O t'awo'iott f Ml. J. A. tl'Amtr, m rvwiMiltlce. ctriikutio .f Mrr. J, I'. Kiritaml. K. M. anj Jed li.IJn.M - . . , ... ar, a appomted tattJit and settle, ic account m me ireasarer i iue CeMtpaay, and rrjwit !t the eit meet, in-. - . j Oa 100414.0. tie Krcrrtaric were in atractrd tobjreSeiudred copies .f the proceeding T this auerling pb- It J4 fcJiailat"MHi amon? the St;k- M.r. CM motion iI Mr.Odiucr. the thanks f the meeting were returned to the Officer and Mtwbert f Earle IJs. 71. f. the aef their Hall. Mr. Gumer latrodeted the liII" - ! rei4alio.ml.icha adopted;- JtaJxJ, TUt tkt tluiuU of thk iacctie re kerrliy rU-mlfd U tba 8ectvUnt for ti 'jility wiia mbkhth7dudurgIUidi- OaBrotmiiofMr.liilmer, the follow, fd: IlooirtJ, TTwt lh tbanLi of this ixrting I, ml r IwjrJ.y, Irmk-reJ U ibe I'bainnaa, t w Jini'y, aiiilitj au4 taipartiJitj with lik k ha pwwtWI iu (kliUnUuiis. . ILereupon the Chairman made an FVl''"t" iJ-iiniv v ...... . ...... f ... . . . . . Jhe meeting adjourned. CAI.V I N G RAVES. Chairman. Edwis A. IIiabtt, COUNTY FAIR 1854. Uranjc C'ouuty Society, Fur ike promotion uf AgrieuHure, the Mtthtt. ie Arte, 4c The First Annual Fair of tiiu Socie ty will be held in lUUuornQU ofi the last Thursday pnd Vridaj i'r Octuber pext, . urrrrLATirts's. Hembersofthi fH-ielT.and atl ulin, by the parment ttl one dollar '( the treasurer UTre or at the time uf the Aart i1.itttn ntt aa luindmu itmiiiltiu-n a all C JblltUdatflla; IHatJ 1VltullC MirillUTI B mil be furnishcil with a badge of lueinber fthlp, which will pilmit tv member aiid the ladies id hi familr, ami hi'and fusceptibilitv to latuesi., w'dl b children untlcr21 car of age; to the lair prourwU ilqrit ite hours of public rxhibition. Kihibitora uhn ritnlpnd lur riri'in!'. iwr?,are rijK-cted to become mi'mbers of - this StKriety, and must have their animals or articles properly entered at the oflice, on or before 10 o'clock on lltursday the 26th of October so-hat catalogues of the articles exhibited may be properly arrarrged before the grounds art nrHMil tnr-nnldtr rthihilian. . . Allabiinaisorarticlcstdmjttcd uilh in the grounds for exhibition, inut br labeled with the name ami residence of the owner. '. . No animal, implement, or other ar ticle, for which a premium is oflcred, ril be entitled to said premiuoi, though it be' the' beat or necoRtl'ht ol-the kind oiTeicd, untesir' aurhr article be deemed by the judges of sadicient me lit to deserve sucli reward. . The decisions of the judges of a wards wiir.be rfgnnlcd as final, in every exercise of their legitimate au trTity. Uut any awards made con trary to the rules for directing and re stricting premiums, claimants or a wards, will be disregarded, or rc ersed by the executive committee. AH reports of'the judges, to be va lid, must be delivered to the executive committee fnr examination, on the eve ning preceding the Srth, the day for RirfMoinciRg the awards oPpwmiuws. . Premio-ms awarded; but not claim ft! within three months thcreafte rVwill be frgarded as donations to the' society. Tlifs t'ltief .Marshal, with efficient ajd 3, will be a it attendance during the hours of exhibition, to keep proper or tier. . According to the law upon the sub ject, Premiums can be awarded -on4v tu artipU-s which arc of the growHii; niamifactarc nr product of the eu'anty. AH persons exhibttiag'toiploifrentV; will be expected to accompany them tOth the pricfS for which tliey can af ford to furnish them. " . All contributions to Floral Hall will be cheerfully awl thatikrully received. AiHcJficictit'ptdicc will tak chavge pi" the grounds during the night.' Admission fee for a single person 25 cents children under 12 years, and servants, Ji!rra4ce.. PROGRAMME, Thursday, Oct. 26th. The fair wilt ppen at ten o'clock for the admission of visitors. In the afternoon of the satjve day, the Judge wjll' make their eTSaTnixsrlona, "IVijl of Machinery. Friday. 2rtli. The address deliver-fd,- Ploughing match of single and double harness horses. Reading re fforts of Judges, and parade of prize jiniinals, The gates will be closed at four o'clock inthe evening, tooiake arrange ments fur the night. BRANCH I CKOIU FJir tjitiirgesi yield on an acre of fhe loIlowir.ffof, viz: For the largest yield of ecnt on an acre f 'I " - vtheat 3 , ' 1 Tobsc; . - 3 ' " Cotton " 2 v ' OaU, (rortwnon,) or Spring Oals, . 3 ' Winter oats 2 " .', ' Hay 2 " Turnips . I 44 Sweet pot.itxs, J acre I " '' IriKli ; . I 1 ' the best harr xtf fl mr fronHlie smallest n.UAUtily of wheat, 1 witli lull report of weight, off J, etc i For tUe 2d best of each of the above; cftrildiftos. For th i best average product of each ol the fol-) -iw.ii f rrtiiM. a lltiiKnn i. vi : rli..i.rinniAii n a 44 p. , Wans, o; ltet, iU romwm Ut U "" par!, puipUu- aJ Ofrf pre. best Urt "-""J h-t. oVlt hi List mi to iuerwintrs. Vmoo(tht mhtrt JSRAXCH II IJVE STOCK. riXif JHVISIOS. -MlRl8i.S. , rtT cuu-. 73brsn5W. far lb am thorough-bred suUkMi y4 yearsoU, 14 F" ,h JWirWI j 4 y dd. 4 p., die bert aadrr 3 3 for the 34 be of earn at the above, dips. i- c!, 0f LK.o.1 i-;..-, Itliehkhett uoiat ul ifiitinctiun. a well Mt, MMi aceoww each animal nt rxhibHioa tu cuiKtiete fr any f the .y. nrizr. - ' ' ,.' ...... raftta Wrt auifo. 4 yam U,- J I CJIt - - , 3! ' Fo ibe 34 be f earh of the above, dijw. For Uie lt si.lf of uj. r leat'.er, ' Yot the bcl wJJlf l.rc, or gtKLug. 3, kJo ( " siugl LanteM borae, , 3 j ' aaiui"-" ". j ... Jaif of uakbe4 carriage ot bar- I " rj!f tn, 'f8 . ' 3)' .kj":h t - .... - - regarueu as ciuei piiuu ui ineni. - , .... t-t. t jar.... TI11&U iMaovna(iNniiCBim MUif For tbe beat Jack over 4 yean old, a Jrnnet ; f3 Jennet " Mule For the 3d best of each, , tliiJomas' SKVUkVO MlflSlOJl. C4TT1.K, rtKST cUkuJmprortJ brent. For the beat WI ovct 4 year old, i " milch cow over do. " bull between I and 4 years, hrt heifer M ween do. For the 3d brat f aac,- didi I 1 iimaa. eecoso in I'emmm St uric For the beat bull orcr 4 yrara old, , , 3 uiili-li cow oer do. t ' V byll Mwei I and 4 yeare I r fceifer . l For the Sd beat of each; diplomas. In judinTitesc classes size, frtii. -tlit chret point of attention. 1 ftino ct.tss.-hut- Cattle. For the test pair f fut oxen or cows, 'i " fut Miif-le oi or cow, - I ' ' ' ' blof fat cattle gnus fed, not lce than two, 3 hi this class fitness for the shambles will be regarded as the chief-excel lencc. roraTH ct abb. HW-; tVerj. For the best yoke of oxen over. 6 year told, $2 u . , m u . pj-.dor , For the Sd best -of eacln 5 -. dipa. For the best driver or manager of oxn, I . In judging this class, form, size and docility, together with susceptibility to fatness, will be the chief object of attention. ; . . . . TUIIID DIVISION. SWINi:. .."-.. Hhbt CLii. wprorerf Pit.- ' Pot the best 1k t OVeY one year old $ I " brood stw over ' year obi, I For the Sd bent of each, diplomas. For the Im:kI lot .of pigs, not lew than six and ' under six months old, 1 For the best boar over 1 year old, - I . M heat briMid sow 2 years, 1 For the Sd best of Ciich, diploihaa. For the IhwI lot of piK, not leas than six and under i tKnths ohi . In these classes, si.e, fornraitd fat tening tiualities, will be the chief ob ject ol nttintlion. FOURTH DlVISIOS-SIUiBrt . first clas. Fine ami Mediurit Woo!t. For Uie beat bm-k,fiile wool, . 1 ' " . Kwc, " 1 For the Sd Invt of each, diplomas. For the lest lot of lauihs, lint let tli.tn three, 1 bkcoxi) class. Are w Vumhtm Bind. For the ltt buck, , -' . 1 - Kwc, ' 1 " H M,f laiab-s noles. vhan St'-' . I " u iiiuttona, uot lesa than 3, 3 ., UULES FOH IJUANCH II. Animals for exhibition will 'not' be received or admitted within the fair gtoiMvd before Wednesday, then they must be properly entered at the ollue, and placed under the directiot ofthe executive committee. Animals will not be admitted or're ceived after 10 o'clock Thursday. jo exhibHor" wilr be permitted to eTrtertuore tti.Hi tvuaKiiaals iuany one class. . Animals when dulv entered shall be well provided lor, by the Society, with out chaigc to the owner, but they can not be removed Iroin the grounds, ex- cea by the per uusMon ot the-Executive Coiiuuiuee, Avvartls ol ment or sunerwirv- irt' tins branch, will -be given agrveably t( i , . : No unprofitable aiMioal will -be a pro per subject to receive a-premuim. No premium will be awarded by the judges, for aiy animal- not esteemed worthy ; though it. should he the best of the kind exhibited. 1$ RANCH HI. MECHANICS. first class. Agricultural Imnknunis. For ,the best one hoie plough, I" j ,: " two 2 " coulter " bull-tonguo " 1 cultivator, V " " grain-cradle, 1 " threshing macliinf , 5 " wheat fan, - , 2 " borsc rake, 1 i " " huftg grindstone, P; " strawciittcr, 1'! " pair cf Ehplic Springs l"! . iron axlvtrces and boves, I " ; " dung fork ' . Sfle. " hayfork, fiOe. " dung shovel, , . 50c l". " ditching spade, bOc. ? " rhopping-axe 50c " broad-axc, 5(lc , " hand-axe, ' 50c. M claw hammer, 50c. -., yoke. polling bok. "''. - M wcylli snatb, , .-' , ataut aaaehiiav "- rota planter m !i Jl. , " straw or btk cutter, ft U 2d ltJ three last, . - - riJrt-TtJttA. For tbetet IMlt borse wagon, 4 - ! 3 , one - ; ' '"'""'" - ' I , Iw bar carriage, ... -.- . 3 m -brtoa m mrkawaj, I kags ariiS fcjs 1 MKI ST. I rocU8dbcaia2, Apuxamc i euaa.&aVfay. Tor the txvi'wt vf 4 iwma wagoa rrar. 3 " kmrmem,' - Sboraerarrian "' " " ??S7"milkfa j,1' u'Cwatjrair,lalalIJilbMrloaUaIart at4 MrtiBR1a, trllui'lKi ll' ililtu. lU34ieaofrrb, di.ooiaa. ! J Tanning , tm legmen. dij lom-s. I . f j " ru . nue, I " " ahoisfine. . . . ah.M. fine. fifle..: a a ul . I a. iHMtia and ahnea. nuw. 1 For the Sd brat of each. ' ii4omaa.-' imruaaa vim PHwai iwn -I sixth cusTuiling. j r or the beat ctwt mad by a lady. M M tailor. " ; pants . r. . 60c. dilouiaa. " et of any material. V it.. i i . r i. skvksth rtjise. IhuttkM Mdnufuftum. For the best lied quilt. S counterpane, II Uankct, r pecimen. of embroWerr, 50e; ptere of woolen jeans, 10 yards, 3 " linaey, - .1 .t C.M- eroea, I vanK " v"- " For the bct talde cloth a. . lmiiHmad fcilk, . " specimen of soap, aAd process of makiiiir, 60c , vi tav i-vo i viasa aa wi a va iuim-i iiw i - Vaa Isnaif arraawa man ef aTswUri laiitlaa a.kt tsamai Titf the brst FpocimcA of fhew, liom-matlc, For the 2d lst of the al-ve,. diplomat t or the lm pair or woolen stockings, .- cotton " RULES FOIi BRANCH in: Air mat hines, implements, or othef, prouucis oi meciranicai an, orTmise hUt'4iHiidivrorkr'ust Be exhibited by or for their respective makers or in rctors, orimpnvers, or assignees, to whom or for whom only premiums for such articles will be awarded. Persons holding such articles by purchase, or as matters of trade,, will have no claim to premiums. Every machine or implement ofTered for a premium, nnist be designated or describedi t flint' the article may be identified by fulure purchasers -jwita also the selling price, marked on theim Efiiciencv. cheDne8S.-rHr-dutabili- ty-will be n-nnlcd as chief excellence iiv every "machine or implement;- 1 '. KRl'IT AXI'lRt-lf 'TRKi.' ' 'r - For the Wl a il larrfit variety vf "apples, ' pears and u-irlips eachj- , tSij. For the lart und IcmI variety of fruit rrees; I For the'lK-sfimd lurgesfatsorftmut of table vegetables, . 1 For thchcAaud iHrjcit aavnrtini'nt and kil cut varii-ty of ro arji other fl.iwcrs, 50e. Ftr the 2d bst ol the threw last, dijitf ls r:u.ikoir's.. " For e lchili;icoi Imiiiis and melKod frur ini? them, ' ' ; For the Sd beKl, .. ; jip. For the best bedstead,'. - ' 1 For Ihe liesl'ehair,. . - &np. For the bent tt)!iv . - ; - .? 1 For the Wt hat, 0e. For lhrrf.rgnt 1 Soc. f"rr the brat-hperinicn of stone Wnrf otfarlli- enware, . For the bet lot of wood-ware, Fr the liest lot of iron eantiiigsj . For the best specimen of flour, . For the Sd liest of the above,'-; I'lDCfUflNG' MATHJ. 50r. aOe. 1 1 dipa. Fin- die best pbmSbinfr-with any two home plmTjUi,-anlrie sftme with oenv ft For the jTKt ploughman and horses, - I t or the 2d best of the above, diplomas. niSCRETIOXARV PREMIUMS, ; Will be awarded fr contributions to Floral Hall, such as work of-aft'and tafte,-. needle work, paintingii, draw BRANCH 1Y . . i:xm:i.MKMS AXD KnSAYS KXeKUIMKSTS. For the best experiment, or series of j experiments orf any5 of the fid lowing ....I.V.. . i p. li' . '- i,hh.eY4 -m-imni.'-fcM..u- ' - 'a. -1 - v . & m Eflects, (in profit or Ioss,);of the u sual mode of savin . com Foildcr, by stripping oil' tf& gtceta Wades and cutting oh tlie 'tops-. Cost and eflects of sub-soil plough litg, under diRerent ctrvumstan- , III null illlll BUU-MIII,'. How la-le", in reference to thegyth', . the last tillage (by plough 'orcul tivator.) sluMtld be giren to corn for its best product f and whettiCr said' tillage' should be deep, or sltllr, Best seues of' comparative experi . ments in the cultivation of corn, Benefits ami priNlucts of guano, compared to ct)st ; to be tested' by not less than three dillercnf experiments, made umler circum stances more or less different,' E8AVS OR WRITTEX COM MIIMC ATIOX3. On itn proving ami enriching pimr and wornoutja-nds. On draining, - -On rotation of crops; On the accumulation, preparation1 and application of stock yard and stable manure, , a a. '2 1 a j I .3 I'kilaa.iba Ctitatla, a4 ffee Lawa tha'Ciaraaaaraar LlWrlj. AVcducdn', Sfrplrnibrr 13. Orange Agricultural Fair. Ia to-di'a paper will iW IW4 tka. report of tha Ei emtive CouuaUb, eaiWaritrg tb Bcs- laliona a4 the Cat of Prrtuiuma for the Orang s ThuraJaj and FriJaj of neit month. The re- 2 port waa prepared, with rare, by Mr. Thomaa WiUon, at Ihm recurat of lk otlw imtwiben of th ciruUe rnmrnillr. It will Le ara that i ha haa adopted tha relatuNia, claiw&atioua, iten of the achedule for the State Fair, aa far aa I (they were applicable to a Couury Fair. Tbe I couiaiiiu'ea li award pretuiuuia, &c will La I aannAtnasnal in altaaa tiiaua. Vnm wha ne n Jomrn tlx finkt Qraage l Fair will bo a crediUble one. Many pernor Lava aliwutir si. 1.1 Ia . t1.ar !nl.i;.u. .A utat arOclee. ' e hoaj, indeed, that every branch of industry in tha county will hare a! I - w lalrawtDg, though the specimeus cihili'ted may 1 ( not be of auperior eacclk-nce. It would serve, I at leant, to show the present couJilio of egri- culture and the arts among us and from that. I have seen no inVnsire ihaflifcsta. we can more accurately note the future iu- lion of the abdititfrr fcelinj since I prowmcnts, which we may now coufiJcittly came Ntortlt, but f rce-Roilism and hos anticiiiate. I tilitj to the Nebraska bill are unirer- the tallica are earnestly invited ta scud in their contributions and we hope they will not rt M bvkw.rJ U eom.Asm- Thcir ipcci. ' of handiwork and domestic srticloa, and their taale, will be needed to give grace and em- 1 . ... ....... j wuisument to uie rair. . I w .:. . I 4 ukiv nuw vvcr one nunurcu meniucrs ci 1 toe Agrtcuitwral Society. II ow many more will come forward to join these in tHe t-Oort to int prove the Agriculture, Mechanlt ArtVaud Ma- - - . . m ... I nilfiartliro-B tiM t!i aaoataalat T .vt.I .t.:M. J by iu ucccsn. will greatly promote the comfort I' om t,0"ar taud '" hand it in. to the Treasurer or Secretary, and Lac thcir name entered ujon the list of members. AU are interested, and all should put thcir shoul ders to the wheels of this noblu enterprise. New; Baxks. Notices are givetvby advertiesments in the newspapers-that applications will be made to the next General. Assembly, to charter banks in the following places, Wilmington, Newbern and Ikaufort Wc also hear it spoken of that a move will be made fur a new bank in this city. Besides these, the Bank of th State and the Bank of Cape Fear have giveiv notice that - application vviH be made Air an extension ol their charters. j . - .. Jiv I. Star. ': We prestane H'ia the intention of aoroc of our citizens to endeavor to procure a Lank, or Uranch Dunk, in this place at the next sesicj of the Legislature. If the effort ia to be made for an independent Bank, as mine preferi the notice of the intention to apply for a charter should bo nublished at once; and we would, therefore, suggest the propriety of holding-, a meeting on Saturday of this week to emisidi-r the subject say Hatunlay the 16th instaut, at 12'cloek. . The next session will-lie a favorable t'lrte for he application and in view of the present de mand for euch an institution at this place, which will H! greatly increased by the facilities for trade soon to be opened by Ac Kaii Road, our citiiAns will nraniiest a culpable negligence if they permit the opportunity of procuring one to pass unimproved. Tbe statistics of the coun ty show abundant means to sustain a Dank of a moderate capiat! the wheal-and flour trade alone would bo almoxt suHi.'ient. , TU Official VotO t.W Govcynor has ! been puhliwbcd in the Raleigh papers. The summing up in the-Staadard is as follows : . I , For Thomas Dragg, .- H.-J-OS i For Alfred Dockery, . 4fi,oSU I Bragg'smaj.,- 2,tlS5 The Register's figures very from this a little It gives Bragg 48,715, and Iockery 40,019 j majority for Bragg 3,006. In-conimenling upon the resale uj shown' by the of.icial vote, the Raleigh RegisU-r draws some conclusions w hich are by , no means dis- eouragtng to Uie Whigs. It saym r ill 1852, Mr. Kerr received 43,0OAj ttrtes and Gov. Held 48,56r. Uen. Dockery, then, receives 3,016 more votes -than Alr. Kerr nbtaiiied while iwr. jjia,xwtiy exceeds llie Vote poll- eil lor UOV. Kelt! 148 VOteSl-asllOWIIIS a a t m .. 1 wi c Aro . i - I j,-iiio in inu years ; : " Ibis--exhibit demonstrates two thing:. 1st, that the locofoco-strength in the State has been constantly di i .1 . i i luinikliinirKiiirnfliu.i-tiMiiiiir.K i.. lUfl. : Aor:r:-,c::zs.rr f c'elir " n'S . vlpv"','1,t. ' elv;iforihe paper- occsiony retire. Me. wj and extensive blufls, any one of which lent to it, an increased -Wins vottO of 0!..i i. ,l.;n i, r.. t ... .m.-i i. w ..i V! 7 , i vu- ,2 the State, the Whig, vote has increased: vici me uibUHrcii vote in UK ratio oi.ire us Imimi , ,,u more than 25 to 1 ! mt. :...i .i r...... p..ii ..r Itflni. iirrilinet.n. rally have been 'fairly pected, (however confidently some of us may have entertained tne belie!,) that the State would be redeemed in- stantaneously, as it were. ' It must be lone, gittthully. ' Hloivfj the glorious ...,.u. ........ u.esc 1.l5il: ,U11,jSnHew. U.tm the rava i)f t,)e f lope and encouragement, ot.ng m ; ,er, but as a general thing, the injury INorth taroliira is so uniform. so lit- h.i I.-,... ci;..i.. . till fiiihii.pt ftrnonl n r V r i- i " ,,B 'ia,e tKen 0t!j ,n nai vesuu" 3 Ces of an extraordmarv ebarartip. tn - i t . , , w . rL. " n f ;--.-- jsvteiai uays past,, uumgit tiien . us i,rl:UCIiLi-.i uj iiihu.h excisciiienis' rrrm w iv mi ..i , or swayed bv sudden imnulses. that i a i r.i ink hut lecn iu M2ir,s.--'tvf, it tr iV it accowjJiLfd. Tb Setuor Editor tha Fa yrtteilBa Obcerver, in oue uf iiif Mtarn fto New York, nte Iba idlommg etnemslona vpoa the pa. siuoa f lha two partita at tLa North ia rrgmni U tb U7 iMstion. We are pretty ntteh of the cpiaioa eipreawd ly the X. Carutina Ar jrua, that an due ftiea&ta t all! have t tar both partiea with tha aanc tki" for both a atroagly bract with free noil aa4 aboLuoa tiifia It ia tnae, that, jnat bow, inj to the poaiUoa of tbeir Ptetadcat, tbm ia more doJg. iag and tnaiouag on tha IW'jraAa question aaaoag Xorthrra UcwerraU than einoag North am M'higa, but it ia rVfVut that tli'j: are not with the Soutb oa tLU qumioa ; and cfra those Northern Deinorrata wba prufeaardly apprme tbe NrbraisLa bill, do it fur very d fikrriit rra aoca root thaae advanced in- the South. But . b however thia may be, a-diaruscion of the que, tioa at tlii time, whrther the Whig of the , C J South ran ro-opcraU with their Whig brethren : of the North la tha nest Presidential' election, nj bring about an unJrrfcUnding Lctvrrxa itie to aeeuona wlarb wtu revent tbe ar pa ration when h would be diaaatxous 14 the party. It U rery certain that Boulhcra Whlga, ever true to . the Union and the Constitution, will only give "...tk 1J T- .1.. -J .: . .1 n ' aulency who is known to be conaervative ia h'ta ( . . w , ( views, and ha will fuithfullr sdhera tn t!i j- ' principles upon which rest the securitv. of our j institutions. The following is the extract (rora j the 01ervcr : 1-linniC I am Hot in tile liabit 01 1 taking gkwiiiy t tewrof danger, to the Union ; but I do now belicre that its period is approaching far to closely for the good of either section. I'do not see, for instance, at present, how the Southern Whigs can go into a Con vention with Northern Whigs fur the selection tif'attotlier Presidential can didate. ThVselectioa will bloo apt .-t -.e . .... to ue oi a ii ee soucr, vvnom Southern gs could not support. 'Hie going a Convention implies an obliga- into a i onventton tint tion to support the candidate selected. Therefore Southern Whig, will not probably unite in a National Conven tion, unless the appearance of things should greatly change witliitvthe next twenty months.- . "I 'have not' spoken of. what' the Southern locnfocos will probably do, or refuse to do, for the rensou that they have a, convenient way of accommo dating themselves toanr existing stafn of things and of-voting for any nian who may ba the candidate of their par ' ty, be his opinions ow slavery what they way. They did not hesitate about Van- Buren, and they swallowed with out a wry face the man who "loathed slavery, , and, who now supnorts the Nebraska" bill as- the wnns ol prevent ing any new tdavc States from ever en tering the Union.- They, therefore, can1 afl'ortl to go into a National Conven tion; and to sustain John .Win Huren or any otherabolittonistlor President. ButSotUhern Whigs neither will nor can do so."' i A-fare C nrlosiij. Dr. rmikiin R. Freetuan, of tJiis county, sent us on Monday last a Chicken w ith foxtt legs and Ihret wintrs. The legs and feet are fully formed, and of the usual sir:. Th Winc-are small, two appear, ing on' one side and one on the other.- How long it lived after being hatched, w are not in forum!. - It wasseirtt us preserved it-alcohol, and we shall keep fe at- our cfS.-c for tflc iilfrjiec tttn of such as tnay desire to see it. Gj Everett, the grrat American ?.fr-;cian, has brani exhibiting his wonderful feats in this place,' mvirh to the atonhmcnt. as well aa aniurfenientof his numerous crowd of sjiecta-t-drs. If is ex jiimciils are said to le philcso- pineal, rhcmical and nwlmn.cal ; but by .what- ....... r,,.iii, i.uin Kuri:,iwpny ining ol kind we have ever Wore witneed prcKetWhig sojite incredible phenomena. Malaine Everett, and " I .a Petite" Caroline's portion of the entertainment gives a pleasing variety; and the comicalities of Old Billy Creighton," toKether wkh the banjo playing, al mt5Hqu!i! to that of tkc famous Joe Swinney, add greatly to the amtisemviit. - The wholf nf- lir inniiiuKiially attractive ; and is, withal, con ducted with more propriety than is usual. Cv" Sir. W. W. Ifslden announces that he h is mode arrangements by which he has scccr- wl he'acrvlcea of Frank- L Wilson, caqH late ! LlUt,,r of t!e Salisbury Banner, as Associate j EI;,r of the Standard, and business partner of -the establishment. Mr. Wilson will take charge of the nrinljif and nublLsh 1117 dpiltllrt.nnt mi. the 1st of November next.-and will - .:. - . ..... ur.i niim j .....ui, .HiDiuuaiii mri nun experience in the hu.sine.s. 'I nit Crops. Wc k-nnr from a plan- l.ir ll. i I tn 1?;.. . .1 ." ih mm tins season is 11 i ' . ...... e,ua'' ".prnor, t the best rrag cr'U lonwr years. The viel4 is abundant, and but little dam- by freshets and I birds. . " i""'" "aic tl lfi 11 r iu.. ....'.. i!..nu 1. . . . I . . . I- lor tire Fhe -University of North Carom- I x llie. R.ileigh Star surests to the Trtisrtee, Faculty and fneiuL of. this ! O ... - aa itiia otaauil at aa iin..n o:u tru l... L .i . - wa rs ll-vdl AWfjWtw UUftrt-eiAV ! .'-"' B ,'.. tlea'd. iriitituliun, the prnpiWlT f iu-kli "t "a lhicrily in the I j'!e t set -, by a reorganiatiwn of wm Uepart. menta, by the establishment of a M dies! Department, and by giving u-e prominent posltiou ta Uie.lJf pitmttt of Law. . There is aaather improvement need ed jast now, we infer from an exarai-. nation of the last t'atlrie. There were in attendance, we think, nearly three hundred students, not more than half of w hum fuund accommtMfation ia the L'niierity lla'ddiogs. - t"y. du at Clay land, w ho was recently s'ot . in Charlotte by James Wilson, died Sunday morning last... A'Jury of In quest was held over his body, who stated that his death was caused br a woulhI received in' vital parts of his body from a pastol fired by the hand of James Wilson. Wilson has fled the countrr.and has not been heard of since the unfortuuate reneountre. Rkvoltixo JlfRBEB. The "Itowan Wklsap" aE-aan fftlt tIH IiAbmI aTS. ' o S 13 11 I Bl aw " Hvuu, wa ther, by the name of Ilolbrooks,itr lit own son in Cabarru county, last week. It seems' that Ilolbrooks Iftd sent his son off to some neighbor's house to procure snmething to eat, and returned witltout it. Ilolbrouks then sentdtiin back, and threatened, that if returned 'again without it he wouldV hang him. The boy returned as before; Whereupon his father took him out to a tree and hanged him.-- Holbrooke fled,, but, we are glad t say, has been ap prehended; and will stand his trial at the next November Court far-Cabar-v Ati.tic axd N. C. RaaRoin. Tlie surveving partv, under-th direction of Co'l. W. 11. IliompsnrrV started frenf Newbern on Monday last, and com menced the fcurver and the location of- .a - .mm0 .a a- -a St' the above road iroin tne town oi uouis--bonMigh. The Newa'says that the-consli-uetioff isfthe road will be begun as soon as the survey is completed, which will be about the middle of October or the first ol November. It is the inten tion of the company to push Uie work forward with eoergr to- its cotnpje tionv" - . ., ,' - N. C. Rail Road.-The work on this Road is progressing rapidly.-. The iron has been laid for ten miles immediate ly West of this city. ad the line from- Guldsborouglr has bem brought to Au burn, about then miles from us. " The whole line between, this and Goldsbo rough will doubt!esbe completed ear--ly in tha winter. ',. Kal.Eeg.- We learn that (Jov. Re id has issued' writs oi election too Uie Senatorial Dis trict of-Rowan and Davie, and- for a membep'of the Umisc of Ooianions Iroin New Hanover the elections to be held in the Hwtrict and 'County respective ly on Tliarsday the tOth of. October" . awvf T . n .1 nest, inesc eieciiona arc to nu iw vacancy in the Senate occasioned by the, dca'ih of Mr. Lillington, and that in the Couinvnns occasioned by the ap pointment of, Mr, Person as Judge. Standurd. . STATE FAIR. Ihi'rovkmkxts. Having occasion to pass by the Fair Grounds a few days ago.-we noticed that several quite im portant improvements- were going on, which will add much to the comfort off visitors and exhibitors- at the Fair. Besides eilargjug several of the build ings on the grounds-; preparations are making for the erection of two more.-' ...'. ... ne rairiaK year wasa very creona ble one, but all had occasion to regret that there was so little space in the bouses for exhibitors. We feel confi- .1 A. . I 4 .f Ml . 1 al. iieui mat tins win not oe me case mis linie," I5eTst(les. vve observe., that the 'grounds having been ploughed up are much more level than they, were before. The arrangements for the 'coining Fair w ill be much nmn complete and satis-- factory than dor- the one last year. With more time to' make the neccssa- ry improvements, and more experience, we feel sure that every thing will be done by the Committee to make this Fair equal to any in the country. Raleigh Star. " Am:.m Crystal. The Editor of the ASiieviUe News has been slmwn some, beautiful specimens of Aljim Crystal, l'ieiiitlv il.piivi..ifl in 1 I Ifiti.alt -f.oi. J v.. ... -.v.- ty, 111 this State, on the Catawba Riv en - He states that, from the accounts of the Alinn Springs of McDowell' county, in his possession, the supply ! l.f It 1.1 ii..i-ei I -o ..... o K. I ...... ' hiiiwi'.ldo. Vh.a t. I. :W. i .""...Miwiv. I I. . V tl . UU 111 : U U II 1.11 ..... v auuim v.. oumu nsj viiuvii aiuui- and water as either ol tho Virginia lo calities, t: ... ; - r These Springs- possess much value as a remedial agent, in a great many , forms of disease incident to our coun ty ; and situated as they are in a healthy and picturesque locality, offer' ... .1 . ' i r l i.i .- i iiiosciimearcii oi neaun or pleasure, . muTiy inducements to pay them a visit.. 1VTL Ihruld. Arrkst of ('apt. Holuss. Some of tfte papers doubt whether Capt. Hollins can be held personally responsible for the destruction of the goods and iner- cnaiidiseolValvin ijurandatureytown; Do they' remember-the case ol liar- v mony & Co., in which a recovery was hail aoaiiivt . OoUiiicl Milcliell . nf -tlift .inn v. lopijh'p Kfl.iirp of their rrnnil ill . Xe m.'.vir.i ? In tho'laitvr m. thn-r? Hva. a -declared war. and l n. 'favdoc

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