Tim 1.0UISVIUE Ktor, The Louisville Journal, in reviewing the recent deplorable riot in that city, say: " That crave outrages anJ heinous wrong I . .t,,.tifml llv A 111 e I' i C a 1 1 ! . ttllen they KnvroRS: 1 nave mustac iirwieu ...- -- ... , , . r s b- f.i mainly, if not exclusively, in ; took the law in th ir own nan. ami snuK..i r i,u- a .0..1.1 hmiii i ,11 r. j , mu.-,...ers of their Countrymen l or,', itu.c - l - - . , ... .ii ... i r'.ir tlic Hi!Wtar;ush Ueconhr. SADU.VTII OBSERVANCE NO. III. KmroRS : I have thus, far treated it. lower anil subordinate ut ti lav befme your nailer in the present ar 4r.. fcilllll littered excerpt from John A. and avcnse those who had been killed ami 1 uiiunilfil without Druvocation. no one will run rvcmvE slave act, Theie are many 8',,J ciiijens at the Nrih whose opposition to iho above aut has been in dined by ibe lepresruialinn that the constitution si provision fur the rendiiion of fugitive Irmn "service oi labor" did not and nan not inie.nl ed in include the case of luijitive i!ave. There are ennnent deiiiairogtir, both in the Senile and lluse of Kepieeniative. will o one "ill; oii0Ts nut of Cotiirrew, who have repeated i i ..a !. i- I .. .. - f... .....a f t i A iu i . . - -. . e 1... . iiuinlon th- journeyman printer' pri.e cs- !enyi use.csir tor ... u. .... ,,, 6oliei thai Ine appearance ui sincerity na l.e -.IliMt ill anlicWiou of the plan pre I tt-Ainericaii party in eeK any inngci u-v. ; ure.dv aitai lied i a-li lo them., v t .. vs! f 1 ' leeal the fact that those outran were com- . ,, ,,,, ,, wolJ .. .,, j, scribed to mvM.ii. - .... .t K !. r...:n .w,.,..t..ti..ii that the fiist I i.... u i. ...lt.. rcallvMiKtirii'il Sabbath tmougnoui ic, j -. t i .r ,,.;. 1 1 11 UM" " i " - t-v i mat a slave luuv answer ne ui-siriiuii m person held lo seme or labor in one Slate under the law iln-renf." If a slave i nl in eluded became ill wonl slave i nut used, then the ame tide would deprive die South of all re presentation based upon the nuinbei of their .'and neik cimti-m.u to some thickly-pco- j insidious, tiicemliaiy appeal ol me organs n ,1 ,,,,, ,ie glllllB ,tf would now leave the i I,! ':,' ' G i.e eastward, southward,' west- 1 the foreign party tiu.l the demusngue and j ,.lVe.,talh. a leg.,1 irallir, lor the provision in. 1 . ., ' . .i -i. .i iw.u,...riiU ! leader, who have lor weeks nast been seek-' 1.1,;,, ,.,; .-,,1., Mnuni. neither the word whi'ii nortnwaru, "iHrouKu me ramii . . r d ....... . - . n XdbsMl.esun-and behold t dc representation of the Sabbath rest. Eve-; this class of cit..en a-ainst Anierica.is. can Wie hs n.prl of Mr, BulV. .ubuuuinf K I e b S Sn t S nlXde-1 ers, .that the first bloodshed was the work o l' Sd ?SinU mere.? picturesque as- j foreigner, that the first murders peini rcs. one of the most inieiestin? spectacles ! were perpetrated by loreiatiets. lhat thee ' atcoullbe witnessed upon ea.tit. 'Go forth fore Sner? were maddened and ec.te.l i .ml Li. ,;,ri,lsr. and climb the side ol an instated to those deetls o violence by the born and trikiiii facts, which no Sujreiiuity J of reasoning cap overthrow, They are suf Cc.iei.ily plain to be uiiderstnnd by every farmer, no matter what hi distance from market may be, and they will no doubt have their influence in determining hi decision when called upon to subscribe to the stock of a railroad company passing within convenient reach of his own granaries. This, however, i but one view id the practical benefit to be iliirivpil from theextension of railroads to the Stale and Territories of the -Jinou that have : no' navigable streams leading to the great mart ol the couutry. tu a political pimuoi view it might be readily shown that the ad vantager would be still greater of multiply imr siith mean of intercommunication but they are too obvious not to strike the atten tion of statesmen wit'mut a word further from u. Xulionul Littll'geiuer gilbboroujlt lUfDrtrx. ...uHd'lireatlie softer; every tint gli'am ; scarcely for a moment be tloubteii. mat ((J ,,ecrmvrnlj,m friime f the consiimiion, wan Ul" ti r every scene seem fresher. Cast '. these attack upon Americans were pretnedi- More we fimi from ,,e drhaiet. that " ..I.'-. .1,.. virv nass IVom'tateu anu uone uv concert ami iKiwm" field to field, from rill to river, from alp to tlen, from hill to vallev, Irom grove tu grove, li.ini one c:uter oi nuinan iieinn i- among the perpetrator can be and will be established. An intelligent public will not, when these facts are known, attribute these ier. and read in every softened Icature ol . new i me amer.c-.. y , ,...v it.i, aim ii.i" , .I ,,..,:... ,,( UmU.I.L. iniiiirpnr. and n.i.l.T17 III .-.! 1.1:11.1 Ull i.vofcH fc.i.i. . w - , jail attempts to misrepresent facts, the re r.ature i I L't. Mr. I'inrknrv rxpreed himself di.i ifiedwiih the 14di urtiele, which guarantied the equal right of cilize nship in the several State. ' IN wish ed some provision should be included in for of property in slaves. In the discussion of the ISdi article for the rendiiion of fugitive from justice Mr. Pimkney and Mr. Butter moved tore, quire fugitive slxve and servattli should be de liveied up like criminal.' Mr. Wdson. Thi would oblige the exe cutive of a State do it at the public expense. . Mr. v:i...r,ii in km ul t lla saw no moie nro- who witness.ed the vhole affair from the nt.v ; it,i, .,ii!in seenrimr and aunendcrinil s ilC Ilia Sl'Uie BUUliU wi 11111 L' 1 ' I c w i r. .i... (..... tl. nrosti ate trees lie ! commencement to the end, both in Hie r li st e . .1itM ,ia utle, thpv f.dl but the woodman i gone away S and Eighth w aid. We will then abundanly ( .. Mr; Bu,ef withdrew hi proposition in or v-.v - t . ., . .t . 1 I ....a ....I., el... ft . attiklsiiirat 11:14 noi'llft. I t ' .... ii :k:i:.. i.i....., Ill tu n)ul itml "The flocks arc wandei nganJ ganoouing Pi .u..ut ...u u.c u.. s ..... ii ,. .lU the cattle are'ar.iV on the justly Wought home to tt real author the fillside. 11 toe ucus, mi-- .". - "-a , -:...-.i:... j.... . f r.,.-;..n nt ,and the beasts tit burden, irecu irom ; 'iw.i "c,""b"i"" o- i'h,.:'r vote are feedin on the open plain, j American party. The 1 o stands where it halted'in it " W. will in due time present the .worn course, bu! the husbandman i gone to cuhi- j statement of respectable men ami women, v ate 'hi soul. The sound of the axe has ceas ii... 1....K .....i... .i...', Uliiiu- out Htilv iliit mi violence was nerni-- li iu.i..icr on Itte SUUiieu ciiisii"nc i"r . . . .. .. mJZ hit. U. or on hi way to the place ; fated by A nier.caus except in retaliM tm, lor " here l,e keen . of truth will be levelled an .u.-lHoked and co d-blooded bu tchet y o , th. r...,t. ofhis stubborn una. The mill wr counuy.ocn uy inr nr.. t....g. are at rest, but their heaven. der th it some particular provision might be made apart from thi ariirle." Aeciirdiiis;!)' on the following day Mr. Rutlei l i,. iii.-n. (wr article 1J. If anv liei- .. i.. linv retired to ' in larse numbers, armed with guns and pis-',,,., humid to service or labor in any of the Uni !.,r.-f-itiUi. to sarner up the corn of j to! and bludgeons, ami by other foreigner, ' , S!jte rhall escape into another State, he or lidUILIUVlls C , r . . ,.f, ...,. -,..1 inliiuill'i lllll U'lll. i . . 1- I .1 ..I f- ..,.1. Few meu are seen auroau , tney are j """8 j,... .gIie uaii inn o oiri:u.ii!i-u " gainst than sinning," nnd that n society i now constituted, he could not well get out uf accepting the challenge id Dr. Milliard, without having more moral courage t'lau most men rossess. Nevertheless, we must tnka ' the liberty of turning all duel into ridicule, us we believe that is the only way the evil can be put down and we believe duelling to be one of the greatest evil of the' ntesent century, nnd a remnant uf the dark ages, when might constituted right, and when law, ii we understand it, was yet unknown, or at most in its infancy. j lii the middle ages there wa some shadow !ijf excuse for the duel now there is abso lutely none. Then every man v.as pretty - ----- - - - - - iniuch a "law unto liiinseli;' nw tneiawoi The PuyctiL-villo pupon hUIv that the Kv. Ailmu J the land throws its broad mantle over even I'nioii,, the CunmtUutiun, ami the Law ilimm of our J.ilirrticn. tliu (iuar- 1IILLSB0K0UG1I, K. (?. Vr1iieadut .iiis"" 2'i, ISS5. ." n . . i u.. .i. .i,.,; hearth, he-' dow and bfliuid wall anil lenccs, upon un- , i.i,,,, : -.Hineniieiice of any reeulation tub- t;. ! tL family altar teaching stoops or chil-; suspecting Americans passing upon the pub- ' j,, in llie Slale , wli-l ll.ey eeape. but ..hUi . the couch uf sickness, or j lie streets, but that no sufheient provocation i ,Uul be fc.,rl , , peron justly claim. ..MthSn. tliT Dillow and pouring balmy or excuse ha been given by American inj ,iei, ,rmce or lalmt s" which fgieed amiKithiog the pitiow, " F" 6 ' ,nv portion of tie city for any of the outrag- ,', apeecninwine.. ". . . . .. fc c,mitted by the Irish and , ,.,:, f South Carolina and OLU SCHOOL PKESBYTFRIANS. The following statistics of the Old School Presbyterian Church, for the year ending in Mav, 183 3, we copy Irom the Presbyterian. liuring the year ending May, 183J, there were organied two new Mynous, Haiti more and Alleghany, ana mree new rresuy terie. viz: East Mississippi, New Orleans, and Yaxoo ; and the Presbytery of Nebraska was dissolved. Svnotl in connection with the General Assembly, 37 P'realivterie. Mi Canuidate fur the Ministry, 438 l.ireulMte, '-:,u Ministor. S.J7 Cburche. l.icenaureSi ? Ortlioalions, 76 lntllttion, lao Pastoral rrlatioiii di)lvol, 113 Churcbe organiied, ?J . Minister received from other denominslion, la Minister Jimniaseil tu oilier iienuniinaliuii, 7 Minister ileeeumil, 4 Churche ililve, 7 Mi niliers aihlril on examination, 13,08ft Member on ceit:fliale, a,3 Ailulu (niiliul, 3.433 Infant hsplixeil, 11,734 Wlmle nuuiher of eoniniunicanta rrporleil, 231,404 Am'l eonl'li'd for Conurrialiouol purpawes, I,554,S4 Amount riilriluted lor the four Uonrtls, (37.612 Aut't contributed for luiarellatieiius purpoara, $ 197,411 (iilcliriat, Pnstor of the Preahyteriati church in that place, has lieen offiTed the Profesaorshipof Uelle Let tre ill Davidson College, with a ttlry of tl.SOO dol lura, ami a dwelling furnished. It la not known whe ther he v. ill accept or nut. We learn from th Fayeltcville Aritiia, that the He". Dr. Hwk ha been invited to deliver an ornlion on the anniversary of the buttle of King'a Mountain i and also that Col. John 8. Preston, of South Carolina, i to deliver au oration at Ihe auine lime. The Yellow Pvver at Norfolk and Portsmouth ap pear to be rafting with unabated violence. Many of the store and place of buainea have been cloned, and all who can are fly ing before th frightful disease. In Portsmouth th death average tight or ten a day. We invite attention to the advertisement of Mr. J. W. Watson, Vaguerrean Artist. Wa have seen some apeeiinrna of hi akilt, th eicelleur of which justify u in recommending him lo the public. tlii humblest member of society. What end is attained by lighting a duel t You conceive a man insult you, and you send him a challenge, lie being the chal lenged party, according to the duelling code, ha the privilege of choosing the weapon with which you are to murder each other j and as a prudent man, your opponent will be very apt to choose those weapons with tliu use of which lie thinks himself more expert than you. Thus, yuu see that you, though the injured party, are more likely to get sent into kingdom come than your opponent. Now, this is what we call rather poor satis faction for an insult s and for our own part we would hate to give a man who had inf our honor a chance to auault our body by popping a ball or a piece of sharpened iteel int it, thereby depriving society of one of Haw naments. our children of a parent, oar better 'half of husband, and last, though by no means leatt, that very usclul anil higuiy re spectable paper called the Argus of un edi lor ! The Suprcnittcjr or (lie Pope. The Wilintnutou Jouru.il, a Democratic and Anti- ' American print, lot Ihe purpose of disproving the alle gation Uiat the Roman Catholic claim for Ihe Pope u- nrem nower mew irmwifH unncea. ei.v u .uuiiuvii .... i . IL .L .... ........ a r, "... 11...L i i eternity, for what, on rcllectmn, we nugni I 1 1 I'm IMC. i.Hi run "I ... -" 1 . ' , - , . 1 fiil.iillia. f Davia, rw., of Warrenlon, originally publiahed in Ihe Anil if we did contrive to make our oppo nent subject meet for the hand of the colliii maker and the grave digger, what then? Would it mend our wounded feeling any to reflect that we had sent a fellow being into Tiifa T1PTI luwimi UIC tl - .... -. , Th. r industry are now hived. The ' Oerroans. and winch realty oegan ana rr"-1 Noith Clarolina. ealle.1 lor the purp-se ol u i h.m,huv inaltitudes. the heavy ;duced the riotous excesses which we so much lifyi1, ,e ;na,iiuiiim. tin. particular pn.vi ft"-" -7 . . . .i .. .: .1. ' .1.- ...i ..t consider to be merely an imagiuary wron" f Look at duelling in any point ol view, ami it is not only a very criminal, but also a ve ry ridiculous custom ; and we hope that such a respectable gentleman as Mr, llynian will never be engaged in a like aHitir again. If Aeoide must fiiiht -if injured honor The leading Democratic paper in the State : at deception. Whether it originated ith the Journal stioutl bod in their breast so boisterously that of Illinois i the Chicago Democrat. Hear I or not, does not appear; but aa the paragraph haa no it niUat have an outlet, let them double l' LLK(JED ABirMTIONIxM OK FOREIGN EMIGRANTS. W arrenlon t,X. C.) 'ewa. The Journal (juotea a i from the Woreeater ( Mass.) Nrw ; but the paaaaga ia ideiilical, word fur word, with that in the teller la Mr. ! Davis. The error in Ihe credit may have been only a mistake ; thoueh it ha some appearance of an atlrmpl j The Louisville Journal has'the following in answer to an article in the Democrat, in .mn f tffie. the" rush of enterprise, the ; deplore ....... r - . m . - nt clamor or human passions, we -dicraft tools and implements, the fierce pant-1 - t Ik. rinvinv flf Ult'll. Slid. ahflarioasminVof .Mch.uery; the shout , which it attempts to saddle the American rf mrd the brawl of drut.kent.es, and ; party of that cuy u.th the rcspnaibilitjr l in vi w-..., . .11 ..L ...r;.ni.:ilni.r tiiM rinfa ! the plaints ol memucani mierv, ..c ... inlA aitaatir- ft nil disturb not with a ripple of u.l.. tl.i. nnn.r un in rimril In lln. viuf ot slavery entertained ov ine foreign eon .;ii- " . .. .. We leave it to tiie public t judge hether ...... n... aiil.iei I iti sneeikl reinaiK. -vlr. I . .. : n.. km:.... .. " i- - ..ranis now rapiuiy lining up mm VWUU..J. Pickney. who wa likewise a memher of the . wr reaJ(;ri bfar j,, nin,, ,,,a, he rollow. South Carolina Convention, sstd :" We have U . tJe ,suage 0f Mding Demiscratic obuiued a ri'jht lo teeover our (laves in hat ever part'of America they may lake refuge. in Hie oriran. not our lansusge. We specially call attention to thi fact, for we do not want to, credit attached lo it, th rrp-nihililT ia wiih the edi tor of the Journal, until Ihrv iliwloim it. The follow ing i the extract to which we allude I " lii matter purely temporal, I, as a Ca tholic, owe no obedience to the Hope, because he ha received front Jesus Christ no autho- . ""rilva a temporal sovereign over inc. lie .. ... . . I t, , , W 11111 ,Vli01'r', -viiis vi , Coiive iiuon l Aonli t .iroiina. Air. ireue.t a.w . . . Democratic aaihoriiy : ' 'SI . .! . . .t . . t . htcll is i I'lhl w nau not oriore. i ine . ... Miblf fur ,,e H referred the same sui.j.ct : in some i ne t4 n:,ts lo doany thins Democra cannot make or unmake tne riiit ol Hie sovereign or the duties of the subject abro gate the former or absolve from the latter." A the whole of Mr. !lionoti"a burr h i Isen pul- :.: ..i j .inr i not wiiii a rinti e oi s iniu a.ieiicc. auu ... i i . , .-.-. .... . .1 --.v;..v -- a-itation the still Sabbath air. The large victorious pat ty, the party that nn me nu-, .rthern Siate. (saol in ) they have emancpai- (u fie Nlirlll j(, wc . 11-.' ..mM, n.l merieal otreiiL'th. a uartv that at tnoiii was -,i ..n ,l,,,r .Ine.. If anv of our slave e tlo-re, 1 . .. .. ,i. r,.;...i. ,.t i..,,.,.. .i.,., lar tones truii viruic i.'v i-i.y .1 ni'wi i 9 - - - . sooii mine m 111, i 1 mi. i. ,... .1 . . . . . . . . , , , .. , theVwanns that burrow in these warrens of i over I,3t.l votes ahead, via likely lo gel ;.!alll nmMn there a cer.am iime. .hey wl,l hy witll irl l!le S,Cl tt hf, ; l.-l.-J ... rjf t .corU. i.,oi,... ...had industry are reposin ia the companionship .' a riot. There v.a no iuilucement for any ' present law l entitled M the.r treed...... . g b-irlj,.,,ace ,ir hj, ,Ul ial n. ; P-" "' " "'' "f J "",';'1 '' " " ; ad their'famdie.. Tue tall ship in the bar- ; such insane procedure. The fact that the j , ,,eir u.a.e..ci..dd iml eel the.n I hi 1 a Jor ,(riie ,.n.r ,, abl, w cu. ) e tl,. r. f..re linnk .hall do i!..m no .j,,.i-. m the bor have far'ed their sails, closed their hatch- aault upon American did not begin until w.,ld l.e exiremely prejudicial t-.the ii.liahitant. , m, hi ,rhi ipl,-H. The same Demo- f l male. a ,.l r,;,l f....i. all eves the merchandise after the Nichl found that they werejf ,,e Somhcrn State; and to prevei.l it. iln ,iai m;ik e us detest slaverv. I Thi i. .!.t.d -i.tei.re .1 not give the irur unport teexured in their hold's, whilst the Bethel i beaten at the polls, i almost conclusive ,m, ia in.ene.l iu the I'oi.stiuim.n. I l.oi.-H . ' a,,.i,(U, rr a healthy forrisa emi- fla" waves amidst a fore4t of masts, and they Ulence that it was the chagrin or the latter , ,,e ,ie i not mnitinned. this 1 the nieni.ii.sr that o down to the sea. and do business oil at such a result that impelled them to deeds f it. --he Nonheiu d. les-.te-, ..wins; tn their the ret waters are below, s'.tidving the of ii.luc. It w..M have l.e.-ii loll.v and ; r,H,.,.l.,r setup e ! siil je.-. l ' .Uwr . W . hartol Revelati 11 tracin- the danger of i madness 011 the part of the American to. 001 rl.wwe H.e word Ue t..;be mentioned. I.fe's 1 sova'e and anticioating the dav when ; commence rioting. We know tint itwa.th.'j i;m this plain history of .he co.i.iioiimohI lhev shall sa'felr moor in the haven of cter. determined purpose of the Americans to keep ra,t. u,,,oi hiih the a-i rests, it i clear that j nal'life " ' ' The te of the tern-1 peace and preserve order throiiihout the day i ,,ht ,!i. i, e i iia prousioii i l if .1 nere.ny, l,le uf Mammon are shut, and the gods id-atme pull,. a,U mfj i 1 w. vvnei.ever mt,an, t.oi. mere is . o rrape uui .0 j , 1Iall!,Ilzc....fes.i.m. According to iilver and ydd are forakeu by their week- J ng'it t r a iiisiuiuauce at n.e p..it was ,.-. afi,,,i M,e .ou.iiiuiii.i 1 ... , )etI(0rHtic itue the be-t mean ,,r Jay devotee. The chiming bells, so:unling gun, it was promptly stopped. -uu out i..r "'"""a" al.'ke across country and town, are calling' the shooting of American pissing in t ie .ii ... ",,- er.! of their earth-! streets the d. v would ha e passed oft ith KA!L!tOAD J I'Al i" 1 K . iJ...n.i .1..., .4.. nod lw care, and 2i uo to more quiet lha:t 1 usual ua an election day. worship at' the footstool ot Jehovah. An.l S has liot made up hi n.ni.l to Uetieve in t.ie m U mt L.d ,.,v fr makii.2i ir..rt. to check, bv ....,. 1:-.. r. 1.1. ..it-1 inr.nni.ij. .uzum 11. ..1 ip . .1 a t. nn .ifrr.i-.iii.itai oi.Trit i .... ' - .. a 1 . now the miiiist-;r is 'isscciiuiMs """' 1 ,, ...,, , ., " -. ihum.., . , let it imate means, ine iiinna 1.1 ioie:"fi auo- I.C l.l.U .! I . .V .I'll .., 'i... , f Mr. 1Jm nia l. it.-r; ami It Ihe r l.toia of Ihe lUtioll a the best mean nl'getlillg rid of j Juurn.il lul ile.iirl lo apjuir U-wrr lli.ir reader a tt. ttesides our co.iulrv ho'.lil continue to imp.rtul w:H..--, raiher thiin aa aliiH:.t.- fur lie c lie what it IS liovv, Ihe home of Ihe oppressed : ,,n ; ir it.eir x jI ha.l l--i. moie earn. t in ihe u li nlll all ltl;il ter of the . I.I " I ,u,l i.' Irulli. lli.n ill i.uli'viri ry lo ll e trhnta ol t'poii the foregoing the Memphis Kagle : iMr,.. i;.J...uii;r..l ,r.-tcii.-r if the Cburrh of comments as ltliu: ' ;.,:;,.- i;.y hu!,I fu mil.- oilier .Mi.'lili.ma from We call the attention of every slaveholl.;,, ., ,, f iir.,B1.,.,n -i.i.l. uU bate Igettnig rid of slavery i t keep up a healthy ': fnrrr'it imm'fjntt'um. And yet Southern jmn- ... I. il. '. !..,', it i.i t.a ii ... ll..,',i lll.M. ... , . I I.M 1 , ll'ltl".!.'.! " " ... . t II tnete re anv man in tr.e country , . -, ,.,1,r...tv ,!...111!ir,.,!, . I'l'.uf an' in v vo'i'li-; e v ir.iii i;i lv ; the saint is coining forth reiresneil Irom i.U closet; lie pefii'ent i rising from his koees; the evangelist i on hi way to hi lii.s:un woik ; the Sabbath si-h'..d tea. her i j,!ca.r,iig with h':s cla, and the thristiatl uiitrj.i is feditly leading forth her childreti to, t!te tu'.an'ait d the Lord's Im'Jse. l'iie p..puk!ri are gathering to the c'lurtl-rs is.i!ir:2 alike irom the lordly palac f,ii tli'i l.ua.blc l.a Tro'ip-i t M-eu lay-hailed siiesand .jm;! tiiiiwiduw in her weeds atid l-i htrUeas; the fatiit-r in huie m iirio-.d, and li.e :n .-itaer ill !.tr (harms ; the mii'i'y in tl.e.r j r.iie, ainl toe treble in if ! -; toacoti.b in his dam'iiiess ati I t'ic tust.c in LisrudeneM. ASigthey a-, not v--'.ih t!f s.i i'( j.tedtie ( wetrk-1I4yenVrpr.se, but wttii t...;a-aiid -le; ami j.i.t b-fi't.ez the s -lemi, assuiiaii .t.sof ihe day. An I h t'.ev ntvr iiit't ii,e pla-.cs when! the rich and t'.e por me t t.i t.er 0:1 term tf tcj'.a'.'y ujeie vn;r!'l-mad distiticti'fj are edan- l iil where one catnai'in Father bf-k d 11 with i.npait.al beiiignity aid g'ai "ii i. is' -r . ml M-oaiit, great and sun'.!, 1 nil an i p-MT. ij.iiy bria.h ol puy. a-1 ci.'l Lkts inense ; tise manna ol the word i. sut t i'A ari.jt. I . camp, an I 'h" d K'r.ne. td j;tace disi'd r :fi'.ii.g dew up'tti li.e p .r. i.e'l hearts ot Bien. I'rayrr at.d piai-: aai.i s ic ,.(, and then convinced by " e!.i(ue;.l A!t..l, ortoti.'. i.tt-s!.i!'.'r. by s .ni'J n'l.t -I ,. ;.t I'a.!, or coinfiii:. ! by S HU-: C'.'.-'lm i'",ti ,4, or iiifd'ed by -.me lenenf J ou t!t a-seti;!ie break up au I return, I. rv. nt ly !.. ulatitig their gri,u,le fur the pi.ee les p:rviieget ill the S'a'iliJt.h rest. " AU! tiiat th. shoald aeem a mere fan- tt sketch of the Sabbath. Ihe picture m at a distance .... . If.". ll.V.l.rtli 1 .1 . " adroad to an .igncu i-i.ai tli.tri t , , Wlm Jt .,, , re f.oiu market, e Hunk the sub- j MnuUm ,, ,tiib , ttin many al!i davits tiuhing the Cause and j t wj,;in rt.,4 t J,4re bet 11 pre- 01 ''in ol tiie riots in tiiat cuv last vtec. Sotne of them are from Irish Catholir resid ing in the vicinity of tiie scene .1 the riot, a'.d -.'line that tl.e Irish were armed sevti.il d.iv previnis. iiareJ with "Uiit caie and accurarv. will re lievchiin ft out all fai ther heitaiou or doubt. Jt U so long .ine; we cut it from one uf our We-tei'l cxilians paj-ei that vv have f.r y.ittcil to whom "tin1 credit for it should be iivni ; but it w ill not be the K interesting either l.r it ae oi our istiotaiite of il mi-iil- 'Ihe ol.j.tl ol the table show the coinpaiative value uf a ton of wheat and one of corn at tiivcii ilit,inee from maiket. as all'-cted by the cost of l.aii p..i tat n by ia.lio.id and over t'.e ordinary iovI : Ji)i iin-y ht.'l.wiay Kail KoaJ. Wheat. I.'ota. W limt. " Wa come here H Un, not ta IW.c." Sii'i wis the iil-crijitini. 111 4 Ir. oner hiriie. it the hea I of the prore.-i n of (! r nan K''pi' !e..ii w!i. iii,i4ilis(i wnh the Ameneaii :;i i"f:n-lit at the Kaiiu' sMon I. ei. In . lotl of li e n. m ail I'any in lajninvill, on the u gh! ol a i ol Julr. The patrimie aisairiplc of these li.t ii.i. cinaen mijl.t he rinu.einled Li every t .f -nr within these broad realm o( f.ccdnm. ! , i d they but reflcet on ihe thraldom winch! ihrv luve escaped, Ait tl.e Free.lom they , At market 49 5(, 75 4'J iO e.j t, mi Hie onger w tor. rrpt.oio. 1 (f) .( ( j gj ai. Olitivvu 11, tor iia.wiv, ' ...a ..i.i. .i.i"..j.i : u ii 11 1 they haiejiatsed, and ihe liberties wli rh it is ii effort of Ihe American pari) tu bequea I. i t th- ir p.ieriiy,ore!y all just minded and in- , telt -eent fitreigneia, wh.i xi.drr the cn-i In, vi otiiMir governnieni ia now b.ousl.t, would. I '.r !. dty ap rove the prin-ipli and cl.eerlolU "i itj'iy will, tl.e rcqoireinrtiu of the American , ,t:.rty, For the American psny make 110 indi-cn-mi'.a e warfare en the fueijii bum. We ferog. II f Hit larl thai there are many Unr and de. ' r..:r rtnaein of the United Sie shut hull. land he beyond die sea. There ne evrn those . whom many id the American party would he' ' al It see holihiif an honnrary 1111 inUrl.ip 10 tie A iit riran order, ho lar, thru, from p.n. aeri't.tijt either the fofei(ner or the CaiM.I.e, the .iieiial par-y will eu.tain and liphold ihrm tu si! .heir ptoper snl leg.iiina'e rights. Uoi ci vil eourts are nperi, where ail j.i-iire my Ire 20 3l 4(1 51 ro M O'i ) till 120 I. VI 140 150 If,. 1.-0 IhO I;mi !ri !0 C-Vt 210 240 SJO 200 eVerv where t.M mach blotted and llluired. 1 ren lrr-.l theiB. Oof Flee School ae open. Cload of haman depravity darken it beau- where ibejr m .y be uuijhi in eoiouion w.ili na ty. Uod has given the day, and blind self-, "e born. The dvrs of til churches ate open, tihnes not utile wrongi itself of the invalu- vlee they tiny worah.p tl.el a they please. U, v.--. t..t m,md la an emharto anon it All Ihe dilterenl pu.iin i.f life are open, and Ire We,MaS te oU.ert. Hloth idles away tl.e they at per eel freedom to chouse. The o.j. will . t, goldea hoars j and prolanenest utter its f the rom nutiity and iht patioaage of the ns-, cart je.ts and bla.pheaiies in the ery pre- j ie b..rn are alike open. Let then, r-sne, if cincu of the sanctuarr. Profl-caty come 'they be frnd and l.tmet men, and drink Ireely forth weretricioaslr a'.HMJ, and Wiles .fffom ili ilormo liwnum of our liberties, lt a eta,lrsrtthe serv I ratstepsot we p.ous. j mem enmr, re mw nra' siituci nr... - The lovers of pleasure' eruwej the steam- vine an I li tree," ami the.e shall be none tit tu, ta riot in .al.url.an tea-earden. or nra-! mole, nr make ihrm sfrsid." All ih ie e ... ... 520 -i' in. .lo. do do. tin. do. to. do. do. dt. do. do. do. d... do. do. In. do. d.. I... 1I.1. do. lo. do. do. do. do. III. III. III. do. do. 4'J 20 i 24 45 43 .5 i 34 30 4H 90 48 7 i 4H CO : 48 4.5 1 48 30 f 4H 15 I 44 00 : 4," B.I ; 1: ro ! 4: ss i a: 40 4. '13 AT 10 4(i Oi Ad M 4'i 6 1 4 50 4i 33 AH 20 4J 05 41 J0 4J ?$ 4 00 4.1 45 4.5 30 4J IS AS 00 44 85 44 70 44 65 24 15 24 00 2.5 8.5 . ro 2.1 3.1 XI 40 21 2.5 2.5 10 22 95 2'2 80 22 65 22 50 23 35 22 20 22 05 21 fK :xj3 21 60 21 45 21 AO 21 15 21 'HI 20 85 20 ro 20 33 20 40 20 25 20 10 19 95 19 60 48 00 44 50 45 00 4.1 50 42 00 40 50 j 39 tm 3." 50 ! .16 r0 ' 34 50 ) 31 00 31 50 ; 30 t'fl 1 2J 50 j 17 00 25 50 24 00 j 22 5l . 21 on ; 19 50 14 f)ii 16 50 15 00 1.1 50' 1 2 tio 10 .50 , 9 00 ; r bo 6 00 1 4 so 1 .1 00 : l to 0 00 : l.'ertt. 21 73 21 25 21 73 0 2 5 oiii.'i v. A ColitiCt ted W.'h tula sal.jet f, we prent IkIom an evtiail f.oni an att.cle in t!ie New V.nk Tr.butie, tl.e lead. 112 and u;'i-t inflnili tial Abolition Journal in the North : In other wind.-, Ihe Know Nothing move ment is the best defetue vvhuh ihe ll!ai k Power un desi:e, lur il will airest the grovvth of t c N i.i ill, and make IVretl.im as Weak as ."Slavery. Can a slave driver desire any bet ter reason for reaiditi the new party with appi citation! It turn back ihe ii.du'.tiiou thousand 'with ii.-tiiiils a-ain-t Maverv, who would ittherwi-u; come t iurreave the population nf the Free State and render the ' contrast ijeiwrrn ti.e.r pinpei.iy ami nee .;..i ol tiie auiij.-et in a iiiuolt h as e.un m j! lace tit. Mr. llriionaxi a knuvih -.ea ll.at the H Ii r. r'i-lun-, lualie i-iiil alu ,Miire a n-1.4-"" hi'. an 1 ymti ."i. I-ml t th it - In- l!ul i.-s.atelh lae .,er re- i.i.-i!i lae of.liiui suf li.Ki.anJ ih'-y Uni ri -.t .r- rliane Jj:vi.'t:mi Ii th.-mxiira ami lint !i. ion-ie-irii -e. a- a t'.'li )1..-, ia thus hxitiel h the taw of ('. il, "Hi 1 1 . tl 11 c a ii 1 1 mv ; What I claim for the Pope, a vUible head of the I'huich, is the power lo release my rons.'ie lire from this religious bond, and to' place n.e at liberty to icsi.t the prince be come a tyrant. This i all I understand by the ileposiii power."' Tll.l ia, warn the nnne -luil hive itane any ilium ,li.;i!.-..-iii; 1 1 llij I 'hurt h of Ku'tie, t!ie I'";h, a. llie he, 'I .411141 t'hur. h, has p mer M n-U-a-e hia aii!.jrt fraui I'le .Inly 4 ahriattee ; anl, aa h'.ltnr ahnwa. In p tl I'l 'in lilt ler ill" reii.nie of 1'ia I'liM-el. .1 ih'-y 1I1, n-rt evert their p-twar tit ilepe Ihe prinee or lo , hrint boa ii.tt aiilmrasion tn liar Churetl. iheir fists a la Tom liter, and thump it out to their heart content, isucli weapons, though thry often put ihe eye in moumins, divest the mouth of a tooth'or two, and turn the nose into a snout, seldom break any bone or deprive the herm of lhat life thry owe ' the community ; and, toour think. tig, are j'ist :as likely to heal one's honor a the wound ol a pistol or ' rusty rapier." Mr. Ilytnan, in hi letter to u, complain that we stated that that gentleman and lr. Milliard challenged each other, when I)r. Milliard wa tl.e man who sri.t the challenge. Will, we suppose that in writing the edit ; rial we perhaps did not conl.inn a closely tu Webster a we ouht t have done. Our meaninz wa that ihe "cinlemrii met with : the intention of fighting J and, in fact, in mural sense of view, they were both challei.2- .. ..!.. -I...II . ....I era, becnue, ine line m-ihis a inaiii'i.j,r,a viHimIW sav to Ihe til her " Will Ji-u tight me ?' The other virtually say a, Come on : I will lil.t Jim ;" thus bctomiiij; in a sen-t! also tme of the challenger. Hut thi make very little difference with regard to ihe lact of ihe crime. We close this by saving, 1'iit we wMi ne ver lohear ti ll asain'of any ot our l.teiids a. ceptio a ihaliett-e. The practice i abo niiiiahle in itself, and oiiht tube frowned ilow 11 by all eMid citizen. A gtl member of society has no tight to throw hinl.leav.ay in any such manner. Il belong to hi fami ly if he have one; if not to the community.' Hut we hope our friend, Mr. lit 111.it. , .wil I accept our apoligy. He had ini intention ul.afe.rr ,f doing "him awning, lie acted tin worse in the situation in whiih l.e w. placed than most men would have done. It 1 not against individual we atewriiiii". It is agaii.'l the baiharou prac tice i.f dueling. K.it Ihe Ilill.!uh U.cofl". At a meeting 'f a portion of the cifi.en of AUmance cmintv, held at ti'im li.oie, on Saturday the I Ith Tnst , the following piram ble and" resolution wrre unanimously adopt- Mr. Brnwu. .it itiakea bis meanitte apprir atill more ed. VII ! 1 1 .... .... . .1 " , - . .1 emiS.tie whenheaasa: I Whereas, faiwin Iteaue, tne nnntinesj "f t,,c feU" "',s -iVe " er ilVlf fl derin 1 every '"f l N. American party for the IfH. n,0rC '"S bdv! i?TmS t "I he . ..rtltressioiial i.i.lrict ol N.'c.rolina. and now Tiir rHirr -The Chiiie.e have shown' .Wrican C.."nSres. t.f I "6 a.ertrd ai.tl : tepre-ntalive r ihe same, having so Uitli iheT. ZWTu iluTwZb J'P'I '" Tbinl. The only iLfTer-; WW m...,...ned the nghu and princ.ple. of heniMlve in some reap cu a very remaiaa- 1 - k . ..,. ;. .' the parly, ami at the same time ao clearly ble people. Long brf.tte the hur..an ar- pni '? "nie give "-" PrT'f ""e ,': determinaiion to vind.cate the ,;. '1. ... ,!,;..r.... ....friVir.ai...n" th individuals mirfriiorfAeAiirfn,,,,r,S "",""'t ."cie uw :.L. "'"-""---,-"-" ,-. , L,nJ nt ikm fiurrt" claim of ttff American cuiaett s Be it 1 tney bail atta.nru a anowirujje i many 01 1 t v ! therefore 15 73 th highest art. and science.. They knew But Nr. Hrowe. - .id. mmg r- Mr jh.nU.wd.e. ami are 4 of the compas. printint, the fompos.t.on sf . . u. ihe Pop. teerpw. me. a a-JiJI fc ' ,f,. ttnAti, tuE.O. Reade. t .5 stinpnwder, and were deeply ered in wa ! Weonse e,..r,T... llr,o.,n krtote,i for fiJ ' ui,ic , t,Iltt ,bJ im. II 24 ny ..f Ihe mysteries mechanical lore. Hut, The Pope 1 ihe proper authority te de- pr,i,e munM, !,, which he has borne Ihe ! . 5 alth.Mili they were acquainted wild thee tide whether the Constitution nf tin roan- intrusted tt hire throu diout ihe di H 25 thina, thry rerned aUo to combine with ( try is not repugnant to the law of find, if tt ict. " f75 their knowfed-'e in the mnt sinstllar n.ai.ner he deeiile thai it la not. a he hat derided, i ',..-f e . .i -H ...-I . " " iraoirrii, inrioer, imi ra innjn sr tin then I am bound in con-crnre tn nbey every fure ,ie rvitt t-f stub men in the vari law made 111 accordance with it." j u, pl)M(C ,,; ti.,iiahout the ...ui.irv, Theeotiveiw.irih.athere,!e botda,lhal if Ihe re m ciilitilllird blessings id tint!, we shall .hall .irci.l that eifi;aituie i ma in ae-.Jarire have sufficient assurance lhat the I'nion i ' ely of their peruliar custom would be imn Idrron tome. Centuries of intercourse wilh ' the world under more liberal institution than i now exist in the Celestial F.mpire would not It is thus made evident that ton nf rum,' Mandate ihe Chinese to other and more tie- zed nal tons in their customs more than their thef are mure run- nation in the world, and ftntnry J? Ihej r ni.w, k. a M.ht.,.v h. oeai hmtitlv sfoa n the very heartoi Jer On matter an.l he wilt roiiriti.ie, wtin rus; " v"'"".'. .-.."", " , - ' 1 - r ... - 1 . ........ .... .r ...... m.i 1. .1 ihe a.ua Hi.tani e nv mirnati mwnwHimi fcl th steam hist e's shrill no', britliren m xMint, tti.l tie came nrrm --1.., . "7 . Ti IT . ' " NIILl.VrHKUPQ. lli.adnm.or.de,-andwtlodefHHtb,mMf.tbeneti pnrtef,is .,1 us m e w..u.o oe moie I XtA. iJm$ttl. hn t22. 1 hese transportation of a ton of l5r, rsKous of Kentucky ealls cholers a " he. notrhr-irriLiDaiion-of-ih-J irtf-tiheaomena-' Co i-'antumfi cf-ubu'.ur." The name I enough W leaf 10 ' , t..t (,'tftiiiia latter h in stil ,,..itaiimi.1 ol amnal ii. are lis fluilotfl ol u StaaltH humail tf. .1 ' epa"a'e fjip ; the diaadvantae if ptej idice, a lack nf apir- j jit and tnteip.ise, and in n.ne rise an ig noranre which wtuld lie dt red.tabte in a more baibarou in' ion. Their compass ne ver led loan eileftsion tu their commerce, - , lUm - .. i..,M..i k. ,,. rt.fc ...t. Iheir priming did not lead to the ditruaton of, Romr th,B t,ljt-c.,firftr tontrifnrt (m it. I l!ctohl. That the.e proreedinS be aent , l.i-rature. and their know ledge rif the torn- Umf mj Jp . ! ( ,!,,,,,;,,, rt,.f),rr, . r,nae.t , .'"iiton of sqonowili r never induced litem , . .1... .1... 1.. ....1.1..1...1 ; . . ... r I Be IllslnfV II tll rrwfrn m limiir fnrm anuiniaill l.iai i.n i ... I.. I.v.ni. at .hia HmM aa .i laima tanl at.et.1 uf 'defeneeToroirence. IVf Jem to hate re """ .he-,pr,t.l..r.of Ih. Pope, km iinai I stationary fr eenlurie. neither .,""e.le4 by Mr. Il-u-n-n, bar been ruVna.l in ma- j vancing nor relrjradii.s, never inlrwlncinz J ln-' ' ""' the r.ereina of -ta.ra to any thing new, never iMigii.aliog any idea of aubmil I the mlHtHo a.imptiotia 4 the K .im.b nieril. and alwav relaintna Ihe old'r ustoms He and thai ihelrmpnr! pnwera are aale fimi these 1 ... .1 L- .... .. a.... .... L... I . I f I . r.i.l. ' .u.u.llMnl. M.I. k..M Ptnlaa.itlMM fc. .(Hril, ' I ( lltrit a... r.lifia, i.w uifli 11 . ".- ,.,tvi ...... ' .... ....... -".! -.. , , their efficacy. A book enifjh t bud barb the ihttorf. of the wm tm- '" " "l ' " 1 T 11 1 i f n account of even tnoi.ii.f. I ... .. . ." If the editor of the JWnal wniIJ rl,r their skirt , ef Um hee of dupnVriJ M lhat swliet, they will f t te their readers lb whole ef Mr. Btmsa Inter. ilhey may have in 'whiih shtml.l jtive ai JullN It. MTOCKARI), Pi est. I). A, II. I vor, Mec'ry, Tnr. I.oi svii.h Cm air.u. Tiie pnldi-lter of thi Im. which Now ertod sulhortiy wnh mmlein ilrmtN-Ml, wss rtpvUrd from ihe Ante- .. 1. ....eela.tw m.M ..a. a. .1 at,.. . ..... .an aUs-.a-iVas an.l ini T-ltfar ft .aia-aV.I HI Slta.na IH let U'U ini II1B-BIK UUI iuhi sir - ..........ttsr vy r. "'r!T"irr;.:" Ti....."....: Ull carried IfO milet t tmtrket bf tht im. lit oanaa. (... across ... .taa.eu c ,.--,.,.... ,.r .... " ,rr m,.n,llf ,r.n,nof,.(M,n by w.W.ill not ln.ae. As iienplt try. robbm ta'iuati ot rat wy servanrs i ; it nami f.i me "e"r"'"- '"" r . .. p ,. n 1. ..... .. ,t... ... ; i(ii-u., ... , , ... .... ......,..u. t tirtMluce one rent more than it ha a-luallr aervative Ihati any their net ilaste uf rft. ve j reiati rrnnrat anu an u.t, i.n. ...... r- , - . . . , . ' ... . " UnriM limiu in your sheet are reached. ,e , ac- iU-e in it. 11 the f,e.fi, ron- tost fa yr. U '"1 , and I muat a like In Col. II. Mirshali.ibeCoflC'eitnan rb et- ed nn MonJy . ami endeavored In defeat hi nomination, still pbi'jjirj himself lo snppoil the no.umee t sml when Ihe a nm ins -inn w made, false to hi pro.i.iae and every prim i;le of hmmr, he used his sl.eel M (ratify person I spite, ami In since u-e.l ii in Ids niendserinia account ' M.e riot 111 nuilie. A ili-eraer- The edilnr fif the Fayl'esiilr Argna,in n-ali ing the I duel between itn It. Ilymsn. F.., and Dr. fliilisnl. I S lew weak inr,pkr nf Mr. II; man aa t !.!' of the . AaHeville 5r,hett II shni!d hi been of Ih Ashe- j r er,idaiinl. because he ws uuwordiy nf be. atl! Sf flular. The sttenlitr. of the Argna bein call- ' irf alll uii I, eoiifieoee, rankle in III hns'tnt, e l to llie niiatake, the "trrriton wa itmlr in th ieue ) )Kre I nmin( that he wmild 1.0 w S'ttp at ' ,. Katiitty lt t "i.i whirb ormaitiit the e.liior n..le to gratify In venomous feeling. V. int. In tn Kpirpl church in Tomrtln, lately, the i Mhein rvalinwa, wh.rh e M n,.,h in oni- j ' . ' .. . .. ' , i,k .... lk...l.l. an ll.a .!,!., I rj duelliflil. I wheat, by the lame calculation, wn,, et-j creed rkantcd. ine.d ft! betr-c imHhmtmihmKHiMniM4Mnt.-. Km.m.H f.tp.M.Tcniy .even r.i.fti.li - . ... . ... .a... ' I - . aa .t . . i. .1 - . .1 t.l., ttiM. rwfo,. ajt w.ilera. 1 ........ t.i.iteit laal sveeb SI new Ynb. from 1.1V. ! in ire B-ttai miotter, ini.r man fail to. to 1 1 , ,.r-- ............. jreja ion immediatel lfi tft ehmch. ind.wnt. From all th fad of the cae, o far a we erpnrjt, whence tl.e yrsmeo.i h..rd the ship Nep. at thit soemfvi ltir,..f,eI'.,.etistirr,.MMaii hjve been able to father fhem, we believe : tune. Thty rr.ftisl rtf three lamilns, nd ai cost of i " ma I.. t- lhtvc ae si h mtn the nntsi.tjt. ; lhat Mr. Ilin,in ha b tn mote sinned a- enomptj mat ui.ohvn. itirtpie letter y that die etptisMonJ haust its ylu at the distance of 330 miles s in n.iiit i ti-Miiy dihaJ. Chiis-'if mad in wagi.n, while by the raiVoid 2 vde tun lu 'v Kit k, but w:i fr rni would be wortB more fiafl t44 t?ymrf t' at '