r..u tii C swtltullaa aad ths Law tk tiaardiaaaef "Mir Liberty. a Wrancsdnr, ScpKmber 11. m-s Tr Bonndary Bill, &; tbe 1 California Bin, Passed. 0f:1 I at Tele for Cavcruor. V.'e cf from ;, P '-';!. TLfM t' f ..?!... ar,g (',"".. ml Haunt .iff1. t 1 Cwe A j-t I, t.:eurJ I, j a lU :?. of iL Secret, ry f tu'.t. W piwwa a, (. eompariae), ib mt fcf Uemaw "to IMS. " The of the new counties are loolu-lej is toma from wLkh they were Ukifi. , -V.-..V'1848.-t. ' 1 1850. - -7 Mi. -tf. Mash, iui. Ah ' J:l DeBfoft Bertie . Braaaaak ' B a acorn 1 " The TtVr!4 ll R'b Kcf- Uf ef Saturday. kifortaeJ thot Mr. BojJ'i .r!m.rf to tht Trias Boundary Bill prnpoe-; - . lu u attach to it tb. Wa PU8 Tfn'c.Urrn. . I U d 1w BFUii' Wednesday $ J Ctmdl() ' aaJ the xr hA ulto a lh bill itself, it wee i Carteret rade ah, , 0 ThuraJay a moiioa to icouai- j CMWe aerWM'PVP,t!l.lfjH,linUi Chatham ' UJJ was g del 7 sajoniy SR,' j Cherokee Thi was oWunging bunipsoct, and fc ;cletw.JiBj i n CM fit'i we "Jr 'cidumbu. . the Ui really ia." danger; ;TJut ma 'cnrvea' " 8sUy Bi8hlkMi5UMm. eWioglmtlT!. !CuinhrUk(I . W wtit fared mtB twt tup irom mt IMS , s,t II.S57' SH . 381 i, 301 'J - ti ' 713' M'i 489 407 - , 935 , . 400 73 Ul3 370 194 C4t All J 1 1043 604 l 850 . . SOfi '1035' 39 41 1311 ..an, 80 365 ' ' 1.781. ' 83' 1 X93' 1 tit 713 ' ' S7S gears. Cunituck 177,, aftf tf tbe Reg irfef, InfiniiSnf ut lliat ibt Tcim jy 'jUif ubj majoritjrftoi tot; .4- rJI-U18T f5p " 828 v 1033 1098 6t 317 '253, . in. 440 730 1023' m ' 663 331 , 693. 640 497 415 563 114 713 6S7 637 431 IS! 360 ; 643 , 413 147 ;!8i ;'."38i ,1144 -.. . 698 i!(a(!r 0pm n OrJfr tf tl e P,m tf Tetnptunc. H eir rttltlca put iat ; lo.nA if t!e llev, ifimutl Fearte, D. G. AV. Pn lo i&t th at ocitijH a Tfiesdar evening t! 3rd f September,, ia the'Fem&ie Attdmj, nd proceeded to crgtnire a DifUiea of the Son cf Temperance, deaigaited ts the GraLtia Uivloa Kkh datj wai diicharged ia ta trnpresshe ami dignified manner, enchaiaing the atten tion f all present. The exerciieawill doubtle hare a place amongst the. most interestiug assuciat too of their life. Tbe auspices were quite favorable, and thcproapect art iattertnjr.- a-M -' " 1 The fallowing if a list of the Officers elected for thi 'quarter, Samnel W.McKnit, "V, P.. Wm.A,Nel- oo, W. Am Ja. S. Scott. R.B.. 2 it. M. Freeland, F. S Jthn I). Donaell, T C. W. Palmer, 0 Thoa. J. Jonea, A. C, E. Mows, I. 8. S. A. WUite O. 8. . ONE OF THE SONU. I Tl e isiVjcct cf ti diti'ltittrtn tf tt t'cion U to tl'.em a r: taetion one the? have ueitf ttnte plated, and (b? jocr leave, MMr. Diiunionut,) It it aa erent Lkk the? art dtterto ned fchali act tale plan; AUat New Me ica and CalifwLa and Text, thej koow. Itnt little, aid Ttr Tur leave piB.) the? tare less. One plain, pal dvbr ifcf fl fr! i,b a r rolrf 1 1 ow, let hJ icrcd theecrrrr, fceritdfflv trj ktrirate sutjfct ef cauie an J efrrt. HARRIED, if;. tLa IUt.A.G. Haciea, Mtj. W 1A I.7, 1 S 0. LlUlR&JALIESr - Iaporten tad WLdetal Ea!en I Gtll!WA, CLASS AU KaRTIIkJVWARI! Carner fruaura ma SiJSiglrm Strult, , rETtkfCt aa, V-, the Union, their libertiet are tafe, and bj H their ccuatrj baa been made great, prosperous and. happr. The arts and tricks of politic taus nave never made them diittatiified with it an never root aat their love for it.'. Liberty and Union wa the pafriraonj if their Jle Tolttiionarjr filliers, fur which they fought, bled, and many ofs theta died ; and which their sons, the men of the present "daVr jWUliup to pour out W.M. Mraa,. fAl jurt wie4-alir ava impeH. paule, riononstict the? know, mat in y MUsBn to lf I ' -T , . ? r Etna ! Men Wara, BrUabaia Wam,LMfc t tKe JTilt Tii, cvontmg ef t'lua. CUm, KDiciisonmuciwcL ! mg tikxaM, Lantfj. Uiixulc Waiten, a4 ry oWrtfrtkw of Ff ct Uaaa aavaily fea4 ia their Ena of htuine, erolwirva ataaT tmliru I If mtw mnd Umutifvl fytt$. ta hkh the faxiia THE rervtar auectiag ef tai norirty kabf ihaatieau.w ef tb traJaptrtirbliHT Cacarar Me4 lebcheUen MeftdtT of Avpt Court, MaataiTTa. aMoring tliea rtial the in lU a oorsni t aiteaUme, r!ied aaectwff wifl fee taoda at tow aa In any aiaiiUr e.bl'wh.Tv-nl ta arkj an n cvnrwaj ma cia iuk. m ua i, nilea ttatea set a umi, in fUUorouEh, at 1 1 o clock A. M. A a etUrea W de!iered fey Ibe Fresideiit, ' cd aa Emj ea Pceumooia wad fey Dr. J. B. Jaaea. Peptea.bet 4. 11UIR & JAMES. ! ., ' , , ' 46 4w ''581 - ,323 :. 2S7 , , 609 603 1133 ' 677 V9 want a Rail Road lo connect ; . : witi the Central Rail Road. - t t kniBVr? Jaw1 irk. AfrsA muA rrfa . 1 1 a ( c as wrxa tv uvivmm aui aya vv v iMa. . I a. from wvaSun and destruction. tbU iMrwU,a,dePel!7uy o. the U- But the people of Isorta Carolina are UrriA la it by iu atember. ,ni ihoiiod peaceful and Uw-abidmg all contra- ality ia atteBdiag iu awtiara aed pcr&natBg ita 1. t -1 J.!. nl.Jl.ll.ll.l . tl 1 I .V- B i ernes liirr acsirv w are Kiuru uy uic uum kj wua m u n. eonititutton and the law. properly ad- minisierea. iience, aiuiouga, meir ) 820 , the auKa vausirn,, u.a 7 Franklin i-aJ by of 150 W f'JV-.w' Jctef tTbEJiwethBsmf aw of ktoWed Cww);, gfrttiy to ll totrteat of hw pir by retorting to tha Mtietlc TeWsrl'h Ut intenigenea. In Ouilfoii " thi inf h mteliijjenee iwe oy ia ao aine or (lii niaiH anJ it U meJe bullj tulutbl ta at Wei of total tkitttm in H the WaJ Ingtoa pifefton Mowlay awmlng. we wivjwn fte t.kerVUrMnoiieaJ -j ' ". u ; F18ST EXTRA.!, . . . f i iWaAiagton, Sep. 7, 1850. Th" llonse'of UeprernUiive aVin rfrnnfidt-fd, veterlay, he role by whieb th" Tesas 0om Jary BiU W lot I - tl . 1 Tm L. , m Thur4jy. tuui juxuuj posse u, vj a nmjnrity f tkh. Tli vote by which HnvdV antDndinenl : had been ' ffjeried w.i altn rerontiilercrf, and ineluuru ,iu, i. HtlifaX llaywood Henderami ; ( Hrtfr4:j.r- 104 . 1408 ';i9'.,i',7t i! 371 si,890 ' t07 ' 615 1016 348 ' .1567 4li! i. 89 -- 311 897 ,317. 984 1773' We want such a RoaJ tn aer riur To. . ,baeeotn8iliern marked, and w want!n nr en great--alt!ioagh 434 ' it in get our Gr eerie fr m Wilminftontbetr right have been threatened and iftit M f'..;,.. - irii , .t.;,. outra'fil iher loot' ta constitutional . w v. ... ... a . fiv . ii. in it i ill VUIH. C ' op a home market if Wilmington tleires ; remedies for the redress of the one, and ta become a Urge Commercial Cttyfe;tne protection of the other. "Therefore the rich Valley of tha Dari a eonneeiing they gave no countenance to the Nash Road with the feniral Rail Road.' Start J Ule Convention, and were unrepre it from any point of the Pan yon !eaeJ ented therein. . The Locofoco party but. a you rejaicl ih iniereat ol the Cen-( eep the State', but couW; get tral Rail Ud at you value the prorper. Delegates, to the Nashville jL'oaren itv and n Qwib of Wilmiaf tun gire ua a ; tion,,because the people of North Caro Uranch lCoad to the Central RmrtP. and : in were.ceienninea ta preserve ine o( dol- , v n'on. rrzr ; -. : Hnkigk Time 1310 '457 699 313 1481 694 367 5431 874 528 U we'll put Illinium! and housnJ in the B.tU Pt Pased! Liftfit ,! bteak- - i ' 4 - ' ' - ,nf ...i. ' '' ' til:.r:- - ' ' ' ' ' epfnvn P.TTRA-- u ... 1M i i .:::, -::u : tono ht s.i, of .be poom,e.-, , ,.339;,,657 ... 3l3.-,t'595 . i1 vl.r "' ; -'.. burg ,, 698 1068 670 ,1153 We' ohwrve oinenmplaiai , in ihe 44li 656 ' 671 589 New York papers that the southern mer. SECO.ND EXTRA. , t n t Washington, 8ept 7. 150. . i ... : i t ecoca, r. m. 1 Th ll-'U ba jrne'lo workln earnest. The Bill for the gdmmionof California hat just pastta oy a vote vj iou i uu. TIe Fugittve Slave iiern ahwe. of the se ries embraced .'in the4 late Compromiie Hill, temains to be passed! ;; ;J . W are IndeUeJ to tlue Hon. George E. Bad ger for a bound cotj ef ibe Report ef the 8cexe- Ury ofth Treatury the Financea. :, ur t : We are also ludtUed to tte Hon. R. H. Plan tontlbr a copy of the Report or tlie Naral Com " uittra en tatablWitai a Une sf Mall Stramrtilp to the WMtern Contt, of Africa a orief. notice of which will be found in another column, copied . from the Baltimore 8ua.f -,.,... y I '. . u v Tha'-Carncroa ramllyr who Allowed the Court in thie" circuit lt year and aftoriM eo, large a fund of exeitiog amuaewcnl to Ihe j Viia, are now on Uttireecond lour. ,They ere ex-1 hiliiting here thi week, and their performance appear to hawtoat none of their attraction. , w,m PnritiTtliiT Rill The first rerlion providcii lor the creation of a commission, not r xrteilin? three in number. In u-h ' county of every slate aiid territory. 2. Uni led State mat shuls to esecute warrnnis. 3. Captured fugitives are lobe taken ba fore the alove nieittionrdfrttnmissioners. 4. Perons preveming, arrests , of .slaves, or harboring themt maybe fined 1000 , or impitroned ix monjhs.l 5.' Stipulntes the fees of utarslials., 6. Authorises ex penses of arret and removal to be paid by the United Stales treasury. - 7 Vy slave owners the value of slaves a second lime 1 rescued, out of the United States treasury, the amount to be charged to the slate where the rescue look pl i, FopuHtlon of Wilmington, The folhiwinif is the popidation of the townof IFUmlittrton arcordiitir to the recent enumeration. ' This ; may be called the resident population; durinif the business i seasons ofihe year, the floating population is considerable. Whiles " Free colored ' Slaves llyde :.. IredeU JohuMon ' Jones ,. , Lenoir Lincoln ' Macon Martin MecklenUurg Moore ; ' Montgomery Xah ' New Uanever, Northampton Onalow4"" 1 Paaquotank Perqaimon' Person PiU 11 636 -330 469 1376 '"720 313 i 196 833 1 507 " 483 . ... 430 237,. 171 i98 . 453 , 814,, .I81', 455' 508 370 423 lars in the bands ofihe Central Road thai ill not otherwise cel. and Wilmington ' 638 , hal blossom as the summer a rose. , We , 399 call tipoV Ute friend of lite 1'entnl Road , A New Cuticle. The Sciennfie A meriran says that ,M Fluster of dissolved fulta percha have been in use among the , ,i?73 o consider this matter they are lationsd eular faculty for two years, i Ulilom ; J71 'men, and wedrndn not that fifteen minutes , f" emjJoved l dissilve the giitia aia relleeiion on ihe snhlert will satisfr them perena tlie solution i first rate for cuts. w . 1010 "," 579 ' ihsl the' great iritereM of the Central R cm "''La demands a Hranch Rail Road penetral oiul " r",,tar. tti the points of his finger 638, 131 i 335 699 ik. .:,!. ... i r...,;i v.n-.. r n.. 7j They will see, too, bow Wilmington can taw -v . 7..r 60 108' 375 613 176 887 1013 . ' 600 663 1714 , , 1726 , 631 80 378 489 188 471 176 ,3ai!l 365 360 678 .689 671 penetraiing ; eul ,or cutitle' (worn, .with new lye. lfl mm in in a tirugsigi ami gti mem poinicu it his iilta percha liquid ; no sooner it is spplied to the fingers than they are coTtrcd with a thiiv'w hite, haid, yet flex ible, and ilriuly adhering akin the chlo roform evaporates 1 in an instant,", and Imvpb iIia villli nerrlfj twliiiwl l!nn enl. New Ynrk'nancra that tha enuiharn mar.! ton dissolved in chloroform mutes aomid 171 chants are not so thick as usual in that plaster, all, hut nt like g una percha for 909 "J 'hi aeason. We are very glad to ' Hie nanus ol a wotking man. 187 hear it. ' tl i about time that the South-1 n.,i.i t ; i . iuai.h-x sl( era Ptates did Uieirown importing.. Their. I 1 Wife irlllioullarriare.ln a recent bV ... productions have lo pay four-fifths of all i amy case in Brooklyn,' N."'Y1, before 1634 '' 1855 !'ie K001' nrVw?"" jnln, '' ''owntry but ( Judge Rockwell, he derided tint a man . ii is iur iionncrn mercnanis who maaa .uving wim a woman in a state ni auuiiery i mo pri'ni... pv iur aa norm varouna ia a no cauiiiir ner nis wue, is ior an legal pur Randolph! IH i94') 313 643 Richmond Robeeoa jt!f J 581.,623 Roclinirham Slo 1 963 390 . 347 -329 691 r 'l35"4 ' - 63 ' I 680'! iK.ca f W. A. NORWOOD, Sec'y. rVptcother 11. ' ' ' " 49 tw THE WONDER ' 'as Blessing of, the Age ! Ur. THE XOST tlTHlOBDlMRT 1EDIC1NB IX TUE WORLD 1! 1 f. !i : Thcmas Webb,"- ATTORNEY AT L AT7,' . HaxsBOKoi-oH, N. C. , I'lbL tilenJ Hi Court, hoik County a ad Superior, in OraagCi Alaaanre and Chaa ham. . .. - . - Prompt attentioa will be giTta ta aHrlaiaM for Petuiona. Land WaitDta,Eitra ead Back pay, &e. Ojfieti the Co I llvutt. " July 17. t , , 41 Public Sale. TUE tuUrriber will aaB on Tharaday tti tti ef Septrmber, tha preaeal t'rop of CORN, WHEAT, OATS eed Fi)DDER4Horar Catfle Ufa 6ce, Iljuae-llaU and Kitchen Faruitur, a ad awny other an k lea, too ledioo to mentiotu Term mad knowa mm Ihe day at at la. , -JOUN R. THOMPSON. BeptrmtifT t. " """"; 48 J ; Notice. ' - HAV1XO at Aogut Term of Orang Court' qualified a Eiecutor of the Will of Wil- 1 liam II. Merrit, I hereby warn all leraona lo bring TIU Extract it put up i quart hot tin, it is ' then aceonnt and demand or emy kind ami de- iimr$ thtuper, pleamnlrr, mnd Warranted .. . tuptnur to any told. ' it turn touhamt , 1 . twniting, purging, ntiemuig, r, . .V deUlilating ike patient. - t r'- I WE HAVE MANUFACTURED i-.liOCCOO Bottlrt ef thtt Rantpnrilla during Ihe pott fear, and are now putting up at Mutt (HMH BUTTLES ffcK VAX. t sixo moek or Tin sakbatarilla root IN ONE MONTH THAN ALL THS OTHER ' 4 MANlFACTt JtERS OKpfARJArARlL . LA IN ONE TEAR. . i nomioation to me wttliia tbe time precfiUrd by law. A U JtUor lo aaid eelata will plea to com forward and nuk prompt pavmrat. 1 GEORGE W. PURIFY. . ABgot28. ' i r'48 Notice. 1 1 AVING quitltW, al AuguatTerm. I8r0, of , Orange County Court, aa Eierutor of the j hutjaill and Teatament of my Father, Pa 'id Par. ker, deceased, I.hereby give notice, that on tlie 6th 337 ' '1107 Total, 3.570 ' 657 2,873 ( ' ;'-. . V i ! Rowan " Rutherford . Sampson Stanly T Surry'" TyrreH , , Wake.,, j.l Warren ' t Washington Wilke ..- Vancy . i Total ,- ,y 827 1265 630 696. 439, 693" concerned, we hope to see the da when1 pones her !insband,'een thoueh not ae 01 ' j Wilmington and our other seaport towns ttially married, and mv not only be made 583 , shall engross the North Carolina business. ' liable for her debts, but convicted, if he 354 ( We lark f hterprise and eapitid at present weds another female during the lifetime 141 but if no mi-fortune should cut short, of his paramour1.1 - We wish this decision esrnt Mate policy ol improvement . count and would sianu the test of, our higher courts- It is but-simple lustico snu ougnt 10 ne common law. 626 our present 'if the facilities of intercourse between ... K ... ' my Testator, on FUl River, in the County, of Br. S. r.Tovvnscnd's Saranparllla 04 ; , ,h;u to JathahinheMbil- '- "jiiwmi' , av , , oer, on a ereun in iweive monuta a io ine iTea, roa any LEXOTH or TUE IN ALL CLIMATES, and en a credit of one and two yeare as te the J ThU eilracthas cvaca not of the following 1'"' , ' T' ' ' . diaeaaes tbab all tmb eTaaa aavssTiasa j Liilui-LiJ UJxXltl IjICavCIa , aiciaaa voaaTasa have done. ' - coiwiating of Men, Women and Children, and of SCROFIX4,OKKlG'SETIL, I two food Tnner. of Uather ;-and a . , . OB3TIXATE CUTANEOUS ERUPTIONS, ,' . f c , Ar 1ailu , . , . hj t.. , r, oftwo hundred and nllj arrea, more or teas, with , , Ftmp't or. Futultt on f ht facet , m comf0rteU DwelUna House and convenient , BLOTCHES,1 BILES,' CHRONIC SORE EVES, 1 mit-hauaes, and a good Tsnysrd, wilhtuiUbU BIXO HORJl OH TETTEII, spruvtensnce. . ,, ...... .,. ' cniTn unin I Persons dwarous or purchsaing property of the ,U - OV.ALiU , s. I ajajve deacription. are hereby satured that this Enlargement and rain of the 13 one and Joint, sale Will be well worthy their attention. ,' 649', Wilmington and the up-couutry ever be- , 500 . L 837 ron,e wna they, ought to te,-that town 607 " 833 nu,t become onr rtiarket for grieeries, at t ,746 J n 38 r S34 i f 66 " eTrnl, And why noil W hat is lo pre--i tnoT ' it?- Vnen ' 'tis ' wnl ,he pwp'e of Wilmington from doing ine wnoie 01 me west India traue 01 the .... ...... , ( . MechanC t LtJgtr.'J 1007 t AIM I' IVVW 1223 " I0C0 "1228 1017 r 1 3MM::.J06.!oSa5a..s 1352 - 91 , 1293 '173 i 630 ,r,858 5 183' 264, 1 1097 1299 ... 309 tt 357 T 634 979 183 169 821 314 468 , have already a respectable West India The hriafXf a'shmgton, Capt. Newton, at Philadelphia,' brings" dales from par denas'to the'lSih Inst.' Capt, N. reports that Liopezi with another invading force, was expected there nightly. . 1 here was great excitement among the people, and Kll anrl iinnlvinir Iirp tvtih ormppriea r j whenourliucnf Kailrondifinithett? They 683 291 . inrmm'ma ilpniant!" oml trn Imna lha ilav I 1091 is not distant when all our supplies hnlt -1373; be received through that lown by wsy of ' 633, the North Carolina Railroad. ; t .-,! : We wish there were not so many South , 42.636 41.68342.071 44.845 em people at the Northern watering places,' 41 6831""' ' " '' 42.071 ' snrl travelling ill rough the Northern States and Ireland. ; ,' J j jj J f If ' ;' ' ' during every summer, t them stay at 854. 1 i.'t. . 3,774' home pend their money al home, i It uiem patnuiixo uuiiirrn oiiruiga, n-ui-re lliey can keep their negroes. With them, if. arrived at New York, oil they wish to.. Iiade snd pleasure the i jsi with , three dava commerce, capable of increase with the! extensive) preparations were going on to icpel ihe new expedition. i-f" ! ! There arrived al New York during the week ending on Saturday the 25th tilt, thirty-eight . emigrant ships. , bringing 0. C8S passengers, principally from England GENERAL TAYLOR'S REMAINS." .1. 1 .1 1 X l FROM EUROPE.1' 1 s ; 1 1 lie null 11.11 mail tmitiri niiuiiili: Sunday, (1st later news from ... t. .1.- e.i.: l.....'"' v" "- from .yiajorUliss. that the remains ojix No w-omjer . ipir f0n,rv .fi,u . ;.. ,. ' ! ., ... , 1 - .. President Taylor are to he removes h 10 , . M M . ... . Mnn,'liAn ' ji I increases raniuiy 111 population, anw wealth, when all the money of the country is spent among theiri, a 'constant drain at the same time going towards them' front the South, and impoverishing" us. ' ( , . , ,,R. 77m. s The 7.100, . The population in 1810 was 4,774; in crease in 10 years, 2,358. VI. v. - Calia, A ;tiew Captain General has been appointed for Cuba,' a Madrid cor respondent of the New York Sun says tits name Four new aie in he sent The increase the family cemetery, near Louisville, Ken tucky: .1 '' "; .;. ; .-, .:r.-.t Baltimore, Md., Aug. 9, 1850. J Chrutian Roteliut, Etq Aw Qrlemu, La. ',, - Sir: I am desired by Mrs. Taylor to acknowledge the letter which you ad dressed to herlrm.the 24th ult.. as chaitman of a committee appointed by the.Goyernor ton, predicts, with great confidence, that of Louisiana, and to express her iiearjlelt immediately upon tlie admission el lali thanks for dip sentiments of sympathy and fornia into the Uuion, the Governor of condolence therein manifested. , ,::s j Georgia will issue his proclamation, mat The desire which you express.'in behalf delegates will be chosen, thai her con of the citizens of Louisiana, that the rc- vention will be holden, and that the con mains of the late President should be remov- vention wHl se6 in lecetsion tlie only re ed to thai State lor final interment, exhibita medy left her, and will adopt it." -. The adegne of respect for hi memory, which j Augusta Chronicle, which may be aup i the more feelingly appreciated by Mr, posed lo be quite ss well informed can Taylor, because she has many1 valued "cerning public sentiment in Georgia, as friends in your State, and clteriahed as-the Routhern Press, assnres the writer sociations connected with her residence ).'thal if he supposes the people of Georgia a a R . ' ' . a ia ..! 1 .1 ! .I there she.' therefore, deeply regrets mat to oe "equany lanancai anu nciuueu wim The la'esi accounts from Schleswig state that both the Hnlstein and DanUh armies had suspended field operations.. On his hie visit to Lyons, Louis Na poleon announced lo the .people his deter mination to remain at the head of the tha wish of the committee cannot be com plied With. Her own feelings, and.lhose of the members of her family, now a 1 i-.M- rAM af il.a romnvul a - a BtAas mrm fliAaBf ipiii v. bib imvih a waiw taawaa " ' 1 t.a iu 1 a 1 :Aiinn4 siciva) s - is rorra. n w.. remnin, to the- fami y cemeiery, heard a good rrg.ne.iu. of 1,000 men each, ofihe remain. wm 7 ) h a - srv.ia upar iiiiinniiira wiiviv aaa . - oui immeuiaiciy to wuoe. , . . ... Ull n. 01 iriHps in ouna, in eon- ..,,,! f2nt'nimpcil nf Fr.n. if lha noniilo vrmihl im....ci , fU8UM htatt n, announcement is re ported to have created ' much sensation, thnagh it was received wjth genera! satis faction. 'V'V ';.;:; f -i- Cotioa had declined a quarter of a pen ny during three days; flour had receded sixpence per barrel; wheat one shilling per bushel; and cord was very dull. ' 1 ( Ttkgraphti for, the Rrghttr.) m ) V ,., , t,. ' i New York, 8ept6tn, 1850, ' The Steamer Hihernia has arrived. ' Cotton lias advanced j since the sailing of the Atlantic. Salea for the week 37, 000 hale. No change, in other articles. r. Prince De Jninville will bo a candidate for the Presidency ? of France.'', Louis Napoleon wss mobbed and ejected from a Ball-room, at the town of Criscony, himself," he is very much mistaken..; ! Some time aeo, a plain countryman was in Richmond, and having read and deal of the talk at Wash the dissolution of the Un- ith much simplicity, and perfect sincerity, if those gentlemen at . . . . .1 r... :il ....I.. ... ,...... .r.- xii ia ena limi ine roiuiniiivc win uim..- sequence 01 me aie laopez expeuit on, - r ,m In nr,fcr lu. r.nitai hnrlthe risht and nower to will he. when a the corps now rormm2 -- the Uuiono? whether, it was lilary force of the 40.001). . whom ihey represent, for the distinguish- decide that question. ? Being informed ed tribnte of affectionate regard to tne ; that it was a matter Deyona me province CnntttrrWl- Cold. -The Philadelphia memory, of the. oepameo. wii-ct, tneir 01 tne 'J?Vy' laedwer savs:' ' n' i application conveys, ni ior which, lioitnterfeit half eales are now, in cir- J w to lemter ner warmest .k.,w. culation.and allhougb good imitations of leugoienia. , . .. , , , . s rather liehter in Color sm.nr, wuu me nigneai ic?pecu yi ob tjserv'l. nW. W. S. UL.I33. the Pennine, are rather liehter as Well as in weight lhai ihe genuine.-, Pl.." :' " ir ' n r t..n.fl iinMi uere are aiso inciicauons ui ui iU face. The best ie, however, is the fact, W. on the eagle side of the coin on the geluines, there are three full-points nee bchr the "wonl " five" and two after it; on ilf counterfeit there is not a fulU I'oinl onyitner side. - . ; y. Graham, N.C. 8ept. 4lh, 1840. , ; Mr. Editor 1 A respectable number of the Citizens of the vicinity becoming interested in the progress of the Tem perance, movement, associated them selves and petitioned for a charter con- she i that the people might be permitted a voice on the subject of dissolving the Union, he at once dismissed his solici tude, remarking, with the air of a man very much relieved in mind, Oh, then, it won't be dissolved." . '; J ; , '.T "We take the above from the Rich mond Republican, (which, by the bye, is one of the ablest and soundest "Whig of the land. The feeling there alluded to is exactly that which prevails . , e V ...I. ..aI:. anion: STUBBERN VLCERS, ! ' ; SYPHILITIC DISORDERS, LUMBAGO, i .:i.f'8A5L.iaBaintff'i and 11 Jiaeaaot arising fiora an injudlctotiS trne , of Mercury, Ascites, or Dropsy, Eipoaure, j , or Imprudence in Life. . It invariably "" ' V" 'cure', R II EI7 91 ATIS .tl, . . , INDIGESTION OR DYSPEPSIA. Neurctgut, General and Kervw Deliltly, ' ; PALPITATION OP THE HEART, HARRISON PARKER, Ex'r. . Augoat 29. , , ., 48' i Important Bale. A T the reaidenee of the late Wm. H. Merritt, ene mile 8outh of Chapel Hill, on the 25lb day of September, I shall expoee to public tale Five Likely Negro Ken. Three Wo; mea fc Two Children i . vsriout articlea of Household Furnilure, Farming , lteniil. about ten thousand pound of the beat j Tt.Min fiflv nf fT.lllA. and m.nv AlK. aril. t. n . . . .... f le.i.- v.i ' ' V - 1 ompiaim os innammaiion ui me iviuney. fUt Wln whcn the farm wlg locked, tuck aa , Ladietef pale coinplciion and coaaumptiv Sheep, Mule. Horse, 1Ior; about three hund habita, and such a ar debilitated by Ihoas olv red bualiela of Blue Stem Wheat (a good article : atruetion which female are liable to, are rettor for eed ;) one family Carryall and Harnett ; and . ed, by (ha ue of a Lottie or two, to bloom and all the reaidue of the perbhable property that can . vigor. ,i,r. , ' , i conveniently be spared. ., .,, m i Principal Oflice, Clanp & TowDsend, 83Naa.' The !e will eoramence at 10 oVlock A. M. Ban Street, New York. r ., nl wnUnue trom day to day s long at snail be fc-TH. i?. .0!- W n Ifor f;ilBK. icrmsiacremio iwcito momnsup- BE . m aj v epaastaa J vaai mm uivv rough. John D.WUHiims,; - ''' EJtDAM Istr.rajreltetllle, July,'l91850. N. C. 43 6m on bond with annroved security. GEO. W. PURIFY, Ex'r. Augut29. , ... 48; Steam Boat Navigation, : Bctvecn FITETTETllLE A VRllNGTOl. . , ValUabIC PlailtatiOIl THE underaigned. Proprietor, of Ik Cr pnn aiTP m Frar Steam Boat Co., beg letre to tenJer . y t y M- jOAlili. . their thanks to the public for the liberal patron. THE ul)scrilcr oflcr furcate the valuable tract age received during the last season, and take this of Land on which hi now lives, containing . method ta inform their patrons and the public go- ' about 840 acre. It i the place where hit fathei,! nertlly, that they have added over fifty per cent Ezekiel Brewer, dee'd., formerly resided, near to the Capital Stork of the Company in Bout. Cane Creek Meeting House, It baton itanei-, Thedraughto''heNew8te8mBoat4,Chatbam,w eeUent Dwelling House, and convenient out hou-' it calculated to navigate the Rivei at all stsges of e; ha a good Orchard, ia well watered, baa a water, giving 8hippera by thi line a decided ad-" good proportion of excellent Wood Land, and a vantage in getting their Good op without delay, - . . . m 1 1 1 , 1. .1 ' ! . t. . u I. til - i pan 01 u ia nm rale I ouacco mini, anu aiugewcr especially in i orawn us nivrr w St ia aa desirable a plantation as any la that see-' nasally too low fos Steam Boats of ordinary lion of country. Persons desiring such a place draught to run. ; , ; i are invited to examine the premises. Terms of Sale will be liberal. SAXFIELD BREWER. ; September 1. . .'48 tw The Boate Composing this Line are, The Steamer Gov. Graham, 2- yrs. old. ". . Cnatham, new, Tow Boat Mike Brown, 2 years old. , . - Telegraph, : 2 do. ' " Cumberland, new. ? Express, f do. AU the above Boat are in the very best eondi- tionjbr the Fall Businesa. . The undersigned fi-el - the people -of Net th Carolina. 1 1 during his late tour through the provinces. Things look squally. ( , Do you think' people are troubled as much with flea-bottomry, now, doctor. as they used to be before they diskivered the anti-bus bedstead r asked Mrs. far linglon ofihe doctor of the old school who attended upon the family where she was staying. 44 Phlebotomy madam,' saw ihe doctor gravely, is a remedy, not a disease." ; Well, well," replied she, no wonder one gels'enmixed up. there is so may of 'em. , We never heerd in old' times of lonsors in the throat, or embargos in the head, or neuroWv all over as, oreonster- natioa in-the bowels, aa we do'nn w-a-days. Rut it's an ill wind that don't blow no body good, and ihe doctors 'flourish on it like a green baize ttee. Uulol course they don t have anythnii: to do with it they cau'i make 'em come or iro." . The INVALUABLE DISCOVERYTh In ten- tor of M'Lane's Vermifuge having diapoaed j of hi right to 6i great remedy, Ibe proprietors,! Messrs. Kidd & Co. beg leave to oner it to Ihe I Ameiican Duhlie as Ihe beat remedy for worms , ever ollered. It has been tied in ell paiU ofihe wtnwitoj in .ppa.iing u, (he Shipping pablic for country, and in case which had defied Uie exer- (n -ncreMe(j patronage a will remunerate lions of the beat physicians, and never without thenuto ,,. tItent at least, for the additional ih moat comDlete aucces. We caution parent i--:..i : .t .ilk ...r. -nnr.. againat delay. If yoar children eahibilthe syrap. denMt that ghipp,,, by this Une .hall be a well torn of being troubled with worm, lose not a nuinwni but at once iturchaao a bottle of M'Lane'a Vermifuge, and thus save them pam and perhaps-; their lives. ' rhR. aJ great American remedy for one of the most formidable ills that flesh is heir to, is now ac knowledged superior to any medicine of the kind ever offered to the public - The action Ueasy, certain, and attendant with' no onpleasent re sults. It ha never been tried without producing the moat salutary effect. Compounded by one af the most eminent physicians in our country, it is the medicine which science, skill and experi ence offers to human suffering. - : FOR SALE BY At Wahb. and D. Heartt, Hillsborough; Jonea Watson &.Co., Chapel Hill; A. Monng Moringsville; Hurdle & Hurdle, Walnut Urove, nnre eountv t Moore jSc Noell, ML Tiraa.Per- aOM 1 and P. S. PescuJ, Rakish. . or better served than they can be by any othei on. the River. Th arrangement by the topartnera is intended to be permanent, and should expe rience suggest the necessity of any further in-. crease of Boats, tbe Public may rely upon thair being put on tb Lin without delay. , Our rate for Fright at all times will be tha cunent rate charged by other. . , ... , Bills of Lading for good intended to come by thi Line, should be filled up to the M Care of tbe Cape Fear Steam Boat Co., Wilmington." One , Copy being sent by mail toT. C. Woith, Agnt at that place. JOHN D.AVILXIAMS, Agent, , - Capt Fear Steam Boat Co, - ; , FayetlerilU. Dibble & Brothers,! . T.C.Worth, rProprie A.P.Hust, f tors. ' 1 John D. Wilson,, J ! . ' July, 19 1850. 43 8w 1 J t . 1 t'i a a