p a v. at " fstS bet - l'ei fe'HiJjg s "ff i'y ims.5 more stringent an J oppv-ive, ts hen it i ea that, iji ifc vr4 of ll.eir eape. there is na hope of recover j, AnJ iIipb, - in ib ff rieved party, there U Irfi rank ling rMN f wruitfS mttjffHl. ff is o!erl!e isu.;.i.f a broken e-t all tending t rxr'nt sad ft!er a ih perm forever fiorB.a)d ceasa from mil in let course with, people who cannot er will Rtt fee tiIJ 19 any rortpirt, however e acred. And ia ibat rata we eWiJ no! . libtoe them, Ii would be the aemiinent of rrerjr hoflorabl sal generous b art, iu teaJeiing l tbem the right bal of friend. ' abip aoJ fellowship, when parting words (rare a aid. WovU l God we night still id r til together in unity, as we osre did. But it esnoot be; uadnes. and ftrtioM are in the ascendant, and rule the hour; we Its e n-t!in 10 accuse jou of; tiod'shw ' aa I man lav are will) you; but separate we ntosL ' We uceiu.b to the naler epirili aiongt u. who have had revela lions of a higher law, (lo, and the bles sings of Heaven go wilt yon, And then what then! America, lately the admiration, the pride, the hope of the great an J good in every clime. become the m .a . . t a. ta ? .1 !i;'nr, f die fcorpTf r f f 1e t- IOC ... .a . leett itin i tvi, fteter tnii n.ay t-e, tier griev arse is thi arii-;Jii ta tLe (real repaUiraa rU tad tn&sioi, without which iliere ran be no rrpull.raa vrrnmenU she if Hoand to suborn to the will of the majority, constitutionally and lawfully expressed. If ahe repodtstea that nmiin, aa in practice ahe proposes to da. what aort of Ooieiomettt mill h be ! It meat be a aniswity Govefnetem j acid what it stooarrbr or aa aristocracy bm a totrremcnt b i KtiGoinv I There ta no pmrkioo in the Conatiio. linn' bv South Larvliua ran repa lia'a or aUao.'.ofl t'-e Union. The doeti ine of Repi4Urati.in is, thai the majority ran ! no wrong, in the aame aa in which it ia f aid in EngLnd ihi the Kflf rn do no rnf. and ff U-e aanie reaa. on t brratia thrie ran be po lga! remedy. The tdiiuiii'e n-rrifnsy require in ti e majoriiy. 'fpu!i!k'arutn Sh aupppr that the iujuiiv tiil exrrrie its- power diarrertlv. and for ihe public food; nl, if the minority ahovld be cf opinion that it u not e. etefrinrd, thrir rrmrtly on. ly pt the haUt-los or by reohn . Hut rerolutinn ran wdy be juufinl by iumf- fcraMe ! j . urh injurice hae not MoSTanJ teer of the world; ail faith in the ret been infizird : nor. br the Conaiitu ability of rcpubliea to fulfil the rrtda of. tioo and J.w il the Ut-iud Ftater, ea Coernm-ot cttinjiiislii'd forereri or U , e',nod br tle Judiriatf, ran they be in gone; out eirengih, or peace, onr, inflicted by the United Siatee. T.hewim glory, departed like a rgeua but tran-1 plaint i what the Uwyera rll euia limtl. itnl vioinn: and hencerorward our UJeihouth Carolina pretemla that ahe fcart will be ldd in the ware and fihtints . that Cor.e will do h-4t it ha mt the which make up the burthen of vul tr hi power to do, and he rjaiine to hae ae ory. jrurity for the fgtnre. Mt i mt riuiirnt In none of the political aiutiona ; t wait until Congrr ht!l threaicn to through which our country lias hitheiio In do her eonse real end inMiflV rfchle in paineJ, h.t'e 1 ever feared for the atability jury, hnt upon a wiirpeation only that as of the Union; for nne of them aprung the baliinca of political p-i er in the Ui ftorn interesia or paaaiona purely $eclion- j ted Statea i r hanged, or i aluxil to be pt tike that by which we ure now eon- changed, the new rnij ri;y miy oWr-gard vuUcj. IJat ai If njih the -ery crisis which fie ('(nmtinnion and Iiwa, and trmmple the aniioiif mind of Washington foresaw upon tlie rihle of the minority. Alarmed -which he dreaded more than any other, at the pojaibijiiy f iu-h a rourss of pro. and hicb he atrore to arcrt by aotemo ceeding, ahe no roshea madly from the and repeated warnings it in imminent Uni -n. and plunges inlo the ebys of tlanger of being brought upon as by a few , political MnnrHiy, without a reasonable factt nit, aspi.tn; m"n. who avail thesn- hope of thereby obtaining relief from the eelret of the honest blunders of weak and evils which she anth-ipaiVf. In a pi ill directed consciences to compass their inxysmnffe.it she throws away hrr only own selSih euJ-i. Yet this diingerous shield against the fanairism of the North, point ill be safely turned, tf we will but which ia the mit pou erAd foe with ilo our duty with faithful and resolute whom she is roiitciidiiijf. Iiearls., The batile fr the Union nU"l For ihU she haa no eolor of right tin ier be fonht, not on the cotton fluids of the the Coustiiuimn. nor tinder the Virginia poudi, bat here on the and of New Eng. resolutions of IT98, drawu up by Mr. land Tne enemy in thi case ia a band 8 Madison, the fihcr and adrocate of the rd disunionuus at home. Let law triumph Constitution. The question which drew here, and the immediaie danger will have 1 orih those resolutions ws. wheihera pot- p3s.ed. Let lhoe wh love the C'onstt. i iion 0f the people of the United 8ines less Vr.sli isn reston lo $rXi t? t a'l ! l.:rh a.iV I e rir'.i'.-i'-si!r rtiM-d f-i iLe ?coa?!i-hia't-t of that v'-rzi mi.l br eteeuicd te good faith, eves tf it almv!d be neeetrary i e:J out tl enure anbu ry force of the Usited Sutes far that pot pose. Nothing that South Carolina can do will dissolve she Union. Ifsle houlJ rtfu to perioral the duties reqetred of her by the toosututtoB. portion 1 the L aited States, and ter beaawit and Keprv-seaiativee should khdraw thrm srlvee from their respective chambert, end the State th !J refute to appoint the linte, plae. nd maner ofclvooeing fSen. lore or Representative, or hoU fad to snetnl tW scrtiMi .f Congress, so that HO qoMfum should he farmed, and should re fuse to appropriate money for th sop port of the Government, ao thai - tt.f wheels of Gorernotent sjmuld be eUp ped, yet the Untn weuld not thereby le dissolved. The Consiitntion and b would remain, and lite President must take rare Uat the laar be fiiil.f.lly j executed and for thi porjiose. aiwl-io; enable the marhal to diwharge this duty. the Juuicurr also mtil remain in Ihe full exercise of all its pot er ; and, aHhotigii Congress uir not be atle, bt want of a quorum, to make new laws, the old ones obid not thereby be abrogated or reteal- ed. I eonrliide. therefre, that it Is not in the power of S.iuh larlin to dissolve the Union ; and if she rniild, it would he unjust to do so, after hiving enjoyed the full benefit of il far m.re than u df a cen tury. ..'... Wnbiojtan, June 0, 1S51. led, U each cctsRlr, will U -i'l!eJ wlih t'';era, f;-cni:sh ctr.fr c,,;crs can oft.a tlem, fcv fre f r tie ft- tassets rqtred. A pot'.rsatter eatj not ntut ta tsxil and forward a letter prepaid becaase the atatapapoii it was not purthsaed at his office'- If the starap be geaaioe, and Its sot been sd before ta pay ment, it mist be respected. , . ri.'' i i it.- 1 Oiiage sunsps rosy b iku m u:at W it iU nA at the fwM rate, , , 1 Lr.'.yrj r.tV.ti t-cf;re the Crst isr , cf Jalt; ttiocjS delimed aftf r, i!l, ia sJtcxKS, be ci.srged with potti? at the rates ia frce at the time of the cuuliflp. thereof. N. K. Uujl, Posinsaster General. P. Oica Dfpartt, iuos II, ISil. ... 1 1 - Fretldeiit FiUmore ari Ecctiry '1 PAS FBANCISCO IX EtlXs- We aw informed. Lt a Ti ..i ertpaytnent ol postage en letters I Gra&im. I irgn aegttter, wan- deipatca from ,Ncw Orlcsna, (tiv. tvl t0retga .Ctmntriet, ia all cases here natea Mr. Fdlmore f r"ihe Preiidrwy, y4tjonal fotellijencer,) tht the ,,f! isclt prtrajmrnti cxa be ir.xie ia tco-iand iLe Seieiaiy of the Navy ."the lion. er Alabama, arrived at that pht m ner. ' " ' ' . " W. A. Graham, for t!.t VUe I're.iJm. Friday last, (the 13th inst.) cffiiu2JJ There are Tartans other iostractMna cy. 't -"" - the ay of Acatsulco, with tve ttl' rirra ia rclxtioa ta the daties cd post-1 In oor opini e. a better ticket rmdd not Uter accolnts from California. rwwir, - uoo at i;an r lanciico. Men is reuort. cxecattee iiuiryi cd to bare laid in ahes prcpertr to tl " ronntry of amoaBt of y7ri millhnt e? dclkrt tuiion and laws of our country, stand hy them, and plead for them, and art far them, than a majority could decide and declare for lUeil an art of t ongres to be iiin-onsiiiu Bph dd them; and il may yet be well with . tionsl, and therefore refuse tn obey it ; us for many years to come, anJ to tlut exienl the resolutions go, and That our eoufedcraoy cin long, very m further. Thev do not sy tint by long, stand the lug and strain to which it 'such refusal the Union is dissolved, or is likely to be subjected in the growing f Uiut the recusant portion of the United impttienceofUw.it wotrld, perhaps be Simee mav therefore withdraw from the o sanguine to expect. It may be want J Union, and ah.indon tit Constitution in in some or Ihe essential elements of fiuie, the great calamity. Whenever it eonies, it will cone too soon. Let ti not hasten it by any want offaiihfulness on out part to the conditions of the rout pact, nor. by weakly yielding iq U,e clam ors ol a few men of Dervrc min.l -t tfsutute of thj iriiih,'' allow this fair Jiaritage to be given op as a prey to the nnimtginable miseries of disunion, nnr. ehy.antl civil war. ihe end of which no human mind can foresee. which its friends, and Mr. -ror Ma)ion at AN0T1IEU PLANK DP THE PLAT- 1. Itttohed, That we still a-lhere to the prinripie of the Democratic faith as iilusiraied by the adntinististions of ,afk son and Polk. &e, & . So resoired the Iat Democratic eon vemion at Newhrrii. One of the princi- pies iUus'rstfd hv Jarks-n walht Nul- lilicalinn is IreaMin." and in his proclama tion agnnsl ISuKifi'-ntiiHi Gen. Jjckson said : ; ,- ' H The Conoii'iiiinn of the United S(at forma a Govrrnmtnt, nt a league, amli whether it he formed by compact between ihe Ssaies or in any other manner, it character is the same. Each Slate hat ing exprely parted with so many powers as to constitute jointly w ith the oilier Stales a single nation, cannot from that period po3te$$ ant right to stccJe, because snch secesin ue not break a leagne but de stroys the unity of a n iiion, and any in jmy to that tinny is not only.H breach which would result from thecontiavcntion of a compact, but is an offence against the whole Union. To say that any Stale may at pleasure sscede from the Union, is is s.iy that Hie Untied Nition. Secession, like any o'.her revo matters, hot as these eCicera will be , be nominated. !- " m The leadinr tteto of news i k-. .. r,.;. mrht rr-.T-'m nt tk Airrl'mtit I It fruitt.L hto liar Word -f rORIldililll -Hrrnp, r,C innltii, l...:il w. vw.- m , .vr. s -.g muvm'.c ,riituir Cunnv-r . ,1 -'a J. ? I. :- . E.?f.jiM." ,Uu :U . .... ""n'- we omix mem ana proceru to give e- a mrr ijiuh . mr. tire the Pecttiona under thenew l'ot- i has been m im iMei age Act, wade by the Post master Geo-1 kTh leading n era!, after consulting wila the Attor- both panics Have ppiuru ui ronrse ne fire commenced in Clay street ner General. Thev are as follows t Jduiing the late fearful exigencies through qUicllr tonsliming a doxea blocks tnd 'Hit postage on ail bound books and , which we bate passed. He lias firmly spreading to other parts of the eitr .L oa all other printed matter, except1 stool by the constitution. O.d Jarksoa greater part of whir h was redacrd tea newspapers and periodicals published ' himaclf could not hate brhated rMre man- bean of rains. Hunter. Gearr if.:. at interrals not exceeding three months fylly. Centre, and W Dorado streets J snu aeni iioia me wuitc w pumni s .i n nn. . - . enrol obi. . portion W the shirii v . , i to kCtaal and bona, fide subscribers, the same type. -Always eooi, cairn, con- lying at the wharres wts tlso tonigia' most be pre-paid. j siderate, he weighs well btfiwe fee speaks ej. lTje Coitoat-IIoase is amunnt lis It the amount paid and marked on 'or acts; and then like the rock in ihe landings destroyed, as were bott of sach printed matter is not sufficient to ocean, he defies the slunn, Out such is the principal Hotels, viz: the Exchange pay the ho!e postage due, the excess his remarkable good sense, that he is al- ne Union, the National, the CitV the of weight beyond that paid for. is to be , ways right ; and enlightened public phi JfgW World, Parker's, Delmoiiico's chaired with double the rate which , ion sustains him. Some of the best whig m m tf.S ark. . would nave Deen cnarreu it prepaid, blood ot tne itevoiuuoa bows tn bis lite utmost consternation nrv.;t.j and the postage on such excess collect-1 veins and North t'aroliaa may ellBr;Bg tne Drf( tBj thousands rrt ed at the office of deliterj. If, by the b ast of him. a one of the purest and j turned vat of hone aad omr, havin" nrgicci a rusinuiairr, sucn matter is auirst uicn uc w-r yruurrM. j 0Sj their all. It was feared that sent wiinoai any payment, we tiouDie j B i"') -tw. j jrr vrre prrpaiu raie must ue courciru onueii-i very. Postage roust be charged on all 1 Sian Bmlflftt JrBflioi. Frmak teiny letters, newspapers, and other natter lopeA few caye since, a lly, liavirg according to me distance on toe route evrry appearance oi respectai.ie genitiny by which they are forwarded ; and thisJabont Iter, stepped into Stewart Lishinn-' (unlfM otherwise directed br the send-! able dry good store in broad ws v. New er) roust be the route by which they York, and purchased a shawl, pnxed at will soonest reach their destination, al- four hundred dollar", sad presented a though that may. not be the shortest tl. POO bill on the Bank of America to route. I pay for it. The clerk being SHspiriout On all letters to and from Great Bri-' ol the bill, stepped over to the Bank and tain (and the Continent of Eurooe. when . inauired of the Cashier, who nrououneed sent through England) the ratea of post- f it genuine. The change was according age and modes of rating will be the. Ir given her and she io k the purchased same as heretofore, except as to letters ( shawl, and had procmled ai far as the to and front California and Oregon, in : door, when she stepped bark and remark respect to which special instructions ed that she had better pot take it until will be hereafter given. (she had consulted her husband. , The I Un all letters to or from the Coni-.t 1.000 bill was then handed her. and the nent of Europe, not sent through Eng returned the shawl and the change she land, the United States inland and sea had received, and Mi the s ore. Pre postage will in all cases be combined J sently she rsme back and said she had and willjbVtwenty cents the single rate, jeoncluded intake it, and hying tloan a without regard to the distance the same , $1,000 note, received again her rhange, are carried within the United States. 'took the X'ashme.e ondfr .her arm and The mode of rating will be the same as, disappeared. After the lady had gone, ii heretofore. Full tabular statements was discovered she had changed the bill, in regard to the rates of postage, both and in pi h c of the genuine note had put foreign and inland, will soon be nob-. oflf upon ihe clerk a counterfeit upon the I I 1 . I I - 1 rs jiisutru.j irame oaiiK, leaving nir. oiewari minus a In view of this drcadfal ralaattv. basinets as almost entirely suspended at San Francisco, and measures were about to be adopted for the relief of the sufferers. , The news from the mines continues to be of a favorable character. New discoveries were daily made, and the prospects of the miners are represent ed as highly flattering. The qaartt. crushing machines were reaping a rich reward, and in some instances the ave rage per man was from f 30 to 150 per day. Lynch law, we are sorry tossy, is still in the ascendant in some localities, and several new examples had been made. Jndse Cramb on the Rljht of eeccsslon."., A correspondent of the New York fexprms has communicated to thai print Ihe f.lloinff pa. .. UJI vureuuHii branch, of the Disoict of ColumM,- It U a brief argument op. on an-important public question which is now csusinj much aniiety both at the North and in Us Sooth. It ia written wiih great ability, and though not intended for publication, we are sore W:JJ me with pubiie acceptance. The Alleged Grlevaacw of S. Carolfna. ar caiEr jcsticb cr&ncii. Since ihe elaborate discussions which have been haJ, both in and out of Con- E v Uott N wmplainia of isienee S'-uth Caro i.ia. it h K 1 ' ,), ., -t. 1 5 "lailliesil io sue nniy one pretended grievance mrnnem fiiit'r nmi t;ia thought that every Slate, as smm as she found herself in a minority at the ballot box. had a right 10 wiihdnw froin ihe Union. The remedy, for' ihe passing f an linconsiittilional nM ol Coneiesa U U Ihose resolutions, snpnoed to he the rirl.i to refuse to exeeute it : t!ie right if mil location only, not the ilissolution lit the Union; and even this nght of nullim-a-lion does not nrw aeeording lo leim .f .... .,,..,,,, vu, ,,, , ,,IT t-Hsl. 0 ., a o-OC- ' rate, pal pi!h, and dangerous ' hrearli ol ihe Constitution, hy i!,e excicise of powers not granted to it. U niiot h a 1... .... - . - . . . .. ... - o.Hre wimng 10 assert a risfu.r 1 VT V De ae'-vercd dur ho- the hill um,ll ,.. l...r... .t . '!oiiai-f. If k . - O ?- Ifcl ! 'i t r .n ot n-T -ncrease in the size ol the per odical. or wise, it shall appear that the whole fttlftrrtivi'd a. . ... hnl oUd pause befo.e tl.ev made . tutton or incur ihe penalties consequent n .failure.'w Again, ppnsiiKin could aws. nitAcitiON .a he repelled n,e object i, i,,8tJSInK, out he uni iloo!....! 1... ... . ' r ,Hivff; disunion ihcr tmmn'mit iliAn..t1.... k. uiiiMi'rr 1 DOW llinl 1. i.-.l.l. .' . " """"n "'posill ft alone prevent the execution of tl.e , 'id they know that such opposition 11 Few Havtn Journal, June 10. anama c..w.. :i 4 r. i -i a ... t. a . t ... t 1 1 1 1 1 1 i- 1 ii . 7.r;,.A... . ti : .-c il ouuki iuci 10 uvnuuicais. iq ooiatn viiiiaoieanav! miu tit iiuuureii onian" in cm a if ilia 1 ti in f - asii v lias iiiiimiiY iimiiiirn 1 .a m. 1 J.Y Hi, ,xir-m IT ..f til 1, trill "M ".' Pro''' pri to monev. a . .1. f al me lulioa-intrtase Idelnnp, ment; . " . . A lady h San Francisco, on ihe morii ing of Ihe sailing of the Tennessee, was OIIIAllv I n.l ... I: . and the subscriber will be credited only the-amount paid in advance. Four Dap Later From Europe. " Advices from England, by the steam ship Humboldt, are lo ihe ith ol June, and from I'atis to the 3d. The Exhibition was visited on the 3d inst. by nearly 50,000 persons. The Q-ieen was present. The U. S. frigate St. l.i rente sailed from Southampton, on the 3d inl for New York. She wis to touch at Lis bon, to land the lion. Mr. Hud Jock, the American Charge d'Affaircs lo Portugal, who was also the beater of a treaty be- 'tween the two countries. " . I. ....mii.ii- OTwr-waiciTi or the St. l-awrenee gave a grand eniertainment on board, on the day previous lo her de parture, to the Mayor and' ,M,npin, aa return Tor the hospi talmes extended to them. France.-The Ibidem, uu ,. poleon, made a speech nt Djon, to w,ic point 11 importance is ailnrh.il. , IICUI much by armed fo.ee is Treason." Ag'ii : In his message i Congress on the me sul.j.ri tten. Jackson mhI'w I lie butrof So,, , CaruliKa has f. lIMf Rnl n I . . .' . I mA lt.. At ..... iiviii Hiiii ir:iiisioiii ninin ! " viiit ,riier.ii iii.irn....ni ... .1 ... ; 1 e . . . - . . "wnoo tne "ui 111 a iiiiuini oangeroii? to tint great ' " purposes for which iheCoiinitmion was ! ,in estatttisiied. I must he a casc. niori.. i nhi-t 11, or seei I. , . . .. ii, , ... ...w ,101 . Tim me uouoie unpaid rat 'evesF ShLnii.it..,ii...i t .in. . -""'". :t. . . v M"F'l, rate, resj ne anew that her husband a inmt. IliS nonuariir : ... credited with -were packed and ihat he had inforJ, il wa". i,id , weH "YE? T. I,.. , , ... ."iiiiiicu . -- --- iii wru llliori line 1. a .m... .1.1.' ..1 . . . ... Under th e .t . U k "tT-u to go 10 Daeraniento "'iio; me election lake place now h vnocr me Provision f k 0,1 nn hiiinii 1 1 .1 . . .. . .1""" now, 110 .t - ore-, . - - n wuuiii lu'iaiii mm a low wouio oe piiiispii irs;,ui . :.. I .1 - - - ,, tt . . - - " , ' " 111 miw .I . j - "-. u oct-. . "rj" r ' f,vP,stagect. no news-, J 8 Sianled ,nl convinced hv ,h.' From Snain. i. . '1 "V., W Published weck--W'-aoifesied to he.' c: vernmen, 4,,, i .siX -'" -de, s' aN.oeiooh.tniciiI.eexeciitioiMiUed. The office 0 fee,if it nttempt loexe-'hce where the newDaner i nrTnVl.1 I " linn's eliire " 5 7 ' 10 ., "u"4A-'i w. m the ohjeel . U'itkdratvingfrcm the In dntl:!! " Ln Emperor, of L -.. ' I . wiiiii iicwninpp nnstii. ' iri iinri. .T" . . . lineal i f and than,. ,ha, ,he balance ol poluica sh.Xver oh , , 1 poer ha, e hanged. a,I South Carolina trres,. , ! VM ' 5- over, not ohsriire or d-uhtful it, l onxtnic. rm " t al 1. ' a I WT . at - iiiMi, mil iLJMH x.nii rtninnfifa i ..! :. i union, in -mtf i.ytw . m "'"""K iicwssDaDer nofnfrp n WUt in ij.ia tim th ant Aintru m tt - i rnuM bVrease no, 1' to nglrZSCVXl offiT S l-r good hyf , military. , Wte "' ' ' ' " consideration or h ,s,y d.,eni,5r; J their character and tendm.Vi ?! e clntrlLl "m' . da h ,h"e l"1 lH China.-Bomhey ,Me, are but a ea,e eiaiopcd a fial ensid m,ve ofthe s,.pre,ary f ,V, UuVad!the .roj. Jvi fmMl ,n Which wi , x .MPrr,"'? in "' f Mar.-and Calcutta and MaJ era.,oandrfei6crCea,ll,errnce ' the dis-' ''-Jv cog,2anif hi, ,i,nr. b, ,89 to ,,e 25.1, of Apiil. are stated in the rcsoln,ins l,e,hes. or each ts thk sahe. " ' "E WWlJ I !. computed, over the ,rV"f f" X', ',e P"' bi some li.ht aliW ( 1 70S.) nM hria .lbIf tmmU Agai, : The r,gl of ,he people of a m " '3 Carried- ' ' ' I T' tU ,ef,- " H''" " Deahwar fron.ie t T e solution of the Union, but as gnmnd. of 6 State to absolve ihrmeliei m will Neir8PP published weekly only. SI eTWe' ra,ne ln '' el.y. '''landed iroop, were overrunning ll.e restslnnr. of some anmnati ,.ioa ar,.!nd i, the -eoment of ,ho o.tl ' "ntt adjoinW the Canaa line' ! i. V?W U. New ,y0rk NI,,mV-terriloiies. and rSL a resifiiji.rn uni -.i, .. .Si9n.r. i..:.. . - "'"rair hp t,n r. . ?i j oi 111.1 ueseripii u,r . ,..:...! . a .""'trHiiwi wiiu me ex- -""rinnsiaoi,.,!,,, 0u,,a:0 1 . v --v.., l(l ,anaaa, provided iliib ,1. 1 1 ,rJ "",nS lo j "rr 01 nrr.r. and integrity f the ConsiiioW I V m " '"''j' U M of , The rebel, are nnk.og headway against 11 ease, however. h. t.i .1 tne mil ions romn...,.. i.: vt ' canon until ther rrn t . i: ' " " i""iemptit;ie wretch aa rnmli ni I the linnpti il . .. I l . j .- 1 . ........... mis u in. m . . "i line nirn i w.,..iu . n .mb. aim unii utrn nuae. rtiew NOT BK ACKXOWtEDOKD.'.' i-spaper publishers may aend and : gresa, and should f I " " l-vil III" in me uiTiicii Mates, there ran he OH OOIIDI lat .Vllu!(J hf Ve(oed , . ...-mi-ill, n HO IS O! iin (Art. 2. See 10 c , . - - - "-.ii x.aiuiiurt ....us nerfeii in a -minority, so that she ....... longer w.elJihe power of ihe Uni- ,tu ? ae.'ompli,hinent of her rarticiilar vnnva. vt. ...i .1. . part of the United State., she I,., duliea -- i;-"' unur me Uonstitution and wn c 8,,e "?y be compelled to .... H.1111V uuraiena in umiI..i. ...j .. ..uuiaw, mill 1 lie United State. South Carolina, iliere- stitutioiiofihe United States. .J lJ Z 1 """7.r'f7V,?,,,n,,PPrrn,''- ieiore Ihe old Articles of Ci,f,t....L.. . , u ,nJ,,r,e" M ",r" n thai i-. u be a., idepend,n, " " f TJLTT M ' makr Kr M a ?r0'' Mite wiihoui control. This she claim. '.w,,,l,,4,ni "c United States; he. ,d auch to be capable of U 2 5 fTV' Cons,i,",it" ' f 'he - " t,S.ociH.ions.domes&lre I ,t h f'Tr" 'h? fr the nini,,n,. r ,Jl 7 'T' lhe nori, f fnaiics uho are Prkin . ""T?n(ience. ovmnn ihe eoonirr men arise., Can she do Whai m.i . I . a a anu 11 is by nn means certain ihat it -ir . 1 t.... .1. . malic o 1 he NnrH ",,, were the riea nf fJ-.! t-..t.. - ----- - - ) it 111, -Jfll'aVifin ... - . " - r WIIU UIIU . llflM mnjori.y-i,i ' ,f,n-1 n "ecesnion. Ue s.id it was il,e . ,me as i."r!e thir hange newspapers to'.v ,,.ira.,.;n.and ihaj wa, treason. Iip A'r nada tree orcharge . . 9 j. iii iiiirw f n (.'ill Jait.nf . - -r-r-' "m pciiunicai With. . 1 , t!ie Aevvi.prn -.,.-...: , . . 1 n tne tneanino- .,? r.i. , "r pta iorin . . "-...ii, ciiijirsr i. ".' ",v limine ann intent of th 1 is bmmd br ihe t'lmsiim. P"n inle ihat strrstinn t vision which r'enuiro ih ..J ! . S a.! hu n .. .. vei t!, v ,,,.,,,,..,.;, : :. nn. periodical.: tn . : 2., ' nion at n'eaH,e. care that ,he law's bo .t as tne,r eJ.wli.l,.:;;:';M'rTw "n: declares that Zul n" i -The nece-Mte 1 . 1 . - - mm vuio;ress Ami , . ""wsc mereon sua 11 . , v ifu, ana mere is no nroKas;ii.r .j,.. Iie rrveident ffil.- : . " . oe one-half of th.V.' -1 or later, . . " l-'l t 1 11 II N I V C f A - 1 ctned m thp 8-n,i a,j moi 01 the pro mce of Kimnsai Money was veiy sraire al Bombay. ney call themselves, in Alahama. btd efle-i. eema. adopied ll.e folio wine as Commercial IntfilH?PnrA -.Tl,-' f.i. Til. . ' uis'jmm ri.a c 1 r 1 . . . , ,lv, uiiiiuifrn rtlnia n-ir. MiOll HIP nilflunli.m. i.. 1. .i 1. .1 - 1 1 .."iiff 111 cjiiriiuiiifT-i iiai: 11-111 . 1 . - i.n a ngM to reas-ume the posi.icn sue nconmcd ht-fom wl.. ...1 .1 .1 .. . . me non such an onennaliliitional law can be son- l!,k'2 ' m"ket andgoioir to he?Smid,! ported by two-,hir,U of boil, Houses if Camlin. roa.ui. heP secemn W i t'ongress. or br'ihe S.mr,,,, r.;...., r mem 5 . n,0Ve 1 he riffll!" to dis.nlrp it. IT . f .. . I . 1 Dissolving 11 Tim so? Verily, verilv. D, ; in tins t;m grersional j-.iua.u roucern. 4 ( fied in the secon.l .,-Ln r .1. P. i 3 'The duty to dissolr. ii bscnberstohouen .' t" ' ' obligaiion ioasii ..-. 1. the thirtieth sect on of thp L rr "Jc''!,ed "P''"- - i rpofii cot ion market, mi ih 0.1 r,,n. tinued firm, with a good demand.'' . I he Havre canon market. 011 the 3d, was bet er. Flour was more saleable nt ihe rates of tne previous week. ness, therefore, is it lo snr- a series The grievance i lhal she can no lonser liZTr in ",8 '' of eld lt.en,,Prr ,k it-:.- ?.'Tr " G"rnment etron., eno, , The ETew Fostage Law. IXSTStCTIOXS OF THE POSTMASTER OEX ' ERAt. Pavments in advan 31 tl Hill I a,m.r-.. ... ... ce on newsoanera l n:..,.:' " :""u. oy Ihe Rev. t r . ' " ""in. iveie-irn from 1 it.. .1. .. . "".- -i, mat me ascertained nn,.,K-. 1 .. . " The postal ?;:::" T'" u,e r,.,-r ,f New York o- '- ni'iic 111,111 sir iiintiai-aiki and periodicals can onj ZTil ? "1( the subscribers at the post office wher i ?n they are to be deliverer! The noI! wiei-J tue powe, of the United S,a,,. ha. I .f, .il.. .L 5 ,rn"g 'nongl, to cause she is i ,,e minority. She deinaml. .!. !. 'tic. - control the presempnitection from .e2 oTh. 1 .TtK 'hi G-' jnniy.andaeenii.T for the fumr-. Tl.. .1.1 ir-iT"; ,ne rnme.nt of never waaatune wheM she " -5'aies, and mmma in its own ludili.l..,ri,,friI..a . ,. , ..... '"'""M n 1 i.tsniniinn ai f T-: . .. j ... ,nc uiiiiui can gIV form-f masters uclttl (ias S8U(?d 0 newsnaDers npplml.t- r--c is more iliin s in relation to the new fofiti- ' - .i" J?!?"? " ."tter post- thai -;.r v., ar.,ean,av,Vg. She .South h,.i;n. ' 1 t-Jl" r, 7. v.r K"e iii 1 ur t-t-i'iirii W inr ltlaft a . f 11 .. ary ... t a imi no tlover such power under the liorerBugeni t ' and if ah l. l 1 ''.'"''niy mr ine t nlfm f?a .f II masters in relation to th 6 '"""rV '"""geaoie with letter nost. .1' . s. " . V "-"-. thai Law. which Eoes into rtr: ' hoSe rha qnk : . r n.ci . uiusi oe Dre-nain ih r.,11 . , icd"."icri irom ai oimn... lie eorge the u.c instant, i he present five and liAar. ! I"! u ' rate stant,but iersons mLT 22. ac"t of sucrt'nre-5S of.Ha"'- On. ,he 5.1, bare them redeemed br thfpZ.:;"TU- "M a Per'dical is published 7i . " ' nw .l, yea,. from whom thee .T' U,.T quarierir, the actual and bnn, . -p.. v ., '" u""n ,on f Ge, the nearest Postma.r C .r fle "briber for such a nerioSic : " sell them, at an t: L::ru.l?.P.a '? ance nd have the. twfiT ;. A - c ,,ue u"ce wnere he ts to receive the MriodiVai kc,.-. .-i: cn constitutionally do 1 tne peculiar tnstitu-1 bos been done, and) and one or more of the !lsJiTr. .P' fa5 elve and three 1 VKVuvaa mi 1 iiriaa. raitt ak u m. !. f f j ' : " " u;- " ue tssaed tidel vpr. rr - !:VJ . - I bird, and was formrl 1, DukeofCnmherland;:. Fourth i '"'brother. William the E"Und "d Hanover were W-s.eJ-.iha prevalence ofthe Sdic 'vcptinsthaa-cessioaoffemarJ! Latfi frOm TtTATlAr. A .It,.,.,. r.nm a 1 am 4 Va " ra II arc imili 'VJrxieo'lo the 2Rih i.li .t,i !.. . - 011m umi miv Mexican Conoresa i!h.nrno,l An 09.I of May, withoin making any provision lor Ihe emharr:ised liuanres of ihe eorem- nient. !he Monitor Republican save that thu omission of the Legislature h is expneed ihe nation to the fale of perish ig Tor the loul waul of resources to car ry on the governments-anil Si iulp.nrnra n rain, for the honni of the country, to J'teiifjr such condupi.. Pesident Arista ad iressed Oonirress on it.. ....I . I a , c visv w. vaawewsif aid in his remarks 111 All ffia-a l.l:.tlaMa axT hose who did not see the improprieivof placing ohstarles in the wav of an Ad- "Jintstraiioii born ofthe law. and which as- ptres to preserve imsn iU. r..r..u.onini a -i-ai,Bf IHIIVniJIV ll'ISl u tH,e.lT ' 1 ,,i,V6 nevft I'elifved ihat I "lOtlld find, ill ihia rtncttUn .1 lf.l "'-.'l..ll, IICU III ll l. I am resolved to meet every ihing thai f . e may prepare for met but I am firm 'm my determination ihat all those tdiall n.te t 'just punishment, who endeavor 10 vio late ihe constitution, and thus brm ridi eule on rejmbl can iiytitutious."

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