... ...... ....... iii.il a n.tri iti iiitx iiitiiii ciiicriii lit hit i t (U . a a f al.A i.lo.tn.Manl Ia awi at M.t ,!, h..- ow i. ...i.. i.o lha i .....;i w.n.,1.1 li rn.l,.;tn.l w-Til. oandnr ' if not with kindness. It ha been no foilt of mine thai this anticipation I. it proved ; j.a . onc . , After I perm.t.ed my 'ei! for tnn I'rennlenr v. a vain one. i self lo he annonna- under the eireuin- . ., ....... . . ' stances anove nnin-ro, i aei-epu-u noun-, nation after nomination it. the spirit in wl.u-1. they were tendered. They were; made irtesperiic of parties, and so ae iKi.owiengeu. iviMiiie woo iniiirn in tnc t i .i v ...i... :.. .1,...,.. " " " " ' " " " w i 1 1. .t .. .1 :.i 1 - l .u-i. u nj;ru a-fiH- anu nmiiu . rare II I wire la tl.ill Ur niMmaf bM-U u''-l'Hl al llir lime. lirr IimiK ha.l niil.Ii.IiM I.. Il.r .rU I sh..t.M t . . . I . rniild mt aial -nr jwl or ii!l!e of w V Liniont at nin n .'on n. Sim b a iwnii- Linn. atidi,a,ii.e..i;,rH!,B,e;r..,; . nation inn on ilie iit in ilnwe makiiiv iu alinll mil be rfriiril with (likvur Iiv iIium ml be tt'tti i with ilifcr.vr bv llrnae " hn lliiuk trnh inr; a a n.n.i.Iimr-nt jier. tnnal til in . If. it almuM not lie Hj-erlril ft ii ,! ' .7 .1 iiwl.e iheiu aitli iull. 1 mraiiU s I klill rnl rriwl ihi h .1 A'litn iliev join my frii iult voluntarily. Ibaetuid I nraa not a pny ranili- dale, nor tm I in titnt tiraigliVneit and 'ieiii nur in uie nmr wi a , n , .WI. ,. ,:lW . . . .... . . . .- ""i1 ,,w,rt M"! P" upon pi.l- mny th T,r fnpr It'll In ',r n1eert, gnod or had, 1in narlv C'liidid'tte in J ' .... ". . make one. I hit w the aenne that wotdd the aum and etihstanre f j h- . Uft n of V . . "'J Uie hicta ana eirruinstatiee aitrnuin? my . . tahlisl. the happiness of my i-ountryiw-n upon an entlnring iiasiK. '. TAYLOR. To. Capt. J. P. Auison. ' The Slovcmcnt In Sew York. i A large meeting ha rccfiifly been gotten p in the city of New York by diarontcnte Whig ... ... r ' n ,1.1 .L l i aim iriemta oi jvi r. tan ourcn. .-iiuoui;i. .. . . can,uj3tM of ie Whu ,rtv. Willi, s - v " '' who got it up, are committed in favor of Mr. Van . . , . . . r ... Von .... ... Duren. and h,m WM H,,s "ove'"c,,t n,au! ' ,on of rooW!MM, of Wh-!" in ,c wl,w,c hca,, "re,vi,h Mr c'i,yhe A",a"-V Evening Journal is of opinion Uiat Ihcic arc lew who can be drawn away iVoui their duty by this sprrious but unworthy profanation of hia name. From this side movement, the Journal infers' . . .. . . . ... .:... mat the utrcci ciions oi .vivana. nun, n imv, guidon, Davie, Ac. to beguile the Whigs ii.to.the popart of Mi. Van Duran have not beon-1 We are not able to perceive, in any of the New Yruk movements, any appearances discou raging to Uie Whigs. Graham's Magazine for October has been received. The engravings arc" A Picnic in OUIen Times," "The Unmarried Belle," and a Fashion Plate. To the numbar of fine writer engaged aa contributors, tha addition of Joseph R. Chandler, esq. has bean mule, which will doubtless give additional interest to that papular Magazine. v, .t - Godley's Lady'sjltiak for October is embellished with engravings of" The Coquette," The Wvayside Fqunlin," and a Fhion Plate, with a number of small wood engravings, illustra- tiM9r tf.I IVtM I'm &a.Wl il Tf 1 ' " " f . . . " -- a-.e unriwr ii i mm w pay r ihi , " ' , ; . , ..j,. ' -u s t". Limn. CoUun aui Wtwlka U- IT I - l-a E tllf llla Ita a ati I K..a.lf lm at Ia I aRlIM IIlTdWwi WUTII M MOUUr ITUUT linWal , . - nyihiie UMmpirtherorce f ifrite 'mWm .. , fJ Uk Prk. S3 rn.. 1 liave ta'ul 1 aould arrtfH anotni- i..wm MjImu. ami Hi anim A. B. A D. NaU: Crml um-m I Unnl! n,- ,lo lrn y rn lion fruiii I)rn:iTjl: liul in an ilitii.a I t'l. 'f J'lnMn. and John Wlll.nni.. i.f jour Kxlrui aTKarMiMiiUi iar h ii.lr.lirti.m i U Cl 1 111 I II (1 1 1 1 L Dill I C ... .. i.:..i. 1. 1 .. . . Mi. .t..tii...i ij. ill.. i m-i.. f 1. 1. ..f ii.: i r, i . . i a ' . .. -. . . .. . . . . i . .... i - . . . . . i fl; and hence the attempt to divide a party whose "S' rrow ami Pgrci c . y.on,,,,,. D.x. ! Septemlr 5. integrity and faith was tempted in vain. But the X"T"!, f'? f "r UMO,UW ! vid Mcbane's, on F.May the I3lh .if Wl Jrumal says, this effort to disorganixe'tha Whig ' ' "PPa-l.g we ; her. srmed and equip. . m the law directs, for Reg-j Plantation . ... i uio ilia uiaiiy excellencies i ii..i.-i, imeniai oriii ; ana on oaiuruay iiie iin, you wiu i , , will wove e :nal V abortine. Phespint of revenge,! . , r r. .....l k r .t... LJi .fT IV ILL be set, on . . j genu -i wiiu me iingiii pr.iiiiio . iiiiu m u it. .... a v October next the when the country is to be the victim, will find nwMu(l9p ,,,efp development indicated, t bm diix fiatenlaJ ! exercise, j rf wmiam c little sympathy in v lug iKvwms. aincerelv mourn the hard late that lliut f JAi' u c.unni, vm.wHn. I twelve miles south of I ! . . 1 ? .... ..- . i 1. h mn-i-,i. u m rtan a mr 14 use ", 7"' ? ""1'"' "J r ani iii 1 1 rir - " HitiM. It lllf I trtHiM U , - , .... W J w'' '-'bree Uve-. a nmau and la "" ' 'I'" He.-ii.n -if Sam!-ra rpl- .b.'n umO. They - uea ,tn '" Hmmi l iiiakinff iIf 1111 ihe . l"in ! Iliee utrn hate ltrreti "I or tutlained f.iir rharyri-i. 11 ifuniyf ,'", "rre uhert roiiroiiird in the ; I'u.ineM with th.e here itaiuetl. and that niril . H3e liltMntieareU linuHV Iroill ''' reidenet. " IM. v, - - Taylor Flaj A very bandmuiie dig rilr1v. I.- iiH !M the iuat ttihuln of praie wbirli tdmi.inff people - pay . to Joee. g.llai.l MeairanW big General,, feCotl nilU IJiVlOr. Vy VMarffwr . i . . ' l'w. I FROM CALIFORNIA. ShlU wenavebliverv iaCllIIOnila? ... . . cosnitton'nf slavery here would he looked ..pon as a greater misforinne to the Tciri- l lory than .Tiotil. Calilornia li.ul ri mained in ita former state." It' drclans that neither lite soil, the climate, nor die p.o. duetiqt) of California are s.iiied to slave labor, and that they eoulj not be luld in ooni!n;e there. It savs ll.a..t.oiigrcst hati no right to bequeath such a eatamilv 4 lo the country, contrary u the w.t,es of ihe people. fc .n w Lifii i.r a miwf. t'Ttt liim uMil U lmn m-oI.-.. n.i il.rn r. liWd li.ii 1 ail hw wwy. ilr. B. re j maiord iM an iirnmlJr rmaliiMit f..r an- I wir or two, a meri Ira. e l inj ti e J put! flin.trr. Um. ialrn la k J timg, wiu nm. it-sa tneir suso by aia.K Their atock comprises almost every kftid and ,Tl.eCity authorities are;'"? us vvr areNdehjmme.l to aell aa description of Good caHed for in this part of the I mcaMites lo spot res the tyW,Jr Pncturf customers, my eavtnU t ,nj havi Wn purcha9,-d for eaah. . . i ' i Iioiim-in the etiit. : . r r . .... ....i eiiragej j,, j. Uj,uV have !,,, arreaU-tl. i . . ' - . . - ..I , . : r ' . Al a meeting of the (.ange Tmot, all Opnii's store -n Saturday the 2d ol ep- f leinher. the following preamble st'fl res lutiom were linanitnoiIv adopted : W hereft it hs plttast-tl the inscrutable . wisdom ol JJivme ProviUenre tp remove r.m ..r ...;.i-i k.. ,t-ii, n psiphip.I -j 'social and fellow trouper ; Therefore,- , r Resolved, That it is with feelings of tin- rely prematurely em ljim off in the outset off his career, . ' I?.wnlln.t m. ito.nli- vmnllli-ZP will, the friends and relations of the tie- ip:l('ll ill thp irrnai".illf loss tllCV l.aVfl .. ., i aiiaiamcu. , Resolved, That in tetii.nony of oures - teen, and affection, we will wear the usu- hI badge of inouriiins for six inonlh Resolved, .That a nopy of the tbove resolutions bs forwarded lo the relatives of the deceased. s Resolved, That a copy be sent t ti e Ratoou ami Recorder, with u request for publicaline. ... H. C. TROUNGEK, Kb'u. D, L. Rav, Sca'y. " - . 7 . -,,-,"--" u rirr una twr a l t!- ! tr. Iia lt.!Ww,rtierfi.rfilBrai. jik - uI lhuwn. ia ihrrHr of Uahii, I"! ' imrrayv w imiMi w ua tihuilc t:.j t. It gir na wrr to ute tb-a , . ". ,,,i ? "J " 8ui-- a. i!JSthJa e.mi:iin With iiitH-h raiirrL vmira. JDIIX WIIITKIDGK. 51. 48 Cay A Prejmrrd att.l m,U hj A. B. A 1. 8AXIM, DwsiwU, I0U Fullon atrrvi, rornar of Witliiiii, cw Vurk ISoUal-oby I.ONO. M F.BB A CO., HUla. rwoupn, r.y Ai.ra. p. w r.isu i u, v lover , I ... . . ' ......... . "... ,.rwn. "rauyej, aim ny urug5wa generally lliiouchout Ilia I 'tilled ftea, Pi ice $1 per Untie. Nx IxMtlra fot ft. February 1. 61. Pwtrmhrr 19. 4(1- . r7T"T7"r"7T f ft J J J J fl j fl c . which they will aril on wch terma aa w ill enable thaiu to aompeie w ith any of the NORTHERN CITIES. Boisseau & Bluir, II EO leave to call the attention of their friomla ; - and the public generally, to an examination of tlu-ir stock of II. ina, ;ins and rarflienxvare. jPOKTATION, eiMbracing every artirle uaually ,'fo.iiul in ewrh CstnliliHiirweittsi. and vlih:h. in .Kint vlr Miy. cannoi ne ainpasfiu ny any in the Mate, ; v-ried .aibrautiful, anA ZcluW i who have bi-ert inlliehsUl oi eoin? North, fur I i Our aswHtineut of Conimuil GooN ia 'mw "f BaitS - - J - WI- amun.iiv... JUU- i lacture. j Partii-ulaf alteutioa paid to Parking. 4 v IJOISSKAU & MU1U, Comer of Bollinxbrook and Sycamore streets, Petersluirg, Va. - Septcmbar 19. '',,t V"" - -4S Attention!! Tk Contmifgimtcd anj mn-tummifiiionrd Offi cers, and Mimiriaus, blunging lo the iHih lit' tHintnt of .Y. C. Milditt. . .. v 7 r - P'ltria. t? a 5. I l3 LI tl I ' f I, i V 1 . .., .-'..,.. , ,' W 1 IT p.ty s" HvKL,,kr n' ?!i T entered on tha fctray Book of Orange i County, on tha 14th instant 1 instant a flVe-bitten gray it . i. i us. :. I k.- lh . ,obe twrIve ,n,i fifteon ..ears 0ld; valued at twenty 4wo dollars and a half. , A. O, MUKDOCK, Ranger. Septemlr 20. 48 3w For Sale. A GOOD SECOND HAND PIANO. Inquire of LONG H WEBB Augast 29, ' 46 . ,J. S4 ,u,,ie m!ortJ il.r p, 4 Vr,i. C7 Ur trl Ur.1. a. J f 1 10 fur lit White, I'tigw r br iu o W ul,r. lra, 33 rtt. ..fcu,,,,. Uawx n. .m.fJi .t ".;:. -. ..l . . a ..- :t ... winii m ovHuurii nir i n. timaa-. i ai&L ae. . ' " I VHJJ.U.I VI IS VS 1 kj ' i r rt r. a iu 1. 1 i 1 1 x ' i c r i . . . B. r. IIICCABU & CCLCCJLlTCil Wild Cherry Bitters, IrdcnmrCrJ a liiUj 'ritl4r it, . emmet Pjm-. latSswirti. i'Maticta. Jaair. autl aB itufitivira U lia fkji. Tike 75 it-ii far aottia. Circassion Balm, an nriat!nl Uifliral rvmpaaarj. Bncv4iluf irufc-df fur Burn ami tV.Ua, C'Vita. Ueaiu'dua, Bra-sea, K.in Fali-I'ltram. tliJ! U"u. TrtltY, Sctxfrla, I kvr. Riaeaarta, I$raU llend. ViKtn Fttt aixt Iitat. iitu(4ra aa Ibt facr. aoj iM cmtXiora of l.lr . ... - . . . " . 1 J , . ----- . r- rx the rare af Krl na. PiSra. ITrew, Carbnnrlra. A-u4( i Uie n-. or f, Karha. Bum. UJ. r.iM. &t, 4e. prlf eruta. It. F. WBBARD VEGETABLE Jnti-!iliotis Fitiiiily Pill?, TUe ruU r tfarj of llteaa 1'iiU in Chronic Uiaraara, and all olhrr diaraara of Uia Iaver, fto- -t..u., mach. and other digrtie organa, Uprllter with ihrir i.n2ihUciic piaera agaiaat infection, re ronauand Uirm to aulfriin fcumanitt at law, j ami their cuiatita tirbjet and jmkl operation a- I dajt lliem to all rlimau a, ron4iliibota and due Hats, Caps, &c. I fil. E noiira lo Merchant! of Virginia and Kouh (.'jMolina.aa iny eiiKtom ia.) dial my FALL STOCK i now cotnpk ta, embra ine evrry variety of HATS and V. I il lui lliv iHimair ,,ur. My tkoek i U arleeleJ, aixl laid in en tbe -most alvaiit.iRcoua Irrnia, and I am well prepar. ej lii'ictnlorc) l acive niy uiMornera, and utlirra who )iiv visit Peterhlnire and Rkbuiond, to punrlia their Fall tupply (jGixxti.' 1 FRANCIS MAJOR, Sycamore Street, Peteraburf , Vi. n . r.. a. ri..i I. i. . . September 5. 47 3r Those w-liu favor them with their order, may rest conliJent of receiving articlea free jreu adul teration. . --'' Petersburg, 8cpt 5. i', 47 3v Fresh Tall Goods, v 'EI.I40TT & CO, Tl AVE just received from New York and Phi " j.-tdi-tphia a large and wll-ackcted stock of Elai'dxrare, &c. eurfomers. . fiilinlrv Prrwlilf nf all Lin.la Kill b Liken Ul ( ...... j . i exchange for Merchandize, at fair prices. i Ruflin s Mills, Orange (o Sept. IS. ifff 't 7 r inbES," Wanted. rfIIE aultscribers will give all kinds of Mer- cliaiulize in exchange for Grttn and ifry OJ!S, . delivered at their Store, or at William H. down's Mill. LATIMER & JONES. ' 46 1 for Sale." ' Thursday the day of rlantatioa belonging to I. Clendeniu, deceased. HUlfboToueh, an 4he road lea.ring from Ruflin'a Milla to New tin's Mills, ..!-. inin(T . IS .FH. Milk .11 nnrlMiri ki.iLUniir. j Twelve months ptadit will be given, the pur chaser going DW14 an spproved sccuntv. JAMES JOUNSTON. Ex'r. . :4 ( " NOTICE TQ BRIDGE BUILDERS, THE building of a Bridge across tha great AL lamancei at E Hand's Mill, will he let out to tha lowest bidder, on Friday the 23d i.iat on tlie premises. ' Specifications mtde known ou the day oUctthig oui u V WM. A. CARRIOAN. H F.N R YviANTHO-N V. JOSEPH S- HOLT. 9eptcu.har 12. 4T-lr