UOCKIXGHAM .SWgmOtt COURT." The spring term ,of Rockingham Superi or Court was held list week, Judge Gilliam presiding. The whole week as elsewhere on the circuit, was occupied with the State docket. J v! The docket was crowded with almost ev er grade of offence, from murder down to the most petty misdemeanor, the freedmc filing a large space thereon. The case which excited the deepest in terest and attracted the largest crowd, was that of Capt. Reuben Wilson, tie was indicted on a charge of murder, in shoot ing some deserters and consciipta in the count yf Forsythe during the war, white in command of a squad ot soldiers, detail ed from the army of Virginia, on special service His case had been removed from Forsjthe, but owing to the absence of "im portant witnesses and the sickness of one of the prisoner's counsel, the case was con tinued till next term. The Judge admit ted him to bail. He is joung man, ap rarentlr about 21 Years of aze, with a HILLSBOROUGH, N. C. ITcducsday. 31ay 16, 1S66. RELIGIOUS NOTICE. The funeral of Mr. Jo net and her three children ia appointed for ihe 4th Sabbath in May, at Cedar Grove. S. PKARCE. " VjT Wo learn from the Newbern Times, that the Episcopal Convention of North Carolina will aseru bl in the city of Newbern on Wednesday the 30th instant. bright intelligent face. It is no wonder that the President has assembled his Cabinet at this extraordina ry period, and evoked their views upon the present overwhelming and most vital issue. It is gratifying that the clear and deter mined grounds of the President asainst the usurpation of the Central Directory are so II i I I !... If lUliv sus'aineu uy ins constitutional aim sers". Elsewhere it will be seen that, in view of the critical condition of, our inter nal affairs. Secretary Stanton has, under d-rection of the President, given an impor tant order in behalf of liberty and law ; and that he is strongly for sustaining the restoration policy of the President, which has been, as he states, agreed upon and consistently pursued by the Admioistia lion, and tt effectuate which he is gratifi ed that the President has convened the Cabinet to obtain their determination in the premises. ' Sttional IitftUxtnctr. Jefferson DatI The GrandJury of the United Si ale Court, in session at Norfolk, on ibe 10th Inst, broojht in a true bill of indictment against Jefferson Davis, for treason. The Court adjourned until the first Tuesday in J cine, to meet at Richmond. It ia supposed that Mr. Davis will be tried at the Court at Richmonl Tbe same jury also brought in a true bill against Death pf.noti. George E. ttadjrer With foelinsi ef deep regret we bate to announce that tbe Hon. George E Usdrr died at h'u residence 'a the city of Raleigh on Friday the I lib initio ibe "2d year of hU aje. He sra suddenly stricken down in the early part of the year l6GI.lv paralyis, and baa since lingered, deprited la a f real client of those Convicts Sunt South Fortv-eirht ne gro convicts, in jail al Washington, have been released and sent t Louisiana under harge of (he Freedmen's Bureau. A not. prot. wss entered in each case on condition that the prisoner would t" South. The despatch save that tome of these prisoners wer 'f nntrahsntle ' anil enm ivara n. Passago of the Reconstruction Re port"" Tbe House of RepresentatWes, on tbe loth nstant,bv a vote of 1 SS U 37, adopted the entire re port of the Reconstruction Committee. JuH before Ihe vote was taken Mr. Steven made a most bitter speeo. argiaf the radicals present to present them- He lost a leg in; selves in solid column for its support which tbey the service, and ti evidently in very feeble s JK1. health. " The case of the State vs. William John loin, charged with burglary, was removed to Caswell. t A negro man by tbe name of Broadaax was convicted of murder ami sentenced to be huug, but appealed to the Supreme Court. ' . , Th case of the State vs. James Sloaa and others, (freedmcn.) for the murder of c B M Dick Knight, was alio continued. In ad- dition to the above cases, some cigar, or nine freedmen were convicted of larceny and received a few lashes each, by way of admonition. We were graiiQed, however, to learn, that tbe great body t of negroes in Rock ingham county were behaving tolerably well, and were working much better than in many other sections; and that the farmer generally . were making extraordinary ex rrtiona to produce lare corps of tobacco and corn. . We have not for many years ins . 1 : . ..f .' 1 .. . ... nr. Ik.! arms a WasH.scT,. May 9.-The bill which :, r"f lhrU in Tockinghain. but in a!l?the adjacent! passed the l...e yesterday, but which b"! ' unrerJ"' counties.. White people certainly are at yet to be tcte I upon by the Senate, to re-; tr"c,eU " Co.e, J. work, together with a lare. proportion of move the U.S. Circuit Court from Norfolk j ' o .. w "... bills or north Carolina banks. There Is in the possession of the people4 of North Carolina quite a large amount, in the aggregate, though small in individual cases, of the bills ot notes issued by the Banks of the State. ; We presume that all the Banks are disposed to redeem their notes at their counters for what they es teem them to be actually worth. We learn that the Bank of Cape Fear, at its late meeting, resolved to redeem its outstand ing bills in greenbacks at 5 cents in the dollar. We have good authority for savin? that this is their full value, or the extent of the ability of the Bank to payjit present. Few who are acquainted with the affairs of the Bank believe that it will ever be able to do more. We judge, therefore, it is ad visable, that holders ot the bills of North Carolina Banks would do as well to present the bills at the Banks as soon as possible. or, if they prefer to risk it, they ran toon deposit them with the several Commission en, who may be appointed to settle their a flairs, and receive in the end the pro rata value ol their claims. Kaktek Stntinel. What Kktciifx is DoiKa; A New York correspondent writes thus of young Ketch' For the satisfaction of those who wish special informattoa concerning ihis unfor- away from their home !1"01"? ""if ,er; m.dVa charge upon nl ? '. ,B ff"? lh? at nd this work i, .lone be ! t"S. ttVJ11 !Tr extrordraary powers of mind wfcich have rendered j this fresh installment. Uoton woU him iHustrious iu the hiur of tbe Sutc. A second j 4,oubt S1'11 welcome theae poor creatt were "contrananiis,' and some were na tives," by the latter term meaning, uroba- blr, persons born in or near Washington, who are thus sent and families to be I n rionnlsl k r! tftia heV ;x; iu Vo ; tu;v r.:. i b.t h, , that .., ..i. r, , i, r-tj. i i.: K... : . .11 I... Bureau, and unler the verveve..f tU pni-f V V 7 , Unthop.Ms of the Senate and II .use. P h "7 T i I ,ww, kr,T By w'lut riht one State i, made a nea.l ' :"h! t"U Th" i .. ,J . ',fnt and wife tome often toaee hm; mat and is an outrage apia the tieoaleof luui!i-; i. . , . , . - ,i . p ' ' he teceives and answers many letters; and i.ina,and ui.un the parties who can thus be .'.. ' . t. .r .... . . . mai me i is in4i ne wtm cwinc out . vr t better in .1 for buine.s rnuujM now, wiuiuui utmj urueneu ith II II fit l for buines than ever, and then have mis revenue on Wall areet. lie i ut confined t the rule ef silence gen- po. crpaturra aintjineJ in r.riosi. bur ill..M..l rf . of cruelty to expose these ne-roe. Iaelv i t. ..1 tv .a . . 1 a attack of the Jady caused hi. sudden death " ll5t"",ir',TO ? . everv l....b!e f)rivile2e. bein-looked ou inrsarnz lueiu, out it istiie verv relinement ATTKMPT TO AAIN Tn TltU ZVTZ- KMl Ot RlffMA. as a studied malefactor. Jaie Sharkey, foroieily Provisional Go I vcrnor Misisipi, in his recent testi . nioiiy bctur the IUciitrutti.m C u uit : tee, stilcd thit there weie n iu tiMt S;a:e tr;v l.uUr uvrr one-half a uunr I teJ.ncn j l'ere furoierly were Ue. He i.d 1 1 le msiiu way ct rslmutiti; the tbe former slaves, all of which we hail as a Uo Richmond, i in accordance with the de rronitious omen for the future, and we ve-isire of Chief Justice Chae, wh espect j rilv believe if our penple were permitted I ere Ion z t bs called up a to piei Jeon tha. T-ere ui great rnicin; at St. Peter . . . . " : . 1 " a. . . . 7 O ' by the government to led a sense oi seen- oencn. , uur ami eiaewnere in itus.u on atc-iur, ol ai iitaliiv t'ut preailrd 4 hi -ng them; ;hey rity in their righ;, tht the good old time 'tw Vk, Mav 8. All tle partiecn K rperor' escape from aa-inati n. ,,rd to nntnene numoers. Tne rnorulitv rn aaj peace ana pienu 'i rented in the AJam Cspre iot)'.erv of ir.e ini vtnnai'.empteu l ie r.tnperor U.'e , a Januarv !it have been arrrs monev except $40,003 ha Le . " . a " me otmnator ci tne reojerv, j.rin urstiv, m"ui nn. tir Hn.ru nr mere were ijj.vvu iirrori in ni$ii'o uujiji.wii..ii wr ,whj W4J isounuei indictraenUor nmn!er,i ",l cw .jeMy. rii aaa iy Junge islke"s statement, more New York. May 9. Panama advices st,t UT the tarnkey white 'atteuiptinjj the shot would probably l.ie i. wcn e!f-l ; than iou.Ouu ol them hate dud. Tui, state that the news from S.uth America is ecane. lie died in tro hours aftrr. j had not a peasant turned aside the aaa. j mortality tiuw a t.n lnu of aflairs in unimportant. Matters remaineJ eriectiy j Urleass, May iO.Jud"e A'jell, of i rm'. " P'rt naa been enu.i j tke tutttem Stairs of tiis wwst deplorable quiet at vaiparao sia ic ouwiosiv....... ... First r)j8tr,ct t'catt, drcideii Die civil v . would soon return a?ain prevail in the land. ' '! iiiniittnr HUiituni. t IIC HOfIllT . aiaoiif the toUred i.euole of the J'out!!. f . ited and ailihe is a !uian lardownernf small mean, h ' penally alon; the Aliusij'pi liter, daring ten recovered. , c iderej hims.dl iujurl by the emanri. the pit five year, u rlf Lnun. fa ISoj j, J.i'm Uradv, utn of the rrf. He dicHarged Hi - pi.j there wtie 43J.OW) nrroriin Misiii.ni. All the Spanish fleet, with one exception, rhu bij l0 be uncont:tutional. and nt hid sailed for Northern port. (binding The Court arg-je that t! rre- The Danish Consul General sent a noteea ceu is ncntituti..r.a!!y cn-ti-to the Spanish Admiral aymg that his go- tutejI vernment would hold Spain reponibSe lor Tn M ,rgany;0 811i (jr,ri ,vep, he the damage done, to Dsn tab prupeity a Vlte( lwaTi aBf M-.thern l.ru.vn, i, ValparaUo. l'he Admiral relued to te 7ttilflL thirteen n ri,he have rc:niv,r- ceive tne noie. Immediately alter ti c bo-nbndiuent of Valparaiso, the Kslili Minister ie nuested to vacate the preruie occupied by him, and no one will rent him another fl iwe.l. The destruciio i of property will he incalculable. iMPonraxr. learn fro-n ihe I'nureea f ht evening that the Grand Jury ! the . .. r..iul ..nrr t i.rl..lk lilk I. iiii.it bouse. His name as also stricken irin y ' fc" ' y" " ; " ' the lit of members of the Club de la Un azainsi jenertoa in. ion. true bill fur trean VI. i i sj . . t . a . a . not, f,!e. ere loit and eizht rer- iwtwiMjMrnf.n. nneur.1 lie. sons wounded durin; t'.e bumrdment. 'eiMeme in fUW.n.1 Oie hundred and fifty-one government! I he flue of R,preae.at.es as a; Upt . A .Vi..-rB.a r.nn d the report .f the Reconstruction Com --.. ,. , ;i.i,s. I. a fif nl I2M fn T7. lerciianutite, were ue- - -j - mer worth ot IJreuo streved. The balk of the loss will fall on foreigners. At CalSao preparation were actively ro Tkb CnLEta at Nsw Yona. Tie chol era i said t) be fast abating at the New Vork quarantine. No deaths have taken I . f .f fl a ti t av a.Ol e..eAi s.'.l ra Irani frt fo iV !in sH f rhSnin sh fleet Ur ate, nr atiditionai caes received on by the erection of fortifications. brard the hospital ship ra.con since rn- ; i-r.. Jdav lat, and all on board are reputed to Haw hie Mom (Ws T..e itemi of jbe in a fair way of recovery. appropriation of the bill tntro :uced be Air-i Wparaiso bad been bombarded br the .. .i , . i : .. . . ti.. 1A Arm nriA ii. jcpaniSil. a lie sou i;,ww,vv vi in ol property were destroyed, ureal oumeis 'attaeited to the Krilsh and American Ad imirala fir not interfering with their shins I to prevent such wanton iicatructiua, iottcad III CUV w i v a s j i i . mm - penire elephant Vm ui i oa ihe hat of Uncle Sam. Thi ite'iH are a follow Stevens in the House to day lr the Freed men a Bureau lor ni s)i i4 wiiat an ex Hid low: Salaries of atiMtanr. aad ai t-atsittantf, tU7.5W;'trk.i,iWm tatinery and printing, $ W.OOQ; quarter aid fusl, 15,- V'JH I clothing for diitrifj ifiw;,, jl,7iJ,0U'J cotnmiiary stors, ii,)i),Z')i medical department, 85'M031 transp-irtai'ma, tl, JiO.OO'i; school siperiiite-idtni, ?il,000; ti c for c!rmiI h 'isii, orphan avluu4, 3iC., 3.00l.0yy; sundiei,6ia.0J0. t it.l.Sll,' The Belgian cimmlers are ahoit to in trolute a i.ew claue into the pesjJ cn:le of that toantrr, punishing with line or im prison tics', '-i i petvni convicted of cock of leaving the harbor Rev. Or. Uanlin, of Convtantinofde, it is stated, saved hundred ff lives by the following simple preparation, during the terrible raging of the cholera in that city a few years aince. In no case did the reme dy fail where the diaeate could re reacoe;! in seas'iit It is stated lo be no le ell'oc live in cholera morh'Js and ordinary diar rhxa: One pvrt laodaninn ; one part cam phorated pintt two pails tincture gimer two parts capiicu'it, Drset one teanoti full in a wine gtav id water. If the cae is obstinate, repeat t!i duae in three or four hours.. llrl. It IS ii l l'e rrnnerHr. wilti ref lect ch-iacter. presence of mind, hnriielf se.xed thecul- TIe l(PW 1)CJl C(,je A4lama make, p-it, a.king him qu.e.lv-" Wi.at l.a. i;M .t.siioctioti on account of c-Ur, o.Hy e.ede fyou that.voa shou.d eek my 1 1I4f tk4gtm btlyXtu H,e verton 4(J ",ef j gioes are prohibited. It l-nU ds wtupjuni, laud Uriiumg at a punishaieut lor cituie, General Wallace, Attorney fiereral i4f bat piomiet Dial convicts may be put t Tenretee, aavs that he hll iil pay. any upn the load, or lined out to toi respect to the Civil Kindts biil on acc- tiit j oiattont ir inditiilual. dits;runconti'utiialiy. Tii-Uen- o to Uttark. A tiegr woman ent eral wa faithfil Federal awldier daring ; j,.rd on the dantliNn of a Mr. Wel?, ihe war, and theiefure it will nt do toj, i'wi.tw.i.c county, Mii. ppi. lecently question hit l.iyalty. We hope that he(ur,ied tiig.Mj mimii scarci.i..et.e'r may oc aivie u so.uesi inr uui in sui t a rc.UeCc the corpses ol her aje'd mother way as ! . bring it sqtirely bfre tW Ssn- land four of her thildrea were loun i. Thev prerae Court, which h the only legitimate l4, tUrrU to death. The filth child w.'i and proper method id bnfgir.? its validity ! tl n,c pi,lt u Ueath, but with proptr care loan lie. At any rate, the. tight aver it reioverrd. The mother wat arre.ie.L n.l i uot yit J'!ie, and it my yet receive a vet tint tr t'vo-tf.irds vote can overcome. The National Intelligencer, atd ether pa pers favorabfe to he i'resideti!, publish the names of many eminent jurist whi have expressed i heir opinions against the valid ity of the bill, and several of the judg-a on the Supreme Bench itself are known to be of the same mind. If an adverse decaien can be had wn it, Radicalism will thence forth be inure cautious, f"f it will be hu miliated by judicial conviction of its high crimes and misdemeanors. The rapidly accumulating cases of litiga tion arising under lha Civil Bights law, from proecutin brought by negroes for denial tn them of places with the most fa vbred at theatres, hotels and ther public flirt, make it certain that ihe policy of the law, in all its apects, is to be a tabject ..f grave public consideration. Joseph Kasierbrook, Jr., of Camden, Mi. insured his life for (3,000 tome time ago, and afterwards became deranged a ft J com mitted suicide by shooting. The insurance company refuted to pay the policy, but the Maine Supreme Court decides that they mitt pay the ?3,O0Q, and the cost besides. turned over Ih the J" reed men's Bureau. She said she was tired of suppwrlmg the biats, and had taken this means to get rid of the in, Tiu Fiar NKwararr.a. The 24'h day of April will be the one hundred and sixty treond anniversary ef the first publication of the first American newspaper the Bs tsn Newt Letter which appeared on April 4th, trot. It was printed in large type on a vrry s.naU sheet, and the first numoer contained a vpeech ofQjecn Anne ts the British Parliament, some local items and one advertisement. The News Letter had no rival in America until 1721. I'irivo Cut-Rcius.- Attempts were made in Petersburg, on the night of the 2nd inst., to fire fsur African Churches in that place. Happily it was prevented, ex cept in the case of one Sabbath School Boom and the colored Baptist Church, on Harrison street. The white citUens de nounce th villsny, and the belief is ef presed that the incendiaries were not cit i7.en, but persons anxious to produce di cord between the white and black citizens. "Fir, you have broken the promise," said one gentleman to another. "U!i, never mind j lean make toother jas. exactly ngood."