DENTAL NOTICE. 52)21. IBs A. lM,JEBMKjan WOULD rpwtfull return hie tbtnke to tb ciliseoe of Orioge count; for tbeir liberal pa tronage for the last 13 yesra. He ctn elaye be found at bia Office posit Dr. K. etrudwickaj except when professionally absent, tit will visit Chapel Hilt tb let and 3rd Moodaye in ery month, aod Urecnsborouga tbo4la week in each month. Febiaary li. a ' NOTICE. ; SADDLES, HARNESS, &C. , I TAKE thia method otaayiag la ibe public tbat ! have recently purchased Ibe entire stock ef SAD IlLlKl . owned by Mr. Josaa Turner, and tbat aa early aa circumsisocee" will perrotii I aball order general aa aortment of everything in tbia line of business, with the view te tbe accommodation of all who nay need ' goods of tbia deserfpiioa. Alt work put up ia this atabuabateat afcaH be made y exeneaeed wotk aaaa and warranted. I therefore bepe la receive tbe patrooage ot all wbe may wish anything in tbia line. Mr. Jesiek Turner, my authorised agent, will al waya be present, ready te accommodate all wbe may give him a cell. ,t , . -" I will take ia etcbange for we.k, all kindaofeoon try produce, and ia ne eat will tbe work be permit ted to eee tbe Chop without tbe tnvaey or the pro due. , .- , .THOMAS 11. TURN EH. ' ' Hillsborough, N. C". March S4th 1863. 11 TEE BUSINESS MANS. . FAMll.V. AUV'l.isER& ALPHABET, FACTS Mb THE PEOPLE. ' Debility, resulting from any cause whatever ia re Moved by WINK ef TAK. tO. FOR TUB KIDNEY'S, . ' . . The belt.1 Uieuretic ' , i ' I. Win of TAR. " TRY O.N K BOTTLE. tar WINE OF TAR. , I 8 aoted for lie asetthy action Bjn tbe Stomach and llowvl, recatattng tbem aad Retsieg Cee- tiveoesa, ot Diartbau. For ddHrult Breathing. ftHrnre of firresi, Paine ia tbe Bide, Breast or Hack, ate Wine si Tar, lor speedy Belief. It ia for Vale ia Danville, V. only by - ' . - . . , I . T AS. It CALLUS! or , ' T ; - i N. H.CALLUM, Drue.. March 21. 19 U SPUING GOODS. AT I) AN VII.LR. VAi- ' , ' "i I HAVE iatat leodiJ Stock DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. Cheap for Ch. Call a them. Corner ol Maia and Crsghead 8treeta, DanviUe.Va April I I8CJ. 1-Iy HARDWARE CUTTLERY , AND SAPDLB tt'V GOODS, ' Ne. '-I tot Miiaatreei. RICH MU.ND.Va. ' . WU are aaw prepared te offer ! eouatry Met chsbts and at bars fuU stock of English and America !erdrre and a full tioe of fraddicry Ottods; te which e invite tbe attention of Paddteia, VI e wilt sell ear Gomla aa few as ay regular House Nnh ertiootb - " . . , . We are aUa a$nta fr BUr and Htmp Parle ra and Uam Brt4iog from f te It iat bea. All aembsre of the beat AnVer Brand Baiting Cloth from 0 te No. 10 ea hand. Send aa your or alera or ('( and aca oa. W ATKINS. COTTRKI.L & CO. March?!. 10 3a HICKE? & SUULE1T, DANVILLE, VA. DlaLKM IS Hudwsrt Catlere. Iron, Steel, Naili, lUIUwfvare, Carpenters Toot. nUcksmith Tools. Circuitr ss, tMting &c. &c. Afweya karp a brsvy atotk Wakkl for Casa Item best MaaafMtars, and offered a taw e eaa be ai feroVd. A tail is s)li-itf J. - U1CKKY k SUCLETT. -April ti. u it DB.II. W. COLE, icccrMos Tt ' ' . C M. FLINN, DRUGGIST & APOTHECARY MAIN BTREET, DANVILLE, VA. . , i AGENT rOR.PLINN' 'Celebrated Peruvian Bitters." Tbe twtt remedy ir ofirreJ U the poblie, for Dppepsia, Sick Head Ache, Nervous Debility, Loss . of Appetite and fur Strengthening Uio fyetem nftcr f ick ncsa. , April tl. : " ' 14 3m iWni!L2SC33 & SIT ; WHOLESALE GEOCEUS AND C o m t m i n 1 1 TJT r c h tin t M , NO! Rn.NoKR HQUARC, , , .. nORPOl.K.VA. t I.WAVS on b.nd a fl ttKk of all anictca in lbs i)'rctf litis, at lowest cnsrkst rat. . ctrki psrtnsl stir-mifKi to toniitmcnt, and ra Um .r.ii,ijf anOrrgularty tnsde. April 31. tl ly SAVE YOUR STAMPS. Ladic's Shoes from 1,00 to 2,25. Gent's Shoes from Si, 40 to 2,50: , HOOTS, n Come nd see. Children' thoei thrownin? JE bate jaat leturned from New York with a laige and well selected Ktock of Boole and Shoe to suit ibis msikut, We have been long enough ia the Tia'e, we think, to suit our people la Btyle and quality, ,wi Know w&at good work te, Coma and look before you buy. We doa'l pretend to aell at Badoo price', or below Boston price; but we pretend to sell aa tow aa Hilleboro price a. and kiwer than you eaa bay from aome H oarea ia tbe town.' Remember oor StoieY Neboo'e old Ktsnd, second door atore Browa'a tftore. He are manufacturing it! kida of work, and we work as good Material aa eaa be bought North, and we have aa good woikmea at work, for ua aa any in the United buiea. If wa eaa't auit yorf in ready made work, leae tour measure. He insure all our work. , Remember, wa take ail kinda of Pro. duoe and Lumber. Wa will take money uf ttm't gttt LrcaU. .. TO THE LADIES OF ORANGE. WE have the largest and best selected stock of Lad tea woik ever elk-red ia tlilUborough. We have work from the beat Mano'actuierain Usitimore.Pbil adelpbia and New York. .. . - . . Fon, a wis jisd no vs. WE pr'kte earselvce on our t'tock of Girls and Bnya otioea, All aorta, atxea, colore, kinda and qualtua. V TO TAJyNEES. WEhavethebwtTennfr'eOiL We wish toswab rit r . . ... . . ... uii tor .eauer. rvani to sen your Learner oa lom mieaioo. . . TO SHOEMAKERS. We are just oproing Shoe Tools of all kinda' Shoe rimlmga ot evert descnpUoos Upper and Bnle l.esih- er; Preach Calf fc tina of all Ibe favorite BranJsin fact, every Uucg that ehoemakcr wanta o one, . . rARKS & CO. .ApnMa.,. . ;. , , ... ... T 13- Encourage Home Manufacture.. ALKX. DtCKaOJt, . ' wa. RICHARDSOSt' DICKSON AND RICHARDSON, MAKE AND 8EIX , f " ' YObXGS IMPROVED . SMUT MACHINES, rP good material and werktaanshlp. All orders or " rlt4 of engairy addressed t tbem at Hillsba roBRb, Uranee rounty, ! C will recetv promp attcntkm. jT All work waircsud. May 17. 17 D2. LAW RENTE'S , , i . ... CELEBRATED WOMAN'S FRIEND! A safe and reliable remedy tot 1 All Diseases Peculiar to Females, ;.'' SITM AS Leuchnrrhei, or Whites Prolapsus Uteri, or Falling of the Womb Irregular, ' ' Pinr, or Suppressed Menstrua tio Pain is the l$ack' , Nervousness, Wakefulness, Weakoess, &c. ' . ,' ' DEPtCATCD TO THE - '' LADIES OF AM?RIC1,2. , For whose benefit it waa designed, and wboh bappi nasS it Will prrmiole. by the diecovrrer. 1 'J.J. LAWRENCE, M. D., Chemist. t 1 I T rHTstasnt ; The artkleaofwbich the Westana Friend la tore' pwaded are published aroaad each bottle, and it la brtieved lebelbe best Uterine Tonic sod Alterative yet discovered, . ; ; ; I'.ia a valuable sad reliable agent ia all derange meota of tbe Female Unproductive Orgaae, and ia Hysteria, NervovS Hsadacbe.Suinal Irritation a, Ac ' '-; 1, H. BAKER & CO. Wbdeea!e Agent, Ne. 4 Main atreet, Norfolk, Vs. C3" Te bom all orders or letter must be addressed. L?" Price f 1,09 per Bottle. J April 11. , , 14-ly DAN R1YER LAND AGENCY. ; I HAVE established at Danville, Virginia. A a agsncy for Ibe sale and purchase of , , ; , HEAL ESTATE 1 in the valley f the Dan, the toe country beck of Danville and all tbe surrounding Counties of Tirgln ia and North Carolioa.' Agenciee of thie desctiptioa are eery much needed, to call tba attention of etrae gera to ear seci ion, whkh, lor natural advantages ef aoil end climate, water power and mineral reenureee, is serpssstd by no other portion of the Hoeth, and hick eoVa tkefioe4 frld lor investment tbat waa ever presented in those who w'sh ta eagsge ia farm irg, aanufscfoiing, mining. or speculstloo. In abort, I believe we have the finest country ia the Untied SUtes, and it will be Ibe object of the Dan River Land Agency to bring its attractions prominently be &re the world. Tersons residing ia thia portion ef Virginia end North Carolina, will find H te their ad vsnisja to pot their lande under my control , .They shall be advsriUed eiWnsivtly ia every part of the L'niieJ Mutes, and no pilnaor aspenee will be spar ed to vlIeGt s tale. . P. BOULDIN. ffRANGEll'S HOTEL FORMERLY ORIS WOLD'S ' T. A. GRANGER & CO. Proprietors, OOLDSBOROVN. C. A f.f. Sail Roads centering at sod passing tlia point i bare their Tkket Officea ia this Hotel. . . raMcmgertgmojt South, Eoit and Wet, dine at thl Hotel. ..' '. . Bdsiie taken and from the Hour Free of I Chirr, and checked te aay dcired point. j April IS. IS tf ;s y ir u CHARLOTTEITS 7 ;dIES ITS . a. id' a a a a ,; . ' Trom our Charlotte Correspondent' For,ftome time past oar friends from the Kouplrjr'have not come in loses us as usual. I ith ''.. J ' - a a toe corn ana cotton must worxea out, snd there's nothing like good dry: spell for killing grass M i'ru . ? 5 I. I thrown in ta help out. ; Charlotte has been at no loss however. If times ever seem to be a little dull op n; Charlotte tlirows herself opon her own cegourcesaml publish es s festival. AHvtly time roar surely be ounted on then.' : s m .) THST MASONIC FESTIVAL.. . ' The Masons fought it out on'tlii line 3 nkhta last week and; pouched mom than I2U00 of clear mooeyi It is hardly "worth whle to give yo a tletaued account of the matter.. Of course we had any qaantity of cedar work fancy articles the prettiest imaginable cake; ice cream; soda water; wine punch and sherry cobbler ; and natu ral wells of lemonade aud other et ceteries oi that kind. t . ? ' JAC B S LADDER. We bad Jacob's ladder too.' . f t ' It . rested upon terra fir ma and reached upward at an sngle ol abont 78 degree. .'.On the ladder were angels done tip. ia wag and illusion. I am not sure thai they were descending or ascending. Hut ihry srea to have been so struck by the Uir enectscle below that they coulua t get any farther than mtd- heaven. . ' ' . " J 'M'TIERE WAS JACOB I V It is said that Jacob had 'been engaged for the occasion, but failed to come to time. The strength, ef the enterpriae1 however did not lie in bodies celestial' but in certain other bodies more snited ta homsrt natore's daily wants' Jus how they dispensed ; i ands of every kind. How certain matron ly looking an es displayed their dam' and terkey and chicken salad, and seemed to have their patrons chiefly among those who had past lhe romantic age..- Ami how eer tsia other who themselvei almost' good enooetr to eat won u ww- a letlow -wuh cake aad ponch and 2 kinds of ice cream and varioos kinds ef tit bits not remitting their efforts t'll they had mad him shell oat his last item of frsctionil corrency and leel sorry that he had no more to shell oat mm i. ol . r juese mings i say tt ts not neceaary thst I fhosld mention particularly. They only differed from the same performances in outer places, in being done in Charlotte style, and yea can at predate fAelonty by seeing for yourself. '.?'. , i : TH? LADIES." i Success in any enterprise. Mr.. Editor' depends upon having thst enterprise in proper hands. Did yon ever think of that,; or hear any one advance the idea before i , It is so, sir, and oar qeopte onderttsnd iL One l iur cardinal principles is to enlist the ladies, whom we Cad to be foremost in every good word and work. Since last Christmas they have engineered no less than S festival t 4 lor the churches; and this last for the Masons. Each was a suc cess and some of them bevond the calcula tions of the most sangaire. Daring this last Spring some of ttar men tried to get the people to vote 160.000 in aid of a rati road. The tt-oinen had nothing to do with it and it fell through.' THE JERSET WAOO!. , Now, Mr. Editor, there is a Jersey wag on which frequently moves along our street at the heels of some of the best stork in Wadsworth's stables. Whose turnout this is it ia needless to say. It is well known in this community, and if such an enter ptise as a festival is on hand and this et tablMimeat is seen moving; ia that direc tion while the preparations are making we uon't leel aaeasy as to the result. The only question is how much wilt be raiaed. Nothing lila ntditing " the right agent is the insurance men would say. ' THE CIDCCS. Wt have just had a circus here, with few animals, to catch the - church people. Col. Ames, the Master Spirit. There was the usual display of band wagon ponies with superincumbent nvmkev then two camels and an infinitesimal elephant then a cage with bo animals on the inside, bat 3 on top with a woman as supervisor then a considerable interval ' tif dust snd anather cage and any' quantity of Africa and yoong America in about equal propor tion en the flank and the tear. I don't know what success the show had bat I rather think that so far at most of oar young folks are concerned, the masonic (estiva! of the week befure had drawn their fire. Now don't forget the lesson 1 wish to impress epon vua ' Ifyoa wish to build a parsonage, or inclose a charch, or do any ether christiin rtk xret the matrons and the maids on your side, Yours CHARLOTTE THE BACHELOR'S BUTTONS. , Some years ago, when I was a young man, anil dreaming (as some single men do) of doobie bliss tet destined to arrive, I went to a concert in Music Hal i, Boston. Music is poetically anil proverbial! j( "the ..a(1 at loV MS i mwWimMr.TetntJ consumed a great; deal of. itinot thatl hau any object m vjew. Mine was ab8trai love ; I cultivated it ; I increased my s'toc!. so that 1 might have a good deal ot lender pawrton on hand, nhetiever I saw an eligi ble opportunity of investing it. ' Well, to return to the concert, it was crowded to excess, and the rush, on leaving. to gain cans ana carriages was very grea. I wore, on' this" memorable "ni'ht, a blue coat with brass buttons, and flattered my self there were' worse' looking men in the it CM- '.Li.' 1 ..I ' A ruurn, i bbj vsiiuiuiy I auiuircu my- self,' and next to myse If the other party I was struck with, was a eirl with black hair and black eyes, and dark skin, who 1st with some young mends lew forms dis tant. ' -1 limped she noticed me with my blue coat and brass button. t looked at her of- and beins, as my friends would say, in a rather spoony state; worked myself to towering passion of love. ' '' ' :' But how was I to co'me - to the object of my admiration, for I was as diffident aa de at voted, "a shy as I was vain," as an over candid friend once, said. ; flail Columbia, which concluded the concert,, surprised me, as unprepared at my nrst glance, to im prove the occasion, and the company were shoaling out, ..while I stood, gaping aj mv love at first sight. ' She 'and. her party "id died for a while by the inner concert riom', and were then drawn 'oat into the retiring current aro iosi to view. $ i iniioweu quica Iv after, lest I, should lose forever ail op port unity of identifying my idol; bat alas! the lights to the outer corridor, were few and far between, so no glimpse of iny'ttar could I get : I pushed and elbowed, my way fiercely thrnugh tbe crowd, with a view of getting to the outer door before my fair one's partrtmerffed, ' and thus gain one more stzht of my sweetheart , ' ' Hang it 1, I mattered impatientl,' ss I leita tug at ray coaiiati, ana was insiawiy eonsciousoi one oi roy niou ouuons r.av mr hitched in some lady's ureas rot pro- gress was suddenly arrested. How pro vokins,' said I, as I was brought to a stand, fori could hot push on without losing a button, or tearing a dress ; "how provoking the modern I ah ion, a lady now ha aa ma ny hoops and tentacles about her apparel as sea anemone. It was with some irritation that I a topped to undo the bntton, bat my hurry made the task more difficult, and instead of undoing, 1 only bungled and more twisted the loop around the button. , . Please let roe try," said the lady her- self, as I bungled over the business, she un gloved her band, ft was a sweet while hand, so t looked st her face. Stars and garters, bat it was my fair one, the black hair and dark eyes I wss in pursuit of. v As she stoops ed over the entangled button, a slight blush tinted her cheek. Oh, it was delicious. I hoped she would sever ando the loon, and indeed I thought she never would, for her fingers were twitching nervously, and my heart was beating audibly 1 tried to kelp her; oar lingers met. Please to make way there." shouted a gruff voice behind. ! We were blocking up the passage; wat there ever inch a lucky spot for entanglement t "You hinder the people from going out Anna," exclaimed one of her companions, with some asperity "plague opon the tin some loop, why don't yoa break it" and suiting the action to the. word, the Ipeaker leaned forward, caught the sleeve of the beautiful friend's dress in one hand and my coat tail in the other and giving a quick and decided tug, severed as. The crowd bore on, and we sepsrated, not however, before 1 gave my . "alar" a look which 1 intended to spesk voluraet. t thoosrht she did nut seem conscious of my mtanin onr eve snett I knew she was the onlv consolation left me, for Immedi ately afterwards I lost her and her party to iew in the darkness outside. i-t i . r That night 1 scarcely closed my eyes, lhinkine of mr 'brirht particular star.' and by what means I should find her out. I knew little ol the city, wnicn was a large one. and to exnrct to know the name of mr fail one by mere description, was hope leas as there doubtless must be a great ma- n with b lack hair and dark eyes, within tha "bill of mortality.' as elsewhere. My love grew mora violent in the coarse of the day. but tired at at last with my search. I returned to tha hotel, snd took out my portmanteau, to feed my flames even with the contemplation of the inanimate . I. t a. Asa fe button that had detained the biaca eye. ! divtnitv so loz. It was with no little de 1 W . . ff . t . F lishtthat I now discovered' wnai did not before catch my eye a tragmeni oi me silk loop of her dress, still adhered to the button around the shank. I pressed it to my lips; it was lilac color and I stopped to disentangle it from the bit of brass as though it was a tress of my loved one's hair, when something chincked in my pock et. Supposing I had left some money there, fnf Jn mv nprturhation sod excitement, 1 omitted to search tbe coat on taking it8 the night before; I then thrust my hand in to mv pocet. Gracious me 1 What do I behold, what did Make out? -a gold chain . and bracelet! t ' Yon could have brained me with my la dy's Ian. I saw at a glance how mattera stood in the excitement and hurry of un doing the loop from my button, the lady had undone Uhe clasp of her own, bracelet. wh ch had not unnaturally fallen into me- coat skirt with which she was engaged, and doubtless on missing it, instead of regard ing me in a romantic light, sne pot it uown that I was one of the swell mob, and pur- -poselr entangled myself in her dress to rob her of her jewelry. ' Here was anti-heroic position to hna my self in, when I wished to be considered the most devoted of knights, jo pe me most expert of pickpockets. Was ever aa hon est lover in such a plight ? And to make it worse I could not see how I was to es cape fiora the inevitable dilemma. ' I mnst go down to'the grave temembered in the dear one's mind as the nefarious purlomer or her bracelet. To find her oot was im possible, but a bright idea struck me, as my eyes lighted on the coffee room table. I sat down and wrote an advertisement in the following words; . , U the lady whose ures3 got entangled in a gentleman's coat button, in leaving the concert on Wednesday, will call at or send to the Tiemont Hotel, she will hear some thing to her advantage." " J ' There I thought, as I gave the adver tisement to the boy, and five shillings for .a a. It ik.s MI the insertion in me paper, inert iuai wm not give ma a clae to the escape from a ve ry unpleasant drama, and the same time to learn who my enchantress is, the fate mast indeed be very unpropitious. My plant being thus far adopted, I or dered dinner, and waited patiently or im patiently, the appearance of the newspsper next morning. It was brought to me damp from the press, and when I read in the glo rv of laree type an interesting announce mentbut my stars, what an advertisement followed it in the very same column I only wonder that my hair did not stand on end as l read as follows: 20 Rewaxo. Lost or ttolen at the con cert at the Hall, a Gold chain Bracelet. It ie thought to have been taken from the la dy's arm by a pickpocket of gentlemanly appearance, who wore a blue coat wim brass buttons, who kept near tne uuy on eaving the hall. . . . Any one giving such information at will ead to tbe recovery of the bracelet, er in the csptareef the thiet, (it it was stolen,) will receive the above reward on applying to No. 7. Cambridge place. Here was a plight to be advertised ia tha public papers as a pickpocket, wbeu my only crime waa like Othello's that of. "Ltoving not wisely oat too wen. My determination, however, was quickly adopted. 1 went op stairs, put on the identical blee coat so accurately described. and taking the paper in hand proceeded to 1 knocked at the door and asked the ser vant who answered, the asme of the family. .t 1 . J ' . . , ma. r. -ft slaving ncsru it a saiu, "is xmss luymona ia?" Yes. sir," replied the servant woman. who shall I say wants her ?" "Tell her tha pickpocket with a gentle manly address and blue coat with brass buttons, who stole htr bracelet, is here and wishes to tetarn it to her." Tbe woman started from me at though I was mad, bat ea repealing my request tn her, she went and delivered tbe message. Soon there came oat, not my fair one, but her stalwart brother.. That, said I, handinrhim the bracelet. "it Miss Raymond's property, and though as yoa perceive I wear the brass buttons, and am flattered ta think that my manners are gentlemanly, t am bound in cant'or to say I am no pickpocket." "i hen, sir, yoa shall have the reward," said the brother taking est his purse. "io. I repneti, "lor stranze as though it may appear, though am 1 no pickpocket, 1 stole tne lady's bracelet," ' The roan looked puziled, bat when I told the truth and pointed to the advertisement in the same naner as a nroof t afid not want . J . .....:.... the property, he laugned it.tne wnoie sto ry, and dtd not wonder thf,eiHt'sl his sis ter's description of the gentlemanly pick

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