C tltatlaa.aae'theLsws-. Ill uaaraiaaseroat Litertj, iVedaeada-, JttacT tr. vTliealaa't IMacourtc. We mm Um f earal 4 ye? of sevetaJ MWr&eratht aUe W. M tUrry by lb R. Dr. Wkeitoo, rf H.rU (J,Caurc!kut. WtMHy, mm nrfattnr k. wi'f -! ... J: t . u , -- - wm, ouT OWlga 10 aar if mm tor railing our altratioa u ' M the imnl u that tU . r-Wa &w akawU J hurh Mi. Sunt. aj b kMt fA.i3 u - Ba-1 M lit too mmtk of lb. In .Walk tWeOUMO OiliuKrt . .. J -o, u reed, mAo lie aacri&c uJ Th. 'KaJEa. ., of WifM. k tha IVm- ttaa.Jii, ta lIU district, 1 Ctart 13 t f . rt mill l Cat a L'tiais n?s.ara! t0 ;- f-r I'tltit Mr. YeuL'e ';. Democrat, will teas ae ceptaWe ta the Democratic party, Bpoo il 6e 14 isiiifi, at Mr. Venice aims-en. and who h not fainted with SoaJh Carolina Nallificatioa.or Seen- ??.. drfJ tJ Mr. -VenaUe. ca it lost at Lad 1 N'!i:firt;.,n and it ia fact Nullification ur.rm. other came and with a different dress. j 11 Democrats of Caswell should fail I to rut ui a candidate, let trt rote for .vaa. Jones, jr.. aad the reply of the Serwary at Vf,U infwatA u AMinaa Minuter leaehet. tiS it reftratrLe. all !b. uperbr to Lord PJ)nerti - ppert Vim " rooneij or Mr. WeUter. Mt lh c!J eam.ieM tbj Tel dreJ t!iim. i!,e itkNMiljnue repub I Iff U it iiU polite e.ifiieopu" rWrfUr.,r.7v :B0B,a"jrtfcaead beat Mr. iat- , ... . . ... . . --vvu.v. auj uiacf Kcrawru - .rii cocci tttuT leoufti to h u. in ni iii, r.. l .t. . . i gf. tr , ,. - " 1 - r ii,e iv mat mere II. . . . ' vauuiCU U1CH m UtC liii- iiTj:::T:rd, - Lw-u k- - wTT. .etes;un ,f ; stale c, u li; ;;7: :7Z'IJ , U lb rDira f-ob- JouU., .Tb.bMt 'nVPPTe or an act of Congress aod re mhtrm rt for the rwlm, ! ij wJ!illff ' . gh! tote rt of the 5th Congrei f IraJer, u Bwrrh u, ticto.- , ,"' l'tnct. Lo tusuinej General . , on o maintainins the typremacj n'T irons rrvulde ut ritlmorr. l" u U at resitted br tul aunj ! U eopW ia tUi gul, tMt fofi iec 9ttlt WiJ oa Ibe utjat of !erj. Tits WAeal Cro?.-Th krtSiif U tUi wcltM of the caalrj U AMrtj compSeuJ. J are rrau5ej U tram that the g raw U. of the ouMt prl, rentarkaUj jooj anj lha jickl tbuaJaoU la a lew cU Um ru4 ap. ptaraure, Pul verj buk Jatnt; waa Jmm by it, lha braJ ha tin j ticca irrS filled be tort k bjJ iu aturk. " . It ia pleiitnt to be alia to aJJ, that aw ei. cHtn pipri, from all aectiooa af the 8 lata, trios th mat 1 lUeHnf aocouata of the wheat era?, whkb poraa that the aeaaooa have beta generally favorakl. lempu Col. Bsxtos lat returned to tLii rir tram in-oatu and ia engaged upon a polineal Lii.vy i-f ih Uoiti Sutet fr '? ",l ''""r eau, inrluJinf an iniJe rie of ihe priia and poliiicuea Ut at period beriuoin mnh tL !..... . ri CnupromUe. and ending i h tJ, Jte wy uu ia M , tntereaua work. rKHianj me aeeret l,itnry f i,e an- nexaiKn ol Teua. the iU Inn Mf f.atan Q. - - ws a"aa incy Ailauia. the drfat at it.. k.Hfc nd ihedefrat ol Van Daren in the BJii' more Ctnetiiioo vf '44. ' Cor. X. Y. llcrcU, 2e4 lUi. CmrBgs,i-jt ile fci, acj rctarmbg tswardt the Luats be est tit owa uiroat tad fell dead ia tke $iittL " 1 ue wfi8eenet Le-Ulamre, it ia mW, wU pa by a tira utr-. wdaikwit expieaaini dee-Jed approval of .... vvujxvniK itti4wita el the Ui 1 Cwa frtii. T7t Poiat Aetdamr.s .1 t.. . . . Iff?(rluaie.orhom 8 1 1 aie now -ia aerrtee. HQ hate reatgned, 218 tiifd ia aertire. C9 were killed ia bat- ue. Uf ttioae reaif ned, 88 beeame atior era and lt 79 pm&ora and irb. w, eierf Tmen. ineladinj one bbop, 4. .m.j . million, jrUIMMa, ' pocruy " (n4 - phartnUm.' I . Wasiiiofflon. Jun a The Oata ! Um early part of the acaaoa NC Horn. Frunnt Brink i. I'ruIJcloflhe Common fcreJ much frarn tha drtMM of the waatKcr 1 hut Ctumtil of Ike CH of Button , the late abowera have revireJ them ery much, When I had the ptetauienf meet-1 vIn. of Caswell, should be te- andiamaDy there will be Ciireropa. The nff fn rwl your aasncialrt if the com.' 'fctea ' Cln 7 to tiot who have Cora, ihoojh a liiil backward, U is a healthy mmrB '"" in New Yirk. and , e s,oul.lie.rn question to much at heart, aaJ; co'xlitioa. y "d me the honor of iimiinfj me in' U1" ne terettea personallj in this . a a r mairap nainw i a . 1 It ia an anapicioua event, that Jut at our neo. ' " " v ant fc'n'y temiereit me, I more xnan pte.ra.bout to eorawc. theVe.i work of ?" of lhi C"" Coonril. ile JntinlredUre-, Mestrs.Hill, Jonea. artirlea. t kin I PraiiuZ.l eae wry rrpl jour me nation, liul regret to tay L. "l0' 1 be,,eve doe not own eJu.withauouMt,fuIlureat. deem m, public duly tuindulire in lhi. In this matter, Messrs. Editort, I if The Flccd ifl lit VTfilrra Eircn. n,.r ar. cuudu lror fct. Lou 1 be mail M tle ri- The fcHowin, W the PmUentof th, Carolina, now tamelr tarrender lhe K& ntant. At tha't time Uuii4 &tt. U taia iaiuu to UU Cua-' .i .ougt. nd fght under ?". tU rlsii g, though thet waerecmtoj and wad aUh cretin r B ua5 aJisumon or fcecewion be- Comawa Cn-it oa the 15:h Inttani. Tbeor..f8,t r. e.Dl!!c if tandard UU erpraa-J .re firo, difieJ aaJ patriotic. ' 51 'r JJ.!"i? !. St f -th! ehirtM.aUKf.a.UoacrrocuuJ: Ew C n!!Si 55 ft ff 7 w hpnJ. ...0,01. 'after Catwell Court e thall have a forU of potiticl fault-fimle,, u pui flwa in it and Union Democrat In vnt fnr . -l - k-k toeharacfwueil I wUbiha "-hr.'er it be Grave., or Willianuton. or Hill wr onee. or Montgomery, Mr. Venable will certain! be beaten and that bad ly, if those only vote for him who be lieve in bis doctrine of Secession. If indicationa that it would toon h .t . itand and commence receding. Oppo ite St. Louit.on the Illinois ahore.the countrj was flooded three or four miles; punk road flooded and torn up; hortet, cowt, ic. drowned. Duncan's Island was under water, and appeared to be nearlj all washed awaj. The south ern part of the citjr was submerged, tnd great " activity" prevailed in removing pmontand property. Agrettamouu of property between Cairo and St, Lou is has been destroyed: and from'all quarters of the upper country we have distressing accounts of the mages 0 the flood. . kj. - ... illAl..(i... . . .1 " inn i aiiu, inrrrnrr, wime I tin ! t . " " vntcii, uui i tJ "c"l,lt rtned nr..f.unllr rr.trfnl fnr it,- : trie issue can be fa r v nresentwl. it will . " ' t Hiciiru . a m . . . ay I uc luunu mat i speaK the sentiments a. a ai a iifii: wa a ... .n. mat uium e.aio.1. Jr. eaa, ot Warrea honor imolio.l h :vi,i.. ir.J , - - - 1 ----- "- tiiaii"Ht ICIJI wu..v,u .u .(.pnimi wy ooveinor and lurlanilr i omiellt-J to decline it. council, Attorney General, in place of 8. P.J My personal acquaintance in your eily moore.eai , reaigiied. Mr. Eaton, ia point ol IHil flight but alight at it lia len. Upi atuinmcnta, rank among the firtt (awvera has left many pleasant recollection. I aa. mm.-' - erbi. aga in the 8uu, auJ ia withal one of the 1 hould have been extremely happy purest aa well at clevereat of inen. He U a wur- 10 "ate renewed and extended 11 at tliia th .aoceaaor to Mr. Moore, and the appointment ,!'n ' 'on? entertained a high re we doubt not will give general eatiafaction. ,,fM'c, ,,r ,I,e iu,e "'U' nce ""J palriotUm . inline great matt ol yur citizens, and Mr. William C. D-xi!, auociata editor of the I r'nt event, hate not impaired that re- Kaleigh 8iar, ba beea elected to a ProfeaaorahiD ,PcrU Y have been, ami I trust eer in the Greensbdrooak Famata Coiw .j !... " lovinr and a law-abidinc accepted the aa'rae. Mr. Doub U a nllcman of I Pe0P,e- a yor devotion to anetalenta anil good atuinuenta. and ha. bad " gfC,t Pr,npd 'd a aevere ltt aoma ciiKrUn,-. . :.. i . . I'" .'",r wsm euiina iu cxcriiie me mw I MioHtjvtvt 111 KDUiii I m .a a tohool. D0ring hU brief carreer aa editor, he ' r " ' BWM- ? V'7 ' -"-i.t 1 ami ethiraii'in. ami the fugitive naturally wield a ready pen, th) auahficationa which fit bim and m-.ii .M,- i, . c.l !. .l:- t ... .... . I ' j... v,- . ... ucp..inem or me, .nd we paihie. Noihing but a stern tense of rrgtet inatna naa quit u. iKoiberhood oo aoon; doty, founded upon a rational, tolemn wian nun rnaca aappineaa and the com- em ictioti, that a ronotituiional and leiral fwt of Mill greater uaefulnea in hi. new field of J "W gatioii muxl be obeyed, at any and labor. I every tacrifi-e. enuld have insured il execution of law in a caae like this. But. K7 Portmaatera will comult their own eon-1"" "'''" "O'er doubled that lhe law venienco bv remrmbrrinir. that annr.lin i iK. I would ultimately triutnnli. Good fith recent Instruction of lhe Poatmaatar GriMir.1. ih.. '".lhe foundation of all morality and all vociai arruruy. are rcouired u mail all mxttnr Mh!-h la to - . 6-1 r 11 i. .1 i . 1 .1 out of tha tn thr rt ri:rf.nts.. -r I ' "r " "au picctgeu uiemeivea ,u u . 1. .. . . , . y ibe rousiiiuiion 10 the performance of flee through which it murt pun, unleai furh I .tier are marked " mail direrj.' Una duty. The elave States had a risrlit In insist, and did insist, upon its perform- there was. then, no alternative ance. Uianoke and Scalward Railroad. bu, t0 brCilk otlr fiihl,t (orfejl our worJ of m W aa .itaiihl am..a,kflni at.. taJ a 1 a. 1 1 r . V 1 . . u,.,sm honor, an I thereby trample the constilu company, it wat ordered tht another locomotive tion of our country in lhe dut, and run and paaaenger and freight cure be immediately the hzmd of a civil war ; or else to ad purchii.'.d, prepiralory to atarting the required mil the obligation like honest, true-heart- num!er to do the bumnca of tlie road a roon a. mrn, and do all in our power to corn it U completed to Weldnn, which it ia expected I p'y with it -still hoping and trusting that of more than a majority of the District. A VOTER, Generous Sympathy. The turn of ten thnue and dollar lua been contributed by the citizent of l.ynchbur. Virginia, lor the aupporl of the wife and children of Mr. Terry, late editor of the " Vi gi- Son -. I, 1. :.. .1.. .1 ., nun nap ikiuru ill mc iririll UUII- bly-tragi al affray in that tflwn. Eight thousand dnllart in cash wat obtained in :i . 1 rignt iititir aner me eubecnpiinn wat tiarted. Mrs. Terry was a Mist Stock- ion, of New Jery. a. American. Ue learn that a Totial Arrangement una oeen agreed upon between the Pott UlTice Department of the United Siatet and die Pott Office Department New Drunawick, by which, on and after lhe 6 h of July next, a regular ezrlmnge of mailt will be made between the United Statea and lhe Provinces of New Brunswick, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, and New foundland, at lhe tame rates of postage eatahliahed for lhe United Statea and Canada mailt. In wit : Ten rent the tin gle rale, where iht distance ia under 3,000 in ile, and hftren rent where the distance rxceedt 3,000 unlet from the line of crossing. Prepayment of the poalage it optional in eithei country. fat. ItttL Gooi for New York. I. R. . , " " uiataaa, jr., esq., has been elected Speaker of cw i ora iiouse ot Astembly. He is a ttrone Union man. and imm. diately on his Uking the chair, Mr. 1 homnson offered a series of resolu tions declaring their determination to adhere to the Compromise and the Un ion. The following is one of the reso. lutions: Itttohti; That this House will make no appropriations of any of the public inonejs to the support of any college, academy, seminary, or other institu tion of learning in this State, in any case where it is known that a spirit of abolition, of disrespect to the various institutions of the country, of diauh dience to the law in any manner, is en couraged and fostered there, or where the same is permitted or tolerated by the person or persona having charge IIICICUI, 1 VALUABLE RECIFE. The worst eat of cholera mmbet, dyteniery sod Box. that ever I taw. I bare rcpea edly cured in a few minute, by a iropg tea made of the' bark of the Sweet Gum taUn ereen fr ra the tree ia beat -tfep a handful 10 a pint of water until lhe liquor ia like rood ei.flVe. Drink ;. clear, or eweeten it with l-wf Mijsr.or add a -mc guaa 01 gocHi brandy if the tlwrk it tevere. If not infallible, it it remark able in its efletla, and well worth being known and Hied in every family. Your friend. Sows JtoitsioH. W e randd our own !etiinny to llus lue of the Sweet Gum tea. bating ex perienced amazing and speedy relief from ut oe in a tioleni ol dyaentrr, hich iefu.d 10 yield In the tiaual reiiiediee ; we nave aitu teen in Die last five j eare its wonderful benefit m many other easea w. uare tne decoction nude from die bark both green and dried, and have diacoveied no material diOVrence in the eflVct, boih lieing rfiicaci.iut. Franklin Farmer, I met with the foregoing valuable recipe eeveral j eart tinee, and I have only to add, what hat already been taid by the Franklin Farmer." that I have witnest ed epeedy relief in tiob nt cain of dysente ry which refused 10 yield to the nonal re mediet. by the use of the Sweet Gum; hating it at mtnmand. I have iiacd th frtth or green bark, and I ran wiih much eon&denre recommend its use fiora my own experience. A Gcorou Plamki. J to Mr.Uaia U li ttaarwtoftj t g it at U '7? r ff'-cwj io rarctwClrj -. mwT mmmxm$t rkat aif twoca aaa3 bo nxtwvi mm okkeo m-J aalo rt ffrmrat cSa KrttnoJ tr much ttZti aa Vc. Hawka au la aopi. 1 Tk terma kW aaSUfactary ta U. ecri'trd lie eScf. Memn. Uromm. !.t ack aJ La. pobihi a raoaaattlaa to et the Aek-f li'ir and rroort mint imiM ...- . pcat-Uk coat of !. aao. r- PhtfSpe. en waa appointad to Uk t!.a M ofTatatlra tar l'a Iowa. E- A. HEAR IT. Town CW.k. aaJ iitta Cbltnary. ; Died ia FayencviUr, oa Friday Ux tOlh inaf - Dt. Taaaat N. Caataov, Ut Saoaior frota tho County of Caaahrtlaod, a kiah aiiadcd. waru. hearted tad LroermU j fa tie man, to whora gu3o waa I00WJ a atrangrr. (Jul of ia the prUat of hi. tfulnem, hk i.tlh baa erealod a void, not only ia tha hrarta uf thoae to wkoia Ut love wa. lika a bloating, but a!ao throughout bia wido-aprrad acqoalotaare, that wi3 be long a fiUed and oVpUed. If kc kaj Lia tauita, aa U haa not, to rich! were they twiucd aioutiJ widi k'odly and naal "Huaa, that, ia the beauty of lhe whole picture, tha ahading waa forgotten. Ligtil real the turf upon Lu manly breaat, ft r the leai. which embalm hia atmory,eoald Mrl hav wept the dVpartart of a Bolder apirit J. will be done in August. The Alabama Whig of the 13th inotant tayt: We have ju t seen and conversed with an in telligent citizen of Miiippi, who aayt that the Hon. If. 3. Foole will be elected Governor of the State by a large majority. The union spirit is thoroughly aroused and the canvass ia becom ing exceedingly animated." in due time tome mode would be dei ird. by those who have tho constitutional power to abolish slavery, and who are most deeply interested in its final extinc tion -to gel rid of the evil without de stroying the faiiett frabric of freedom mortal hnnda have ever raied and in its ruins extinguishing the hut hope of hu manity (or self-government. Permit me to say that this government has cost Bos ton 100 much to be given up or Inzarded for slight and 'trivial causes. Some of The Third District. Mr. Dargan, ho some time rince announced himself at a eanJidate for Consreaa in lhe third District, ha. withdrawn from the contest .We are gratified to state that he hat been induced to lake this step who fell at Bunker Hill, would seem to , Fire on the Rail Roid. On Monday last about 1 1 A. M.; a little beyond Goldsborough, one of the Cars belong ing to the freight train coming down, was set on fire by sparks from the lo comotive, and was entirely consumed. together with 21 barrels of Spirits Tur- penitne, anu iouu ids. ot jJacon. Wilmington UerJ. Posthumous Honour. The eques trian statue of General Jackson, w hich is one-third larger than life, weighing S5.000 pounds, and made of brass can non condemned by government, is to be placed on the pedestal in Lnfajette Square, opposite the President's house, on the 4th of July. From the Cherokee Natfoq, the rahleqiiah Adviiem aiaiet that lhe dele gation which was tent lu Washington Ci- iy 10 eneoi a final miiuinieiil of the Che. rokee ner c.rpitet, have returned, after sc. computing all Hint wat postible in the maiter. inetruciion are to be toon given to the Superintendent of the Veetern Territory, at to the manner of procedure tor me payment of lhe money., and the a a . . w census 01 nota parties 19 ia be taken very nearly in accordance with the wishct and views of ihe people of the nation. The Old Settlers, and the emigrant innneyt will be paid out this summer, or early in lhe fall, h it also taid lhat the ecnu ' of what are termed the Nnnh t 'arnliim ! Indiana will be taken immediately by the United States Government. The North Carolina Railroad Contracts Takeu. We learn from a friend on hia return from Ra leigh, that tho best spirit prevailed on the letting out or contracts for woik on this Road at Golde borough, Pinovilla and Raleigh. Contract, were taken for the entire portion from Goldaborough to rratt a store in tuis county, with the exception of about ten miles in Johnston county. This ten miles is of ao easy a construction, and the price to be paid for it ao .malL that It did not attract attention -the work upon four milea of it not amounting to twenty four hundred dolls ra. Wo umlei stand lhat several persona, who daaiml Buffalo Springs. A EDITION A I. CaUu Room baa been a.Mrd eince the last season, which will ruble lU proprietor to accommndiitr. eoiufwrtaMy, at lnl four hundred visitor, Me baa mora hoosr than any Springs ia Virginia, etcer the White Sulphur. The Messrs. Moro, who have the mail contract from Sklgewsy to Halifax Uourt-bu. VaH wilt run 00 thai route, aflei Ihe first Jav of July, first rale new four horat coacLca, which will pass l y the Springa daily. ' ' ' DAVID 8IIEI.TON, Proprietor. JuM K8-Uulyl5 IIoticeTaxcs, V WILL altend at lhe following time and pla- ces lo collect Ihs Taxes for theyrar 1850, vin w . aa sb . .... aiaaoa tun, on rnJty the 4ib July. Cedar Giove, oa Saturday the 6th. Hillsborough, on Monday tha ?ib. Hunlle's, on Tuesday ibe 8th. Jos. M Kee'a, on Wednesday the fiih. Jones & Heater's 8tore. 011 TbursJay the 10th. Moixe dc MangWa, on Friday the llth. William I Jpacomb's, on Saturday th. 12ih. Wilkeiaon'., oa Monday the 14th. Pratt's 8tore, on Tuesday Ihe 15th. Gunter's, on Wednemlsy tho 16th. William Trice's, on Thursday lhe 17th. Chapel Hill, on Friday tho 1 8th. Thomas, Long's, on Saturday the 19th. Jesse Durham'., on Monday the Slat. Wm. Thompson's, on Tuesday th. 3 2d. Hi!Uborough, (to collect the Town Tax.) on Wednesday tho 23d. , (CT The Magistrate spnointed to take the T Lists for 1851, will atteHd in their respeclivo District, at tha I lines and placea above mention ed. Punctuality will be expected of .11. JAMES C. TURRENTINE, Sheriff. Jun. If. American Independence. Snpplr ronnrlrn for Ihe cominy lh of July; ,qw LANDING, the following article, oe- contracts on that portion of the route, were I , . . 1 wnu t01, c,r " ' of the com- dieted, and will probably make . effort to Zk dX mnn iw axiiia v a iciitai way - Warlike Mr. Yancey stated, at a late meeting of the Southern Rights Club of Montgomery, that he had re liable' assurances from South Carolina that the State would secede next spring, and that she already has a hundred pie ces of field artillery, twenty thousand small arms, and military stores of all descriptions. Alabama Whig The lat Ashborotigh Herald savs : We 11 ...7 . . . the patriots of the Revolution still linger ,: "am rellan!e -urce. that Adam among youand the monumental pillar cf,M,k. w abolition notoriety, was com of vourgrtefnl recollection of ihe heroes !nu,cd.., Mmtgomrty jail on Sunday mm. tie was uruecl t leave t ie State. e- w ; and upon refusal, was committed. Creentborough I'utriol. Mr. Websler is about disposing of the complicated Central American question by and rtafritllii-1! p in milnininii ilia "Mvnui an PUw'iiiiiiiix ss 4 . nr cnn .1 i,.fct-Ti.-:. h..kMm offering a eomprehensne Joint Protector from a desire to preserve the harmony of the be a mockery, if ibeir sous could so soon Whig party, and prevent the district from being forget lhat this constitution cost the heart's misrepresented. This ia just the course we might Wood of the sires. have expecU-d Mr. Darean to puwue. being a ',n-1 your have acled wisely Misible man and a true Whig ; and he deserves, nd will receive, the sincere thanks of the Whig farty Hen. Dockery, a Union Whig, and Maj. Cald 'i. a democrat and aecesstonisl, are the only Chief Mariiraie lm it Ppostlion is made Willi lelerence to eandidate. now in the field. The result of the .n .t, , .1 . nrM f..Sii.r..n. ' 1 Hayti, thus settling the dilliculiiet be- 'IwUon, we have confidence in believing, will bo ,llto,i ,n ,i1A ,.:,:, f m tween the Domiirican and Haytians, se- triumph for the Union and Whig principles;' warmest acknowledgements-ami I should c"r,n? 10 Hth ,feir riS,lt8 and wilhoul nd ihi too, notwithstanding the district bor- have been most happy to have done this i re8orl 10 Waf More Bnon' ., on South Carolina, and ha. operating with- in person, were it consistent with m v of- u bounds the ultia southern and factioua ncial engagements to leave this city. V governed by the highest tense of moral , , ?n?,a.n( . ! and political obliga.ion ; and for lhi no-; e,,'ral A.'nf.r'7 W example I feel constrained, as the ,caPe a.nd .,nd ate with England and France of all the an Slates, guaranteeing ndependence. The tame proposition is made with leferenre to N. Y. Tribune. It is undeistood lhat the Navy Depart- heei th. Hornets Nert," whose editor ha.f With many thank, to you. and through mei, wjln , view to add to the Agricul-he-n for month, striving to indue North Caro-( yfu to the citizens of Boston, for this (ra, interests or the country, hat issued lina to join in the accession movement, was tde-. '"d invitation, 1. have the honor to be special instruction to the East India ''Site m the late Charleston Convention, tnd i. now endeavoring wi:h all hit might to elect Maj. Caldwell. The El r hth Dlttrlct. W'ehavehere- itofircnejlecied to state that William H. Wash- f "Stoa, ej. hid daclinad tha nomination as the Whi esnJidat. for Conarcsa in the et'ehth di- rrtct ,Jd tja g u i;l health and private decupa- your friend and fellow-citizen. MILLARD FILLMORE. squadron to procure and tend or bring home rare plants and seeds, particularly of the'Sugar Cane and Tea plant, adapted to our climate and toil and useful for do mestic pnrpoet. For tho Hillsborough Recorder. Messrs. Editors: Will you give me room in your paper to state to the Union-loving, law-abiding citizens of; Mr, Webster Abroad, The Liverpool this District, that "t have it, from the; Journal thus complimentt lhe great ex mouth of a good Democrat, that a, the pounder of the UoDsji'.ution ; " The Desertions in the U. States Army are of very great frequency, amounting last year to one eighth of the whole. Last month, sixteen out of fifty-six men'com posing the company of Capt. Hatch, at Rochester, deserted. This brings con siderable loss to the government, since every one thus acting, robs it ol $50 directly, arid indirectly of much more. An Artesian well has been made af Cahaba, Ala., one hundred and fifty feet deep, which discharges eight gal lons of water per minute. Gen. Quitman has renounced positively the South Carolina platform, and denied lhat lie had ever advocated separate se cession, or ihnitght ii advisable "under existing rircu instance." secure contract, on the portion west of Pratt. Store. Proposal will be received In Ilillsboiouch to-day, (vediiesday,1 and w. hop. the success heie will bo a gratifying as it haa hern at lhe placea below. Between Raleigh and Goldsborough, Ihe con tract, we learn, are to be completed by the first of January 1853. A longer time will ba given for the portion west of Raleigh. Wo understand that the contractor have a- greed to require no pay mints upon their con tiact until such an amount of work .hall hav. been d me as will auth arixe a paymant to be made on the part of the Stato, and lhat they wilt push forward the woik with all postible activity in or dcr to accomplish that end. With tuch a stimu. lu we m.iy expect to tee this great work spee dily advancing. A. the contracts for grading, dec. w ill all pro bably be taken by the 10th of July, when Ihe stockholder ara to inoet in Greensborough, it ha been suggested thai a Grand Jubilee ahould be celebrated at Greenaborough on the llth, to which all the friend of Ihe Road ahould be in vited, lhat they may meet and rejoice together over the certain prospect of a completion of lhi Road, which is to redeem North Carolina from ber depressed and wasting condition. And a the President and hia Cabinet will, at that time, be free from the aharklr of Congress, we can invite them to meet with us, to celebrate an event which is to put another important link in the iron chain which bind the Statea in one great Union. What aay our citizens, all on Ibe route, to Ihia proposition 1 assortment over oflired for aale in this City. 73 boxes Orange 'Fig, $00 drum, whole, 75 do. Lemons.1 150 do. half. Prune, I 75 do. o'rter. 300 Fncy Boxes, Almonds, 500 lb. Marseille Do. 500 Detiie, a- . ... no. coo " Irica, Do. 800 " Bhellrd. WtluuU,400 Grenoblo 500 - Sicilv. Dates. - 700 Araliian. 1000 lbs. Palm Nut. S50 Glass Jars. Raisins, 100 botes. Bunch J 3U0q'rler. 60 Lavcr. Nuts, 600 Coca Nuts, 600 ll. Filberts. Brsides Crgarsof all brands, Lemon 8yrup.Cor dial, Pickle. Preserves, French Confectionary, &e. &c all of which I offer on tho most reason able terms, and warrant them of the most supe rior quality. SAM'L. H. MARKS, ' " Wholesale Confectioner. Petersburg, Vs., J.une 4th, 1851. 88 3w CALT, CORN MEAL and HERRING, for sal at THE DRUG STORE. June 18. 88 Mr. William II. is the indepen dent democratic candidate for Congress in ihe Columbia ( I'enn.) District. He is the brother of the late President, and holds lo the opinion expiessed by htm while alive. In a speech on ihe 27th lilt. he took high ground for the Com promise and the Union ; said that if he wat in Congrest he should be for stand ing up to the Compromise, and rebuke any efforts to alter it, either by the North or South, as he thought it probably the only course to sustain the Union." Shocking Affair. An insane man, supposed to be Ephraim G. Daggett, of Raleigh nnd Caslon Railroad. We understand from a gentleman direct from Petersburg, lhat the prospect of a speedy com pletion of the N. C. Railroad ha infused new life into the Raleigh and Gaston Road. The busi ness portion of the people of Petersburg had re newed their activity, with a determination that the Road should be rebuilt. Only about seventy five thousand dollais of the (lock remained to be taken. Corporation Proceedings. Hillsborough, Juno 14th, 1851. At a called meeting of the Board of Commis sioner of th. town of Hillsborough Absent S. Moore and Geo. Laws Mr. Benjamin R. Huske appeared before th. T 1 m A . .1 , . -mp-. 1 1 ooiru. arui. aner TBiuminir irianira irv tit h ittr- Hope, Maine, entered the residence of Una manner in which ho had been invited to tike Dr. A. Cuinmings, of Roxbury, Massa-jcbarge of the Academy. Mated that h. bad an en chusetts, on the 7th inst., and suddenly ' g8menl for two month, and a half in Fayette snrinrrin unon Mm.. f!.immSr,o.' rlt(fA ti"le, and there lore would have to accept the of- .1 . j ..1. n ... i fer with me understanding that he would not bo uugu". i5 "gin year., cut ner , 0 School at the usual limi inruai tronj rang ear. lie men pur- ;unlc releaecd by hi patron in FayaUeville. CEDAR GROVE fMalo Academy. npiIE Fall Session or thi School, situated -- eight mile north of Hillsborough, will com mence on the 7lh of July next, and continue for five months. TERMS. ' Tuition in Latin, Greek, and the High- er Branches of Mathematics, $15:00 English, - .... . . . . io:oo Board, including Room, Bed and Bedding, Washing and Fuel, ean be had in rood families in tne neignoortiood at price, varying from ix dollar lo six and a half per month. Siudenls joining the School are charged with tuition for the session, no deduction bcinc made except in cases of protracted illnesn. ; SAM'L. W. HUGHES. Cedar Grove, N.Cn June 1st, 1831. 87 3w QtThe Raleigh Register and Standard will insert once a week for Iwo weeks. Tor the Ladies.' QELLATINE, Low's celebrated Windsor Soap. Ciarccal Tooth Powdeis, a vry su perior article. Extracts of Vernilla, Lemon, Rose, and Bitter Almonds, Curling Fluid, Bandaline, Pomade Divine, Waterfteld's Yeast Powders, warranted good, Flower Vases, wilh many other articles. Pleaxe call and see, at THE DRUG STORE. Juno 10. 87 JUST ARRIVED. A FEW pound, of FLY IOISOX. . AT THE DRUG STORE. June II. v . 87 Townsend's Sarsaparilla. 1U3T received and for sale at this Off.ce, a fresh eupply of '1 'owBeuJ' atspiilla, iq ouart bottles , June 4. . 1 X I vl r i I

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