llH-iBo .l Jf't I-f:1 tVV! .1?. mmyff ,o o .J- tin ! 1 ' ' ' ' ' . ' - 7.';;;;.' -,. "tHE.CONstITUTION if DiXliB7i:iL.WS(tf THE GUARDIANS OF OUR, LIBiStyT ' V ; t; mi :3'r. "V(T lil STATE COJCVENTTOIf. land a mixed (mis la !(he Senate his luH- v . 1 ' I ItJ.i.;. TL. ...Lxilitlai Hill aia . fr.ra the committee .ppointeu 10 rev 11 e me t v; ul the cwnnUWwMcb wkV ordered to be! 'I1e cen.ider.tion 1 of U r.ginal nrdi Mr. lirniT iuu"uak(u ". mi"-b -t 7 t t , , . I ctoititutida was taKen up ana CaWweH of UurkV mottd to ruuea to tnt ueou incurrea uv cuniicr In .id uf the rebellion prohibiting the let ' Vjingoft tax to pay the aaine. ' t j read.? -'- Mr.' Faulkner, from the' committee to s When Mr. whom the lubjectwai referred, reported tn .mend the 9th section b diipenBiag.wlth Ordinance to provide homeHeid for, the iritt Jij'jarj for miidemerttrs,4bt giting ' head t eerj !aroilj---50 acres of land, or stub trials to thaglstratei; the right of tp- Mo towns and cities i ho.e audlot of cer pel being secured tolhe 1 ' ; 1... u'K .f.m;-...t - ' ' Mfisri. Moore PhilliDS.1 Bordet. Con . . " Z ' . Z'Z ' -1 .' . 1 ,' The ordinance te grant .mneitj and par. Igland, Dick and Walk on. "Tored it J ana don to persons ueinling .gainst the law, iessrs. weueraie, MCKaj, rrt iel. heme on ts second rea.lwt. several Winston opposed it. . .mendments were proposed, ana,. spirite4 Pending the 'dlsetissiM rtne itna. 1 4 AM tV. nr.l m-rif.of the menl the Contention ad ourned - - - l utm if 1 u k vi vm "' " . , . . Wll. when it was relerrea, on mouon 01 wr. 1 vnji Biiriuaj, r. i.u, v ..- -w-t rhUlini;to i committee of nine.' J ! mittee to whom was feferrea tne resoiuuw The ordinance to oretent imprisenaaent relating to the staj law, reported to ordi- (ho ni-otiiioni of the law an j: '.amnioi nK ranttit m t ln&l I nlicibte ta all debti alike. -w w - - . II '. . . " . 7. ... , 1 .( laaeBdmeots. : s . , 4 Mr. Usckerjr. irom tne coramiuee 10 The ordinance coneermns debts or the whom was relerreu the erainance aou-n- atite hereafter to bp contracitd, was take, mg imprisonment for dtbt,' reported au- 'n.and an houra debate hid thereon, but Urrislt thereon. iS i l ' J f ? fort anr onai acuoa was turn, me con-1 1 ne cnmmmrc v wnow ''"'u tent'ten atli6orned until to-morrow morning, ordinamre regulating interest, recommend- 10 clock. . i ' J ' lea its rejection. - - , , Un Tuesusjt Mr. uocxerj inirouacea 1 1 ine onnnianea ouiinrss 01 jiiem-, resolation to raise a committee of five tu being the consideration of the report ot th ttke into consideration the proprietj of ! committee on revision o! the conitiUtion, film the Sate a mtereit in the Western land the ooeitlon recurrinj on the amend . . . I ' 1 1 w 11 ' I lf. 1 k r. Raiiratd to anv comoaov 01 camia- imeni onerea or air. vjaiuweu. 01 uoiuaru. ... . w r . ? . 1 . . i tins that will finith the rosd toCleaveland, to aection 9, article 1st, declaration' oi Tcsasndsspported the propoitto with rights, which reads " that mi freeman shall nm nnt remarks. The resolation was be cunvicted of an v crime but bv the unani- mendsd bj increasing the number of the Imous verdict of t jurj of good and lawful temmittee to aevcn, ana removing ine re- (men, in open court, as nereioiiiro usea. t trietiun which fixed the Tennessee terrni-l Mr, Mebatie oBefed anamenament, that bus .1 Cleat elan J i and in ihst ahape it the legiitatare tnav, however; provide I other cased., s - 1 I modes or trial with right of appeal lor mis- - A r 1 ' -L'.L " A . 1. Kla A insjoritj repori irom iBtcoinmiiicv on luemeanor ; wnicn vii accepiea uj r antrifltrates was submitted, with an ordi-1 Caldwell, when a lensthr and learned de nance to ami oil the 53d section of the Con- J bate emued, participated in by Messrs. B. . . . . r .v.. I 2 -It-. t.. . v. . . .- ow:ii:. .11 1 oember tad election bj the people ol mag- J Guilford, and others, consuming the re- iiiraies. v . t : ; , , , ' roaming portion or the daj, ; without anj n- The u.Siithed business, bein( an orui- nal action being had. Ktnee cencerninc the debts of the State to Un Friday; Mr. Oockerj, from the com be hereafter contracted, which providea mittte raised te eonider 'the proprietj and that ee appropriation .hall be made bj the exredienej of autheriling a sale or the Leeistatere. uoleas bv, a maioritjr ot thelesfern N.C. Rail Read, to anv companv ' caembers of each House, the teas and nartlrhat wilt guarantee to complete the fame, t be recorded, upon eacnrsaamg, wasu 1 reported an ormaance, auinenzing aacn ken ep and read. . ' jsaie. ueport ana ordinance, oraeiea 10 up Sir. Furches moved to amend bj provid- printed lr 13 . 3 ine that 00 bill or restitutio tating the peo-1 M'. Jones, of Davidson, in trod u red a re- pie, shall be psssed bj the Legislature ex solation to carry into effect the ordinance cept eoder similar reatrictionsss to appro. f the Conveniinrecogniting the just prtations. Adopted. The' ordinance was debts of the Ktate, and prohibiting the pay IJien reicrrsa too cernramrc. menioi an puaue qcuib incurreu in aiu 01 Aa ordinance providing for the election of the rebellion. ' ' ' t Lieutenant Governor of the State was read I The Convention resumed the considers the secoad time, pasted, and referred to It ion of the amended Conetitutinii, and the Coaititulienal committee. , I question recurred on the amendment offer am ordinance 10 prcTcni varntcni 01 iou 07 m r. mnore. 01 t ae, ai a vuiiuuic County war debts waarelerred to war debt I lor the one offered bj Mr. Mebane to sec. Oommmee.tr - , - y in. uu ai me uiuarivion bi minu. Resolutions of respect to the memory oil After some discussion Mr. Moore, on Messrs. Saunders, ol Onslow, Henrahan, oil leave, withdrew his.mendaent,and offer Pitt, Fsison, of Sampson, and IS icholauo, led a substitute therefor ; of liladen, deceased members ol the Ion-1 Out ih Gnral AwmMv mat eatat-rwh Coumof An ArHininr rnnrvrninif th ritht At tie State hereafter to be contracted and revenue levied. Postponed, On motion of Mr. McDonald, of Moore. the resolutions " declarmz what has been done and appointing a committee to en quire what is neceesarj to be done, were uaen up and read a second time. ;. Mr. Richardson addressed the Conven tion in opposition t the resolutions, Messrs. UirK and McDonald favored them. tn- v Mr. Richardson moved to Jay, on the ta ble. Lost. yeas 20. nay. 71. : it ' The resolutions were thea referred to a committee of seven. ;, t tOq motion the Convention adjourned. VCOUon, alter some appropriate adUrrseS, Record to bo htld puhlkl; anJ at ataie4 Urn and " were adopted unar.iroouily, and Ihe Con ploeoa, by ;owo or awro Judgta or Justicta of ib ' toatien adjoarnad. - . h?"",J dwmioo, wiibout ant o w,aV.d.y. Mr. ciM.tii .r o.ii; sKUjf XSttXZl vfrd, IntrrMluced an ordinance tu restrict Mim.at.wliBnateritioaecut-daUalUowMniwU MiaaniMBt. debts contracted by the State to 0 per cent. M tried. Interest ahe Mortgages n railroads, in Oh5ciion trat madebv Mr.Ttntdenand wnicn me oioit: . ,i W ,cr""l, othera. and the question recurring on the lnxereai. neau Kt rwcrrcu amendment to the;amendment, it was re Constitutional Committee. lected ates 8; noes 95. . a - il a . ,- - . ah orutnaace v amtnu 100 cuoauiuiioa The nuestton recurring on the amend in relation to bomeateads was made optcial !. h t. Mebmo. ..lont rder of to-morrow morning U o'clock. Lj..it . BAta 48. ihe special order beiogao oiataence to af.:r IofH verbal - amendments, the change the basis ol reprei60Ution,Teportlil.P,,p rn.;,!. ration of the amended Con ed bj the committee, was taaca j ana eensidereu. Mr. Love of atksen. moved that in er- dinance offered bj himself be adopted as a stitution was postponed until Monday a ne contention men anjuarneu. On Satordav, Mr. Moore; from the con stitutional committee,' reported back the eubstitute. and proceeded to address the Lrdinant ratinf-the' office of Lieuten Contehtioa urging the .dsptiun of hrs sab tnt Goternof, recommending that its pre 'ititute. He said the ordinance bj the 10m. vision be aubstantitllj iflcerperited is Us) tattUe proposed a kite bull in the 11 oau conitirttiaty. - THE BANKRUPT BILL Tnt foltowiog is a summary of the bank rupt law as it passed the House: , Pie 1st -section constitute, the district courts of the United States eourta of bank ruptcy. , . , , . r .j - 1 , .The 2d section gives the United States circuit courts general superintendence and jurisdiction oi all cases and questions aris ing uiiaertne act. Jt v, ,t ; .Sections 3 to 7, tnclsstte, relate to the administration of the law in courts of bank ruptcy. ;, rn .'l'-''.t '.Y-- ' r , Sections 8, 9 and 10 refer to appeals and practice. , v' . tn,..,', t ?,.- ,-,-,- The 11 tli section protides that if sny person reaiding within, the jurisdiction of the United States, owing debts over three hundred dollars, shall apply by petition to the judge of his judicial district, setting out bis inability to pay, his debts in full, and his willingness to surrender his estate for the benefit of his creditors, the filing of such petition' ahalj be an act of bankrupt cy, and such petitioner shall be adjudged a bankrupt. , A warrant shall then be is sued by the judge directing the marshal of the district to take possession of the estate and keep the same until the appointment of . . i . an assignee, nonce is men 10 o given to creditors to hold a meeting and choose one or more assisfees. Sections 12 to 1 8, inclusive, define, in rreat detail, the duties of assignees. The sections 19 to ?4, inclusive, relate to debt, and proof of claims. Section 5 provides for the sale of per ishable property, . Section 25 provide, for the examination of bankrupts before the court, and exempts them from the liability of arrest during the pendency of the proceedings in civil actions. ;.. .- - Section 2? relates to the distribotion. of the bankrupt, estate. All creditors, whose debt, are duly proved and allowed, are to . . 1 . 1 t. . oe enimen to snare in me oantmpi prop erty. pro rata, without any priontj or pre ference nhateer, except tint wages'due Irom him to any operative, clerk or house servant to an amount not exceeding fifty dollar, for labor performed within aix months next preceding the Adjudication of bankruptcy, aha 1 1 be entitled to priority and .hail be first paid in lull in the order for a dividend, the following claim, are to be entitled to nrieritj or preierenci and 10 oe nrst paid in 1011 in tne leuuwic vr den I. Fees, cost and expenses of suits, and for tbe t uslody of property. 2. All debts doe to the United States, and all taxea and Assessments under the laws thereof. 3. All debt, due to the State in which the proceeding in bankruptcy are pend 1 nr. and all taxes and asesmeot. made under the lawa of aoch State. 4. Wages due to any operative, clerk or house servant, to an amount nut cxcccamg 50 for labor performed within sit mouths axt preceding the first publication 01 we notice or proceedings in nanaraptcj. 1 3. All debts doe toanj person who, bj the laws of the United states, are or nay be entitled to a priority or preference in like manner as if thi. act had not been passed. Always provided tbst nothing con tained in the act shall interfere .with-the asessment and collection of taxi, bj the United State, or any State. Section 29 and the five following ec tioni, relate to the bankraptcj iHicharge awaits effects. . If it shall appear to the eourt that the bankrupt ha. in all things conformed to hi dut j under this act; and that he 1. entitled under the provision, thereof to receive a, discharge, ; the court shaU grant him a discharge from all his da ties except as thereafter provided, and .hall give him a certificate thereof under the aeal of the court. ::., ' 1 Section 35 declares preferences and fraa dulent conveyance, void.' ? : ; Sections S6, 57 and 58 relate to bank ruptcy of partnerships and corporationiand to dates and depositions; ' -i . Sections 39 to 42 inclusive, provide for the case of involuntary bankruptcy; .de parture from the State, avoiding the ser vice of legal process, removal or conceal ment of property, fraudulent assignment of property, arrest and detention lor debt for period or seven days, confession J judg ment, or suspension of payment of com mercial paper Tot fourteen days, shall be. deemed an act of bankruptcy. . t ': 1 section 43 protides lor tne -npercetltng. of the bankrupt proceeding, bj arrange nttnt. ' t'-h.i Section 44 provides penal ties asain.t bankrupts for concealment of propertj, falsifying books or papers, fraudulent as signment or conveyance of pYoperty, spend-. ing in gaming, permiumg a ncimous oeoi to be . proved against him, ' of obtaining goods on credit fraud alenxlj withia three month, of the commencement of the pro ceedings in bankruptcy; these are to be deemed misdemeanors, and punished. bj imprisonment, with or without hard. labor, for a term not exceeding three jears. Sections 45 and 46 provide penalties a gainst officers in administering the law. Section 47 regulates fee. and cost. -f Section 43 regulates stamp duties on pe titions, warrants, &c. 1 - J Sections 49 and 50 define the meaning of terras and computation of time. Section 51, and last, enact, that thi. act shall commence and take effect, as. to the appointment of the officer, created hereby, and the Promulgation of rales and general orders, from and after date of its approval; provided that no petition or other proceed ing trader this act shall be filed, received or commenced before the 1st day of No vember, 1866. t . -i lbs Question of Rejloratloi Iilemilng Letter froa a Republjcta hist. Judge H. I. Comstock, of Wyoming county. New York, who ha. bees a prom inent and influential Republrcan, has pub lished a letter en the political condition of the country. He, io common with a large, number of eminent jarists, throughout the country, is in favor of the policy of the President for restoring the Southern States. The New York Times give, the points of his argument a. follow.! . - He says the question to be decided is, whether the Union is saved or. destroyed. The Congressional Joint Committee virtu ally tells uf that it is destroyed, and that amendments to the Constitution, to be rat ified by each of the State, lately in rebel lion, are necessary to its restoration.; It is, he says, absurd to suppose that it can ever be restored on seen terms. ! If this policy prevails, the Union is destroyed. The effect of adopting the report of the com mittee will be to unite the South snd di vide the North. The Union party can ne ver stand together on such a platform, and whosoever believes it ran must be verj ig norant of the signs of the time.. The State, lately in rebellion will become more and more disaffected, and, if held at all, must be held as subject province, by military force. Nothing but , absolute necessity should lead tn the adoption of such a poli cy, and it will be difficult to convince the world that such a necessity exist, when there is not an armed rebel in the laod, nor the slightest reason to fear another rebel lion, unless a portion ot the people are de nted their rights. Loyal members ought to be allowed to take their seats, ar.J Con gress cannot deny the right of representa tion to any portion of the people without Violating the Constitution and disslviug the Union; . Either these States are not ia

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