At r o iji rt ft 1 ii.mi ' . ME IfW - v' i I Bit W . ' xi " . . t ' s 'nil, ' ' ' ' ' '-. " ' - -, ; THE CONSTITUTION AND THE LAW8-THE GUARDIANS OF OUR LIBERTY rtt. XLV. HILLSBOKOUCH, N. C, JANUARY IS, 1865 No. 2279. Ai Act U licrtait tha Efldeacy cf Urn Ileal Onard Orgailiatlon. Sac. 1. i?e if enaettd by tht Gentrml At ttmbly Me ie AVrA Cbrotn. and if if htrtby tntettd by Me maturity Me earns, That whenever tht Guard lor Heme Defence ehtll bt callH iiltiervictbtjaad Ike limits ef their respective ceittiei, tke Oevcrner wtj citee two r mart caapa ice tt be cvaiflidittd inte ie ceivpur, at to nake i Ivsi tbia iitvftr mt'n, raik tad fie, t nk rmpaiv')ai(l cn pin io ceiiotKltteil inell eUctfrm Ike Cepttiot ceaanaadinr; tke cempaies 10 Mlii!aUd a Captau tt cn&ed such ctttiiUtrd cvmptij, and (fm tke First Lienteanti( Secvad Licateaaals aod Ja nier Secead Lieettruati af each cmpa nir , aa eficer f eack af said risks ka euitaed ta datj with suck csastlidated oa pan, each af tht cera af cenpanics aa ceasalidated aa aaajr aat be elected far crice witb sick eeatvliated cwsapanjr, shall be reairtd l perfvrai service as nenceaifliissiatd eClrcrs ar privates is Ike cwatelidated cameanv faraitd af tkeir ri(iaal canpanies. sad wkile sa sertiaf their cvfasntsstaas thill be ttiaeadetf. Src.f. fit it furthtr enmetei. That tke Otveraer ma ta like maaaer caase ta r re bsttaliaaa ar rrtifarats ol tke Heme teard whea catted tatosarvice beroad ikeir bslUliaa ar rrrimtatal linits, kea catted iata service witkia sack limits, ia caavectia witk atker pnrtiaas af ick frce, ta be caasatidttrd, aaid battalions kea a caasalidsied, to be campsed at tat Itsa than three cwmpaeits, aad said reri meats arkea saconaalidsted ta be cempoeftd ofaot mora tkaa teacompaaice. Tke Go eraar bjij asiia ta tke comasad al sark atatoiuuiei battahfB ar rrrimait tar aa tar or officers Irani tke )MtuUat ar rtft meitaaifHdated. -1 ' ' Sec. 3. Bt it furthtr rurtt4. That tke Gavernor mav, ta kis ducretiea, ia coa- atitatiar tkecaasotidstioa ceiapaaies con teaip'atcd by tke Irs! station hereof, take the aae faertk. eiathirl, or oae-hatt af . ear rompaav aa at preaeat t'tiaised with ailaaproportioaof itsaQeers, oat of which ta eeatitite sack ciaiolidsted cam pan? aad sack af tke aCcers af eampsnies as at Dreseat artaaizod, as ni; be p'aced with rsctiaas of their catapaqiet, ta larm a cao aolidsted coattaav as ntir aat be elected ta camnsad aacb coalidated company, shau be required ta serve ia seek consol Is ted cevpaar'as aen-cannniuianed wfH- era or privates, aad while soitrviag their niiiana aaaii oe iiipenoeu. j aa uv vemar ksll have power to ditcriaiiaate to lavor f farmers aad oaechsaici, when he calle aat a less nemberthaa the whale af a '('mptav.attv ta tieclare vacsat ihe aSre l aa ameer who ts declare J bv a medirs board pcraasaeatlf diaablcd far f eld date 'k-r fi'e coitltiaor Heme Gssrd,er a . Jlcit wna aksceads t tke e array. tec. 4. lit it furlhet twcttJ, That at Oaarternitaters and Cammisnrievaf rtgi tents or batiliaas af Heme Gasrds as a lirraeaterftnized, that way aat be atiga i J t laty by tke Oeveraorwifk a eunseli dated battaliea ar rrcisicnt, shall ba re ;uird t serve aa ua-camtaiiiaaed afi ears or privates, la some aae company iltir preieat comataod, aad whi so sarv btT their coinaaisaiona ihsU be seipended. alee. a, tit it Atrtktr tnactti, that the Xt'tena RearrsT, br aad with tka advice ! ronteat of tke Ueveraor, shall appsin a 'hfediesl Hoard fer rack Cenireaaiena Uiiriet In ihia 8tate, wKass buaineas it htall be ta assmiaesll pertaas clumisj temptiaa from Heme Oasrd doty aa sc event of khtsical disability, that these ct amiaatiaas ihsll be made at suck time aad uader each rules and regelauoatasma be eatalilisheil by the Sarj'ea Oeaeral, aad iat the Riembcra af said Dosrds shall ra else tke same psy tad atlowaace while aa itr as ike Confederstt Cauaerbt Beards. ec. j. JJt it further tnattti, 'hat wkea , ath eampanies, batisliene ar tfjlmeali, I ave beta coDsoHdalsA as bereia provided l i, they aSall centinie ia such erf&nisa i as aatil farther previsieai shall ba laadi Sec. r. Bt it furthtr entcttd. Tfcat thai second sertiaa of " aa act ia retatisn to the ; Militissnd a Oasrd for Home Defence." ratified the 7th day r laly, 1883, be, and the same is hereby amended, by strikinj out the word these" in the 9th line af said section, aad inserting the ord ' the that tka third eection af "an act te amend aa act in relatien to the Militia and Oasrd far Hame Deleace." ratified tke 14th dar of Deccavker, 1863, he and the same is kereky amended, by insertiag between tka warns rernlar "and millers," the wnrde aad public, aad by interline between the words tn titers " and blackimitbs" lha word aad, aad that the pre viae at the end of said 3d section be aad tka same is hereby repested t That in addition ta the exeaapiteas specified ia '.he acts aforesaid, there shall be eieaupt from Home Guard daiy all county trustees, tegular sad public taaners, hatters sad shoemakers skilled ia their respective calliajs, aad wka were em played ia the sams prior ta the 1st day oi January, a. u., ibos, aa have coatm aed to be to employed siacc that time. rrttxM, taaaera shall sell aae-third af their leather to iadircat said tar's wives and widaws fr their on a ae, at schedule prices. rmutti, that bo provision of this tel shall be so caastracd as to ckempt from militia service any persua mentioned here in, ia cseefactaal eervile inaurrection ar iavssUmnf the ceaatr la which he resides, by Federsl farces, escept the persons and ctasaes mentioned in td section of an act in relation to the Militia aad a guard far Ilme j)cfeace, ratified she 7th af July, 1863. See. I. Bt it furthtr tnatlti, That this act shall be ia force from aad after its rat ification. Read three times aad ratified ia Geaeral Assembly this 44 day of December, A. U., I Baa. ' r - Shall harl hi aanl tram beam, And fiala ehail catch al keep tke Sabbith baly as to them, with lorried ia iafamT.igh apaa the rails of L,V.,"-!il!.AU:.bM,ki .? !? u& dafaste. while it fin? K-r:" 4.T.!T "v? ? ther shall meet at tka iaai .v.. ... lH Hanuo mare iron is. " compt," tke wi4owa leak r"r""l,H nssus an size ai ier ice, than any establishment ta England which waa aepi ia oneratioa oarior the labbsth, . 8. In New Tork. tke miad of a maa wh. Gp Ovkbthxowi Nations." At what made lull a mdlioa a year went out ia the M"taBtN God epeaketk, a aatioa'a aver aisniui maunessatdan ear v rrave.ia un-Hrow ia tare, as an sources ar road are lj two rears. Iram the verv atraiu uoon it at Hu dispasal, sa are all causes of evil. by a variaty of enterprises, every oae of 1 Wh Ht ptatileiee, storm, and fa which succeeded. I mine eater upon their terrible work, who 'iiwiu take iveyears to clear them or," caD "r ravages r rae demon of svm aa enaervaat master .fan Ok in -...! I war lie coniroia.ana overrules the wrath beat, atlading to the weiring oat influences f B&fl 1(1 thlt il h11 eff"t His Vrposes. 6a the bwatmca, who warked oa Sabkaths Who can preserve what God designs to a. . ii a . I 0 . . If . .. .a as wan aaaa other days. As to the boat- ac,rV. r ne can. master the vtry ale men ana Bremen on steamora an tha Waa. memo into mo war aa wates asainstaaa tera rivers, which never lay by en gab. tien devoted to destractioa. Theheavene baths, seven rears ia tke averare af kuu. I h ll be brass over tkeir heads and tka Ufa. Tke observsacc. therelora. af th. rains withheld for a aesian. aad the rtsaad - wl-w'"ll. .1, . w . seventk partiao al our time, for the pur-18"11 reiu,e increase, and gaant lamino aeiceef rest, is demonatrahl o. Dhv.i.u. estirpste a wretched people. The dcs.K gical nccessitj, a law ol oar nature. ,e,ce hall marshalt its invisible armies nirt Jal J HeullJL una aari laeai, in iweepiag rain, ever tie ' iiano. ur, one goaieas nation tie mar THE WIDOW MAXES, make His red far the paaishment af snatk- 1 TV. .:.i..' r .L. t: I ae atill mora wicked. What ia th kiatrir . mmw l.ww. n Will I VHICUIIIC8I . . . . . - - condenaed inte aaaprtthegm a short mai r RC w-rId b,t lht Blltrj nat'iona im which embodies the resell of care ol p!ted, ailded, and then slacked labor ia the sesreb after trath aad ia this " Pu,,ei and -e,tr,Jre- Has net coaveaieat form passes into evervdsv ,hu beeB "" " the Assrian king- speeca, ana serves to guide the conduct f igna io woai eeery day life. Know tkysslf."says ana. d.el" n. thf " iU E-pnrates-tke Fer- -.koowthe occaiian." saya anatker, aad aian, reignimg irnon ma laaus to tne Ue the smnunt of practical wisdom which jit'rraneaa-Damaseos and !damsaJa. these msiima cantaia. aae recommeaded dea aad SamariaGreeee aad Rome! Tka them ta tka adantiia rail r.4ii. .... warlike states of the Fhilistiaes. aad tka as eicslleat mottoes to be remembered tad commercial reaablica of Phoenicia kavi all observed, ia tke formation af oar character, D,Mm Z .... "a aeeiJM' aaa- the dispasitiaaar oar plaai aad purpo. "". V r""M ' lW9m ata. i r - r r try vamaked? V here arethoae ramparta la like maaaer. a ma as ckarsater is "'.""i1?,? f Fersepalistkasa R.S.DONNELUi.H.C. G1LKS MKBAKE.S.8. 8ABBATI FHfSlOLOOf. Tke Almighty retted one eeveatk at the tire of creation, commtndinf aaa to ob serve aa eeaal reeie. The neglect el this injuaetioa will slwsys, soeaer or later. krit meats!, moral sad phyaical desth. Rest is aa iBvsrisble law of animal life. The busy heart beats ever, from iafaacjr ta age, aad yet far a urge part af tke time it is in a state ol repair. William Pitt died of tpeptesrattheear ly age af forty-ea. Wkea thr destinies of natiwns bung ia large measure upaa "hit doings he, Ult, compelled to give an ears miuiagaiieatian to aaairs oi oisie. oao bath brought no ret to him, and sa the unwilling brain gse signs of exbaattiao. But bis presence in farliameat was con ceived to be indispeaaable far einlsnstian aad defence of the public policy. Under sack circamitances, it was his custom to eat heartil of asbusatial food, most hirhl v seateaed, jstt before goisg to his place, io order to afard tke bedr that'strcagth aad to eicite tke miad to that activity deemed necetaarv to the menientea eccaeiea. But aader the hir.1i teation, bath brain aad body pemhed prematarely. Not laar tea. oae of the mat active bu siacaa men in England faaad bis afiaira e eitended thst he deliberately determined to devate kis Sabbaths labia accounts. His views were so comprehensive, so Isr see ing, that weJth cesjs apea him like e Heed, lie parchated s country nit, at tke cost of loar thoaaand dollars, declaring that he woald oe katc rest and quiet. But it was too late. As he stepped on we threikatd.aftcra survey of his last par chaae, he became apoplectic. Although lils was nut aestroyeif, na eai lives to oe ma wreck of a man. It uicd ta be said that a brick kila must be kept baraing ever Sabbath)" it is a kaawn to bo a al acr. 4 rare cio as no must" agsiast t divine command Even now. it is a rsceived opinion, thai iroa blast furnaces will bring rain if not keat ia continual eperatiea. Eighteeo sometimes sammed ap ia aaa phrase, aad "S'jan jertsajewf wear a name is given la kirn, as iadlcatiag tkat ?rTJr' h ck Trd of Arttl. character, b which he will be known ia all lhe. 'k,hP f Sidoa The k.sury of aabaaHat kUtr .J .kw .tn ..r.. natt'ina has been n hiatorv af rise. prorresa. ta Jiatinraiak him. aa iaitiai Jn.l tratm prosperity, decline, decay and fall. Phi. all his race, for the possession of thoae i!"PDr h,UB kaman causes af all good nr evil qualities which have mace his th" d,M' "to tliey have faand designation appropriate. Tkua w have t a profoander philosophy. look- tack appsllations as "tke rood." -tke LnS. beneath surface theories, anifsrml wiae "the meek.- "tke bold," as indi fi.nU-, "f1. "'hasemeat forerasaiag na- eating that their totsesaors were diatia- urn' ,n',,,M! coanecting the one gaisked bv the exhibition of these virtaes. ,"tr ! the cnceptieaefa Such surnames ss "the butcher,- "the J ruling God. "Ih. t..t. .M..P...r.. -Tr... When, wt anaieaslv inquire, bf what siona by cantcmporariea ot what must be 18Wer9shkU w? P"f t1i,d B?PB; the jadgmeal of history oa the character of J rwW onaii inoaigaawi tbaao who are deemed to bear them. Z ,.... V xaz" r" Bat haw aameaning are all these oppro- P" 'MPPoi'er--wt sJo net enter npea ..... . lthylll(BSf, F tha ana mmm h.)iI mhiii priaua names, and now eiignt ia their sug ' ,7 " -. r-.-i, gestion ofwickrdoessrb the side of that . iirncies our faith rests up. spplied by the New York Day Beak, to the '. " dubt that the power be President of the United State.. longeth onto Him. . BntWK " Tha widow-maker !' What I coares trstiaa f ill that is horrible in the crime Tna NawsrApaa Bouaeii. Wkitever 01 narder, is to be round in tnis " new laUemay be said of aewapaper men, it can -asme," which tke jadgmcnt of kis own not be aaid of tkem that tbev are extor people lias added to the msnv by wkicn tinners. A lew figures will show tliit. For inai moat onioriuaate 01 an ruiera is even almost every article they consume in their now kaawn tbreuphout the civilized world, families or in their buaineaa thee hata ta We caaa.t ditacutfrora the sppellatioa as pay pricta regulated by Confederate ear. beinz aaworthilv bestawed, when we ro-lreicv naid foKiruld coin. At nreaant una ' . . . ... 1 ... 1 .. .0 r inentocr tn.' long, long cstsiegne 01 nes- gold in;iar demands from fort? to nltT L I . . I . 4. f7l . . I . ? I . m . . .... . .1. . uiaaa waa nave oecn oarriea ia. inair gravea world .11 iL . O. I . U a U . a. 0- B - - L . a aL.f Olt a. an mo oioou mat nas oecn ancu, irum iaai una uoi ar and a bait oer vear in ra af the first martyr in this revelation, down fore the war no msn woald think ten dol to the Isst msn who has fielded his life is Urs per year toe much for n daily paper, this destructive war, Ihree milUene.ef At. that rate ear subscription priee should men have periaked aiace the United States new be Jour hundred doUtrt, and yet we began tke invasion of tke South,' aad charre but tixtxi. When newspsnsr read throughout bth sectiaas of a once hippy I era murmur at the advance of tke price of laad the wail of tke widow and the orphan newspapers let tkem just thiak of this. has never ceaseS to pierce the skies. That I The Wiliningjea papers have just raissd ar asceads day sad sight, and calls fori their rates af subscription aad advertising. vengeance upon aae anhsppy maa -the au Hie daily papers or that city new are 5 tkar of all this misery. Aad that cease for three months, aad advertising ia $5 per Isaa cry will ka heard aad answered. If -quire for each insertion. Tna lira pi a net in tkis world skill coma the retributive truth is newspapers willhaveta increase judgmtat. at lent at tke bar of divine jus I their rait I or stop, or elie a great change !...t.-J -.1. ..I !J M.JIIi"..lf.L .. .. l - . . T . . n - er tkv' long, long catalogue of has gold dollar demands fram fort? to fifty 1 wha have been hurrie4 to. their ronlrderatedollaVsuy forty. We charge a by the nod of this despot of the new fur oar.dail paper at the rate af lixtf I. Far' we meat hold him guilt vf Cwafederate dollars per year, wbickia just e blood that has been shed, from that una tlol'ar and a half per year in gold. Ba ilee the demsnds ot the widw wilt be met I in other matters mast take place. Soma aad answered. "The name of the wicked (general standard of Value must be rscog shall rat," but tha memory af the wicked laiied, and tie doa t cars taach whit they ears igs, ad Englishman determined to im ueir aciiaiit man. "ine wiaaw.miscri win 0; v p.f may ue, 5o Jiwrna,