11 1 UNION, Tilt: CONSTITI' ION AND Til K h A W S-TI1 ' G U A R D I A N S OF O U It Li KB jl TIES." illLLSBOROUGII, N. C, WEDNESDAY, ThUL 22," 18 CS. Vol. XLVII. No.-2435. that it cost him such a la ge sum to get' an education, ami a gieat deal ol lime loo." Tiut is con ret, brother Guidon, ami he ought lo lute good wage, and 1 think thiii u reasonable .enough. What say " 1 certainly, think it is reasonable, sir," aid Mr. Uoidou. Mr. Gordon's clesk, who hud listened to the argument with marked attention, tiiought it right to speak in his own behall, ad said : ., Tins is the very reason, sir, why 1 cannot all'uid to work I r less lluti 1 do." Do you not think, sir," addressing Mr. Thomas, " that 1 am right alu.;" " 1 certainly do, Mr. Jordan jyou should 'get your money tuck,' sir, (a the oaring is,) aud mute j you ought to lay by some thing lor times of atilicttoii and old age, when you taunol work. This is proper iu any man," said Mr. Tuoma wiili energy. " Now.genllruieu," tuuiinurd Mr Thorn is, ' tl uus is all right, as it regards 411 men in the regular basiness ut hie, then r i i ulivjtif tint r it lit uiih llio uiiiiitrv if th vei-l itl llie larmer, wn were menutrrs, i " . ( - . ..... wete in the Murt when Mr. Thomas intm-1 Uoapel ' Dave they net spent tune a d sUeed the subject, and ail agreed w.:b Mr. i ""fa,,,u eiili,' tducatim, r And have Gordon in argument against the stewatd. j 1 K ,,u lltd ul repar:nj5 lr lime d dia- Hie? do not ex;rei to make u pav the b.my ;j age r 1 think, my friends, whole claim, I recUn. "Hut ;s mure "than ti "e upiatn. Brethren, please an lull a much a tin whole circuit paid last vr -eW question: Why is it, when . - .1 i . 1. . b L Hill I 1 liwlll liul' (tin i.ruivlinv . t. , I veai, .re they iui oin;io pav sometnin;: .v J"- . ..... niu, m-i us vr&r at New llnner" Vi .' said Mi. Tiit.ina tl.r v are 2 luch -',; taxes, mi iuuch lor huv, s;ore ii2IojV three hui.dieU over tin re." 5,li !'". knuitli bil. and the lht . .. .... i. i : in . i . i. . ' llili, ' " vauiiui, unman; tiiuii uu v u near jow. ti(jno,s OMETIIIKG CURIOUS iaoiTTHiPKEACHER The interests of the preacher had to be attended to in other pai ls of the circuit, as well as at New Hope, and there were not su many advocates and wroiker at some other point! as there, so the ook went on tnot slowly. Mr. Tlio'mis was the steward at Cemre Toint. This isnot much id a village. I here it astute kept there by Mr. Gordon, who i a ineinhtr -f t,he t'hurch, and djin;; a pretty heavy buiiies, as there i no otnei store Within tm t fifteen miles. Theie re tome hall dozen huu.es, and as many families ltide, but pretty much all far tut ik, who own good In ms around snd ad juining that place. Mr. Thomas is ene l them. As trie board of stewards had tie let rained to adopt the subscription pLn for raising the picher's lary Uiey went im mediately to wurk. Mr. Thomws begin with Mr. Gordon, by telling him that the amount aoied to that appuiii'.inent ws two nunUrru iloiiars. be larmei J but he said, " I will pay my share or a much as I can, but 1 will not sub scribe." "Why not subsenbe, brother?" asked the steward. " Well, brother Thomas, I don't like to bind myself, for 1 might not have the money to spare." ; Well, you can get it by an effort and a mall one at that." ',- " Well, I, will pay something when I get it, hut I will npt subscribe." ih " Youraean'that when you get some mo ney, and liave no other use fr it, then you will give it to the preacher.' "No, I will give some, but I don't like to be bound. " When you hire your hands to work on jnur farm, do you not promise to pay them r IVhen you buy goods front brother Gordon, do you not promise to pay him ? Would any "mm work for you, if you did not agree la py him ; or to sH you goods, or any thing else, and not bind yoursHf to pay the fall amouKt ? Then why treat the preach er meaner thn any one etsef" IK saw the iittU'ties of his course and subscribed hberallr. Mr. Thomas soon had the amount promise I, and came up w ith a full report. Mdhxlut VhrUiun OWrtr. JOSH KILLINGS ON llEn.RUfiS. !you till u that you iut. ;i n.uvli tu buv, ' .. ,.u i ..it t. . i r l i i . - , I n-ver seen anybody rt but what de- some months since, positively denies that the Grand Lodge .of New York has anything to do with thehe negro Lodges, and. that ihereare no negro Lodgea recognized by the Grand Lodge of New York. 'I here are, however, clandestine Lodges in New York and other Stales, entirely under the control of negroes, but theysre not re cognized in any way by the legally initiat ed. They are harmless t true Masonry, and can never become affiliated, Everr Mason knows that the negroes of the South do not possess even the very fiat requisite to be made Masons. Masonry is the same North and South, Kastand West, and there are none who would change.it il they could, or could c lunge it if they would. Founded by the wise King of Israel, at the building of the Temple, nearly S.OOO years ago, its princi ples have continued the same through all the dark ages and days f persecution, are the same to-day, and. will continue to be the same until the sun shall cease to illu mine the day. Very respectfully, A. MASON. TOO MUCH LAND, 'i he great error with our American agri culturists is a morbid desire t own and a cupy more land than they can cultivate. Farming is a scientific bukine!., and is ca pable ot being reduced to rules as precise Wefl, hoar much ut ?ui.nv and li.w uiuth at" Vely thapl: . I I I I . 'I'i t . ! am irrnni. nr..t .... ... ..I I . i iirii ui-u-uus. i iiev are me meanest ' "" wc ' uu, a vucces- HVCjMIIg, IIUIMII, ur on- t d all trawlm They dassent tackle a man bi dalite, hut ... j - i .;. .. I .,. i. . At nny M.ll tJ.o .re g to pay j 1 c , ,,,-ln, nrak in alter dai k, and chaw him while he filty Uo!iar, ami at v rsiey t IMpel twenty vt t iui . iuuiuimiS jz a-.t sleop. t.e, and twrniy-hte at the o;lr aj.p...nt- w.c u.-Nici.- .uy ; A mBsk,s win fi ,,t T0B Jn br0j mcnis,l.o,u which we h.ve ...ur n.tiud tiiaie i r, a; ilvc a.lcly and peace at ,,,nrt e fUe0U t chanfC (cw ,ytiM,g bmndore." my l..nd are in it ; ihe pe-c, and id,- knck bille4Jlhe flea u , b T..l makes.it hundred dollar. " .aid 1 commu.nly .re n. it ; yea, am, wi make , (,a4f at tn BrU. Mr.Gardon. IUwlofaitcMuev.lhije J.auii ot ,y couu.fy i, u. a ; auJ ra bol lhe bt.,, b fz gsrroter, who ,caJ.rr ma-t luve su much thai. ,' ' ' !'. ie.n-l salvat.u., .nd Uu- H.fs .j, To If,j hf picks out bio In r Jameson did lasl year : lie iiiat oappue ul uiy cluuin n, and mv .,;cr , rat vou 1 ivp,ct to get ni!,,,.r u preachm; L.r m., , mal p.-a. , j, , w j , he Imbit nl swearinff, 1 would ...... . a.i i'T rri ;l ! 1 III I . li i, It i.r ii ul t t.-- i .1.1 1 . . . . . . . V -. . ....... -...wV,w. Rot hcSlUle toiiamn a bed-bujs riht to or glun ' a i.i this au- ul sni an.! d.-utli, r t !' -e ib.tbclu:.6touurriAc.luce .iiti.eetrr:!' n...!K are annrnon smart in a ,! ..,,at,iepeiHl. upan the ta.tnlu. and ,,,, wavulie p;iir , t!,em wi fctck a vt-.-. ...M.v,(l, ..4 u.e ,r ,,,at,rf,ni -l ,eks with bucir enufl i.t . .iiic, and iiio to . af! i;e cm " No, brthr G..f.luii, the prrachrr h.d in.tlii..g to do i'hll; welhouit it-ariiu t t ie him a decent uppmt a coijen ,ilin lor his laU.r. And tin maaut .-rv ir.al!." jc.o.a i,.-au...ut the wuriU. I a.k aSaii,.. tfW ht 4 I1U fjmiU a wh,,e ful as those which regulate the manipulato ry process ul tne practical chemist. ash ington, w:mc discriminating powers wert certainly of the highest order, in one of his valuable epistles to the celebrated Arthur Young, says; "The agriculture of this country is in deed low ; and the primary causes of iis being so is, that instead ol improving a lit tle ground well, w attempt too much, and do it ill. A half, a i!.!rd, or even a fourth of wl at we mangle, well wrought and pro peily dressed, vuld pruduce more than the whole under our system of mana-re-ment." ' s Few apothegms uttered by the sa-e of Mount Vernon are possessed of Greater force than this, even at this c'-ty.'and it would be we.l for our agriculturists who re so anxious to extend the limits of their larms, without maiiifesiin: any farther de- V,iv ....all! WUut d ou snean. ; "'rui.cn, wnyuu we nm neai men ta.k i.u:: 1, ,h,n'i .!,. ,nnv ...nd to nrav when bed brother Tlu.mar That is more luu we j " Utfau.e weUo not pLce as much value ' hn,,,, nre iu sra;,HI . lbe v war i it have ever pai-l a pieachcr li t, and wc have "c v uo I ninii(i , ,htfm u ,ew bl,f up ,he tt.,U(e jn ; t augment their pi Juctiveness ami I a. i .u.c whu had more sis lam.U than ,e tbjvct ol caitii. I ne wiSd see that i-jf rtia and then heave it awav .nd buv ! lrofif. f hey would ponder it more care- mM, aou aci more in accordance with the la." jdu value the G'iel as Uighlj as wc doa l(PH. 0lle ttie thin,; u( time and ,ci.sc, bcau-e we Hed-bore. w That is very Hue. brother Gordon, but t- ci.r, b.cau-e we j Ht.,-borr-. when ihev hev grone all they j ytem which it susts. The most it is rrjually rue that we haie paid our every otiici paipe li st, and then iii-tul .i,are about the si.e ol s bluejav's I cessful faimer with lmm I have evtr pifacheis mo little fur tl.tir lahoi, thereby j t '-? Go,pd icry ncagt rly last. And lUt: re an, iave 4 brow Coiiin!exi.)n,.ai.d i ' a,,.r country, was a man whose ei uc- jav's! -rs mei wun wnoni l nave evtr met, In ii v ii .itiinlvi.in f.t i III any countrv. wa.t a man u. !... .r:;r. . 1 . 1.1 I I 1.1.1 111.. ......!. .11... . . I ll... .-.i.... .. . . i . I i. . I ...... nowii.g that wecioliol rtri ine i.uor - v . v.......,., w ,. liirV un ou, , 21,nf are ilZ a j nmeiean cjnsisteil ul bat fourteen acre. trie minuter worlU a much a that ol any ': "- -rasny peijaueu i.. otheiv man." " j-l,,e " itl the uRVr.-. id salrdiii.n. And I tSink v..u are mis'akin, brothel 19 ui,y w ,u, world cry Th.imas,we ail ai pntiate the Uel wuie og dow n many. l the thuivh as hyp'i h.j'dy thin aiivilni!" else." cult. We t ath by wotds Hut the -lu- lu. taulit in the lio-ji' td tin isi i. all Ves we do, lull r conduct show dut we !nnot appneute the sacrifices and inborn of the men wtm pnach the Gospel lo u." " Why not, brother Thomas?" " Well, to make it plain, l-ifihren, I will jree.e spot, but whui ihev jit thru garrot i us they are swelled up like a blister. It Jakes ihnn three days lo get the swel V.w nut of them. If brd-bugsi hve enny destiny to fill, it Like the Roman, Cressian, he managed tr admirable advantage everything within th amplitude i.f his piolessioii, and derived. jiom ins limited scene of operation a liv ing far superior in po-nt of comfort and tiut is woriliv cd l!.e c:ici"ies of man ; and by ouracliou. we teach tiut tne tantt.es ol 1 tcK ja, as hiStt arff ,ew Mick iri rai.ui ;jO"u, ami muihim nnxiis anu .titiflniih . aiuusciiuiit. have toe h.est M-at in our; t t,f v 5t up for somewise purpose atliction-. .Nov, brethren, if wc do ! ; ihev must hev i.nk th vieoiio- r...d f..r bru.her Cordon, how much duy.-u pav .the Gospel, let us ptue il by suppoiimj; there k.ii't be emtv wisdom in chawing a your ileik pir year?" ' jn more iibeiallr than we do anything die ; man aul nite Inn-;, "and raisin a family, be- Well. I nv him twelve bandied d I J up'it it with mr profits as a ia- u,Ws. Uw toilet iii ume tnul-. urs, but ynu sec I.e lusall the repoisibili (Cssity, and hot, as 1 am ashamed to say ty upon him when 1 am ht here.'" ' do, give to its support meieiy ''That is the point yon aie willing tuj-ul m iuve over aud a'jove, oi wl.ji e ty a single man for such labor twice asUii spate from wot Idly things; then we much as ynu aie willing to pay a man with ' M dl act Coiisit nt with oui selves alul j to a large family to pt each tlu (io-p.-l. And j f,oiis. iNnw, brother Goitloti, Ian? is asltr the responsibility, while yu risk a!Mul "-ubtcriptiuii paper; I lue st to pet lew ol tins WKi!d'sg!Kids to therate id vnur 1 'he in .n. v tuliscfitted so as lo u purt ai the tieiK, we, as a innicli ami people, initusl t tjurtctiy imttn. M muM tlieir.stummuks, but it seems to tne respectability to that obtained bv his more that thev most hae been nude bv acksi-! 'aoonous tretghbors, from farms, or fr. f holds, rather quadruple the extent. We may form something like a correct cor cep tiou of the actual capabilities of the soil, under proper management, bv witnessing uie operation or oui aroeni'rs. What is done or me-iinplished'on a sma!' scole, may eet taif.lv, w ith due care and ef If there i sum widm in aul ihis. h -re 1 ',,r1, e accomplished or? a laige one, f-sr t ie moral and spiritual tiaimug of our selves and children to the man-igemrnt ol ihe minis'ry, in which traimi'g are center rdiur present, future, and et malinterrsts. lltw much dtH-s this b ard of education give the school teachers." I belice first class tcatheis here get fifty dollars per month." That, brother Gordon, is the same we are to give our minister this year for teach ing us the glorious lessons of salvation through Jesus Christ. Dut what reason, my bi other, does be give for charging fifty dollars per month for teaching?" Well, several j the principal tne is r Gnrdou tonk his pen and wrote thir- 'y do iat, twice as much as he ever gave be fotc. Mr. Thomas looked at it and said, " I think you must do better than that ; but we will see what we can do." lie then gave il to the clerk and said. You get twice a much lor a years woik as we ate giving the preacher, and you cannot refuse a libe ra! amount." Alter what he had said with reference to his own wages he dare not refuse, so lie put duwii as much as Mr. Gordon, which was very manly, Mr. Tbotnai then turned to a neighbor the lu: will chew diem fo'.ks who kan see j aaidening, which is so profitably isnotl.'fijr it. Mid leave me lie, b-cbuse I am one fthc ,!,B 'arming in miniature, heretics. lhrn;ntm-n Ttkgrajh. NLGKO MASONHY. 1 II 8U,cJ ll a: - .W,(J live have been I'istT..ii. .At.-iu fntl-.n.H. 1 ... I,,st va,i,, ars which ahlic ect LrtToKs bi.MiMtL. (.ent!e,n.,n:-I ee K f 8, m , Crimen . y ,,r P ,Per, that vm, notice the far, , hat w (ie,, 2Jfl 11 IBe a irgto Masim.c Liolge has been estab ,sh- Kr0!)(.hmcn 45 oot) F.i'glishmen, and l.COO me uiaiiii i.mi"c i'i .sew iimk. mar that rv,,a . 0--0 w ipo.000 liv.s. antI the independence of In order that those who read your paper , . , . V ' c ,c .ce "J ir imt be deceived, I be leate to state 'i4. st the Grand Lod2e of New York does ? .f: "BC!h' ''jV. t 15 "V BAhe . . vsisaifl r it 1 u.'iUUf 1U5.I fallll lit se;y ;:-.ri k.!??u inchme,,, mm? u,w, n,ooa ii. . Wi . . v v t Neapolitans and 2,370 1'apa in II rand Master ol New tork would presume j 1 ' presume to ftrant a dispensation to either white or black Masons to organize Lodges outside of that State. The Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of New York, with whom ( have the honor of a personal acquaintance, in a letter ad. d rested to a brother' Mason in tl.il State, j Italian fcarSy.Gtil Austrians perished, 5C,- Ihiluns, j pal troops. A gentleman seeing an Irishman fencing in a very barren and desolate piece f land, s!tid : What are you feneins in that to for, Fat? a flock of sheep would starve tr death on that land." And srr, wan't I fencing it in to kape the pour bastes out it it?" replied Fat. 1 ; ! II i I 1 1 u ;1

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