V V i . . . - t - . - . . V ' , : , , ...JT . . ... i mm in i ii 1 ii 1 1 in. miii ii i. ii i I ii iinniirTimiiMnir'T r immi nr. mm - N!!i, THK CONSTITUTION AND TI1K LA"- VTIIK GCARll IANS OF OUR LIBERTY. j y . tXIV. Ellf.t.ROiOt'fll!t , . C, iYi;ii.iAYt AovnnnnR o. i .13. o. 7 IO. Leather! Leather! FALL TOADS, IE53IJ f E rrvixtfjl. b HM Hir uU IhtikI. au ' Hi 11 SI 2U .., uMa, I'll I ' VUiuW HI thrf r hvr ww m atw- the Urrrt and 4-l that bi re hJ Ue MtulVlmM f "fiWiiis Ii.mi iur I'aniteg thaieae ha err 41-, lu-i 'lh i'1 ff''" be luiiJa ' .J uiuc WkmI in u iwihru !. ., fjff ! 'J ' K'ul j it Am ih C'lf s'kins I lli.i.li.ij t lUme Hli dit, - H rtiMW .lino. H t "- '. - PHifHuj ttiiw,. . Hi , . - , . .. .-. IfrHI 4J- '''k Hnl k I-.il, . liH) B ik'I l.'hi, rmr.iriin .11 gf1, 14 l -Uif.. sU'wuiaUr Kit or ToU. Tauai r' uutl urrlnrN Toali. ,rf..urn m..iuf.urp. wiranll l.i gi. liu'ibHi. ul iwit ' J'k'4r. al our U iiiJ, i1Mt U. I. Ilf.iwn' H.a.lU Hi m., an.l tUree b-lv IWI.Ie & Wiiile. 91, uifrrt. F A; & u ii. KOUI). X. 0. Tli MilMf Hc, miJ in ch. f ' . F. A. & H. II. F. 1 5 1 iM i ACI.ECR! Of V .IIil-AW. VrniMe, t It wt with cm sente J t ilfliver ihe addrrftii jx"ninj r thia the first Siate . orth Cant! in . 1 he Wt time fur r. M-b fl nh t rnt!ttoti fr,Utf driMatamlikiJI perfrct-tade thp teruritr of 'rron ni ,ripcrtr, nuMutrate that afrlculture ii the grat the cultivation f social aBVrtions. aivl crntre from huh all iniuatml pur tliat ripantive brnevotrnce which I:kU uit railiatr, ontil thejr form tlie r iirle to the tinman familr at one am! the of irfcct eial orginfration. the great aame suwrii.r rmre. In the fa!I cro- balance wheel that shoulJ etnrrn and , control Lie niutimi i all it inecaan oring reu!aritv ami precision inurement. When anr di- li!ih t nUm ami inrreae it. own tnrbance in the con.lact of a. fi-ee tfat peritr uf ar'culture national prope .control the at tlie riJ complete. It calls into exist. wenrir Fair of enceatiljsu?a"iui 'l oiher profeon, in cverj im CHERRY PECTORAL, . Par lha rp4 fmn mt rorens, c olds, iiomsonss. BRoxiniTiTruoornc-rorcn, cRorr, isTinn, am coxsnimox. nrenaratuot. autl the uri!irt .f f'ir unrre. " L'ke in unfailin? f1untam.''ncnt is oUMrved an.l felt, it ' enazement.. seemed ti priif nt inur. it refrchea earh-with citntinmun 1 fnil in "the" undue influence of mountable iliciiltie. espfiall? when stream i.fvitarty. As lonj as Agri- "' ther prfeWi..ns and interests, I was infbrra-d tl at t ilitinuihed cu't-ire flourlslie and ma ntains its'hich, for the t'.roe, hae comb.ned for ovnrUinAn u'.n t ur-u ...nrl. -m. I I rr.i-.,lunr. r llk! . 1 1 4 rflll.lli'v in t'lC OI'PI eiln if a" Cultural !Ull JSt TV. Iv than mvnelfMbeefpal to rheofia. hiimao emplnvmenU, a nation would gr.evance are mutir patiende j sion, had" been compelled to decline V onconM: ous.f the wast" influence '"dured fur Ion eas.n and sonu.; the ilute. y of decline, or this r'sence of ilerar. rnws leit t tne curat ve iaiiuens? 01 Th i'ommitfep. however. iliminw hi wVn thoe who till the cround. ' Asncultire. lie fabl d At!as. An tin auinrroo Jifovarir Sttrtrt h. fit such an in tuura'ion could uot be t whom the wildneMitf barhAriMn and .hwh upiieid tne Lmverie, has great dUnened with x and de.irou that no-, the Cercnoss fa warlike sririt Tield- Mren-ui ana great powers 01 emine nt uk in Uii (rim 4 1 ion lo I iliuW ihr hu4iarM vf U(e, inrrraar it rnj.ijruciit. an-1 rm l-rolmij thins sho ild be o.oitted that could ad- cd in the constitution of a well orraniI,nfr' recu:eratiTe is in . a. a a .11 I aintati. alila il u ak HANt'd ! U-.iw.bum4awir.i.-i.c.li.amra ance the asricuiturai intereit ot wnr-ixra tovernmenr. resign inetr ieacur, ..-.- m.. - - Jitate, or aroUKe her citizens to the ship and Wl behind the who have greai annj nen me ngni -.roops .on fulfilment of the hish destinr which erown up under the shadow of, and .kinuuheri are dmen in. it forms a awaits them, nrged umii meto'consent lved upon their lalmr, that the imbe- " JcUu upon wh.ch onler maf be re fit lu lli SiM !iktr. fn il;ir. f li-f.-rrmw ellitv fkf a"e and decline is seen and stored and losses retrieved 2 in everr to their judme,nt. 1 determined not lt felt." Nations like men. crow old and .crisis and calamity of a people, the A;jthed isap;i-arin;f.ire-:sr, replaced bf consider perMtr.al itu onvenience, but feeble, but for verv different reasons, r cultural interest sustain and enables worii-otiUnd a jraded surfaces, and tlut cheerfullv to employ whatever influence Neither the highest virtue, nor the most c" to endure. Commerce ma? fld?.!he prodactive p;iwer of our lands has I miht possess In aid of the enat nnvarv:nsr prudence, can evade the ithc industrial art may cease to be re-! suffered continued diminution. Aeri- cause, a vjmect. oi an other. iiMt mum " I ne oust Mian return to me ii4mr, ui ui ...-.i ruiiareiiiisocriiciniaiucrrii iunn ur if inKe 'ml tjlue ta nianliiiil. Iliau lliia ronlii Imtioii of L'h nii4ijr lit lite Hraliug Art. A al trial of Ha tinora ihrovinul IhU UmJ rouiitrr. ha pr.rtrn tirvoiiJ a J.rtlirf, llial nn nieli-iiir at rouilNiiiliiNi uf nMilicirH r kiMMvii.ran m auns I Iv c-Milr.J ainl rurr lh iiunai variclira of I KilmHi4ry ohirli bare lii'.hi'flo awrt. from our nihl'l iboumU ml iUoumiuI ctify ere dillgectlr enasel in ihrir reu ation. leave the rnment in th hands of thoe ho rho-e to uiaoage it. In lirl, educated firuu r were brwuht ip fur that purpose, thrush all ihe branches of the highest literature and the most enlarged arienct are not mf. ficientlf numerous amiti:t us. The cultivation id theearthaiul i the reprrten lation of those who cultivate it is nt ofi en confided to such a one, princil. It berauoe such an one is not alvari to be found. The farmer theintvrs hare not regarded their prifesio a. one in which such enlarged cdj-ati'n is necessarv. Tliev have not coiidT. ed the discoveries of science or tl e treasures of art as a poeifa! pit ( the resource which briti f!e soil tji its highest t'.f of jt I Ji fiv u"s, a:i I cover the face of the counter with ru ral b?autf. Ther ee:iml to have 'adopted the conclusion, that as to oih er purs-jit, A ma Mt aenrt kia lima lo wry Ira.W, S.t. far.ar, Friaara are all l innita." Under uch ansp'ces, no wonder that jpar. In.kr.1, tln-re i nw at-unJani ihh i- Jikelv to tiirnih compensation fur the dust as it was." Rut wisdom to devise t.me. Ndl H K TO NORTH i:KDU.VV ...... aBaaa)aaav ) i VUIUIMA .MKKl l!.. and prosperity return with it. nendent lor it ceess unon mere labor. bv iH-ve IUirNlvli.ik-ntUl-r'iitmUmh brief r-nace allotted to preparation, in andt atriotism to execute good, jsst and ; Hut when the earth withholils its in- however unskdllullv applied, and im- ni Wrrliirlmi'iorurr Ho? m uagrro f- the richness of the theme, the varietr whidesome laws, would continue the crease and the flocks and herds perish proements hae ad a tied slow Ir. b frtii,Ni4.s-ihr.lu..s. Ourrr here ill . of its interests, and aboveall.the vast- existence of a nation throng the gene I'm the fields, when the toil of the hus- cause neither understwd nor a lo, tel. Kru.it u. to imMUh any i.rop.riioo ih eurp. ness of its importance. Uorrowin? rat'ons of man. 'Hier-would be a cur- bandman is vain, and eaunt famine , Kcn in the application or mumire. eire.tr.1 by iu o. hut sw w.h.U iwaent ihr t.- nothing from noveltv,- the . interest rent of happiness and prosp.-rity. of sulks forth in the land. Hope departs, ' ti,e Mine fatal error has prevented ' 1 i . I r ii .1 , : : . . r .1 ! . nugimir inm. anil fcfprtl Wll.n ni'O'ina .uooaa I u iinnr.niii i,l nuriillnr.l Am, wnicu it comnianos is reierauie aione iinisrrne nurture, i uciwunn w -- toils intrinsic merit. We assemble, such a tiovernmenl, that wouw eive us re;gn. wrStrruuiisuiuur.i.i, ciicinisTrv, wnicn preciu lesaov cenam .i... ... .i . i ... .t.:.. ..r .u.. .....ni. -.... n.i ;n . . imrr niiiinliu4 and rich, radiant with kimuleilri- uf ilii rmintitiitiiin of .... . . i iihi iv ii.iii, iiimiir in iiiih. . iiiik til im? piii-iisiiii ii i ii nil "iimm mi'ii. m . isi"i . . - ..... .--. ... ... .......... - .... will alaravM l 'l-'l to luriiifi frre, lieir in : arc I atah-liM-ut. lnio$: and likr lunkrr rnquirv lo my 1 1 . i.:.i. .1.. .....ul I - . , , . .... r ..,i. .:.i. .... ...I :.:'. . nnr. mn.nl ii i i. r:l. t . . I. lu-llrt . Hi lilt llifinii l, iiiii.,.in yi in;; i-'uff,'" ...... "iJ ' . ..... ( . . . . c .... I al-rav l l-anl i. furni4i fr.-e, ', noble; n tnmt vM )f hantln w. xylUt wnu!( res;st thc 0f ,le- all t e sp'endor of art and genius, fos ..0,U t which manures are applied, has fu,Mr.ic..l.M...Hli.Hli.,.uu!.k-.i.wrfiui.-eif . wh ch cai,e f,rst to the flv. Liberty, which cffl.sists in thejUred bv wealth and power, are now, eft it prett.e much toaccident whet . f 'a.iM.il. I ' I r ? L . ' l.l C. tl.. r.iM ,tati.t fliu.l up fll fin. .......1 . ff ;t. tt. unci .ll. supplv ol the wants ol man, wnen eijuauir oi rigni, opening a nei lortitiici " -r i,nuuioi i.u, m.i.. .... -..,..- .kin "il.rM- hlifrht ovp thf hliMim enternrise. would irive ceaseless em- 'tiressions of government, loiielv and fu nractitiouer of medicine, the same se enereies which are .w:tnnui innauuanis, auu in me aiicocc nose is amninistereij lor cerj u- Stevenson & Wcdilell, of Stifle and Fancy Dry Goods, , Dlfii of Trao-irt.ilion, J. t. Atka. )rr Sir,--Mv liule aoo. four lumi. It. . C Aug. 4. 1623. $ of Paradise, and the curse curtailed the plovment to those energi MHI. HHH ; . . 1. .. . I ... , . . . t 1 . .. I, s.t .. .A. Al I1IIP llPtiPrt .Oil. Ull.'.lk til tlie IUart a III! I II IliO .1 in II It II I ll !!. It Oil ll '-..-.J.1 h..i1.jr-er.Hlfr..Mia.vr.iaalla.kof oounues oi namrc uy r:MrnioiiiK u.e .- a.u.a.., ..... ..... v . w . . a . . io4li-.iwoiNaH.iFrver.Uia ilir.wi wa r.rtieo.1 sm.ntaiteous lru;tfulness of the earth, strained, success wouui oe tnercsiiii mai me mu-r aui iiiM .umui .r,. 811,.um mu mrnne n i men. 3D!E!BlE'Ji3 .ivlerrvprini.ihaiH.dbiiM.iii.H.omlhun Man was "sent forth from the garden of well d.rectcd eflort, and the ncqui- vain, , mat me gen:us m Agr.cuuure, oiten as loisciuevous as saimarv. - riflads. ,,,,vi"s jour-Cmaat' IVc-j f Klt.-ia to till the ground from whence sition of independence and wealth the having lingered till all hope was pass- Farming seems to have been rmrd- mm in t'liimirui. im the woiii-roi isao, i.a, i w g - w;t the assurance that end of a virtuous and judicious imlus jCtl, uepaneu to some nappieranu more cil as a business winch inav u. I ken .. . i. ..I" It. ....t.lti. nutir. 1 ' . . v. . ... . ' ..:... . ...I ...!!. ! . H !..! ft .... ...I .. .1. rl . , . !tr.hiirir. I'll.. " -cr.r ...i... ... w...m..... ...... "in the ttweat of thv lace blialt thosi trv. Idleness and improvidence wouni .auspicuiu coonirv, ami vim .19 mn, p wnen an o-ners lan, aim kimiuioii. VOW ..(Te, 1.. the trade a l..r,e .ml comn...i.l- J wW m iure,! to iry ii on my titils boy. I 8ve , . f . T b atiMiri, v f aw. But, w ealth, p iwer and population have eA as soon as anj otlier shall Ik. oirer. ,,:r.K producing otdv.jpcrifron, the la d!: Indeed h, promised profit because be;- of D.mieMic r;Hils ,.unhJ lrora f)M1I , OeeLM rho.p f. ilipMier. . ml after' ami it comes to us venerable as well, and leae.ng the management of afTairs! strength and power of any people n.u.t fitted by the .prngtes of improvements the r wui ..Ivaare in i-rkw . three ilay uar he wa able lo rat or drink will, j fr j., ,5gi, antkiuit v as for its divine to those intpelL d by other interests, ; be found in their agru ultural c. apaUil- which have been recognised snd adopU MenhaiHaarc r.Htfully inviu-j lo full snl nut r I or cin. And he who said to the first of. another state of things arise,, the ten- jilies. No nation can long exist who d.' Sacti has been th tadifferenre ! n M.iiur ur aMwnm-m. a we f.rl cooiut.-..! t Iu o. in the al.e Hsm.il Jwof wn , JT . surged be the "round dencv of which is sure and steady to import all their supplies of food nci- agricultural education, that by fur tit Vff .nr.; ?rei imloeeiiK-nia to ,.unW4 aa euiy . c I..U fro.n ,Wrn..iur r,vr. .ml heve J - . ' . . , . t, nvrxhrlW , of fi ee inbtitutTons. ther can any people prosper permanent- greater portion of w hat has been writ- ii : e-irflmrafinLestsare L fr the advancement rf knowledge ''SimH i-i', . mediii. evi-..t. f" f tki.i.v dBousindur1 " "' 'I"- tnaJxtUi oppressed or neglected bj Le- upon this subject ha been but little r ' J ... . 8f.i ule yrmiv.H t!ie"1;t .Ur.-4..e jiM"" 1 sbundantl v lo supplv the tioti and consequent return to the roiii-jgislativi- power anil anihorttr: teadltrd ov bHHdefiWiaatel iooJfc 'LKvntr; t i,,c .K,1,t ih m,r" t,atr-. ' Kt!k' aMig w in; y , YhtU? nes,7-? ful v ?? fmU nti iretcA wUU, ufWct.-4 . 1 .. . i .; ..,... ;.h .Mi M.i.rt. It was knulness. as well as justice, war affaiust labor, a contest, in which, tual onpresion, ana it is demonstrable not conteiuut. Anv new suinzestion. .V SfPTT'V? AW Importers and Wholesale Dealers. t(i U-nst In inlnrio lltrir frirmla io YIKtil- l)T j. I). l,OWKI.l..Muj.t.Tnn-..I..R.R, , liiN-k Hill. N. J., July HI, t8.'2. J. (. At en. linee vonr ineiliei e ban Im- MA auilNOKTH CAROLINA, ih.it ibe en ie kn-wo hen, ii baa a greatrr uVmnml iIiho. .iie i..t.M;tieii.uf tile are indDensable the most nbiect condition of those who ..e .r.u.reJtir..H-r)oio om-rihel.AltUi:T any other eouh remedy we have ever ..Jd. It , f( ,he jrrfec(if, f ,umaM character, look to labor as a source of support : ' !r ?Z:itZ ,1 l W twhr they arc, th.? a decisive Hympton, T national " a..va .,..,.. .j .j k.-.,w.i. ' but as faithful as thev arc stern, am scnilitv. the substitution ol the will ri Vi .rm .iii r?r r.?r -i-ia s?i . ...... . . iSA A siii? Vx? il& m WMRike ' U h.ia done. I lake .leurr in n 11 of the depression of this however valuable, must nass the ordeal a a a i a a a a. 1 ' " t , I t .! - . . . . . upon a race which had lost its inno- cr.bpied ornaraivr.ed, in wincii tne great interest in .orin i aronna is re- ot a comparison with the savins and '. .ii . . .i... - ..r ii.. i - i....... i e. i.i. . l i , r :.. -..i ... .. a i- ? . i- i i i i cente. which implied the iieccssitv ol labor the riht arm id" tlie. r,co;. is .ften that much I'll i i . i . .. . i ... i " I t il . ! i race wnitn nao lost its inno- cr.ppieii orparaiyr.i'ii, in wnuti All c xcerienre teaches that complete success ot caunal produces 2S ever i: as important as tliev are iniJexinie,- oi.tne creature tor tnant tne creator, ...;t.i,..i s it-;. r ivi..A,.r .'lnffiLlHTauelknovvihiiilain giving niy cua.' types, and shadows of the thorns and that irregular diflusion of vital en- 'n-llsli Mutch trlsti Frcucb ,"'"r?u" ofih.ir money. and I fl gis- thistles, wh.clj our great ancestor lor ergy, that inequality in the distribu - . I - mini hi wtmh mi: in in iu iiiuiin ip. . K lipt, , . ... , . and ItelKliim tioods W i, ....i a- - r,.r.K-, - j ....i i..i;. lc rst time . i -.1. . i "r.L. " '" . .-Ki-. , - I iia. a i.rn leeieii wiiii grr:n rirr i.v wr m ,pe firm l PKItsON. and having ofwraled early t.ir an advance, the aliirk of Auieriean Doinen- liea will lie fu'md ebe.HM'r than' any reci-iil nir-rli-e. Uuviiiij at 'all time, exclusively for t!.tSH, lliev lielieve lliey hww mlvunt ige whifli ill ta ike il ! the intermt of iurcli.irra lo call on llit'in. '1tih blieral, a usual. : X- tlrllAVllVk' kv i... ..... ........ 1 1 i.... i : .i. P.'4I i...r in n l.i .... s. .vi- . i ...ii. iinv7 hud n i. ll his cured ine of a iIhiii;chhi air.T li.ui of tlie liiiu.i, and I d'i ikiI uveiMiile my run- ferable to such neglect. It is not oniy doins of some individuals.'wh t. htv natural and proper, but necessary to the ing in some measure succeeded, give permanence of any such government as law and opinion to the circle in which our jivwi, that the; cultivators of the they arc known. The disapprobation, soil, those who direct the details of the or ilistrust of such persons would he work, should govern and control iis conclusive against anv improvement, operations, and take care of its own unless its utility is so' obvious as i n interest, in anv otner nanus exciu- meil;atelv to silence Mil onnositioi. sivety it is unsafe, because not guard ed bv personal interest. A necessarv consequence of tiie neglect of our far- Our farmers have not generally been educated for tlie business. The opin ion has generally nrva 'led that the highest mental culture was not neres- ' ImiHifler. and YVhuleade Uenlera, y i - ' . H int Side tncamore atrect. TV Acent fr .mili Citroiinn CoIIjii Varna, ' I)iiiiii'.tica, and lrih Nlioe Threads. IVlerl.nr, Va-Sejit. l. 01 vit-ti.iiiM a lien I aay it ia a (iriccleaa remedy 1 nor. very re.a clfully, l. A.Mt CL'I.I.IX, Attorney nt l.nw. fi. P. rni I Wilkeabarre, Septembers, IK50. uOPPSr OC 1 lili 1 lr- J. U. A i km. My dear Xir, You.-, medi- mn o i . i i . r cine is miic.li auiinived ot by those who have iisd . a .. r, .uiiHrnm'r iinvmir iieciiine ii.iii.r.e.. ..... i. i ... . . J. ,i -r i i' p t i r I .i.ii." np"'' '" u eoma-ni.in ia uch aa lo inure I lie Tin nod Oupiier Eittahlixhinent lately owned by A. C. Murdnck, ben leave lo iiifonn tlie ritiaena nf HilUliornuh and iheaiiriiiuiuling ciuiiry, th.it be will emitiiiiie lo cuirv oi the Tin , and Uiirr Un-ineiK in all ila vnrinua briinchea, and would be ileam.'d to have a call fr.un all wishing lo purchaae. any article in tin line of twine. - . Men-lunta will be anpplied at lhcuii il wh.de riiile prieea, al the honcl mil ice. and lhe:Tin delivered at their d'Hira free of cost.. Kvery ar ticle warr.otted to lie of goixl inatrriid and the WiMrk'natinhip (JikmI. ' . Ilia almp wilt lie found one d.ior above P. II. RiiiVmV alore. ' , - i CHvULKS THOMPSON, -tepl. H. 185:1 .'. .04 Iv" HOUSE AND L0T3 ' nraf nillslmroiifh,) r ' FOR SAl.lv OR IlKNT. ' .Tiik House and Lot where ifl I i Vu the lite I'ri.xtly Maii-iim reanled. near HilMiormiuh, on the Oxford 1 road, ia oflered fur sale or rent. saw springing from the tion of those weights that should ba- . i ".. .n:. i i ...... ...K-..U. .i ...... r. iik .,...4 erouoo, a coiiscoueiiie l.i ma iranre!i- laiive vai n uuu-i, nnivn .iimm uui.t lle jours WU "eaperl. .- J i.... u. ' i... i.-.i .1 P .1... .-I . I-....... .1. . -t.l. l .. . J(IH U. WHri l.tlCK. isioo. wnen lie. wmi oao t.iinvrvu uir nun ucsu u inc i iv n kkiu rn P. s. Almwt any nuiniier of cerofKMtea can, fruits of Paradise for his refreshment, and the poor very poor, by the force of imers to assert and Exercise the right be at bi you if you wi.-h it. was told, that ho should " henceforth ' legislation a state of thinsrs which to control and sovern the countrv. is sarv lor success in this eton'ovm-Mi . Winilxor, C. June Sfi, itt eat of the herb of the field." Then be-finds its termination in revolution, or j the d. gradation of the profession in They have been taught the use of the J. V. AtK. Sir : Thi iiiy certify ihatj gn tne w j,jc, ,aj sjnce continu- the law of force, or in our more civil- j perfectcultivatimi and diminished pro- plough, the hoe, and the spade. They hiveu-ed yom CitRaat PacrottaL firapwanlb to mark ''the generations of our race, ized age," in the emigration of poor and i fits. Whilst agriculture asks no bouu- can feed and raise domestic an'i- nt one yr.r! and it ia my sincere behel Jlbal 1 v . ,. ...f ,. - . - ... .m . p. : i:.:.. i. T. .. .I r A IIIUI IV StV UirilMI 11. H III win l?V .-Wll' 1 v ...V.. , 1.11...0 j . . . . i,,v . . ....a.. . k., .... ........ i,h,v wiw hiuik ,f 4 t VII. , 11 . .. .. ... . ,!,. i i .. . I . I. . I . ,. . elusive, ol the identity ol tnat race, ; poiiert toyieiu, lor tne want oi sttiyecis ,oi legiMation 10 auvauce us interesi-, nave 1101 ueen eniigiiteoea y the c.h that we may well smile at the creduli- upon which to operate, ft is the old jit should demand the removal of ob- centrated experience and learning of tv of those 'inquirers who have failed - age of Europe, the oppression ol labor , structions, and resist (he imposition of those who are successful as well at to find in revelation enough to remove bv capital, "the inu.ling the ox that; burthens.. To secure this, there must practical, and have civen their learn . . . I . . 11 . .1 M f 1 .C I ) . . .. . .! .. C .1 . . I . .1 I . their douots, . tieauetn ont me com, auu furgeuui- Mairalone tills the ground for his ness of the truth, that "the laborer is bread. Sustained bv the recurrence of worthy of his hire," that ha poured seed time and harvest, he sows in hope upon our shores that stream ot emigra- our princt I invariably racon-""fcnd cultivates in joyous expectation deep- civili.a- and maintain its reputation. mend il for onhnnnarv nilci-liona, u do many of Iftall conditions of man. from the incipul aSM, i.na. ' r . . ." est barbarism to the highest c"n , HTRE ATER.M. U. I am vonr friend. CHAS 1 1 (L. t I Vtr at" I : .a f II M..chu..u. v. wrth.hat been discovered. s.,1,1 hv s n. s. hmiYield. HiilsiMirmiffk. occupation, tiepenaniff lor tion which for many yeajs haspiCMent ed one of the most 'remarkable pheno mena of the a2C. Thev come to till Cheapest, Shortest. 8c Host Expeditious Route ' To Petersburg ami the .0rtI1. VJRVKI.i.KR.S e.miti3 down the Raleigh .a and tiaatmi Road are informed, that they will find at (jSatoh a pasaenuer train 'ready to carry them on to IVtcrhitig without any delay, liy l.ikinij ill in train, they will not only save " . .t. . .e .. 1" 1 . 3u cenia in ine price oi eacn pannage, aim anon- r . . - , . ,. en the railroad travel 15 milea, eomp:,,ed with ?f the earth, we perceive that the leel th. route ri' V eldon , tcrsburjj liefnre cam utarl from be a strong representation ol this inte- ing to the world. They have not ret iu the legislatures of the country, a learned to make the best, the most easy representation at once enlightened and and profitable application of their nrc- learned, in all the details of this impor- tical kuowledge how to increase fer- tant subject, which sees in the agricul-. tility with increased productiveness tural prosperitv of our State and coutv how to demonstrate that exhustion is :trv. somethiiiur higher and nobler than not the legitimate tonseouen.ee f oro- -- . I . . it ft 4 t . - - - tion. Ike existence of religious feelins. the ground, w here all is new and fresh t tlie enterprises of tlao tran politicians. Mluction : and that under wise m.inairc- connected with the cultivation of the and free, and, above all, where labor ;and their paltry schemes. - In order to! inent, the contary is true. , Our liir- The very commands capital, because labor can do this, there must be a change in the j mera have acquired much from expert- its success aiwavs command bread where inous : system ol education, which has prevail-jence we autnit, but individual expen- lllll '.I ....HHJ..J . . ....I... ....... I..M...AI.4 1 .. I. A i. ll I t.l 1 1 Ul 11, I.. I ..in 1 sense of the terms, have . . . . . rous amongst tnose w no dav ensaied the meiaurv.of seasons of sadness as well as of4el6lcittr, as the earth with tilling the ground, and those who till I which form our Republic. held or bestowed in bountiful profusion it, and to the occupations which grow ;has been manifested in the her fruits. From the green eoru dance out of it and depend upon it where which agriculture has sustain of our own Indians to the Festival in labor sits the presiding genius to con- pampering which other individual pur- honor of Ceres, our own joyous har- trol and give direction to capital, using i suits have enjoyed, in the wealth which vest times, and the' rejoicings of the it as a stimulant to give force and effect such hot house culture has placed in world over the ingatherings ol the fruits to the enterprises conceived and exe-1 certain localities and the occasional de- cutcil by itsell. . Ipressions which have curtailed the pro- Mr. J. s. I.uc ia, Chapel Hill, ami by Druigia upon, change4 of season beyond hu mail try never fails to secure comfort and ed amongst us. and Uealeia iii Medicioea generally. ' . ' touted, points to an overruling Pf o i- independence where the cry of want j in the practical 'OctuUr 4. r - 0 tin Jcnot at the source of prosperitv. And or the ravages of hunger never distress! not been nunui ?d .administer our government either ttthis of -State, or in the Confederation of Slates the history, of every KMip'e peroetuates or invade. We are this The result burdens lined, in the . . . , ., i. - i . . . .. i & . e . i .,.-... r .L ! . but thev will reach re- ,ngs oi tne nean nave courseu inroun n i m.i iu jiui jmsc io vuhuuc m v uism (iim.ru. iuiiiituiici wiujui e nave a demonstration oi uctibility of agricultural eiiton. out inev will reacn re- urc nn n.tvniu v... ....... ...f . - ..- f. the iVierahurit or Portsmouth the same channels which led in the remarks exclusively to practical agri-jitls true, w vveldmi. a those car have lo earliest times to the ottering the first culture. Such a discourse belongs., the indestruc etice, aitnougn a certain, is a miKt nlostr and expensive teacher. Tlie lo of time an I the failures which it record leave it far behind other instructoi. when we consider the value orajnount cf the information obtained. Ma shtiuTjlearn from experience,' it is true. but it is efteaiVr and better to learn from the eiperie7Kcavpf others than ou own. Facts discoVd are com propertyand a pry clcul' cation would young farmer a which centurie ence 1 stu ' v aw a .a . m.a - a .a a I. ik : ... . .: i . . a a -a . t - aai w. m . a r j i ne House ia pieasaiuiy anuaten, ami moun '' m?ioncara, ano wmn fruits ot Hdcks anil ueltls to the Author more propenv to anotlier occastonaiiu iergy and productiveness, oi usca n. within the eoqwaii.m. ia auflieiently near i avoid ihe d. I..v ,.f 3j to 4 hour at that dace. );spenser aj C,MM j wt)UiJ be better suiteil to the tilting I to endure and "prosper under t ,VX JCa'ofrte,, , The pVogress of itsinprovement and I of an Agricultural Society devoted to stances which would ensure W' .ml a ?ir.liMt . A lot adj iiniuit. enntainiii2 about Ro l Co M1ny, t Gasion. : the extent ol its advancement ae most , the execution of the details of this great other ; eraployinent. Muc ( vhree acrea, will also be .ld with the other pre- oflire Gn-ensviiic it r. R. R. v-o.,i . certainly indicated by the manner in j profession. e meet not only as sometimes been hestIati . mi-ea. ; : ! " Gaston, Sent. 13, 185:1. S 03-m u-hirh tlie parth ii tilled Iciim the vil-1 farmers, but to recoynize all the results ; made so apnea rent thar to e v sscptcmlicr ID, ' . IRON! IRON! V J N Aaaortment jut receivid. ijv.. v. vx ui,u. II AT the -Drug-.' MXC. - June 15. So ! T J REsB VTKRIA N A l.M ANA for 1851. . f..r mIo at TJIE Dlil. t.' sTuRK. Oetobei 4. , ' )5-- JITST RECEIVED, Store. Sixty Ounce.. QO- i. a?kan iiriruiii'iiilum ai.ttil nnk i r tA O l ll"f 19 s 07 uigaiiiiiaiiuii titllll csi.ia ' " w - " hi;lif st refinements of civilized life. ai v mm m a w iaa ar -aa w a m ! vava a yi . . -' 4 MtlsT chartniuj voliitnc, for ale l lb ppearent lasres ol Indiau Wigwams, and the small ! of that profession in the kindred pro-1 capitalists, awakened patches of irrain -cultivated bv their! ductions, mechanics and thr-arts tn ; sion of the loss of all, hav 1 .."i ... ......cii i" ..i.i i . e . t l. women, through all the gradations ol : ciann lenowsnip witn move initusirmi relaxation oi a grip wnicn . . I I I a a. al ... I. I . 1 . uurauus which, ueriving suppoii. n'".iiave riciucu io tenerosi iiiv idi inn n ion. ill return uiiiiiiiisi. "-, oi lasiicc. .imuicih-jj , (St. ire. Nations gradually emerge from turbulent scmi-barbaruus and ag; sivc state of war atid cmuiiirat. the severity of his labor by improved agn-i restrained by any pap' cultural implement s. and which add tojto justice, gaveat; the t omlorts, luxuries and elegant les oi ; rests w km I ft. . aJ ill t- lys- - l)ru July a. 94 tlie jici iiiiua-ut tju et of mi ariculiu manufactures a a