. " . .. -r - N " r1 rv ESTABLISHED. FEB. 10 1S20. BILLSBOROCCH.N. C. Wednesday. Xov. 24, IS69. ;' V. r' BY T- C. HTJLXS, At Two Dol'urt per annum, paid! n advance. ADVEilTISlXG RATES. Otiaqurof ten line (in thirrjj type) $ tor ih first imtertiun nj 0 ceuta for each additional 1 jtinr3 month $6 ix month&lO IS mo. $ 1 3 w $10 " , . $18 , , S5 3 3 " $15 " f;0 " $30 Half column 3 months $25 6 owtth $40 I year fti OiMt column 3 months $f 5 8 month $55 1 ear $100 tci-VtUl turkeys arc 25 cents apiece in Mis-uuri.' . CThere has been an universal slot to north. snow Seven dollars is still the per diem ol . our Legislature. ..-- A , ' iTh Ststesville American say tlat revival is in prugress at laylorsville. Twenty persons have joined the Presbyte , tian Chu.ch. ' , ' .. . v ' m.a r"- . tii4tv J Dr. BlacknaH, the hotrliist in Itidgeway, has decided uot to charge, northern si! tors Unt the country -but twa dollar a day. . HrgvUr tare is three dollars. ' , , ThiViviHe lie ister says that cl J inhabitants accustomed to walcfi the 'Vizns nf the weather att that a heavy peri. tnuo crop this aeatuu forebodes a severe win tef. v Ti(E MESSAGE. Theme-sage ut HlJr e design publish".; eitracta fror. t -u , aUe stu JtiXt'l, tlocBtccBt, kI xmr.tred with moderaTrm--4 ?m.J ene. W , 5 ll was said thatVtto Gent. ar hal come out 'ib favor id a couctinn if the currency, bat Mr. -"teeH "'I'o-mse 'any contraction '( the amount of the cm r'eucv, et he be a uataiucd bj a tni-jr- Congress. t3r The Colt witti but two fore legs nu urO'" and that m1-1- !be fair in Richmondlately died at the fair ia Wiliifg'on. It w f month old. The skeleton of tie wi!I t uni tu tLe mitbfoaiao lnute t Wa!iin-tao. r'oTv sjQotves have made their appear- anc Sassafras Fork in Granville coun .ij and are making oig!it hideons wtili their hwwiirg. Thejr have already destroyed nuae fur or five hunilmi du'lar s wordt vf i.pertv. Sd saji the Kidgewaj Press. 2T Mr. II.nrtt,.f Caswell, has intro- daced a 1 11 into the I.ezili:ure t repeal : - i ir in wn iuo4.ro. it utere be a prepon derance ol food sense in this Legi.Utnre Mr. II.daetl will et bis bill thr.u-h. Bat ' , ' , 'V ""' ,r"r' t u "'""a' "Jl br.ii.g ul1rtrJ ,.f.l j-ar v. it I, a ecre lung af as yet theie are grae doubt as to Ike sani- eii.ri,aii4ibatdre.ljiai,e.C.ijoi(ii..ii-. inx tt .f the bissest half. - I 'o kuwu wbi f.lk.M.ffrrr the mean fcvir-cettaior otutrn UuiliorU IU in-' f 'educed a b II to allow the directors of rail- .... 1. ,1,. ' , ; roads the pnsilege o widen the gua;e of their road. The moat .eLas Liertd ol I i1 . V ' D it 1 . 1 i mc .N. t. It. Lead ate intensely again.! win wti. m .r w hiii me ace in u ine . ietl i. the Carol ria Centrallime will rove. OLD HOUSES .1SD POLITICS. Great men bate bad mueb inure fmdib -taniMiiteir man mat man o!l r.egrj nan toe oilier uay wbe gave In r juno n aboui politics thusly: ".Msster, I.'e done wid IJ h"ss and p..linc. De (ut die w my bsitda t t I bze Vm; and de tud ! -r'a done d-ad a Io I giia 'em." You ate iiiiMy right; Uncle. We wi.h that a great -Hatty white folks were of t.i way of V K3 Hard work will tell. Uut ten toonths aeo this olil and time ho nored journal passed into ita t resent band.i To-day e thank our people for their honest and heart? support. y . TiMuorfuw tnajbe licit Mreek mavbe next jear we deaign enlarging mavbe running B seini.wetrkljrwhtt know? We wuh in a short time to get a new $et of job and newspaper, tvpe. In addition it is our desire to empl.ij a first class reporter who will be in attendance at the Lej-iflature and ali other places vthere our people have nj interest:. . ' ,"' ffe are going in rnn a aewspaperi ' I ffe are going t rnn be best newspaper ia the Sflutb: Tai is oor boast (that of a puny man) and ma God help us to carry it out. " -..The path lirs before cur eves., We have been walk ins in it. We are eoins tt olum it- ifwectu. It ;M hritferi ort both gules with the briars i,d thorns of prejudice and political bate and lu bat ir w e cau kcrp iraighf, on it will exewtuallr lead into ibe greea fields where plrntv drops her fatness, and where peace hath her victories tmle? renowned than war. " We are uiaichin Otl. . r ' . .,. A CHRISTIAN BOY. J What is the e l bring in the world anleSs yv are tomtMyY sid a boy tu his friend. V:-- ..-,.. - ' Sore enough, and I mean in be,Man swered the other. -I bfcmi this very day. I mean t be soinrbndv." Ashton looked Georee in the fce.; "Be gan totUv ? bow ? What du vou mekn hi be?'' Chritt'utn boy ?,ahd so grow ti? to be a christian man," said George. "I believe that is ibr grriirt ,romeboly'foV t be.M 'Georse m vihf. There is Richer manhood than Cdristun. -iiaiih..., ar.t it is in the pwer of every boy to reach that. Every byC3iinit be rith ; eery boy fan not be Presitlenl ; every boy csnnut .be Judge; bat every boy ran be a Christian boy, and gmw up a Christian man ; and that s what G.l aa yoo ta be. lie aks o to be ', and so, with His Son Je u Christ, id be heirs f the Lindoiii of heavQ. : A Trenton (N.J.) paper knows of anen- '-tJh-j eoloreil man who iletiet! a pen ioo adorered to the Common Council of that city, asking lor an enlargement f the chnolhoue IW eoloreil children. ! letl to him that the i-fy nnnwwL.o.n ticeabte, and he ap plied for and abttined a large number. Just here the IjuIi eomen U, the petition commences, -rte. th parents of coloied tluldrea," ic; Wsm't it l.ori i.' ? Thij f pace h paid for by Fleming the Worm Coufcctiou Man, TO CONSUMPTIVES. 'JHE Aunriuaer, b4tiiij been restored to br.hb in ; wfro. Tuall wbr,i.aubwaIt4arouveflhptu:,J, r5rM,,,n""J 'Uotll b4, need of enpiwu uel (lire ol rha-ge.) wtib U,eJnetti..ii fr PrTa"S ,sJ l;"8 wbKaibey erul find a Mir tJur k.r CohMrapiiua, Abm. UiaurhiiK 4.c i b oiyert .I Um, .j-eni., ,0 -i g tbe JW,,,. ' ,,ft4'c 'be t3.i'd. andprrd r.ii-jma.in which be conrtitr. t.i be invaluable. J b b.M e,rr ,M&Wf w,n lf, bu fry. Mll Wlltw Jtu ""'. r a ihmii. J rllr- tiIiti( the eM UHii, will n!weai!ria. lies. KDWAUD A. WILH). Wiiiiitmliurg, Kiug County, New Votk. A i;EN'TfEl S wha auflerrd for year fr-m .Nen.iu. Lrrbiln. P,np$iu,r I),Ci.y, .ml all lb eflVct.. ,.bfl irI..i.n. w.ll.f. r iba .k r.f nlTwM.g buiwnity. ,e.(. f.t..ail ahonerdit, l.e rrr,,","0" awrcinm 'r iuaui( in.- nmi rrmr.i by iin:h be wa cured. eui?sii r ihiicr bi t.r..tn .y lb advrrtiaer eiperienre. cn ..omt ry.lJr.. iog, io petlecl coMi ler.re. JOHN B. DGbf N, No 42 Ceiijr atreel, .Sew York. Sale of Valuable Lands. PURSUANT toa decree of ih lUprri. Court f Hrna Caurty m.ii Ktl Trim ISfB. f will 5 r f,r l toilte highrai bilderat ilia Court ffou a HiIIJmko. ob MoiKiJTih 3rd day of January 79 t!il lo!ae ret of land bebtfitin la tb hii. .f UaM v iliiam Vre-i. naj lb water of (jray Creek a'jiniog t (ami i.f i.Vhmd.M. Jonrt. r..l Vt'il'iiinnd oibr entirting about 147 ar-re. fif mmnli. ci"lit i:l le Rin. bond and nl rrarity era. .re J title rramad unld Ibe furtbats money f !t ISa'eUr. GEO UGH LAW'S, C. S. C. , ; and Commissioner. SOM IILNG GOOD. nd other good things, t OATTIS'S r- ) T I C E . ttltt rw"', "ranga County, will mart i . lti.brt V MatnUv m le-emlwr. ' U" , JOHN LAWM. V sr Lc&e tide's. niaiar cor.-. .vii'r:? cost- XTiUCVUF J'OUSOITA 0 a 4 4 VJ' Tho GrcilleiltJx iVdtorcr! Not a Qua ilediciii Fonnul. v PrciW yoielv'by ; J.J.UVKENCii.M.D.. ; Oiiic Chemist. , : ;:'; . . Norfolk, Va. tj Bewari Counteileits. bee that Dr. J. J. I.mvfcp, Chemist, Noriolk, Va. and tlte word Ikiio. is blown1 ou the glass of each bottle.t t 4- -;' "'...'' Kokoo is eii srd by the. best physicians everywhere, fed the Ivuowtn Iron, nr. Tillery, a sucLlul practitioner of many years standing the Uid Noun tate: ' Rocky Moui4Jgecoim C 10. 18C9. Dr. J J Lawke Drar Kir: 1 have u--ed your CwnceiitAI Fluid Extract o( K.os koo in my rralc4wiih the happiest re suits. 1 tiutl it t:tt powerful Liter In vigorstor HI.dWer and Nervoas Ton ic, lu all diseaFs tithe Liter, Scrofulous jrpbiluic, Neiyiifj cctiuw, it is a renie Uy of ; immense leki fct, in . almost every variety f tiruafc Diea its use is indicated. si meet with the success which yo uee t ua n u I a c t u r er l reliable o WiciueV 1 sht-- much tespect. voir ubediAitt servant .. , V- iJc:tii!lehV.m.d. From DriFcnt;ea,an ctt-P,u'rd uJ experienced phv i ia. ; s .rimw Anr.m Ui rt Hia P1 ,8 9t 9 J.J. Uwreaca. M. l.Der Sir: 1 liave carelullv exainifitl 'he lurmula, as well ss the Thespotic pfi.prties ol your Koskoo comooun.J.and fc've mcscribed it in some stubborn caes o) t.hii'ic Liter Affections I)v.ep,ia, General Uebiutj, 6Lc, ana al ways with lha'-mt gratiftrng renults. I m H id -1-tnnii"lbriic Alterative, and Ilrpattc cotibination,'accon plihio us conotitaliooal tSecta tt ttbout the slight et debiiilt. in foct it fives fine support o the Geoera'l system abite its alternative ef fects are being procured. , 1 chen fully re-i-omeuead itstisejuthe pubt. Vours. Iru lyt v - t FKM HESSt. 51. D. Kofckmt cures Scisma in its worst Kotms. From Mr. A. VT . Mills, a promiuebt and well known metciant ol Norfolk, Va. -1 So t f. Maiu Va, repl. 15. I8es. Dr. Lawrenc Dear Sir : Your Kuko has worked wouUrs in my hmilv. Mv P'Jter has becrta sfferer from Scrofula since cbtldt.tHut. ( si, Wfcl iHiriy.ut. pieces of bne Irotu bfr antle, etetaUfr-J- f arm, ttmT paria -tnillJ. W bu in ibis condition she commenced taking e Kokou it acted like a dui . n Iter ander its ae the al err gradnatjy aled, 'and her geneial health greatly 'im roved.'; Itceitafnly sav ed her much suBeirsg.and peilups "r Iif. 1 rcgaid KoktMiil.ecificloiallcruflou aBVetions. ' YoOr4, KokM also cured my wife of !tSDiia.'iuru Lirh l.e anffjeil ;heahibeei!:, With the liijhea regards. I am ratrful- ly fours &c, I a a w MILLS. Kko-, the Orel Invigoratorl.-ad the I loll.wijg from the $ev. Jo.e,h K. Martin.! ptrr of tVrtey t1el. P.irlmwuib. Va t! "Tliwi loretlifjihai myself a..d wile have aerd Dr. Lawrtre' Koikm., and can testify ,0 i s brneli. il 1 fleet,., pretiuos to Ukiog it we were laal condiinm of drbil.U ti..ii had no ajpet, ami uflVrrd Irom maiden and tdien viienl attark oflhead ache and i.ervvune-i Two bottle ol K. km. It, imprwvrd wulgeneral It alili. and we regatil ttas invalutj.e.and nm cheer au mtixoialvr. Viur. Aic. JOSEftl K. MARTIN. K u S KU U , Curea Chronic iVeumatbrn. "f'k V WtemWr 7, Mi. Vr Ji Lawrence Drl?i: My Us rereited much benrtil ll n yf wundai lui KoskiHt that cannot W Ira in from eg. presin my grstitude. . L, rifd al.uo.t etert thing wubnut brnefil bel ete, (1 all sinceuiy.that ynor KoUi is an f a fa a I a bl Kemedv fur the tliuatM rVsisaS av Italia 1. I j -----a. -...a. wtit i sir " "7 . " .7 """V ,,,rn ,'" i.Mui, ,i ji.., wiMjiKnew tiie tm- n.eti amnunl ol suuertng tl.t be has on dergone, (hen you could contrive the salue of such a temedy as Ko.k.i-.tbit surely cuies Tbegtrat aoii-unl olU.ud it is Dow doing amii2 us I inemunbl With much gratitude, I a.l repectfulfv yours, Sic. Mr M K AKKLStlNy Ur. I.aarence Drar Sir: Havier bee4 ir.i..l I.. .....i'. i.ir..t .1. - . . mrKwm, iui iraicuns lor uyepsi4, uniontt l)iseae f Kidneys, General Debdily, &c.,fwiiboii benefil, a a ll rert I commenced the W i.f y..ir fvo.kou, and am i leaded Io s4 Hut under Ms as my health has been entire) restored. I am, sir, with much re.peci'vour nbe dienlservt.nl, i O II JjKAKS. Ka Slaiket 8l. ofnfk, Va. July IsjJ. , Pacific. Prst.klia Cm C, fept 1869. This is ia certify that fur a long time I ssScred sery tnach from inacliuti of the li ver and coniiipstJo-j nf the bowels and tri ed seversl remedies, but received tm bene fit unt. 1 I commenced taking Kwdtd-t. 1 took the medicine about ooe month, and I was completely cured and have fttnaiiied well. I kaow of sereral cure! made by Koskort, and can cuttl.lly recmmnd it as a good medicine. J JOHN BAKKU. From Mr. Wnmble, a prnmineut hard ware merchant if Norlulk, Virginia. - Dr. La err nee Dear Sir: To the larje number of testimonials which you iflVr of the Rrent eflicacyof your Kosktm, I take id'Btme in stldtwg my own. I mlTered lrtvi!v with Nervois Debility, Headache, i.os of Appetite, &c. wo,bulhestI Kos kou restored me to health. Yours, J, li. UAiiii.r,, FimKev.W II Chiististi, Pastor Din widdis St. Mctlitnlist Church: s ' Portsmouth, Va. Ot l. 25, 18G9. This is to certilv that I know Dr. Law rence well. 11 i's a jentlemaii of cultiva tion, ami woriby the lullest conSdfnce. ' I have uml bu Kohkmi" wilit idtanuge to myself, and hate utlopietl lis use in my fa mily tit cases of nervous debility and de- predion. W.H.CHPvlSTUN. IVIl SALE ' Br ALL DRUGGISTS. For Sle by ' . n. J. GJITTJS, &. cu. July,.. WATCHES AND JEWEMIY. rpilOSE tiidinf RaWigh ill fi'i s cooJ w JL At 111 of ort Watches, Jewelry. Spectacles and Plated . ,-. .. rt : i Ware, a - i the newt! at j to at the !gn of the Big Walch. WatiLra anJ Jcwalry repaireJ. Every bo-ly kw where I ran be fouuJ; at iha oU Btora b' I bate been tor thirty yra, JOHN U. PAl.MKK. del. 37. 4e-ir. "T " KaWgh.N.0. NKW GOODS. Good Goods : CH BAP GOODS. , Gi eiicllarcams in Goods f)MF. and aee. and if you r ant aUtWd thvl wilt a) yua ,jj aa low, or lower than v.u e-o buy in tlx tbeo boy tWewbere. But if e.uc- ec wat waai i leu jou i true (wbsvb aa estonnatwa will baw) why tw -j'ujoiB's in Hr ! I (ia jum rrriiiS "rire V Tall SHU IM ter So-ck at 0da bich I nUcr A low a soy Ututg fttan, o anaaryiing jvm , , lUtst Ilat.!! Ual.iSI ? llata at coat ( iha nexi eld day, t mean ahal I aa: if ow d"". arlieva it euui and tea. BOOTS AND SHOES! I bT ) a Ursa aad soteodtd clock of heavy Winter Duo a and ho; uatatUios that wt4 Ln y; l-t dry and d )uu ih. bn a gl aa any body 'a and. decuUdly tUa hl ia) the lc. C.U pud e lamina rav mtork at Ui.e Iwlurt tint lr. WooMn bao. lm $135.' tfof'a and Stca'a rry 'tow. . Oo.-J brav S-4.4-4 abirtiog at 131-3 a 15. Ca lico, Uo &e, kt proputtiou. A larga unb tt faory CaaMmerea.t'taitiDcit, Kentucky Jean. FUn ml. I.ii. ctxt-beJ lluMMriua tte. Cuma and lb Mki, mJ lbe bay. , 1 ba worU eanl bea ibt eireOat L'be and gaud Cwoe at TioaiiT Ij s qoarlar. Krrarmlr I H alrxkly lor vJa.Il a ISar ler. Cak mea Uw saawy U. FaaDaa t batik 4 - l (MlrwMga in lb iaHt ttlJ t otcritactHitiuuaacaa' lb mom. T.D.TINNIV- WASTED Ad Linda fi praJuea U aick.t.t Ut Ommd: - toff iuJ yowtl tm f rlbr, wanted, arill py b h?bt cab j.rk. ' " , . T U V. Notambcr I. 41 T. II. KCLU OO. I-i firm of Sumner At Co. 4. W. OIBSOil, Of likhaond, Va. KELLOGG k GIBSON. laroaTsav aas ocslsbs ii (JlassJ Quccnswarc, J, , ' IJoiuIurnuJniy Gjuds, - N' 1207 N,in . KICIIMOXU V.V. raiu.a, Sa'eaman. beiwtr 15 31-3m TliOS l. STSKte JO-lail aLSD 8TAKKK ik'KVLAND. Wholesale and Ketgil Dealer in M,, tofavn! tony 0&Z r lMtlltnvT,',i;7,, I -" screa, Ea. l.Vt .,' , fir Agent for U-iry fa!.i.l Orean. omc. ah arur prvir4iy c;w, at .w York wb..tel e4 l&SI-Sw r. w. tijjB iavxr. w. w. j -mcs. l llAtlBEHLAiNE k JONES, . t ' WU.tt.SilE ": ' ' Grocer jind Lfqaur Dealer. rt A.'s. I JIG and UlSCa.y Si., KigilMU.SU.YA. rrrf- ,S- - j 3l-5m f GLOitG K V G All Y, Importer and Ubulesale and Uetail DeiVr , ...... ' it TrVesVe? ami Ikvuralcil Chiiuit rCEM.il, OiiUhMMN AND aMEUICAN lU'SVt'ASK.'-.. EjiimiExwjinE. . And Hotise-Furnytuiood-, C B"irn I -UK Ai.1 tt b Mjreet. fepti ml y ass ae aef .1 arjav-as ( t'fl'aV a4il ts XL 3i3m notici-:. r4 t.L AiltPinVifior. ircir and Cuanlini vt.iNwJ l.i a.aktbir aitnutl rp.Hi, uJ art ib'-neni-, Ui, l (km mk-t hi not rend their bnnJ ' retjiured Uid.i o MlIiwitH aineell m latne-wnHH i In turner. All wb full c.Mnply with tbw nok my especl la ba calM upon by ib eberilt CEOIitiE I.A M, Probata J uitjre. No. It. 4l-itpd KKHKLtY, W. M. MILLaN, J. W.OBASbY. Of JV.rrth Carolias. i nCUKLLY, MILL A It & CO. Wholesale Dealers in DHY GOODS AND; NOTIONS, . ' No. 16 West Main Slrre! t AOUrtJI.K.VA. feplember ?$. ' 3l--3ia WANTED. HlAMKt N.irili Carotin IUd4ICiad W.nk. I witlpy C.b b.r ilirm. Fall Trade 18G9. Confectionery and Toy Store WILLIAM A. G ATT IS &ce CONFECTIONERS. H A.V13 uff ' nw mpply of doodnt,. linn, .-wjiunig r rcD aud ol guotl u, ' they oiler them to llieir cunUmirr r:J uui.li '' lowl r.b iive and ipeut(ully leou want to give ihem a call, , ovUlter U 1809. FRENCH CANDV. AriSB awwrlmautof Caody of every !,.. , W A GA lTISJiCO. 1 ILALV Candle, Fruit drop. klM it ' : ' JL W A GATT1S & CO. Pickles! Pickles!! : a CHOiCl. kit of Pickles' ' A At W A G4TTI3, SCO ' ' Cocoanuts ! Cocoanuta!! At . W AGatUs&Ca Crackers and Cakes, At W A GATTlS&Cs. Cigars Pipes and DuThams fernoii .... . - A WWUVW. ' " -- At W A OATHS id TttUTS, Citron, Brandy Peaches, Ta. lu toes, Sardines, Oysters Lobsters.v meu, &c. &c. At W A Gattis k G. "Foreign and Domestic Fruiti wvn 4... O.nm ll.U) XX Cutrauts, and Curort, ! "VJ uy. at v ; W & Gains. ,4 A No. 1 Let of Banjo, Yiolif ' .', " lambuniies, At v' ' ' , , : GAT A No 1 Lot Wax. and China Ik! UinajA:i .Cam b ,,v A I I iS , a I N fact erfibiug io tba 1"y lit. At VV A U.UTiS t-AUGELettel t sa. Jatr , At W AU.VrilSsVC Call and fee for Jyourail. 1E don't ckare lor ivulinz a-- .W A U ATX la . u A io 1 Lot of Jewelry, Pcx -' .-, - ry aau coaps. v -At . W A UAtTtS L C , IS OTIC E. I wdt ail tuf CAl! U tb bilte4 i4iU S Uoun lti i t! ta af UiMi a IU it Mb ty v4 lhxfau bext tba lodxarog m Irfrt ftj M.ta ml Und lor Uxt du tlkervwt) . ye issa. Ta tt i 61 act on taa i.irtha fMfty of Vi r .. aa a mm Kna U,mtt v lU S .... m. 1 . un... acra ln me aw 1 ny f Jctr Ie. Ha aci , tn liiat prvparty al AliVr Murray. 3.U acta aa Urfi". J . .1 f . W. ...... I . 1 . .... u w wnw, Aiw, 7a acre a uiuim lu ted by Jiti sUbfiald, Uaaruian, 31 auea ma Kif aa tba arnpartf af; Britbbaw. 2U acre aa Calcs'Ut. a. ih w.. of Aai.cy f .'arte. 100 acre on Cai' trk )oi-j ol Jrt-i ructU. Iliac .... La.ii a to Micny af wuinai AaJ.. 7 arm (. m aa tba Hu,ni uf Jawuk Di- iw acra o fciierty bit lb ,,, . i i i(iw "- 1 acre an Lit Mir a, ! t-J .oey knew. M arrr. m too Hit. a profeeiy M r rant Vtarg. IU9 acra aa U brreg in 4wrty of li.rgarat Ctea . SU er an ClitM C'cet, laa Eatate af tm ..... i. . . . . " "! uara ie( aa ta awr y vf llakbt.vk,N.UHb' 3aactc.cn C.Ml( ib ruorrt 4 erb etbea. I0i atrra S Uie at tba proyeriy of J'redrKa raOb.. t cr ou Haw Citebaa lb ..'it uf bat,kl t. let acvaaa coa kirer yi vt ty U t5.mol a. Ki a UM pra-.wrtT at lt.a eatala f Star I. IS a . . a. . a. . a a ." baal Wree ar Iti prvrl( al ri nrrna.w. a rr an I tilt J rk p.l of W H tlotrnw, ISlaereatHt Uorlaad cick 4 : a s - aa a- - I luirvi j i h r.m.fjr alUcorga AWmi. Tba Miwiua; Lti l at Lb pr Hul will b dd lana a m i-a Eana,ma a af Jba Jeai en ..fA J McUade, 100 acraa on Pbill Crack a property of J ' Id"ydiir, 43 acre aa Uoriand e'etk aa pop l Ki T lmg. S an aw B.wland'a etetk a y I'ltyaf Jba Aaihet.y, t acre an BnlanJ'r a properly of Henry Ai drew. 139 aerce aa 8 ln.U cir, aa prnperty al raaa titig- 1 cr IiotUndrrrh a prctK-rty of tl.tUe t)i. 1 eie mi flew lli) a probity f ttara fsstr ti -C' tm re H ma ytmyttf mi L'ltaa, t arrearn Htm tmy at riierty af alary Jeak VI arrr oil En-t Ki-er aa pnirty uf Jn Co.'' m. bx Oi t tJiil Mi l uf l.w. lluttliiua. so aft! Hunt LOIo.Xa. It0,jt7. 501.3H9, Io l$ TcS IliiUnorfl," 0n,r lnkn. " All to Mi'tafy In. .lu bte lb year I'fiS. " JOHN TUILSEK. SberiC i-mUr I. , , 4$- II. T. CI A MT 8 ON & CO, Detleriii f Witiilow Cornice. Mnaldips Paper Hsnttigs and WiudowShsdr talking Glasses, Pictsir, , Lsce sad Damsik Curtains, Sfiuite. Oval snd ltustic Frimr. Fctuta Cords and Tsstcls, ryettvd; &l neii dooe l ttista N'sU tl I WAl.EIUH, W.C. KnglWbskl Ameitran I'abbj ltd Cloth, IV,r Prme arda of Sty iu SI aboit Wlie. I sT,tilrr aobrilH Sad ptomj.tl tleiJd ' tcidHrS7. " ..... t"im M ll 8. O K T T I N (I K It . FASHIONABLE M1LL1NW i . fv A ad Dealer m . j BOSSETS, HITS, I1DB0W, HOW ESS BH.VllLWti - Au. 4t, rttteill Mr'i ... ttsiejgh. n.c. ; " Etefjthlnf u.u.Ilr fcund l else Mdluw? t'.t (. ..--..IrSf Ml bnlttla aVayvaiuiiiHiry r""""" sleta. Order, friint s dialanci will ! r,ou,l'1 '"""T; V -JAME5 WE IIH, JR. rpt 33 1863. 35-