I,i j.Wition to . tr.iterials, there is fire-1 1 wish to sec tS Siwth.n ftcf, what nature car of best quality, in great abundance, in 1 has eminently designed lirr to t, a commcr Uiit:iii the atans uf tul arid bUck.-bi.ml ; cial and manufacturi. g, aa well aa an agri ore", thus affording, from the same pit or ! cultural people. W e can then boast of our shaft, coal, iron or, and fire-clay; and the; greatness, because we will then be great and other descriptions ol iron ore, lo wit, the i prosperous. befnetitt. specula, and magnetic, being im mediately cuotiuotli. leavet nothing to be done bat to deeiop and uae them to any Lent and in every shape that the Government ccd wrah er require the use of iron. . 1 he aecur.il tapped requisite for a suita ble aite lor a national foundery the " locality, a;ctt$ibilltH t ticlt water, and inaccessibility to an tw.y I wll briefly Mate, isadvan iagoul presented in these North Carolina toal field. The l)eip river flows through the Coal and iron depsit. It ia a brautilul stream, highly adapted to atack-watcr works, which are now being constructed. The dis tance from Me site uf tiie works to the sea 'fisrd, nr mouth of the Cape tear river, into vh'ch Deep ri'i'.r flu, is only about one hundred and iiw m'les and tide-water, 10 the depth uf s j.ne twelve faet, rove, to with in some seventy units of the place where a national loundery couid b! advantageously erected. Win tue slack-water works com pleted, as they toon wit! be, besides a rail road to Faveiieviile, nnw under construc tion, the fi'jrica for tiot'ernment use can eafely and eo itreniently be .carried out to the adjacent eapsrt. or borne by railroad ; whilst no eoe.ny's fleets can ascend the stream, or an a:t:?d firet invade the estab lishment without marcv.njr oserland a con Hiiierab'.e jniirner i wmci is about a nigh icraiitr at can b? ov.nu.ed. Tlte lucality Frcm the Siril W the A : ' Univn-f.ty of North Carolina,? Chapel III!!. Feb. 1Mb, IS5. J 7b the Editor cf the ftHrit of tht Age The misconception and misrepresentations prevalent to some oiient, in relation to the organization of the Trustees and Faculty of the University, will probably justify, if in your opinion they do not imperatively re quire, the publication of the following stater inriit : 1 was appointed President of the Univcr- sity at the annual mcetinz of the floard of Trusieei on the 5tii December, 1835. I was not present, but a gentleman who attended the -meeting fur the purpose of presenting the name of nn Episcopal clergyman of high character and unusual attainments, informed me thurilv ni'Lerwards, that he declined do ing so, on healing Ju.lge Cameron cspress te opici.ci that wLi'e the c!ery ought to be frct'.v ri tucrentjJ i:t the facuity, the head of it should nlw.tvs Ue a layman. 'I'hat he would not vte for a e'ervman of any de nomination for the Presidency, or lor any layu.an who resided north of Maon's and Duon's line. The nnmir.ati.m ot the present incuiobent, was made b" Vmt abd Srcutided 1 .!ai.!i tJ be a co;l one. Th rti'y, cilrvi'c. an-1 xeans of tubsUtin? a popu'iiini of mechanics and workmen. In tt-s i-pect trie lie.) r.ve.- va'.ley certainly possenes supenoi ai!anu;e. It tonus, in deed, the divi-Iiii j l.ae oeiween what are pe I.Bi!r tai'hern aJ n'.thern products. Kx'ea'lm s j..' i frjro tne l-ical'.ty of the mi ie, o.i trie -s tr.t cotton an i rice re cions where, lipase -t-ii.e are nruduced for axTort to ail srts of the word i while, mov-! r.nrta and et from these i br Juilire G-trtun. When I entered iipnn t!:e discharge of inr duties in Jionarr 1S35, tin- Farulty cnsiii! eJ of rrofesjoia Mitchell, Pi:ii!iis, Honw land Ee;-2ein, and Tutors McAlister 'and ITIiat it wait knnwn to r.iost of those present, Owen. The tiro tirst isamad were Trobv-1 that he had taken tmue pains t! an any one aWlei when cur urit year cornea round, v.t may not nave at command such a preacher as your Board would choott (or Chaplain. In these views in? nretnren aoci;iea wiij ma for counsel concur. You will please to excuse me, and accept for t lie University and your personal welfare, the best wishes of, dear Bir,- : '" ' i oiira respectnilly, T1I0. A. M OSIRIS. I) L. Swaw. , , .... After repented conferencen as to the course to be pursued, and after arriving at the con clusion thai further effort to secure the ser vices of either a Methodist or a Kaptist rler. gvmao in reasonaale time, would be univail-1 nig, the Faculty determined to rccoinmend the Rev. William M. (.Ireen.of Hillsborough, for lite Chaplaincy. He was appointed Pro fessor of lihetoric, on the 2rth February, I8S8, and was the first Episcopal clergyman called to fill a Professor's chu'r in this in stitution. - On tlte 8th. September, 1838. a Bi.ard of Tuutees met at the Lxjcutive oiiice, on the summons of the Governor, to appoint a suc cessor to I)r. Hooper a Professor of Anfient Lat'goages. The name of Professor Henry Tutwiler, of Alabama, l'rofersor M. Fetter, of 'New York, and the btc William E. An derson, Eiq.,t!icn of ilillsbruugh, were pro posed by different members of the Puard. Refore tiie Board proceeded to ballot. Judge Cameron reinar'ncd that it was scarcely ne cessary to i -lunate that the last noinipntion, renilered !us position a oe icate one. cut timt in the discharge nf a public dutv lie not permit Ins cmnse tn be influenced bv the leonsideration" of fr.eni!hii, or ties of ulna men(s, lio was oal u II t decline pf lif, and thut i had no hopes of finding any one who, at present, would be able to supply our loss, j Thdt it had been my object in a careiui scru tiny of the pretensions of the gentlemen ,to, whom my aiteiuion had been directed, to find amoni; tho graduates of this University a young man uf decided ability, of attainments eijual to his years, who had given satisfacto ry evidence of capacity to impart instruc tion, and alio. had a well established char jioterasao accomplished christian gentleman. That as the University was a fitste Institu tion, 1 had alwaya entertained the opinion, that all parties in (he Slate, political and re ligious, should be represented in the govern ment of it, ant) that is no member of the Fac ulty was a Ma Dibit, other thinga bomg equal, I would prelera member nf that denomina tion, And neat to that a Methodist. That if a suitable person among our graduates pre etited himself, other things being equal, I would prefer a southern to a northern man." With respect to the manner in which the Boanl of Trustee is eoustituUd, 1 cannot be expected to speak with as much particu larity and precision in as relation to the F culty. 1 am satified, however, that great mis takes exist upon the subject, whitb ought, to be corrected. The eniue Hoard consists at present of about b5 members who have been appointed at interval during lite last 4iJ vears,and who are widely dispelled oer the Stale, from the Albemarle to ilie Alleghany. A coiisii.erable proportion n them are tint members, in lull communion ol any Utiurcn Union, lbs Conititution.ani the I.awi-thc Our diana of our I.ihertie. UILLSCOUOTrGH, N. C. Wcdnrsday, Blurcb 16, ISftO. Dir. Cllmcr'n SimccU In our fini (ingo to Jay will l fjmiil nn intareitinir fcpxwh of tho Hon JjIiii A.Gilrafr, delivered in lie Hnuse of RuprwieiiU- tiv, on tlx luhatilaneM of tin Di Kl'er region for a National Kouudery, which we (commend tg llie t len uoo of our railert. ' - V hv, in aooiher eolumn, ijiwn plc to a com municatiun fioin Mr. Turner, in roply o Mm expre. tion of Mr. Fuhrr whii'b nppearpd in a o)ip!innt ta hi reply to th coininiile ol' int estititnjii. Without ndoririg what Mr. Turnr ny, we have thought it ri lit to ptri it" him to ip'iu la hi eunrtiturui !:i iov on the oci'tmon. VV he intL'ioieJ, hut not "ft lisJ limn to do 10, to l.ils .')1B notice of the rfjio:t of tl, tnii;ni.Uf uiioii tli Koilh Carolina Kiiiroail, uri.l li.e r,-r I)-of M .-. Fuher. It my, prhap, be .!mitlcd that Mr. Fiiher hi brrn loo tiller in m tit' lii rioa;ka ailii-il to tils Chairman of the oommittra; but the imrMio;i woiild i I li.ive eiaoiiiied the catalogue with soine care, j r.)t,0 upon our ir.inil Imm lUe imperiatl peruaal whirh ii,vlvUlid with the b!t means of information atjv( nav( been ails to lwtow upon thai repoil, 'rm teriir. c'eifVinen, thoudi neither was a mem- else to secure the present O'gsni.ation of the her of the Presbyterian church t the dale of F.tonty. 1 hat v inr cooitnand. entertain the opinion, ih&t if considered in relation t Ch'in ., prr.'erenets, while the Episcopalians are greatly. .the mol nuiiKM'ous, that Itapiists, .-Mttltodists and Ins ap;o: c'-rc ntmcnt, and Prof, Phillips not a ed to accept a hum Burjjevin a Caniarast; one if the Tutor a jthority, w in aonia ir.'aaure to jnlity hi wannth-uf brtinj. We think the ti nnuiuiicn In Hie eomcniTtre vti too a Hrftei! to he inelul, ami tirp!y rrore of diapiailiun I.. SnJ f.ijt tll.n ia IX'ltttl t 1th r VM -tltf ( i.!r J lint. lie Viu. P,;,!entco!)aent- I ''y'eria.. w.,1 be 1 .und in nearly -t,u, W. b ec.t,re f- o.e ( , i nri)r lu iiot a mini im inr Hivoiiti . A ... . a. I aii? f-il I ! K""u" ' ,v " . ioa ma uhirt. lo rrril.e n. ir at le:ur the ren.vt l - - a- . i ...i ... i ......... I t b t ..... - - i , , .ir'Oi tue entire iwam inn- i"rn'n i , . , . .. i t v .i . el! i t . r I .1 . i tlui cnmm.llce, nd the toi'ly of Mr. Wcrlli )o Mr. nation, be Kj.ouu hOlll m-g jiaii .". r,, ....... ... , , , ,,,.,.,1,11 U ,.i II ,1 .....n -...I Mr !.f'i.!! t),ll h.nit.li, Imm tlin K..t I.T 9 II . I c t" " " " r" ". ..... . ten fh, t the pre send1 of a single Tius 1:1 itiiar lair.ny. inr toiran s me r.nrta and sest tram Chapei" un tie Sabbath, were coodiir tedbv mineral oen-isirs. you are greeted witn a fine j prfu.,r4 MicIa!l and Dr. Hooper 'a't-r-waest, com, ami -th?r vtetibie -producing , Bn!j l)e (a,,.r relIinv-d tn Sutii Car- reyon, alomed w.tn braut-iui s:enery. Injol tll;fil,;f in Feb-uarv. If 39. t- t-tke d'.irce idu, an tiie ip'r, cm." ..o. ,., v. . ,,., Tbeo ncica Intilute. near . .1 .... .L.ttt ..iiti.T nu-lv nr ( i I'ltxiitill inn .J! I !,livi to h aide nun. I tn anv n emer- " - , ; , ' .. . . .... t. - ...!:: ,i -..:, r... , ,,l i:i )... ,.!,! r,. instance, wncn iiwiu 4 v!"vi.w u, I i.u i ci tn tw t ac vr.f in m i '.c i ts -. i ' . ""ii "Vesbvttfrian.. ti.e uihtr a u.ctr.Ijr of a Me tie !c whutu ?: t'liJ tuiti on 6vi! ft conJ:t:oii like that ; r 1 W"V " -e- .--. - . I he. eovvrtfi.eiii mi utc riuciit i, m i u e it t v nn id of . s-r,. ot menu, wit'i tm.linv. For """1 l'H'l P 'rposes. confined to an ., one. therefore, h wouM consider hi:n, as j cotive eoii'ininee cat seven, of whom tVe tio viriior is cr '?aio Chairman. Th Cominit- K.hr. Tiie. trji!vfrlty.--We c-pj to diy, j'.vr.) ti. ;.tiit of the At, a conimioiimtioii iroin tiov. ,'n4:o, Pieai-Ir-iit of I Ik L'n.'iix.iji of Noiiii Croiiiu, anil in ;ir to il lti aUii4-.n of our n-.!t i. An iinjonuinn hi pr.- ailed la a.or.e Aienl. that uioiiie aiHiaiun in-tTot-nrc Lax tw-'fi fc.'Mihl io hnr 11 ibat !uuiai,oa Th Hon. CerirRe V. Jon, of low, lal s Senator in Congre rrom that Stale, haa been appointed Mii tet Keaident to Now Oranaila. . New Hampshire Ktei tlon An election waa b)J in Now Himpihire on the 8th inatant, for rltata'offiocra and member of Oomrren. On hundred nil Sfty-four town havo been hoard, from, and th- imlicato that Godwin, Ilia Kepuhlwun eandidata, ha beenelecieJ by ov 3,000 vote. Th Kepublican hav obtained larg hiajoriiina in both Hou of th I.fjjialaturf , and the three meinbar of Congrua. Tho IV. Carolina riantvr. Ths March' number of this periodical ha hen reid. 1 tl eon laina nveial Tery useful arlicie i it I only on dol lar a year, no farmer abooltl b wi houl it. AJJre A.M. Gorman, Raleigh. "'.' niiirkwaod'tt r.dlnburali aJagaaitoi. for Fpbrury, liaa bren received. Iu content are, t. ' Carlyla .Virago Phiioophy ' History of F rede-rink, a How w went toBkyn.- 3, Ohjeelionabl Bok 4. ; Popular I.itoratur Part il Ths Perindirat Pre. 6. Kawlinaun'f Hcrodoiu. 6. Falaaly Accuacl. T. Mfphiti and the Ann lle. B. A Uuia m tiio J-pim-ao Water Prl III. Dkatii or tkb PosTriB OasMUL. It is v.ith deep reeret that we announce the death of Hon. Aaron V. Diown, Postmaster Oen eral, who dinl abnut nine o'clock yciterday morning of pne.iimunia. ' Mr. !!rown wss bm n : in Hiunawiek cotintf, Virginia, in 195. In 1815 he removed to'reniusice, devoted him-, eif'to the law, and became the partner of J. f K. Pork, afterward President f the United - Piiiirs. He wss nevernt years" in the State jKiltire,.and '' fleeted to Con-res in lbo:,and again in 1811 and J 843- In lets he ; was elected Uovernor ci Tonee. Among the meaaures which have marked his adnvn- ' i.'ia(ion nl bis late nllice of Pstmssfer (in -era!, wer the eaWi'!imrnt 'if the Tehann- tepee mute, and nf the oveilind, toiitcs ' t .. California. Ha was an e.Tic'icnt paV-ic ,offi- cer, and nt privat life iiiveilly l'n rd. " -' CW(. ir 1 it BiJ-u ni wwu.- j v, ,.,.), ..... Ajoo l ie im.Iilie o 1J.7. no a fnan!ed in the Deep river v..v at the cheap- st and nint aecommo rates. Mr wav )r. Hooper gave nuiice of .1 1 . 1 ' l .......!.- 1. : . I I. n i HOIUI' K ne n'.Ml. I'l "ltl o i new, -00 iuai . . ..) ..r ...,1 U.. ..-.... al,. Pl,.i...... :i Kmm:l aunila r.Vntmct ho-!d made to a ...a.f m lee p"'J .... o....." intentiuo ! tl'.e Faco'.tv without concurrroe. lie fiotii his Piiifeso!ship at the clo'e t added that hi" object 10 o as ".:! p!v fo , . 1 . . ...1. 11 ....,.. -.... in...... .. 1 eiiil i'l 111 or n-ar It a'i'('i, Mill e 14 ioipor- j 1:011. u in prrju ji ui ?.mi;.iii pn Mipt. 4 !i"t tl.at Hiev xhall meet tfijuently sr.i! Mime- i,.ii.tbat n alu.io.c ?-iil of tai earnu: insca- . h....t M.i .. 'I'll lini If t .tllirr h' 'inn I t.mb Ih.l iiMm,...! Il will li aan tl.st V - . I 1 e- re-ri en'eil in tne v. onnoi'.,', ri' in " 1 murr . .it ; ol iii.tiuru -k, n-n ian.a. M. Fitixoae w Ctsscis-sati. Ex P es' dent Fuiruore wa lately on a visit to Cii.cn nati, and met with a very warm eerepiW ii. (in Friday evening he wa called tipou at the Burnett llne by the tiiistl Arreri-' tn Aif iatiitt. -Mr. Filnore mail a br,ef sneer h, in -aWch be tl'.anked them for il.eir :nu;tey and kitttineaa on all ociaionsi kt( to retire ri iprTir:iin n nil, ld 1. iii 11 iiii' r.i ... I I. ... ... . .... . .!.. i e I , r r . i . r .1 ' . rMiid ..v..,;.:r,r,...':...MS a p.,.-.d laod!1 '"e " ' "-n -r. a.. . ....,'.....,,.'.,.' te, re-.r-e:ied in the Cmnul .. , r b. ...,. :u joro. of m.iruew. m n-.w i.r..a.l, ' " ':- : . - c - : 1 ecur ue services ni a so 11. tie mrctwi ences. amiix - j , ...,!.,.,;..,.,.,;,,;., , . , tueir nrtierence m ton 1 lea.ueniia .land of brost.fv.altr, of i .untam-. r.t f io the ,i,frt.ntnl t- Aj,.ieHt L3nWs. !. ere or O, e tl.? B. d. A! Hip r .,' Jo.';e .emoeiKn,,, . r p, e;.il -clion. are t.,e H,. . ; , ,wa M H,.l-t. .i-a t v. P...,-,., in ,umor iM,-,v.fri,rr r,.t ct vafeys snd pr.,per p,l!U5in for the ma:i- ' ''ame ion's rensrl;, J dSe i .-.!. e-r re .a-J I-1 ' ' '':;t'''';':r;, : f,W,( (... ..d w. M w..,.n-.eJ m .avm; t..a. w . j,,, r,grf tted, firthe pra-i- a )! i,it ao.t ta-'ey tcixw and &S-.ttRtutt f W(,-,hir. In the mmith !,'., 6ra-.-S.at:.. at the rr.ui.-e .. h dUA . ' -7 " f J",?.' - V. . i1"" n,n "'- fi,,tion and the principles tt t Am.nran tres and p. meirraia-.es; a U id of oi.ve. o I. :of A j tts; a!.-.e cln5rafj!te the j d.t. o.;.;.-! ta p-r.-o,.' Tie s'ed ti.at tht ; ' Ute biect.e t.omm,..ee ...'4 ,uf..w lt. YM ,,l,pr..rto. ,h4l can.pa.iit! had not nsui'ed and hoiey." And bet.. To, the cl".:ate , Tn .;.e acctp.anct. t,j ti. Rev. .ec;j..t, ..f a p.pe- per f f. the .araui" '"7 V'J,"!L f! uh-.A r,' i V'''1' :f l" u,Vr '" w"'f ",u'1 ,l'!,"''rf drTeirtuit. He spnWe tttt tonfidtnca and Uf.HCei-'ent,0-n?eiaiJar.,Jh-trj,!C(Uai(. v Ss-i ..a-lH. with t-.e -mcurrc Kof',cha:r. tvaS i:,..tnt V iV.e cm,.,,o..it, k v " " .;.,,,2',!tr UCI- ? ' l. W" . 1 " ' : .!. t.. ...! i!- V-: U -.. a... tf.e -,t a..- ,rr,,Bi mf tHe ju.ntM f tl(t Ctu, mfti ,4. abourj li;n a-er.p-v?ot i:-e pares:' h ;.!,, Ei.ier the R?v. llezcktan C. ! la-e, but to t e !'-cu:-v it jm ,iier..!i!"rf, ,( 1 cf n'T ''' , p'unt u, c. -..n .tiu.-ai tot v,,. , tte3jiBft of rBrpofe with eii ommI- --i .. . i I - m.na W!.i!h t'-i.rt il, nr I . . T 1 .1 - .. ! 1 'ii... ..,. i .i. . : v vi'iT v a re in an v w :e reM-niaiV, 'at tnr ... , . ....... . 1 . .V -. . .4 r h.ti.i' ' oil i.i rnf a 1. T1r.1v .4 ( i'' TTt -1 loo .1 i o 1 11 ui iii'ii .1111 111 .111 . iv ii 1 .tiro i i.ii .111 nf. iici 1. n 141 4 u-i".ii.tii j .... ii.it. mt I.... 1 T.,r in ei n - mi or ai 1 . n 11 1 I of wmch I am t.o st'kn'!;. Top'e i aUo en abiioant sjnply of oak and other timber euitaoie for such nurpoae as w.) be needed tunm a r.st.-r.ai l.undsry. witit. n convenient reach. Iheie are sn 'imfstoae ind oiher sjn?.ie inaieriai for ptac'.ical ue in a tinnie: r, in sb-nant SJp n'v, t t'r.e eojnl'J round asiut. Then, imy iot aak. what nire is neede:1. for iuoo't. SO ,J l t.ie IS.a'nip, ,i.i lo t.'.e L niv erat'.T. 'J'i.e fo :o':i.2 to !" toe a-iK'intir.ent ol Chun- ibe appointed as iii.t ir.eiclv l co-m- ' I ...... 1. ... .1 .1. ... t IMlUilO.', OOl U.i J r '.'"I. m .1 . ,..-. er.rf eil,ib;t the I nsa the renoiaite a!eit' and atainrfn.t? liltn e failure of this 1 for the , i ' . r..i.A. 11.' 11 i.r.i.i.r.'ii ;'.- I. ;ih .11 iii.x.i.it lilt- ii scheme and tiie ullinute adoption of a difl'er- ! chair, a:.d lie !ces'V to uts rr ilisc'iari'e ot t: tn'Ta' and oci es uf en l p an : pire ciinf.dence, ami produce. Data trtTcniir;c. 1 r..pie T!ut or: i i I I! The -e i.(i emi-lt'l ocaiity 1 so state, be saol o! any o'.ner named l ? If n true, other p;ice rr.ay pns- i ? mf4ir-!l frii ( ! i.n';.i-; t.e '. bt J 'djelV"- 1 !d a'i1 .i:'.v: r'i .4. .r. t-i .1 ni. t .-'' CI.V'.. Mm, Jin. r.':i 1-35- S n..i'.' t '(' S r... . . c. . .... T; .. T.I....4I i f Ui. tnt'itii. ith. FacUitt w-re beliei ' den.a .d, rrowH.te l.;r na'.M.na. j tWftuU.K , tJ ,vV;l3 , a Ch-M:a-1 8...id. a d t.e rep-a-.e-l foanJe-y? Can a macii at I have here at- ; ; .,.-If.r t.. t'.a- ';! a: f'.ivm; b'en .mi.. ; kt 'tut'.-i some years a' nee or the Unicsi:r jen, in t'-e ..-t.ievt .. i.aJ h .rv. .:.' i tK-.f (im rbar.'.nin 4,1,;.!! be it" make, tict tue I rea.Jetlt W stss SJine pirncu ar fiuies w material toi ,'-f,.i ,.,,'ir ,.! fhi h ai.all be ta. i view to the t'osi d. "'I1'1;'1'' pef av. feater, ile?ree tnan . :( ,-,e fur UAyg .', 1 .vol .11 r.y;, i':i l't it to be found tn ire Deep river va ey. but ; . , ..-..,,, ,1.. S,af- Melh.ltst. I fere5 bv t'te t'ir. e ..tV,,,..,,, . t . hen, can ail the materun be foam! ttithe; r, ,..,1 orr, a vtrv cr.-f.i! fsai-.i'-aio.r, 1,1 f,e V same eitent ter infotni tsiw vir It l re.l urn nl rah VTiT'SM VII IS. HI pr'ilioi lnoi :o 1 dii.'j' , more t xli li-iM-li d.!?,"!' ! in thv ll.'iiiil ol Tr'ia'ees of formal il ileg tti.in in that of V r Ci.!er.iy. T'iry are nt lioind in o Ut a pri. portion in e'l'irr, a in portend loini iirnt i-ani'r to civil or n !i ; oiis liberty 'Ibat every lnilee duni'S ihe nuai'trr of a reulurv uiiilet r4-iew baSiti- wi's ai-leil npim the jo incip.eai.l cue loer t.or, I'm; i e; n b'Jc . to i'Oli.CliJOI. t.,v i H, . OU .1 so w i".i4;i a 'tH :b.t nan who a fce -I .. ' ...... I....I ... n . 1 twrdftntf r. I HiUV Uil'i;i4'.i i f Irt'i V' Hf.141 ra.-.-j re-imli. For tiuns'ff I.e wouid say thst, while ., ', ire tti innkful to hi American furnJ fur " . j the capres.ion ol'theirconbde net and regard, i.a'4 f ti t'oi-; he had retired from public life forter. . 10( ail V.t snateru.. oe 10 am, run, , . ImPi:.!i ar.d Privteria.u. vt-y car.-l,: ...,.-,. " e V.. y : :Hr.taMty.an.!qoa..tyr r. tbet-, ' Bli.,e irY dutr t'obta n. ift'.-t Mitt.er rrt T. ' " f',-' r t as-rt they car..t; fiat t.te c..f.r,;n:. "f f.ese sc-er.'. ' Fetter -a, ki ? n p.-.-n. !y t y . f t wf n W- r'? V"' Up !ienot!..Ut.vn. C thru'.rt in ti,: a-rjje. .....nbe, , i:.e t .'. r 5a 4. .-..l-ufe raa'.-y -f cal, v;'i ... tie c.er . ,,icil ,,:,vli, ,u ; of t fi '..-,, t, t . 'hiby .1 e ,,m i h ("lunwatrd tn.tsote for tli ' , , . .. - .. 1 . ..1. i r , m.:,.t, ..1 . , t ..,, 1 iz - 0 ' I11 t a! . Ij.i " P f.;.-. , t.; s. .i..i . i.-'.-.-h iij Mr. Curwin ,.;! m jproprite reply to , a..i...i..i.u oi. 1 uura- :tt' s - I'rcai.ient, iu wlitch he referred'to 'he !!mtii,uil,rtl tetfites of lHe latter in tl'e -. j proud pomiin whn.il hennce uccupten as t l otu 't I..,t-n. -): in-xKiMuurCaun-iKtiMce of a majority of ti e Amei.ta't ttt d. Ic i f t, I.ivr-J fr j.l"rd I'--a ,a .-wi.4i.-i.rd ,.4 a..v .t 4,. 1 i.'. . . . . d (;...li.. wi.a.-tv wli.c'i cuaritir- . . . . 1 1 ... . . ' 1 ...... . ' limor VI 4J'ir.r vil.;i" I 4il'i .'".,' ' -- ., , -. - , . 1. ....... ne, 'her j-M-rled or la-in-n M hot i ty t: .o l. a ir.,,..r,.r a....... for " """' r p. ...rr. . r-- '. l,.1,t-...el...,iy I,,.-'.- aci...Be - , s h. a.4.. 1-- w.oij p- i n'a'ish f . tr.d acknowtedjjeJ public tod pn- vrr drpar'i'd I'orn ! leni, i 01 i"t rmi' ; ( ...nimcnt wei n j ' : ,tt!ri.,id. tV;!, rrfere re tti tin: trt cui. f- rtr. , rci wl'i d ":: t', pe-j j rin r. 1. t i-.'-r-h !.. t :i-. er' milliner 1,: n,M ( i,v.c., ...J W jl,,,.,, j. j.;..-. in .tor ot whor.l li:,e at hr w.'.n j M) P-rk' on, t itle over die welfare i (HC In-! u,T and r at-'i' V ft ci ir.il".-:i' i ne ei'0-'&:ed as fbie for ii. roakM f de'rr'pt'On uf iron fab'te for G !, rnvnt" or national use, are yet to sa f i4nd in 'J?n : ine c'.tor. in any one r'scs. And ( then aak tie q.ea nr., wnv wr.i no' '.nt G-iirritt pi proper net'sr-pre a 5'-e -j SJi 'e'-'d 'j--' i jy r.i'-.i'f, ;n p il t 't fir r.'-':nai f-mn-lerr t .ii. tSt t;.,. f.r i!. nr.iniiKiriiin baa been ! T'ia it!!.t!i''e 1! eir't mi-atVavor.'j'iV settived. ia'td " 'ally e-t. e tag-u r .hf A-igiis' ii;,an! rry t.i.'rt- sr.il pore el-.ai -c'-r. ,.i . i-a r..' - -a uf the Trus'tesjfver e,-e n-it 'i;"-fi " ' ;' '" d, tl.e Fae- of ei'.ier .Mr, Iulwiri or ,Vr. tfi : . to the ' 'be rli:c!.:it. :iT a uc:e:-4or t" I:. 1. ttrmiii'. in 'ue m ill !t f:er I'.e upon th.S soj'rirt wa ann-wnr- :!.r ; J tn t-'niler ttie :tjat;on ii i' not ii t no mot t iia j .t..e lotn- liv iiij ..! the I'eait, In av thai u anar nu;n in in, 1,01 be lititinl W'tnitt uur u-ii'i', : f 1 rpi :' a!) 1,'V, a !.-. . 'i ;', -nd 111-:',,.r- T:.f . ! ti" "f I I-' ' 1 'o :i 1 .i I i :'"! V '. ' was r n ri.r, t s if t.i tM., ! : 7, Tr. i 4-; v.. ; 7 ... ... 1 y ! I I yu. Ii, il v. -.r, 1 1 rrj. .1, tr, .' ". k i ll li ii 1 V va wti th. Tl.e asaoriaiinn nnJ a larse nuu,br f ct- I rrtu prearnt t ok leave of M.. FiilniOit v.tth, tt' I I e wa'Siest gooo wnoes. p. fa , 'i ! .n. !',. I 1 I. 1 !' fc akurs i r no. Fmn. I n II. K .. 't. i.l :'r. i-l'l .fa'. .t U. l'rt 11. ilt( Mr i.llW 1 v.: Wf,i aha 1 rot N r,i Ca ir na nu n1 t". her fcortfer -nt me te Ol"' lrattt'e, "'e i.?;f kt it e-vui, if, fat tt- bet'. Sae.'.'i i an-5 tjr.e, tn coin wi'l hrr iVt .4't'f. "''re i f t" 'l m r !- !e ar : tn r.rr.f'i ff br'. ,m .- : c iu e-.i-ne-.t e T" " la'ier --.."ri;:':n w "J' ' 't',f ;--,-,.f f : i 1 1".'.'.4 .! i r ;i ufr e". -a' t:... t ; t. i - f a r .'..orni f'.'.o I- 'S ,ri ii " 5'' I 'a ty 1 but '.; eiif'iseaitiiu in wi.eit s i-ieo i!.r ai cf ulaocie of ti.e iiji.Ce. atid It 03' r -- ! I '..' m, r.v. I F loeji-ioiB uccuoru. in. . - ortb of vour tiiJich. Hit ! he ii.lerts ai d tep-it tm . . I . 1 . a . I. ,;Iu;led an immf-' tint: t er CM fl't. !-ft r'-nsii i ;s 1 1 5 a i'ii, .i' so t , T. . I " o V'f ;"r" ' ..r il et 'fi' " w " ,(! ii, t : fe is r,'!- ! ,ri' I ' Wat '- f "t f r ! f'i'l tt. e . . 'r L :ti't 1 1 '.e 4't ; -I I ir.kka !' " o:. e of . r i!.s :.a 1. t' s f 'apitoi :rt i", tf d"i iri. I fiily re a rj-iV'-'si fe r-, r.'it bM' fs- r 1 '',. I " 7 3! tOf b 1 ' l ".' ' a '.. -", k' !".. t e"er , ! rs !. R it 1 ' ; r '!' " '." " ' .... .f, 1. , ah. I be m B"o ' ' S. ' r a it I tir' .n -'S t -.;a .- ' i ii .... '.! f. q-if' i'-i, " i- 'aa i.-j" ; o a : 0 po:l f -'ih ,tn t ?".' t s'a: - iir s .; t 'f;i u l' V-- '.': 1 t - f t my ri 1' r i-flr il! frn It 1 . to I rr l-i-r.r'l!eJ rt'l'tet, , f ti'ivernxert rst the r:j''t andj acul d.;:i'.C -el Wiler 1 1 1' Hi; v;'. j'i I hav ivm p;r !r M!;j,i..tii;ii n't, i! t ill M i?ru, w.t i.i . , t.-.- i i !! tV '' . I.U If Uj 1 i t.: "1 a- ri-,.' !.: 11. . ;io:'.'i's . The 1 :.- e:- T 'j .- cr a i sr .i 1 !' '-' rt rri. v r ti'.i.iiaia, mat ne wn-,.d bo wt.'.-nj' t accrpt j ;ne cbean.l enter upon the -'u ties of it early hi ; prrt":t ui", provid'-d jvv ttffion : . . '. 1 1 t' . . . 1 COliiU ue llaliltlit'li io mat ihi i.vi..in T"''" ' a , t . . 1 .....! .. .. St. T ...,.!. l i .ti Sal ui li.,l Itl, nm iat. .'.. an,y i eii'rrla Cd fit iipinmn fut U woui.1 Sr.. vr refuse.,'. 1 p-ij in s a-u'ar.e the Faculty -Url :el i.at '.i.e ' ' up'--:-' wutild remain viraiit, . i V r !e n.n .1 ,!i re;.ert tn , jr j .v ..ni 'jf aa, -. ra,.,cd. I 1 t'.e r::o;:ti, of iep- . J,. tf.iiur t a lit eai.t. a i-:...t ication .0 yo.i J.(l,.P -ri,u or J" ' t.iu,(, w i a 1 .esj. at Cincinnati, upixs th.s ti-t-ject, wn-r.' Iibvfe; 'an. Baaii. wave fiawi ti.d " i"n. r-i ;:T id m' -f . . 'J'r'r f o'Tiii" rjre ! s r-l wiit ;! nniy rrl thry c isttrd. y, TbmaaJ f't-;! "0 a. ii nii'ii r have burn uit ieird fivr io ,d, ;B j.i,., ,f Tbi-it-a i nr, 1, a revenue and mean of UM-lui.trSa tll j . j0ftl , ; ;JV1, 'i-ta'tT ; loiiorlmii. It n Oel, ed ' s ' .... . !l prraert 4. -t -' r-l' ! !itc i.liyi;i;,"t 01 Ot, "Ir. I a. 1 ei , 1 ' li1' '.1 . H 'i-.i:.I. i'i is . ! if:. I. il i i" oi M' 1 tatter. Ktiifo I. li ft Mr '4 1 e 'a jai '.ne a 01 wiii t, Iih u i ita ria.i i'lmht r ( u x.'.'ii.Kl iit', I rem; in, seiv i'p-ct 0' Youi n'.irtVieiit r an', I) L. , ar 00 in I'i? i :4-a- a Iiii 'vV!Ts'. pa. &t In lili, w-,e , t .e s-l-; ol .1 iaO'i! I rum-lr it'iv to , n ro'i 1" . a o ...4 nl J'-Mi.t ..a..d S...I1- v.sr r ; ' : re f ' nre'Lioe did t.ol reatii vmi, a no ,. . . . . I ueen rec:e J. I Mv ertser.t o!)if;t is si srure nc t"iiu-, p. (,; .r,h-n l Kurt ne w 1. e-;a 1 tfnance and aid uf your rh irr.!. m the p t- ; .je fv;.v.f:. r'. l. r,n -pp.. -r.tnl. ii- ta'ii.a I naf p'J'(oe, im t l.,.t nta, 1 ; t .. e.i wi'ti u .ti tie ti;i! ol t'.e rp.-jiis' ''at Mr. Wail.Aorih may U j i)4H, wUn It- reffa-d aud aciep'.f.d 4 t tid. tiur.nii t.w nri'Scnt Tr, m th. ; r..-.K,n in tUtiti ur,tt Miton ,." i.' a in vi.iii, event, I am u',iory.i;l l,rrCp(,,iy p.ar: '-1' puripntef ):, !, t a; -a't'iif e a n.'.-p-ti-.it p j ta.-ul lor in a -up- j., ,.lrrr,( ., t, t j,, 4-..ju, su. -i, ,-j.ii l! i r i.apa " . 1,1 ' ",u-'' 1 ei'ii.l! iii-it rif m -ew in it 1.1! ni t f. :i'i- a, r-'i.- ji in tavir 01 , rnlr,mui.Jn 11! l-.e 1.n.- eat fir Li.itftn'v 1 on i,f ! '.. i..4'ie, !' ' tl.e Me' io'.'.a's i jur,r,jij t',f n.j , ara ,lt ;,r 4 m.-.i, .tr ui t e rTioat nOiTOUad ti iiMoaiion of trti i j .j,. v)((,()'(i j :.. an. I 111 ttfd.ate ne'ehai 1. m..i. r...a... a.ai.:..:,.i ,. P V. 111, iti.iaiss. - aV! t.aie ni- bri -if 'J Seei' api-ri'i.elis le eiil'V 'I'.jf '!' ' ! a,.ii f ,( rt 1 r i.m ,"4H li u. 0 J ii IV j Kq , ',. riisn.; i"wn l r it a- l. U 'f p-- ,,f!.C'lO-. , p a n ii !.ill.t tijo1'! -tit V our ji-t tc iiki fch li-at lo iat i ,e l.ren secy lr- ' iMolsb It iuof.a uae a . ai ,4'il, ..nd 01 iiii! iift ia.ua lor n. tot Im t ie iioiils ,1, C - r ,-... ri; ( ,.f t I'm tin... iv n fa L'v1 a, l u .,'. A 1 -, 'I a " -I n Tal , NilWS ITEMS. T!'e I,eir.i'!u:e ol Indiana lave ptajed a r ir Im r. i'r,n lh aa'tt uf Ikihoi. ir aa - t ' i and 1 law f(r tutnitiinne the (iticstion of h!c- ! n-.2 t rntit.tafinal convrnttr n to tiie pi.rp'c lat ihr nett October election. AUo, an art S. - ,l;r.rin :. f',11 f nmniiaciaamai a .if the a iiti.i - !'! l.f. SrUu s Sa; . ,.J to pure! -ase fro fot-r to five tiund'fd llii.yt!i 5 i'.oUj' worth of ftae an! two and i r- ii1; Tr 1. a h,, j.er cent. India forks. t New Yk -?- -4. jpittet. A bill incrrilifl tl.f t..i.'-er nf ; tea f p;.-nt t.iar.ibet nf the State Lank f-.Ied f'.r fait of , a looaiitu'toini iiMjonty. "lite Lrgstalare i.u. t . ' s 'jo .nm fji.ally to iia. - A li i of si-rge-iHt fit bte.t r.iilciii! fs rorr! nl i-i :? i-! fir .j 01 lh l't'.f Apul t, s 40 f 3 51 t eaamioe cniiii iitra for pioin 't 01 a.i.l rp pnin'mrnt to " e tnedif at n v ire i? lh Ar f v. A pp'trsimn ni'i-t b a-Mj'k.nl (e the. : 11 t f Wai. 'I he Interioi rWtmtoirnt tiat terrififfl In ! t'' . at "I lof-t t ', tri'Hiont i,,iii :f),i'. -f jsnrl ttir'y llonnto'l ain a l land. Mil' f r ti e , .tit f.f ra tr in in l'. at S'it i-n 1-.-r 't ef 4". ir !!' " Jour -it'iit ai.li ii' i'ii", ai .1 ne '' ,'.il lit I. "il bi t eel, lit'- t'aiia pioiw.e.l i.n.ni'i .n i 1 ne roil t r ami ii.nie . upen l e ol l,c ino'li vtnne that ,t broien off. It ia about fiaf 'inr" mK uy f'tui w tie at tlte B. 1 i'ot lit? ?-at.j;.l ti..4 f li.at i.l lie' ' M It t t. j'.'-'.ia t r, lam II na Jli'll tf. 14 a'l f t aniiear to v. tUik uf a ea. i. 'I ; . 1 f 1 h i " 1 mi d t';e'!v ai-ni I -Hy i't 01 r. - ) fvii-n'lv s .ne r .l ti aiii'i 11.1 i. t ::m .r-vfrinai tns 1. i.i-n or -e , n 1 ;..tv 1, ib3o. (,-. 'i.ii'M.ti.1 ,,iwi n'Mriilia! -v h g grrr ai f nminit tf of V w Y" k ar- Li,, o.ili th iia fitet Ji "he taw 1 Io.!,) a rtuur tiiimihlr iiit-'-t e; 01 l'f!;ir ''.'. 'li I at '"' p ' fViManHB-fl ..ijt.l, f.cllfr er ce,. from f' :il ,. t, , . aa r. .-:,, p r. I '1 1 .: f. f',jrn:,r !. nf Alhanv, and Willu n A. !i -.- ' tt a ' -,' 1 1 't : t 1 . 'i " 1 li .m, nf North taiulin. fipirasii,; Iter turn e, .a tin '. ' I't r, ! a ! af r-' v 1 t a f '! parly is lie fif lb rite, til J r- ' i le i'.a -ili. i, irl, . .1' f !'- l-v noiiLt-ilil oi Otamjal'tili l"l f"li!e tfft- a .j, j", j ;'... ,H n .1 t- a.r . a . ? r t lri ctmiinUi-.f t:Molat Use L"ni"p, am) ": - '.' ';': ' --. ' I g.-. ' - "" " p'sll W" acti ft'!y Sflfi. f fi rt't I t',f 1 lal.n-11 J ritli -pie I.l ('if V. p' psr , 1 ,0 I '' ''"r p"'" roi.irr !lirrr., le a U h'g, and .-. I I. - t ia ! i , -4 1 -A A. a- lios in iiorn'o '. t .4 l .a-i tn e 1 re s trn op: j".lr'! I W .''. tl) ('f -l . ',e rf if fl ;t i and bro-', ju-.e -, i' fs totpe jf kii'i-vii 'le (.-,"'. ',-al Cfi.ivar.a I'd fr,.i s - ir .a r s" .' a-tl ''; e- f.- v it'! n ' , s.a I a a ir f i e ( 1 -k Cf- ' s " '' I -n, Sir, ery re fictt'i!!, Your ' ed nit rvan, I) L. JtWAlS" K. U :ip .M "Hit', fio,a.'v".s., rh. s, ten V a.e i.ilu..rii t 1 1 ore '1 U-' " i'int i.i was ci -d 1 , t'.f fia,, !. i f an i-ayt , .ri,n! iud an i-j'i't'a wir..arvfil opto 1'. ; .11 . 4. 1- fi..( . . I. brin ftoiiar 1 In ti k,r 11 C 1 : :i, ... f -I A UriV t. OOIUU I Oiirpiill 4', m vnnif r - - I vo,f jiit.wn. e h ou.e of ihe fi,'T'fi!, won .1 to f,i.f : a.f !'' l.ae iiin-ie ii.au any in.nx ' i tluna ot. , !', . I'll . rar a' rf In lc4, te Tr'ee et.tij'iav"i t.if i'"t- ! fe a,o-i,p i Hi'tirv, ami appoio'aj.i i!, It a t J . . 41 e .... . and Afieii'sn rnnt nium" In ir.' 'na. on r n lar at. .'. ; l!oui',;,i,v i ..nl ,,i in;. I 'Itif ' V. h'i , !.. !! at Asvio! laiaittt nf Virili nriiltm .1.1 ,r i,t ) e j uinii,i:tii..y n . ra i . , . J Henry W, 'I hum. 1 a t - aa av i. ufu m r1 fir lal t.r r' Aj,. ,! s a CVt'li'Ulr lor (.!' ,;rf4, in the afaenf, tr a i',ri j 'i-ina ( t'. rif, " k " ha fi liaiii, I ll 'f tel. I10W lepifai'i,,..,! by ,i(i, iV.!! am ' .'il, i n 11 n, i:.ra;.t; , u be $-'.....!i,J ''i. Henry S'ic ke Ifor l, liem rr!, ii rf sth.rli I 4.17 -at wtd ii.i.r(i, (i, 1 ' a Cail Ji'Ufe tn lb- tune f a iff. , I'n vrra t) ii J'inli lat if . 1 ,1 41.1,00 is t, ia-1 l!v a ,f '.nil art nf ti e Iiiim.ia I t'tir . ... , .,,. .mO'itiiai.i-a in r, irp .in t.n or ,..a. - ..... .. . v....,,.., i u. in',... i ... . .. i. i:i .' in n r k ai--ri.raT.ni ia ft.i.M a 1 i't e tie pie am re m tc- .4-- - i- . i i u". .... i r . i " " i i .... j.- .-... e rt'ti'ii ..f e rti,,i.n'ir.irtifin , t y b su'p' iae'l len t fiat no iii.tai.- , . ,t,,. M,..,.ir.,rii of iwnn!l r,.J rarp. nt-.a , J,,:,n P. K. 'aoi.. I. I'r. fr'.' a .! J.oVi W.1 " 0 person f a'l.iwrj ta r f M tard of Tms'ff ano'incf me i.nii.iM'.i'tn . i.,e .niu -n, j ,a t,v.ra!, tn learn tti' Io i'Mo'i ..I I't - , .Vit..w.! Sa i-rn a!(i ''n'! lr,,r..i.., tot n ! er p'in t J'iry. I'r. -r tr, r.r; if,f!r. ;rf ..nviiMi.tt ns euir.j e unawr ;,.,.,, c,,'j n! !,.. in t' !.!. .1; nl. 1 .'ka at t ;'. . Ks rtfafienl . FiS'inme, tn a apffi), lalely imi'ie in .inf'ntati. i retponae to tin cot. 'iiit Tt'Ja'eea naf no p'wr gentiemft, to accept Pi .feasor:, p. or ther Ma'e at'fp'fii, l foiorre n.fir iiriioa netit ctmt'ii'iai.ce m ''Itict ta W II. J UttHI. !.'. f ' f....t f. .i. t. H'i.,'iai ' '! .-. W I I -. . .. . . , . -.....'... -e l-.-r. il, fausw.,rth ,;tuity tnre.n.er a rroisnrs .p or a 1 1. -r I r.,( ! f-aa fn-lf'l a H'('iff'il'!")'il'lll "fho lf, ..,1 If ,', , (r, farvc as , 4 ' 1' . a f;.,4 , j O ,, ; - I, ,vr . ; a iI it II Comu f tn t ' " , nr ; , '';' J;' ,j .i,g ., i' (: t uf prinar!f nt uae a t-i t'e o ' tr ry-i-,'i (jV,..., fi-il tn o o' i' fields of ItN.r, fj-ic ! t .e w -n t 'f ' v ', 'f loj n ! '.-d :il f-l'fd (or, it wnu'd j inr ui'fi a'. I itifio'a i.,,, ,.. r-g't-f jl t-i -r fra'm? to rt:t l;ie r..i,i i-i t ..nail In a fiiir- , v,,,if 'i;i' t. amit. and ft oa rt I ..!,'.l wi'h m il, whi-e nTbr-..,,, t .. I'i .s-f -,;.. nie.t.la an msulltce'it "PP7 intm i.'.; w,v.."...o . ."- 1 v.) "ii ri -a il.f l'i 'l I' a f "nniO'tl's Nf i f'tprrf s-l'-avl ;i-il:,t'l AS t rran- n 7 (!.., t..r.r. it'. ia !)., I'si w. (i, nl "!nl I. I l.rr. ur a "fw ,., VV nl c 4- ' . . .!.... ...: I ..... r .. .. v . .. t. , .. 1 . ... I ' r.p'.aCflpt-, !"" . '""111 "HI V" nil'"",' r I -. i.t-.a, t... !'!... I '-2 'o ' '';. f. P' f'SS 0'l I I rn r ;r2r"r.n -.or tuip ol tns'i .r'ors. H p'icat'"n nf nt'efi" rff, t-r ww Toat I it i "i l'.t.l cVrjrn an tnt'n ua 1 ,,-i-r't are rn-le t "I n n t e 'ti.eiv in'n . is 'it (suit .f i-f-li'T the t't'ioiie it-r lie . tV;. ! rapaute -f b-ir ,; tn.n'd'l in'-i , l'ftf. n w '.iij;l,t a-s dro' i l an a'.isr;, it'"'-i o'j i"'n "iifi r, , ,,. ... ii tr . .it , . -. ' , . , ..1 .11, li: '. . 1. ,.., 'O ' . Th Jtm.'ft'ulttion nf t'l ?ali.o-l A inei it sri A h-fia!' aa a r(fii'..!' f 'II I I i-i i.l 'S I't it f r-t l t.a aft-n i t f a li' l't -l ( t";wre n, u'.' I . ''if i o ti : art in r'i ..n, i ini' tntiiit. snce, evfryooiiy ha i the i -I f-ei i. a a. i .-I-. I f a'im f tliU city, a 4 that I.e d iel. i t...n m p..r.i,t! (fa .V!C lift for tr, . . i v- c-r.. j vitiossat.a lit Ksa. flslrt Jd'irrt! tf I llral'ti MtHi hi, thst diease cone a.td c' s la. rd Inn-nt : ' er','. hai k to . ..( ,,rf.ail u ,..r 0 j'lat.fr making ! com t wmci tr.e Irml al ,i...p'.fii V, , or- , 0 lt e!.,n,f ,., , i,r mah''gtv. ,,.-... t f,.r ever "'l '".w.rd , lt , , ,.,-.n n be suppled a'tmesilyt ; u-d'Cated w.t,, n.H.c,ta r,.,r.f.. lomt-ri T," i w-n to t l-.e I t,t nf ,d to .,p.' ? ,r . ,,V a f !! L'n.rer- .n toe f d.ow.oi fe.r.,'. inade by m tl i.-.e , eV,f..,e a-di. 'rtVMcfitl.-e..;7,,r,re,:f,,.f,M.., , ,n intfr.! f t'-ne o M? t.ec..i s.1 a sicca.aor t., Ot. , few-., tianajit. m Vwim,-A I. to . ... a :. '. ... j ..... . .,.,. t.,;f- MiUiiaH. and pious'ied under tue ss.ction i from New York hat the foImWiOi ittus .' ;..'",' ,' r ,. ... .( J . .....i.'r,,.. of the tiecu'iveC inm ttee a year z t "A cmr'.y nfSwitt it now ..? . .. ' ... , .:.h . ...... ,0 , ........ p... " 1'nn.e.i.aiaiy btl e prot r.unj to b,- up in ihi rite to I rm a co.onr in Vtn fa ' r i i'''!i i.i-? ' ') i -- Wtl il -' - " - C a .! cttr , , i is 'l.jr. a "' 'J4- . -a t r h:o'df 0 . ; - .-; tr.;y', - li t'.''- " lift I made tern I lot I aia'ail in aoLi'ancf . if nut in v 0,0. tl at V .i jio.a Ir.rv hf. brail rfli-ri-l lil.OcO tA'l aSJ tl HMI' I ,i. ...,'.. f a 4i, ,4i.i,l I,. .'. .'.t !i '. ' i.r . i . I S n4f ara a nil I.l. .1 a.rjn i- 'I' . ...... I n..l fi,.-r f fa. oral fA tfrl ,n.,i,i.ii,ii. am Ia ia,l a a 44. - -tt&iir.ft ' ' I "l a- ' 4 w . .- . - . - .. , 4 .4 111 III I , IIWIIVI 4 4' ' ! 14 4 4 ,1 . M 1,4 ' 44F,"' j it ft a ei.dtr.tan uf t'f ..i "', s; 'n-1 t ' t ;' "i it J ti' fi-'f n:A. UuU ('J.lf'i'a . f - ili- nr - in. rff in llit ih a.- Ttf I!"-,, "r,!) II i!, of Vt' ft. !. f ir t.iut liin fja CoT,-n'aao.i. of I'atrm. It l.fo prpr'ntrit P ,1rni;. ti,.,.', 4 if ' ll.f'aarania aeivned If the J4ili ef Una, A 4i on V. D-- n dyapfpsis, ilirn fh e'f rgymsn't tore throat wa ibe taje, and no, duu't e r ry t'urd ps.ta son hae st.ioe ftrti of re aralgia ? j Dr. fthitmard, a t'.l known Rfnlog !s(, hat b'Sf ipp'tintfl to make a gfidig.rtl tursey of the Stat of Tennessee. With whiskere thit k opnn tny fcf, I went mt fair to f( j h toUl me ahe could nevtr A. if. Zfri'. f..-:y fim ;att Cathiiae, t-.IJ wj ft e'tTr-faccd cftan I ke me, I aimed fui n Ci in Ti f-rt G.Ti UaLt(nt, t!,ern i Jr ,n, thi n ca-ieil trsin, ar.il Ihc'inht jit li aj..l ti. ! Mr. J'ai-n fa r'l A-aittinj m Luities o'er , aliC lathed outfi2t, :A i l t i'i'f f.friri itt'il I ea more .ft-ff e'l tti befie.