gkuracrop in deorgla lias been unexampled 10 her history. Molasses frota that species of sugar cane aow brings only (2 And $3 per gdlon most parts of the State; ' , ' Reported Blockade of Mtxieo.-yk late cumber, oft tke Brownsville (Texas) flag, vj, that intelligence has been received at JJitamoraa from Vera Cruz, that the whole gulf coast of Mexico had been declared, in a state of blockade br the French squadron, except the mouth of the Rio Grande, and ten miles next thereto. Under this decla ration Matarooras is peculiarly fortunate', fer her commerce jt now 'is necessary; both to Mexico and Texas. We incline to the belief that, the French Emperor is cnwilliuj to do anything prejudicial to the Confederates, and that therefore he de clioea to close the port of Matameras so long as we may have aae lor it. Vkt raias in -WasHinoioN City. The Richmond Kxamlner of Tuesday last has the following: , - We have seen and conversed with a very intelligent gentleman who left Washington ss late-as Wednesday. The. Calling? back of Meade's army had ciesed considerable excitement and activ itj In military circits in Wihingtn. During all of fast week, thfro was a con stant rumbling ot batteries and ambulances that were beiog hurried o3 to the front. The military fore garrisoning Washington had ben much rrduced, and there were no more men about Washington than wer tsought aeciary to "leftnd the capit-1. Shall the Soldier Fight this Wat Barefoot? 11HE nndersignsd , having keen appointed Con- federate States Agent for the ceontiei of Orange and Alaawnee, would appeal in the name of the Go vernment to the goflaj and patriotic people af these eo untie for every aide of Leather thatjean be spared from home use. The Government will pay a fair price for Leather, either in large quantities or small parcels) and would appeal to every man and woman who has one side of Leather to aoare. who feel n interest in Ibe comfort or welfare of our soldiers, and in the present slsuggle for national independence, to Lrinff or Send ia fail or her oflerimr that whnn tha ead of this.contest comes Orange and Alamance may have no regrets thai they have kept' back anything that would have served as a comfort to eur brave soldiers pr delayed lucir final iucccm.) , . J. IS. CLARKE, , , ' , Agent for C.8. A. ' November 4lb. jg ' ' ,' , BLUE STONE. 1 rWpetnd. CLCe STONE. ' . ' v 100 poand-COPPERAS, leCpsaadsbODA. . , TURRENTINE & SON. , November 4th. 19- 7b Commander of Compmie in the 1SA Vattnlimt, A. C. UUUiafor Hmt Dcfenee. , IN compliance with Order Noll f tke Executive Department, yuo will have company drill on Sa luidaj after aoon of each week. But in view of the bu-y seeding season yeo are at liberty to drill in ea, ued until forthor orders. " ' J. 8. LEATHERS,; 1 LieuUnaat'-Colaael. October 28tb. t K . . , 18 To) tbe) ComUttmtfO f the Midler's : i ub4 Ibi Orauge Cvnnty. yOU ARB EAliKESTLY REQUESTED te re- St Bart la rmm l ha n.k rX Upwards of 37.000,000, in gold have (bv nor-Usr. children in each rate, 16 wbem you is- been shipped to Europe frcsn the port of sue rows. Ysu will iU rejert to ate the number Neo York ahe sinee Januarr 1st, I8CS, Mi-eat persons, according u yoerbe-t in- ia discharge of debt contracte'd for cmtly fr"". ia " ie-pive di.iricte, who need ss- i. .Tit. L-. t.: SMtsne. - . . J miormsuoo will be ow-sry (or the action of ikv. ntl,., Sl vititi'imiNC .aiura the CoUulV C.Brt l IVvmljaTii aad li i koa-,1 $50,900,000. "The import into New York that il will b faruivnra' at as esrlva dsy as peil4e. for nin roontha.' eudiaj Stth 8-ptewber, V. F; STRAY HORN, 1851, amoonted t $134,989,116; tame time, 1 862, 1 39.756,395 ; tiw, 1 865, $157,839,882 . The eipnfta of dome tic prod are in J merchandize at New York,! for period above torntinned, amounted In 1661 to s95.684,J30. ia 186?. to $103,705, Ml. in 1863, tol9.SSI.47. Treasurer of ibe BolJiera' FuatL Gctobcrtl 17 4w Office N. C. Railroad Company, ' Vance, Octelxr XJd, 1663. A LAKliE MALE eft-Uigib! Town Lets will be held at ibis p!re ea Ibaodsy, Noetaber 5th, i ises, Jm Iowa is iuely snuaiej, imoediatsl on "" m!n r, . the Itsilread near Grmlum j ike lots are laid off Iwo PaeraKHO For FoKia Paars. 4 friend huodi-4 "Jeet auars, ibe street one kuodred feet jeit front Liucolnd -in, atore oa t),at ide.wrtli w large ojwt mju ires. The ssle cle.me brsksm'a fatnilv s brrparrd. .rare ftrewar- bint t. -cor. a plea- . . r- . arw oesiuiy aouie. , , lag. to emicraw to Germany. 1 bat aaid Tw cit tJpw kJ, .-uiiim itisv i iaa aiuio out joia . mt hAimx bneto tor hit salary, and it is coafiderttlv believ f that Abraham tiiuarlf will take to hie Scotch Cap, and be found enUsiur Waahinrtoa be or ahaut Januarv frouj i . October f9th. THOMAS WEBB, Piesideot. 18-tds nest. ORDEI. No. 2. Whether there is anr (ooodatioa fr this, ivp-rt or not, we c-rtainly are not propar- pi.E a.sR REMEMBER e do not keep a Bro d to aay, but our tnfwrmiot alluded to itj ke's H.p." aB I gve no prrence to 9pece. at Spparetttly Certain to Ute plac. . We ConWcrat money i good enmiiih for whst we hsve ball ace what we shall aye. a continuation; 00 ",,J woweat ptodoceof allkinA. Nails for tte wsr, no duatit, to .an " i.lefinit.V br,l -''SJ. .rairrn. . ' , , . I ue Just received J tro L. C.H AruhKl4- f " - -i.m"m- iCHILr-'.J5Ketmerri.bCipPAPaK.5ros . . -Hutl PENS. H 'J w laJ PCNCIL8. 6 doteo Vim M0M8R or'NatoLKS. Thr f4ati!v tre TOOTH UKtjinPANCY fcOAP.Ag.te f Sapofeon. save Alli.u. thoeii tft, B nC.TTO.Xi.f.Ulnrt l..-kCrrtpe. h.d not ben dtatin-ui.hed, aid bid saf-Tw,n,!? J'fi'.M' J'J- f..uU at w,;m.aRtoo t I . t tr . fn, lirt w.k at Nintiyceats rr tKo.id by ooe bundled Mrd Merely from mSfortauc. , .Thr mo- m whf pot bflof i, ff.t ctn;, p., ui -r, mi mti (tium, vbu wa. wiruu la It not bib eaoug far you T v H. N. BROWN & CO. iptml-r Itik. l 47 i J EQUITY'lSiAliE II. 'Irtue of an order issued from the Court of Equity for Oranro Count v. PaII Term, lam r shall, on Tuesday the larday of December ensuing, offer for aale to the highest biddor, at Durham's De- poi, a i ract or LAIN!) on the watera of New Hepe, whereon Philip Alston. late,of O range eountv. livail and died, adjoining the lands of Simpson Latta, de ceseed, Grey Uarbee. William N. Pratt and others, and containing One Hundred and Fifty acres. ; Terms of aale, six months credit, with auproved eecunty. K - JOHN U.' RIRKLAND. C.M.E. 1 Uctober 20. 18- ' JSQULTtYSALE: IY virtue of an order issued from tba Court, of Equity for Oranre'Coontv. Fall Term. 1863.1 ahsll, oa Thursday the 1st day of December eusuing, oiur lor sate te trie Highest bidder, at Durham s De pot, a Tract or LAND known as the Haley Place, on the watera of Ellcrby, adjoining the landa of Simeon Ferroll. Benjamin Marcum and others, and contain ing 8izty-Five acres, more er Jess;, it being the tract of land willed by Ezekicl "Haley, doeeasod, te bis daughter Minerva. , Terms of sale, aft months credit, brad with ap proved security.1 1. i ' - JOHN U..KIRKLAND. C. E. i October 3. ; r -f C' ' I : 1 EQUJTJf kSALE. .-' IT virtue of an order iasned from the Cok Equity for Orango County. Fall Term. 1663. shall, en Monday the 33d any of November ensuina. ofisr for aale, at tke Court House in Hillsborough, (it being the week of the County Court,) the Tract of LAND sold in bis life time by John. Ellison to William Dirch, deceased, lying open tthe waters of Eno, adjoining the landa of Robert Tinnea, Frances Tinuen, Rebecca Gattia'and others, and containing 1 wo Hundred and t fty acres, more or less. Terras of sale, twelve months credit, with interest from date, and note with approved security, with the privilege to the purchaner to pay the same in cab. J JOHN U. KIRK LAND,' C. M. E. October 30. i , 13. Exchange Notice, !to. 7. Richmond, Va Oct, IS, 1863. TnEtfoIiowinf.Confoderato Officers aDdlmea are hereby declared duly exchanged : t. Ml oGcera and men eaprcred and pa rolled at any time previous tobelei of September, 1 1863. This section, bowver, is not intended to include any officers er rruio saptored at Vieasburg Jary 4th, IE63, except such ss vera Isclared exchanged by Exckaaga Notice No 6, September ISth, 1863, or are specifi cally n&jad in thji notice. Bat it does embrace. all deliveries ms4e at City Point er other pieces before dspt. 1st, 1861, and withttbo bmlution above nam ed jail captures at Port jludsoa or any other place where tae parties were released eo parole. t. The talf of Generals Pemertoo, Stevenson, Be wen, Movrs, Bsrteh.8. D. Lee, Cummings, Har rif and Baldwin, and of CoIonela'Reynolds.Cockrell and Dockary the of&oers and men belonging lo the Engineer Corpe aad Sappers and Miners, and the 4th aad 44ih Minsueippi Kegirocnteall csptared at Vicksbori.July 4th 1863. 8. The geoersi officers captured at Vicksburg, July 4tb, 1863, were'daclared exchanged July 13th, 1863. ROBERT QULD, - Agent;of Exchange. Ocwler8StL. Id Cw br jreat brsuy, and b0 ccuuoo ttpnraa. "'i pi rioj, Knarca in me u- i(ae and dangers of her hoabaaJ t a e rioJof ureal trial, and was eojVd with ('ira inso-rje espeditious no herasbach. Mis lather died at ti age of thirty-etht-obiit' a- ant rt parcel I care ru tnwre taan aapplicd by t- mothr, to whose caily ed iratioo and salkitnie, Ncpeleoa, in tfter lile.mainly acribed hU elevation. ' On one "fasion b expressed the opiaierj that the fulore good or bad conduct of the child de pend entirely oa the mother. Though left s widow in tho prime of Ufa, the mother of .fapo'eea bad already borne thirteen fbildreo. of wheat five eons ami three 'iaaghtere Survived their father. She lie- I to see oae of them wearing the crown f Charlemagne, and another seated oa the throne of Chirlee V. ' , Obituary. Ii!. lo this 1 1, -ej oa WeJneoe lbs 1 1 it of Oc ! ber, wit)) Poeuooala, THOMAS HE.XHY, the jjuunieat ehiU ef WiDi.ro aa4 ElUaUth Newman, -WW two years, an raanths and seventeen days. DitJ, In this county, oo the tU of October, of Tj okI Fever, EL1UNAH MAYES, eon of W.IIisb s-kI Elleo Mayes. .--4 .,.f, tij fife contU Tbs Lord fiveth aud the Lord taketb sway 4 bless dbotbooaraeoflbeLod.,, A. W. L. ' . "'80N,io l!e9ih jearof Usrs?e. Tbt 4vee.w4 had, beta , a, iU PtttAtetita thnrch f-rt toaay years. fJbe was a klnA m;..a. . M.gig onigblwr, and we hem'iJ hope sbe has gone I TOBACCO WOKKKl). tjlARMEK.4 and Planter wi.l,n Tolaccowork' od, eaa have it done bv apt-lyine to e in. WEmi& WIUTTKD. OcWb-r 7. i: ; NEW MUSIC; ' rCBLIStiCB ft GEO, DUNN & p0 RICHMOND, VA. a a a I. Executive Department North Carolina, Adjutant Geaeral's OrT,? Raleigh, October 8tb, lrj63. J GCNEKAL OKDEP.8,1 So. 4. I THE FUJST ftCUTIGN of tbe act of ihs Onerat Aoeemhfy, passed Jaly Tib, 1663, was inteuded to ai piy to the militia as lacn organised, aoJ not to the ogniatkn for Heme Defence. , , II. Tba Ciimmiion of the Militia OlSccrs sk oiuilrJ only while members of the Home Gbord organization and doing duty in it. - When nut on do- Iv.tbey ny be ruired by the Comuundcre of their Krgtm.'nis to imi thrm ia tba exocuiioa of vits: bora lUw alloc. ' ill. Tbe efficcr rx men of tie Guard for Home D'fance will be ml j'ct la the Rules and ArUcke cf Wsr and Ibe Geueril Rettulatiaosof theUOoteoerate Wntes Arnty,whea called out by orders frrm this oEco, either or drill or for special or geoeral et rvice. kly order of Osv. V axce t . , R. C. GATLIN, ,. Adjutant General October IU. 17 . JUUAN A.8ELBV,t:CLLMBIA,8.C. k NMB GF THE VaLE-Music by J. R. Th- GENERAL OKUCUs. ' was author of M lo my Cottage by the tvs. Wbi vara Casta U'aa is Gvaa Muie by ii-t ry Turker. ' Wa Have Paataa Pantry anJ ktusio by Miss Ella Wren KaTtiir.x Mavocaasea f.N.Croorb. Haaror tea HovtoI Awaas! C. L. Peticolaa. Mi Wits .so Cut to Poriry by Geo. Jackiti, of Ga., Music by- P. W. foiier. His st Yora Psit a HmtasT Osa Balfe. Roo Ma to tatar, MoTUsa Music by J. If. He witt. . MoTaia, is tos Bams Ovia t - Viaaiaua Maaaanuiss Original FronchVIusto. Ktsr Ma Awaaa, MoTUaa Prnck. Ttta oTTn J. H. Hewitt Au ticiar aioiotbs PoTonao To-ieiT J. H. Hewitt. Kxecutiro Department North Carolina, Adiutirt General's Ofice (Militia,) ' Rab-ih. Octa-f r 17tb, ISS3. 5 LIST. OF, LETTERS. . . , sraj'pvr a r vr -Kn . ii.- r. r.ir... n m 't ... . on iDexutQOay et ucioDer, ibo3. t Mrs. Sarah i Alston, ' ' Martha McKeray '. ' James k morgan, M Brown. Capt J H Bryan, -Annie Brnsbman, Marv Jane Brewer. Vamuel R ChrisUnan, W H Garden. Cicero J Chaelotte. Col W- C Claiborne,' Mary U Cole, Catherine Cheek. K M Casson, Lucy Chavera, John Chavera. . A B Caudle. Lidia Daniel. Bessie Davis, Allen S Dickey, John Davis, MrSSF DeBose, Harriet Daniel, B A Franklin, William Findlev. Bebert W Foard, Gsorie C Freemen. 8am uel H Faucett, C C Garner, I S J Grissbam, Margaret Guess, Mary A Hill. 5 Margaret C Hill, John Howard, Nancy E Habbs. Lieut James C HilL J D Hayes, John T Hill, John L Irby, 8 : MolHe M Jscksoo,. Martha Jackson, Nancy J-Jackson, I E P Jones, Beniamin Kioiona Liczie E Kelly, Marv A Kirktand. . Sallie Kaia. Nancy F Morton, 8 Capt J McUraeken, Marv J M or fin. John McKinne, H McDaniel, Miss M J Mangvm, Jane M Neville, .: . . Patsie Proctor, Willie T Patterson,'". T H Peters, '. " MrsE JPatridge, ' 1, Flora Pannbry, ' Mrs A S Riley, ; i Mrs Murphy Rayr , ; f Ann Riley, ,t. , Thomas E Roberta, r Mrs Bavid Riley, 2 CaDt.F C Roberts, A ii Roberson, Fannie V C Riley, . Elizabeth Redding, . Henry Smith, . Mrs ANSlovall,3 . George E 8akgWej, . Mrs John Swann, H Satterfield, , William Mc 8naitb," v William Sugg,.. . . , JMSmith, . ( Emeline 8trayborn, Jnlia 8mith, Mrs. Dr. Swann, Alexander 8andera, . ' William Tapp, Roda Graham, Jerry Taylor servant) Mary D Tinnin, J W, Tinnin, Ellin Tapp, ioh Vickera, James Wiley, , Minnie Walker, 8arah J Wilkeraon, ' ' Penelopy Workman, Martha C. Wbitsker, J H Wilkeraon, ' Hanry Whitfield, James R Wilkersoo, ' Mai tba Workman, t J M Walker, fiaaan A Wilkeraon. ' Persons calllaa far anr af tba ha lernr. wilt please say they are advertised. v. b. rAKlSn, r. m. October SI. . l . FRENCH CALF SKINS. FOR BALE by H.'N. BROWN At CO. October 88th. lfr- CONFEDERATE TAX. WILL. attend with the Aaaeeeore for this Distiict," at the following times and places in the eouoty, for .the purpose af collecting the listed Tax : r . vuv:. . Vr t a. , k- i . M n una viwi, uu .nuuuay , ju iiuveoiivr, I ooj. H Thomas J. Cstes's, on Tuesday the 2 ;th. - J. W. Milee's, on Wednesday the 25ib. Cedar Grove, on Thursday the 26lb. , M HilUborrtugh.CQfriJay.batDrday and Monday, . tba 27th. 23th and 80th. Tolar'e, on Tca-nlay the 1st of December. Caldwell, oh Wednesday the 2d. Red M6untsin, oa ThufJoy the 8J. Mangum'e Store, on Friday the 4th. L'pscomb'e, on Saturday the 6th. Durham's, on Monday nod Tuesday, the 7th .. and 8th. GunterV.'on WeJneTay tho flth. Choict Hill, on Thursdav and Friday, tie 10tt andllth. ' Thomas Long's, on SaturJay the 12th. . Notice te hereby given, that the above Taxes mui be prJdViJiin Um time limited by lw,otherwire tbc .nahios imposed will be ebforced. V A. MICKLE. . er i w viivvwi ava v t ua. October 21. ' 17 4,v THE ASSESSORS for Orange fJonrty wiTi i tend at tbe above times and places, with the DifLirt Coltector.furtbe purj-ooe of assessing tbe Tax in Kind on Wheat, Oats, Kye, Corn, Sweet and IrLh Pou-lot-, Pra and Ceant, Wool, Cured Hay and Fod der. &c. &c. , , , Persons iutcreeled are requested to" BKot os aj above, with statement oftheir matured crops, saiocnt produced, de. H. M.'C. STROUD. M. A, ANGIER. Ov t.)ber 2 let 17 au. raiNTto ox ooot rare), ami ormabrn Tat TiTtEa. RETAIL PRICE. 1 EACn. - The trade supplied el half off," with an addition al five per cent, wheq one hundred of any ono pices is ordered. , , Blank MUSIC LIN 3, on the best eap paw, $1 pel ,hret of four pages forty ftt teal, oif U ti e trade. -RichmooJlVs,Ocl.l4. .No'. 10. I '"ffII S ililiiia OtSrcrs in each county whote the Gu ird fir florae Uifcnce bus b,e or may hero allr I fully orjtanii"d, will tura ever to the cam nanrlcr of the lntttr all urnis. accoutrements ami am rajniuon in tlicir inpf u 0 bloiging (o the rUate, taking receipts for the mux". Uy order ef Gov. Vain gj, It. C. G ATI. IN, ArfjUUht General Ocleraist. 17 2 w N O T I C K IS beroby given to PRODUCER of the FIFTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT, that from and after tho lith instant, the Produce Tax will be re. reived at alt the IVoH in said Di-trici. Farmers ats requested to aid the public service by trotnit!y kinging in their Tithf, especially VJ bont, wbicb it row very much noedod by tlx Annv. Agents ere wtheritcd to contract with Millers fr griii.tine the Tithe Wheat, by which means the point of itrlivcrv is bretuht noarer the ftoducer. Corn in the ear will not be received befars tbo 1st of November, and shrJ- ei Cora nt sooner than the let of January noit. C. H. HARRICN, Capt snd P. M. th Cou. Di. It. i 500,000 feet of BoV Phak .TTnuted.' TB i-h to buy 60O.C0O feet of Box Plank. ' White oalc, Post oak, Rod or Black oak, vaworf M ihrecqaarters of an inch thick, and thirteen an I a half to tounecn inches wi)e, clear of knots an a rpliu. Ootolwr 7. WEBB & WIIITTED. i,v liiclianc Notice, 1V0. G. KichmanJ, Sept. 12. 1863. 11 II E following Confederate Officers and Men, cap tured at Vickoburg, Miss- Jaly 4, 18C3, and sul- siucntly parollrd.htvs boca duly eichangrd, and are neicby sodeeiareut 1. Tbe oflierrs and men or ucn. v. L. Stevenson s division. 3. The officer and men of Gen.Bowen a divlai.sj. 3. The others auJ men oi.Brigadicr Gen. Moore's brigade. 4. The oftcci and men of the 2d Texas KegitXrml. 5. Tbe olTicers and rucn of Waul's Legion, 6. Aboi all Confederate officers and men who have Iron delivered at City Point at soy titao previous to July Soto. 18C3, have bn duly exchanged, sod fa ao declared. . H0. OULD, - Agent tfElcharge. September SW. 18-t BbANES for Bale at thii 0C;,v hi reward oi tQe llgktcen, ' H. J. W. October HI. 17-tK 1

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