f Union, th Constitution, and the I.aws-th Gua ' diane of our Liberties, ' " HILLSBOROUGH, K; C. ; ' f Weduesclar, Januaiy 23, 1S61. Mr. Seward's recent speech in the Senate, the eon' eluding portion of which will be fonnj in the Record ei to-day, le aaid to have been conciliator; and conser vative throughout. He b taid to hate taken ground fur admitting all the Territories at once aa State, thue gelling rid of the Territorial question i that the fugitive lave law mut he enforced, and the Northern Bute repeal their personal liberty laws; that Invasione of the State ahould be punialted by law alio, Constitution I guarantees that slavery in Die (States shall never be disturbed. The Lcgiftlatuae.- The dicuion of the bill for calling a Convention was continued in both Houses of the Legislature throughout the whole of but week. The discussion waa againresumed on Monday. Final action on the bill may be eipecled thie weak. Fort Cartrell. The persons who recently took possession of and occupied for several daya Forts Cat well and Johnston en the Capo Fear, were induced last week to withdraw from the same by the advice of Gov. Ellis. The forts being on land ceded to the United tflate, the Governor did not' conceive that he had power to compel obedience, and simply gavo advice, which was complied with. The Hers Id safe, we learn they were politely treat ed (ry the Sergeant ta timed there, who aui rendered at discretion, and did all in bis power to render their stay grreable. . . i It is stated that at a meeting of tome of the "minute men " after their return, waa resolved to make a "sub stantial " present to lb Sergeant for hie kindness and attention. ..-., ferttatoa The Mississippi Convention psssed the ordinance of Keoresion on the 8th inslsnl.bv a vote of 84 to IS ; Florida on the tOtb by vole of 62 to 7 ; nd Alabama on the I Ith by vote of 81 to 39. The seceding Slates invite other Southern Stele to send delegates to a General Convention, " be held at Mont gomery en the 4th of February, to form Southern Confederacy. The passage of lb ordinsnc of Secession waa eele Ireled at Mobile on the I Ith instant by a salute of one bundred guns, and $ 100,000 wae subscribed for thede nce of that city. A report Itul the itubtreasury, Post Office and Cue torn Hosts at sJl I.eais was taken possession of by detachment of United Slates troops, by order of Gen. Scott, hss csused etrilemeut in soma quarters. Aa aa ipltnation of lb matter it it stated that all these out cos ar in en building, and that the guard wae pieced there at the request of lb Bubtrnsurer, who did not consider that lb public money was ssf under tb aim pi guardianship of locks aatkeyi, In tr present ei citos) stale of snobe, . Secretary fWnr.-The aominationof the Hon. Jof k Holt, of Kealacky, as Secretary of War, rat confirmed by the Senat on Friday bat. FROM WASHINGTON. AVa.HixoToN, Jan. 16. Lieut Hall de parted to-day for Fort Sumter with instruc tion for Major Anderson. Their character it unknown ; but it has been ascertained that the troop wilt not be withdrawn Irom the fort, and that it will be defended to the last eitremitr. Col. flarne. Commissioner from South Carolina, ha, it is understood, moderated his iew since hi arrival here, and w ill remain several dart. The opinion it almost unani mous in accession circle, that all collision at present should be studiously avoided. Col. II. ha been in dailr 'consultation with the leadert of the tecewMon niovoment, who are opposed to hostilities. It it believed that strong representation have been made within a lew dv past urg ing the authorities of South Carolina to per mit Major Anderson to have ever facility for marketing and obtaining other domestic nupplie. The plan now before (he Committee of the House on Federal Relation, in connection with the House of Delegates at Richmond, is regarded with much interest in political cir e here. The idea emanated from Mr. l'ryor, of Virginia, and receive the cordial endorsement of the Crittenden, Douglas and llreckinridge men, and men of all ohades of Southern and conservative opinion. The plan is, firt, there must be some definitive nd sonrlusive settlement vf the slaverjr queition, or separation is inevitable. Se cond, proposing the Crittenden compromise, a amended by Mr. Douglas, a a basis for a fair and honorable adjustment, and the leant which Virginia feel the could take at set tlement. Third, the appointment of a com mitionir to each State in the Union repre senting the action of Virginia, and inviting a response to this basis of settlement. Fourth, a strong appeal to the Federal Government to stay it band and avoid all acts which may lead to collision pending the mediation of Virginia. Fifth, an appeal to the seceding States to preserve the eiinting statu, and abstain from all acts which mav precipitate a collision. . A Kew raiMTe-Tb Carolina Whig i the nam of s new psprt pablished si Concord in this Ktale, by I. W. (lurman, Keu,., the first number of which rest lied our nflke bat wi'h. It msk-v quit S rrscUll p-earsnc, is conefrvsllv ia pol.tios, and bid (sir to b Usrful sheet. f ..-. ,-. CSodej'a Ilily'S Bolu Th February num ber of Ihla popular periodiral be been received, filled. as usual, wlib interesting nstter and a atultiiade of tdstes ef tb tales Isshtom, lee. Price $3 per annam. Th lallmbtirjr Iianm-r. Mr. Bpelmen kss transfsirsd bis Interest iji lb Salisbury Bssner to- Messrs. Btewsrt 4 Sander, who have sssuinsd its ten trot, Ncbsng In it p.linc. The Printer, I tb titl of a very neatly print ed moathly piiblkitioa issued from Nasi York for lb especial benefit eflha etaft," for bth M afford , pueh interesting toittaf, . " .Hie newi from Woshingion this morning is of the highest importance. Col. Hayne, the Voin tnistiioiier l'toiii South Carolina, wus informed by the President on Tuesday that my communication he hud to make must be made in writing. Col. Hayne thereupon withdrew, in order to prepare his proposi tion, but up to last evening had not sent his communication to the Executive. It is known, however, that Col. Hayne'g mission is to demand the prompt and unconditional surrender of Fort Sumter to the South Car olina authorities; and it is also known that the President will unequivocally and em phatically refuse to comply. Furthermore, it is known that the President has despatch ed orders to Maj. Anderson to act entirely on the defensive, but to defend Fort Sumter against any attack to the last extremity. Col. Hayne asserts that if the fort is not giv en up oceans of blood will flow. That the South Carolinians will attempt its capture is beyond xuestion. Kew York Herald, IVh. We are opposed to coercion, and should deplore war and bloodshed, but we do not see how the President can order Fort Sum ter to be surrendered or abandoned. Surely South Carolina, while availing herself of the postal facilities of the United States, might agree to permit Fort Sumter to remain as it is until further efforts shall have been made to adjust difficulties. - Standard. Virginia. The Virginia House of Dele gates has passed resolutions in favor of a conference of commissioners from slavehold er and non-slavelioldine States at W'asliinz- ton, on the 4th of next month, to agree upon some plan of adjustment to be presented to the Northern States said adjustment to be made a part of the Constitution. The reso lutions declare that the propositions embrac ed in the resolutions presented to the Senate tby Mr. Crittenden, " constitute the basis of such an adjustment as would be accepted by the people of this Commonwealth." Massachusetts. The Boston Journal, an able Republican organ, declares that at least two-thirds of the people ol that State are in favor of a repeal of the Personal Liberty law some because they believe it unconsti tutional, others because they deprecate such legislation as contrary to the itpirit of na tional obligations, others as a concession to the conservative sentiment of the South, and others still in order that Massachusetts may stand before the country without a suspicion of being unfaithful to the Constitution and the Federal compact. Governor Letcher, of Virginia, in pursuance of the law just passed by the Legislature, has issued his proclamation ordering an election to be held throughout the State on the 4th of February lor delegates to a Convention which is to assemble at Richmond on the 13th of the same month. Mississippi having seceded, the artillery were ordered to Vtcksburg on the 12th, by the Governor, to hail and question passing boats. Trouble is brewing on the Mississippi river. ' A bill has been introduced into the Senate of New York, providing for submitting to the people at an early day the question of amend ing the Constitution ot the United States by engrafting the Crittenden amendments. Governor Letcher has issued a proclama tion ordering an election, on the 4th of Feb ruary, of delegates to the Virginia conven tion, which is to meet en the 10th of Feb ruary. - Han. Henry F.Lane, who was inaugurated at Governor of Indiana on Monday, was on Wednesday elected United States Senator by the legislature of that State; whereupon he resigned the office of Governor, and O. P. Morton, Lieutenant Governor, was sworn as Governor. At a large Union meeting held last week in Philadelphia, resolutions were passed favor ing conciliation instead of coercion, recom mending the immediate repeal of laws un friendly to the South, and approving of the Crittenden resolutions. A county convention held at Frederick, Maryland, on 1 ueauay, resolved that Mary, land shall never remain in a northern con federacy. CuARLtrroN aid Nrw Tors Steamer. The Savannah Republican announces that, in consequence ol the obstructions in Charles ton harbor, th steamers formerly plying be tween that port and New York will hereafter g to Savannah, and have their cargoes trans posed to Ui-.rlei.ton over the Charleston and Savannah railroad. Thb Post Omce. It it laid teat the dai ly and weekly newspapers of New Yoik city, receive yearly by mail 13,1)00,000. Fir mi Nhwrir! On Tuesday morning last a serious lira occurred in Newbern, des troying the Tin and Sheet Iron Manufactory of Messrs. C. A. Hart. Itrother li. Co , the City Restaurant of K. Wilkins, the Court Mouse, the store anil dwelling ol n. lint- dale, and some others. The lnt wat very considerable. That of Hart & Co , about 19,000. We regret to learn that our fellow-townt- tnan, W. 8. Marsh, conductor of the freight train, on the N. C. Hoad, was seriously, though not fatally injured, on Monday last, b the breaking of the atleofa shsnty car. When it broke Mr. N. attempted to tuaks his escape br jumping out, but before he could accomplish this movement, it capsifed and caught him under it, where he remained for mnrs than an hour. Ever eiertion wt made to relieve hint, but th car catching fire, gave the engineer all be could do ta ti tlnguMi it, while the other hands after a lit tle difficulty, succeeded in rescuing Mr. Marsh from his perilous situation. His wounds art considered very severe but not mortal. High JVnf Reporter. Hon. P. Soule.of Louisiana, in a letter; ad dressed to the people of that Slato on the present crisis in public affairs, uses the fol lowing signifirantand timely language t " If this Uovernmcnt is to oe overthrown, ana the South is to orgsnir.c itself into a distinct and srperate confederacy, it were hardly an act of discretion, on our part, to commit the trust ef erecting the latter to llit very men, who, with all the Federal power at their bid ding, with the purse and sword in their hands to sustain themselves, have in less thin four years, not onl destroyed tht most powcrfut pgrlj ht was ever organized in any Government, but, "subverted thai nuble tru-,turc,14')liiiiir3it( C' Calhoun had said tliut it exceeded, iu' suu'liii.IiyjiinY wwu.' ilul ever emanated from the wind ofmaii 1" . These ore, howtvet, the men who now urge the expediency of separate Slate action, on the part ol' the States, and who openly ad vocate the policy of precipitating Louisiana, of herself, and without seeking concert with other States, into the vortex ol Revolution. " THE HBBBBW8 AND SLAVERY. It is a singular fact that the most masterly expositions which have lately been made of the constitutional and the religious argument for slavery are from gentlemen of the Hebrew faith. ; Senator Benjamin, of Louisiana, has made a most unanswerable speech on the rights of the South ever made in the Senate, and Rabbi Raphael, infcthe pulpit of New York, has delivered a discourse which stands like the tallest peak of the Himmalahs im movable and incomparable, uotn tnese el forts are as great in their calmness and dig nity as in their irresistible logic and pro found learning. In addition to its uurival- led erudition, there ia something almost start ling and sublime where, in a certain part of his discourse, this Jewish Kabbi instructs that false preacher of Christianity, Henry Ward Beecher, in the spirit and principles of his own religion. ... ,. JUch. DUpattK. The London Times says Nana Sahib is still alive, with three or four thousand fol lowers, in Thibet, and hss plenty of money. The Senate of Arkansas has refused to pass the House bill calling a Convention in tnai state. ' . - THB AUTOCRAT OF TUB RU8SU9 Aleianderll. is pre-eminently the reformer of the day. B the disenthralment of myriaila of his sub jects, Serfdom is rapidly yielding to the light and mis sion ol civilization. He i correcting time honored abuses, and gradually suiting the progress and eman cipation of the Russian Kerf, to the demands and in telligence of the times, eo that the pith of Muscovite Koyalty is truly democratic and progressive. 1 lie (fa ros ouo of the medical profession at lbs advent of Dr. uolluway In Ita midst, waa really oepiorawe, it not actually retrogressive, but like the Ctar he burst the shackle whicb retarded ita progresa,and dissipated the fallacies that overshadowed it. He discounteiisnced innumerable errors which disgraced it, and instituted the doctrine of reason and common sense. Tke etfi ct of bis Pills and Ointment in coughs, colds, and tight- ne of the chest soon became apparent by the number f hi psiienis, sod the, increasing demand for his medicines. Tb speedy relief experienced by sufll-r-ers from diseases of tb client arising from auddin cold, by rubbing the Ointment Uon the chest morning and evening, whence it ia abs-irved into theaytem aa ealt by meat, ia almost nsrvellous. It allays th irri tation and irflsrmition,and disperse the mucus and bumr whkb collect in lb passages sud impede the n-siiirition. The Pills act oo the stomach, liver, and Mood, whirb they invigorate, cleanse, snd ratify, so thst the whole system if thoroughly subjected to the restorative rrgulaiing and eihileratlng influence of the life-sustaining vegetable and balsamic preparations. For the various W.rJers peculiar to the t winter sea son, these invsluable aiedicmes will be (mind U.illv efficacious. We must not omit to mention that iu IHM.Dr. Holloway bad the hjnur of being presented to the late autocrat . cliola, father of the present Eire prior, who gave bint a imi graeioua and distinguish ed reception, end to shtw hi high spprecislioa of bis eelrhfsled m.-dicines, directed an oksse to lw lasted au thorising the free introduction and aa: of III -IMU and Uintaieul throughout at!ie Russian dominions. " Jtrnhaidt Slrgizi't t. " THE MAKKKTS. Wilmington, January 24. CANDLKS-Tallow, 1G 18 24 Adamantine, Sperm, 20 55 7 13 151 50 25 7 60 0 15 IG 8 S3 sr a 12 COFFEE Java, Liiguayr, Km, FLOUR- North Carolina, MOI.AS.sKS Cuba, SClsAU-HrowD, Loaland Crushed Fayetleville. January St. 9 & III r 75 7 80 7 25 t m 1 15 i 25 60 60 COTTON, FLOCK Family, Superfine, Fine, Cross, FLAX-SKEI), COtt.N. .IOI..SK8 Cuba, vlllsKKV, 8 SO 5 ro Petersburg, January 33. 10 II li 4 COTTON, tobacco-Loss Leal, WHEAT COIIN. 4 12 1 25 1 50 CO 62 Danville, V., January 19. TOBACCO-Lues 1 50 5 00 Lral, 4 HO 6 CIO Fine, 10 00 SO 00 WHEAT. 1 20 1 25 T Temple HmllkFleaurt sr Pain 1 ehoos he iween them ! Y who niAer from the psnts of dye- eims, the eicrociating torture ef rbrooMlisra or the sgoomng twinge at gout whose mimlesrr uVpfre-e.1 by hidden sorrow, or bo.lws sfnvted with inlemvl tis- sf who) night sr rendered kideou by frightful dresrrts whoe daya r spent in aiahing tor tb si lent repose of tb tomb who eoula steeped m lb fsihnmlc letksrgy at (learner, dare to enlrflsin the thought of elf-dctrurtiofl as the ole relief frets (rlrf and misery hold ! nil netrken lo th vnie of tt multitude who hart dni si the monism r lis asxl health. Hollows' Pill snd Ointment ar the only geecl antagonist of diaras, whethw of snind at body- At St. Bartholomew' Cburrh, Piltaborough, on the saaminf of Tuesday, the Uth Inst, by Ik Re. Mr. tition,Mr. tUVVARU J. HALE, jr, of Favetleville, 10 Mis MARIA BHETT II I I.I., daughter f Thomas Hill, Ekj., of Hailbron, near Pitlskiroagh. On th9lb in.unl.by Rev. J. M. Kirkpalilrt. Mr. MARmHAIX tTMPTtl.V to Mis ELIZABETH A. CATEit, ell of thie pier. DISSOLUTION. rpilEarmof J.C. rtHROTINEArJO.-v ialhia al day dissolved by mutual consent. AH person Indebted to said Una, either by not e ccont. are earnestly requested to rail and Mil be Sve Krbrosry Crt, a lb burres will 1st ckx.l Wilbnsit dels. . I IT Tb business wilt bete-iflee be rmMhteted )ler th (trie of ' TIKKEM1.K 0. Janoaiy I. ' T - QRjOCEUIES. AKtW U of Kweei MtM..SeJ and ebotee Ri COFFEE rereiveil. All srlirhw In the flmrerv tin sr rTrrd st raeh pric. If charged the usual , Januaiy ' ' ' . " - . HOT.ICJ3..,-. .... I fErniNG to devote myaelf eaclusively to my pro--f Jession, I olfer lor sale -my interest--it lieing one lu.l ill tlio Oiveii.boroiiv.ri Patriot. The Patriot a an old and well established oaoor: tins an eitrnnive circulation, ami is established on a sure foundation. lb natonals of the ollivo consist of new Cower Press, a good Washington Press, small Job Press, an excellent Proof Press, and a Dry Pieej together with a very large assortment of Nowspagwr and Job Types, of the newest styles., The cilice has long enjoyed a heavy sdveitising and job custom, and ia a paying in stitution. , - 'J'h oilier hulf of the Patriot belone to M. 8. Sher wood, who has been connected Mill the paper, both aa Editor and Proprietor, for mote than twenty years. Mr. eherwooil i a practical Printer, and well acquainted with evory department of the business. o further parliculara, apply to the subscribe r, or to M. W. bherwood, O'rueusboroun,h, N. C JAMES A. LONG. January I, 1801. 75 NOTICE. 'THE Books of J. C. WEBB St CO, having been placed in my hands, all indebted to an id firm must call and muk immediate payment. , . - JOHN VV. GRAHAM. ' Janusry 10. '' ' , f t -k , ;, . . , ; 7A4w Watsonvillo Female Seminary, flHC neat Session of this School will commence on . ths first Monday in r'e'iruary neat, and continue five mmtb. , Terms the cam a hcretodie. Th Proorietnr has in hie employ for the ensuing session s full corps of experiences i earners, a no every pains will be taken lo render this school worthy th patronage of the public. Young ladies will b conveyed from Graham station or the Company Shops, N. C. Ksilroad, to Wataon ville, fre of charge, by informing th Proprietor of the lime of arrival at those place. . , E. F. WAT80N. January 8th, 1861. ... PARTICULAR NOTICE. : A atandine rule not to be neelerled. Settlements to be made as soon as the year end a oy every one. A LI, pcrtMif owing me in sny wav are resneclfullr requesltd lo call at my atoro, without delay or fur ther notice, and aettle their duea, as I must proceed im mediately lo collict all my debts, they facing due thie day. Longer indulgence, cannot he given, aa et peri- nite pms mat uuiay uoea no $ihm. JAMES WEBB. January I, I (!!. 73 SPECIAL NOTICE. QUR large stock of Superior Ready Made 1' I.O I'M. Ml we are oil ling at prices war ranted 10 meet suies, lor Ua.li. Call and eaamtne. LATIMER & HKO U N. INovember 30. 71 SPECIAL NOTICE. I I.I. peraona indebted to the firm of Hayes & Fau 1 cell, are earnestly requested to tall and settle their arcoun.s, as w need money, and wish to pay on our accounts. Phrase call before Fehruary Court. Ac eiiuiit ought lo be settled at least once a year. Thank ful for pa 4 tavore, bo for a coutinuanc of the same. HAYES i FAUCETT. January 8. , 71 LITTLE RIVER ACADEMY. 'pjIE fp i-ig Session of this Institution will com-- men e January 7lh, IS61. Muderils will be d miued si any I 'me, and charged from the time of en- trine eniil the end of the seiin, except in cast a of protracted illniss. 1 he new Academy will be compVr led by the 1st of February, when the (ccoramoJationo and facJtai. will ot equal 10 those of any other school of lb same order. Bosrd in respectable families nesr the Academy, 7 per avtilh, including ws-hmg snd sll oibi-r necessaries. 'J'eiots of Tuition, 6, IU and 16 dollars per sri'n. Brsnrhe tsugbt Kesdtng, Writ ing, fuelling, Cnulish Urammer, Arithmetic, Algebra, 1-stin, ace. &f. Ao pains will be spared to promote the iulerest and advancement of boys committed to my charge. J. L. BROW Ell. December 1 1 71-. ECONOMY IS WEALTH S VOTICE to Black-mit'ia,Tin snd Copper Smith, c The und. rsignrd having boophl the right to make, mend, and s. II u-nit.irial or indithlusl rictus lo u.llXNir8 PATENT (BEI.I.0W8) TL'YERB I III )Hb, the use of bicb earb forge will save O.N E THIRD of the dial used on the old plan, hereby give notice 10 all parties baying or selling; the above iron in any of Ibe counties below nsmrd, Ihst he will l,RO.-Ut;t I E sny and ill such persons, unless so uthiiixrd by him. to the fullest eiU-ol of the law. VI right em'rsrrs the following counties! Lincoln, Mecklenburg, fsl.airus, Irrslell, Rowsn, Dsvie, Yad kin, Davidson, Forsyth, Randolph, tiuilford. Rocking lisro. Caswell, Alainanee, Orang. Wak. Franklin, tirsnville, W'srreii, Halitsi end aSocthamiiton. I etpect to keep lb above Iron on band at my store in this plac, and may, perbsp, visit did estsli- hh sgeneies in esch rouiity tor th sale of them. Orders solicited. For trims, cVcn eddre C. U. YATES, lirecnsborough, N. C. ' I certify Ihst 1 have s. Id the rig it shove alluded to, to CO. Yale. J. K. 8KILI.EKM, Mr. Brown, a practical snii'h ef this place, after Bating thoriHiglily mtcd Ibe psliot l uyere Iron, rer-Uli.-s as follows t I bsv B jimd's patent Tnyer Imn in use, in my shop In tins place, and sm aiu-Jleo it saves oite-IIiiM of th rosl, and makes ctrsn nice beat i and I would not be without Ibem for twice tne cost. MICHAEL BROWN. December II, 71 STATE IF NORTH CAROLINA, PfcasoK t'dtthrv. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Pecember Term, 18(30. Joel Sweeney . John C. "wesney. Altochmtit Ittied on Vmi. IT appearing lo the sslisfsclion of lb C.mrt, thsl the delri.ilsat J.ihn C ttwetney, ia nt 1 resident of tht Mate, It i Ibereior ordered by aaid Court thai publi cation M aissw in th Hillsborough K.-corder fur sit week, for td J hn C. ttwraney to mak bis personal sppcariac st lb Mil term of Ibi Court, to be held tar th eoanty ef Person. t tb court bous iu K.11 bo ron ah. on th tliird Mrwdsy in March neit. then and trier a answer lb slmv aompbnul, or judgment will b entwed siisiust him pro rnt.iessn. Witness, Chsrlss Msm, t.'k rk of (aid Court, at of (ct, lb third M tmlsy of December. A. D. I. CM A HI. hs MAWN, Crr. January 15. Prm ad, ft 60. 75 f.w STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, OaaxoB CorxTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Issues to I'rbtuarj Tern, 1861. 8uaa Valentine sad others . Jirnes Vslenlin. VtJUJim far PaHitum. IT sppesring to me, George Law, Clerk of th Court e of Pless snd Uusrter Nrntioe for Ore nee rnontr. by the stnisvii ot mi alrntin, that th lfetKlant Jsm Valentine f not s resident ef lb fist of North arohn t N.ic i hereby gven I ssid defendsnt Ihst be ssak bis perswnsl spiieannce at our neit Court ot Pie sad Uusrter Mession, la be held lor lb count at Ofsnt, t th court h.ius ia Hillsborough, an th fourth Monday ol February, Hot, tlien and there I clesd, nswr or Vfnur lo said piitt, r judcraenl wrll be take pocotile, a ad tb ssm bssid si parte to bisa. 1 1 W Hues. Osm-g Laws, Clerk of said Court, at elCce, lb femia MondsT of November, 100. OKOIltiK LAWS, C.C.C. Oeeember II, 1800, J'tj. adv. ft W ti- ' LTST OF LETTERS, 2 EM A I.M.N G in this' Tost Office at Hillsborough, N. V. on tlio tat day of January, I8tia: . , William H. Andrews, Israel Abbott, 2 Murtha A, Borland, Thoinaa Uarlnw, Alexander Munlock, William H. Morgan, '" '' Rev. A. McDowell, Wiilinm Morrow, V . Cadet Manslielil, Mutlto Morrow, Jam Pickett, W. G. Hudson, Peggie June Itnuntrec, A.M. Kotute, Tira B. Ray, Henry Ray, James liiloy, 3 U. P. Sjkcs, W. II. Slovall, Mus.m Thompson, Iwckicl Tlioinps.ui, William Thou.psen, JomuIi X. Tlmmpsoii, Will, am II. Tlioiupsnn. D V it C. (,'nilerwtiod, Thi'Oj.liilns (i, Vaiulykp, fiirah Wilson, H-ilK rt I,. Pratt, Mary V ilkerwii, William Wdkersun, Ann Vri(ilit, Mary E. Willisma, K ..ieil Y . Walk, r, of Lucy, d.iliti F. t ilson, Ilemv Wliitskir. Will,.,,, U. Uill'sms, William li. Wiikernoii. William A. Drown, I,. Brown, Misa E. V. Claik, Maltha K. Coles, Thouia Cales, Mnry Clark, Phelie Cluncy, John Y. Doricli, W. It. Edfs, A. Fowler, Henry M. Cili'a, 3 hliuilieth Ulass, Wilev tiillwrU J.M.Hurris, Archibald Hunter, Archibald B. Hayes, M. B. W. Hariuan, 8am llanes, Mary A. Hill. William Henderson, John Kirk, Harah J. Krllog, I.awranre Ktiuon, E. L. Kemp, Eliiiheth Loyd, William O. LatU, Frederick Loyd, John A. Link, J. D. I.i.im, loseph Ladd, Poisons calling for any of the above I. tiers will pleas say they are sdverliMd. C. li. PARISH,'. M. January I. -,3 January 1, 1SGI. ALL notes antl accounts on our hunks are .1... .).:. .1.... i .. . i .- uisb in io uy in v.ush. unu'nipijtttig a change in our business, we desire and exjntit prompt settlements. J. C. TURRENTIXE &. SON. Jnnuary 3. 7;) To whom it may Concern. ryUE undersigned bovine; at Auuust Term, Iffitt, of Uraluic Counts Curt. Isben n.,l I. iieia .-f .(,,.,. nislration of the goods a.id t'hstli Is, rintils and rirdita of Mary E. Fauquier, deceased, one of the Ic-aleca of n iniiey ji.irute, u.ci sm ii, neieiy gives tiolir il.at he haa admini'tcrrd Ibe estate of his said inteatat, and is ready to pay over the balance In her neit of kin or suc cessor, and will not be responsiMe f r interest. JOHN W. I.KAI1AM, Atlm'r. January I, I8B1. 7.1 tw IlillsborougliMale Aciidcmy. J. A. TINM., Pri110p.1l. rjlHR Spring Session of Ihis fnrsit.!i-.t wi: open 011 the th of January, 1 H6 1 , mid .i,:iu,.r tunny one wet ks. Tuition in the English B ratir hi, fnon 10 1 1 lfi ,!i.l lara; Languages, SI dollars. No .icduiti u. December 17. 7J Hillsborough Female Noriniil School rPHE FEMALE ACADEMY in this place vs.il be -a- 0ned on Wednesday Die 2.1 day ol January. Tun object contemplated io this bchool ere I. A Normal tichool of character and gra l. II. A rVhool within the reach ol the iiiuaaa. Tbese two objects will govern the institution. Youi.g ladie nn paring for college, home I.I, or leaihinc. Will find this Ficlioot well adapted lo these vims. l4ii'Bs or ervuiKS. A thorough tiiflish Course, Music, and Oruamental U ranches. TKRM9, PEH St:FMtl!t. A Thorough Course, including Hoard, Music, Oil Painting and other Ornamental, wiiti the Literary Course, per session, ns oil A Full Course of Music, Lstin, Ornamental and ' English Branches, per res-ion, f C 00 rrimary tnglifh (fur small M'att Work-B jwers.fruei, boy and girls,) $r 00 each, $5 0 t.'rccisii. 7 00 Oriental.Pastelle.Miv r,oc!:r-ni.ti,-.es. n. 5 01 Leather trVoik, 6 uO EitiM..i.iery sud Nee. IU Wink, 6 0 Second Class, 10 D:l Literary Courac, 15 (HI Latin, 6 On Music, on Piano, 15 00 Music, on tiuitar, 10 00 Oil Painting, 15 00 Hair Work, I 00 Be.rd.pr, month, (J W Fif.y young ladies ean find b.rd inllievitlane. Ten ran l hsrdd and educated with-eul ru-wey. t'ueini- Mml n.l Pl,tl;u.u.l,i.l & . .... u!.,. ,:..( i Ve with Musicsl Instruments, will r .r..vi,. J. Jr ry eiertion made to please. An ejeci al clas- f.ir suiull Uoye and tiirla. Your patronag is rrstsvtfnnv s. li'i'e I. Mis A.V.MB H. V PKAKt:K. Miss CUAKLOi'TE A. UCOU.V. November SO. 11 i;j Balmoral Female ikhini I1I K H. honl. ais su.tx n.ik .ar It I J......t, " bereslter be known as the Usli xnai F. n.ab- eisl. t m l" "' 1 ",J ,f J" ' 1 be P.li sf The weal sessbsa will eomineiiee Januirv it l6l. j J '''ca acroidtng to the p.itiled ifsfe-tinns, villi ,ui,k TCKMoW in the Literary dep,t,,.rui. rd io and lv "'"'" brahhy rlion lo both liter nti MomaeU, $15, per term of twenty-one weeks. I v-her.ie follow sa natural rooiy r,..enc, gsjod spnessf. I'upilsran enteral any time, and t.iv f,..ir, tl, t,me tht enter; no deductioo Slterwards. rat, ut at tl.e lirHi of lb Principal. Board enovenient la tb Aeideoiy, f t o. nib, i. eluding light ud washing. Mi M. E. WHARTON. Tulre. Kcv. A RCH'D CL'ltlilE, l,mripr.t uocemhrr Io. 'it--on m u sVosFiTo 0 iC7"'' " l!9 MINOR net cVi,n will e.-mnr'.'ce n tb I Ith of Janoarv. IS'il. Tem.s I, lion, $it), uso of Pian it pracii-e, is. psMi I.. I,all' in advance, and the rrmain.h-r t the rlo-;- ,.f the r, .. stow. A lew young ladies will be rect itcd as b i.l. is. aTaveniner ll, 7j HUGHES'S ACADFaMY. HE ant Mession of this tkhool, under the rl.ir.re ! at the suiiscriber a Principal, and H. Ai...Usi I joint fnnrtpal, will l-rgni on Monday, Jannar-. Mi !"!. Term a hertoforel In l'la.,ir.l iL i..,, .., 35; In English D psrtment, $15. Board n th Hill, 47 pw session, el.cl.e:r.f".n til .VI to f t5 ie SMmn. - KeKgiou civic at tb Academy s often as t ow venicnt. S. W. HUGHES, IVincIpd. December t. 71 ITnivlwirrittn-t, TtllsB.. t .... 1 ...... ...... j,,. auiiiiiiit .vi.im iii v. VOTICE i hereby given. l!.t an af plirall n w ill v b a.s.t to the next I.rgi.l.tur for an -l inror. porstiag this Instltuli -n, O. C. 1CV, Dupt. II. M. A. October II. p4 ow Select Boanliiig mid Day School- I'HE Mi-se NASH and Mis KOLI.OCK will rs rpeu their Vchsnl on lb I lib ol Jinuaty, UCI. Punetnsl siundanre i irurslnl. Cimlsrs fotwardtsl on application. Dceeaiber I. 71 w Literary anil Scientific School. 1 KM. JULIA A. HOLT will reopen her fch.wl at Uraham on Hie Tib of January, 101. The brad and heart of her tiniiila sl.sll b r.,.rl. hr cullisalrd. Moists snd manners shall b si,i, il. le-tght, and all tb sobstsnlisl brsnrhe f menlsl and N-B. Direction for llir gsi.lam of patient In sv jrsieal e.lucatian dil'genlly snd Italy ugrsftej utnia disoider are arliied 10 esih bot. r learners. I,ISirw IU. urrme, psi'Onsg. ne WOUlJ mpectiully II nuNic sttentios 10 ibis csid. For trims apply to Dcsemnsr It, 4w.t7 BLINKS for Said at this Office. No Ilmnbtig ! Selling off at Cost! : IIAMMEHSHLAG & M ENDELS . Tl A VIN'O on hitnd an extensive assortment of Goods purchased during: the last season, and being dc. sirous of disposing of them, offer them ot COPT, fot Caeh, Their Stock comprises a complole assorlnienl of FANCY AND STAPLE sa, READY MADE CIIOTIIINTG, Coots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Watches, Jewelry, &c. Our Stock has been carefully selected, and psrticu lit atlctitioii paid to the kind of Hoods reiuired fur Ilia ' market. We have bouaht entirely fur Cash, from first class houses, and therefore we are ahle and determined to sell our Goods CH KA PER THAN ANY O'lUtva tsTOUE in or about HilUhorouyh. We invite all who reside anywhere in this iieighnorhood, to fall and aeo us, for we not unly promint, but intend to come tin lo our word, and sell at a remarkably low figure lo all who will call at our fttnre. HAMMERSIILAG) November tS. , MEN'DELS. tZT To Persona out of Employment. AGENTS WANTK1), In every (,'ount)- in the United States, 'TO engage, in le sale of some of Ibe best and most fleganily iliuiinled Works published. Our puliliraiiotia are of the most intereeting charao ler, ad ij.tl lo !io nan s of the Farmer, Mechanic and Mcrrbaul; th.y are pubbsbed in lb bast atyte, and bound in the mutt sulietantnl nianner, end are worthy place in llie Library id every il.MiMrbold in the Land. IV" To nitu ut 'enterprise and ii dolrious habita, tbi . buines oilers an oppoiiutiity lor pi olilalile employment aol.b.m to tc met with. " EST Person desiring to act Agent will receive promptly by mail lull particulars, terms, tVc, by addres sing Lri li Y, U ETZ A Co., VublUhcrt, No. ". 'A Nuilb Si-co'id Street, Philadelphia. October:)!). 66 4m THE AMERICAS; Medical Toilet and Eeceipt Book. -TljlS book contains Reet'pes and Direction) for mak-- ing all tb most vnlualrle Medical preparations in ' mating sll 1 1' usej aisn .(ecics ami lull and ezpiicil directions for 01 st piiiuf.ir snd oeful Cosmetic. iVitn.nes, I ngui nts, IL.ir Ki slnraiives, and all Toilet Articles. It you are suuVimg with any chronic die case if you wMi'a beautiful coio.di iion, fine head of hair, a smooth face, a clear akin, a luiuriant beard or m.'Utche or if you wiah to koow anything and everything in tbc Medical and Toilet line, you ahould l.v all means wium a copy of Ihia book. For full par ticular", nd a-nple of the work fur perusal, (Ire,) addieaa Ibe publi.hi'i. T. F. CHAPMAN, No. Mil! Uroadsy, New York. November fl. 67 3tn Health and its Pleasures, or Dis ease with its Agonies: CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM'. HOLLO WAY'S FILLS. Nervous Disorders. What is more fearful than a b real in down'nf iha oervoua system To be eiciiaWe or nrisoua in a small i degrve is most distressing, lor where ran a rrmedv ba f.'undl There is one : diink but b.tl wine, beer, r i snirits, or far ltter,none lak no coffee, weak tea be- I inf preferable! get all the fresh liryou ean; uke three ; or tour Pilla every night; eat plenty of aobds, (voiding he use of slops; and if ikese golOra rules bo followed, you will lie happy in tniod and strong in body, and for- &et you bave any nerve. I " Moihora Jind DillirrlitcPo If there is one thing mo'e than anoibe r for which theae Puis are so famous, it is tiieir poriiyii g properties, es pecisllv their power of clesuring ib stood from all iro i.urilies. ami rem., in dtngeious nd susnended secre 110ns. L'niversallv adptrd a th ese grind reoedy (sr female complaints. Ihey never fad never weaken tbeay. tem, snd always bring about wba is requiied. Sick HeadacLes and Want of Apetite. These feelings which so sndden os, most frequently sne from innorsnre r iroul.le. (mm oiwtmcted per piration. or from eit.ng and drinking wbal ia unlit fcr -.inusuioiue.ir!iuciiveiariaato.iarh. TbeMo.can 1 " ' 1 " " ,u t iw ! Indiea scsresl s:ij oiiiit iue.:icine is ever owd loMhese disorder. DiwnTers of the Kidneys. In all diseSfcs atr. cling these org,,,,, whether lbe s. erel loo much or Urn little- water ; 01 whether they I sAcrled wuh tbeston or a ravel, or with .rh.. .n.l S.-. n J" . w,u,"f "' kidnevs. ivies, Pil s .h.mld be Iskeo .ecrJing lo ibe printed directions and lb Ointment should I well iuM J iaio 0,, ,01J of lb bsrk at bed Inn. This treatment will gir almost Miine.li .ie relief when all other means bare failed. Fur Stomachs out of Order. No mrdirin Will orrTreiu-.il .1.. . I.. .. 1. .1 ..... . .. -r"" tnno .urs. 1 1. is ; mey remove aB aeidit. casioned enlicr by intemperance improper diet The reach the liver snd redoes il t healiht action t the ar. , wondertully efii. aci.HH in cases of spasm in f.- ,1, Z never fail iu cu nng all diwrdera of the liver and eWmacb. Hvl!iu.aif I'ith art th''Jl rtmettj known in tht Ultrid fir the fiteise Ague. lemaelrrcgula.htfaofula.ct King's A-tboia, ,ie E,if' l lioul.om liinlsr.vei,IIgiuJ Boi Thro!. . ftl ilrlua .a, il I'ii. ui. .11 ires uu ike I us. mom and li ravel. r...e t'oiii,.iiuU.lli iJarhe, Coir-s, Indigestion, CoiiiUpnlionoflhelndanimallon, secondary rjymp. toma, Tie Ilolourroi, ' Tumour, itoels. Jauud t'on.u.npiiun, Uebilny, tlcer. Liver Loaplsmu, VeoerelAffeclioo LmlwSo, Worms of sll kind Weskacss. from i.oiw. Dtseuie.y, K y.ipvlsa, lilieomstism. whatever caui, 4 c. Ac Kitciitionet Ciiue, word "iioilowav. New York .n.i !.,.. . , ccrnabl. .. . Water-ms i i,M 0iu book ol diteciton. around eb pot o, boj, .he VL j pistol, ,by boldi.,, , be leaf l.lh.l.ji,,. "bl& "7""""" I'7iom lemJerisg sorb t parti. couhterleii-n, iu mej.ciies, or eodiiii th am. knowing Ibea u b sprioii. ' . ,h. Msnufjctoripa at Professor H,.llo H" "'' itm Vo-l. ivJ by sll resiied. bl llrucgisl and LVale it MeJuioe ibrougbout lh I niirj M.i. , iaj lrie ri.ji.j nuiU, ia hwi i 5 ceois, tS cents, sud 1 esi li. l r Tber i rensidciaoV saving by taking the la'sef sites. urienrr P. 63rit WOOL I WOOL ! I WOOL 1 1 1 ' AXE. K ERSE V, LINHCV.or CAH If prefer, f rd,givo Tor Wont at Ali.l.a Weollea Mills, Us. s"e. SHIELDS, Bil.NNETT & CO. it

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