fcMMtMMMMnMMBWMB : ' 1 ' ' ' .. Vol. XXXVII. UNION, THE CONSTITUTION AND THE LAWS-THE GUARDIANS OF OUR LIBERTY. HILLSBOROUGH, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 18387 STATE OB1 NORTH CAROLINA. Okamob County. V Court of Plea and Quarter Session, l. .; May Term, 1858. Manson Steward v.. Ann May. ' . Original Alliichment. j. I r appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, tint the defendant Ann Ma; bit temoved out of the Mlale, or so arisconua or conceals beraell that the ordinany pro cess of law cannot be served on ber ; it is, therefore, On motion, ordered by the Court, Ihnt publication be made for aix eucrenaive weeks in the HilMxwiugh Recorder, notifying the aa'.d Ann May that Unless the appear! at the next term of this Court, to lie held at the court-house in Hillsborough, on the fourth Monday in August next, Ibnn and there to replevy and plead according to law, aha will be proceeded againil in the aame manner aa if she had been served with process and bad failed to ap pear and plead. witness, Ueorge Lawa, Clerk of our aaid Court, at omoe, m Hillsborough, the fourth Monday or May, A. ,858' GEOKGE LAWS, C. C. C. June 14. Price adv. $4 75 44 6w STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Oranob County. Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions, May Term, 1857. John Hiail w. Tbomaa C. Parih. Biles Hopkins tt. Thonas C. Parish. Edmund tstrudwick r. Thomaa C. Parish. Original Attachment, Uvitd en Land and Acgrort. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant, Thomee C. Karuh, haa remove.) out of tne mate, or so alacunds or conceals himself that the ordinary procew of law cannot he served on him ; it is, therefore, on motion, ordered by the Cooil, that pul.li cation be road for aix successive weeks in the HiII.Ikv rough Kecorler, noiifying the said Thomaa C. Parish, thai unlese he aprware at Hie next term of thia Court, la be held at the court-house in Hdlaboroiigh, on the fourth Monday in August next, then and there to re plevy and plead according In law. he will ha proceeded against in the same manner as if he bid leen served with process and had bilod to appear and plead. Witness, lieorgs Laws, Clerk of our aaid Court, at office, in llilMmougri, the fourih Monday in May, A. U ,88, GEORGE LAWS, f. C. C. JnneU. Price adv. 0 00. 44 6w New Fall and Winter Goods, rpiIE subscribers are now receiving from New York an entire stock of Now Gooda, embracing a general variety ol all kinds or goods usually kept in this mar kl,eonsisiing of . PiiutN, Alpacas, English and French 9IerlnoM, Shawls, llankeiihlcft and Ilonnels, Cloths, Cassimeres and .Vestings, Hardware, uiass anu ".ucensware, IIATS,U CAPS,G BOOTS AXD SHOES. GROCERIES. and many other articles not necessary to mention, which have been bought in New York very low, en- ure.y ior casn ; an ol which will be olllrod to caah buyers or punctual dealere at small profits. We say to one and all, come and aee us, we will isae great pleasure in showing our goods if we do not vii. uj-rtii sinus oi uouutry Produce taken in ex change foi Goods. W. F. Si T. J. STRAY HORN. uctoiwr I I. io No. 1948. (India RubberZGoods. II UHBEK DliEssi.Q COMBS, Kuhber Pine Combs, Kublier Pocket Comhs, Kuhher Kouml Combs, Ituhlier Hide Combs, KuMwr Puff Combs, Kuhher Hair Pins. Also, Bonnet Comhs, a new and excellent article, at J. C. TUKRENTINE & SON'S. July 15. 97 STEAM CARDING MACHINE. WIIE roloeriber, now living at his Mill, one mile and S half ! fmm f'l- fl-.-.. - ,1.- . : leading to Mount Tiraa. eipecla to bsve his Machines in first rate order hy the I jib of June. Carding will' be done at the usual prices, and lhw who will favor him with tbeir eu.tom will be thankfullv received and promptly at tended to. He is aim manufacturing Cariiagea at moderate pri ces, and ell repairing done es low or lower ibsn any where else, and in the hesl mariner. LEMUEL WILKINSON. Orange county, May J5. 41 en Court House. "jQehotrse iiJ 1l.lt in niunuiuugn. now occupied by Wilhsm M Cauley and f.Hmerly by Robert P. Morris as a Public 1 House, fronting and wilhin call of the It is in g wd repair, with thirteen rooms end ten fire-places, a good cellar, a good kitchen with two fire-places, smoke bouse, end stables with thirty six stalls, good spring and spring houe within tinny steps of the kitrbro, and front hou on the street fur business, and nesrly two acres of Isnd, the best slsnd in town. I will sell the above property on very eccomroo aliting terms, end if not sold by the 1st of Meptetnbei, I rill tent the property for toe next year. RICHARD TAPIV June I. -3m " JUST RECEIVED. llTIIiTE Wine Vinegar, Huperio. Syrup. Ille-ling " ? Powiler, 8ul Leather, Kipeikins, Jones A Hud son" lnofT. Wheat Crsdles. Pepper, Copal Varnish, tJloe. I.intseed Oil, Tsnue.s' Oil, and other Goods, cheap f Cash. Aha. Itsron Hides. Hhoulders, Jowls, ami Hams. New Myle K. VIXUI'L, fjf Lad.ee' correspon JAMES W1S1SH READY-MADE CLOTHING. 1 1 A VINO made thia a diiiincl branch of trade, we devote particular attention to it, and keening a large stock of all kinds of Over Coals, Business Coils, Black Frock Coats, Vests and Pants, we are enabled generally to fit and please those who favor nswith a call. We ahall keep our stock renewed from time to lime. Call and examine it. J. C. TCRUENT1NE k SON. Octobers). n (RIVOLItE Expressly forSkirls, Embroidered ekirrs; also, Brass and Whalebone Hoops, and F.laatie Belts, by J.CTURRENTINE&SO.V. September 16. TOW CLOTH! rt OWCI.OTH WANTED. b M. 06 "May your rich soil, Exuberant, naturca's better blessings pour O'er every land." From the Southern Planter. CULTIVATION OF THE CORN CHOP. Henrico Co., Va., May, 1858. Mr. Editor. It may not be out of nlace " Ki'c, ei mis tune. W hat 1 coni.11 ir to hn me oest tnethoU of cultivating corn upon light land, and I give this plan because I think it will be found to be less labor than that usual ly adopted. In the first place the land should not be plowed too deep. This maj seem a sentiment of the retrograde order at this peri od of deep plowing but still it is true as pleaching with regard to the light lands of this portion of the State. If it is desired to break such soil deeper than five or six inch es, it must be done with the subsoil plow or the cross, if not, the land iNelf will aufi'cr in consequence of the poor subsoil turned up to the surface. Land for corn should be broken up as near to the time ol planting as prartU cable, so that the earth may be fieah and tneU low tor tne young plants. These remarks are too, late for this sea son, but as our friends cannot profit by the first part, perhaps they may in some measure by the latter. The land now is to be well harrowed and drawn off four and a half feet with a single plow, (deep enough to prevent the, grain from being moved by the harrow,) the corn drop ped two and a half feet apart, and three or lour grains in a place: it should then be covered with a cultivator, the front tooth of which has hcen removed, followed by a double harrow. This planting leaves the land in nice order, and checks the grass till the corn is large enough to cultivate. As soon as the plants have three or four lervcs, run a narrow tooth cultivator twice in each row. After the culti vators have gone through once, let them go tm of my little experiment for the purpose of snowing wnat nas come under my observation, as there seems to be contradictory opinions respecting the efficacy of suds as a destroyer " uug. nit regard to it as u certain destroyer of the bug, I can speak with much confidence. I dare say that Mr. Turnbull's idea of saving the corn crops from the ravages i me ougs uy sowing a belt ot land in corn between the wheat, oat, and corn fields in the months of April, May and June, is a good one, and well deserves a trial by the farmers next year. I think it advisable as goon as tncy congregate in nrodiaious numbers in the broadcast com, to use means to destroy them, as we may in this way easily exterminate mem oy tne wholesale, aoapsuds, in my opin ion, would be one of the easiest, cheapest and surest remedies to use. We must fteht as well as feed them. It seemed to me that the Chinese sugar caue of imv kiml, sowed broad cast as suggested by Mr. Turnbult, would be preferable on account of the sweetness of its juice to oiir common Indian corn. It would be well to try the experiment at least. It is to be Imped that some more effectual means to arrest the ravages of the bugs than have jet been discovered will be found out. I shall be glad to learn, through your paper from tune to time, the result of experiment", and shall have no hesitation in commuiiicatinir such as come to my knowledge. I am, with much respect, your ob't serv't. B. Amelia Co., Va., July 19, 1856. Rarrv's Method or Horsk Taming. The Scientific American say: "This new system of taming is founded nn the well-known process employed in sub duing buffalo calves and wild horses taken by the lasso, and consists in simply gradual ly advancing towards the horse to be sub dued until rou areahle to place your hand on '' 1 1 . ... iic annual nue aim nver ins eyes, anu men For two or three days following, Joe Chick- j country lire for a while j I ain't in the best weed said verv lift o. hut t hi.i,i.U ,l. ri.. i...i. 1. ' 1 1' . ' ' 1 lne oes' ot j , . nauwil. will? morning he met his mother with a smiling face and a sort of triumph in his look. The old lady was somewhat surprised at her son's manners, " Why, what on arth's the matter now, Joe?" said she, "hope you ain't goin to go crazv. qu Not bj a long shot," repli lite so big a fool as that." a jo I ain't lis y " Oh, I've got it all arranged at last I've got 'em now." "Who? What?' " Why, Melindv, and that vagabond Reub. Sparks ha ! ha ! ha ! I'll surprise them." " Well how you goin' to do it i" ' "Oh, it's all riirht!" said Joe. lauHiin-r slyly" I'll do it, darn'd if 1 don't. Til git the sneakin critter !" But how how. Joe ? Can't vou mipak out? What's jot into the bov ?" asked the oiu lauy, tiying with curiosity to know what was his plan. " Well, now, I'll tell you all about it." be- gan Joe, assuming a more sober tone. H' II V . . I ... wen, ljusi wish you woiiiii. " You know the widder hasalwavs favored my keeping company with Melinda." Well " And I do believe she's desn' rate down on that feller, Sparks, coming into her family." " Yes." " In. that case she wouldn't very willimrlv let property go into his hands." "Jl'tt, 'cordins: to the will of old Mr. Martin, the property ain't to so out of her hands till she's dead." "Just so but Spurks would have all the benefit. And now I'm going to floor Reub. Spark !" " Well, let us hear!" The widder Martin herself ain't a bad looking woman !" Joe remarked, in a sort of liou . -.,.1 1' I ' i ...... t.., Am. a ,arin iiieumy improve me, " " Well," responded Joe, deliberately," can't say that I'm sorry you"re going to stay with. US. I think invself thnt il u,.,i!,l ku ..." I benefit to work on a farm for a while; and we'll try to make it a comfortable for you I as we can!" Mr. Sparks looked at him ; and Mrs. Sparks looked at him j then they looked at one an other and laughed. " No doubt," remarked Mr. Sp u ks," you'll make a very agreeable neighbor very agree able indeed." " Oh, we'll be nearer than neighbor, a good sight of course we will," said Joe, fflancin- n vi iiiii-uigvnce towaru tne lormcr widow. ' Again Mr. and Mrs. Sparks glanced at one another, but thjs time they didn't laugh. ' What do you mean?" they askedsimul tancously, "Oh, excuse me; I forgot that you didn't know what has transpired. The fact is, the widow here and myself, taking a mutual lik mg to each other, were married last night ! We should have invited you to the wcddln", hut we knew you were so en-arcd 0 " tv.iau married I" cried Mr- SnarL. tu breathe strongly and gently, as judgment , a mysterious tone, glancing up suddenly into authority of Catlin, in his Letters and " No but what's that cot to do with the Notes on the American Indians," that this j matter ?" replied the old lady, immediately, process is the one practised by the Indians And she ain't very old, neither," contin-' in taming tne wuu nornes 01 tne prairie, and ued he, with the same air. that it is invariably attended with tuccefs." " Why, she can't be mnr'ii forty." Catlin says : " So I should think; and has a good chance " I have often, in concurrence with a known of living forty more." custom of the country, held my hands over ' Well, and what of it !" the eyes of a buffalo calf, and breathed into " Just this," said Joe, leanin" over to reach springing to his fret, while a look of horror overspread his features. His wife sat aa naln as a ghost, utterly unable to speak a word. " Certainly married," said Joe, coolly. " Is this so?" he inquired, turning to the late widow, " You may rely upon all he snys," she re plied. "Then I have been swindled imposed upon deceived ! And you knew of this al so, and led me on!" he continued, in a violent tone, addressing his wife. "Vou worked t get me, while this infernal cheat gets all the property !" " No it's not so," exclaimed Melindi, bursting into tears; " I knew nothing of it. And I thought you married me for mvself, and nt for money; you pretended to'have enough of that yourself!" Reuben Sparks smiled a sickly and a scorn ful smile. " It's even as I thought ; his money's so deep in bank that he never'll be able to dig it out," remarked Joe, , " You scheming rascal !" gasped Sparks, looking as if it would be the highest of pleas ures to cat mm entirely up, uoily and bones. J I! '"KRKNTINE&SOV. 04 TOBACCO AND CHJAK.-n O BOXES FIE rilEWIXH TOUACCO, 000 Extra Fine Crgars, just received and fur m DRl'O STORE. I mt Ida January 20. T.hia ..n.r'.l. .I.-.. f ...:.i. 'u: u. .. u,r " entirely up, uouy ami uones. metnateiy over again, the noes following and - ; ""':", "ar .'"J j '!'""" "r, ' m"rr!l " "'" ucr: " Oh, fire awav ! it don't hurt any : and I've limning out tne corn to one stalk. It the cultiva-t " '"' -j "" ciai uuici mm ir. t,nicKweeo, eipecting, as sne was, nltt ,, iL.ase ,,r .1.,, ra,., " tors have been worked properly that is, deep , V,"ciJmp,"lnt' V" ,,,e ''"Ic P' oner something startling, wisn't prepared for this. " Vou scoundrel !" and rlose to the corn as possible there will lb1" -v rIlott lnS ''e of my horse the She uttered an exclamation of unbounded ur- .. nj , ,rse .nil ih(. he little for the hoc. to do but thin. 1 t,.- i W-V..us.r.., ..rai. .......... , .J' T i ; .. . , . "- nearly tuir 'flisve witnessed since I came into this wild Well," said Joe, I hope you don t see A4 moreover," continued Joe, assuming with a plow. If this is conipTeieil Iwlorc :r(iun!ry. a, althou"h 1 had often heard anything that's agin it." a mnrfc.sober and atei ner tone, and grasping harvest. 1 would say run once in the rows . r , ' f., ui. -,tlv r l,ul... it I "No no!" stammered his mother. re-lSuarks firmlv bv the collar as he snokc (heap ( oolmz Wines and Brandy. MALAGA WIXK8. bWEET WINES. FRENCH BRWDY. fjr sale at the DRL'O STORE. Deceml-er J1. SO I have agiin with the cultivators, as I think it is an jam wiIing tbear tct.inony to the fact. error to plow corn Dunne tiaryestjan 1 11 it ".f.m ,C numt.rou instances which done the grass will generally ue louno to naie Me , came i(t, the cimntr)r. taken possession of the rows agatn, and win j lioe-wni k. or that tne rows snouiu oe GRASS SKKDS. Oi:niARi ura is, Herds (irass. I.ucern. Clrcr. Timothy, Kcnturkv received and fr sate at the IlccemVr 16. Dlue tirass. jest DRl'O STORE. 19 May 31. 43- .1 Notice to Smiths nml Farmers. mimic line-w .'i ui ...v " - . J thrown up high enough tn plant sweet pota- j toes on. Alter Harvest lei tne p'ongns g" through the corn, two furrows to the row, as: shallow as possible so as to cover the grasy then break the middles with the cultivators,) or, if the grass is too strong, with the plow, j very shallow. j Corn routs should not be eiposed to the sun ami broken by deep plowing. Jvnw take care, it you pull tne ioiuer at an, not to do so too soon, ami yon will gamer tne best crop that the land and the season (and the chinch bug) will produce, with as little labor as the corn crop w ill admit of. Yours, Y. w FOR THE LADIES. ' IT SS MS tint taHa-sVaVallsT ItlRtf bcsutiful Donnets and IHE snh"i!r, as thr. agent of the Ring's Moon tnln Iron Cnmpanv. will suiinls alt orders fur ton ( -a .1 1 L ftiMmna. 0' upwards 01 Iron at n cenia er jviunn. rntn. 1 ur Hatiaa and Urass Hmips, and an entire new article money rnnst inrarMlti he paid nn delivery, r ihe cnarge win 'w , mit. t " ' ., - than a Ion fur less than 1 cents. P. R. RUFFIN. 10 ..r Minus. French Corsetls. Bmnel Comhs, Tarasols sod Fans. F.mlmn lery Patterns, MisW Flalta, hhaker Hoods, white and colored, at er low prices. J." Tl'RRENTINE Si SON. April 13. 3 Fpring Trailc. S-jS. HAMILTON & GRAHAM, IntporOM mid Jolibr, 1 VIL'' '"hiliH nn and after the First f March, Ft LL and WELI.-XELIXTKII Mock of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, t.-..k .ti l- .irnanl of at the lowest pries. Mer chants fmrs the Houth and West ere Insiled lit esll en.l , etsmine at the old stand of Paul M llwaine, AO. CO 1 rijramore Street, reteishurf. v a. (ft Strict altenUon ne In orders. Fehmvj 8S. Oc'oV March II, If. S7 IJmo Fire and Life Insurance. I your Properly insured t Is your Life insured ! Is your Kee.ro inaured I ! If nnt.c-11 tiHi the eubcri!rr, who is Agent lur the j tirernlxruiijti Loitipsnies. Jjnuaiyfi. m. SI ftw If F.AKT POVI)r.R!. I Hull's Hirsspsrilla. hesl, Mchneidsm Mchnspps, f !ol'ianes asortd, at J. C. Tl'RHKS riSE t SON'S. HOIOB CALF HKISH, Hhoe Thread and Khoe .Nails, h TrnRKSTINK & WX. t, 1:; n- Brs srwiiTi aa HAGS! KAGSII! KAGS!!! ss n:iUliTrn u U"w J.c:TIJKRi:NTINi:iSON. NevemWi IS. 17 TO PURCHASER! 1)K Cabinet Furniture. rrotit ao im 30 per renl. Hl. Bee 111 sdrerlisement of FOSTER U LEE.'S as Honrf rr. I'cr Vork. In sit the prirtfip.1 JTSVVill T' RALSimi, F A V ETT F. V I f . nr Calaioauee tonlainin List of Ftices, srnt fret of pruUg", "II indication.,. Augurt 5. rKs iOTON, I Ac I a. will I JA on 'ninlt FOIl .SALE, V LOT in the town nfOreham. immediately in iron ol ihe C.url llooe. on iouth Mirett, lyinf be tween Ihe store hnusa of M'l.rsn A Manner and Al bright Ilium. Termslo suit Ihe purchaser 1 lltl.M A3 t r.uit. January SI. 1I0USK and LOT for Sale. t olTer for sale, nn accommodsiina terms, that dc.irsl.le llnu-e and Lot en queen Kireel, now occoned ly alt Washington. tiiomas wnnn. Ortohef 80. , rrtin Ihe Southern Farmer. KOArslUS EFFECTUAL FOR DESTROYING j CHINCH BCOS. I . r , t n ,,A ffitS I ,1KS1RS. r.l'irOKS. .lll"M tuv nun," ,. j ! t( iiiwcta which devour t!ie vpgrt-ble pro-, tlurt of the farmer, that numornui epccir called chinrh bus are at present the miwt j alarrainj?. Shoula they incrrae from year; to year (ami we aee nothing to prevent i-. ce pt the pnwci ful operation of tunic natural 1 caue unknot n to us.) they will in time tint far remote, awecp all before them. It fomj necessary, in order to concentrate our effort.' in one common caue against our numerous j enentT, tliai inmugsilinis anil ririi.Tint almtild be matle known. Aneiperiment fairly maile, whether urceful nr not, will hare in use. If nuccea olul it il of great importance ; if not it will prevent a repctiliun, anil miy lead to one ol more efficacy. There are many ai proposed for detro) int the bug which an nun h iniure nor crops, goantml I had een rerommended aa a deatroycr of the bus:, 1 and with a view to saii-fr mvself of it, I tried it on a null Kale, and it kill all with which it cornea in contact. The experiment completely ilecUive. that uil i elTfCtual t the Id p. and there i nn ilotiht of it actinj urrcsxfullv if made terr itrotis. ! made the eiperiment lat Frid.iy week a-n, and to be I certain that the bi's were killed, I iited ! the pt the day alter and found them on the t ground and stair. of corn I had left them ; t and to be better alixficd that they were dead, j tuft I- Jit ft RK A WOMAN. Oil Pre heard a gentle mother, As the twilight hours l-cgnn, F.cading with a son, of dot)-, Urging him to be man. But unto her blue-eyed daughter, Though with love's wards quite as rcadv. Points she out this olhcr duty, " Strive, my dear, to be a lady." Whit's a l.i.ly ! Ia it eometliing Made of lioojis, and sills, and airs, Used to decorate the parlor. Like the fan' y rugs and chairs ? Is il one w ho wastes on novels Every feeling th.it ia hunun ? U'lie this to lie lady, '1 ia not this to be a womin. Mother, then, unto yonr daticjiier, r1'cak of something higher, far. Than to he mere fashion's lady "Woman," is the brighter star. If ye. in your strong sum-lien, Urje your son to be a true man. Urge your daughter no less stnn;Iy To arise and he a woman. Yea, a w.itnsn brightest model Of that high and crtvl beauty. Where the mind, and soul, and body, Illend to work out life's great duly De a woman nought ia hicher On the gilded list of fame; On the catalogue of virtue There's no brighter, holier name. Up a woman on to duty, Raise the world from all thsl's low, Dare high in the social heaven Virtue's fair and radiant bow. fond thy inddence la each effort, That shall raise nr niiurc's human ; De not fs'tiion'e gilded Is.ly, Be a brave whole soiil'd -true woman. covering; lomewliatlrnm the eliocK iie nau re-j "amnns other tilings I ve got a wurtl nr ceived. " Rut are you really in earnest, Joe , two of advice for you. Vou married Malinila will ynu marry the widder!" j in the expectation of stepping; into snug pro "Tobcaurel will, and that the whole : pert?, palmin; yourself uft'asa man oil' means of it. I'm goinz up to see her this very day. J to accomplish yout end. Vou are the real I'll marry her if she'll have mc, and be"re ; scheciner, but "a part of your great scheme haa vended on Melinda, for cutting mc as the has - (,,i!ed. Take my advice and it will be well lor thai blaMed Sparks. I'll teach 'cm what's ; with you ; oe your wife as you know you what!'' should ; to work like a man and strive Joe was as good as his w or t. He sought to be an honest one. And finally, doi't lot the widder and made his proposal. She was mc hear you make u-e of any timre such es more astonished than she knew how to cx previous a you just now bestowed upon me, press, but she wa more gratified than she or I'll thrah yo'i in an inch of your life! was astonished. Frch and fair as she was, ; Remember," added Jue, giving him a shake, considering her years, the had never piven !as a tin ier would a rU,"ynu'tc mvson now. over the idea of winning another husband; but 'cording to law, and you must have a slight it had never entered her head that she could s'low ul respect for your father!" possibly aecure so young and estimable a prize aa Joe Chickweed. vo,-G MCV Joe made it a special prov.o in his proposal j .. . lu' that thev should be married private!? the da? ! "c ' P'evaieut in some communities ; before the marriage of Sparks with "the wid-! that the young men m e unfit lor General or iow'idauxhter.and that it should be kept a '.Statesmen, an.) that they must be kept in ,the ! secret until that wedding had taken place. To b 'Ck ground until their physical ttreneth ia I this the widow readily agreed, although it , impaired by age, and their intellectual facuU - l.l ...... i..n f.,e her tn restrain tirS blunted by VeaiS. I.Ct U lilOii at the 'the lie erjnvmcnt she eipericnced, and prevent jhiatnrj of the past, and from the long list oflie te secret being do.coverc.1. m and statesmen !.. I.aye nobljr d.st.n- n i.r..,-,t. nt;,t f Snails Iguishcd themselves, we will find that they land Melinda at length amcd. and all tl.e were young men lm performed those acU nrensrations for the ceremony on the rnumg i 1 nave .. c,.. u,. ,.. iptm,..i day were comi.Ieted. When darkncs sat in, i ee.l ol lam 1 ...t.:t. i 1 i...:. . day were completed. When tlarkncs sat in,j"ee ' ".nv. ..... au i .e.. ...... y . a s .1 .! fits nnfl .J liut irr. lofa tiiisst !. iAit. ...as..a m.I il.A wala..'A a 1 1 ,-.. 1 aal.l af .rt.l f..ni..rltnn fit llpr (KUItl-tll UC Ml'"'" " wiwi.cf hu, ?.,. i husband aa to be completely oWivioi.a tn all re. Kgypt. and Asia, died at 33. Dona else, Mrs. Martin cautiously left the house, P't waserowued Kmperor of France when .' . , . 1 .'.1 .t. i.veai of mstt I .tt. the vmmicr brother. anil meeting oe near ai oa.i.i, siik i'vMvu - , 1 -'n-.-.t 1, r. .:.i. ..i. i--... ..r i!,o r-hirk weed, was 33 years of aje, when in Hi itain s I'arlia- I'h minister who had been duly admonished tn srrrecv. was in attendance : and in less than half 'an hour thereafter Joe was a mar-j ceil man. and H e lio-lotisrr widow was on . ment, lie b!ill? a lvoaied the caac of tha American Colonies; and but l when mado Chancellor of the Ksclicuer. KJiO'iml Butke, at the a je of 3 was the first Lit J of ! ...i..i...m.'narti.. from J..e the treasury. Our own Vasliinut'in was I with a. ingle but scry enormous kiss, with b"t when l.j covered the retreat of tn I which he was eotttetit'to satisfy himself, con-1 l?r.ti.lt at Hraddock s iLTeat, and was app-.m. ! sidering what was to foU w from so doing on , ted I be commander-.n.cliief of all the ir. -ra-lW ' S11 ,"Vfe 1ll.')l'lltlSJ t4rl1llllMlt f V 'The weddinz rad off neat diy to t!.f ; Lieutenant Colonel and ai l M W.sh--ntire atisfact"n of all parties. The aftVir j 'r f I 5r". and at tookflace in the morning, at the Hour 01 j s . -s... iin y . e t.. ' son isas l.ut hn ho dra led the ever mo- D.-claration of Independence. At ... en A CARD. MA VINO located In Uhapel Hill.respeetfully oners hisnrotVssionalerics 10 theeititensof Ihe Iowa and surrounding country. Mecan producesalisfactoty lestimonislsofhisshill in the profession. His ninct is at Or. Moore's. When lenested.rami lies will bewailed on at Ihcirreaidrnrt. t'hargesrea aonable. .... a? ilr.B.will he In ItilWHwongh the fourth week n'es. hmonih.sl-o es)iriot ttoorl wicki.snd ofiencf (wiihrwl eitra charge) if teiucHcd. August 19. M I cathered about a teasnonnful of them in a small bin, and they have not yet kicked, that , fn,,.,,.; coURTMIir I know of, since they gave up the ghost. It , .. cl.T ol..rj is sii.l liv sum iwnunl that soansuds will . , .. ..I 1- ,t ir t tntis K. rtaonit. HOI UCSiroj incoi oui mrmj eiujfiij tiiiii.. j such it the result of their eiperiment, it is j AND HOW -II taM twainsslaa .iK ti, esceotion of Joe , a but nn.nr at. inv ,:"i " " ' 1 7 . . mnrahti! f M.:t u-..l u li.iha.l lieetl l.ir.lljlir IIIVIIPU. W 1..' ...... j 'I., ...... ...... . had departed. Whf he rent .ined .0 long it ' W - ' J" imc .y ww.n occ. -PU7y.le.l the newly married pair to surmise, rd the meclymcal eha.r at Cam r, i tol aIhey had not supposed he iould be present KngUnd. having by his tcien t.tte dta at all. Je took it very easj?, however, and cuer.e rendered h.s name immorUl. nut mnarrasMu u. m viva- " Ii's toil that don't know him t but VOU . .1 1. .... i." . .'.II l..t..r Inn?. I've been deceived, and I 'you 11 lane up n'"l '" "Z"7 "7.'"". . ; ''.!.. -r..;.l r. nnt'.n....t l. snatch. 1 r eht awa?bU? yotl ir matle auinctcniiy strong anu me uug iinnin. - ) - , . . thoroughly soused, they w.ll die in a short Ji-g up bis ihatf it's the money lui pretemli .to j b""a117 w Mf ir..ei..,ll.ainn. An l.mr. 1 have that's lost me a wilet but sthen you "Oh, no, , replied Rut ! want Ut touch it just as like as not J ou won't aeemeil rtuite ainnsf lianterines ol Ihe liatiDV Ppark. . - ..1.1 a.l.lresstnir himself in the newi?-married Im-band, as they were all j can never be too highly estimated, ami it is assembled in thi OiiarnVATios. -Ihe hab't ol o!erva!t ti 1 one of the most valuable in life, its worth ie patlor together" I 'sposelone that can easily be cultivated, Nt your residence in the stilase lanvthing without observing that all ye . - 1 - t... ... i . L . ... 1 1, . "par Never da on do i nice house and live ' correct. U not ever tke a walk without having vnur ryes and ears open, and always Iks iiiin i rry snti reinemiicr wnai you see ami near. . II this means vou will aoiuire more know such is the result of my experiment. Rut 1 want tis touch it just as i.Ke as not ou won . ".f-")' , faIcttlate ym Cm-t tfJse than ever can be learned from books, a. soapsuds, like most of the remedies augges- jte able. 1 . ,or.J 'hate anidea o'f settltn" on farm f-v..ti vou will find the information in exactly t!i ,ed is ton slow and tedious for the application H. rushed from he l.nnse as he Hered , have any le$lfZ, vn0 know." , 'form vou are rapable r reee,vin it. 'iL-at to be made on a large scale, and cannot be 'these words, and turned f; J'jtmA" -..re attended with much ?ucces. unless .recently ; ound hi mother t. I jjp, tnd I w . e gerly Jj J J ' J?fi Voming on observing habit ', f'or Use will he al-vm with ;ppl,ed and the pense of fny,, time and : , errogate, I by ,r as to he In k he Jh.J met surnrng jcm,. m f . .( u W(h paid fot in it doing. I've given this aciouitt ' was the enabled to oiler him 111 return. laWre in lummer. Yes, think I shall try , the truths if nature.

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