7v i vnr y t A mm; II. THE CONSTITUTION' AND,TUK h A W S T II E G V A It D I A N S , 0 F 0 U U LIBERT YY' K . Vol. XLVI." ' ; HILLSBOROUGH, N. C.; APRIL 18, l86G" "... - - No. 2333. , 1 i i t I S I f I nl ' I E J IL1 ILI ... ft. ,1 I I 1 1 ik'j ii hi i . i i p i i If. 1 H- In til "AN ACT Concerning Negroes and Person of Color or of Mixed Hood. ,. .-;.vy v vr '.'-'-" :i j lie it enacted, &c, That negroes and their Jue, even where una ancestor in each ucceeding generation to the fourth inclusive, is white, shall be deemed peraous of color. , ':: .,..,.. ' t 2. Be it further enacted. That all per sou of color who are no inhabitants of this State shall Uu entitled to the uuu fri v ilexes, and subject to the kam burden and diiibilities 4 by the Jaw of the State were conferred, on, or were attached to, lice persons of color prior to the ordinance ul emancipation, except as the same may t.c changed by law. 3. " I! it further enacted, That person of c nW fttall be entitled to all the privi leges of white peikuns in the mode f pros ecuting, defending,' 'Continuing,' removing and transferrin;; their mils at law and in tquitv; and likewise to the fame mode uf trial oy jury, ami su priuesf jperi4in ing thereto. And in all proceeding in trijuitv, by W gtinst them, their answer f hull We tlie ame force and erIVct in all i expect! a the aniwer of white person. 4. He it further enacted, That in all ca c ! apprenticeship of perioni nf color tn ler chapter fie of the Kevued Code, the master Miall be ounl to Uuclurge the ame dutir tu Ihem & to white appren tice, and the uiriH"a4 ac white in ec ti:t three, lite iliree, are h-reby repealed, i tift the worl an.'ien'if v" -hall be read after th? word ,,uh," m ai l line, aul the word ' if a whi!- j r n," ii the se cond line ofectKii m hereby repeal' rd: IVovufcd I'll it in ihe binding nut of apprentice ul col.ir, t'ie lonrtT ma ten td s'jcli apprentice. hvu they shall b; rrgirded a jiuh!c prr--i y th touiti, hall be entitled tw have such ap preiHiCri Loan- to ihem in prrlctence l tt'.K-r ft ron. 3. ik it further enacted. Tint in all ca cl where men nd women, both or t:e ol Jum were lately -lave and are nnw email cipatfd, ntiw Cohabit togrthrr in the tela tin i i f hu,jand and w ile, tie jartie shall le define I to Iutc been lawfully marrinl as man and wife at the time ol the con-1 ttiiiKi;inent d" audi cohabitation, although they may hot he been nurri-d in due ftirni of law. And all pen whoe culialj it 4tin i hereby rttihed intn a Matt? ui mar riae, ha! go before the Clerk ol the Court I'.eat a til Qjarter e4io:H of the coun ty In whuti tliey ieide, at hi office, r' before some Justice of the IVace, and ac ki o-A ledge thf fact of luch cii?ubit.tti'i, if nd t tie lime of it ciiiumerceinent ; ami the cleik shall enter the ime in a bonk kept fr that parpoe; and il thencknuwl i!gmuit be made before a Justice ol the I'tate, xuch justice hall report the name in writing to the Clerk of the Court ol I'lean and Q urter Ssin, ;ud the Clerk .halt enter tne iimr a though the acknowl idgmeiit bad been made la-f ire bun ; and uh entry t-hall be deemed rini Jutie e st! iice ol the allegation therein cnntained. I'ur inking kuch entry and pifing a cei nli tate of the aame, the clerk shall be entitled to a fee 'f twenty-five ecu, to be paid by the party for whom ths enicc re rcn ifl !. C. He it li rtfier enacted, Tint il any ol such eront hall lad l t hef .if ihc clerk t tie Count? t'tiatt or some Ji.iic . the IVite id the county m which tlny tccide, ni J have their inarriag.' leroiJul bvlore the firt of epteiii'ivr It'', thy slull hi i!emed g'litty of a niideni'-amr, ty pun i.htt ul li e diCittioii ol ih! l!tmrt, ami itii it dilute Lr -4 c a iiio:iUi iu-ie dtvr, stull ioititale fit -(urate anl ttrt oliVnee, T. He it further enacted, I'm' all eon tract between any piro i wh.t'fvcr, where ol nnc or inure of them h'ia 1 lit- a p.M -on of tul-ir, fur the a!c or punli.ie i-f ufjr h ire, inwle, aS jeiiiid, liettt-CiUlv', hog, fc'ieep or goat, whatever may be. the value d mil. ait tle, aid all contiaeU between )uch perron lor any other nnic!es of j roperty whatever ol the value ol ten tlollnmir more: nd all contract, executed or executory, tclwrvD eu'h person a for the paviucLtot monev of the value b( ten dollars or more, i fthaii be void'as to all persons whatever, unless the same be put in writing and sign ed b? the vendors or debtors, and witness-1 ed by a white person who can read and wntc , . . , 8. Be it further enacted, That mar riagea between white person and persons of color shall be void ; and every pmnn authorized to t-olemnUe the right of m i triinony, who aha) I knowingly . aulenmi.e the same between fcucli persons; and every clerk of a Court w!ioshll knowingly issue liceiwe fur their. marriage, t!ialt be deem ed guilty of a misdemeanor, and moreover, iduU pay a penalty of five hundred dollars to any person suing for lh- katne. ; 9. lie it further, enacted, That persons of color, not otherwise incompetent, thall be capable of bearing evidence in all cou troveraie at law and in equity, where the rights of persons or property, of person of cdur, fe'iail be put l issue, and would be concluded by the judgment or decree of Court; and also in plea of the State.Vhere the violence, fraud or injury alleged shall be charged Jo have been done by or to per vim of color, in all other civil and crimi nal cae kuch evidence khall b? deemed inadmissible, uole by .cunen. of the par tiea of record : Provided, That this sec tion shall not go into effect until jurisdic tion in matters relating to freed men shall be fully committed to tha Court of tlii State i "Provided, further, That m pers n k!idl be dectaed incoatpcteut to b.-ar 'esti-J m iny in such caes, because d being a party to the record or in intcret. 10. Mi it further enacted, 'l'.'iat w!i?n eer a person uf odor s'ull a e liuiucd as a witnr, the Court shall warn t'ic wit ness t'i declare the truth. 11. .Ucit further enacted, .That any per koa ol co! or. convicted by dae course of law, of"ai asault with m i:it ist to commit a rape ujrn t!ic body of a white female, shall kudVr death. Uv it (uiiher ruactc !, Taattl ecti ruiiial Uw uf the Male, einbraciog and af fecting a white p ron, are hereby ti tend ed tu prrssrsf color, xcept v. hi e it is otherwise provided iu l'n act, and wncn-. ever. they, khill be cuvatid of any act nu.le criminal, if ioio.oiacd by a wliite pei son, they khtllbe punished in likeunii ner, cicept in kuch ca-. when otti-r and diUVrent puntphm'iit may Lc piesti bed oi aliowrd by thia St t. ' l. He it further enacted, Tht ol the tine now provided for the tlee'.ion of uar- " fences." Section twenty-eight, chapter fifty-nine, entitled " insolvent debtors." Section thirty-nine of chapter eighth-four, entitled " pilots." Sections fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen and twentv of chapter eighty-six. Secondly : Certain acts pissed since the enactment of the Ki v ised Code,-to-wit: an act ratified on the sixteen!!! day of February eighteen hund red a id fifty-nine, chapter thirtv , entitled " an act for the hiring out of free negroes in certain rases an act ratified on the same day, chapter tliu ty-one, entitled "an ! act to prevent the sale ot spirituous liquors to free persons ot color;" an act ratified on the thirty-first day, of, January eighteen hurt Jrtid and ixty-one, chapter thirty-seven, entitled i an act to prohibit manci pation of slaves by will ;" an act ratified un t!ie twenty-third day of February eigh teen h wired and sixty one, chapter twenty-three, entitled an act to amend the sixteenth and seventeenth sections of chap UTi thinv-four, Revised Code an act ra tified on" the same day, chapter thirty-four, ntitleil M an Set to amend chapter one hundred and seven, section sixty-six, of the Ueviseil Cole, relating to free negroes hav ing urns;" an act ratified on the same day, chapter thirty-five, entitled:" an act to change the rule of evidence in indictments for trading witli slaves ; an act ratified on the same day, chapter thirty-six, entitled ' an act to prevent free negroes from hir ing or having the control of slaves ;' an act rattS'i! t"i the twcnytirst day of Septem ber c-!. teen hundred and sixty-one, chap ter tuii.'v -sis, tntitled arn aict to amend section fi.'teen, of the one hundred and se vciit i chapter, of the llevised Code ; an act rallied oo the twentieth day of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, chapter dxteei:, entitled an act to authorize the (oveni'if la employ klave lbrin errcting firt.!icaiiuMS and other works." , , 16. lit it farther enacted, That all oth er cU and pi ts of acts pasnl before the present seion of the (ieneril A-emb!fi besides those enuiieraird in the foregoing section, the.. subject ' whereof are revised a;i4 re-enacted in Uu act, or which are re pugaiiit to' the provikions hre.n contain ed, ure hereby dVclaic I to be tepealcd, aud of n force and t fled from anJaf .er the ra tiikatioii of this act, witl the exceptions ai.J limitati'KH hereinafter iaentiatd. 17. He it farther enacted, Tint the re peal of the act r.icnti' ne I in ue preced ing .vctiuns s!iall n i aiftct anv a-t dene, or any suit or .proceeding had or com- d;-!. of" the pour, the Juhces of the Court I ne med in anv cue before tiie rutification ol Plea and flatter t,ii eac t coun ty, under the rule and regu'.titin now prrcr!ed, may, in their iliietin, tie two dislinct ard in Ifpci'.'etit court ! warden ; one of whom s'uli act as the war den of th white pu ir, ami the other a ;h. warden of the colored po ir. 14 , lie it further tii if ifl, Tii.it the p-r Hoik constituting raen i'oirt s'.mII be qua lified a now pruvuletl; and tlte v;i;! ! neverally, at d each outt iiiall have a!! the powers ami authorities ti-r,v c -i:fc?rrcil v.-. them, anl they an I the oifcrs of eac1' Court, and all other prons wh.ttryer, s i .li be kuhiect to all ti e duties. !u!.I;tiis ' ! penalue impo.'d on them bv chapter I I! -n in of the llevisvd t'o.'e. i ). lie i? f.-itur rn cted, Tint no suit IS. H it further cnaeted, That the 11 . r j n-s.-i a. ;. p.. id:.:.; at the tone of the lowing law am! pvtt of Uw aie I !'; J ,( j v.if, l.i n tUwv t oniit'ed, or lor teptalfil; First. Certain li o'iiit;td ml ncomv "of i.v penalty or folfeiture t'te Hevs-'d Codt i.a iiely : Toe et.i.ie.n. urinl i hu i I tin a. t icpealed, chapter o f hui !r d an I eui, e'r.itled : ..di be a.fct led bv aih . repl. lave and free i.egroes," except scctumst In CiM-ial Ass-nu'jIv re-.dthne limes, f lty-fmr, fifiy-Cvr. fif'.v..ix, f.n-eve:i, ai. l.i;-:io. d l Ms i uv ol Mn'Jii A. I). ui act. iv. Ue it fj'tlier eta:tcd, Tiijt no of lii.ee idt:i:iiiied u.idcr a i y oi the act he.vby itpe,.!cd, and before t'..e tiaie when il.v-v ceastd tu be Saws of the Nate, khall allectsil by kiicfi repeal, except that wiei artv puiii-h iieiit khall hat- been nuti .;',v I by tof . o isi-i.s of t!ii act, kuch piovision sliaii be extended an I applied ! utty judgineois to be 'prouoanjcil alter the rrpta!, vt ciksatioti to luve vfl'ect: Provided, however, Tn.it t -e of the .Mtiinii of any person of cw i fr any ..ch oih to e. I t shall be pj;i,!icd therefor .ii iir e mtniai lily a il he were l while lillv-eiglit and sivrv ', a'td l!i fc.ctiir. j fthaii he . Hineiul' d "i t'c.i.f, ,t ro;! ol coloj " tiisii-fd it Iter ni':rn.' it; a.' case when i!ie l it'ir won! orc.tr. Ser tioii two of cImj ir ioiiuei, ittiiku " boats an I canoe." Sw-ctiotis ten, clevt j;, twelv, thinetn, 'ghty -one, rlghty-iw.-, eigluv -three, tight -lour.eighiv -hu, u!. tv-kix, righty-kev. n, eight v-nitie, ir.neiv, ninety-one, 'n'tisety-iwo, i.tnetv three ch.ipter ihirly(ii5it, entitled, " ti inu mid punishment," hectioin kcventeen, nine teen and twenty -i ne tf chapter t!iiity-e ven, entitled, dvt! and ciiiivry.itiri,,' cctiji) four of tippler fiMiy.cig';t,eiiiit!c'J s. r. pah.upsj, . ejler II -use of t'o.nnions. c.s. i.sii:.i, Speaker vl ."retiate. I certify ll at lite lei eg i' a i a true co pv i f t!ic oripiti.d on liic i t '.ii Once. li. W. li:Tt rec'v 1 1 Stale. w- ' -f I'tj'.a ih- .j:i):al Iuh .rca.ert J hat all rim within the jjiidiction of t!f I'niteJ States are fiee i an establisheJ I'lii.ciple, to vb'cli all claci f t'e Amer ican people tie p'.ct'gcd by iter? di-ctrinc or line of policy with which i, any , party. sec t, or school proposes to advance the pub lic good. This is an imoortant fact; ' Ve: suppose it will be acknowledged" to'; be a fftrf - f??!ifa!a tAitl nr. C-l. - .J. ....) r .uvv. vau iTwuiu uui lllitlllC US IOC UI- fering to prove that they are so pledged ; fiut conservatives too are equally so pledg ed. The favorite argument of every hue of conservatives is the Constitution. 4 But the freedom of all men under it is as much a part of the Constitution , as any other i n i r i tr w niovnr. a, n intir epnrvni r i in ocrals, who are so liberal as to refuse to see cood in anybody but themselves, or any . - . , . movement out tneir own whose very re ligion is bound up in a platform, and whose god is a prisoner in the temples of their faith- are pledged by every word they con-; kistently utter to stand by, the freeman, whatever his color, should the strong at tempt to reduce him to involuntary servi tude, contrary to the Constitution of the United States. The whole South is so pledged. There isnof a parpose which has been imputed to or charged upon them, or any of them.'by friends, opponents, or en emies, which they do not hope, or which, they must not be" supposed to hope, to ef fect under color and by the aid of the Con stitution of the United States. . Even the attempt to re-establish slavery or revive uie reueinon is inconceivaate out opon some principle of misconstruction of the Constitution, and, consequently, upon the . concession that the Contitation must be-obeyed. ;r.v, it there is no diilerence of opinion as to the constitutional freedom of all the inhabitants of the country, and there U vet ' ----, the uifh'st anil mnit iiniortiinntu sntatrn. nism of parties on the subject, it must fol low that the true cause of the difficulty is mere di$trugtihe distrust of each other's fidelity to the acknowledged cnnstitutional obligation, or, to come to the practical point, a sitipicio on the part of the North ern people that the Southern people wiT not live up to the constitutional law, that there a'ull be no slavery or involuntary servitude in the United States. Is this all: We humbly submit that it is all, Tne peo ple in the North do not suspect themselves of the possi'j lity ol violating the ordinance of freeJom; but they suspect those of the South. Hereupon we beg to cfler a few suggestion. in the first place, is it usual io r.uke laws for a hypothetical subject: especial ly where circumstances have occasioned a morbid public. sensibility, rendering statu lory regulation a matter of more than com mon hazard. It will not be pretended that there is now any general violation of the ordinance of freedom iu the South. The civil rights bill i professedly preventive. If anything in the world could tend to es tablish polygamy in -New r.ngianJ, a law to prevent it would have mch a tendency. Wait.. far the mischief then provide the remedy, and adapt it exactly to its end. 1 it just to declare i ne's self above suspicion, but to claim a right to acton suspicion against a neighbot ? If the whole i-outh proles to accept the freedom of their late slaves, and to be willing to censerve it, and ask for a trial of their giod faith, is it just to refuse the trial? The Southern people might be just to the negroes. They might make fair, liberal law for their pro" tectum, and ini'it execute them h food faith. There may really be a giowii.g pub lie sentiment in favor of slut t n: appy lace. With what great regret we '.nay m re morse we khould find that we had u d vJ 'to trut kuch a sentiment, and hid thus i discouraged and finally penciled i: ! They all, w:u oie voice, 'assure us t'u v lave such a feeling .uch a purpese, Mav. wc proclaim the cxtraoidin.try beiivf thtt ait entire people of our lilmnl v.n I brovthod are les truthful d;an o'.trsi hes ? Havewc any warrant in our ktnie. !e.!.; o' wc t: er for kuch a chn--: Il wc :i.ie any do.) lit about this sh'.il we n tbe So j tli tie benefit ti !i.l ara mistaken about it : 3. I it vc(!sa.u!- f"i- i! ' d.s-.nMt the Southsin people ; i tu mitre: N - ciiir.i that slavery tm iii ci the v (eo pie, as a question ef ir.ter:i. T.. were

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