PERMANENT CONSTITUTION l)F THE Confederate States of America We, the people oftlie Cuulederate Slates, each Stale acting in it sovereign and inde pendent character, m order to f.irra per xo&nent federal government, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, and Kecure fie blessinrs of liberty to ourselves and our pur- terity invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God to ordain and establish this Constitution for the Confederate State of America. ARTIOtS I. SECTION L Ait legislative power herein delegated ,.,h.ll be vested in a Congress of the Confed Me State, which shall consist of Senate wood House of Representatives. SKCTION II. 1. The House ol Representatives shall be composed ot membora chosen every second year by the people ol the several States and the electors in each State shall be citi xens of tlie Confederate States, and have the qualifications requisite fur electors of the most numerous branch of the state l.egisia tare ; but no person ot foreign birth, not citizen ot the Conlederate Mates, snail be allowed to vote for any officer, civil or po litical, state or federal. 2. No person shall be a representative who shall not have attained the age ot twenty-five years, and be a citizen of the Con federate States, and who shall not. when elected, be an inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen. 3. Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the tevcral Slates which may be included within this Confed eracy according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free person, including these bound to service for a term of years, and including Indians nit taxed, three-fifths ef all slaves. The actual enumeration shall be made w.thin tffree years after the first meeting of the Congress of the Confederate States, and within every subsequent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall, by law, direct The number of representatives shall not exceed one for every fifty thousand, but each State shall have at least one repre sentative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of Sooth Carolina shall be entitled to choose sit. the State of Geor gia tea, the State of Alabama nine, the State f Florida t w.i, the State of Mississippi sev en, thu State of Lousiana six, and the State of Trias sit. 4. When vacancies happen in the repre sentation from uy State, the Exerutive au tnority thereof shall issue writs of election to fill such'vacancies. 5. The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other officers, and shall have the sole power of impeachment, except that any judicial or other federal offi cer resident and acting solely within. the limits of any Sute, may be impeached by a vote of two thirds ot both brauche of the Legislature thereof. SECTION in. 1. The Senate of the Confederate States shall be composed of two senators from each State, chosen for six years by the Legisla ture thereof, at the regular session next im mediately preceding the commencement ol the term ot service ; and each senator shall have one vote. 2. Immediately after they shall be assem bled, in consequence of the first election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three classes. The seats of the sena tors of tie first class shall be vacated at the expiration of the sec md year, of the second class at the expiration of the lourtn year, and of the third class at the expiratioa ot (he sixth year ; so that oue-third may be chosen every second year; and if vacancies happen by resignation or otherwise during the recess ol the legislature i any state, the executive thereof may make temporary appointments naut the next meeting ol the legislature which shall then fid such vacancies. 3. No per.on shall be a senator who shall Dot have attained the age of thirty years, ami be a citizen ef the Confederate .States; and who shall not (when elected) be an inhabi tant of the State for which he shall be chosen. 4. The Vice Presided of the Confeder ate States shall be President of the Senate, but sliall bate no vote, oniess they be equal ly divided 5. Toe Senate shall ehoose their other of ficers sand also a President pro tempore in the absence of the Vice President, or when be shall exercise the office of President of the Confederate States. 6. Toe senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that purpose, they shall be on oath of affir mation. When the Presidentof the Confed erate States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside ; nd no pers'ia shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. 7. Judgment in cases ot impeschment hall not extend further than to removal Irom office, and disqualification to hoi I and enjoy any ulfice of honor, trust or profit under the Confederate States but the party convicted shall, nevertheless, be liable and subject to inlcment, trial, and judgment and punish ment according to lw. sec no iv. 1. The times, places and manner or hold ing election lor Senators and Representa tives shall be prescribe I in each Slate by the Legislature thereof, subject to the provisions of this Constitution, but the Congress msy. at any time, by law, make r alter such reg aVion. except as ii the tunes and places ol chousing Sensto'S. 2. Tne Congress shall tssemMe tt lent nc in every year; in I such meeting shall been the first Mioday in Deren'jer, unless the shall, by law, sppoint a different day. sen nm . 1 t 1. Each House shall be the judge ol the elections, returns snd qualification of it ws members, and a majinty i.l ea-h shall Constitute quorum to do business; but a mailer number may adjourn from day to dav, and may be authorised ti compel the attendance of absent members, in such man ner and under such penalties as each House tnay provide. t. Eseh house may determine the rules ef its proceedings, punish its members fur disorderly behaviour, and, with the concur rence of two-thir Ji of the whole number, ex pel member. I. Each bouse (hall krrp a journal of its proceedings, snd from time to time publish the same, excepting such parts ss ma1 in their judgement require secresy; and the yeas and nays of the members of either lluse on anv question shall, at tne eestre of one filth ot those present, be entered on the Journi. 4. Neither House during the session of Congress, shall, without the consent ot the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to anv other place than that in wnicn ine two Houses shall be sitting. , CCTlll VI. 1. The Senators and Representatives shall receive a compensation for their services, to be ascertained by law, and paid out ol in treasuiT of the Confederate States. They shall, in all cases, except treason and breach of the peace, be privileged Irom arrest uur mg their attendance at the session of iheir respective houses, and in going tu and re turiiiuj! from the stnv ; and for anv speech r debate in either house they shall not be Questioned in any other place. 2. No Senator or Representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to anv civil olfice uider the author ity of the Confederate States, which shall have been created, or the emoluments where of shall have been increased during such time; and no person holding any office under the Conlederate States shall be a memoer oi either house during his continuance in olfice. Uut Congress may, by law, grant to tne prin cipat officer in each of the Executive Depart ments a seat upon the Boor of either house, ith the privilege ot discussing any ineas- ures'apperUining to Itis department. skctiox vti. 1. All bills for raising revenue shall origi nate in the House of Representatives ; but the Senate may propose or concur with a mendments as on other bills. 2. Every bill which slmll have passed both houses, shall, before it becomes a law, be pre sented to the President of the Confederate States; if he approve, he shall sign it; but if not, he shall return it with his objections to that house in which it shall have origin ated, who shall enter the objection at large on their journal, and proceed t reconsider it. If, alter such reconsideration, two-thirds of that house shall agree to pass th bill, it shall be sent, together with the objections, to the other house, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved of by two- thirds of that house, it aha I become, a taw. J But in all such cases, the voice of bull hous es shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the jour nal of ech house respectively. If anv bill shall nt be returned by the President with in ten days (.Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shtll be a law, in like manner as if he had signed t, unless the Congress, by their adjournment, prevent its return ; in which case it shall not be a law. Tne President may approve anv appropriation and disapprove any other ap proi ation in the same bill. In such case he shall, in signing the bill, designate the appropriations disapproved, an I shall return j a copy ol such appropriations, with his o.l-j jections. to the house in winch the bill shall! have originated ; and the same proceeding snail men be nauas incase oi orierouis uis- approved by the President. 3. Every order, resolution, or vote, to whxh the concurrence of botii Houses may be necessary (except on a question of ad journment.) shall be presented t the Presi dent ol the Conlederate Mates ; and betore the sme shall take effect, shall be approved 4y him ; or, being di-approvel by him, may ; be repissed by two-thirds of both Houses ac cording to the rules an I limitations present) ed in case of a bill. stcrio viii. The Congress shall have power 1. To ly and collect tae, duties, im ports and excises lor revenae necessary to piy the delt, provide for the common de fence, and carry on the Uovrrnment of the Conlederate States; but on bounties shall be granted from the treasury, nor shall any du ties or taxes oi importation from foreign countries be laid lo promote or foster any branch of industry ; and aSl duties, iinpo.W and rxcises shall be uniform throughout the Confederate S'ats. 2. To borrow money on a credit of the Confederate Slates. 3. T regulate commerce wih foreigi n tinn. and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes ; but neither this, nor any other clause contained in the constitution, shall ever be construed io delegate the pow er to i.nngre ta appropriate money lor any internal improvement intended to facilitate; commerce ; except for the purpose of lur- nishmg lights, b-acons and bunvs and other aids to navigation upon the cois's, and the improvement ol harbors and the removing ol obstruction in river navigation, in alt f which cases such d ities s'isll bi laid on the navigition f.icilttated thereby as maybe ne cessary to pay the costs and expense's there- ol. J 4. lo establish ondorm laws of naioraii zstion, snd uniform laws on the subject of oonkrupfcie throughout the Cunte derate States; bat nb Isw of Congress shall dis charge any debt contracted before tlie pas sage of the sme. S. To coin money, regulate the value there of and of loreig i c in, an I lit the standard ol weights and measures. 6. I e provide for the punishment o coun terfeiting the securities and current coin of the Conlederate State. 7. Tu establish pustolfieei an I nut routes; but the expense of the postoffice d.epirt- men', alter tne nrt flu of March in the yer of our Ltrd eighteen hundred and six ty-three, shall be paid out ot its own re ve nue. J 8 To pr itnote the prngre of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times lo authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries. 9; lo constitute tribunals Interior tu the Supreme Court. ' 10. To define and panish piracies and fel onies committed on the high seas, and offen ce against the law of nation. 11. To declare war, grant letter of marque nd reprisal, and make rules concerning cap tures on land and water. 12. To raise and support armies j b it no spproto-istion of money to that use hall be for a longer term than too year. 13. To provide and maintain navy. 14. To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and nsvat forces, 1 J. To provide f m calling forth the militia to execute thelawsof the Confederate States, suppress insurrections and repel invasions. 16. la provide lor organisms', armmg, and disciplining the militia, and ir govern ing such part ol ,tnetn is may oe employ eu in the service of the Confederate States ; re serving to the States, respectively, the ap pointment of the officers and the authority of training the militia according to the dis cipline prescribed by Congress. ... 17V, lo exercise exclusive legislation, in alt cases whatsoever, over such district (not exceeding ten miles squaie) as iny, by ces sion of one or more Suites and the accept ance of Congress, becoms the seat of t'e government of the Confederal States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the Legislature ot the State in whieh the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magtzities, srs-naU, dockyards, and other needlul buildings ; and IS. To make all laws which shall be ne cessary and proper for carrying into execu tion the loregoing powers, and all other pow ers vested by this Constitution in the gov ernment of the Confederate States, or in any department or officer thereof. . SKCTIOM IX. I. The Importation of negroes of the Af rican race from any foreign country other than the slavehnlding State or Territories of the United States of America, is hereby forbidden ; and Congress is required to pa such laws as shall effectually prevent the same. 4. Uongress shall nave the power in pro hibit the introduction of slaves from any State not a member of, or Territory not be longing to this Confederacy. S. Tne privilege of the writ of hub tat tor put shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safe ty mav reiiuire it. 4. No bill of attainder, or tx pout facto law, or law denying or impairing the right ol property in negro staves, J nH ue passed. 5. No capitation or other direct las shall be laid, unless in proportion to the cen-usor enumeration herein betore directed io be ta ken 6. No lax or duty shall be laid on articles etnurted from any State, fexceut bv vote of l.vo-third of both houses.l , 7, No preferences shall be given by any t shall not be an snhatiiiaiif of the same Sute regulation of commerce or revenue toti.ejwilh them-eives; I hey shall nam- in Iheir pu ts of 'ie State over those !' another. billots the peon voted for a President, and 8. No money shall b.- drawn Iron the in ilMincl ballots the oermm .,led lor a I Treasury, but in consequence of atwrojiria-1 lions made by law ; and a regular statement j list olll persons voied or as President, and ao-ou'it o'f the receipts ami expenditures j and of ail persons voted f..r Vire-Prei of all public money shall be puhl slied from i dent, and of the number of votes far each, time to time. which list tlteys'nll s-gn and enif, and 9. Congress shall appropriate nm money transmit, seale'd, to the government ol the Irom the Treasury except by a vote of two- t'ontederste State, directed t the l'rei thirds of b ull Houses, taken bv yeas and 'dent of the Senate ; the President d the Sen nays, unless it be asked and estimated lorUte !iail, in the prr.e'ice f the rnaie and bv"u:ne one of the heads nf department, and ' lloi. ol ltepreeiititie. "eii all tlie rer- submiited to Conjress by the Prenident ; or for the purpose of paying il own expent ' and contingencies; or lor the payment of claims sgamat the Confederate Stales, tlie justice of which sVill have been j id cully declared by a tribunal for the invest igition of rlunn against the uoernnenl, which is here- by nude the doiy of itonires io rstaUii-h.j o. I Ml bills apnronriatm j money s at speedy, in Federal currency, too eiact a mount id each ai;tropriatiii ml IW p r-. iilrnt. lint in c i " inf tte I'res'ilent th pos for wtiic'i it ismide;an l Con jre-s ,vo'e s'vali b taken br States, the iepreen J slull zrant lioettri compensiiion to any pah lie cmtract M-. o.'licer, 4eo, or rn'. f- ijo irom lor tins pnrpos shitj t-nsit l a j other p ib'ic or.nntrrs and c-imsu'si to sll ter uch rootract shall have bevii made r iiicn'i-r or member fro n two third of the Cae f sdmiralts; am! marriinie Junsdiciioo; such service rei.derril. ' t:j'e. a i l maj-irtty of all e Sta'ea Hall . to coilrosersie lo Inch the C'on'ederale It. N title of imbd.ty shall be ranlrd be necesiy to a cio'ce. A id il ihe Hrie "a'es shall be a mi ty ; ! CHOirwvrtsirs be by ihe Conlederate SiateS nl no perin ol R-piefntaties 'nil not c'l'mse a I'resi- tsseen two or snore Stales; between a Slate holding- aiy office ot prolit or trsi under !,-ni, whenever the right of rh.,ic shall de- j sod ciden ol oHlter Sute, wlntie the Stale them, s'.iatt, without the conv nt of the Con- J vole o;inn th- n, b-f ne thr 4th d iy f tt nc't ' plamufl ; between rilixen claiming land geess, accept d any present, em itomeois. olfice or title ! any kind whatever, Irom any king, prince, or foreign state. l'i. Congress shall make oo law repecl ins an esta'il-sh oent of rel2'o;i. or prui.b- itiug the free exercse thereof ; aUndg'tig the I'reedoui of speech, or of the pies, or the people peaceable to assemble an I petition the government fir red. -en of grtev tn e ! if no per m have a m j ritT, theo, from jt.Vort shall lia riginal jurisdiction. In I j. A well reg ila'ed militia beun n-ces ilie two highest nuoiVr on the li.t s'-a'.l ' I the mlier rases belwe eoiKted. Ihe stry to the eurify of a free State, t!iu right 'choose toe Vice-Presu'ent ; a qumu o Vt the 'prrme Curt shall have appellate juriMic nf the pe.ple lo keep and bear arm shall ; purpose wS til cviis ol two I' of the jtion, boili as tola and lad, with suih rx ii t bs iiilrmged. whole numiirr of .Vminr. ami a ninjiHii ol jteptions and onder such rrgu'atuos ss ihe 14. N soldier 'all, in time of peace, be ( tits w)i He nnnter sUall b! necessity t a jCongiess hl make, quartered in any hoise wit lout the I 3. The trial of all raes, except in rases of the owner ; n or in time of war, bat in .a j, tt -t r no pr4n rnnstitotion dlv ioetigi. of imjieachmenf, shall be by jury, snd such in inner to be prescribed by la. I hie to the nh.e ,4 K,r-ilent slid I be etigiht j Irial shall beheld in ibe Staie where the sail I J. The right of the p-jople; N be secure i to th a of Vite- President of the Conlederate i-rimra H have been commtlled j but when in their persons, houses, paper and elfeit-,j State. 'not CHtnontled within auy Stale, ihe agitnst onreasonable searches and e(.re,j shall not be sinUt-d; ami mi warrants shall isu4 but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly d-scrib-ing the place to be e (relied, and the person or thini in be seized. 16. N- person s'nll be held t answer for Cipitaloro'herwieinfainoorrime, unle-sj on a presentment or indictment of I' sod jury, except in case arising bthe land or naval I irees, or in the militia, when in sctu- al service, in time ol war r public dangerrdent; neither slisi ny perm be eligible nor snail any person oe su iject lor ine sa ne tint olfice wn shall not hate attained the uflVnce to be twice pot in jeopardy of life or lag of tnirty-five sears, snd b-en fonrleen limb, nor be compelled, in any criminal ease, a ri si'fetit within the limit i.r n.e Con In be a witness against himself; nor be tic red, rate State, a they may rx st at the lime prived of life, liberty, or property, wiihout(Ufhi election. due process of law J nor shall private prop- J 8. In case of the removal of the President erty be taken lur public use Without just compensation. IT. In all criminal prosecutions the lerus ed shall enjoy the right to a speedy snd pub he trial, by an impartial jury of Ihe State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shsll have been previously ascertained by law, ind to be informed of the nature ami cause of the accusation ; to be confronted with Ihe wit nesses against him S to have compulsory pro cess for obuining witnesses in hi favor, and to have the assistance of cou,iel for his de fence. IS. In suit at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollar, the right of trial by jury shill bei preserved ; and no fact to tried by jury shsll be otherwise re enmined in any court of the confederacy than according tu the rules of ihe common law. 19. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fine imposed, nor cruel ami unusual punishment inflicted. IV. Every law or resolution hiving the force of law, shall relate to but one (object, and that shall be expressed in the till. renin g. t, No Slate hl enter into my treaty, alliance, or confederation! grant letter of mtrque and reprisal; coin money t make nytiiing but gold nd tilver coin a Under in sfc payment of debts pass any bill of attainder, or m pott facto law, or law Impairing the obligation of eoutrauU, or grant any tule of nuhilitv. . s ; l.'.'iC . . ;i .. 3. No State shall, without tne consent oi the Congress, lay any impost duties on Im ports or exporls, except what msy be abso lutely necessarv for executing its inspection laws; and the "net produce ol all duties and imposts, laid by any State on imports and exports, shall be for the use of the treasury of the Confederate State ; and all such Uws shall be subject to the revision and control ol Ponirress. . K i . 3. No Stste shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty on tonnage, except on seagoing vessels', for the improvement of it rivers and harbor navigated uy jne sain ves sels; but such duties sliall not conmct wiin anv treaties of the Confederate States with foreign nations; and any surplus of revenue thus derived shall, after m.kiug such im provement, be paid into the common treasu ry ; nor shall anv State kerp troops or ships of war in tune of neace. enter into any agree tnent or compact with another Sute, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless ac tually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay. But when any river divides or flows through two r more State, they may enter into compact with each other to improve the navigation thereof. ARTICLE II. ! SM'NON I. I. The executive power shall be vested in President of the Confederate State ol America. He and the Vice-President shall hold their offices for the term of sit yerj but the President shall not be re eligible The President and Vice-President shall be elected a lollows: . Each State shall appoint, in such man ner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number ot electors equal to th whole no in ber of Senstors and Representative to which the State mav be entitled in the Congress; but no Senator or Representative, or person holding an office of trust or prolit omli-r the Confederate States, h -II be appointed i electo'. 3. The electors shall meet in their re-pec tive Slates, and vole by ballot for Pres'ilvnt mil Vice-President, o of who , at leas! V ice IVrttdenr, and inev 'i.ill make d'Si nci tm a'es, sod the vote shall t'irn oe rvon'ed; the person having t!ie grratent numher ol votes f r President h ill be the Pri lent, if sjcH niimh.-r be amiioiiy of the hdi- uumlier of e'ei ter apjmittted ; and if no f ir M-rvices a rionpensatioo, which person have 'itli a majority, then, fiom theiall not be diminished liunng their conlin-per-o s hiv ing.tlie llig'et iiiim!rrs, nol ex - nantc III uflice. ' ceeding three, on the lit of lhoe voted tori rtTIn It. as I'le-i.U-nt ; the ll..u-e f R.-peeiiaiivr I. Tlie judicial p..wrr shall extend lo all .ill ch no n-'lia'el, , b b fie 're-. n-e a iding onder ilii Constitution, live t.tion each Mta'r luvmg one vote; a : utt lolloping, turn the ice-Peilen 'all act as Presiienf, i in cae of l'ie death or other runstituti-nal disability of the Piesi dent. 4. The p-ron hriiig the greatest n -wilier of vote a Vii-r- President hl' be he Vice- j President, it cli num'ier be a in ijorit fie whole num'ier of elector r':n'ed (J. he Cmgrris mav deter nine lUe time I i-liiKMing lli rlertors, and the day n which tliey shall give their sole, wltich day h ill lie the same throughout I lie t'ooli-der-ate St te. 7. No perstn except a mtural born ri"i '!ll of ihe l-oofederale Slates, or a Citi.en ihereol at the lime l the adoption .f ll.i Const-tot l.m. or a cili.en tlieieof born in t'.e Cnited taie prior lo the 3Wi -f llecember, I8C'. shall Uj eligible lo ihe olfice of first - Irom office, or of his death, resignation, or untidily to discharge the power snd duties of the said office, the ne shall devolve oo the vice President, and the t'ongra may, by law, provide for the rase of removal, desth, resignation, or mabil ty, both of the President sn l Vice-President, declaring what officer shsll then act ss President, and such oli-cr shill act accordingly until the disability be mowed, or President shall he elected. 9. Tne President shall, at stated times, re ceive for hi services compensation, which shsll neither be increased nor diminished da ring Ihe period for which he shall ha been elected and he sha'l n d. receive within that period any other emolument from the Con federate States, or sny of (he. Id. Before he enters on Ihe exrcalion of his office, he sh.ll take the following oath or affirmation i " I do solemnly wer (or affirm) thst I will faithfully execute the office of President of Ihe Conlederate States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and de fend ih Constituti-n thereof." r.cfioo ft. .1. The President thill be Cnmmsnder-In. Chief nf the army snd nsvy of Ihe Cogfeder-i te State, and the reditu of the sever! S! r"' TV" '.'".f Vh ,e,a'' r.r,c,,' lh Confcdertle Slated be tny require the opinion, in writing, of tne principal officer lii eacn oi ine n.tunv .ueparnncius, ap"" uy tuhjoi t relaiinjj to tlie duties of their re spective offices, and he shall have power to errant reprieves and pardons for ott'ences a- gainst the Confederate States, except in ca ses ul impeacninem. r v , -fv .v ; v ' 3, He lull have power, by and with the advice and consent of tlie Senate, to make treaties, provided two-thirds of Die Senators present concur ; and he sfiirtrifriiuTiire,' and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the Confederate States whose appointment are not herein otherwise provided lor. and which shull be provided by law; but the Congress may, by law, veal the appointment of such interior otticers as tney inina proper, in ine President alone, in the Court ol Law or in the heads of Departments. . . 3. The piincipat officer trt each of (he ex eculive department, and all persons connec led with the diplomatic service, may ue re moved Irom omce at the pleasurr ol the Pres ident. All other civil officers ol the execu tive department may be removed at any time by the President, or other appointing power. when their sei vices are unnecessary, or for dishonesty, incapacity, iiietlictency . miscon duet,' or neglect ol dulvt snd when so re moved the removal -hdl be reported to the Senate, together with th reasons thereloi. I 4. The President shall have power lo fill all vacancies that may happen during the re ce of the Senate, by granting commissions huh shall expire at the end ol their nest wssiont That no person rejected by, the Senate shad be re-appoiutsd to the same of fice during their ensuing recess. srcTioK in. 1. The President shall, from time lo time, give lo the Congress information of the state of the Confederacy, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may on una in id nary occasions, tonveiie both Housrs, or either of them ; and in ca-e ol disagreement bet we. u them, w ith respect to the lime of adjournment, he may adjourn (hem to such lime ss lie shall think proper; he shall re ceive rmhaadirs and other public minis ters; he sliall lake rare that the lews be laith iully i-xecuied, and shall commission all the u.iurts ol the Confederate Slate. j i , t.irri.. iv. , .. I. The President, Vice-President, and all civil officers of the Confederate Mate, shall e removed from office u impeachment ror, snd convicth n of, treason, bribery, or other ntjjn crime sou iueuvearur, . Alt MULE III. ' StX-flOS t. . I. Tle judicial power of th Confederate Sta'rt shall be vested in on superior coM, and m utb courts as the Congress uay from tint lo time ordain snd rsfablrsH. The Judges, both of the supreme ami inferior I maris, shall hIJ iheir offices sloriog g'Mtd behaviour, and shall, at stated time, receivr us oi me I onlnleiate Ml--s, and trrstirs made, or whirls idiall bo made, ondrr teir sulhnritv ; in all ee atferling ooibassadors, on.ier grsms ol rtitjerent State, and between a state nr the citizen thereof and foreign S at-s, riti.en or suhiect: but no State liall be sued by a ciiea or subject of any Inrrijii Stale. t. It ad cae s (feeling smhas-ador. oth- ;er poblic minister and Consuls, and those in ;! Inch Stale shall be a pari v. the S,. reuse Isl.ail be at such place or olare a the Con- gre way by law have directed sr.ctio hi. I Tren iit ihe Confederate State halt cnit only in levying war against them, or in adhering lo their enem es, giig mem am and comfort. person shall be i convicted of treason n dess en the lesumony lol laso wilorua In umi trt n jcooleasioaj U open coorl. 1 t. The Cnrrcs shall have newer to de i-viclare the of treason, bat Host Umder of lre..n shsll wjik corroi-tion of blood, or fmfeitore, etcrpt during Ihe life of tne person attainted. r AM flCI.E IV. , . 1 -: ' . c rum t, , t ' I. Poll faith and credit shall be given In etc1! SUte to the public act, record, and judicial proceeding of every other Stale. And Ihe I oiigre my, by general laws. prescribe the manner in which such act, re cord and proceedings shall be proved, and tne enci mriroi. (rrrtnti II. 1. The rititens ofra.U State shall be en. lilted to all ihe privileges and immunities of tiliiens in the teversl Stales, and sliall has tne rigni -i transit and sojourn in say Stste of this Confederacy, with their slave and Other properly and the right of property ill said slave shsll not be liter by impaired. i. A pers-.n charged in any Stale with treason, felony, or other crime agstnt th law efiurh Stale, oho shall flo irom in. tie, ind be found In nother Stale, shli, oe demand of Ihe Exrculii s"thriiy of the Sute (tern which h fled, be delivered up, lo oe re moved to the Stale having jonsdtctioo of h crime. 3. N'nlr, r other person held to ser vice or labor in aJ State or Tenitory of the Oife lerste Kiairs, onder the Isw thereof, rscsping or lawfully csrried into another, shsll, in ronseqsence ol any law nr regu la tum therein, be ilichred front such ser- vice or labor, but hall be delivered on oa rlalM J tha mmrtm t . L -I 1 - of to whom s.cb Hrv.ce or labor tnsy ! beds. ' 3 h- WW ' ' 'frrlnO Sft. I ,'fOther Slates may be admitted into thig Confederacy by a vote of iwo-tbirds ol the whole House ol liepresentativeit and two third of ihe Smate ; the Senate voting by Stairs I but no new 8ate shall be lormvd or erected within the jui isdiclion of any oilier l i . r , t .i i State; nor any stale oe mrineu oy me juiic thin ol two or more Mates, or pai tsot Btatrs, without the consent of the ixiluiure of tlie Stales concerned. a wellai of Congress! 3. The Congress sliall have power to d-- pose of and muke all needful rules and regu lation concerning thejproi'rl'iv of the Con federate Slates, including Ine lands thereof. T3. The Conleilerste State my acquire; new territory, and Cungrro shall, have powr er lo largtslate, and pinvitle government lur the inliahiiAMts of Territory lielongms to the t'lmfeder-le Slate Jyiog without Hie limit of the several Suit, and may permit them, at such tunes and in such manner as tt may by law provide; to form States to be ails, muted into the Confederacy, 'la all secb territory Hie institution of negro slsvery as it now exists io the Confederate Stales, shall be recognizee) and protected, by Congreso anil by the Territorial government, and the inhabitants of the several Conlederate Slate and territories, and -(lull have the right to lake to such territory any (lave lawfully held by I hem in any el the Slates er Terri tories of the Confederate State. 4. The Confederate Stales shall guarantee to eery Mate M that now is or hereafter may become a member of Ike Confederacy," re-; publican form of government, and shall pro tect each of them against titration ; and on application of the legislature, (or of Ihe Ex ecutive when the Legislature is not in -. sioiij against domestic violence, t , ARTICLE Vv. j j BClW i. . I. Upon Ihe demand of any three State, legally assembled in iheir several Conten tions, Ihe Congress shsll summon a I'onven ttim ef all the Slates, lo tak into toosidvra tion such aoietiitmeal lo the t'onaiiiuliow ss the sid Ststrs shall concur in sirgetting at the lime a hen the aid demand is made, and shook! any of the popord mrndioeat In the Constitution be agreed o by the Saul Contention voting by Stste mj the same be ratified by ihe legislatures of loo tWnla f Ihe States, or ly C-nvi oln n !o lo-ilnsd thrreot as tlir oue erjlic other wodV of rai ification Hiay bt propoard by Mie leityral I'onveiinoo they (halt bnceftrth f.-rm a psrt of this Constitution? JB-il no Stale slislt. wilkosl its cnnt, be tiepmrd of Its eqssl repiesratation io ike Senas.' i ' ' ' "' ' AHTICI.ETI. ' " I. The Goteramrnl estsblishrd by Ikt l uu-.iiii.liou liie sarcevaor ol the Ptosisw ional lrinmi nt of the. t'nnlf derate Slates of Ameiira, and all the laws psssed bv the latier shall coetiaue ia fire sjnnl ihr'sams shall be rrpeatrd or ssmlifinl; and all the of. fi rr appotni'Vj by Ihe same shall vo am ia i.tBce until th- ir successors sha'l be ai poiol ed and qualified, or the office ab'd.shrd. t. All itrbls ronirasrfrd and engsgeairoie entered into hefm-e ihe sdnpnoo i t tnrs to. stimiH-n aiiatl bw as vslid sgvasi ib Coo federate Stales otit'ef this I'o.istiiutiuii ss onder ibe Provisional Gosernmrnf.' 3. This C -nstilutmn, and ihe Isws of the CanlVderate Stales, m ule in pursuance there f, and all ireaties-made, or which ahall be asaile untrr Ihe thorny td ihe CuMltdet ate States k-,i oe the opreioe taw wl ibo and ; ami ihe Jmlgr in evert IMste hjl be bound Iherebv, anvihi'ng io fir Constitution r taws of any Stale to Ue conifer tvoloilh- lanumg. , .,.,, .. .... ' 4. l'h Senator sad Represrr.tiiea bes fore meoiioned. and the meiobore el rho sev er. I Stste legislature, and all the Kxeeo. i and Judicial officer. tVith of the Cons federate State and of the rver Ststrs. shall be bound by oath or sffiiatation to ssp port this t'oostitotiun. but no reli(ioss test shall ever be required as a qaslilrsttow l ny otfire or public trust andrr the Coufrd erale State. : , , ' , 3. The enumeration, io he Coniiiii-o. of crrtsis) tig Ms. shull nut b eenod ! den or lipafgo tuhara reUifved oy iko people of the aelVral States.' , IJ. Tlie powers or ifctrgatvd to the Cn federate States by Ihe Constitution, our pro. hibned by it to the Statea, ore reaervew ls Ihe Suiea, respecti.rly. or to the peopl thrieuf. ..; .. A RTICI.E VIL " , I. The ratification of ih Conventrnn f Ave States shall be sufficient for tho estab lishment of this Constitution between the Ststes so ratifying the im.' ' 2 When live States halt have ratified this Constitution, in the manner before spe cified, the Congress onder Die Proviso. it Constitution shall prescribe ike time lr holding the election f President snd Vice Presiiieot and for the meeting el Ihe Sec tor. I college anil for counting the votes sml insugaralmg the President. They shall. -o. prescribe ihe time for holding the first election of member of Congress under ihn Cntiiution. and ihe timo for stembling the ame. Unnl tlie sembly of such Coo gte. the Coogrrs o.!er lite Provisional l.'onsiiiutioo shall continue lo exercise the legislative power granted them, wot extend ing beyond the time limited by tlm Consti. tution of the Provisional Government. -, Adopted unanimnusty, March 11, lC. I.ATB ritou CCROPR. FasTNKa Poinr, May tO. Tli Canadian ha arrived here with date to the Kih. In England the American crisis was Ihe leading topie., . , ,,, Ir stregnry.'Jo th House of Common, moved the pootpimement -f kia owHom for the recognition of the Soothrro Confrdersry till le If th. i ) f l ' ( 7jft f ' Art! preparation in send ' pn'wrrfol squadron to Amerif were prmgressmg . , FasNte. The Chamber of Cotnmrrce Calls ed ihe attention of the Goiemine! to the necesaiiy of ihe prolecliim of Krench vrsael in Ihe Amerirsn wsters. The Minister of Commerce and the Minwterel Marina held a conference on Ihis subject. The prospect of Ihe harvest wrre bad. Irreparable injure had been tlune to the brandy crop, " The Amr ricsn tgent hsd rese(iei France, ml were pufchir-g rm, ; In Hungary there ws grett srnsslioo, ow ing to the sassintinn of Count Telke. When, the President of the lower House hi a da the annoaacf Bieol. loud err of tlfiDtir wsi

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