HILLSBOROUGH, N. C. Wednesday, t anuary 15, 186. Gov Graham's Speech. Much of out tpare to-day it occupied hy ifieaMespeerh of the Hon. Wm. A. Orsham, io opposition to ordinance intro duced into the Suit Convention Imposing teal oath p on til lb mala cithtena of ihe State above the ag of aiitran year. Ii is an eloquent and convincing speech, anJ ita perusal will be gratifying to all who valu constitutional liberty. ' W regret thai our limila trill not permit u to give the-whole in ona iaaue ; the foocluaton will appear in our neit. A report waa la circulation a lew dare ago, that a large number of Yankee troope had landed on our caatt, hat it sppesra that the report, like man; that hare preceded it, wet entirely without foundation. Intelligence from Europe indicate considerable on etaineae in the state of affaire. Warlike preparation! are active in England, and large number of troope eentinM to be aent ever to Canada. France, it ia said, will eekaowledge the independence of the Con. (-Urate States if Eaglsnd doea, and it la believed that that event will not long be delayed. Lincoln'a policy ia extracting the entrance to Southern porta by siuk vessel laden with etene, being as acknowledg ed of hi inability u eufiiee hi blockade in e legi tiraate way, hia attracted ike attention of the puwera of Europe, and uy have the eflect of hastening mat. urt.a.J bring on a crisis which will remove entirely lb obstructions to eom-nence between the Confederate State aid the pm of Europe ea event almost aa reach to be de.ired by them a a by aa. Patriotic Contribution. J. B. Jones, t (he Paeeport Office, Richmond, in a commenicaiion to as Kieheaond Examiner, estimaies the amount of con inbetiona to the arm on the Potomac, the Peninsula, Xerfolk and Wester a Virg inie, end tr. Missouri, Ar kanaee and Kentucky, during rhe last quarter of the yeerjast aspired, el not lea than three millions of dol lar. The fullnwing list comprise douaiiori tnado el asset eirluaively to If e army of the Potomac, which pawed more imardiaiely under his inspection Prom North Careliaa, $3:5.417 Alabama, 117,600 Miaeias.ppt, ' 372,670 Georgia, 244,115 bouth Caruliaa. 137,306 Teiea, 87.S00 Louisiana, 6 '.,950 Virginia, 46.070 Tecne-eee, 17,000 Florid, 1.J.M Arkansas. tiO IUII.I96 IMPORTANT. The financial newt from the North it high lr important. The Herald tayt that "in a'aother week the treaiury will be without a cent," ami that "the prospect it laat nrerip itattng reatttrt towards a panic." In the tame article the HrId tayt "the money question i aisununzan alarming shape, and sitt? millions tif reiejtU make a torrjr fig lire "aeainit sit hard ed million or eipemli Urea!" Tiiis is ;u ,'ier plain tall, ami ana oil vere nVUcJi i.ae tie second ber tn..hf. We rive a portion of the Il-a'd' situ I Whilst Congress it wasting t'e jrecou hauri of the session in the diicuiH ml ;ue Uvus which belong to the eiecotivc bume- ef the War Department, ami the agitation of ohirh ran be of no tori of benefit at the pre sent time, the financial aJaira ofsthe ceuntr are in a tnnilitinn which ezcite the titmot am eff a'i a'arw. In another wtk the trtaturtf will be wilhnul a cent, avl in man cialan'i commercial butlnrnt of every kuiJ I he proipeet it aif precipitating mailer toicauti panic I note who have a thing; to dit poee of, and who can realise it, are investing tie proceeda in jiild or in fureigrt exchange, to at to be prepared for what aremt inevita ble. It it evident that, unlets t'ungre-t acta ipeediljr Mil energeticallf , not onlv will we be overtaken by financial revulsion tevcrer tAan any err have t4 encountered, but the credit of the foverwraettt will be dettrojed, ad oar trmjr, which it beinj( brought into such fine condition, uttrrly demoralized. The issue of unredeemable paper inuney, to far from helping to extricate at from our Urras!ienU, can only render them lets tiy or sUtin. A nation that hat recount ta such cipedientt it bent on nuicul. In tuition alone can we knd the means of pro vidi ig fur the burdens the war nnpoaet up n fn thjt city by hit ref&trve, ttwt Mr, Exalt, of this ci'J, it arrnon th .fallen. J. Richmond Enquirer. CALLING OUT THE MILITIA 0ivernT Lf-tclier ha !elegatd t Oen. Mttrmfer the puwrr of cdlyi out the Mili tia of the counie of Aui'lia, Powiiatan; Prince Edward, Nottoway, Oinwcldie, Sur ry, Charlotte, Mecklenburg, Prince George, Southampton, Hanover, Henrico, Brunswick, Lunenburg, Greenville-, Susaex, Goochland, t'umterland, and the City of Richmond. Hen. Magruder hat called for the strength of several regimentsand requested the com mandants to notify the men that their servic es may be required at any day. The "call has produced a good deal of excitement throughout the said counties the impression being general that the militia are to be mut tered into active service at once. This will, of course, depend upon the courne of events under General Magmder's command. The indications are, that we may at any moment expect stirring times on the Peninsula, and the Militia should, 'of course, be ready at any moment to repel aa advance of the ene my ia that quarter. Fettr$bwg Ezprut. , a From WasHiNoroM. a ' special dispatch from WasluiiKton, Jan. 2d, to the Newt Sheet sa) at The t ne of the English pre upon the Preidenl' niesire, and especially it strong denunciation of the tone blockade, ha had a most deposing effect in Admin istration crctea. Aporeheiiftion are felt that demands may still be made which will tet the national spirit quite aa oftenaively at the requisition for Ma-mi and iSlidell, and the more Mr. Seward's letter is examined, the lea likely it appear to be a final settleim-nt of that affair. Geo. McClellan'a immediate return to the a niMliargp ot out door duties is not I ue ex peeled Hut dieae i l p'loul lever, winch would b fatally aggravated by expure. By a vote of 27 tea to ISnats, the Geor gia Senate lias passed a bill aecurins to mar ried women all the property they owned at the time of marriage, free Irom the debts or control of husbnda. Army Surrtus We learn that the go vernment has secured bout three hundred thousand head of ho, which will lurnish ample provisions, with the beef packed, for tbt army the ensuing yar. Richmond Examiner. James Browne, Eq., of Charleston, 8. ('., pasted through this city on Wednesday laat on his way to Richmond, we learn, for the purpose of obtaining fiuin the Government the title to or the right to wrk them certain sequestrated lands "it Deep Kiver, for the purpose of more extensively mining lite roal ot that region for more genera! ae 10 the South. Raj. Slandnd. A Urge warehnue on the plantation of Johr Wnsht, Kq., of Goldaborouzl. was burned on the nght of the 3d lost., and nearlv aM it c-nteiita consumed. Tlie house Contained 4G.000 p undof seed cotton, up wards of I5ii barrels of cirn, 75 bushel of peai, arid the farinina; utenml, 4r. lloi I'tie Aheille N-w- t-peaU of Te h" pii ig t'tr.i'ih ihit plane l-r J5mi' aruluu. a ahuUl 'ie scaiCit Or ltl c rtng. The Kxi'nih,-r -,j !a' (h- 'o -ifederate 1 gotrinit e-1 In 'fcu'e.! j;jO,'J"!J ' lr t'se amiv, wnn-ii -with tlie ti'--l ym. keil, !! be aope r,i"'ii for t H' aim tte ei uin year. I to, there is a en rue Kir h ,h pu ces ol pork to come down. SurEDCD Forty newspapers in Virgin Tfc late lamented brother Waah and. rnyiell. who vtert both a littlf iridisposed when we left Augusta, greatly irapYoed'auOn after leaving, and hd a pleasant journey home, .lie found his wife sick of the mea- lea, and I severaj of tny family of the same diiee. The next week we met tgaio, at the funeral of one of his parishoners, Alex. McRryde, Sr. . His laat sermon, the Sab bath before he waa taken ill, wgt based on Job liv 1, 3. ' Thit excellent, able and useful brother, between whom, and myself, from our first acquaintance in 1839, there was a friendly and cordial intimacy, and with whom we had such pleasant social intercourse io con venation and prayet in our room io Augus ta, died on Tuesday, December 31st, 1861, in the full assurance of hope. When first taken ill, he remarked to his physician, Kev. Daniel Johnson and tome members of his Session, that he believed his time had come, f-r he had long been praying that, when the time of his departure should come, he might not only be resigned but willing to leave his dear people and beloved family ; ihat in his previous sicknesset,' he had slwavs felt ihat it might be better for them that he should be longer spared to them. But it was not to now. Hit prayer was answrreil. ' Grace was given him to be perfectly willing to leave them all, and go to dwell with the prV ciou Srviour above. "Though a great sufferer, he wa, calm and collected to the lat. He quietly fell aleep in Jesus. Thus died thit able ser vant ol the Lord, in the midst of usefulness and at a time, too, when perhaps he never had a ntronger hold on t ie affection of din people, It was my privilege, neaijt nixtern vears ago, to introduce him io a family .io Centre Church, and it Mas inv mournful! . : t . err i a privilege, iasti inursuay, io ataiiU alone lit hi pulpit (Bro. Johnson wi necessarily nb ei) to speak a word to hi bereaved dock, white hi mi tal remain lay belore us. He i buried ner the Church in which he so often hpuke of the Saviour, whom he loved and delighted to terve.' ' Thus, on the last day of the year, in which God had hlready taken to Himself two of the moat prominent members of the Pres bytery of Fayettevdle, haa another, than whom one more useful and vtued ia not left behind, been removed by the hand of death. Has the Lord a controiery with His peo ple r Should there not be deep and earnest self-examination and humil ation before Htm, in view o such repeated and heavy strokes of His hand ? Sould not His servants' lay to heart thee afflictive dispensations, and be warned to give themselves with more earnestness to t'teir great work, knowing not how soon and how Miiidenly their labors may be ai rested by a sninmou to appea be fo e God! n rfw " ; -''v' v A IV D a n 31 31 nnHE subscribers would respectfully inform their friends and the pub-1 K .. ii.t !,., Unl,i i i. i t i.: v x, iiv gcuctaiijr, uitib vucjr uc uuugut uut tue enure Given vi ijau-a S TYior Xr Wmvcn artA Tomoa WoVV nnrl acAof-toA fivm tlm enntr TT T. 1 SOwen. J. fJ TnrrPiifinft k. 5?on. Wm. P. ff. Trtnmoe J RrrnvWri T. i5 Carmichael, S. S. Webb, T. S. Cates, Jones Watson, J. W. Carr, Robert i Loder, Long & McCaule and others, Four Thousand DolUra worth i of the best Goods, to finish their assortment in t STAPLE DRY 00S; And are now receiving from Raleigh a lot of Goods, the best to be had ; in that ojty. Also Salt, and other Groceries, from Petersburg, Savan- nah, and other Southern cities, and shall furnish any other Goods not ? now in store in the shortest time, say Forty Thousand Dollar worth 01 gooas; au 01 wnicn win oe soia at a sman aavance on city prices, or on to day's price at headquarters for such goods. AU necessary stuffs, such as Flour, Meal, Salt, Bacon, Sugar, Molas- ana orwl Ttvn urill Vvo colrl of a mora rrn mi cairkti bov ton nanf fcy-e iaxtNA a sa ti asa w ovau a v m &uvi viasJiwutvst) bwi vaut vviim K . ' HENRY N. KOWN & CO. Ttc above businesi will be conducted cm the " Cash System " dlonoWiV tout ouy jot caen ana stii or casn. All who deposit produce to be sold on commission, dan draw on nt for two thirds, and goods of any kind not in atore will be furniehed by Express. We will have bat one price at Retail and one price at Wholesale. VTe will tot continue the system of living in. The aubseribera will try to keep on hand or furnich any article in the Southern Confaderae, et fair prirea, or eo coumisaiou ot a, a anu iw per ceni. secoruinf w article. , They will pay the cash market price for Hay, Oats, &c. Wheat. Flour, Corn, &c. Butter, Egp, &c, Janet, Woolen, and :il Woolen and Cotton Cloth, of alt kinds, Flax and Tow Clota, If Flax Thread, all kinds Flas Seed, ic. Z'4 Home made Shoes. &c. We may aay, aay thing tha product of the South. We will pay cask for the saase, er 04 at the eesh pricee. 13 V,- We keep nothing for tale that it not worth the money. ee- We are frever done with the abuminll sysiera of giving one price in trade and ene far eash. tt We hope to make it to the interest of the pulilie to rail and see us. If oar good are over the market 3 we will, if we know where any are to be f und f.r les. Uke the great! pleasure io informing eur til liende and cuslooier of the same, and will buy them for them if wished. pi HENRY N. BROWN & CO. ri 3 In this county, on Thursdjy lie Sj insUat, at the residence ef Mis. Elmira R.ley, hy I,. W. Hall, Esq. Mr. PORTER A.CKABrCCE i0 Mine EMEI.INE RILEY, all of this county. In ihi county, on Thursdiy the 9tb instant, hy Da vid W. Jordan, Ef.. Mr. R03Erff KAUCETf to Mi. MARCH. FARROW, .ii ofihi eoumy. Al the ic.ideiice of Dr. J. M Worth, in Axblxirough, on Widiiesdiy the 18th at Dvem ier. hy the Kev. 8. ' ' fr rjT If laru who think we are a little tno hi;h in Pricea will furnish oa good and'tbeir Pre Vf duce at eld pricea, we will nol cbarg any commission, but givsa commission for the uleaaure ef eell- iS. it iii g them at cost. vM Vr Our friends ate hereby warned againl the Pre thai told them that Salt wa plentiful and aaual ? J .u..- Th mmra mi il.iulit DllJ to sa v o bv Salt Holder. The' asm nresssa aill 1 an J ain yoo to alvep on me other artklea ; pay no atteouon to them, but think for yourselves, and gel edvice i3 tm T6-nnilll. ... . H. N. BROWN & CO. "Si &i MfilTRVING fJOODS OF AM KINDS, the largett istortment ia the ctaatry. Call and tee. 21 rw . ml. ... t . ! , i. . ii intiik tr irZTl u. nnni'upiiivi'jiu .in ... , " wiim, r.nwiiuni ui.i uti . n , ui uisuir lUUUlT, , g tl hu-.i!) UI.I viiM.n'ilJ ' . . . ' Ti . r i U M.s UtI.rHl. A r.. WORTH Tk highest market price paid for BROOM CORN, eii to nine inches ef stock wanted with the aitaw '- i mt rnn ...,k Al lft. Pt..,Vt GROCERIES of all kinds, in store or expected ; Dye Stuffs, all kindt. 1000 4-4 Sheetins assorted, 50 bunchea Cotton, 150 centt. 10 lbs. Caudle Wick, 50 cents, 10 lbs. Knetting Cotton, 50 ctaU. 10 lbs. fee wing Cotton, 75 cents, 00 lbs. Rope, SO centt, Snar, 15 centt, Coffee, 75 centt, Molaitet, 60 centt. Thirty day grace will be given on alt ordere and large eillaj if net paid at that Hae the eeeoaal ' 2 . & will not t inerefel. We go on ayatem. U i ... m .t. . a.!.. Tr.ia. tK tt.mmM .a : . - .tki.s. mmtM Vi tUJll anil tie lae system owe m" vr a m w. . aa MtrkataSm n I ' 4k othare to clU ohtiunre. fH HENRY N. BROWN k CO. lni!iie.uniy.recei.tlv.JOHV JUUlTS.in. Hillaborcugh,. December IS. t4"'i8 ..: Dc J J. and M .. M. E. Allison. aKed iwe . 9 f U..U-UW-U:,U J'H'wr ui,a JUIIIIIV I LIST OF LETTERS, D.e. f ril trr. seen rihinrh and leeni wa io.rl, rh.U. and filled oil h love and affection the bosom of all who knew hint! but be waa a gilt IXOAOtvEXr BEYOSD WINCHESTER. The rumort for eeeeral days rf engage ta between On. Jackson's command and the enemy, in tb vicinity of Ro oney, have been .interns and confused. By a gentie- ai whn came dn in the cart yesterday ifirrnrwn we leara the follow. n, which we think ia probably not larfron the truth. The ttalemeiit is, that Mull body ol mi litia were t.tced in ambush at or ntar Hinj- ifl Rnk, on the road from Winchester to komney. k superior body of the enemy ap proached tMid were fired npou. wuh t Utea n .bout thirty killed- Our ineu, fter sustaining- a loti of eii, back. It i alt aaid that Otn. Jtckaon marched orth from Winchest-r. md it or pear Bath, three mlc eouh t the H Itimore and Ohio Railroad, fell in wih a bod; ol the enemy, to whom he gave battle. He tolail routed ihtm. faking 500 prisoners. Wt forbear to tutt caiualtiti oi mere ru nor, ,, , . . Wa A grwry to liirtt, froo i'diepitr h r a have eu-peoded rrt ently, either lrin a 1 from Heaven, only to be removejtoa happier sphere want or paper or a want ol punctuality or subcriber. Iw Prices. At Cincinnati, Ohio, the (real pork market, on the 24th ult., green tr the glory of bie Creator. Let hi parenta be com forted, and thank God for tbt gnoilnes be has mani fested in calling hia little one home, and forget not the conaoting worde.' Suffer litil children lo come onto meats were selling at 2 to i centt a lb., on- .me. and forbid them not, for of such ia the kingdom of ly S cents for hamt being offered at the close j God" of the dav. Lard was telling at 6 to ? cents. Mess Pork wtt worth onlv 95 to 13 bbl. I Die-!, ia this county, on the 2 lei ef December last 8ARAH A. CRBTREE. eUest dtuihler of Joho f r bbl' . . i M. and Louisa Crabiree.aaed It vears.fment ha and The whukey teller at Simthfield, Vs., j,,. A-oll tb. si.het DeeemUr.LOL'VIXA. having been tioubleo...e to the f liers J hpr of h- , B()nlh, i - - and t day. And oa the 6th instant, ihey coneignad lo the lonely grave WILLIAM OAlTOX, aged three years and 10 month. The la the abort spar of three week, these three children have been taken from fiom the North Carolina Presbyterian. ,h- fanJ rmbr,c. f ,h,ir r,h,. .,--. anJ Iran. AMI) rHER MINISTER FALLEN. Uted igto the parade of (l. where Ihey sre forever The following communication from the free from the sorrowe and trouble of earth. They Session of Centre Church, annou'icing the died of Diphthera. May the Tarenta strive to meet death of their beloved Pator, the Rev. F. ibsm in heaven, there to enjoy their presence for ever quartered near t'tere. Col. Pryor in command after useless remoostance, has had the ahil key barrrla emptied. C. NaH. will come with the weight of a treat Borrow to the hert of ni brethren off the ?yn.id nf North Carolina, -nd to mny in other Hvnods, bv whom r wat well kn wn and greailv eteem-d as a able and faithful mnitt-r of the New Tetn.ent: The8ea,ion of Outre Church.wiih he in felt aorrow are ealled upon to record the death of Iheir beloved P.e lor. Rev. F. K. Nas. who f aiiieen years miniiere.1 to them in holy I hint. After tuff-ring f from Plum pneumonia he died D-eemher Slat. I8SI Although hie euffenrig ere verv acute, hi m n.l ' ralm and col lee J, hi larth 'eidf.t. He lil in the sursn'e of hope of a hpi on 'lO'tal iv When '! mteriala earl he'utra'te.l. a more eitend-. ed ootire of hia life and labor will be furnished t pub lication. , Waving our mournful privilege of attempt ing at sketch of hit character and labors, in' tiew of thei pressed purpose of hi Session, we give the following particulars ol hit last ticknest and death, furnished by the Rev. II. McLean, Commissioner with'him to the lata Central Assembly, and Pattorof a neigh berittj CJhbrch : around the throne of Uod. 4. C. H. Dividend No. 5. Hillsboro Savings Institution. 'I'llE Board of Direcofa of ihi inaiilulion have tkie - loy declarrd a dividend ol ikree ier cent, paysble on nd .f r the lO.h Instant. Til O.I AS WEBB. Cthier. Jl'lUSIf I, Ife'it. tft WANIKD, a n.UKI .VET NtR-tE, Apply immed.aiely si f t!. U,irje. KOR HIKE. An inlelligenl and well diipneed boy, 19 yeara of ae, remiieni io do any rt of house or term work, ha oeeii a hou-e servant lor some yeaia, ia a good bober, be. Aem bie aitr, ahvul 16 yeara of ace, accustomed lo house work, tew in, we, ... aef it ii Apply at Januarf S. REM AIMNO in the Poet Office al Hillsborough on the 1st day ef January, 1861. C.J.Allen, R.M. Lee, Solomon Allen, Koberl Laws, Mia Mary E. and M. C. Msry F. Lewie, Brown. Frederic Baley, Lory J. Belvio, Jame, N. Ball. V ilham Bowers, D.W.Bell. George CarJen, t ttarah Crab ree, Jamea Ulsrk, Mary J. Cole, Ellen Calea. John J. Crablree, Jae M. Ciabtree Fr antra Cupels ad, Susan Craiuree, Jamea t'o,ilsnd, Margaret J. Collins, Joseph B. Dunnsgan, M. II. Fsuiett. William Fowler, L. U.Gray. J. M. Garrard, Them Griffin, J. P. I&ll. Joseph W. Hughes, I N. M. Hill, Nancy Houry, Sidney loiiea, Uaisb Link, Susan A. Link, hao Link, John Miller, Mary E Mitchell, Stephen Nirbela, Willie Peddy, R. Prke, M. C. Porter. Doctrine Riley, M.ry E. Kiley. H.rriet N. Rilay, Joho Speed. ' Naney IS. Sykea, Willi.m R. Scarlett, Annie Scerletl, ftobert Sailer, Mr. R.A.St re wd, William Tapp. Mra S.L.Turner, A. H. Vanbokkelia, Wm. R. Wilkereon, Gaston H. Wihler, . Robert G. West more, 1 Young Whitaker, Trm-ia V ilker-on, Uriah Wilkerson, L. E. Waison VST PaiMina estlme for ene of ihe above letter will please sey they are advertised. . C. E. PARISH, P.M. January 7. DISSOLUTION. lead. COL. BAGLET'8. 15- NEGROES TO HIRE FOR Ihe present year, tee or aia ia number. Includ ing t Cerpenier, Bricklayer sod Field Hand. Apply to leooare Hl, 1141 W. A. GRAHAM. I'HK Firm of Latimer St Brown i hereby di he mutual eonsaoL C. M. Latimer i tuihorised to settle aerounte. All person having claims againal said Fom ill plea present them rortwitb, and Iboee Indeiiied to same are reepectfully ree,uetiHl to make py merit without delay, erectile by nuts, at their count ing room. C. M. LATIMER, II. N. BROWN. Janesry 4th,llM. - NOTICE. i LL peraone indebted lo the eubecribere will.ky eal ing at the Drug Store, for aeillament. January I. find their acceeale read .WEBB k DXCCSOX Select Boarding and Day School HII.LSBUKUl'GH, N. C. 'PHE Misses NASH ami MiaaKOLLUCK will re. open Ibeir School en the 17th ef Jsneary. Jle deduction made for lese than ivo weaka al ike eeav menremeni ef the Session. December IT. M-4w HUGHES'S ACADEMY. 'PHE Spring 8enon of thia inelilulina eitaated few milea north of Hiflseoreugb. will rommenre en iht ih of January neit, sod enunoe twenty-oae weeke. TUITION. CUssical Department, $tl CI English Dep rtmeat, U Vt Board, inc luding washing, room, fuel, 6c, et 1 1? . ef lo $AS : VO r session. SAMUEL W. IlL'UHtS, Principal. December IT. fU NOTICE. HAVING qualified sa eterator to the laat will and testement of KEMONIA JACXSON. I shall proceed to sell, al the late residence of the dereed. en the 16ih day of January, all of kr tOrci, c enetet- ing of Hornet, Cattle, lines. Wheat, Oatt, to a) HoutehoM anil Kitchen Furnitu' t. A credit of eii month will be given bend oilh ap proved aecurity will be reauirtd. JOHN BERRY, JEt'r. N. B- Persona having cUime againet the estate will preaenl them as required by law. i. BKkRT JaauaryT. II MUSIC scnooL. MISS MINER'S tit se'wn will teamenta on the ITihef Jsaaaif , lilt. Tttetwhet t' MALE SCHOOL. lilleboroogh, on WedneeJey, the rTIHE SuDeeriber preposes ta open a Beheol for leva. In Ihe town or Mi lb of Jaouarv.' 1161. As thorough intimation io tea lemplated, ihe number of pepile will be limited te a tew. Terme meat tues opon tppiieatien M ti sobwriber. 1USELL NORWOOD. Deeembst I, . . . - , . :. tU ht &k! ti Dkli Ofltt.