W rj - Su-i in p j i i J Ho i I I!) I Or nri u 1 1 if I r fll HI All vfTY ifp 1 r S U v V pggjp'yg y -un itauja1 THE CONSTITUTION AND THE LAWS Till, GUARDIANS OF OUR LIBERTY. -Xi t: ..Coia'aiai nan mi immmamm uiLfuuuoi'i::!, x. c.AXi:nxKHUAi xoxunui.n is. mi. tfo. 1C09. tttt --3- ew a crop tif col if ther da but tile rare tf tleir sheet. Bat there k no I .-vrv '.t.Vr-..i --r5?i crctiulr 'fi- he-t, pre rare tnegroW --5 - has cost rue fanner tier. I l.r . - JBrstxmC' j obtained fur it ia uilrl 'dependence lias been- L.vCd V jtucst nucertain and.'txpensiie' . Cnjp. J ! We have tried wheat growing Brl ' probably ah good a wheat farm at . j ' be found in Western New York, and . ' w e have abu tried sheep upon the tame I . fkrra, and we are free to confess that. although- we have a rd uiarkct at uur , j ow n door, yet we can raise a jien a-' ! muVf money iiukker aud much es-! fr. mj Pn.f e aluahlc to our reader. T ,,oc,k, ",. .T;1'..'," 'i'he incased u,uufture of wotT.. , ?5 .fi,,! ,l c 1 Murm.ed supplies if raw matcnat.l Jf f 4 lctte.r PJvSxftjB f while the ftenefil t,.oev panic no, f;r J . .V.'S 'Ji 'pervading mr large sea-prt ton. I ani,n this reg. fur jear iaa.lon5 r iotw ;th,!a,,di, t imnL reromU 4 W prftfilitli to leave ld t; ..r c. .,...? f..i:r. ...IaV; traw.' iVirr lew now resort to r.akcu Uty yffurrlrh wti, ' WI1V NLT CnoW MORE HOOU Tle f.llow ing, from the Wool Grow - TtfS Jjortlj ffanoef. VU lur rU-rnal woiUU we iwr, Vkr arn ra rI:a a tj akWa art elawr. AaJ iliatmt LilU of Uanua riar, incident we1 ar i'mhh to t rl tie is one of areree (voeiifallj, lil fiMhJeidj ihe trrrrs f -rri' I a rhar trr, thai we itunk it t!i ;h lieu trivd him; ill' pea reiuwd lo more he proJuriii e i l. briieb tU Imnd of the reprobaie who Imd Twi ymvg irk iu a fjrje Aoseriraw irnlMed o many I hruiirs and ubee and Fnm h k m tu I'earl aireei, ere'niiie for the i!riruriion if innf erce and jiariircljrty h,ijn i o oiurli that al die fr ( God. lie soiiht lo flee, tul Uinuch iliey b idi j in diiT. rei.1 I.hhi roulJ uoi; lie frll half wnelet un hi jet sere rimrantly t'gih-r during iht roweh, and afterward eoitfrsd ereral hours i rvrifi jm frm lwiive. jliines lohis fririu!, that he never ronld One of ih t3 ha.l hren preffiiteJ wi h a ; think f this appal inj nrrurtfnrr widmut liid Fieiu h r d!r, ami lie at tirc inward tremor and wt"er.TPr'face tuiot ins ru.tc j ii to tM'rfrni " at ia fM Jtttvuient.X TW aoul fjr joy theo c'atx W 2ica, '! de Irb ks fot r .-rli lHf breed are f4:ncd. J . . 1 p.... . . i.i.r..m't kiioii wnnfeh . . . c lnlliur.- - NiiiA ,nnw flir rllltrr 'T whea ittfcVned under, cultivated and dettce that our import afe Clceedingl, o'jr exports, and that every philanthro-l , lisi biiouki encourage the home pro- diction f such article as can be easi V'rulaccd, but which are now ira - ported. Among these way be enume v .fated wool ; and evcYy dollar's worth , raised here will prevent the parting with the precious metals to tlut a ino-iUi Working t'armfr. It has been tho ajui of tins journal to po awaken the attentiwi f farmers as to enahli' them to adopt the most pro Stablerstem. We have therefore urg vd uprlti f!;c(n, front time to time, en increase of their flocVs of sheep. Our own experience aud obsctvaticm have satisfied us that tltere is no; kind ol fanning thit isso generally profitable as1 faistn heepandjvool. It matters - not whether yjjjftare upon the bleak mountains of 'Vermont or in the fertile plains of Texns upon 'the prarics of me est or me now siuuary nius anu mountains of the South. Everywhere and Anywhere the sheep wilt live and . thrive, and, with propercare, pay more fur the labor and capital invested than any other animal, or any system of farming. It is one or the most uselul . and economical machines which has been,! given us to convert the vegeta tion ot the farm into money. "fctf'if fur thf firti (ini nnw nri- one of the most wondei tul ani- nztore has produced for the use man. Its annual growth ot wool so admirably calculated for human clo thing, and used in every portion of the globe its skin and flesh, and, in ma ny localities, its milk, all serve for the necessaries or luxuries o'f man. There is no animal in which there is so little and tl-So let it grow till August,! Ami J-iuJ lift trj fcHiurt iu(4. Vaia mU, m&ieul "uh Aettful hi hrf eye 1 1 f&x Erh IfirliimV ua th Jitaitt ftiort, l"he I t f Me, Um p tdurra ;qa, . Th grUfm atrreta, l!t rnrUl atrran ; Af tin fjf jy ! c!tj Lctwinga, AuJ louJ htt krljr saunet tiuga. Vain wrU. a!iu ! When oram alt!! the drawl lo UsJ, Mare ep-r all bn ors cipaix ; Willi tAridy Lrliu aixl frer-Leul aail, Her sucbur tiro wii'iio tba vale. The aoiil for jo lien fukl ber win;, AoJ ber rek-atial km) net ainja. Tin ouw at bonk. i rtiraiiinrfa jtiU percffi , biin; bis Ik' aiii4 tipoo I oilirrtiillntj 1 ihe 5 , FATAL C'EXEIVITy. tftums u inave - trn.i , , ne nezro preachers at the south are Itrrrh f. rrtfli iwonie-oftea marked by great sltrewdness and met r i. ! whiUl hit f la Errnrh l 4 j lite Fieiwh k iediic . U'ihoutf jln sfqir li-'.eahxii Jdlealof Fee lis eaefu! IIVE I.N THE FAMILY. Ujr a4"' t t o not half co .ti Ji nce enonijh in ' num'ier of sown ta' wheat; others mow the first' year, and pasture -feUb fcheep the sc-, tpn, and men plow. Every good far mer keeps a few good sheep at j Verr manr who have been in the habit n Knll tin m ! nintir t.f nlirk ! . 0 ll l O ilOl IlUli Clt.iD JfllCI! PIMMIi! for summer use, now select out a few ihe power of love t. diearni Hie viuienl piWJ weathers and give them ettra keep, ""d reclaim the tiriou. Ihe faoh ; I and make their summer meat of tout- begins i ur lamtfiis. We d.i noi nwk ; f e ton, decidedlr the most healthful that e"0,U'"u be h othei lauli. enur v i can be used, and thu rcali.e the mo-1 w ". our Mliiu imjiaueuceoreach nmr ni ner for their pt.tk fresh. '1 osUr' f",,,r w Uu,, f,,r "S'te..w morimti , The indtf cements to grow more wool i2igiiati.i ui wrong; an.l our obtutM-y ' J'"" are a sure market, less fluctuating; pride, whir Ii would .otifotw all d- J,,IM from lh mdnt nftirofitabl urmlurtion M tootirottll idras oflhinKS for lirm- .t "',,K t.... . I f lieis of rtriin.liK. ai.cl fi.lHilv to iluiV. I '. (linn laiiu uiiniuvi. iiilvi luic. - I rest tha fit ! kii!i ' n a irnnnrsl th&f fl.. r.rt..r on .11.... c i are ofieu ilie it lb cihui of our own we-k- lul , ..... .. j ies or errors. Uur ctielvneis tatwea reutn.u n . n . . ' their petul nice, our jealouy iheir ui"pi-' wlni a KKCirK for M.vno Beer. To make . . ' .:.;..- I a i . i . .1 it i nous, out rtilulmcs ihetrs, our injustice I wasar the best beer in the world, take one ,,:' . d Velf pint of corn and bod it until it is a lit - v. i? .: i . .t :i t... 1 rrti r , r, , . . .. . . ,e oo likew-Kr u h with our children, i rxi. tie soft, add to it one pint of molasses v.!. . f . i . ... i- vu , ,, r : ii ji lie on not love them enoncli to make . and one gallon of water; shake them , - b .hcnMlu.. .W. Af jr. ill weltogetljerandselitbTthcfire.and d d f w -.r, in twentv-four hours the beer is excel- ... t ., . ,,t .i,!.,.."mi In i tj-i tt .it s make sarnueen for llient in little tiling, tout, na Irtnt W linn till tliA rinor trt tit. itiiv u . . 1 J ' V" i . " ' -J. ? I V do n-l teach iheui diaintere.tedtiess enpf as es 11" i' ihey;f!SHl er llllilid lls) .Ct" ir I . ..... a a a sence or molasses, sugar or honev will , f", ? ' corKcl,n . i -i.:. .. . .l. . wliieh shiM'ks our ncrres. or disturbs or ii-iruc. biiit us inair. in mis war, me,. . - . i .1 .. .i-T. : .i.:...,.i.l.;d.,u. iiiiviiiiihs tuir " CHi'uiiiMi!". n irmricii 10. " ' ""r"'"1 .... i .... .1 1 - iri ....... .....I hi rnip ni'on wiweed i t rtrm's "u make -t!rilu! lrrUf. ejlU petHiie. hi. d h-jfs. d ! many mother wit, and w ill not on!? point the lam .Miirirks. At ienili truth, but barb it so that, if once in, it a looker on 4t so will stick fast. One of these in Old iiie. anJ revived itui; irgmia was once descanting w ith ii. s brin? ihe lutoi f much earnestness on different ways in uuself would lx a pupil to 'which men lose their souls. Under one r, ai.den I. avor ti niaairr head of remark, he said tliat men often 11 .e. hy ihe ttiue (iroiio'a lose their souls through excessive ge-i.iiijil-:ed inerositr. . rs MJ 1 . hi friend. hej What ! he exclaimed, yon tell Vie. and being diligent, mtf vou never heard of that before. j.itt ledjjtj of ihe laiigu iej Vou'sar, ministers often tell us we lose panieulaily toiheplde; roaUe.tobaerO maJT be eoctjpar.iivrly hru!e, but eten 10 the il is worse lhaa neles. We would rtjreruliy warn 11 w Iw want m I sty biHly in the woiUI to shun tobacco as a deadly poison. The Pott-imrtulh Joorna', in all-rion to the alleged ruinous elTect" of our Uquor Law, thus eondoles with the good pop ! f SIiii-: Tub Maixe Liqioe I.w. The op erations of ibi law, in soioe of its fcear inj;. is dfridrdlj s;ainsl snne of lhe old uajrrs. Tle city i-f Portland is now uf ferim in ronsequ'twe of the operation t f the hw, beim diien U the iieees-iir of lining workiiit-n lo perfi-rrn the du ies liit li have heremfure hem dona by tha inmates of ihe al:n-houe. wiihoulpar. If the law eon iuues, it is qnes ionable wheihrr aIa-l:ouse rstatd shmrnts M be wi'nh simtnininf. Ii is said that their pairoiujjeis dwindled one falf already! This onslafghi on panpciim. ditesse and crime is a serious thing to think of I The intern-ti if doctors are seriously affected ; ofSeers in criminal roorla are in danger of "i liuiiijr their bvinrM, and the prion too far do sermon, in anr farm product, a larger inte-, ,,f principles, ai.d fidriiijr m duty. " t of profit on the capital invented lV !o keuot.Kli 111 our own home- otienlin m anr other business, tnd thcrofure ,u 'l '""h betur qmdiins in ewh boy t t bc-t business; as a general thing, 'other's heart. Th- fault ol ourfm n is. eUmei-( ti d In. ,11 liraiing a g . ul our souls for our stinginess, and for be . m m .a. r-i w - ruiL a St alia Milken alt. .tul. . a . t a 4 4G . " ; L 1 Z ' i . "'5 .u- n ' .nr I in ..,., cn8atiM till so.n be lei. Wil ' "',iiih inav uari niiuseii oy comz xoo m .iiicu ami ii.irrry t oilier way t -I tell you how they knowledge of n nifi..iioit. Thej 8;t j0WQ Uljer t!ie serm j aa.ues. ami In-. oner and when the nreacher touches unon ' ' lll'.ld oil Ins aruiiire-' ti,;. ..!. .1..-.... .... . t ..I,, B(la vl mat. biii, iiitj 11 u ihc ii in w i I- CJriHl Jirr in .inn in pnimotnuis. ... out H the pri.a.e nHim Ml. AnJ that. thc war titer lose' 1 , t u 1 mnnbeVof ,!,. firm, and C'souU bj W- ttl e JSS- " 1 3fSh .lw4 iSI lariat! ..dldowncaM,. .. : . fl he want ol a self-apply tng conscience '-......lu ... .1.. i-..,- .-.1 s 1 ihe people uphold tins state of lliirgs t All men of tpirit ill of roure cry out Msainl il ; but ihey will and must submit lo the iniinlale of the peojde. . S themselves : but f ire this nart of thci a m ,t i he . . ,e and (.'"T ? T brolrd t part to , w 0llfe fa , M coonw b , 1. " 1T r.br nJIWa'U-.. ha. the'ruardianship of seJral iiiwT wa 11 in p nti iiiiiis . aiiii 11 nn inpm lira . a , . ..,, - orpi,ans. who v,ou j on rominc 01 are. uabU estate, defect in ihe an who wanted in get the estate vested in himself. ui ion noted dof n the faiilile s excru statement. and then said lo him, "Set h thee unhappy infants honorably last rent, or I will imnt you from I he.l Hie nun want to u nd ...,. n. ,.k ..r.i.- ...,. ..r . . vausva iuuvii wi mc weak ii caLiillijl lf II .... k iI,n sunnier i'i France In feu like rain upon a rock, from which 0 dl I cool ! speak Fremjl ; . hollow, it otil r stairnates. and then ' .i.l , umIhmii ihe extent ol my Ur;e. lwaT eavinir no blessintrs be-' V- . f .f..fihi l. l.l !l...w.ni 1 1 " ,cannS. no oiesstngs oe- yow ,km like a hate." The advice was g.r..rUiiMli l.l. Heavens. j. A sermon, however true and ;lirftI- r0now(l ,j ,t,e ntanwhor.ia is Hi nols:udvtngil whin forcible thus disnosed of does no e-ood 7 lonowen, anu ine man wno g.ia , jorctoie, mus uisposcu or. aocanogooq n wa an ornament :o the br and ihe sge ....... . . 10 inose among w nom 11 is so suenuy 1.. i;r.j ; J loni.) whose chance 1. distributed, while it leaves him who! ago Southtrn Prtu. " " - ! I !. - . ... I . .1 course, ha! I! hai'S""" had. a ningnifieen. cat; ' m w - - - - - in iiie iiui ri 1 i a 1 1 1 iiiiiiiiii.iv aaiaa a a ... .11 i...r . i - v 1 " iimiiaii ili qm Sinn all around out of' suul. il u nmie of us can parity It 1! w liy somebody will be uscu, jusi anil uiore iuuins?i's nnu a- . ... . . ' r,- ... c bv our wil liiKnies to give up our 1 ter. ITie same corn w ill answer for . ; ,. 0 , . , ,V , ' .It months, and th henr will bo fit foe f,,r lI'ClU' W. P,,,,',, lel bcraust 1. 1.. j j fciinor u. .orrtivr.lban wbeie Hi fW Jieailed ofl. onieur (J. amused himself one dy by killing il, for want of something eNe to atmnf R1it D jan..l lit I., a.i Sit li 103 Hid Jaize StOrv. The follow .ni.,iM.mi :.. it.. 1 ..ri,. r.un.i. ing anecdote is told of Judge Story and' a sorts of mouse imp; and when threa were caught, she Inch was for t Ii at a fainl r asr I mKriilfv aSlll rinrnpA friA fnsiKf t raf!nn ' a im . . - hWlrk" LITh 1 Pif o nd in it some new v - jcuiea o uie cinss lor argument. Un M,,u mi. s ft itin.t J.ll t an1 r.ra jfis r. f--: one occasion Judge Marsliall had de-' v filled Imna. ui '.it- , .i..iu!..A r I - aw ana IIW rwaaM note directed lo . yourhudiand you my mire. ri.Mirt'f..m "9 , , 07 ' J ji an sons 01 mouse imp.; am 1 i-iS'Je 5"8!on of lc court on his return to wart!cj , M,jaine tv t. I. I . ! ...If. . t? nine iiiErrmiMUH umi in inaKiuz . . . ri .. ri . . . ... .7 i nn iwnv n.iirih u,i. 1,.. ii.. ...... 1 "iiie.iiun' a-iiiiniii'iii ine nrni. "vou i;....i -r.i. . i callon of beer wtll not cost exceeding'. V.,-. ";-v, T "T : ik!. " .i.:.:,.,i.. if .,,,.... I n.,lv , ! ""'" ouri, juuge ,i,eb-was found a four cents, and it is better and more ' '.Vr r ",u,r": ;w,ri . r" i 1 , f,,, ., . .1 f-J-J "'? "";;,--Pouit9MereMajllll,a.ij. , .-Mdnar, 1 ' . .. IOUHinl.il' ininniieo. Kflhvlincka. nitil lit encns lrrlHll. Otlt aa VOu rillllliu. WCJ ffllall holiira lha l.aa Mr I'.iiHj wnoicsome than ciuer. . . - . . "r ."- v,auv' nas kiihu mr cai, 1 senu ... ... .... . , I ubseiire f lm-. Ir il.w Int I null- bu have laemnlnv one one el e. et V sorri ' nam .n t.nimm l l.i.l.. u,... I ' ' Ill in f I If. .. 1 , Ir-mnn I .. . ...... .i.w . ...... ..i.w, ... . - . . - vui.. U JillUtl liaKUIIIVU W 1 U 1 I. ULUI ft I , . faidt in the love of its nan-nt I if the soii'Creal pitv, on the bench: and that eminent man. nn ' n . .. waste or so little loss. For at least se . v ,J L.Hl.irff only love, and love ,e,,drrS Vell. (said Tom.) it ran'i be helped, his return to Washington, said to Judge' Have they noleafv u7s V Do ther ven years of his hf it wtll give an an- mJ-''?lZ'Jl " h iw 'j lv. ci.ough at home, how inucli k-ts acrs ino lime. I aopp.vc. to study iMarahall, that, if the case had been ar- not at ,nri.. S 7 J TS j i,i 7 nual fleece equal to each year the val- f,rt''c " bJ r; ,frohabiy it is ,hal .hey should sandcr n'v I uZ do die best I c m. Mr. !gued with half the ability before 5 e Ll the birTs ir rnL ueof the carcass; ami the yearly in- Uhe hlntrV 'nl" Le 'P'"1''" re Tmiwiie.sli-i I you and I hae a luile t hai, jf 0urt that it was before tfe class, he Jby a sweet mu crease will be nearly or quite equal to i,1,;; crS!rU,"! ,hc K""'1 uIe i'd-;.nd ,hip. I n..y P.m master." decision would have been reversed. t&lvJLr i J Of Jll.fha.r- Jnii,U fh. e.fw efn.; t melting it along with the powder of I1 a,,o,,,here ,., which : ...tma.ed eonvet.aon. rery mn,h to the l8, the young man not yet admitted to J ing w!l0 difno? feel as though rainbow: Of all other animals, the cow comes fi h f ? k of ' eIm to grow. Bear Willi their faults, wlx eurpu-s of nil present, wht h. er being to practice, w ho made that imenti,riemawcrera nearest to the sheep in thc profit it re- nnV ,,7. L 'hJ , .? ?h- 2! v to nre r e" ,,w ,M gi,u,i" "f '" f s tpP P in ,0",'t, J'j(i SS fif" will yet stand at the head of? the New And ihen W turns to the farmer if well cared for.jbolut .t,ra.c, f thf lenees-in pat.f nee wail upon ihe crowdT teen " ,iu.es, Mr.Y ' "f Slly Enttland bar." lb." vl '?en(.thc peach-blossoms it will pay for itself each Tear by the P1 XJTn Do L H iSj. .dd hi. partners, hIJ wa,j? )-1 L iVaTpttion ha milk it yields, and defray also the cost;'"''': .u Jr.. "T. for the nlae. . f the student orcumes the M hi. .lw. !. " 1 ! V ;,en .V,e mo.-ntng glory ,. i ouor to uic iai resemuiioir jo " i... i i. . : i. i" ... ' .r.-.. .;.. .. . r. .7 ... . " .!. nun oe lore me snrine Ot Uoil. of keentn Is there anr branch of farming, or any other kind of legitimate business, that will yield lor a series ot vcars a profit of 10 per cent ? i. ..... i . .: i. i ... .rs.. t: . .1 lernr-l of the liieknrv nut llr. Wright v) """ "-. I oin was a great i.iyoinr, nnuuii imguisneu instructor SO well tilled. ........ - . . ...... .... i. ... t . . I . . . . .... i.i .. r iiitc us i.rar vimi Hsyou Clll, Sllil IfuM Wi re lltilltliy gimi IIUI lie w r;ij)4ino in i has subjected other fatty bodies, includ ing butter and lard, to the same experi- 13 . i : i We assume that, B,"" amt ,a "".T. """ " 'Willi sutusi. juiivi in us iiriidicu. your children rather lo the genial iuflii-j holding enres of the aiinnsihere you create, llian ed lo y tit Villi I Uiarisiini lirrMnl. an. I I it... ii. i ihejpituaiion, and he win instruct A. 1" F.jcprtu. profit of 50 per cent.could be reali.ed.l V r 'j , .tandarJ of ri.h, and proprie.y. to youi wearisome precepts and correc tile ol l nrow .1 "... . i nun-, auu i.i mc pruiiuig-knile ol your peeping thcte is none. The verv idea that a ak mm. r hilnnnli e.f laaaAaj a -fit 1.1 Crtt the whole capital of the countrv in mo-, " uu, 7 V ,ai c ""i . . ... . - . i it rp iiiv a mi iiiHiiii iiiit-iii . . . - tion. rarms would lie sold, merchants , ' , . bciai ems .r real ones ; and err, if at all. 11 lice mini tiin"i tauic ,i.. .t .1 dav'it was madcVa fact, if e " n " f''f " !c,,t er. wnwwnrea. e . r . mid do iiol subiititute 111 their mind arti- tin ! rt nl im miiin inlamcl' .... .ii.it .iiiiiua Bill prepare: himself fur departure by Jhw vvich good eoutJ be done, if JrVm heaven fxt steamer, with the privilege of ioe tcho can pay, thould do it prompt' ' jj p ' g into die World's Fail. 7. The Uleieland Herald publishes thel llio next Tom now rlirit"d M bin frie.d, whn'lollowing, us applicable lo their latitude; met him with a rig'it good "Ma! ba! but Cleveland is but one of a thousand unrolds her beautiful face, and the moss-roses open their crimson lips, sparkling with the nectar that falls docs not bless his --. i ti on me sine 01 iiitiwgen -e. II is tnl ion imti li well diruete.1 love, hul loo Utile, ih it spoils iliililreii. Obedience, noiio wnnia ..ll'nir Ihtr stocks, bankers wiiucKcri.au,i..u.ei. clo.se their banks, and everv body who' - had monev to invest would rush into A Honsr. wrrmuT Haw! An ext mr this gold mine. j d"my plienouieuon, in the way ol i.r.e-f y,, ma lrt the arl.itrarr will of a paicnt, . We aver, without fear of contradic-1 was brought loinwn yestei. : af-J j, f,e procured at ihe 'expense of a thott- tion in truth, that there is hardly a lo- inovn iy me steamer oroa. 11 is ai6an,i sa,.rir,ces ol ilie heart. and the stern calitv in the whole Union, where any ' m:'". eapiuieu on tne ptain 01 trnrzue kind" of farm animal can subsist, thit hy p:irty of Ameneaii Ittmtets. Iimd- ties which was made also the hn.Uu spirited, n piriotie, and cold hearted man or woman. Deal widi vour childien a " Well, Tom, no use, 1 ild you so. ilebis lo ihe laborer, works the. most cruel Ah S" replied Tom, you are oul this injustice : time. Mv French ha Iteenjipproved of. I 77 call around and pay" What a ami I am done here 1 sail in the nejr woild f woe is eoniained in these lew steamer." j words to the poor ariiz-ju and mechanic ! Yo:i don'i say sn; hti; Tom, when did I'll call around and pay," says the rich you learn French!-' 'man, to avoid ihe trouble of going lo bis When yon were leaching firnlin."Vihvk lo gel the nerrsary funds, and the A new liijht fl.isfied across ihe iin of poor mechanic ii obliged lo go borne lo Uroitua "muster. 'What! (saiii ne.; iimappoiui workmen anil nil who de- Cod deals with his children. Do not ' whilst I was fouling over dial clog, you pend up.in him lor llieir due. Il is an meet iheir anger, their . pendence with were slinking T" 'easy matter to work the only real elorv . w . . . .. ... .... .. "Jhsi so; and you know. well wnai in this lite is an inUepeiuleni idea lobe , iii. . .1 r 'iiuic 10 susiain yourseit oy me laoot ol slteep, if properly attended to, will not ! y ''; w. II known traveller. Juan I'er give a net profit on the investment of v- CJapt. Hall. She is lo hands r i..-.. .t f!, urWt, tK liisth, ol ere.il bea-ity and syu'.niriry.ond b leant, v vi .iuu uuvi uiui v , - ,f - 59 -ia.v i in ot d narv management of farms it will vUhoul one parhcle of hair on trny part your own, or their obsiint-y widi willful trive some 20 to 40 per cent. f lht bodU!. he hm ''"'"'i'-, "- ,1CSS ji greater. Overcome evil with sueces our lime has been ieardeil.' That there is no danger of overdoing rubber, and is almost as sell as velvet. g0, -IPn c.,pii himself a Fa- , By the judicious disposal of time, one your own hands, and il may be imagined the business, we have shown repeated- M'' "'If, ""guii,' H,,na M ihci, be ehosi a nam which he designed j young man is up the high road to mnr-J what crushing force ihere i's in I'll cab ly in ' previous numbers. The annual "- - j .., . in oesignincim oi overu.nvmg love, ten- increase of population in the Union re- ' xM" b" fl "PP'051'1""? . tier mercy, and l-mg continued forbear- nuires the wool from three millions of ' rH"r" ! -n.T. Fareius, piovoke not your cbil- i. ,. . . . .i .i i fihirp. u biMi tliose of our nconle who arc - ilr.n u-rii. hhe.'p; so tliat to ciotne ine tucreaseu i ; - ,. .................. population would require an annual in- '""'" things .trill h..e an appor- Wt.ai will not love do ! Who can r r , , .. ..-n: limit? to pe nr. Mie will snenu UiC llfBfliho I lat rw.ll-f Till sfiiili.liii ..w ... .. ...in. rti.ttiiiiii iiiiirii ccs ! Who ever acromphshcdanvihinz bv i . . Col. Fremovt a Millionaire Tha places where the delay in the payment of I f; Louis Union of the irth, says Col. icuiuiii uas vompieiea ana conhrmcu the sale of his Mariposa tract of gold land in California. The sale was made to a company in London, for one mil lion of dollars; one hundred thousand of which (that being the first install ment,) is to be paid to Col. Fremout in thc city of New York, on or about the 1 5th ot this month. Col. Fremont mar now be considered among; the wealthi est millionaires of the United States. He has besides the Mariposa tract just sold, a vast amount of property in San Fraucisco, " 7Mm ' rt i ft n;ii:nn.: .? to ce lier. one wi i snenu mi- CI case " "ll' v' ciiuai i iiu. ini........i. - , . . . . .:? ...i. 1 ,.,c;.tr h,t winter :u Ihe S -nih. as il will be rather I JUL ilVil VwnoiMVi -.. a at a . I I , . . m? there is now an annual deficiency ;of ? r;'r 1r,,, rro,n ,.,pnret reproaches, or itolenee, or harsh mea, over seventy millions of pounds, there he brotighi her, in her present hairlc,$; rc. j Yot. grai.fy a private and dark can be no doubt that wool growing is tie most stable pursuit that can be en- " LMedin. We cannotglut the market, M-e may bo expelled from drawers B O ... ., , i . i? .L.i.l.. .inl ..iinhiiiril. nii.ll utTi'i-f il:ill r 111 lllarillir will tnere oe anv long mue ma. mc " i - - . ... " Lit will be denressed below a point f' ! ' f ie elderbu-li within. I he t.f proRHble production. O.t the con- odor of ihe tdder is intolerable to the am- trary, it is'rertain that no farm product "al. goes less below this point than wool. - It has long been a source of constant Of t?te th -riy-eil t t hiirches in New wonder to us that so many farmers in Oib'ai, "wi-lve are Uo'inri railmlie.sev- the Western States neglect tin; sheep ten Ep's opal. fiv Methodist, six r shy- fnr t!ii verv nrecarious business ot terian. two lla.ni. time l.u hernii, and grain growng Ererv vcar will gpc mm w three uw Syn igiigucs, par-simi in yourowu heart, tnd amuse an other in iheir bo?oni. Perhaps we have all tried it. Rod forgive us ! Oo, try ihe mighty efficacy of love. One smile i genuine sympathy is wnnhall yourpuiye to the beggnr. Ucloved, let us love olie another, for love is of t,'od ; and every one that lovetb is born of (Jod and know eih God. ' 1 John ir. 7. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME. This caption is applicablp to all, but more especially to young iihu ; and the eamileame and fortune, whibi by throw 'ar-u inland pay," id the laboring man . ...j . . . .i I :.. ..t.ll.ii.a '...I... .1 ....I . . .1.. r . - mg nw.v nine, niinuicr, equal in i""i t wm i.i.-jiciiiis uiiiu mai iHy ior suuis is dn)ined to drudgery and cleikship jtenre. If those who could pay would pay pcrhars all his i!;iy. at onee, it would place hundreds and tlii.u- , wJ.. santls in a condition to do likewise, and IVire'j " Attempt to Translate the prevent mm h misery and distress. jyijltrst Psalm. Presumptuous in-- , dividiiiiU who venture lo attack the Ho-j Here are two or three hints for juvenile ly tinptiires with tmptirified hearH mid ( tobacco chewers, which we exirscl liom mere sholastie learning, wiihoul being en-(tbe piston Olive Bianeh : lightened by the Holy Spitit, are punish j Tobacco has spoiled and utierly ruined ed with eonltision, blindness, and delu- thousands of boys, inducing a dangerous ston. Voltaire was once daring enough j pterociiy, developing the passions, soften to versify thai afivciing peniten ial I'saUr, jg and weakening ihe bones, and greatly ihe fifty-first. Every thing went on well .injuring the spinal marrow, ihe brain, and un il lie came in the tenth verse, where it the whole nervous fluid. A boy who is said, Create in me & clean heart, O! early and freely smokes, or atherwise God." Um hi p,ide, and truly infernal .largely us s tobacco, never is known to ha red aeainst fJml and his worshippers, make a nun of much energy of character. did not permit htm. with the royal peni- andgi nerally 1 cka pi y ical and and tnus lent, lo entreat of God a pure and f'tnreic eilar as well us mcutal energy. To peo heari however, he trov lo translate the p'e older, who are naturally nervous, and The Late Gov. Russwurm. The friends f Colonization have heard with deep regret the announcement of ilie death of Gov. John U. Russwurm, of Cape I'atmas. This valuable officer was born in the West Indies, whence he came, when quite young, to reside al North Yarmouth, in the State of Maine. He graduated at Bowdoin College in 1827, the only per son of color, il is believed, who has ever been educated at that institution. Eatly in bis career he emigrated to Liberia, and for some yeais edited a pa per al Monrovia. Soon after the esiablish nient of die colony of Maryland in Li beria," Mr. Russwurm was chosen super intendent, and removed to Cape Palmas, where he resided until his death : retain ing 1 1 rou ghoul the confidence of the ei eeuiive board ill the United Slats, as well aa the affection and reject of the peop'e of color. . - '