themselves fullr equal to the task f directing the movement oft large army, f lg! l08"inn nl much we may estimate the wtiiitrry talents of any of the great General of the nation, re are net impressed strengljr with their adaitationtothe task of ruling a great, free people. . EaktgkStjitincL t From the Standard. LOCAL MWSTEKS' CONVENTION. -The Convention re-assemUedla the Ci ty of Raleigh at 12 o'clock, December the 8th, at the call of the Committee. On raw tien of Prof. Pool, Dr. It. Hooker was call ed to the chair aid J Branson appointed secretary. L. Branson being called upon to explain the objects of the Convention, stated briefly of tie previous session of the Convention," Held in Auj-ust of 1864, also of the circiUr letter sent tat in March, of the present year, and ot the general inter, est manifested by the Local Bodjr so far as intelligence has reached them that it was desired now to organize the Contention in to a regular Association so as te elevatt and render more ttfttlivt this class of working men, thereby preventing those epithets too often circulated, about these unassuming and comparative! unknown laborers it tUe Ministry. , . ; Rev. Solomon Pool then made a brief bet alwblft speech, showing himself alive to the great work of the Ministry, and very Idghly approving every proper means lor derating and improving the local Ministry of our church. On motion, W. II. Ouniaggim, Solomon Pool, L. Branson, tV. J. Crowder, and Turner II. Jonet, were appointed a com. raittee, to prepare appropriate business for the Convention. On motion of G. W. Hep tinstall the former committee was relieve). The Convention adjourned to meet at ? o'clock.' -.-f i - :-: evcxiko sissias. ' The Conven tioo re-assembled at the hotr unpointed, and Rev. Turner M. Jones, ef J,osubur reraaie college, was caueu io the chair. ' " .- The committee on business reported a follows : '. I." We recommend that this body be re solved into a Local Ministers' ftssecistioa to meet annaallj at some appointed place. 2. That the Association appoint a Pres ident, a Secretary aid ono Vice President for each Presidium Elder District. 3. That tit Aiiooal Associativa be held in the month of August, each year. 4. That a committee be appointed to address a circular letter to the local miu istrr throughout the State. 5. We recommend that the following resolutions be passed, aid that they be in rporated in tke ciicntar letter. t. Jlaolced. That we recommend lcal ministers, so far as practicable, to preach once on each Sabbath, and at such church' es as do not usually have Sabbath preach ing by regular pastors. . i. That it is desirable we ahuld give special attentiei everywhere to our Sab bath School internts. .5. That we recommend alwajs, a cor dial co-operation with the intinerant min istry. 4. That we desire fe next General Con ference to enact such laws as shall requite all minsters to pass elimination, on Mate speci&ed course of study, before receiving ordination. 5. That we do protest against Jecatiog men with fall ptwera as lecal ministers, v ho at the time, are liable to impeachment, or, whose character has not beta passed. Reiptctlilly, W, II. Creixccix, J Solokom Pool, j 12 Bauxto, Com. XV. J. W. Caowpai, TrxxEt M. Jokes, J The report of the committee was receiv ed aid the Convention proceeded to take wp the articles itrUUm. , On motion of W. II. CuningginV the committee was ceaUned and reguested to prepare -t circular to be teat (o all the to . al Ministers of tie' Slate, shiwtag ntre fully the objects te be iec,4mpliiseefvy the t 'oiveition, aid desiring then ts assemble in one inited Coat cation at some iitcil cd tine md plus. OiMitiT,ai sieMqt oi out dstisr 48 eafb rasmbtr prrest wis raids to Je frav tie tlf ens-s of pr'i.tiojj. . The C -tat er.tioi then i irictd the com jntttf? 't ffpecisllf inceyrirate thi'fellsw isg p.; i'a t the urcuiar fetter. 1. Ut dajly of regular Sattsta preach ing s. Ut at practicable. 2. . 'rdal co-operatia with Itinentt lnsi? t in gtod staidic. 3. Tj i'uriortsicf of lumber ministerial at(a:e t I trHnerd and intellectual. I. I .. . i' f strictly gvirjingt 1gamt admitting im proper persons into the ln . . r .1. - I.!.' Ministry irem i" jauy. ... 5. The impropriety ? of receiving wen from any source, or retaining men in the Local Miaistry, who are detrimental to the CHUSC . : 'C r V.! " 6. The great advantages to be gained by united ayinpalhy and more freuenassoci ationa among ourselves. f The Convention was then entertained for a length of time, by an able address from the Rev. N. F. Reid, of the North Caralina Conference, approving the objects of the Convention, and showing the abso lute necessity of diligence and divotiam in order for ministers ot any class U obtain tminenct in the calling. A onauiiuous veto ot thanks Was return ed Mr. ReiJ by the Convention, for lii profound remarks and paternal ndyit. , On motion the Convention adjourned, ubject to the call of the committee. TURNER M. JONES, Pres. h. ftiixsox. See. ' Raleigh, Dec. 8, 186J. IIILLSBOBOUGH, K. C. Wednesdar January 19, 1SCC QT Sa!icritiert arrtar far tti Kocariler' crnuUf rrq Mtea to miko pijmeoL All of our to- tmpari rrqairt pjnnt ia advanco, and wo m.t vtteJj than thv. If maej cainol bt bad, hring poviPu. ,- It ia our deaua to eoUta oar paper to aomtthiog l.ka its former iht ; oat la enable a It 4a m nioat Ue a atw auppty of ljrp,o4 lhal carml to kaJ arttlout maaey. Oar aaWribert will 4ote lo Ul oolice of thio. , - '.-.'" - Coaerera rra?trllfd n FtVtj lt, and af;rr traaaactios Mae Bftunfortaat fioM, ailjoyior J Ij Monday. . .. , - la lb Mob, Mr. SiauUtiig of Ohio pude a tcb, eooifaJiojt ltat CDf ita alone baa ikt pow er la gie vitality to I be Sooth, aoJ refoiriflg atw guarantee at a baue of repreaeataUeo. A meitiaof Ike Ceeacel of 6 late raa beM ee Wedaelay lt,et wbicb the Ueveiovt waa aliwJ to call the Lcrtalatore tJffetber on the I8vb ioMant. fjr fie parpoae ol appiatiog magwtratee, aoJ ai pt a eb etbr aa tmmy V itnmri mttry fir the re-eitaUUbment of eiil goernmiit. The Governor haa, aa tie4, iuati hia proclamation convening ibe Lrgilt8re, t neet on the I Bib iotn which proclamation UI be feood io our ad'Crtiiing colamoa. VOTE OX THE ORDINANCES. The vote of the people f thia Siat apjn the Anti- jSUttry noJ AoU-Seceaaiao OJnUaew of the Coo- ventian baa been puUIiibeJ. Tke fwMiwiaf ia tbo a;s'fga ra'.e I Tit ratiiicAtiea of the aati alavery ordi nance, FarrejecUm, 19.019 3.07(1 Mijofhy fir raiifyiag. Far ratificatioo tA the aoti-aceia orJi- naiice, rr i ejection, Mjeri for ratifying, 14.114 The Weekly Standard haa alai been recommenc ed a largo aheet, printed with new type, on fine pa per, and make a a neat appearance, ai aaont of the pa rtem in the State new do, The price Four Dollai a Since the close ef the war the Paily papera have been rapidly apringing tip in ikt State. ; Aod4nor the Weekly papera are coming out moat of them in new (Ireaaea and greatly improved appearance. If we may judge from theae iodicaliona the Preaa mad be prospering ia the South. Will not our eabacribera haste and pay up their duea, and thereby enable ua to enter upon thia race of improvement! COLLECTION OF TAXES. Same of the Newborn merchants having objected to the payment of the tax for the State revenue, recently imposed by the State Convention, sent nn a delegation to Waaliingtou to urge the President to order that it fcliould not be colleated. Some f the paper having intimated that the rov er tune nt had arreateil he cullection ol the tax, Gov. Worth add reserd the following telegram to President ioluiaon, whose replv puts the matter at rests ' our. worth to the Slate of Noilh Carolina, ) Eiecutive Department, Raleigh, N. U, Jan. 8J, I SGti. ) 7o Hit Excelling Andrew JAuu. . PttriJtnt Vnittd Siatit i Sir: It is represented through thenewa papers that you have ordered the SheriB'a ot this State to abstain from executing some of the Ordinances of our Convention, Tor rtUiig Revenue. Car. Ilnldea informs me he has received no instructions upon the subject. I would be glad to have a copy ef any orders you ruav have made on tHrubjevt. JONATHAN WUKTII. (overoor ol i rxcaiasRT johksox's utriv. Wasbingteo, Jan. Id, 166. Te Ce j0mUka BaWin t Your telegram of the l. received. N orders in reference t the Sheriff ot North Carolina have been itsued bv we. ANDKEW JOHNSON. NORTH CAROM.XA PRESif. Mr. Ensalhard haa porchaaed the iajereet of the la.c lune Fotiw to the Wihnjagtoa Jmiroal rvtah k ismb'. a'ad the lusiaeM io future will be carried a by Maura. Engelhard and Trice The Journal ha hiiherte beeo ooO of the niet ealtiable pipre of the Otaie. and we troat that the enterprise ef the pro t prof ictera will caUaaa lo maintain its high refutation. . We a-e l annaaaeeJ ia t'oe Ri!ai4h 8aattne!. that eVaUa Giles, Ewj , haa becrna) associated with the R e. Mr. Pell ia the edi'orial maaigeaaat of that etyitha?tit. M'. Galea waa m amy yeara editor aoJ proprietor of the Ralel;l RegUtcf aad ia ttu siely aad favorably kaewa threaghaat the 8im. Meawn. Veaul and Mc Knight of the NewWra Dai ly Tiaea, cmasnca with the new year the rahbea tien of the " Weekly Timee." It ia a large doable aheet, intended to coaUia all the principal Uter of the Daily' Price three dollar a y tar, or one CoV laraajftty eaati foe nil montbe, ntricdy in aJvsnee. The daily papers appear to be rapidly inert a sing ia thU Eiate ; and if wa may judge from the sppeamara of the papera, the Pa as mutt bo preparing in the seatk. '-''-'''' ' - ' Tai WsiaieNawa Th editor ofth Charlotte Timea prep are to eemmince the Weekly Ntwe'' With the trtt of the e w year j it ia te be a tl cola mo beet, at three dollar a ;rr. . It ia le be a traoariipt f the Daily 1 imea. A weekly isaae of the Wjlningtea jWnel it about briag cojuencej. Wasrinotox, Dec. 29. It i rumored that tho French and the United States (In ternments have arrived upon art under standing. France ia f withdraw its trep irem .Mrxic anu ie tfnireii state agree not to ternit anv atteranta t be' made from here to drive Maximilian out. He i to bo left to hia Atrian bodyguard and the Mexican neanle. , The President is so well satitfed with theeondition of the Suthand our foreign rrru,, relations that he fca. determined on a stilt further reduction ol the arm. the clink of'the hammer, the flying- of the shuttle, and the busy preparation for the' great event;- IThe proud tnaitulaeturer and the i humble apprentice,-each.4 in turn in tend to send a specimen of1 his crajt. France irone great workshop forging ar mor for the trial of sk ill. The bo Ud ing to be erected for the exposition-is-an ellipse like the Coliseumat Home,, ami by a sin gular coincidence havinjr nearly three limes the climensirmr in all directions of that old ruin.- The iirterior arrangements are the best of anv hitherto u;r,eled. vrrvthing of a kind ia placd on the same circle, and' oncoan literallv view the round ol science by keeping at a" uniform distance from the centre. The Supreme Court ol Louisiana has end e red a decision in auit of a lej-itor against Jacob It rker. that Cunfedeiate money deposited with a banker Created no contract which could be enforced by our courts, that such a-transaction via contra bonut worn, the depositor in tending to give circulation, avcurrencv, to otie ol the means bj which 'the r belllon waa to be wided and promoted. Tiie drpoitor.t'iere fare, could rrcotrr nothing, and 'he waa dismissed with 'costs. Judge Haley ren dercd this drcioron. " Misiiasirn lUM'raeriace. An Aber ilecii (Misaiaaippi) paper report the arri val I train of oter twciiU wagons loaded uilli maiitiiicry lor an establishment for the tuuuUctuie of cotton goods. Tins cot ton lactMTv mil auoii be in active operation, and Abcidevit An then bt or tne moat exlciittte catab islisuent of Hie kf fed-in the .S otc, if not iu the S -uti. We learn Irom a Florida exchange that arrangement hate been made lor bringing oat iolonie ol fJermeN emigrante to Mid dle Florida, aid that, during the prevent mouth, n tesel wilt arrive at "St. Mark with the first instalment. The Acgusta Chronicle av'that Gene ral Tiilswu, the head of the Fterdrueu'a Horvau in Ucorgia.'itcoiopcth'rig the ficcJ lorn of that Mate to cuter into comrade with the piatilrtk. The Secretary of the Interior, in reply to an inquiry Irom General l!ewnrri, de cidea thai the Freedmen'n Bureau cannot hold, and the government caiuot art aaide, unoccupied (ivernment land in Florida or any other State lr the oe or benefit ot Freeiimen. lie torvber ay, however, that nil homestead and pre-cmpti law ore as applicable lo frredmro as lo anv other class &e4eW M-mltmtL Tit New GsvctKo or Atuaaua. The nenly elected Executive of Alabama, (o- vcraur Pation, estiuutes that l.e State, by the waste and ruin which the war wrought, has sustained s loss in actual and material wealth of at least U 00.019,000. II' con cludes his iosugural adJreis to the Legis lature as follows: " Allow me to say, gentlemen, ia con clusion, that since the close of the war, ii hi been evidently the studied purpose of our people lo move in full harmony with the avowed police of the national administra tion. Thia atleata tie high confidence which i reposed in ihe ability, integrity and pa-riotisa of President Johnson. 1 have no hesitation in expressing the belief that .t-M i I tne rrraiuent n aioing eeery taing in in power to adranse the beat intrrrsta of the whole cnuntrr, both North and South, fa his high and responsible position, hi has given thw mint indubitable evidence of his purpose lo adruiniater the affairs of the Go vernment inspirit of fairness, juaticesnd contcxtative nationality. I consider it clearly our duty to give him our cordis) and earnest support in the patriotic course he is pursuing." - Tax Onto Lxeistarcas. The Ohio Leg islature assembled on the 1st instant. The Governor's message is verv lengthy, aid represents the State at in a fcesriihing ren dition. He argues at some length sgs'ust the Monroe doctrine and interference ia Mexico. In speaking o( the retention of . " . . anno .a . Uliro voloiteers in the lieitt.tie savstnitit was no part of the inteitiea that these pa triots were ts be detained a polici guatd, to oversee political reloroi in the Southern States, roach less to be marched to the Rio Grange, ia order to menace Msxitailisn er any other despotism. , Taa Fasnea ExrouTisf or 1837. Fif teen thousand persois ia the Empire of France alone have petitioned fur permis sioi to, exhibit their htudiwark or the nro ducts of their farms at the Expositisi of IS 57. The uhole ccastry rtiounJs with The sup-rinteiJent and coatraet'r n live Macon end of the Georgia Central Kail toad say that although thry pav and leed their nrgio bborers well, vet about half o rbem desert with their tt earry week, aotl the othri half d about a third of a dav'a wotk. So untitiafaclory have tveo experiments with free orgro labor no ihe Cential Uoad, that lh Atlantic and (Jolt Itoad has been bringing foreign while labor from the North. As Hihop fUaeerans. ihe Catholic lliab op til Uiiio, was approaching; hi hor, at Seilamvtl (which ia near Cincinnati,) on Fatard.v etriiiiig lat, be waa s-iwpprd bj lo men, who aVed him lor hi mnuej. Re attempted ! run, and wa shot bj one in the leg. This Im1 imi stop hia run ning, and he escaped with but a alight fleih wound. A man named McDonald a clerk, are J Sr years haa beca sentenced In Lmdsi to seven vr are' pnal aervitsde for haviaj three wives, and for treating them all with the grossest neglect, leaving then) it limit without fod. , Mr, llailey has reroverea! ttO,03J ia tnages frm the Pennsylvania Uailroal Company for casiing tho'deatb ol her bus band by sheer careleasnest. About 20,000 people are engaged Jo msnufacturing segar in New York citj. One manufacturer report tU sale of 5fi92? 400 during the spaee of eleun months., A Paris letter mentions an inttaice of the folly ind eitivagance prevailing la that city, that a baptismal drt fur an In fant has been prepared, of cifjuUite em broider and lace, it an expense of eigh teen thousand dollars i The establishment io which it was made lias been thronged with lady visitors to see the rich and cost ly dress ia which the little creature is to renounce the pimps and vanities of the world. Ei.tovs.aR OiATit. A young man, named Vincent lletmbold, was in a drinking bouse in Philadelphia on Thursday afternna, in seventh street, shove Chcsnuf. Hi wagir ed twtnty dollars that ho could lift by his teeth t ctrtiia uid, iadading the chair ia