I nerentined Soath Carolina in sece ding either as to" the time or manner in hich she did. Among the people whom I represent, I always rather moderated-than s-tiraakted their sentiments. I ever coun selled against disunion speeches, contend ing always that the action should- be spon taneous on the part of the people, as unity ef action alene could justify us. , v , " Yet in tfte convention of 1851. m tne tfien stated affairs. I voted for the ordi nance and voted for it heartily. And in !oing so, I.considered that I gave my State the only chance left of saving herself from tuinf That chance has gone against her. I submit to the decree, and I believe I am sow and will prove in the future, as good, as true and as loyal a citizen asaay one. and that in the past and now, my love of republicanism h as heartfelt as that of any But I cannot vote for the ordinance ot tfce committee: l consider the ordinance cf 1861 as authorizing all civil and xnilita rv acts committed , by officers of the State daring the past four years. During that time it was eustained by the military now, er, while the civil, through executive leg islative and judicial officers, all that con stitute a State, was regularly administered, and nqr one was heard to raise his voice against it in the courts of the State, rhere fore I can neither for myself W ethers.as r asthe past is eoncerned; vtfte that it is i i A:.k; .wnAHr!iido that 1 was An usurper of power, while acting under the seal of the State, nor shall I vote that I teasi Yet I am willing to vote in the -strongest terms tha it is a nulity ;tha the Constitution of the United states is in tun .;tkuut act of ours, and thus bary what is certainly dead, the doctrine it secession. . , , Tim o-rMt Athenian Lawgiver provided tliat in all matters of publ'ib concern, eveifc oi seamon, any iui 1 ordinates to come to mm ic iniorniauon a iW ratfrftet between the links' and t.i; n-ivin rrplif tu their issues. mv piivi jj" f ------ - . In article I, section 10, of the United States Constitution, the States are pro' uoueu trora passim an? law impairing me wiguuu of contracts, aod it has been decided that here a law is in its nature a coiwrr, alitor .heMtt Vicrhta have vested under that contract, a repeal of the Uw cannot divest those rights uetcner vs. recs, o Cranch, 88. , Irr the same case it has been decided that a party to a contract eannet pronounce its owa deed jnvalid, although that party-be a sovereign State. V . Thus, then,, tne state, neuuer turuugo kor r.nntfn nor her Legislature, can grant any effectual relief to these doubly invoireu parties, -save nj nKiitinns tA.tketii. nd tans measurably if not wholly relieving them from the press ure caused by these unantiftpaieu iiaoiu ;. ' Without flmethin? of this kind is done we cannot see anything but enforced! insolvency among fc-"" class of citizens, to say nothing of the sa crifice of widows' and orpnans eauue, a a - P t N. V. Cor" BorWgh; la the Boetcn Joarnal. . THE RICH MEN OF NEW YORK-ROW THET .WORK. a. Nav bank clerk On a salary of a thousand dollars a rear gees to his bank as regular- ly, or works as many nours, as m. o. AStor, wue counts up nis "imim. His little one story office, a step or two from proadway, on Prince strtet, with its iron bars, making jt resemble a police pri son, is the den where he performs his dai ly teil, and out of his wealth and labor gets only this victuals and clothes. H t attends personally to all his business, knows every dollar of rent or income that is tor become due, nays out every dollar, makes his en- tries in his owi nnu, ouu iii" 9u ; HILLSBOROUGU, N. Wednesday, October 18, 1SC5. rsr Sabgcribcra in arrom for the Rocorder are rncitlv raauested to'make ptjment All af oar eo- teinpoiariaf: require psyraanl in dance, and we are not ls needy thin they. If money cannot aa aao, bring ua piwiioni flour ii epeciatly wanted at prtsent.--, :. : - Atiaeementa will be oue ky the commijtee to reeeite end coney the brelhren frern HUUbo raueh te Little River Chursh, who wUb U attend Preabytery, which ueete oa Fridaj the Mth ef Oc tober. The committee will attend at HiiUWorooglk on FtiJey morning. ' , The Election. The election ia thle-State for Governor, member ef the Atwmblyi an! Rcpre cenUtifea in Congreee, will be held on the eeeond Thiidey U November oett. should be disfranchised and -dishonored, wh:jeT;e doeVnot. so ti them. 4le gene il. fKn2 mvo th Srate the benent ot evj-1 Tv man's judgment . and rntsUigence. 1 i ia business until nveo clock. He CT We are iueU d o iey, that W.Gmea, Eeo,, having yiclJed to ike eolicitattoae of many frienJi, ie a candiJste for- the Houe ot Commooe in the Legislatare ef tta State. XT The next session of the North Carolina Con- faience of the fe:hdlist Epiwopal Chateh 8outb, will be held in the city of Releif h, to commence on Monday the fVh ef November. OT The neitncMton of the Baptiet Slate Con vention of Nenh Carolina, will bo beU with the ehmcch at ForeetviJIe, to commence oa WedneeJej the let of NJvteier. . . SIOUIOIS S9 IIUUi Mil UliUJjC9 IUU VVIl.ll fimrrnri fnr nardon. while such conserva tive anion men as Governors Graham and Morchead were refused his rccommenda-- tion. " . ' . . ' . Mr.T. read many eitracts from the 8tan- , dard while under the editofjal charge of r.n Hnldn. to show how he had for ten years taught secession, had denounced Lin-. coin ana aonnsoUj iyian a. mnvu, the: people of North Carojina he jirged ty-" resist the government of the United States, ... i.i . i and tnose wno woaiu nwt wiui; arms should be compelled to do eo, and pledging the last dollar and 'the last man" te the support of the Confederate fovern- went. " He had heard that the free negroes want ed to ote. and some were in favor of grant tag them that privilege,' and" pessihly when they were allowed, then Gov. Graham and other who occupied his position, tnkht be taken in out of the cold." Mr. T. was- listened to thrOugliout with " great attention. REDI8TRIUTIN0 THE STATE, 1Tn1rr the Census of 1869. North Caro lina is entitled to seven representatives! Congrea. Before it was eifcht." The com mittee appointed, therefore, to rrdistrict, the State, BOUer mis new arrangement oa,. we 4earniemadi the following apportion ment, sabject to the action ef the Conven tion : ' . .ilraf XKaruf. Currituck, Camdeo, Pai- qiotank, Perquimans, Gates, Chowan, Hertford, Northampton, llalifat, Martin, Bertie, Washington, Tyrrell, Hyde and Beaufort. , , Strand ZJeiic. Pitt. Craven. Jtnei. lLeaoir, VTayte.Orerae, Kdgecombe, Wil- . l.n..kt this trill rpnuMlP3.l-I . J . ... -1 . c I. II. iae always i.uuu,u v...- " t - . aSOrceU ana inat vnt vik'."... .. est hlSj . ,Va orrriP and finda hU tfea " . . . . 1 lai Li T unvj w - r iiianhood or. his patriotism, m na oetter . . cioiesl attention to business. . nanner than te act up ta this pro:uiitf, can ikil'j and honesliy. THE STATE DEBTS THE BANKS, A.C. A friend of mine rede to Washington with, him in the ame car from Xew fork, fie neither spoke nor got out of his seat, and hardly moved? from Jersey City to Wah- a rr C . in-ton. lie usually leaves nis oir.ee at nve .. .. . .tn'rlOn. I1B H4tHUW.Vt't'V Can anv party, either in law or ta.equt-i , ... . rfVn sdvantiire of its own wrons? H ' i ti. t-'i..-r.kt-s ii.it Stat, recently in insurrection now renaJiatinz the oFi:4tion incurred 9ni, Lafayette place. He is over sis feet higl, i heavllr built, with a decided German lok.jbl We bavo received a number of Tea Tixse. It ii publubed by Meeerc. BoaUio h. Ep. aem.-iveekly; price, five doiltre per annum, or tbe doiiare for ais UoAthe. Wo are fralioec to - eur olJ friend C. N. li. Event out with to rtt a hect. anJ hiye be will meet mjih itbert prct;;. Wo are reqaetieJ to aunouacc a follows: national union andkew, jouncon " TIirKEf FOR GOVERNOR W. 7. JIOLDEN, OF WALK. ORANGE COUNTY IHBLE SOCIETY. In pursutnee nf public aotice, a portion ihe mtmbrs ot t'e urange county ni . C ....... in tS!. n! ill wm . . ir i i mi mm i.iv I m m - aw , am netvt r nil in. wi a a utrLiut-u vim uaii ivvn iv-w-w ' r - nsJiAtifl? tkfi OaVaI?ltliin mCUrreJ I - - :r w L.n .t- Uta mimAai nf rturiciTint ft2ltl ddt while "occopyiai that position, in fact, tak- J pamnkin and about as des-! etv. On mtin, Uev. II. G. HiU wa ap- son, Onslow, Carteret, Uaplin aod New Dm viLLa, Hanover. Third District. Rmoewick. Colambae, Bladen, gampeon, Cumberland, Kobem. Richmond, HarntttV Moore, Miatgoiaery. Aoon and Sranlv. s " WrriiVriYr.Wakt. Frsaklin, War-f ren, Grativisle, Orange, Nash Joba-tfin ami Chatham. , jyih Ditl rid Alammce, Rmdolp'.. Gaillrd, Uuckingham, I)iiion, Frjrythe Siokrs. Sarrv. Penn aad Caswell. Sixth District. Roau, Cabatn, Cn ion, Iredell, Mecklcnanrz, tiion. Lin coln, Catab4, Da.ii, Yadkin, WiUe and Alexander. ' Siarnth DlUritt. Ahe, .AUe-Sinv, Wotaaza. Caldwell. Karherlurd, Yancey.. Mitchell, Mcliuwflt. Bjrke, Cleave land. U.tu 1 1 . t ..... n T . n i. Tt.mi.nBiS in; silfantae of her own rnni ? Des she not say in substance,: " This i my act; l incurred jilts outigatin, out wnea t .!.! a. I wa en?a?ed tn a wronr course of action. I sinned, and you must suffer.' Further, take the case .f the banks ol Vie state. Manv. if not all rf them, were re quired by their chirter, to lend the Sute, on demacdacertati amount in proportion to thetr capiUl. i he Mate raaue mat ae tituteof.hain lie is exceedingly nopita- pmn;cuc..amBu, .u r, C ble. and ih the "season" gives a dinner tajury. Tue Comt.tatmn prepared by the h his friends weekly, at which the richest! parent Society f.r atfuliary aocteue a The.followins officers were elected fur Pola,Hen.lefan,Tranv!vania,B.incoot)e. ton, HajwiHHi, Jickrvu, Mico,Che- vUmUon eervices of sold and surtr are presented bj liveried servants to his guests. Commodore Vanderbdt never worked ; harder iu his life, oever tvorked more hoars than now. He has a confidential clerk who works like a pack horse, who has beea to their cap.tai. aneiaw maue w.u- . . , f .,.. BeMdes nnnd, and the banks had no uternauvc ; - 5 v,.-,. j.ei fa' m bus-aeM. bit compliance, it is uess w say ' executes his own contract, and the State, being-in reueu.on. ner acts or . . . . - wen ,mndi had' no force ur value. 30 1 ... - . .. . -, r. .. , r i .u c... luia ions, is no smau ton. sne vommo- fir ia the banks were concerned, the Stite " u ' . ....: . i I (lore SOti GOwll ,(v nis umnmi irinuiii ,KesedaIl the p.wer to make n- 5 . . . d fcrruii lorce its demands unde tne carters itnsu : m..-tnn .,.. g.anteu. anerc micr va9C.. f vestment of oran property, in . . dividends froio his t..... i. whirl i .mini rirpiin I t ... rv'; , TL. ... coat stock a one this year reached thepret. .nidration and should 2ive pause to thelv ... . r i.h. w , f !-. . 11. I IT llllie S'JK OI BV DIUilPU Ol UHIill, UCUU .Iv.cates o Bveepaap rejmdut -n. V ' J . . vlf v.rk wneabewassiiteen ..0 not say uu trie su e Mia oe . fc h n Wf advantage of by speculator,, t-ok her Jands and? has done r ever since. ...etea or boada at an mmeasnrable depre- in hU mwa knaw M mth i t anon, ranin2 irora jive io nur tor one.i"- .-- m. ... fc. Uat we do tliiak that substantial justice s J T ; ;'-f' I j i .i. . . i .. .. . ...ii. I he bnof s up his business wrtis Ma oa J be done, and that whit wa really J J R - . k. ... X la itll l I t WA1T I IfP I -- - - r-Kiven. anuui- uc .c..,j kt h. hiin.alf. He mikt alt theoriii i.'e. ana nomore. ncwriBiiwriiwrif- ,. . . ,e it .i nil fnincn ui mil avuu s iuu viru Lvir tv mphaticauy as we very wen recollect mau i i : :r .j ktWA. .a r f i nil mi uw iuiui staca vs Vkra ajMiv nv ee a .i.erlya lae, issues ot .orm uatouna r.:"" . k. ,K ' i.u.J Treaiurv X.tea hid disacoeared from dr. N?" ."'w .l",u' WTl . , ' 'r .I.,.....-T,.il And shoa d every racora aept oy m aHoa- caiatiotitowarJs the close of the war. Tney r ny"' , . -f.L. . s. , . . . i 'i i aeenera anai cieraa oe aeairvvcu. it wvuiv hjj Deed and are now, no uouoi noaruea .uiki.'ui.w. ,,- Vr nir'Iac uKn Hunpit. anJ nrrhann atdl I . . . . ' . . .7. i .,; " , Vf;,-J . enzmal to his own haafll. waiy mer f.e to " make a spec" out of them. , , V "" ,l. .f,.,. ; j; ' L ... ...... j. . . i rhar tnend the altmoo9 in rieinj'. M in lt;e cenuiuon ot taa noiaera ot oan . ...i.... r i. , , i n-.bipt. or in the etciieiaeot oi tne even !. tu - ; I it2 fock baTd ; but Mr. Tajior finds his bar J one. It is caeeded tint tniir siocki . ; - h. ncrallr ceased Cfbearanr ralas asIIW,i4J,r - rrii.t rtv. Their cauiral diaDDeareal. ai.d thei- note sevi x (r.ti 33 to 10 cents rn t'le d!lir een'jic4, that it about 2Jc. o 7c , fccie. This l4 might be look -1 tipni 4 aaCicifit, ut rheo in td ditii t tt t!ie stockholder are respea siali o t!a ate the; niJUot i their stock, it U 1 rd la ixe how any eo!Kiii stockhold er c -i riaifl oUent. We h irdly know haw- f ii sbing taa be dealt with, unci we nir 1 Hkctner the State ca relieve the work. THE LATE UBPALCT07A.". bank from the operation of this clause ialv,lllMn' 1 tU.r. fi-rler, aa jre.fbiaaTj .tiat.this entere Totl, , . "a, . Aiutiaticiati makes un the foUowinr list oi rectoi tieiaicawaa. Chai. Viot!.r. Heictotile Back A. TaweteoJ. N. H. Stvioa back, Bmith J. Eaalum, prJar broker, ' Henry Vt. JerAia. rotnit Eark, . P. K. MoraforJ. tock.brokcr, , E. B. Keicham. beoaer. Ub1ooa. cahir, 4375.000 ir5,0li wa.reo ISOjC'Ow lao.Oue 1 Ja. THE .HE VV M the ensuing year: Uv. tharles lliiiups froideot. Thomas B. Hill, Vice President. James Webb, Secretary. II. X. Drown. Treaurer. Thomas Webb, D. D. Phdlip. ant R. Jonet. Executive Committee. After Jistenin' t- some appropriate re marks from the Rev. Mr. Hardy, a;ent ot the American Bible Society, on potion the . .. . . .. society adjourned sine cu. II. t UlLLs uiairuan. Jaxta Wns, Sec'ry. . Fro a tt9 ISiit'n b J?enUDl. HON . JO'SIAH TURNER. Aecordin tV orevious announcement. thia gentleman addretied a verv larze and appreciative audience at the Court House in mis wiiy on rr;uav oignt last. Mr. Turner congratulated all. that tie could agxia aJdrees tkem as citizens ef the United Stiles. He endorsed the action of the Convention and the ad rain titration of President sthn son. . He would and did give hit support to the administration of Gov. Hold en, as Military Governor of the State, but as to supporting. him, should he be come a candidate for civil Governor, was a very diftcrent thing. . . . . . ... : lie read ana commented en ms petiticri for pardWand tailed it a bill of indictment a?atnat the Democratic nartv. and that he & - - t 0 w cauld emnanncl a iurv of old democrats (barring the leaders) an.d, would convict undent. , He read from hia Je?!alative record to prove his adhesion to the Union, even al ter all oi nis old htg friends in trie den' ate ul 18G0-01 had become " weak in the beck," except t'en, Dockery, Treasurer vVorih and Mr. sharp. 1 hat he had bled hi annucation lor narden in order to lain a. ------ . his friends in. their journey home," bat as it wi as yet denied htm, he only wish ed thtm a ate trip and a prosperous so- joorn ia? thl "old mansion." Ha reviewed the action Of U01L. Halite a . a . $59?ocmIb retfWMMiBg sucn inveterate ircei- vie ' luroRTaxrTa MiMTcaa. Ministers of the goapel are required by law. f afix 6e cent revenue aump ta each certificaTe f marria-e they may return totV clerk ofuce. TYi ia necerv before it can br admitted t' record. We wuuld slo state in this connection, that a failure to affix the proper stamp, to. any instrument ot writin rvquirin; the same, subjects tnr party executing such iostrumcnt tn il.e t nltvefS200. We woald soest.'a Ur as t' e ump or the marriage certif.cate t concerned, mat me party to be tt,arneu shoal J invariably farmsh it. J. frm. .mi bps urt rtum,., J,a'aT outiawi latelv vitited the houtc ol Mr. John S. Wdaon, near Florence, Alabama, killed Mr. W hit wife and two daughters, and overaeer. Troone were ent in rwruit. and killed Inor of the ruSSan. The Feniana nf Tenneascu art kirMr et cited at the news from Irefind. A great meeting was held on Teday evening at Naihtille. at which th rreatra nlhni. asm prevailed in favor of aiding the ir.de-. pendence of Irelami. WatKR jirovt ii BkLotLM A London letter remark! i 'nel2ium haalecn visited bv a water- spout of extraordinary violence.' It occur- reu id tne acignuornooii ot aiege, and na spread ruin far and wide. The accoope nving gale caught people op ia the a and i-.i 1 -a. ... . i V aa. m aaineu inem to me grounu. n cut on tne tops ef large trees ami felled many oilier to the ground. It 'topped railroad train and overthrow house. It t& t I Uv ' mm " mwr VIIVPUl . - thuhder and lightning an4 firiods of rairi. Aitosettier u was one ot the rr.l disas trous storms that ever vaitf d the enuntrj. Tne citizens of Sullivan county, Indians, have had s roeetir.jfat the purpose of dr vitin? mains ta kt ( f !. county. ThepeepletffHry county in tht iiiv uun nave p.f a.j resoiunons inn negroes shall not cenre rrc to stay. Twefitj-twabftuTtfjahave been rcbotlt la tht bliraC d-icf a! Rithmnnit UT1 eiptyisotvtejjylrfjnljhrd. .,