-rf""-3 IUUBOEOUGIl, N. Cy WEDNESDAY,, NOVEiIBEIt'10 1869. t-1 it No. 42.- I !. -., in 1 1 . !.I1 " ' i BENTi'MliNOTICEi I- .- 1.1- . i i, - . .. it. . tiliifOi ol yraiigo county to their liberal pa .(jibs list 13 yesra, , ! .taavs ba found at bio Offie ipoifa Dr. uJik oicept b!a, profeaaionally absent. J,B mail Chapel Hill Uto Wl and 'd Mondaye try awnllk- and tjieaoabsrouih tha th week auLLAM). ' DAS'li COltWASiV T. I'? XtQLLMWb WAREHOUSE. jjrwpwtfull; rrturuounbanks fcr tba liberal .trainee heretofore uteuded to u and plaJgS l,uii ibl wo will gt them tba. llllib Kef and. . .V" A ; COMMODIOUS mUEIIOCSE u.ortr k IJlMi i G'oo4 Usa YsrJ. wilh j, ,4, 'Um Lot good 'ooros few V. agotiers to auy lifhU , , . r -l .... tlMtl CtB 111 ID U0 IIIMUN 01 BICUU ... ,1. .1. - II ... . .t.... T.LrHlUulil r , ii.it i'4 ....... v VVHULLSALCi' Ut.UUfcK3 . AV 09 bl full etotk of all trticlrc io iktU-wrtr; lioq, at Jt Jiurkrl tatra id jiual uuii.ii i eoaaitimruia, aoJ rr futayil abJregu'.aiiy !, it ,i UuTlaXV llENC-E'S ' 7 . WOMAN''FUlENDr 4 .u .i..l reliibl rented V for . I Diseases Peculiar to Female. , , t . it. .- j .J i brFailiftg.nl Ihe; WiMub't ltrrjuiar, U..ll i,.nnak(l MfntllDI. f I atu I vi " - t H !Iti.n:.Paia in tl'C.Back) (- - W.ktfulntkt. Weakneit. tc. I 14 DIES Uf ,fJU. I ' - i .Jmiii. ati baaa kaki4 ' ami il will ptomou, kjr ilia aueew... LAWUrJ.NCK. M. U., Cliemitt. raankltaof whtck lb oawu'a frwod i com- M at kbU4tr4 aifntxi aadi kuUh. and h ia kuImiIm Ua4 L'icrLaTnie ! Alttrati ia vtiuaita arui laltakla cal ball daranft ia of Ilia ttmth KjiraIuet Orfiaa, an4 ta ari, Ntrvaua lliJt Lt.iital Inrtauuna. Ar J. II. lUktill CO. . Lj 1 . abm ail f Jar or Wttci a tauat be atUrvaer J. Aanltl. . II tj DANIEL' T. GAKKAWAY. -r OUMlSSWb ' MERnCIIANT, A.D DEAI.CSt IN v ! H m ri L.n s: kcii w disk. N1)SELL4TIIK UOMK WASllfclt. . NKVVHKHN. N.C. 7 Mprcij Mnii m ia la Farcbaat and Sal ai6 and Cation an Commit ion- A GHAYES' NEW 1 WJHWSHGBSEiV , , DANVILLE. VA.' y K tak pltteara in loforatiflf esr Yittdf tha - www r'Mi'1VtTU vl t Yi?IF H'i REUC USEU (k, far conrilmfof aitulidr, coBairttrttt and 4t Hk-libt taanot U ttevllrd in tbia Market, t'a bat aa Etetllent W jt.o-VaiJ, wbara jour WiH I afctl act ara. " ' "v ' ft kaa alto, a chJ hoba for our utomra la ,fH. rj-'i I " 4-i - kaa aaaodataJ wltli Mr. Wm. T.taw, t aad favaraWe fcrtowR ta tb8 r-iMltra arouild iUa,aataBtad aa armmffiditkin. ' Wa taka pleaaara ia returning aur tbatiSt la our "da rWU tarf libml au(al Wt haa tveaJ. i kapa by wmb4 i tiaonai attntioa la aw bum la taniiaaate atari a ad taeeWa tha fatrtngga ai uiaaua tad tha tuc -m . . u. WM.r. GRAVES. - A . THUS. RMclJEARMAN, ...-i, vwm.T. LAW. , ,.v Tlunks I .TlmnksIL 1 V keaeiy ibanka ara ttntWrrd to tba eitiien a 4 m lii!t.tkn.A m.I ik A.f..Aitit Jin eiitinfra Lm ih 7 literal patrnaa tba) lata given ra in ny liua bimneaa. ra aii'l irtti( t rraa euatofneta r WARB ROUMt eornar f Waka and Trton l'at. Wat M ib Meihdwt L'burrb. Gla a a !l,aad lf,h.t,. rteed ta not oa bind it aball bo ai nri at4ca. I7ph.urlt rieatlj dm, 1 and rommin axwiJ i!nf!tna t...l n r mi.hr ! ; Mil 1 " .1. 7 V Mi' Duri.l Caea. af all aU4' 0 na. A llrtrta Inr Funeral km.U.. n.i.i. t. f a ad caantrf atrirDy atter.JH W. t O 1 " waqur.fmringtiley-a Hittw i;0tir, l!irj - ui?a ma a n and I try f p'a ,;iCtIAKLKsaC()ULKT. l t . tti.li V, ,' .U f - l ITHAS llO'EQUALi j j i 1 ,tW .i.i til , if ' iG,W, G. Q. G. CXG v( G W'A. A A AvA. A vt. r. Lt, 14. j u. ' J . "i i " ' f A A A A A A A A A A A A. A A $X XXXXXXX XXiXXXXXX CELEBRATED U . CELKRRATEf) ' iJ I Vr i-A. 4& M' it- V - '-: SCOTCUSNUFF 4 , - ( .' ' ',' t TUB : fO S. I' . I . ' f I O.NQUEKOR OF. A1.I C N C t .1 . ' PRONOUNCED at ait ' AMATtTK lilPPR8 TO BK ThC BUT SN L FF IN THE MAliKKT. ' and laketio other. Uu not lol u, t"trj itfor ta will like it'. It t TUY IT TRY IT, THY IT.i I A for halt bj rntst- K"", ;,4l2 ,i it! ' t -IS E. II. POGUE. Acent. 'I .! , for IlilUbwrough,' N. C t At Factor Price, i . a ...XoTICE Tbb;th rapaiation Ihatooi ftnoffhat attained iriduceJrenam manolarlurrra lo imrtileour tnda mark. Tla quality of bur rnff Joes bat lr ia 'be Inula Baaik but lb aupcrior rjualtij uf Tebac. ij tbii n ia aienuiaciurf a ui. 4.i-3 lj Encourage Home Manufacture. IIX. PICXmiW,- '.. N. SICUaRPSOll UICK'aND RICHARDSON. :ii rovMis LyritofED SMUiAOUINE fir good maiefulandaretkraahabip. Alioideroor M, irUara ot enquiry adUrcaaed laibemat liillaoo. (ago. uru-a fountjr, ii ruatva tPp attrntHH). ur All awf wairamaj j - ; H.', ;; . v:.. .. it ESTABSlSIIElh 7 f ESTABLISHED J HICKSON, TYACk & CO. Wu. .,.;-.DATVII.I.t.TA J NOW orfupylng two of tba largest alorea Jo Dan til la (Mir floor a, aatl tiled ilh eooda.)-k - 4 , Carry on tba i Farnituro and Undertaking bsrine in ailiu brine dee, tod beb I fulf fli'tk of amy setter in ua ituh . 4,,. . vv'; r I bay anumarata in pari j , Etrgtnt Wlluut ChaMibfr Sutta, ;, Tarlur aia,- in" Kepna, , .i U"-"" Cloth and TerrT. CotUtc iina.ov.rr ouiu, . . " BedaUaJ (f7 UiUereot tljlet fraro 15 Burkm.' ffMhtiMil,' MUrse, Crib.' ' ' Ct!Wn; ... Hat Tree. ' Cnt' " Tablfi, Eitenatoti '"V! . .TaMi.'&c. kt." " I.-; . Q3 Tky rwpecifully au.kii a cal from all intend ing io parthaot eenS'lant tbat tbey catt mala H to ihatnuwoat of tiaoorcbaaar ta bay aeaf loraa.'' tba InUMoat of ti porcbaaar to bay rrr No ebarjo lor paenori U U July II " a -I Z .V MlfDtHB, aiZZZ t& 0., ii...uuiliiil.u . Tf.--llr MB-" ' . A N U A 1.E K4 I.V Al.L KI.M Vtl I METALS AND PAPER STOCKf Highest prire pad lor Cotton and ' .LiM Kagi;r--,t.,r,:',;:.: v- aa n!iU.Krk Street and SS OtJ flireel, fEBU O. YA. I cy ftefo t Thomas Brsncfc 4 ioaf, April.1' ;i 1 ' - BY II1S EXCELLENCY, 1 HE GOVElt a?.trk fT9 vn'i.ri r 4 nrit tT a 1 ()Ecuti?e Deptrweul of North Carolina' f ' 1 1 .. ... -KAtEiot, Oil. JOth, 18C9. i ' , Notwithtandino the existence pf peace 11 J good order lit other jiurtions ut the Stale, 1 regard it 'u rtij dot! to announce tnat in -uur; Uoutitie, to-wit: Lenoir Junrx, Ora ;, an (I Chatham,! tuere, i(, aud hiilweu lor aoroe niotupsjjian, a leeling ol tuaubuidinatiwH fend iiarreetUu, insomuch (bat ui4tiiy good eitixeut ara. put in irrror or their livtaaod property, and it; is diltt icult.jf not impoaaible, to ttre a lull ami lair eulorttineiil of the law. laormaiion hit reached, and coottiiues to reach the Ex ccutive, that ia' the above Couiiuo a atate ol.leeitrig exiii which la totally inb'in pa ti bia with the fiee cxercifte. by tltc Itiettda m! Ibo'Goveiowent. of that iiidepeudfUt ex preatiii n 't ppiniou, aud that Ireedou of ac U011, wltich t the birth right ol eUjr A uieiicau. In Lenoir and Jones jtarioiia ihelts and uturtlcis have been committed; jaii have hefo lWv.iIjtopenfd.' aud the piiiiii)oiiatu tnence oaveueenniuruereu; an oflitir l the law ha been wajliid and aiatu 011 the public bighwaj, and .kuuiher ofiicer of the la has txeu alata iu the open dajf while .'etigaged iu his ordiuary avoca- ltous..i rnvateywelitngtitare ueea eniereu aud the occupants terrified, and eauie ol llient whipped tr oiorderrd ) others hate txeu shot or hanged orciuellj beated; and tli lehult Ua that thus far Uie ciil law. lltouslt finuU atericd and maintained, hat not U-n aoeituate tu bring tlte insubordinate and ihe wicked to condign puniahtueui. In C'luthaiu the jail haa been lorctblj open ed and a prisoner, con Sued under aentence ol a Court ol the United Stites, has been liberated and is now at large. Id Orange the jail haa been lorcibly opened and two nrtaoners (colored men) taken out aud altoi. utie ol whom has died ol lu woands. Three other colored lueu bate been hanged unti I. one lias been cruelly muti- Mlrd. ami ullieilM. . . . .v.'. . rvinjurea, uuulieu White citaena have bgT ....1 . r,.A 'ti,. it-.. --liri buu niiiu(u. anc uuieciauj vrrri sacred to tlte cause o( learain;, haa repeatedly inJel by fcands ol aimed men ib difgaise on hotse-bacx, tad acts of i lence hate been there perpetrated on onof- fending cititens and 'oUtcera of the , law. Many ol the colored people in iheae Conn ties, and no incoiiatoeable portion tf the wbtte peoiile, ihou"hbedient to the law and good citilens; ale living under con- staui apprenenatoiia uat tnry may tail vie- tun ai any ntotnetit a the tiultce of their eneiutes. vi . , , . ' !,- i. i It ia roadenr dutr under the Conttitn B 4 m w ' " ' lion "to call out theuitiitia to execute the law. iapptesa riots fr inauriec lion and to repsl invasion." i deeply rrgret that it aeeros oeceasaiy t(reort to tue miliiarv power toeolurce lie law and to protect the citizen. lial the k" nuttt be maintained. I have waited in vm, hypiiigllut a return ing aet.se of ieiiii and jumre . would ar rekt theae iulati i l the law. ...Hat Uteod evtl, inst' ad ol dluiuiniMMg hatS lutreaatd. and no coorae is I It to mi- but to iue tin proclamation t. tuntonuion anu, wariilug to all the people ij ihe Couufies mentioned, whether eiijragcdii iheae flagrant viuiations of law, or win tier inoinertut or ineustble to what ia occut ing in their anidat. " i now call upon ever citizen io the 'Counties alereaatd to aidfthe ciul power in , a lear leisenlr.rceineyl of the law. No aet ol men can take tie U into tkir own handi. Ererr citizen, tmwever ouoblr, r , what vee l.i.rutur. Iu aright t - n.ms. kl. -.r. . runniit S Ieii lvm? .... c, . - ..- ec pt by duVo, tn.t be pu,.J ished a.e by Ve laW...Jf.W-!. who counsel sla JjJH"v accordn.ir.lvi if there lie those who, doguited or tikrt' $ lel- lirnr ui olriera bv loXe -ill roilillllt aCIS Ol thilence, auch prrkiia guilty of . felony J and ahould be pu iald by hard T.bor' ' the' penitentiary ;ff, there be those" whof wilhoul prrctptoprurr, iiang, or snooi, or other te dei riten'oue of Ine, such per- other te uej sons air muideie d act'ordtnllf. J and 'should be puU'sh- . r I now give nice in ine. most solemn .. . .il- .. .f I .-.I . ntkiiner.i Inst iip vviauvna o' these outrages i the aloresaid Counties, tnvtt teatt I ot e mM, I will proclam those Counties in a fat of insurrection, and will exert ihe wholf)werof the State to, en-'" forc the- lawtofprofec't those who are as- aailed or itiiutdi and to biiig criminals to 1 ! . - UT .. I...U justice. . In nsuier use tats mere anooiu to protect et citizen without regard to l his antecedent his color ior hia political ....inidfiai la ii do this the law must be d 0'erJ alike, and mast be inflexib- land ahould restvcry VtrJye.r.J II J Vntaili)l '. ' ' '"pea crop is planted wiUi the corn, and the " . I ': "'f ' tie t j 1 ,. ?;uui uay 01 victooer, in tne year1 ot & '. our Lord, one thousand eight' hund- r red and sixty-nide and 'in the 'ninety " - i fourth year of our. Indepentjencei "' . W- W, HOLD EN, Governor. By Ihe Governor it , v. -. t V" '"''" ""j ,S,AYR. RiCHABDSiir,' ; i ' .( t'l .r 0 ' A I 'Private Secretary. , aa.I. f m m k a . . An act Making the. act of. Going Marked, Disguised or Painted a -Felony r 1 ! FkCTiom i The General ' Aserubly, of North Carolina da enact,' Any persoii who khall digaise himself by painting his face, or by wearing any mask or any, other-.de,-vice for the concealment of the face or per son with intent to terrify or frighten any citizen of the commonityor pare thereof, shall be guilty of a inisdemeanor, and be punished by fine 'or imprisonment in the County jail", at llieldisction ofhe Court. Sec 2. Any person or persons, either singly or ia association with each other, who being disguir-ed or masked.t or' otherwisi cdiiceatcd in -the manner jdesc!ribdiii tthe preceding section, sluir commit any tres pass or sct by, lurce vr violchce, which is now a misdemeanor by any statue of this state, or at common law, shall be oeemeiJ guilty ol felony, and shall be imprisoned at hard labor in the Penitentiary fur a. terra ol not less than one year. or. more than . jten years, ''r",-' h e.-.iM? cu;, o. tun mz aiiau ev , inio ciien m its ratification, and the Governor shall cause the same Io be published immediately. -II Unified the 12th day of April, A. U. ; October, 87th, I86!W a 1 1 'Jti 3u--39 "t . , "t - -.. - . Corroapondent of iba Ralaigb hiiuJi.,7j i. V. NORWOOD, AGUICUL 1 UUAL rS - - ADDREa-5. - ?, l . Mr, Editor: An agricultural address was delivered at Chapel Hill on the 23d of Octo ber, by John IS or wood, erq., wliich wan lis tened to with deep attention', by "all who heard it. Air. Norwood lias beeu a aucces (ul piactical farmer for more . than forty years ia this county, and fcmtws whereof he peaks when he Uiaa uou the subject ol larmine. ' ' ' ' " apoke about three hours, anu alt who uld but regret that his practt- nearu utur-w.f.f ! hmiivhi ttome to cai views cooia i.,, A few ol every lariuer ti Xtonh Curprour rea nis positions wm be interesting ders. ';, , if tha land lyio: west of the Durham an Ptttaboru' roads, ami within eight miles ol Chapel Hill, should be carefully examined, it w..u!d be found that two Kurds of the cleared lauds are si worn oul and exBausi. ed that they will not yieia crops auiUcTent to p.y for the labor ot cultivation, and that the remaining third willbe in the aa.ui. condition n the courae of a dozen years, uuiesa tne old system of farming is ihaug' ed. This is but a sDeciiiieu of ih feM..il bb.agacultutal coouition of Worth Caroli na. Our boasted wealth of climate and aiei.ery, of mineral leiourcei, and water power, ano natural fertility ol soil, is threa. teued wuh ruin by our piesent system of igricoitore. ' The itstew must bechanced or ruin ia inevitable. ; .... ihe tanner has onlv to h.i.k Ufsra It so lence upon the thrifty lorest ta learn froin natuie U'e remedy lor the 1 tin which ihr. r af lata lens him. The leaves whicb. fall am.uali. ciin km mc sun wuat the , growth of t tree lakes from it: umi iii '..i iJves ox imu a . aL. . I a . 'j together prevent the land from bein10 . .... .WVIBBUU I ru awt..; ii,. - farm; 'ak. xoturt plowahis lands shallow un ar, down hnl .I...11 ... ain hill. so that every heavy ram mav wash off par: i .k. . b i...t- ;..,,; .,J. p.a 111 ftrat 1 car. At the end of r-k... 1. . . - "T-r win aau loaatr tid Dui a. on lis a u.M. I . r.i... held that m? may I rain pie Mr' in to mortar Ihrougir the winter, and eat ofl every ihiHi? that might b returned to (he laud as a com peoaalion or what had bet a taken off in the cropa. The same Ihlni is dime everv tatan n..a.l at. . I 1 f . hi.i me unci is worn out and washed , ,f ' then turned out and another g00 1. u.rd. J hisis ft faith- r- nwuu vimh. l,iere ri however, btinurable'lxcepiious io me ruie. itio lemtdy is in horizontal plowing, inn ude ditches, snd deep plow g. It the toil is loo.ei.ed a foot deep ami tlluWeil hnriTi.iil.lle i uill kulil .11 th& r.in .. . . , . - -..,..-....... I mm ' fu pon it, and deal it out to lrwwos lante through the longest of our l,rJf "essons. 1 will mention here lajt on y l the meetiog I hea-d ehiieman MJ lbat he gathered this fad six batrela of Mn to the acre .Irom a' field .1 tne sauic nualii. .. I ..I k. ik.i -i. :.w ... ..I n'v '"" " vi the acre; and that hta larger yield was "mainly to deep plowing. A" crop of should be followed by small grain, and Done at our City "of Raleigh,', this ' vines ' rlowed'.unJer 'before the wheat- is sown,, and A crop of clover is sown, with the wheat and turned under the. third year, the land will improve rapidly. The farmer, however, should, joiike? njanarr. "dvery year, by prope r,roanagement, he can make six large liiur horse loads for e.yery-hel of cattle and lioraea which he keeps. Hence a man who keens two head of horMand a dozfh'headof cattle.'outit td nukEe Vvejry yeraerg1ity:or' hihet' fur ijA'vagon loaUs ol luan-ure.- it-tins is applied to eight or eft'aci'ea n'eat ikicifiiSf wajL nl it - prppeily.icultivated, it aviitykld inoru'than five times the, same land .would vvitheut the manure, and with less labor. i () ( , The speaker exhibited a few bu nciies' f young wheat which came up to a wheat Qeld broken op last July or Argust; Part of the grain had been' covered one inch 'deep arid ' part three inches deep.. -The plant from the grain one inch deep was healthy and vigo rous and its roots put out from the grain. That from the grain three inches deep was delicate and spindling J it looked as if it barely had strength to get out of the grband. It s hot out a few roots from the grain which seemed to have served the plant till it got out of the ground; it then put out another set'of roots about one inch below, the surface and the stem below this 'set was ' in some cases dead, dearly showing that one inch is the proper depth to-' sow wheat; 'and that manures for wheat should be1 harrowed in with the wheat and (elt near the surface, as me wueai naa nw lay root, . ; t , , j- The speak ar then exhibited the root, of a corn stalk and show'eg that it had several sets ot lateral roots and required much grea ter depth than the wheat; thus showing that corn should be planted s far below the sur- laee as the nature of the soil .wouwl admir. a lUHt tne soil mav be throw n to it alter it comes on.'' 1 " ' . , , Everv one who heard ' the addre?a"waa leased wiih'it; atid' thought every' body eje oovht .to have beard it. If Agricoltu rtl Clubs could be formed and kept up in every township, in the j$iatihey would be ot immense value, to our people. ''iej would serve as'ag' icujturat aihol in ivhidi our "farmers could teach and be taught MoiM farms would sonn be"Jund in' every ncighboi hood,' improved stock and farming implements' would be- imported, ' arid the whole State wouuienve ana prosper. OIUNGE. LP rriy'tiuii.t7T.' lutnupiwi 1UII' fe out of 'ityle; superceded y light rrar Lngtioh plaid. . Vests will be tworu ba'h smsK- ami nuoe oreasteu. ent low. witd - 'L .....u'-wi-i .ah?.. v.t.i.. ...1 ... . ' !r - - r'"z:;rtxn - """ T.- -' " will bt. worn wttliJcfH ivY f' cjIW. fiie i opera, or r.nglis i entf'tjjtHiicts,;., jcirfs t j ui Hht "LVif Stanley shK' Wilnu .in hfiriolS'rify.'aUo IhrfrwvHi y.i2uV(te'..f b'ue, ' black; brown and Uienler."'f rftJckiiri1 inr " nut of date, and white cravntk Iti.v rr given over to witei'S,. exclusively. J ,ii!!t , t bats', we are til l have WH crowns, mt. . diutn brims, with 'round curls arid rather wido 4baod altogether a' very handsntnt ' head covering., The low crowned hats of the Oxford, Derby and Jacome, style will continue in fashion. Boots and shoes will, . be made with roun4 toes. Gloves fur the t . strew eikt colored, and for ball opera, ' concert, reception and Ore., hiie, la- '" vender, or light sti aw colors k re in ognei-''1 Bright shades . in gloves ahould. never b vJ worn with a dress suit, nor white'or Isven r uer color lor orutnary street wear. .. . i j i i- An Irishmen being asked by his an'grj miter what he did to the dog every day . nuke him cry out as! if cruelly treated. Cruel? Irait btra.jer honor not 1 1 1 ne ver could hurt a poor dumb cralor in mr lile; bat yer honor bade me cat his twit, an'd so I cut only little bit i.IT ereiy day to make it more aisy lor' him." " " ' ': Beware of inquisitive people; a wonder- ful curiosity iu know all J is a waot to tell it again, i