. ' From the Chrlatlaa Adrocoto. TIB 8LE1FINO DAMSEL. A falr of tie synagogue cimii tt Jesos tnd falli at his fet- " My littU daughter Ueth at tke point af death," is tKt touch. ns iterj which he tel with a depth of pathos which onlj aa anxious father can breathe. With what trembling hope does he otter this plain petitioo, "Come and lay ; th v haads on her that she may be healed." Jesas pes, bat ere they reached hit glee 'mr hone, a messeiiger approaches bearing the aai tidings, "thy daughter ii dead. Why tronblest thou the master any . fur ther r Oh sad hour! Till now that par eat toped, fondly hoped, but hope hat fled. Uis last effort to sate the loed one has petted friitleis. Death has been too swift. Its work is done. SheisdeacH Hisheart. sicken at the thought. Bat Jetus s peaht, Ba aot afraid, oaly belee.' Strange, mysterious words! Bit hope bigins 10 revive. Why, ha knows not, far the chile" is dead. Bat the matter said, " Be not afraid' They are at the door. There is a great totjalt within, and weeping and many teara. The tower of that family is with ered the fairest, freshest flower of that .garden. The brightest star or their litlto sky has gone oat. A Rachel is weeping fbt her only child. The world ia dark 10 her now. for tha saa of her life is teae down forever! No wonder she weeps! who wield aot weepf Bat Jests speaks agaie, Why make ye this ado and weep ? The damsel is not dead bat sleepctb.' His toico ia soft and sweet, and the words fail npoa threar like mnsic " Not dead but sleeeeth," repeats that mother. How strange those words ! yet heir they thrill! "Net dead I" Her heart for the mo ment is still. Hop revives faintly. "She sleepeth." Then she ma awake. Jem approaches so softly. A tear of lymtatfcy sparkles like a diamoad on his cheek, for Jeans was accustomed to weep. For the moment O what a moment! the (act of death ia forgotten. Grief is satpeaded, and tears ccasatoflow. Every thought, .fcvery feeling is absorbed in what is. to be done. Breathless and silent the little com- pany gaza upon tae cajoi majestic ujrc oafore them, and .watch every raovemeat. lie lifts the soft white bead from the saowy bosom over which it to folded, and the mother starts forward as her anxious eye perceives the alight drawing of a muscle. The same aet voice, O how sweet! riago forth, "Tahtia cumi," Damial ariae. The booom heaves, the pale cheek is Beth- d, the limbsaet, lhoyo sparkles with liv ing fire, tha sleeper awakes, the night of meaning is cone, the joy of the morning . baa come aadhappiaesa aai bopa spread their white wiags where but aa hour ago breed gloom despair. Such wis the Draoeaco of Jesoa ia tha rater's Camily on that dark day, and sueh it is to this day ia ever honseheU Where tha light el the goopet ehiaaa. . iWo on iit'iMi father netitioa for a vaaward child, teadiag awiftl downward to tha rates of death ? The rosaef wkis- pert. Be net etaui. only believe." Does another bewail the a a timely departure af Am . mm a. 9 . a proaigtl Iroa all tae wnoieeome reairatau of pious influeace, and lament with bitter ooaa the disappoiatmant of alt her bright botes of aao unworthy to ba called a son r daughterf Tha gotpel softlr speaks, " lha is not dead hot ekepetk.' By its marie touch tha dead Ii trespasses sad ties are raited to holy life. Lour abaa doned hopes revive, and cheer, and bless and animals the ttricksa aad deipoaiiag. Calendar for 1863. JANUARY. FEBRUARY, MARCH, APRIL. MAY . a u a S 5 m h 9 8 a 4 II II ft 18 It 19 20 H 2127 t Olt 15 16 17 i 23 t 8 15 22 2f 2 3 1(17 234 31 JUNE. JULY, AVOUST, I 7 12 13 U 10 t il 21 278 3 4 1 10 11 13 17 18 10 24 25 20 3 1 3 .7 9 0 14 IB 10 21 22 23 38 29 30 0 7 12 13 14 10 29 21 20 27 38 3 S 4 0 10 11 16 17 18 33 24 25 10 91 8EPTEMBER, 1 7-3 14 10 OCTOBER. NOVEMBER, DECEMBER, Old Prises Hate Come Back; Y09 caa get aavihki b ou lioo l OU Pfko,ht yoaaeatpoy topwWioMatOldPrko. U joa hart M mikUu, CpfiMorato aocf wril boy toy tbiog wo have to ociLaod glad to g It. Coao bock . to Ibo baoaot aW Jricao,atd art yoor eannlry. SIMPSON It HOOKER. Octal Hot IT- ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. HAVI.NO take tot apodal Uurt o Adatalo ttotat of the oatatoo of BAETLET f . tai HA MUEL A. IfiCHOLS, ied. I will tio of PoUie Yoodoo, oa Thun&tj lb 6J iJ of Nooa Ur Mrt, tl (be roiMoaeo of ritaev nkn, oo er4it of ni BKltM. Iho folio is ortkU, fill Ooo fcAdJW.oM tiUtt Wtich, two Traolt. o email lut of Booka, ood pirhipo ooso tdwt oitideA aot awo-liooc4 All ftmm i&4ebto4 to MiJ MUM aroroqMU4 to make io4f MraraL ao4 oil bttlflf cUima tum tbm viHrorotittfMla4Mfarawittua&Uae orefciiM by Uw, or tilo ootko will bo ptood ia hot OdoVorll. 17-1 0 13 20 21 22 37 2 29 4 3 0 II IS 13 18 19 20 23 26 27 1 3 9 8 0 19 13 16 17 S S " . i 13 i4 10 30 91 S3 27 28 20 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 4 11 18 21 1 0 If 23 1$ 0 13 30 27 8 10 17 34 1 0 19 32 39 0 13 10 20 9 0 If 23 90 f 14. 31 f 4 1! 10 35 o9 0. 10 20 39 l "2 1 .9 15 22 SO 5 13. 19 2,8 9 12 JO 29 2 9 to 33 39 7 14 31 30 4 11 18 30 9 0 10 23 SO is so 37 9 10 17 04 1 .18 32 m - 0 12 10 39 I 19 17 24 SI "2 s 10 17 24 SI 7 14 21 29 7 14 31 28 b. 2 9 U 23 30 0 IS SO 37 0 is 30 37 3 10 17 34 I I 15 S3 20 o '0 12 1ft 28 8 10 17 34 31. 7 14 31 30 4 II 18 38 9 8 16 28 19 I IS 19 17 4 9 11 10 19 10 tto26 Attention ! Home Guards I ON tka lit Monday in oooh month wo will oU to tbo oocoMltooi of Oroogo,asy foo4 o elothini oo baod, at Vook . Frlooo, etna et too pot oootothlogoe oolotkoteVv ot Cootl A Taaaory of Oroogo hoo ploooj la onr haidi U-d7, too tbooMM tklauo orotta off IMo Lcatbot to bo uivlw to uooo at tao uil Wlllyoa ootoiMtba oppoil u. pi. Bxuwaauu. OoUUtSlot lu ll 18 25 16 23 SO IS SO 37 11 19 35 16 32 29 12 19 38 19 17 24 31 7 14 31 39 8TATB OP NORTH CAROLINA, Oaaxea Cocxtt. 8oporior Conrt of Law, 8ept Tern, U Uoorgo .W. Tfloo oo. W&fioaa W. OrtSU-dltatJLwMi.' IT appoot laf to tho oiWmOvo of tho Coort, dial tho doodaol. VfliUa W. OiBBa. Uo ronv toj oat of tbo Buto, ot oo obnoodo or oocok blmoolf tbal lLo mliotry procooo of low coooot bo ocrol oo Lha; It lo tbamoro onlmd by tbo Caorl, tbal pobUcailoo bo Dado la IM lillMxittwgb Utmt der it sit woela, ooUiylog tho ooU Wua W. UrUSo tbot aalooo bo oppMio ol tbo Mil inn of ihU Coorl, to bo heW ot tho Coort fioooo la HllUbo- roogh oa tho ooeoed Monday ia Boptof&Lcr actt, thea and theto to rrplovy oo4 yUA oceordiDg to Uv, bo will bo proceeded ogohtot la tho ooom Duoer oo if ho had boos orrvad with prooroo oad had fciiad bo ppm a&4 ptood. Wltaaaa, Jcha W. biler, Clark of Ml raid Cvtet, at offlco lo HUloboraogb, Uu oeeood UUj la rp. bwDhof,l99S. J. Y. 81LER, Clerk. Bptocaber 89. Ii-6w JUST RECEIVED, TXIBEE Ua of Floo Old FBEJtCH DHARDT. for Medklool porpooer, MATCHES, OROC.1D MCHTAKD, TOOTH BEL'f HE8, GUM CAMrilOB, TOILET HOAP, A. At. Aitao . DRUG bTOUE. AflgofOll tit NOTICB. ALL poronno of oJlng to tho Drag Ptoro for M Wli. cioo Bool aend Tiob. ao wo aro oL J. Y, W1UTTED A CO. floptoabarfi, II ComaiuiOA ZLerch&ftts, CABci IN the abooneo of e rogolar Tenor, I will attobd by tho Tuning of PIANOS In IlilUboiouih. CbaM Ten Dollara.ooloHiho runobooaotbaoatio4 withta twtlvo uooiba, wboa cborgeo will bo nofe tecordlngto Its eonditloo. All atringo and topnko OXlTi. UVMOI IDIIInn ' Jaoaaty ii. ' 7t-. l DKNTAL JTOTICE. TIT F.MAS05, (o grodeotoof Modlelao oorf f f a Dontol Bargory,) woold roopoetfollr toka koowotbttbo coo U onot lo olMnd oil call la bli profcoaloa tho Srtl opportoohy. W 0. Addrooo Uaw Rlv or fool Offleo. JooooryT. ta. 20,000' ON SALE ' lb. Bmoking TOOACGO M Oeoaocbo,' I00 iba. MANUFACTURED ditto. 10,000 Iba. SALT, , ' S,0 Iba. RICE, S0,&00 CLAT PIPES, ooforttd. 0 Iba. SPANISH BROWN, 60S pooodo Eagluh COPPBRAS, IM poooJa Dotch MADDER, oepoaadotpaokhlNDICO, S pooodo FIG BLUR, 1,00 pooodo EoglUb ODA, buiob TANNERS' OIL, BAUD OIL aad B LAC KINO, Q&EEM ood BLACK TEA, 100 TOOTH BROMES,o-ortod, l&t FINE ood COARSE COMBS, A0e ,poU Whito aad Black COTTON, SO pooodo Black FLAX THREAD, MgaaalTEEL PENS ood LBA PENCILS, M im CAF, LETTER aod N6TE PAPER, ENTILOPlfood INK. Moon KNITS aad FORKS, Tallow aaJ Adaaaoitoo OANDLE9, . NAl8,IR05.aad CUT TACKS, l;BROOUa.BUk CRAPR, LAMPBLACK aod TURPENTINE, iOOO E.lgo PUTBS, IN WASH BftWLa, 100 LINKS C. HANDKBRCBIEFS, oooortod. WANTED all kiodo a PRODUCE. October 91. 17 BOOT AND SIIOK BLACKING. I HATE oad will keep en bind o good otoek of Tina nt RKm BLACrf NO fat Bala, aod ma ba had by tho douo or gtooo. Oidoro from doaloro promptly atuodod lo. W. J. GRAGSOrf, Dr.t.a f. C. May II. ' r c. is. piEnoin, - morney and CcunneioralZmr, B32XS3XtffGE. Bf. Wlllp'aoUoo: ta Oroogo aad Iho adjoining Coaafr DT Paitloolar aMaatloa paid totho oolloctloa of April ttd.im. oa-baia NOTICIU-SOLDIBBS. PER80N8 bating rolaiiooa io tbo Army whohoro boon killod or oaro diod of dlaoaao.aad kar. boontUaorwagraduothetaforihoU ooit let, roa h ao iho tint promptly collaelrd by appljlng to at al ! U1II A J . 1. ' P. 8. have roeelrodfroB tbo, Oovoroataai'ih.r.. golaUoaaeooUloIng foil lootroctioaa, oad tbooopbw. lag tho daioMla a banJa a,y ra!y tbal iboy wi ' bo eollootod oa aooa oo tboy cao bo aarfkod. C. E. PARtsn. April U. ; taa T A NEW ARTICLE. , 2 00 A O.X HEEL LIFTS ao aoto-ogiou iVVfU HUMado looutotloa-f 3.00 per doi, palio, M eoato aiaglo pair. , if. ri., dro wri & co. Boptonbota. to. PAY YOUR ACCOUNTS. THE ffooka ood Accooow of Wobb A lo'ctaoa aro ia oor hooda for eollocUoa. Poraoooowttg ! Ibta will piaaaa call oad arttlo. JAM ES i. WIUTTED h Co. Jaiy t. . ct TAN BAHK WANTED. HIGHEST prioo oaid for TAN BARK,UaVa orU.tkor.ar TUBRENTInB It 6RO. Mayla. ia. SOLDIER'S FRIEND. N OTJCK. A TTAogoat Trra, lilt, of tbo Caort of PWo ooJ WaanoTaoiwofOroatoCaB4f.UoooUri. oraB. C. T. lieit ASHES' C.UWif W..k... Uk hniog Un goaLUd aa AdoiaUnt,! it kmm U JAR REM EOT. for Cooika. CaUa. J a m w sort Tbroato ood IloarMMOo, porparod oopocW) lortoa nxofl. For oalo by II. N. BROWN & CO. March ai. ' rr- Of too ooUto af CECRUE C. RAT. docwaaad. baraty giaao oaCiao So all poraaeo ladiad la aaU oaUlo to bmAo iaiaodlaJo payaoaA to aa. ood toooo haviag claiao agaioat tbo oaaa aM proaoal Ibaoi n dao tiao om lora, ot tta oolica wtii bo pUad a bar of a raoovory. I NELSON P. .BALL, AdaVr. Ootobarll, lm B. Pasgate's Anedyno Cordial, far cor lag Soaaar Coaplaialo, ratoaloby H. N. BROWN & CO. Jaly IX THE HISTORY OT ROUT OAECLCIA. DUBLlaU ED U U3I by tha eodara!goad,lo a pro- bco,oaocodad thai it oootalnod miJM. .f.. aoUaMo oad Baay lapotfoctlooo. A SECOND CWTIOfl woo Ibaa Ofoalaod. wblcb mU mJ. Ihoaa dafocta, Tbbj (a aow ralUJ tut. Ho will ba gratefoi to ant ooo who will total ool ant utt l. tbo datao, oamao or facto la tbo tariaot ooooliao of laaruia; ood oor oiooftariicat kub f tK. wbo hato dooo oerrico la Ibo CoU or 8uio. Lottna osay bo oont lo aa, ear of II o. D. L. a. MUX II. WHEELER, Ckatl HlN.N. R. 17 Edlwro poblJotleg thU tot tbrao aaatSa. and ooodiog no a cop? of tbo popar coouinin tkm aball rooaioo o copy of tbo ooeaod odkloa wboa poo. uw. wm.m ui.irw fnoiiK, criaHT corrrctod. ou wmvmuitmi wiut ODgravinga. jnrpirt&nor via. 11-ta n.IDES WANTED 1 VE will pay tbo htglaal aarkatratoa for UlVVf , " or uo tboaoa Ibo oaooltorao. Tbo yard haa booa oalad far o aaaxbof of voan for Iba oo par lor o,oality of iu Laatlar. TUUUENTINK & BUU. 8optoabor.t4. RECEIVED BY EXPRESS. g CADDIES boot IspaiUICBEEN TEA. I IS. TOILET SwAP, BfSbtA BRIvTlES. TOOTI1 BRCaUES, MATCUES. Boat EogUak BLUE FILL, ta . i. A I Ih-M CLOROFORM. CHE W.-0 TOBACCO. aUgrodao, Altko IRUO STORE. Jaaot. tv . WANTED, AFP W Bamla of APPLE TINEOAB. II N ntmtvv Ar CAi. , . . mmw . tm MotahtS. - PISH HOOKS. i n nnn fish books .. t,0j. ,n . ",vu" TUX SEED 8 WANTED ot tho earkotpneo. Jaoiih. IL N.BROWN 6 CO. 17th July, 1863, and 'Ftixct, pALL AND SETTLE If yoo oro aol yoot owa V womt onamy.anJ pay lr whi 0o call for. H. N. BROWN & CO. Jooo 14th. 00 iSOTICE. IWtLLpaythohigharMh prkofor IU5Eo Ui Makkraa. I willtaa UPPER LEAT8M. far ooo-holfaad SOLE LEATHER for ooobfct- 40HN D. LIPSCOMB. yataaaVot llth. WANTED, CA hoohola Ooloa Sota ool Soada. Jv 100 boahola Irlh PoUtoao. Woold Dot rafooo Moal or Care, oo wo aro oat. W. N. BROWN Fobroory 10. II- Drug Storo Oiongo of BoBinces. rpIIE rjoJrr.lrnod holng porchaotd Ibo Drag X Storo of Wobb A Dlckooa, will ooetinoo ibo DEUO BUelNESSottbooldotaad. Wowlllrta lokeap a fall aorpiy of DRL'Os.ood aawahaao to pay Cath for all wo porrbooo,wo ehall oipaot all coatomcro lo pay Caoh tot what 4by boy from no. aod bytbal aoana wo will oo omo to kaop wbal yoo wont. C rc Jit baa play od oat. . JAMES Y. WIUTTED f CO. May 18th. 9V- OROANDIR MUSLINS. A nil YDS. ORGANDIE MUSLINS oa oaket UU throe JolUra per yard. II. N. BROWN'A Oo. Joly 1. oi- TBH HILLSBOnOUQH RECC2CEE, is vcotiaiao wimv dt dcnuii heahtt. tiTcnni. Throo Dollaio a yoar. If pal ta tancoi Tbrao Do I lit. ood Flfiy Crata. If ol f wubla Ihroo ooaita or Foor Dallara.lf dolayod Ulthooiplratloooflhoyoaf. No popof will bodlocoelloord eolll alt orraottfr oro paid, aolaaa at tho opika of iho poHUhar. No papar will booool l oow nlocribtro ool " Slate oolaao paymrBl lo Jbodo Is edraoco, o ovM porooa ia Iho State aball become rtopoaalbla. - Idmllilig Ettci for tie Itw&tt. Adrartloomanto Dot oieeodlDg fetrtoon lisko, 9 ootlar oad fifty etto fat Ibo flrat, aod oaftoiy eeota for each nhorporol Inrtrtloo longtr roportloo. Coort odftrUoomouU rwtiy-fie P at. hlghoi . A dadaottoo ofooo-lhUd 111 he odrariioaieby theyaat. for Sale at Uis OfSoo.

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