'Notice. 4 LL iWm faOcWJ la tba etto if Saaaanah J aasle payment. a4 Uk kaawg rbuaas to prrarat tfccaa, prepcrly eai&rsUralrd, wsbaa ibe iim rrtuw4 by law, auwrwa tin notice wis ' be pSrad ia bar of their trtr. ARC 111) BORLAND, EtV. 020 Reward, TY ANAWAY fma the uWnlf on lla Sod day ef Aegttat, negro boy by tho name of DAVY. 8U 6fToiKaiy-6 jrtroll, , epare built, aiwwt five Bret eight ten fecbea , bi-h. nd baa lather dW look when spufcrsj ' to, and baa a ara oa the back of on hand catnrd ' fey hetag burned; bad on ben be k ft a staw km, aaJ a aanm suit of ba gaW elw, hi aaa- Ulaottf fiord la with parpla dyJ fining. Kt it a Black South by trade. Tha ahovo reward wifl fea- given for bit aparcUewaioo end delivery to san. tear MefWfmDa, Chatham 'county. N.C,or if goon nod ia any ad aa thai I ran get bim. ' STEPHEN P. HOLLOW AT. Angus, it. " , 47 3w ! IGT Raleigh Registry copy once a weak for 4ipe vrorka, and arte! aoroant la tbia office. , Boot and Shoe Store, 'i flUIC Sttbaeribai bariaf prorurad tba arrvlrca ef Mt. T. C. Haya, aa foramaa, and ma pioyiof tha beat warkroaa ba can abtaia, coulia. ea to manofaclura ; p- . J . . . a (ha la teat and mast approved atyle, and at tha aborUat aotira. . . .. lie baa on hand U'f assort mr at at Hoot and 6boea, ef arery dracriutioa, which will ba aold PO aocommoJ.ting tarroa. Ptraat call and nam. iaa mj Stork befcr purchaainf alarabrra. ,.Y, F. STRAY HORN. XT AU wraua iaJrbird la ma ia my Shaa Bkop op to the let of June, are leqoeeted ta rail and eeiue lanr account, ai a rbanre in the ba- ainree ranilara it naceaaary U)t all aernunia be arttled ap to tbat time. w.F.a July S3. -tf Everybody Run Here!!' npilE aubwiibcr ba. juot taorired a new and aplendidaaaortniaotafall kinds of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, SLIP. FRS, LADIES' SHOES, hit will Ctnaally whboot hurling the foot, if orery daacnptKm. He begs tha rubric generally to gia bim a call, and ha will pot charge any thing to abow his goods. Tolrsa he gives satia (action ha mikes no charge j and he hereby war. raute his work to last. He ba. also on hand a large quantity of his own manntacture, wnx-R he v. ill aril low. , And beaidc. a quantity of leather belonging to Mr. fcirklaml, which he will attend to the selling. Hi. shop ia on the corner formerly Kirfclan4 J itharafura. - . I tamfftar alura. Mr, JAMES PARKS. JlilUborough, July 10. . . , 4 f. Iloot-y and Beauty, . . Two geatlrmao a rnersatin bad, J h ; Twaa soineliines good anon 'twas bad Tha neighbore the wrstber, and Uie crnps. The beam the belles, the beauliea and the fops, Ijook here," say. Jake, " did'ye hear the news, That we are almut Mies Jane to loarl" - f No," aaya Bill, "and may I ak, . Who will undertake the taskl" There yon have me, but 1 hear " What!" asya Bill, "I am dying near, Make baate and tell me, here comes Parka." ' t u Well, be is the very man, that made , . The rery pair of BooU, 'tis said, That tha favored one bad on ' , When Mia. Jane's heart was word aod wen. Paid ahe to him. ' I love yow as a friend. No other answer lean ernd. Regard me thua, Sir, if yon please ; v I muat say No! if you do freeze ! ! When her aoft eyes did gently fall ' -I'pon hia feet ao neat and small. The Upper polished aa a glass, " . The aliapa did abow a model Isitl. ' The Sole was neither wide nor ong " .- , The Leg, of calf so go.xl and strung. ' . Twas like a rummer's cloud ao bright, - , . . Bo heavenly ao brilliant and ao light. Site gated upon the boot and felt Her heart give way-r her feeling melt: -No more abe frowned npon the youth. But ap art I told him all tha truth. Wilh right good will ah. gave her band, Her heart, her niggera and bar land ; Sir, from this day forth let all mankind Take witness of my constant mind. That if tba boy. the girl, would suit, Go get Jut Paaa. to make their E'DOTSl" jrctc and Attractive Rail-Road Steam Boat line to Baltimore end tht North ern CUien, via Piney Point and the . Mouth fPofomne." "'' " - 1 Fare' between Fetersburg and Balti more Six Dollars, THE public are hereby advised that the swift t anJ ntlemlid Steamer Baltimore. Captain t Alexander McCausIand, fitted op with St ite j Ro-ims ami one hundred and fifty births, ia now : runmn? semi-weekly in connexion with the Ki h- mond and Petersburg and Richmond and Fietler-1 icksburs Railroads, between the landing at Ac-, auia Creek an J Baltimore. Passengers learing Petersburg in the Northern , Mail Train at S, A. M., oa Mondays and Thurs- days, will anive at Arquit Creek about 13 M. j where they take the UiHiin re, Descending the Potom is they have a view of its fine scenery hy ' daylight, and arrive at Piney. Point about 5, P. 1 Mm and at Baltimore in the courae of the night, i Thi tine, it will ba seen, avoid, entirely, the tvija portion of the Buy, and of course, in a great ? degree, any danger of rou;h weather and aea eiek- j ness, and pasnsiigers by it going farther North, have the advantage, on their arrival at Baltimore, of remaining, for the night, free of charge, on biwrd a boat having superior accommodations, an I avtM.ling atpenae at Hotela.' -. Returning, psasengera" fcava ' Balti nore on TussJav and Fridays at 4, P. M., and arrive a RicU n"i:l th-.? next dny at 13 and at Peters bnr between 3 and 8 p.m. For f irt'ier particulars, or through tickets, ap ply at the Richmond and Petersburg Rail road Pep, to tlio Ticket AaV (;' i 1 1- v I Eferees &c. for Ed6. 1 IJ1LL ba sc4J U (U hi heat lwir, va tbe lt:k 4v af rVlMyA uil .1 TW.L tag Honss af tle Subscriber, the UjViif prop- ty I I Taare Uiey PCrgroaa, Stork af Sborp and Catue, tiouarbold and KiltWn rtnutv aa credit af mm monti. The above waa (le property of tho lata gasanah RrW. , ARC I I'D. BGRLAND, Exr. Aegast IS, 1650. 47-ids Fall Supply f Ilootx, gbx, leather, JiC DCUUMOND &. WTCHEafaaaaraprabg LaaAcr, Kbaa Mikm' FindiKga, l'pr, Tafaa, i fus, warpet Baja, OadJiefy, e, EMBBAC17CO CPWAEDS OF , OXE TIIOrSAXD PACKAGES . fFmkm48emhk Cmdt, atulaUk la tha FH aaJ Winter TraJa. Par- Cbaaaal vary aarlv ia Ilia aeaaoa, at law prirra, I ara avabird la affrr to Iba Traik a itark af Caada a hicfa. for aarirty af aty la and nrnlify, ctaool ba arpaiwed by bay bona. Wa tafpactfutty aolkat eaaotry BcrthaoU to raq and eiaauna aor atock before parcbaataf eiamnrra, , ; dri;mmond & WYCIIE. 8ycaaMraaUart.Feiarabarf.Ta. AagQalSI. , - , . , ; 46 doctor,; ' -J fTAVrNQ removed to HitUhoroag b.ew kW ! aarvkaa in all the Braorhee el bia Prafra. oa- llaui bad an eiperiesre af mora than six years eitcnaW. Practica ia GuHfurJ County, be bopea to merit a portion of polite patronage. tite cbatrts win ba tery moderate, and aaitad to tba rifcQmnUoce of the eommiuiily. - - tin UUica is tba ooa brmerlr ercapied by Dr. 8mitb, oppoeita N'icboTa HotcL ' ' Aeguato. . . ' LAW school; At Hillsborough, Xorlb Carolina. THE andcrsignrd bare formed aa aaaoriation wilb tba view f ojetiiig a 1w School ia tbetowB of UilbiberoDrb. -? Young ganttemen will be iiisti octrd in tbr a riooa departsteau af the I-aw, and rare will la taken to prepare thrai for the practice in the teral Court, in this Stale. 1 -! " i ; : UV Tha 8cbool will ba opened for the aJniMMonof StudenU oa Monday, the ztlh inetaat. tt ;n v-u'tJ. I BAILEY. .r., F.NASII. ? Ilalaborough, Jane 19, 1650. . . , 33 Lock here! nnilE rahacrihera would Inform tha pubtic.that tney aiiil couiruoe to da buaioeaa at the old stand, (Walnut Grove,) eight miles North of Hilieborough, where thry keep on hand a good aaaonmeni oi ' : aud mo me llryCioods T ' . ,. ALSO,. , : ' ... Some Baronchrs. Bcfrin, rarryalls, md Wi gem; thi Sadillu, and llirnrsi of. ' different kinds, PINE LUMBER, AND SHINGLES. Tha nndemigned will attend to repair, of all aorta in tbeu line with neatoese and dispetob. In exchange for the above mentioned si tides will bo taken Corp, Wheat, Flaiaeed, Feathers, or good Hones, at market prices. mtnni tS t. it IIUR0LE& HURDLE. October 16. 03 IMUHIZ III! Mtrre tee come ( rjHTl subscribers are now receiving tlieir stock r.ILL ami HV.ITR GOODS, constating of every article usually brought to this market, which thry will sell on aa good terms aa can bo had in the Slate. Purrhaaera would do welt to call and examine for themselves before purchasing flueshere, aa they are determined not to be undersold by any one in the place. Wo will aay to you once more. If you want cheap goods call at our store. ' i ; , : LAWS & PALMER. October S3. 04 Death and I) est ruction to RatH, aTfrc, Jfe, ' I ONO & WEBB have for aale, a preparation for the destruction, of . ' , RATS, IUCE, BUGS and ROACHES warranted poisonoua only to the above named de structive vermin. 1 " Price 60 cents a box, with directions Tot use. . July 80. i " - 43 tf Townsend's Sarsaparilla. 1UST received and for sale at tbia Office, a fresh supply of Townseud'a Sarsaparilla, in quart bottles. s Also a quantity of Townaend'a Alm.naea, which will be distributed gratuitously to all ap plicants. , . April 3. , . ," " ; ' , ., . 55 Notice This! fMTG will take in exchangefor Cool, Dry Hides, Flour in barrels, Corn, Wheat, Thrashed Oats, Flax Seed, Domestic Cloth of all kinds, dec. &c " : . .LONG & Webb.:: , October 16. . , . , , ; ' : 03 BRANDKBTIPS PILLS. rpiIE BRANDRETH PILLS, as n general -- fanuly medicine, especiaMy in a country so subject to sudden chnngea of temperature as this. their value ia incalculable, ay baring the uran- I" IIIVOtVUIMUivs ay T iiaiviNiL ir arivif- . m . , k-n,l. .honhl a .mblaulden,ofMV,n8nylife. I dreth Pills tack of sickness ness take place, they can be given at j bt"J 9ouSh- lt m r" wore .;n a k... -n-i-.i - i-r,.. At hst I raised large quantities of blood, had nuht once, and will often have effected a cure before tho phyaician could have arrived. t In cholicand in(!vnmation of the bowels, those Pills will at once frlieve, and pereeverance in their use, according to the direction, wilt surely do all that medicine can do, to restore the health of Ihe pitient ' ' I ' ' ' r t' In all cases of Indigestion, Worms, Asthma, Be3e of tbe Heart, and all affections of tha stomach and bowols, tha Bramlreth Pilla will bo found a never-fUiling remedy. .': t To luaore tha full benefit of these celebrated Pills, they should be kept in the house, so (hat, ! upon tbe first commencement of akknesa, they may be at once re sotted to. One doaa then ia better than a dozes after disease has become es tablished in the system. . - .; .'.. Dr. nrandretb'e Frincipal Uliice,S4l Uroad way New York.' u "- -t.- k .! 1 ' fCt Agents for tha sale of Braudret U'sPills: , D. Heartt,HilIiborough. j ' - J. B. M'Dade, Chapel HilL ;' . , , G. A. Mebane, Mason Hall. - j . t . A. Mickla &. Co., Bingham's School. 1 riET7iro22AP GOOD r nvn a, u,ra - j . . I "a-"- - a - a - and caaspfaaa Asaartmralaf Tnll mud Winter Gdt, kirk tkry are aWtaraaiard ta stS law. : Tbey mrfca tbeir frirada aad tba jMk graa rally toeaH and eismiaa far tbrvarivre, liiUboraask,Ort.Sad,S4t. . Fo Sale or Rent,. 'IUE Heoee and Lata aaw eeriird by i aa Qaaea Street. Frtaaaa deaktoaa afkrrp. tag a rmtur Eaardiag Haear for boy a via da well to look at tba Preauara, sj tbry are well a. raaeed lot tbat perpeaa. , Far particalara ieauirr af tba eabaeriWr. O.F.LONO. , XWeabrr IS. 12 Land for Sale. I OFFER for lair a brae Trarl I-tnd la Prraa raaaty,jaat atrr tbc northern t)raitg line. Aa body af ep-Uod, it la infirrior to naae ia tba middl part af tbia atata. Tba open lands are well nwloard. and ia rood berrt tbc forrat lands aia baarily timbered, and all well wsteiaU Oa tba laada are aariefy a aabstantSal im- pratfuxnta Dwetliaa Hcere. Wheal and Ta- barra Baroa, Saw aa-1 btiat Milla in perfect re pair. - , ; ;7. ... f It wU b. acU ia parrels to suit any pnirhaaer. PAUL C, CAMIvRON. NapBle P.O., Orange, Kar.S?, , , 07tf i ' dr. kuhl's ; ; Abyssinian Hixture. For Colds, Inflnenia, CoiUTeners, Piles, ATecuon or tuo Kldaey s Bladder, GraTeL fcc. Floor Alios, Weakness, ana ouier Female Complaint. 'l COMMDNICATIONS. ""." ' Chapel Hill. Nor. 9, 1849. ' V. J. Kni, Dear .Nr. l oo left with us Borne time back a lot of your Abyssinia Mixture, auotabHii webaveaoU. Since our people have tried, they find it ta ba just the article they want Wa have frequent ralU t it, and have Bona to aapply tba demand. WUI yon please ernd us anotner mt as aomi aa you eou'enwutly caul 1 ;:! Reajiectfunv. vmira. &e. , ' , , . : JON ES WATSON & Co. Caaton, N.C.Nov. I , 1849. Dew DoeJurr I hsve sold out all the Abvaai- nia Mixture, and tt baa given entire aatiafactaon to all that bare uaed it. and made rurea in ever instance. As I have eeveral raara under treat ment, and want moio immediately, I wih yon would try and ernd ana eotue doxen by the mail train, it will rome eatr. ' ' With erntimente of high rrgatd.I remain, very rrspectrullr, ... C. C. PITCH. Dr. J. Kiai, Rtrhmond, Vs. , ... . Agkkti. "... Denni. Hrartt. P. M., Hillsboronjh. VlnjorTlio.. Uowrrlon. do, , 1 Col. Wm. T.8hieI(l,Orangr. , ; Jwme. T. Pratt. Prattalmrg, do. . J.mcs S. Lritlirt. & Co. West Point, do. David Um.iril, nriiljft-W.y, dn. R. J. MitrlielJ, Druggist, Oiford. , Rer. R. C. Maynanl, Ftanklinton. J. R. & J. Sloan, Greenabnrongh. . . nr. wear, do, ' ; ; . . Feb. 13.. . . 19 Cm DR. TOTTNgEJVD'S caxrot'sn xxtbxct or ,..,s. SARSAPARILLA. Wonder end BIeint tf tht AgtTht mott Ex traordinary Mediant in Iht World. WIlIS Extract ia put lip in Quart Bottles: il A a gjj time, cheaper, plcasanter, and war ranted auper.or to any sold. It (urea without vomiting, purging, sickening, or debilitating the Patient. ; ,,'f , t ... ... u i The great beauty and superiority of this 8ar aaparilla over all other medu ifios is, that while it eradicates the disease, it invigorates the body. ' It ia one of tho verv best SPRING AND SUM MER MEDICINES ever known; it not only puiifiea Ihe whole system, and strengthens the person, but Hcrraltt tier, purt an if rick blood ; a power possessed by no other medicine. And in this lies the grand secret of Its wonderful suc cess. It has performed within the last live years, mora than 100,000 cures of severe raara of dis ease; atleaxt 19.000 were considered incurable. It has saved Ihe uvea of more than 5,000 children during Ihe two past seasons. 10,000 rows of General Dtbilitu and want of t . Dr. Townsend's Sarsnparilla invigorate, tha whole system permanently. To those who bare lost their muscular energy by the effect of medi cine or indiscretion commuted in youth, or the excessive indulgence of tbe passions, and brouirht on a general physical prostration of the nervous ay stem, lassitude, want of ambition, tainting aations, premature decay and decline, hastening towards that fatal disease. Consumption, can lie entirely restored by this pleasant remedy. This Sarsapanlla ia far -superior to ant INVIUORA TING CORDIAL, aa it renews and invigorates the system, gives activity to tha limbs and strength to the muscular system, in a most extraordinary aegree. CONSUMPTION CURED. Cleanse and. strengthen. Consumption can he cured. uroncbitis,t,onsumption.liver Com plaint, Colds, Catarrh, Coughs, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Soieness in the (Jheat, Hectic Flush, l ignt sweats, Uimrult or Piofiise Expectoration, ram in me Bute, Ac., bare been and can be cured. . ' - SPITTING BLOOD. : I Aer lor, April ti, 1847. Dr. Towssrsb I verily believe that roar Sarsnparilla has been the means through Provi- hava for several years Sweats, and was greatly debilitated and reduced, and did not expect to live. I have only used your Sarsaparilla a short time, and there baa a won derful change been wrought in me. I am now able to walk all over the cily. I raise no blood, and my cough has left me. Von can well Imag ine that I am thankful for these results. , ' 1 ' WM RUSSELL, 65 Catherine-st. ; ri (,:.fT .RHEUMATISM. -, -Thi. i. only one of more than four thousand cases of Rheumatism that Dr.Townsend'aSarsa- parilla has cured. The most severe and chronic eases are weekly eradicated by its extraordinary virtveav -:'.' - - . James Camming., Esq., one of the asaistantain tho Lunatic Asylum, Blackwcll's Island, ia tha gentleman spoken of in the following letter s '. . Biaclcweirt Itland, Sept 14, 1847. Dr. TownsendVenT Sir: I have suffered ter. ribly for nine yesrs with the Rheumatism ; con. si Jerabl. of the time I could not eat, sleep or walk. I had tha utmost distressing pains, and my limbs were terribly swollen. I hv. used foot bottle. jatit fcmfiit, i&4 lVj ka it-t M ear tL& iUshi ari af fwJ. MtJ- w i aj . - ii - rfiiaflbaaEjrtrd. Taara,rrpetfty, JAKES CCilXINGS. FTT8I FITS! riT8! Dr. Tearaarad. not baiiag tested bis Karaapa- rilia ta raara a Tm, m cowaa nave raroaaaieao rd it, and wa arpWd to loeetvo tba lUSao bom an iaWUljent and reapeculia Fanoei in WaaUbestof Coaaty i Mlm, Jarwaf 13, 1147. Dr.Tewamd Dm SW i I baa n little girl arvea yeara af aga, aba baa bera for arvrral yrara added wak fiM; wa tned almost ewj Using for bar. bat wUbent aooeeaat at toat, altboegk we ' 1 CmJI mm MttKHJiha im aaf rimi!ir . , . .. . . i I ot raara me stria, wa i&oagai, aa aaa was ia very aVIirata brabk, wa waald gt Ui ' . " .... year araapanSa. and are very M wa a0, tor net aary reaierea ner atrragia, wot a&a aas aaa no mam Of r to oar greai pieaaitra aaa f ba k fast beeoniog ragged and hearty, for wbirk we frcl grateful. I Years, respectfully, JOHN BLTLEt.Jr, FEMALE MEDICINE. Dl.Tawnsrnd'a SaraaparUla ia a aovereiga and speedy cure for lacipieat CortsumpUoa, Bsrrrn neaa, Prolspaas I'tcH, or Falling of I be Wank, Costivaajraa, rilea, Laocorrbora, or whites, ab stracted or diftVv.lt Menstruation, locotttioeoca af Urine, or iavoloaUry discbarge Ibercof, and for tbe general prostration of tba system na mat. ter whether tba resokaf inherent caaaearraosea, produced by irregularity, lOneae or acrideoL Nothing ran ba mora aurnriairig than ita invipo rating eftccta oa tba human frame. Persons sQ weakneaa and laaahuda, from taking at, at one. become robust end full of energy wndrt its in fluence. It ioimrdistrly coonterarta tba nerve- trsKBesa of tba fcmilc frame, which is tba great cease of Barmtness. It will not ba expected of aa, in caste ef so delicste a natare, to exbiltl rertificatea of re res performed, but wa can assure tha afflicted, thai bans' reds of case bsva been reported to na. TboeNads of cacrs where fami lies have been without children, after naing a trw bottle, of tbia invaluable medicine, have been blessed with fine, healthy offspring. ' TO MOTHERS AND MARRIED LADIES. Tbia Extract of Sarsaparilla has been txprrse preparrd in refrrence to Irmalo complaints. No female who has reason to aoppoao she is an. prjackmg 1 6 at critical prriod. "Ike turn tfhle: should Bcglcct to take K, at it is a certain pre ventive rur any of tbe numerous and bonoMr die raara to which femaka are aubject at tbia lime af life. Tbia period may lt delayed for ttrentl years ay ummg Ikt medtnne. IN or ta It less valuabU for those who are approaching woman hood, aa it is calculated to aasiat as tare, by auirk ening Ihe blood and iimearatini tba avetem. In deed, tbia medicine ia invaluable for all tha deli cate diarasee to wlich women are subject. It braces the whole srstrm, renews permanemV ly ua natural energies, by removine- tba impuri ties of Ihe body, not so far primula tinr as to pro duce aubsrqaeot rrlaxatioa. wbich ia tbe rase of moat medicine taken for female weakneaa and disrate. By using a lew bottles of this medk-ioe. msny severe and painful surgical operations may oe prevented. ' SCROFULA CURED. Tbia certificate ronclusively proves that this Sarsaparilla baa perfect eontrol over the moat ob etinate disease, of the Blood. Three persons a m . curea in one noose is eaprecedrnted. Dr. Towasxsa Dear Sir t I have the pleas ure to inform yon that three of my children have been cored of tbe Scrofula by tbe use of your tt rcllent medicine. Tbey were afflicted very se verely witn Dau cores; bare taken onlv four bot tles; it took them away, for which I feel myself unoer great obligation., .-.;..,. - Yours, respectfully, ISAAC W, CRAIN, 106 Wooster-at. OPINIONS OF PHYSICIANS. - Dr. Townsend is almost dailr receivine order. tiom I'bysicisns in dinerent porta or the Union. Tbia is to certify that we, the undesigned Phy sicians of the Cily of AlUny, have in numerous eases prescribed Dr. Townsend's Ssraeparilta, and believe it to be one or tbe moat valuable pteparatione in the market. ' . , H. P. PULING, M.D. J. WIlON, M. D. R.B.BRIG08, M.D. !! P.E.ELMENDORF, M.D Albany, April 1, 1847. t Principal Office, Clapp it Tow nren J, 62 Na. saa Street, New York. IT7 For tale by D. Hfarll, HilULo rongh. - - " July 18, 1847. 9I-ly Notice. A S I am obliged to raise money to carry on my business snd psy my debts, those who are indebted to me, by note or account, are eatn eslly requested to call and make Immediate pay. mcnt, ,. , . HENRY EVANS. N. B. I have on hand a large assortment of well made t urniture, which I will sell low lor cash. I am also prepared lo furnish Coffins at three houra notice, of the plainest or IS list style, of walnut or Mahogany. Persons at a distance may rely on being served here sooner than they cairbe at home. , . H.EVANS. Cabinet Muier and General Undertaker. Nov. 13. ,...,;;,, . , 07 Lochicl for Siile. nptHE subiicriber offers for sale his place tying one mile north West of Hillsboroueh. There are eleven rooms in the dwelling, with a good Barn, Ice House, and Kitchen, and two hundred and five acres of Land, one hundred and fifty of which ore enclosed. The work on the House is executed in the best manner ; the situa tion is pleasant, and commands a fine view of the aurrounding country. ' I here are also one hundred and forty acrea in n north-easterly direction, which will bo sold eith er with or without the first mentioned tract. A long credit will be given, if desired : note and good security required. WM. N. wiIi rTED. October 30. s 05 HILINERY AND 4 ; rJANTTJA-lMAKING. JVIRS. J.WADDILL & DAUGHTER, most respectfully tender their thanka lo tha La. dies of Hillsborough and ita vicinity, for the very liberal patronage they have received at their bands; and hope, by tbeii prompt attention to bu siness, and the neatnessand style with which they execute their work .still to merit and receive a li beral share of patronage. -r They have just received their patterns for the Sratxa and Sowvxa, and invite the ladiea to call and aee them, or which may bo most satis factory to both parties .tobringin theirdressesand have them made inhe latest and moat fashion able atyb). May 1. 60 Job Printing, EXEQUTED AT THIS OFFICE. Copper, Tin, & SM Iron 23STAULisnriEXjrf, IN HILL8B0R01CH. TC2Wrw.Ure,pertr(1!lT ret a. a i ja. tbaaka to tba puU fc IW parrooat"'! yjtewdedtotbairaaafHs.thaoontdt Eniattaad I wwoaa to tba in M lk lMmmilU tuat4 by luainallha i ruiom brsnrbea. Lh,n, MtroMre STILLS, and TIN WAIE. fevery aarfrry of boaarbold nae, maau&atared i a tba moat neat and d arable etyte'by xprrkoerd warkaarn, kept rowatoBtly aa band, or made toordrr.on tbr moat reaaonsbfrterma. Repairiag of Stills and Tin War done ea the abortrat notice. ' ' He ia also prepared to attend to all orders far COVERING HOIbES WITH TIN. and CLTTERINO, which be ea gages to do in a style equal for exrrnenee and neatness wilb that af any other w or kais a ia the State. Tin Ware, assarted, fa mUhed WWeaata to Herrbanta and others, and delivered at tneu doors at Petersburg prices. ' JACOB HAUCHAWOUT. , Sept. 58. ! Cabinet Ware-House; THE subacri!rrespectfully informs hi, friends and tbe public generally, that be bason band, and will endeavor constantly to keep, a variety of well-made Furniture, embracing all tbe leading articles, aarb aa. , ., ,'",. Sola. Sideboards, niirraui, llrdslentlx, Tnblrts , i made of Mahogany, MarMe, Cherry V.'alnnt, ; Birch, and Ms pie. , ' Ha would invite attention to bis male of Port. able WARDROBES and BEDSTEADS, which cannot be surpassed for durability , neatnrsand convenience . .". ' -1 ; He weald also invite the attention of all pea. eona wUhing to buy furniture of any description, to rive bim a call before purchasing elsew here, aa be intends to sell aa low as be can possibly afford, aadhta workmen are all expriienced binds. He baa now oa hand eight fine Dressing Be rries, with Look ing-Glaies, two China Fresace, two Sideboards, six plain Bureaus, right Candle, stands, one Sofa, and one Secretary and Book. case, and Bedsteads, which be will sell law. Timber taken ia exchange lor Furniture, snch na Walnat, Poplar, Cherry, Birch, Maple, ate. . ' Persona nt distsnce, buying Furniture. ran bave it delivered at their doors, ensured safe. for less thsn they csn do it themaelvrs. He returns bis thanks for psst fsvora, and will bethankfslfor a continuance of public patron, age, HENRY EVANS. ,..15 .February 1. New Medicines, R. F. HIBBARD St CO.X CELEBRATED Wild Cherry Bitters, : Recommeded as highly servjeral lrln all cases ef Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation. Jaundice, and all imparities ef the Blood. Price 75 cents per bottle, - i ' Circassion Balm, an unrivalled Medical compound, a never-failing remedy for Burns and Scalds. Cuts, Contusions, Bruises, 8 prams, Salt-Rheam,C!iilh!aina,Trlter Scrofula Ulcers. Ringworm, 8rald Head. Fiezrn Feel and Limbs, Pimples on Ihe Fsce, and all eruj tiom of tne ekin. And forall purposes ef ibe Toilet. Ac. Shu inc. Cleaning tbe Teeth, Canker of tbe Month. Ke- moral of Sunburn or Tan. Grease. Paint. Ac. fiora Silk, Satin, Linin, Cotton and WooIIi n fa briea. Price 25 cents, ...... ! R. F. HltBABD & CO.'S Carminative Salve, For the cure of Felons, Piles, Ulcers.Carboncles, Ague in the Bressl or Fare. Ear-ache. Burns, Scalds, Rheumatic Tains, dec. Ac. Trice 25 cent.. , R. F.HIBBARD'S V FGETFAE 1 Anti-Bilious Family Pills, The peculiar efficacy of these Tills in Chronic Diseases, and all other diseases of the Liver, Sto-, mach, and other digestive organs, together 'with their propliylsctic powers rFair.st infection, i - commend them to suffering humnnily at large, and their curative virtues and mild operation a d.ipt them to all climate, compilation and disea ses. Price SO, 25, and 1SJ crnta...' , . ; , R. F. HIBBALD S, ,, Pilc Remedy, one of the most extraordinary ointments of the age affords relief in all cases, wilh a certainty snd rapidity wholly unprecedented.' Price 50 centa. !.,;!.; . ....... !:; .-r .; t 03 The above medicines are for aale at Ibis of fice, by j n tipivj.r'r si September 19. The Oriental or Sovereign Ealm , ' rPHIS invaluable family medicine, combines A- more cleansing, besting, and purifying pro perties, than any other pills now in use. After nearly eight yeara experience ofthcirastonishine success, we have no hesitation in claiming for them a popularity and reputation, unrivalled by ny other medicine.' 11 ' -.They are an effectual cure for Jaundire, Dm- pepsia. Liver Compluintt. rieurhy, Biliudit eue. Fever and A sue, and all other Fevert. Cought, Colda, Injtummnlivn of tfre Lungt, Rktumatum, Htttd-atht, I out vj Ajj rfit.r. ? OCT P. CH1LD8 & Co. Clav. Onondaea County, N. Y. are the original and ony manu facturers of the genuine Sovereign Balm Pills. PRICE 85 Centa per box, of 31 Pills, with full direcUonsaccompanyingrarbbox. y :. Brown Town. N. C, Jan. 4ib, 1849. Messrs. P. Childs dt Co. Havine witnessed the good effects of your Sovereign Balm Pilla in some two cases of Fever and Ague, by the use of a single box they were both jred ; also tbe headache, aeveral cases ; and there being none kept nearer than 10 miles of thi. place, (that I know of,) k I am thereby induced to write you for an agency. 1st, because I believe them the best pill that I know of, snd wish to have them for family use, and eecohdlv. because I am of tbe opinion that they would save much suffcringfrom ague and fever, and also much expense with em ploying Physician.. Your., Ac. n , , . E. E. PITTS, For sale in Hillsborough by D.HEARTTi aim. by numerous Druggist, and agents thiough out tbe L'n,ion. To rrZ awfjaad UkeaiU t; Iumj tt m' "" Waig k f. -tZ M.d .va:ra tli ; mill at lu t.J 'ud, a ad 4s paefand ta ru aJi male cci.es, 7iiizst ins Yitrf, Is tit xusl f uiktiUt "tog?. ..i r t : t. .. . 1 exanuaad by tba Sat aik,t4 . 5 thbUa brat Nortbarn or SoMUm ak. i cm arm ai a in mia ptare a Wag H. ,1 bis aliS in bia profiraaion ia ndoat4rJ.aii i. etoad tba trot af ttme. - Tba mercbaata ara now rerrivicg tUi, m diirrt fiom New Vok,kk tby aitlHL j wm'ea apon nr, I wiU arkfo, .J to ,Bka-n Lball aaa .b'mj ' " n.exeraratBJ-... My Inmaaie reasonable, and tbe wat 4 at my bbop I prwaai la be well nttuu i. a - ..'I -,;r . mtrm m m uwi, phi h mvj mir st-poarS to na it to ear, aQ tbey have to delete rail a! v ba f .r f . f 1 1 . -ii Tt . vwt B&m m ,ui sMar situ endeater to b LEVIN CAKMIC1UFL April 15. 8-4i , Consumption Cored, - DaJIj, lj It. EAiUtitVCcKiccid - SYRUP CF 1TAIETFJL - 1'HE Medical reralty.aa v.eO aa He tur. A are struck w ith wonder at tbencmrsrra rnres made daily by tbia extraordinary n4ai,a and it ia now acknowledged by many aita, eminent physicians to be a certain ard stffdv IV nn ivrrnvwr vnf v. jiip,, m f , w, augra. It baa been recca anrndrd by tkit ,B. aral physician. Dr. Melt, ad isconalantlj 4 in the Marine Hospital at Savsanab, Cal v tt. Arnold, the senior pbysicisn of itr LorpitaL Tbe I -cod on Lancet, Iodon Medical JociaaL Praithwsite'a Retrorprct, aral all otber of lie London Medical Jouraals, bave rpfkm in prske many times af tbc surpming rffirtt of LR. HASTINGS' rUEPARATICN. " It bss brrn tborotghly tried, rot only a ,, Horpiisl under tbe charge of Dr. Htstirgs, ia London, but also by all tbe first ikytirtsns ef England, and all bave fully endorsed il as .a ta. rivalled remedy in Const mpiicn, rd all etlrr diseases af Ibe langa. Tbe follow it g are . few af the opinions expressed by the Mr dies! Faculty of England. Williamson, of M.Bctrstrr, llu writes 1 -UNDER ITS INFLUENCE s I bave seen the emaciated hirg, rn wboie brow death bsd sermed to bave ret Li real, ar quire invigoraiion and alrrngtb ard exit arcs bia early morairgs of ialrnre vfeiirg aid dir. trersii g rotigb for tbr soer.d irjcrr v-liik .1 accompanire sound br.lib.' LR. WARE. OF UVCBrrCL,' Says i -1 rrgard Uaslii eV fynpor Nsptl is one of ibe first mediral discoveries of any gr and consider ila agent y in rnrirg ci mi n j lb 1 as establb-hrd Ny md all deul I or qtrsiit n. I A sirgle lottle will prove iisiff rsry. All t it prei rielor al istbeliial of oneI elltr.il e srl of which will prove le tie patient tie virtu cf Ibis medicine. i Coogha, colda, bronchitis, dcrlir.f. aril a nigbl sweats, and spilling of Hoed, are rurrd in a snpriringly short srsre of line; ibe ervrrot colds having ;ieldedtetbelrcatnirnloftbrNsh Iba Syrup in tbe sboit spare of forty-cigbt hours To enumeiste all tie rurea prrfoired ly ill medicine would occupy a volrre. tbe arr.n nying having been selected by Ibe Ar.erksa agent from a m.sa ef certificates w bub bave Win received by him. , . .... , Carsaparla and Wild Cteny ; " ' PILLS. ' - IN every instance where rfsir trial bar Iria made, Dr. Le Key's Tills bave ii.vstii gi. vra sstwfsction. sffording peiintrrni reliet iV all esses ef Indig stion. and a speedy cure fotT..d ache. Bilious and Liver CemplsiMs. Trsitl i is, Acidity of the Stomach, Deprrsrrd Spirits,! is. luibcd Sleep. Frequent Palpitations, Sfiins, General Drbilily, Crniiiess, Ac. ' Thry are mild in tbeir opcralien, safe ui 'rr any cirrumslsncca.and tricvssrdr of prrrrtis ra now bear testimony to Ibe benefit to 1 e dcritid frem their use. , .,. ' These pills arc suprrirr to stiy ever re (ere Tis- eovered. In all bilious r mplairlr in ft r.rral rr rangrmrnl of lie system; in all dbeii'rrr wlitb result frem a tad stale of tie l-lrrd. Here i!ls are a aovrrrigtnfdy. Price SS rts. jrr If. -, IBirCKTAJVT IlCIIItllY. Dr. Mitchell's Eye Salve. 1 BE great advantages fcsMsttd 1 j tt io siti -A , clcovcr every oiler, are its ritTAiyii. aAriTT.ioaTKBiaar ard rtrxtav. All j dmil ,.h' 'cx ionBf ' ' lo 1 f HI n jfJ?Tjn,w7' tlerjewbrninsniifiimcdrH WHIICMMil B" SV it. In the use of iliissshctl ircb jection is entirely rrmovrd, ss no Isim rsn cr- sihly result from its use; il leu g in .11 titti rj plird to the Kx-rra!. perlioi. ofilciye, line by avoiding all tba inronvrtiienrc. sin tic li n ger, which necessarily atterd ibe imiri'wliin o( any pungent article ibto tie rye. Ita activity in subduing inflommsticn is ru grist ll stlulftw esses rrquire Ibe ure of more then ors lollle lo effect a perfect core. One pbyrician n maikrd lo ns, after having w ilnrsrrd ita iffrrts in rrvrnl instanrcs,lbslil wss a "rrarrry tisx ainra.' All we ask ia that ita virtues re tborrrghly test ed, and that the directions be strictly folic aid Price 60 cents per Box. . All the above named medicines for falc in Hillsborough ly Long & Wclb. January 83. ' If lj THE HIILSB3BCUCH riCCFIiB. ia rt-Btiaacn WKxaxv ' BY DENNIS HEARTT. , TCI ins. Two Dollars a year, if aid in rJ vsnce: Two Dollars and Fiftv Crnts. if rot isid within three months; or 1 hrrr Lo liars, if delated uniil alter Ihe expiration of the year. No psrerwillbe disccntir.urdui:liIsUarrrsn ges are paid, unless at the option of tbe r ''' ff" Hereafter no rapei will be sr nt to a m rul acriberout of tbiratate unless psj mentis msec in advance, or some person in tbe state will brer n responsible to the editor; and in noessc will" paper be sent to a subscril er out of the atate ta more thsn two yeara without a pay mwit. 1 AnrCBTisCMKSTs not exrredinir sixtrrn lines one dollar for tbe first, and twer.tv-f. cL e.ch subsequent insertion ; longer ores in prr portion, t'ourt advertisements twenty-" p cent, higher. A deduction of one-third will msdetoadvertierrr by tbe year. ( IdTfrtixliif Hatri for lit Billi reTcrrr lnai One dollar per square (16 lircsj Icr t. f t insertion, and 85 cents for er cb cr ritji crrr I ductions made ia favor of stsndingsthertii'" " aa folio ws t. . ...... "; "m ' ,' ' ; . T hree Mo.. Eix ita.:. C JcT. Onesquare, f 3 CO JS 10 CO , Tw o square, ' 1 6 f 0 9 75 13 CO Tbrae sq. (J col.) 8 60 14 TO ' 18 CO . Half column. 16 00 22 CO t9 One column 30 00 SS Cfl 60 (0 a o a a a a a a a