view before Gtw.GatTjn Sunday,' Twelve! hundred and hitj tirernen wert out. uegtt , lar mails have been established with the North'.; Tha city is divided iuto districts, each having a Provost Marshal. Geo. (I. R. Jackson, it is stated by the Republican, has been captured before Nash ville. .No new movement of the etiemv Is reported. : Fort Fiiher is considered the strongest in America. Hitler Withdrew his troops, considering it an impossibility to take the Fri. - v. ' v The Russiaa Minister at Washington has been ordered by the Czar to go to con gratulate Maximilian upon his quiet seces sion .to the throne. The Yankee pipers do not like this. FR9M THE UNITED STATES. A syaofsis of tie correnpesdenee be tween Brazil and the United States rela tie to ihe.seizure, ol the Florida, is pub lished. The farmer characterizes the seiz ure an act of most transcendent wrong and at an uQeuco against the houor sod vereigutref the empire. Seward replies j Tu have justly ospected that the Piesi iliint would disavow and regret the proceed iii. at B.i lna. lie will suspend Captain t'JIiuM dire'et liim to appear before a Coart Marital. IV Cental at Hahia will be uiimmI. Seward save the crew of the Florida will be set at liberty to seek refuge wherevrr they ma) find it, with the hazaril ol recapure wlicu bevwud tbe ju risdiction of th Ifnite J State. The Board of u pervitin of the Citv - . a k ft . a iouitcil ivr lU have resolved l lain four nillieuadolUrvle pay one Ihoe tod ilollar bounties. 1 fcVie 1'residci.t Dallas died at Phil adelphia oa ih 3tt. U.dd 57$. ' A W aldington tei-gratw say it is under- twl the iira.iliao ounister it perfectly MtiMieil wiin Hit decision ol the Govern- ittmi ir the Florida case. United Statee papers report eclr five U"Mlutioa v pensioners are now living. A Fi'iirhHian has obtained a paint fr whalc leather, which is found to be re BiaiLablv pliant soft". The skin it a.. itiirk that alter removing the inner portion, whult i spungy, the remainder is split to make it 01 me weeel shoe llickie. It is irinarkahlv toajh, but as sodas bickskio, aud it rpeU water as well. Tiie Augasi (.'otsutotiooalM says that ih Kiecotive of Georgia, a anon" l da a r csn be repaired, will re-cenne the l..-:tUioie f tuat Slate. AU the rra-rv-nilihft ol Uwria hare bsra furluogltud b Gov. Hraoii, until farther arder. A Irtw Irvm Gen. Veigba m a rentle. ens, io Chtrl-Mle. states tat the Virginia sli neiksand lead osiaes were but slight ly injared during the late Yankee raid. Iser Admiral Pt.rtrt'e an of the pro rrrd ofaaptared sottn,blo:kade riiaers. Six.t sinoe he assuoied -cmaod of the North Atlaitio UUckadiog se,uslrn. is said 10 aasoaqt to UO.OOU. (trer S5.00D bales of roltoa hsve beeo raptured, worth $l.5Qi,00(J. The tots) valee of the cap tures by hit squadron since August lat is over $2,000,000. trv. bur. a sun oa SLaviev From a g'ntleaaa who has had several reruita iios ith Gen. Sbereun recently, "the 0n$titutilit learns, kt sirs slavery wiil tiist iajheSnoth after the conclosioa f peace, let tbe wsr terminate as it may i thst Lincoln's proclautitns in refcrance to its sielitim, are siosply weans for the rrMorstiao of the Union ; tha! the Supreme Curt base not aid will nt sustain him, ith.r wdl (lie Inderal Gaverament at tempt t aolisti slsvery, but trill leave it to the Mates return to the Union to set tle it, and that ho (Sheitninj eipects to wi a thounnj slaves in the South one of these days. He repieseat Sherman as being a tho rough fsnat'C upuQ the subject of restoring lt" glomes t'iett.M tt . .. ... ... . 1 . re nofto. we believe it tt be true that the eaeioy bat rectited a heavy check ex the Tennessee river, aa4 that two en tire brigades were taken froso him alto that Forrtst has captured an iaameai wa n train, with many asore prtsoiers. Dftravorif Fits to Kphtoi. Oa Sua jliy night a ett detructiva Ire occurrrd the towo of Kiaittfti. Ntai t'leiteati itb their outi:i-ie were destroyed. The re is tkoti;,t hy some to hate been the orkol inediaiit, Teavivo t' Ateea Aignta, Jan. 5. -A vieltat loroads pnit aver MieMIt f . i ' t ; - Alabama on the 28tb nit., ccmrnencirig west of Mostgoe"ryand ranging along the whole line tf (he, Montgomery and West' Point Railroad. Woods were prostrated and the railroad bridge 20 miles east of Montgomery was blown'dowo. : At Auburn the storm raged with great fury, a large unmher of houses were demolished or uu roofed,, and 15 'persons , were killed. At Opetika several buildings 'were destroyed and 2' or S lives lost. The amount of da mage done by the storm was immense. Booos in S a v anna h.- A ug u s ta , Jan. 5.T-dy's Constitutionalist con tains the proceedings' of a meeting of citi zens of Savannah, copied .from the Loyal Georgian yarikee paper in Savannah at which Mayor Arnold presided, and A. Partin and li. K. Ewing were Secretaries. The first resolution adopted Lihcolu'a lan guage that peace was to be sought by laying down our arms and submitting to 'the na tional authority under the Constitution, leaving all other questions to be adjusted by flio national legislature, by conlereacc aud ballot. The second was in favor of burying all by-june. in the grave and usin; their best efl'urts far the rest oratier ' the properity and commerce unce eujoved'. I'll third cUini the privileges and imiiiu nitieo oll'ered in Lincoln's proclamations and messages. The fourth requests Gov. Brow a to call a Convention ol the people that they may vote on thequestiun of con tinuing or slopping the war. These reso lutions, whicn were unanioiously adopted, were reported by a committee consistini? of Col. Uorkwvll, A. Lippman, Ur. Wilson, .ua.Mu vjvuicu in opousyivaaia and else here in Virginia, ho were sent South wifhimt tnnk:.. D,.L. I o: .i ........ . iMvuiuj, itibmwDU oiuce inf war han nnn .... -i .r- .... j -- -M... wen nave jiaiiru mt doers of the Libby and departed a prison ers Of War. Tfie Presbyterian congregation at Union, Duplin county N. C, have agreed to give their pastor. Rev. James M. Spruet, a sat ary of $500 in. specie a year, or its equi valent. V i - o",a,ft .Brig. Gen. S. W. Ferguson, of Wheel erg cavalry, nresenifd fin h.i nf vbich he had cpturd from the enemy,' to pvwjiio ,ii ivueigeviiie. The Concord (New Hampshire) Mnoitor learns that in some of the towns in th.t county snow drifted in mien of sir nH eight feet deep on Sunday, the 13th ult., and that persons in getting up their youn x.hL 1. ...... : . i . ... Hum uuiiariug pastures last vveu. nesday, had to break paths in some places to get through . Ox Carpkv The Persian and Turkish system of carpeting rooms is infinitely bet ter and prettier than ours. The Pe"r9ian. carpets are exquisitely beautiful ; their co lors are brighter, the designs prettier, and they are far more durable than European and American: carpets. They are made in strips, usually between two and three yards long, and about one yards in breadth, to go round the sides of a" room, with a square Martin Duz-n.ii. li. Mills. W. 1). Weed.Ther do not require tu be naill or fiit.H andU.d LacLtoii. A et oileinau (ioim Sa.;and a sufficient number of them will .f course, carpet any room, huwevei large or small, -riiey have a very rich and. grand appearance too. In summer they are easi ly taken up, beaten, rolled and out aid Lby a single man servaot; and in the hot 1 1 1 I a m w earner wny snouid we not more general ly imitate continental custom by painting or polishing our floors ? vaunxlt as that only 1? persons were at the meeting. The Chronicle and Sentinel of this morn ing contains a significant couiiuunicati.iu entitled: "Is it treasoiable to secrder" A WODCL CHOOL. Madame Caiopan gives the following ac count of tUe Kmpemr Alesander'a visit to at Kconen: The Huiprrr inquired into the most mimtc particulars retpecting the estsb luhioent at tkoioen ; and Iflt great plea sure in amwrriiig his questions. I recol lect having dwelt on several points which appeared to me very important, and which were in their spirit hostile' to 'aristocratic For ezample, I informed hi Msjeaty that the daughters of distingaish ed and wealthy inditidaals. aid thote of the bumble and obscure, ero iadiscrinji Lately Mingled together iu the establish- cut. If, said I, I ware to oberve th leat preteosiou oa account of the raak or fortane of parents. I should immediately put aa end to it. The saest perfect equal ity i preserved; distinctiou is awarded ouly to eaerit aad-iudattry. The pupils arc obliged ts'cut and stake their own clothes. They are taught ta clean and tnejd late, aid two at a time, they by tirns, three times a week.eook aad'di-tnbata victuals to tbo poor of the yiHage. a card. rpiIE MISSES CAMEKON continue totake ia pUiu wwing, chargiDg olj price U piid ia pro vioien at old pricaa, or tbe present rat ( proiiu if puis ia inooty. J10aa7.ll. . . 78-Sw NOTICE TAX IN KIND, Wr. will antel th Fsrmtxs of Orange Couniy. ia ttV l he Jitlf of Carn.Fail.Ur. f.ll a II. into roiaioe. jnuiaatv. toum. rciL.n,tni. nj j Ground Prs, at toe followioj time snd Ucea: Al UrOar UTavr, on Moodaj sod Tueauaj, ths 16th ana I7tn ol January. Al CalJwHI. oa Wcduetday aod Thursday, tha ISth sod 18lB. At Liptcamb's, on Friday aodSaturdaj, tht SOtb ana ziai. , At Hilltboroaph, on Maaday, Tuesday anJ WaJaea Am, tl 22J. Ittli mmi 25lK. At Chapel Il.a, an Friday aod Saturday; tbe S7th and J8th. ' Al Dathaaa't, an Mm'ay,TueJay and WadneaJay, tha 33th and Slat of Jan., and tat of February. Al T. J..Ca:ce'a Sure, on Fridy and Saturday, tks 2J asd 3i ai rcbraary. Alt wha have nal IiateJ iheir Wheat. Oat. &r -ii 1 io jnmi mi ibc fi'tjije. 1 n ii warn ui'i nui imrj ineir nrai, wai. CCC, 1 be yaanr ladies whe have been brnueht lw',! b Weld ''"I d atuiJ ilia. p op ia say boardiug scUcl are thormighlr ;nllJ. . . ... , .... , ..A.'...tlj .! 1 .- 0 ' Man wh are al home will plesaaaaoloha ink tha aeqiaiu ed .tl, eoerythiug relating to :tnpt ( lh,ir ,1hb,rtW.r. .haeoi. and .r Household business; and they are grateful lUeir wives the ttaut.!s of earning out. and all other tm Ifl faaa KlirlA V fats 4k it as t t...M I.J... - - -- - sunuc it ea aiqi si iisjia eddcstiao. In my coiversatiuo with. them I have always taught then that on domes tic maaaufnt depends the preservation er dissipation of their fortunes. I. impress e'pto their mituts the necessity of rrgulat- in; win auniion me utsit trimnf daily A.P.srftoUD. ?AM.. J. A. TUKRUiNTINE.N Janosry f.lSGo. TAX IN KIND. 'PHE auWriHer i ready al all lime- la rererve dale W m a . . . . . al t;aia. r.ri In Hnt.fna.. ..(. I.ul. ----- ........ m pi vbib. r 0 !. iriBii r !(, in oil. ca, v etpisra; but at tha SS.oe time 1 rrco.m- tun, Tea. Beans, and Gmund fe. ' asead theiu t sv:d making dootestic de-1 . J. A. TUURKM1NK, Jimnr. tans tne subject of ceovcraatien id ike diaicj reo 11, fr this is a oiost decided mark of ill breedtor. It is nroner that all should know hew to do sod direcf, bit it is eoly for iil-euucated weruea to talk aboat their, csiriares. sertaats. waibinr and conking. , These are the reason, it, why my pe Deeeaser JUt. 7- NOTICK. (riAVI.VO at A(ual Terra cf Ornre C-nnH I A Cgrt, qialtfiej aa Eiecutur of ib will ol U. F. Lone, dccea-e.l. notice i hnebv ti-n to nil per Vi.e hsviug claims againrt ail ftata la prrat ihem for payment itb!0 the time preterilied I y law. i, . ' , , t or iui niue win ne iiisj m oar ai tnir lecovery , pill are generally superior to thsse broeght j ,, ihae who are indrbtrd ta the eata.e are reuan- On in alliar aafakli.liixaf a. Ill i. r.H. .1 .t.: . r!.. ..i. . -H- , iu i mmmm iiuuitHiiair vmi nirni. dieted es -the most simple pUo; the youog laaica an taM everything M winch they cai possibly stand in seed nd they are Coiiseqeeutly as much at their ease ia the brilliant circles of fashfei, as ia the most humble condition of life. Fertile confers rsok, but edacatiea trcakes haw fa sup port it properly. a SaaaaS salaatWaslajSO Aa Armv tt Harmless Taakdaa hat anted th' Riekmoad within the rear Just eipiring. Fra the statistic of the 0 a 1 m a a - ml u cierc 01 tni MVhy prison, Mr. Kmi, we leara that, from tht 1st of January, 1804, to ;ne ivtn 01 uecenmr or na tame year, 31.630 Yankee all rrades. oa. Ual, tengaei, ceiiplciioMi sad kindreds. . a a. . a, . -- . passea the l-ilayas priieuinor war. This sttabtr ii iidspeadeat of aboit tt i&ty Becciitbcr 14. J A WES WEBB, Eft. NOTICE IS hereby give to all wha wih to hire f ir iba yat 1463, taal t w.ll hire on the S6ib f Decemher puMiJy er pntairly.or any time lelo prisaly nine NEtSRt) ME.X. inclulmt w capital Clack einiiha. Alas al the -a ma unto ( will hire si tvea NK'JKU WOMEN. Tbe hiring will lake oJace st tieuib Lawell. aa.akaiaaM a, a B . m . JAMbS A. ilbrili&usiiii VR?. ITUSKE will icitirae her SCHOOL esi the 17'h of January. Terms, $100, ia ad- vane. January 4. A' PRIVATE SCHOOL. ' Sa.amn a' If!., li . Ms..... n . . for roong Ladiea will begin ou the 10th of Fe bruary, Only a limited number of pupil can be re ceived. For particular information address Mias M. F. Msngum, Flat Kivelr, Orange cvuoty. December 31. ' V7-6fr FOR SALE. cibciipni pair 01 tiLr eKIN S00T6. Aoy one wiahimg te buy cao get a splendid bat gain by inquiring al this office. ; a tL ; is OTIC E. rTIHE oaderaigned has been appointed Agent to .receive and forward boxes for aatdiers and pri aoner., The boce meat be carefully nailed and trapped, and delivered at the office of Mr. Hill ia Hilleberough, the last day of every month, on which daya I will be ibere ta receive them. Boxea for pri soners must oet weigh more than 100 pounds. HARRISON MOflK. January 4. Tl Notice Confederate Taxes. , OpiIB Aaseasera will attend, in company with the A OVIIeclor, at Hil'borough, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the 23d, J4th and 25th daya of Jana ary, 1865, and at Chapel Hill on Friday aod Satur day, the 27ih and 28lh of January, 1865, to Uke tbo retnrna of Quarterly Sales for the qusrter ending 31st December, by all Merchants, Uutchers, and traders ef all kinda. Diotillera who have not made returns are requested to attend te it at the above tiioee and places. All pereons engaged in any. buaineas ar occupation taxable ondei the 4th section of the Tax Act, are alae requeeteJ to regiater their busjnees'er occupation at tha stave mentioned timca and places. The income from all vecatiene, salaries, dec, will be itcd and collected at the same time. All persona holding Stale bende are lefuested to list ihem and pay five per cent tax upon them. All delinquents will have an opportunity of listing and paying any and all taxes heretofore oegleetsd, snd thereby avoid the penalty of tbe law. ... Fuaciual attendance with lists, etc,, made, will be eipected on the perl f its psjers. H. M. C. STROUD.O . M.A. ANGIER, 'JAssessaia. vH December 38, 1144. . 11-4w Kev.SSlh. 7V-1r NOTICE. rtiHB of HtvM and raorrtt are placed to A t i hsnS f C. Ii. Pi'i.h fr riileetin. All paraene iadebied to the ft. met refueted teeittr with hia ieitaediatel. o KAY k n VCETT. KsveaW is TJ ' ON SALE. 1rtffl,bfcBNGLlj,H COPPERAS, 1 UUV iak,gaODA ic BRIMiTOM, English INK and silate PENCILS, ENGLISH SOAPS, aasorled, LsJie Blue CLOAKING. cloves, mace and nutmegs, MARINO SHIRT. DARK CALICOES, HAIR PIKS. Haad tod HillSswFILES, . Yeod and Hore RASP8. II. K. BHOWN Cf. Nov. 18. s TfRE IRON. 500Q Nov. ID. WHITTED eV Cf). 74 Cfniafgsiii: JTerrfcrrlf, WE aelioil cenigr.tnfrtia of r l o t; u , IACOX, Ac. Vc. Aa. Will bo able to lender aa'n 1 !ar.i' V has ell kiuda of Produce. - W A N JED, IOiIO bunhelaFLAX Eil, A3 bushils IKI3II I'OI AXOES, 100 lb. HtJI'.s, . ICO buahel GK'lUND PEAS, 8nulie tLMtiXS, , flAKUE.V EEDd. TAKU NtiriCE. Our larm. in fmm .lava aaaaT be rash on delivery. . . II. N. BROWN & CO. Naveinbir I. , . 79- SALT! SALT! - TTE will ei-hanee the het kind of Fine Dry MALT for Grain or F.our. Everv kiad et Country Pr.nJuce bought or bartered far. J. x. Willi TED Si CO. October S3. II NOTICE. f P1IE euhacribero willy Thre Dollar far Ow Hide and Seven DolUrs far Dry Hidsa,doliverd at their fan Ysrd in ChsptI Hill. hi tan .te leather for ono-lbyi aa4 Ursar lsthei Ia iotfhall. BMEkSON outhriu. Nov. 30 a. TsV CXCCUTO&'S SALR. i WILL eifer for aalo at the lato resides of fit. 0. 1. 'J'huniiy lb Xd fey ef rftvT next, hi so-a af Mnlvine. Hurcal faarumei Feather ., Matraee, lfeosteade. asd a 5r f etbet artirl Dsavvabee 14. ' 1