a4 AUG. 23. 1371. BjrJutiiu W. Visht m uow .tha ac wT.lj.Jic J editor of the Charlotte 01; trv- er. rrrv tm flimine prevails in lersia. - " rv .... . a Twcntv-scvctrthtnitwnd persons hve; per, , ,,, u,..- n ur i. ; a v ' taliOU. 2f Atwcitty'-Jbnr Jioara rain fell ia d. jun Saturday wb'icV was thought to be la gOLCIlll. frjr There ia a thousand dollar basket ia this place made out of thousand dollar ccufodori.'o bills. ,..;.,- i- Bgu A good old iYwlcra mother wroU to her only aca io the city to bewaro of bu llous saloons and bowel alleys, 'j. " - X. ' ' 'I" thu'f sjir '.iu tie jSiarbuek fi&ht, aft Sali bury. ' ' " " J ' t. - Brother Valcs'of tie CharlotU 2?tjii- ocrti is also a numerous father rand -&,ads seven bouncing girls to the Charlotte School: Thst'a VjsIncM. . "'' v"" ': ' ;lV " .... - ' r . . v boiler just below Fayotteviile aad blew up three negroes and skioued - the face of ' white man named Skinnor." - " ST I)r;;Thoaafl P.. 'Atkinson of Pan villa delivered a happy and instructive ad dress kit week to the tade&U of a male school at Burkville- (Va.) v tF"!Tl' Bret bate' of Cotton' teoelred this season at Wilmintoa was raided la Rijimon'4 eouaty, weighed 480 pounds, and sold for 20 acata a pound. ' .. . XW We look f jt much wiadon and pr&e tibd good sense in the ConwrmtiTe eoo vetdloo soon to b awemllod at Richmond. Virgmia?a.bead is level; it will told watur." ; i.u 7- ' '- tF A guest rooently fellkk at a hotel ia LelT KjC, fai 4M. laaSliigja wife was so sUentife W binV La ,KU iflaet. that be tan off with ter at soon m he was alia ! to.'feejatwt.:,,,.:,, 't. . .A y,t . . CS'Mr.. JL SUmps, ,. a ycang man raisbd ia Milken, W announce! .to! edit a ewpeper to be'eatahlished hi Tsrboro by thcMeThifpcn We wiih our' young legal ridtDacb raeo&s, and advijQ him, the firtjjhing.he does, to learn.to set typo. . 3rOtt-a ia.1iokra w- ccpoVted io Xr York, i- TwcAnoa' saw itj one Bays it was : Astttiecio1ctal''iL Uiltr "trtbrars it wMcholc morTos.t.,Of cenrsa tae yxtt woniaiihM djodj.wliiiilj.'sa't say. which ,?t was.'! ' " i r-j&l . - P7 ' . . - j .1171 Hjr'tLita cl'kiiaiCr'JisdirKt: r v liLine J I old " i.e'LciirlsAt md Wjt 41 V IVT"-'"",ia'Ti 5-;"V f jr-su!uf atua lUW'J!Wr,i:i kor5"W''r hirB5citji, ul!wcd dtq4 an throL-h h:J dtre H na,waaouu-i-'i le crii tioc3 bciors 'raj devoxod, jtiasict ,j,u;ni;i-aU,4 rfkb-V affii'.i''ywisr loi ts tit .a. .L-ouija wLIis wowia wVj sal aiif dr.r: ... f;v-iiVf4' .,'V t,- v. :..4.i j , .VCr v.,, . .'...-. . . ;;yM .ii;basr k iriiakMiqsaaoaasimJt " rr,'"7 t o .IxictTia any of taa neoessarnaijoiiits i,h(Szakii Lc ITtd-.xud w;uke ) j.pi'.i.,; siaka up the perft is.aUjvid a. L'i I Wior and rrAiod, aot 2rink. j f 4 ui, aiid can Jteop thaif irt4 eoeattaS hilM tVM yrt-escr'K.;, e-'i a'U'of withoat tmm'u '.U-oof 4a ..it-,..' - '".'! ' ' Mor.'.:ti.s. bat will the xatikcak.lu. t-!.4U -;j tnu. '-r-!it,,,,;,')t,-.tod-Jr'ntxtt i-Taw. featMta4a,pa,:ol2 -,r rvl :..-' r.--. ... o t;t-l cLemued iustittttioa;and aliouAtla jrJTJio doath-ol Mrsr. Marr Aca I'ulm cE i-a .t-n Lcrrdf huV.thU ta walk io jo tt- nijhi ti J.e remotest part of tfw-dty, t l se mi&i ?Ir V'Ji a lav-Ui folk. t!w 'rjXj-.' ingj nil rrmcr tlayc. ,, c,w all lb aklt and diatrcatcd UXU aLito . aud Hack. Bbe Is la a better otltt-'-' -t Tnrti T32 tCC?:T. KgbSi ' ittiS-yt Iloraos Gre4uy U i the atrvugott wai in tltt natlot Id eppoaa Geo. , 0 rant ia ', 72, Though tU alcctloa ia soma -tiaia off aad tLcro is c counting boaitholy oa tke em iag man. Oar Iwpreawon U tiatt soa tL cro politicians kad beat kaep tbttr, noatbf cloead asd havi liula or rwtLbg ta A wltk ths sotninatioa of Tairmany. ' Froia this aland polct, uan onprrjudicod Lokcroa io the political world, , we ara louod to aca foss that Grant is ths bead nag ia ti eld, and it will taka Utter bottom tbaa any j4 nectioned to beat him.' But fame ia vary brittle stuff, ths hero of AppoiaaUot my to-mrruw be oclipwd by a atw and a er it T$i will lo fcle-bj rwttc v m: as 'us poo iii.; city, wnicf i " :'' " "' '" 1 lfct ' . .V,LMaMfla..aa.aaaaaisissaai Inciter li'fclCrCov. Randolph," of New Jcrsoy, ly his prompt and tuanly ' 'conduct in the late Oranpemon affair has stuck a' fea'h'cv in his cap that points it tip towards the Vbite House, and we dou't know uut GrcelcJ and Randolph or, Randolph and Greeley would bo the strongest Uekefljmfc Tammany could put in the fieldXjIowev er, to suit a elans of red Ws in the south, iW"wa iaAMSlaVaoM-via- atHlie sight of a knapsack and gun during tho warwt tidTtetter gnggesl tha tames of Frank Llair and Bob Toombs. The vil !neland would wrenadeua, ' TumrAMirr. Fotty young bucka dreesca'ltt fancy . :! . : 1 , clotlus with featbora In thtiir Hals .an a l.Lii r tiinnnlD9 in their lan ana an Iron iin.j tiuag between twtjiAit,fortheiii, to vucih "at. .Torty ohlrfK-ke;iiorn aiid f iljo-pakla l.uui to play " mumo-, Forty young children, foi ty.yottV3 V"n and old woraeu sUtiim abouftjn old fi'-fa trn bnrrfties or on tops of,iti)iI ad avr erwUidxfcejiJKa oodUnie-apifouiflyiiN f hali. wiih Uue sashes oIkiIIih inj elear Urt track, geatkuita. Thel tii:ftin?y drcMod clatps gatlop bud &t till? j ItiS and the r.:nn thatjobslt'idf the' hllddltf 3 v v uvuv wuv vjm. v i a uvii aj4V land r,!iysand the knight trt'Jiorae on thtlr Lowea nnil all take a drink1. " 'Aiiii at tiitTht tho Wuecri is put ou a high' l-lac-o ail d.wwyl'la Lito. lisins'and a , crown vt oij her head by a follow in tight breehes with a circus elflH on'Thn .Uicy all drink loiuomulu and cat nuW '"anil dunce a;! Dijjht nd o home nlfepy ami cveiy- botiy swears the riding YW JlttHdi4,i,Un tweeu an agricultural &4r; iawI .tourna-j men we Ucn't know whli h has got it ( ,V ratiwr .tUtnk the tourit.'uiieiife -ahoatLi A fcllyw guts moe dust iu his eyes and doea mon walking at a bir But lio'etands still longer and wears rw'eerw 'oft hie toes at a tournament. j ln tuii u ' " acd i. 1 rom Teminiaoeneea f Joha- JUadolpk given the public by the editor of 4hef iJan-J Ufa ne wo call tic fpHowfn-V "As a master ihough sutjecf tbieu'ifts' of rage, be was jot kiudU the fhjrsjpai winte of his slaves and was so) rallt.t'Te ' their epUitual iranta;; IVi kwlrt H of names of rcgro mea aad tho wires at kia diffjtent quarter, idMttwi.iiiJtba tnembrandum prepared fat bis, Q water. ti.e top f the page, is tha fbi lowing-(cap-iki .The badi ire U le abated 4t:foV lows eiLt jarda of ocnabqrj-s,to t'e& ' Stu4 logs ta b.ii3,wo ' jair ' aaoh he men and ooa'pair to tie worsts: 1,-' i - 'Mrf Randorpt always Uojbt -tSs sMvw to be polite.' Tfea atca'aervaatis' rwLo'n jfou met tleia would Uke off ftcir ba(j, acd the women auajiwirtfsj..', ,, ,..v K i J .; L-.'ja V'-a t-4. t- . j M.; iti, l u hi all at-oaoa mdacaiy ceaistodf dncoed , ,Iu the sdamer time be von wlfc ipaaeliii, rr-ii wwn.d Aiioonx a wbi.a Basct.eoa i wiMte.i.wDJ dl wkK pwpeir wrapptd areond Wist baij fr' ha Vfcti gboeiljke a'tKaWa's TOv was very fond of little giria. , tkVlia bpuJ of a ccirlihof oaf day alittlagtrl iasvi Ottl ia tLe garden and Wtmglt blnttf k;loocli Fa4' - 'd ";3latililtMk.iJ tUtll, Wjjtr,tk Imtm-a tanuxti ,ieA lII. I ' .io lffi4 irttxii IJ Sjute .Mew EnHaaid hdt.l MiM)aBlfcU va.:T.:vit iua vetite4a'w-Vibri una r4 -koepiag Uie Jaduas sfookd:fa -irpU tituu i- ta4Mtarae!a the tuMhtdwaeeA arid j.ka?ijT Eartfl.lr.lt -any da well.ietiobsl; is. f--t ti.i-a laoiaa who lxAaanmaaarattiBda-: e f M by tney ciiy bcUep.Oljc Ire bora . all anectventwital c&uatrt ;pria aiiiJ atlok i!t Uttne aitd uipn; sad c'Jtiir atriafOt-tiBeI e-i-n tL'iu'' as a tie ts. pwiaisu wup- "tra. Wa wilt -1.3T0 nunc af tlria 9(.wi 'ownt it. V Wo- ' fc 'I't"'.",', . is ilo'wa'tariiUf tUtanitW-l" WKi trua toyoar ickiVi. 'I'hfsfj'fS tn Bll i utd aiottoitl prandett ordem knli-ftvl irto"-tia tliefelsofH'a waf.-ygot leice vf t wt sart-ar ri'i.tt or w fl Dp a i.L tho Yankee hip-dcri cYT.Ribhi w j da ,iw Tos,"doa vWr it' 1 '" ' Untbr sjartMrrag Td ej1ta suto ad aV'a wy.tJ id A4 wt rally afoandttaiblf '' '' 'k'W TM jreteaat taat."' .if. . It A fllrtnd Dp the broW f d',w TlBetTy jrauteawnwai! 'rc n Aad ihakttroflirH i'- l'i The aew aiastie garW, a sr i:I ,$r.. rw lb utkUigti4 wtk twit"'"' aiiJ I Utdl Uai tha brbtM twaUa i ' 1 .''' Aad bt wtkened dawn tlw bo. ' fK out ai.Mwdkd .j-low a" i tm .4 S l!.i;D.-l Lipittacimontf vuin.'-IvWocx;; ti to to our anoiciittie--4t-tft direct as- . Lit cf-evcu;t;viik;c4 itkirj s Jr farrta, rivliff Ansa mm t, 111 I 014, in iirgioia oat sriitrvitr .renpu ui ik.g. xt ahoil h'lS.laJtt drop of tnyf In' dv i c take from the JHiy. Ptsu' nd wfniren ' '' . - We have societies for the prevMltion of crueity to duu.b ar.m:t!av Ii;o-saT;n acoici ties. Woman's Iiiauls, w. t:o., out we nave not hoard yet of a prevention-of-crublty-t balios society or babys rights. " We nave often wonderea it mouters Jtaew now tneir little cherubs were treated travtho; streets aftct being consigned, to tha tiny xaniyrfc and tho tenUer ( I) core ot uip Burso, ,. . t Mr. J. II. Culli". sheriff of Pittsylvanh. amcr in this oitv. yesterday with an iU tachmcnt for a negro n&tnea Ilehrj Odi'vl, an inmate of the Central Lunatio AiyluiL, who w ohawod with the murder of his own brother ia Httsylvaaia about two j-onra Rto. Aftct tie oimeulty, which resukoJ to flis killiui? of his brother, and tefore tho ti h.1. he. became doranced, and . was cent to ILd Central Arlam for treatment.. : HstitiAo- eoverod. M will now be taken to llugjra- aia for trial,'; Mr. tulho wi.l loavo.Mith bis prisoner ou tho Danvulo train t. njtn 0 '. , ,tl rM - Sublett. Ule of the hjtfcvi 1iMt JamaM wood Hotel, of this city, is superintending pence 4 tho erection of a large h 'tol jt.lWi,'.ton, WAS-a'rTi'iV.wlVSt V ireuiia, tiia t .r.ul . . . - ,1.1.1. w Lerc a fiae city in embryo is now gri I!f. tjjriBartLto!fRw!imond,t .enpeir. Cd at a reootit niasfiiicnido ball.' rfvau L well known, loader, yfshion at.Audufcq Sta'al.) as aCvjallau tux sib giving CiiLJ of JViasilian iuvci to brakes, the cuMtuine'w'asabln hat was so' trimmed as t give form to the Mg.7 while Irom her shoulders radiacd Ijjj " t. -f " mi I r uiifcS, nyafj spBgiou., iuo .areas-fas cck-umiy orto W the most unuiuo and oiti- nai on nie rioor, abd It w not aJduje uiuuu ib way oi corajHimcnt JU s;iy(a tltat MidS "fJartlcU was iwnoiallv ackntw! odgc4 and roccgriiid as onvf the haiils. " We take 'from the Ikoml; " " 1 . On Tuesday r2nt-ra't"aihe4'iM,iif''r.. lprr&'flc"Lathfiii, fear Kewa'Perry, was DffglanoUsly entored'aad :rojbod"i cwtt .m.muun, iii iijiv iuujo Kim ur kitit W0a." Aiaoon as the 'dit&AMitt.Z thjeft was'e,;cBo2aifivmeaim pip. inw oporauon i( -scun- tit nutt f 4U."-U-' -. i fa- ."V-t l-J . jwe.wert.ttuii paaned'to hca' -of dealli Of war yuirf fnoad Wbl,T- C&rto: We a,re jnfvu-medWi'ad Teryeaddeajj, o( a poicfwvttcuiU. at u wo. vote, neu Latkr. coiicefJvo chill, at Lukhuoie. wir Catuw. ba.oacVrWwcItt", '.Being at a frieud'a'. Louse, aomoijv'Hrt ntioa, awl-wuue t;iiniiijr i&e Mut tr;a tr tqo pewietent cLvCts of. .iirt -M,ia:af y daek biush or break Jarjswtat ,vf bard; dry bread. . IiJdiP.ci iahw.t.riUrf wtaftked it repeatedly s d o h h t: u -i .tha greond; but to no pnrawsei t -Aft;r Tcil piated atkui'ptA ta.lri5- H' fcr.'lfi Ait J Jjj sca5 thetim ind aa fia ddwly 'wa fell tat!,BghauvotbaJar t pac'W-h,-,Hrwcd hi opsratx j,. jakWh and diT.mrtb in iWtia wttcc'Smu'wcLld U:4,dkikoUaaj of so. ii:g tiawfclki tliJat&ol his aveaTtfod kaoe eeVWiiiwg a ro-and t,3 eauiSg a faro J. d: iiiM .v'ry auort time. .ViS if twl if t . . . . ' ' obtou ana Ukm T; it clTi,W. lVaw4ad , W.hMri keard.nrock som ?aibtif a' ntiW TmMfsr(ooi,-d popuiaUtia who ariittbip a'ljtUjlalU k'Mten sUoiit, that d.y bald . t -. . . . . . . i. . i I ww too wta and tftka to. biuob fan aftas fr.tl tim. '.y j: 1 ; MrTra( UlbVoUafratiu.eJrOaoa?hl o akuia aiCi(ett; SfyiiDacidl a, 4ic. Ho Uici one day tins weok. at UIUUI Sri kit i' U UI IVllUUi t ajaca ...ps, wyi. iikttAwrkAy)itirosi allj Quarters, .and tka Trica. baa adtaMal cywidcrfibly Ulna tho. Ja.4 fev dys. r.T3t cew ci) txs. mane tut aanearanaa in tha ''Xf4,Tfinrlay aycblnRi iwa'aad' a Cum ra!a. wliieh bu pat tba papaladM ia bwts spirtu. . Uy tha way; we 4taard v gontle. I inub ny raw iMra wonia do a vat q-ianu-t tj af corn jaade, abtwhbutahdiiig that tba theasletl tbiefahd;-irllclr jculajd i "t!w .c5nlure;cno'Waii;m. tm A siMin jr(ocqurrd -yiLi ccuatj ni ar SLiut" x k wtUrdty, tiLl ye. pirwliN-d &itue1anJi outhid rincr and kad 1 1 .T ins a air iimvm ia tipuirni pfeccf l5'fcWir...JIr,. W.iU; TaJdbKi .? There .ad teen wtMeo-tit.rovrr4y h rn?d ?J t.Bkirciluigat-T.jdyan ro;F4 n n, ,ra&g itjtoMr., wYsfdrl in s4( M;ft' W-Wi' .M' IJFVtf !a:r3i?np.aTd.'tW wo euc;?d Jiio. Hjl WijJtH: d: j dU? 'a.d I kited ur, a rc Ji v-jov, Jl AA mmt y-MtiWi1 in f.-f wili'get biy !i p.u we wi u. t n! !L jBt Vrtf'rH .-A.- fliuL?-IJS shit Mrutk w arfrfy fiear tLc ' w aocompTk,kd. Xnad3iVvt kVf a to 1 r.Hvivauia iy, u.,l mow coiitood ia jail at ILat s.u- lijr irnL ..... .ywjt-:JsrdA.e'i ia ikea jiv, iUy.?'il a .Vi.L'tu.L;s clil liomo io Lsv. 1 .. f if Jsrfk ilh.hv wrdeW he ul iilviAi-l Li Inavn Ihra fn t i nnln - .. rr f . '. , ..r.t. . w m. 1 .1 " it, ,4.1.11 high lands would yfcTTbut little. "- His idea vur and crock bottoms, would products a full bp tb&;ca4A.-:, v.'r.;; v X;Wa take from' the jputt'oi: p ! Prof. Sohneider,.- for. many years profes sor of music hre before the war, is back ou a visit. His many friends are glad to seo hint. -'-"VVe learn from a gentleman" residing" near" Madison, in Rockin"haiu eoauly, that they have had no raiu over there io -eight weeka.- Corn is rarclicd nttpl tob.-tqoo literally burn- It is with linf- r ikn ordinary sadness that wc ainiowin o the, death cf Da vid Settle Keid',' eldest' son of Gov. David 8. Reid, on the 7th iust at tho rosiJonco of Ms fatht, in lloekinehitm coiTuti Thus at the aire of nineteen, Im the baddine flow er of bi4.so"M luauliooil, which wafYull of prdmise; it samawmbd .away .the grille, of lihd pareMi anu tae nJuiirea ot J. i- ? l'i On the 20 th of May last, my husband, AlvVV alter, 'loft thiscmnty-tohttntii f . ' ,5, Wtlnwl 1-J.Hvm heard nothing Ion1 him. y-caid ' Waikpr w gwi1 i'ir fTffht h!.li an J notion, boous t iecy m notus am wfhfhs abou 1 (Jo "Poiiutlrt f wnsclear. shaven wlien bo :or. bomtf, but his board when let grow is ulniot wiite. ' ' ' . n.. i ;Iii t intcLtion hcn loavh g hnw wa ta sotlle as or ue;r Dur.lo.tu,i llerryVcounty IsuLtna, . '.nu-. t 'Any information eoneruin him will bd tljankfulIy'rccetued'lSy l.id dharesoed wife, TLo TuO'tu! - man auJ'W.o or.'twd fto'ai Grcc.ni.boro hav beeii, vu an S:jiS1on fcm Salisbury to. the .Mountiaius-jTU adiiifr tlius sets off a few of -the aUonda'ut-'at a ba'.rgtyen'thn expitrslbbista in lafloaj ."' 1 (Among 'the masculine rcsrccoutativcs the best dreed,. tUo Twuuiest. ma, J, and test" irpui urc ecsuoro. ana tte ocautiTul and ve- Iry auraoMve. Wua.i,--ifro!ig.ilubury. hbe ia pjsscd yf. a' rcniaikatly ficjnat- thb ioytutiofi otvCutVK. P Jnies,!lo k teai.iwttaseiqraf. antur.tnce fJJ nivtltsx.iw . tlwiailepai,!. il, StA,1 It jsfialicd JEejy akd'.wUt ' I)fcntwiUri-4o3cnti;.itjrt tdrajOir way. 4rfWfcuatoi aesd-irli.a W t:t 3ifthat,"wbwhaitatwd4ir the eeuond Wer-afaOvw.ia baV'fiiih's4i6uwj f sir; ifc'vhi : siudUi lit waWbi xi rrth' bkfa'rimmhiA' w bave eVCr atfea-tiere.' Tat yVr ri.w1 l!. ilij.-it.l (,....- ..V ,i . 0Bt3A5 wuaTd 'i.ToriiB 4rnw.-m!ui.'-! CieTir Just Ira' tie W-tfT-H.iti W. Tn IA t'i JJ iiai-jeitn.'frjr fiid; fjj reaVti)'i 'pu;cc.-'ii", d ""o iu aJ-J v.. -a Jjn.ni ii A Jjuiaut.ucr.sral Gorman arrived in th! Icopyu, ab.tIs.M)iac-t.iactK-ai;o.Di-. V w I Mt. iii uii,3u i F V&I'JDtMftlPVt"Vi rriM.i.t . at-1. j. .a.'i . . L . i . " 1 ' ;v'i:r".Y u,vVyW,,rf fyusm 5 a '.lrJWniljuti.Viuu Jro.Y 'uea'iuii t. t.in akigor force. t . .-w.ii m re-i 1 oiu' l.fuo, 1 AVn IfA Tr-.D. !' .fMtCll It, I .tuaWl fiim aiir d. lawaCc.xu:iL ia. wLkh -ViLiJ curtaasctf evldnuoe and. liia lan-uuieat. a.Wcd Ba a. a"'"- . ' i i I . W tho ua iw"Mta..,ifl, ... 1 . ...i . !t at.ma.aied ball at tl.a. W'hUa,blnhur. ?ma vatlt oveaina oft tb .lith. ,WLe. Fishar.'of Saliiharr; djui-kicr, tf CoL I -ClmkitPudiel. tBcceaKeda' i;h&rldiv Cor I y,wea atari ldtiiludorAkir wttb actr.T,., tow orersam ana oouciMxr 111s . vwri'mt CoHay fichu and cap HuUit .ajad jnUta VikWj aol pdMMt, elbretavfttri-aulcred -asart wiLk ailsastlao' atlr waint,(CQqi- piuwa uus ftftaming ooBtanje.rv f;f, j. 1 EmroU ' ElA-Wrt'lAo r inault fttadi in6ad)'urwtt'(Att.4tiby ftt&rhtudcild. Morning. Jadga Rrw.ksand Mr. LatCiiisr ti aUemptlitjj to noM tho riot.-wefr alw ; ltr0k sowa hoavy idtws;; J Hituwi nu nr. xavia, toe genial I!U rr- ia!ax clerk if tho Boyden Iloue. in ali lury." . The labdaoJiiest ladies', werc'l ana I o Wir fJaAi W m inf. V Vf . rrrVJ El''rii-j..u iiJV!r.iHv--unTj " t wri ? r u uu I MWar-f lVi: ;U k' T T 4.'Xrly ' - fcj ft. jStUta'irarthdfhWwoog'boYt-' dtiTTf Jl- tladjyyf , 2 iwmatilsteirVotfati&La -letotg?, 1 vVw' S ' Lolt " VdVjiAeawdA 4 ,-t, sa!w. a litd4UKwlatc-td&oi m' VC '? h :' ' :W -Jl iK-.flitJetef-4gra'ti'n.,'t!A.-4 i?fert?J TfcJra'rtabVjt 20tJ (atha tlWP. a'ftxi 114 t.Vu'l9.;iK,k arttir Tt fiif Vis iifil w.cd the Qa,a jfi$tyi .flWWSr'Wd? cW .tf K ri pot ia lUloib, sLd ikecq Let Jsnw 1 ftt iJOX-f.hewaowj trid-4orOyT w..;.Is:.' v'liH Mr. Larkina was very badly skinned and bruised, and one of. his eyes had the lid nearly torn from itL Thecause is said to hae frrown,out of tn pld grudgo, which Maj. Wilson, ono'cf the b3ka)lants, bad a- gainst nr. imvvxk, ' ; TbOktfaitf was -delayed nntil tibout 13 o'clock,1 it should have left at, 9 o'clock. Truly yours, KW 0. si. 8. . Salisbury, Aug, 20, 1&7V . -CHARLOTT33, Wc take from Observer and Democrat: Prof. Potter (ror"roerUo7thl N. T. Uni- veraity.) and Col. Clarkson, are now in the city making arrangements to open their 'ch'al blt'thirfirirtrSepTcmber. Thb1 hoe lawk'or. thS creaont. has been suspended, 4f wb'hi!iy jidge from the num- bor of swine W y our streets.' Ibis may bo all p'ht .."though we differ in onr notions from tha city father ib turning loose upon ouf City,;s scavengers; thbse filthy brutes. ' Tin inrt , j t hn irftHnd. IO ftoiitS; !pJtimere phodcr ,ictlfs,', clear rib sides 1U caws, canyaa iiams. d cents, oountry hamt'17 tents. '"" " ' ! (fouutry hams sell .at . different prices io Iii!gtj(iaii At p'nfc'firnt Wo iccntty bought an ipfclor ham tor; 17J cents, npd 3 day? aftet'.waa o'fferwi ''ii)ea'jid"bain-t E. L. Ilrown'a'for lCl'-oonUi '" -. ? ' i We taktf from tbS' Cotrthirce. aad 'i?c- i"V,'-'''-!'o''' " , , . ili-.y AtaTji a a-old and rasp ected citi ten, die J ia Xr-vbefo doiidajf wtrnin. Me waCtha a.iket'vf.. toa celebrated Avery1 ehair,"''1 i u-.!..?! ! '- t ;pnmUt n. C.aAvi,- yonag 'nmn hi Nctcbem, wxsj fe!ci;tla 'iWacn' of i, "Mr'. Rynum of tlmtcityoafuuday morning and askfd for a glai9 bfwsi'.ei'.aDd drank dowp jtwo oaiu;c8 of Laudanum and thirty grains of Morrkrra fram wbii be soon died. He waa' a relative of tha fimilj! of .Gen. Geo'ge aidangtja..,r 7; H , ,V.'AU'J- () '!John Jk9po,t;,Mklicr Ieoiinne.l in cf'okes JatT' fbf 'eoonterfottintr nickel five ct pieecs4, wtii'carH Wore Judge PoaV sub' laat week W a wrrB tff SuAmm tho Judge declFhe l'tb'takd ay afefifw in the-' rubsi eithe fieMu'Jatj'inilH thd eeietcria if thfc'ihfiSes ir-Tisfr ('kurV-onk -b I. . .S I . 2. . . .... 1 sJ a ''j l .t sy..r'iA- JtM fc - "'!. V.'.atJl :ty& -1 Ma.:a -a iyi-.f" . .i !. r7 '"''' tV'M com oo do 1 . i '4, 60 teficOowU.. 'b'7 00 ,C3 00 CO 00 niwinaf ,.a JA'!.1tr-Cl.tJ-iiall.n '.r.. io Oil .WiiiA'l(kr;AD Atf.'r&3oo ' 61 00 . df t(K0O 00 00 ' .'Kyii.,ji t rt tif rv. tjri 1 jrTj !aanjij 3.'. i I .LJ.'i tl cata a.. itWksr; f a'-oo I UaKhi 3W00 l'J'K-asaul W'atlii ius,. tfH OJ 41 GK) 43 00 37 CO 31 CO i Tt if u l.wMsi-.' ItJi'ailOI, . at.f,N..t4 1 00 :;it ii Pltsil Ptfrattrv u aiiitAi .m woy wit hirr, aVlfijtai' jr.? Jtf'liM 7 FfHaw-feO lha. (on jriBUJat.i4t.Cff to-wit 1 If? 4 lbs; a?. T A a.a 1 1 aaa a-ar . Am II . (. lVo4a'm34ya'blAin the, ysfy blgUst P,'8 V'1 4 J-V.ytllAJaii,W4itltf:t 1 IIS a , - -- -- j.-w 1 r a , P,l ri . fay. .'.1 ViVw Ht4 JL..T H . A iV -i . j , i ( a lt .r7V-J J.tfllia. tr s'-'P .f'-V.a do" M,33:-ob ' JwUfy & Reles, iu 00 1 d fur lobacco, uu ix'pcranjE foktj Marttii atire. rVMl k - BLAIR & THAXTONj , , ;.. lI313 SlnlnNlrcet, Richmond, Ti-a '' ' Wholesale Ucftlers i(i ' . Foreign, and JJomesth. : FANCY-GOODS, ITotteM & WKfto Goods. Bi:a to cull the attention of tVj .North Ciirtill caaiut Viipiuia irai'.eto ilivllict tliiittlxy li.ivejonimfd W tilt; l.iryo aial nmdoiwHoi'- Ko. liii.1, Mlifti'eH, httrtyora-iii.M lij Mosn. Ker- Tlitir Hiiri-r hits just rlnriiu Irum liirr in tlwlrStni'k. ll North wbei hnww :rt fn-rorrii' lri! luU of t'j(i'(t.7ii''iti''B.V'"(aiA1M'a allv Wooli'irOi ods nttl. oM j.rirac, liy nlil'-li Diraut ibov wiB be ennlilcd to ofltr v!iMn-to tlie -J trsdv at miich U-low tin-prir's tlio sunn d;utof 1 Ooods will iMmimnud iu t!w niarVot.. 1'Iipjt, tbtii-c .' fore, solicit an examination of tttnlr stock fovtiiix. ... pnlin-lv.jvuiflled tlii-y ias dkP' it 4. Hie aJvu I tajw (if the fUwext tnlc t deal with them. iAtig.2l.l87t.-i , , 3m w.E.wiLBora, t -'jMte or J. JJ. n um es bo,t, rp.lKr'.H pli-iniire In announciiig to liii frlin U,.' J. -iiaiiil t!w publi.- fmii'iniiy ihnt hit i 1ih o,-iuii .ii I if Jkju1 recently in:ci!iJoti l.y l.J U. WilUind: ii. and will kwp coasUntly on hand a chuk-e and klect ftxi of ' A ;Family;GroceriC3t ;iu.;i Jiv!'.i-!-'iiiinien. ti yuttugia flMi biB-iac.:. 1 re. -UuUy. nVei iwre tin-Jtr.di i .1 HOI ullO piflMtcd t'J-lljlll.llil:Lu.l UOIIIUiix sion, sad 1' .!itit nmv.suwii: of rorn. Iloii--, ' liK.-il, )wc.ii,b-d, Xi-.', iaoiu.U)if quit k wili-s and ' ptotnrt ivtiii ii". I ck4,aiA) be fuiiuil at mr . i'inr. Jii'ineiiilor tL; :tjt. ivn' uuur routh of l.N.tir,rii,-i.? - s AuaJlttrtJ. -n. tl-w,, . i 3TtVf ItibR lUt KT, AI A1I.4NIC ,uiilj( 1 IjjV .... . , ..... , . .. , ,Xt it Kinoi Adrti'rof -I.e-.1 ' Killinn, dw'd, Tj. - Karvarel J'a :k'f. t I'uin-th Vw L 1 iuan,'lfei Jrttln and s SuB.meas for j crnei,. JJai!teon KtHaui, I . - auiian. - - ' j J . Yb tfc 5bu1ff vfAKioanttf conuty i p i !r ? . J Of are hem.y ftn-uiHiiWI to noimorr Mar. gvt 1 3:t?Vi r. 1 i:fapta .New man. iw(n- fit &U.I wife t-twlil, ift.diM KdJUa vt A:l-r Kll H df nd.ui iV h reua-d. If v v ,u foj.r,rt.i1.Inynrtooi1tj,) m an..- thc jt3i, I jftit. of 1M 'OpuUir MitfMor itt Mijt'.f eMu-, 1llhill 1 Will. .'. "ll .' v all... 1 . . . . .r Tl t Nksooalvrf in V HdUU.ni V-wcAltr. A--, fcj aawlri6 tb Jrftiait4MBaf jaiht ai ft. aJma J i h if h i a w. 'ff4U.Hi;iVaAr U W-A pfBilB4nr Lr4'. da osriit a t t.f oAdd.u:liMa si ,u f.rti tTJ catirt, 4ii-aioaJAt. l?V . ;y r . r.i; .'". W" A. AiHi-.tHuf ! Aki. fcu aHt and" y.ifr Ui..u5 t2T foiioij.'ifsrj. a it-.v uaiirr rtAii,)u, Jj i MmijU 1 iv ;tr ijaa aad ji,a aaniiM d-jl, a ja:. ia. Ida w..T-j,e dav, Vf-r :!' AviTr if I Sta.Vh'-V4iHk,la' 'H.t ' Mrtfoi th.nM1an.T;,?;-.5;"..?r',7. Wilt fi.it .Mrjr.tf ... m. - rvwwTirT.Ba.ii at.u a .a W.ftfll,Wf A1l - a. fA AI,illt.'IP. o a t. 44UH1UI. i-at.Ml a-lliU la IhM.mI n. a ulr . Mka.K.1. fc0 V"Tt.tt JJwl., Rctwru.. miM9mg.dai'trr-iimf4.apB,..ir wt laS'. .Mwi.aiiitia mm! ai.t..!1.rP-f,9 1- iar,. .. .... ... . ( 10 . A.uknt v iarntr. ' :a a v.- a 'i.'rj ........... a. V..f-w-n. ilam'jr, f' T . " T w' v''.ll TL-lll'iv ft A il . nli ti k ia m it. jv II l ,jp p. j TIic 'Border: toi.; Society;' a.!?..?r,W",M :ARftfJX A. ' I 1 W 'T". y "M " na;wt a-w at l'r)IMKlM.iuiiaiiMadan. ' ... . , la I.M.fl'mm.iii la nr.i'-ii.il.r nl.ii.i. ii,... ! iii k iai.Adi.ri4 aiJiJ4?r.ni',i -iictt. .... . ..w.ii.piiiir,., -.niviifiionia fb -.tay f -T.U1 ) CC a: (lA.o t:l ili.t I 4addrJlw(ahdrW' ti&rt t f'f to hn- -ft; Uie iu;d ,b..u,M w.tUtn t'..-:t l.un-: r i ff v.ltt?r: a:'.t wt&waeUiJfl.t.-n an rtiii u... b..W.tdMbji -iiiwi tiyp Lwne dt't 1 lf!i a JF.JUilM ,i?:rfl' V 1 - a 'ilrlW' '; t;s- M ..j a M-y, i.uj fiJUi!x,ti, , i:.:tTu. f .? Mi.:"-.43Nt J'-.'irr.n.ilT-oB. i'.a . . V.;t 1'l"-Cii,1VM11,t.l AMl in .n f b.Wya-i ia'raef;-.Wri P i mid otV tr ;,m- cat ti . 'fti-ir rr tin- fj it i i ol ur. atti-rhtwa; bii 5 ,f' the " h., . sf AtaaAjM.tdt.iis .asaie r.'fi-trj bill. llth riJv 1 1 X i.,... 'v.- r" ' ,t i. I ir i-rnt ; . . - t lkMaHSXlatolius 'Ifc-IWi Knll 1 .jl hM ...i M .i 1 1 4 ft 3:

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