" f ' ( t V- , - v5 ii ' V -Nr nXrl t J A. - ' , , , r - : a. V ... .,."-T I 11 W 1 M M I I I III V .'tV 03 1T C. N.B. &T. C. EVANS, EDITORS AND PUBLISHERS. , TERMS $2 50 A YEAR, INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE ' "ft Slies,'Tol.5) ;' Hew tt$Yoi 3.198- v." -; HILLSBOROUGH, I C.;-DECEMBER 13, 11. ' ' 71 ii I , I i ' rlS (K'.t A A II i.i i r - - t ' , .... . - - t. w GRWWEHOUSI Leaf,ToT3aoco, BaleitMNMn '164y 70 Feet,Vith. KPrompt ittuU-ton to the tnleresf and vomj "ortofr(antcri andt!utfTeain. " ' FARMERS' WAREHOUSE, - -r. : : : .-:.DANYILtE.-VA:lr ' -v -I rplJIS 1W.W und coiniuodioii AVarehotne wan I ....... j .4... j U t . s tli Kile of L'ut 'Tubacco. The nccomuioUaliom will bsemiattiV those of afiy Kjwhou.-'re iilllw i ;laee. We bv r'Kl Wbo yard. with ll ' iir horwf ami hour for Uio iccHMdl(Hi f Yiiwiit'd (u lira laA uuv ui ioteuiuer iir ' Evry ttonli(n'.will 1 paid to' the Inierertt ol the Imi-uiwh, nuil H UUU is soliojtwl. ' ' 1 ... ; , 1. 4.STEARKS, ' 1 , :, ,i : j.t. BKIUHTWIXL Jan I. -iri k..'...:- tt t -;i t' Cr o ckcry, Glass tt ar e cV KELLOGG & G1BS0X, IMrORTEUS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL . ' '.!:...' DKALEliS IN f. AND HOU8E , FU UN IS II' AG GOODS WE U;ive now In "orw of our tn lniportntlon, mitl iurv!;wii dinrt from tli uianuliictur im, l.lif x't ami most cotnpleleitm-k of (ioodn In our line t!t lias U'va offered in tlii city tiuue -lli"nr. Hub iHvoraU-d, Oold llund and White French China, Diuuar, Ten vud Tuilet StU, l u4 Cut, l'rrtml and J . CoihinomCluxitustrt, fjtmps timl Fixtures, Looking GLisses Silver-Flutetl 'Goojs - ' . . ? - of test quality - ' '. . F!i.'e TtJJe Cutlmy. Block Tin ami Jammed Ware, -PiUeiit Ice Pitchers, Fruit Jars, Stoneware, at manufacturer' prii-e. ., witU ery variety 1 i DimnoB tiood. for tlie rountrr trade. We gu&rautt-e to wll fttafo a low a tlirjr are wld iiT anr rrm-kiiig hiie in tliin euunlrr. t'oiintry dralfTn w illmve iiioik-jt by pivlni; u tlnir order. Bt-loreyou ptiivhaefaH andw. h KLLtKJU UliSMJX. Ot U Cnv 1)3 Main , Kkbaoad. V ROBEItT PTAItK & fO'P Fmiirin Tin boxo. pnpni or bladik-rt of all nizai; alxo tine chow Ins; 'loliai-ca. - Ju-rwHvHl ftwh Snw Caken, Tea cake. Lei limn Pie-uios and ioda Cracken. ' llil J. It, OATTIS. SlYGOODSiil StXO.ND F A L L SUPPLY I "lATE bavejii" rwvivt-il larjjn addition to our V rt'- W of Kiill auJ Wh tcr tJoods ali rnauy Imvpitfcn if the eaoi. Vt'n ocrnjiy 4 lar);f More Koonw, and kvp ! way on band a complete line of t . Dress Goods, Notions.whlte Goods llnilmry Eil.iit", m uii'b-pJwve. Collani, v t-cttn Heal .cc, Ijur-UWi. Xi-w Style , heart's I". I lnHiI, k, ' ' - J.'nl.Li. I.i ti.-' Klil(iloVf,atft , , Ht.r..lf Wll!lt ?I,AU, '' - ' - - ' HAW, ( AI'iH-rt'OTS AXD -SHOES, Cl'itlw, ai:n'TMi, P.itIiMs Jeanea-Carpi la, j.. tJil M llr-. Kug,' Lara Utirtalna, 'is'. V. " , , ,v '"w fliaik-, French CK-rii Tea; Setts! ' ili t ct y an a CI as 3 )Tarc 1 ki 1 mm nun, Lraji,T..!l.ltfitl, tirra' Jitra. ., We nV tnl" ApnHment aiwlalita, and caa adow au A. i -'k ' " ,ur" rhaM'd it r' t i y nortlicrn rv..,We Uve mvimI t!ie -it!H f the urrmmdUia country tii,U)08 )ar by mliicM lle prif of Jj, , , FL'BSITURE,, . and nw-tfulty wilk-ij a lilra!lir f tlrV pat. r krrp a full line of all kind of Mattre. I jiU and f u ; HOORE & PRICE) punville Vs. NovemW, 15tb-JTli4v;, 3. H. Wniuw, C Whits, W Ps;so. lrid iil, Catiler, Aiwi t tanliwr: ' - KORTII CAROLINA'' ' w ' E mi II A L K I 0 II FisH-iul eare and attention giveu to Col- , lections. . Kov. 1, 1S71. L LEATIIELU LKAiHEUl! FOH SALll ' Chwp, or eheapr than can be purchav ed In liiib-boro. IR11 tan on shares forone half, llldeo left at my hoiiae or at the yard will receive prompt attention. Ha llnrw tion gusrsntd. ,... Nov. U9m. JIAVWOOD BEVEBtY. EXCHANGE. IKATnr.lt and Collaraln twhangs for II Ides, j WiUTaannaharea.' , . ,, Willrwlve Uni. to Tan on F!mr- at I!"nry . Broon-setors. T, T. FOBBKHl. Ht pt ) 8mpd rrjALLUSPS Eye Water (iKAVVH, T. . MCDKAKMflN. ' . STAT III ' la ttseamtmamx by all rnyaifian. BRICIC STORE. r i ' ' KEW STOCK OF -Fall i and Winter, floods,; ; I3iive'just retui'tH fl front N. fN'orK !afull lineof Fnllond Win lev s- G00V8., I have a eou)tlet stH-k fi Pry Goods, J .ailios Hats, (:fouk,hwl KUi UIuvch, of all descriptions. Fkwal, linwl O'lovw of all kludH, ' " i " 1EA Of JIADE CLOTHING, UkU, t.ViiH, &c. Every. sthinRi thut nui1 tlouiitry will need , for the lUleigh Fnir These f ' -' " :' '.mVOOODS ' . were bought with an eye to sending Gr ange for the Premium,and if I am to liave a stiytw before you go. I will guarantee it The bewt stock of 8110 KS we have eve-ofl'ered. A complete line, of Ladles Work. Waterproof , Walking Oaiters. Morroeo, Calf Skin, Pebble ( joat, Ac. Iu fact, the Brick Store la full to the top. Come and nee me. 1 1 want your Uarter ,of all kinds flint we have been taking, and if yrIiave nothing to trade on bring money. I would take a little of that . ; . I must brag on SHOES. I liave eci luln ly got the lnt and mnwt eoinplene stock of ,, lv.BOOTy AND SlIOKS - , . I have ever seen at retail. t . .,.;;:i-..-.-. . V. M. PAKKH.r llillsbonmgb, Kept 2Mh, 1871. If v NOBODY HURT! THK lindrrlsned baa the irivilcias o( inform la the puMio taut b lia a full tock of of all kind nn band- PrksM from W U per tallon. C..U and Jink or yourafh-e, and U you don't like 'umdou't eat, uni. AUo cKpeita Oysters, thinMn. .AS ml'i anting aouiul 0tit fiiruLlteJ n irtilwly tliroiinh the t.awn will do wvll to we mv bt-rore making enpupuwu-n ' :joiS'A.'UTli'; Ililklwrar, 84-pt JO, .V k fM JOllX A. KK'HABIWOX. JOSEI'H A. 11KLL. 1 Dlffl EI HAHAGEMffl last m Wsmm i : NEWBERN, N-C mcminnsQX hell'. The abovf tuMned pernotia have formed a co-part nersLIp and . leased this well known liotpl, which. I now open for the reception of Ouent. The hou-e has been thoroughly renoratod. and Important lm prnvetnenui made aftd makincr. ! ,1 The travelling public will find good rooms, a 6ble supplied with the best Hie market afforda, and polite and atu-ntive servants. Terms tuotlerate. . . . i nit o no van house TT,T!TfitI fl irt" A TED on the Principal Ml4 in tnxy. treoftliet'Uv.'eonWk-nlHi all the I'ubiis Bulldinir-, Bank. BiHn- H.-S, :. ' Accounuodalionei'i-1 trtun IMHintneftititn f: K. BLACKS ALU KropiVtor DRUG STORE CORKER. n. VIXtl rented the old and well known nUrtd fornvrlT.aiup!ed by fit. 4. Y. W bitted, ae lnijH'' I am rdy and fully pn-pned Is wne tlw pnUUr a Aoetioneer.t vuiuiWou Aler ehmt.itrufer,. !.' If yon yMir pidn! aoldwrftwdptM, IiS tt to tlie eomer Unof. t . , . . ' ' i ' ' It you a ant good Groceries oiina to the wtwf boive. . . .. ' . ' ... .- if vnj want Dry Umata, come Q iua enfv i ir..n wtnt Xotin, To!eeo. fhjura and ton- AHnAW IM. If van want id Cmlsry ot Hardware, rail at If t ea waat io juiv, rsi or r in, ' i i 't ennit-r bone. , . J ,, i In a word Ifyntf want anjl nn? at in ran the dorner hmne where yoit will tie pMiMy wil on . ... . . ... JV- I'll I ..It ami ii ii i j"m lure it can lie h-id all rijlit. . Hatiiut eHHjw rm.iu 1 tmiiM to work, ai) to work. v "'tn pt" poe. . ; ,J. U. " ILIJUA. " 1 BLOOD ABB LIYEH MCTICKS HUMORS It THE. BLOOD, ' ' , SCROFULA,' DYSPEPSIA, ' , , , f LIVER COMPLAINTS i ;r ; M'j i 71,' RHEUMATISM, KIDNET AFFECTIONS, . SKIN DISEASES,' " ... DEBIUTT, 'general bad health, etc' ( Boys and Girls Wanted, " WANTED st Mnxapahaw Cotton Factory, T wo ot three tmlll-eontinr of Itora iMrla. Kjk ramity to fiirnli k4 lour liafctbi -one or two boya aueil from JUtoeu to elit-en renin, with each fioil. An earlv applicallon with good referenee wfll lniei employment. rTlltL1 A K M V. K 8 wanting th I 4i r-5!4 KA TT PI O W ran be tu p. i iP f-V ! r" "J pp'ym T' J "13 "t.w sUo iwUiDK the ,re"nKrnand MonHTi'hftW. . " BAIKX.J)IKWX ..March 8t1."t. " '1 ' " The Best Tobacco pOtt Tei a Tea cent a Tiug, at i. tt. OATTIS . t 5.;..y.TIIATM3i'I,BS8CB.., ,,.. . .... Old farmer Smith came home in a miff , t From Lis field the otl(o"r day, ." ' ' While his sweet little wife,' the pride of ' i v 'his life, ?.h ij;,w ,-. 't: kt&i . . .t.w I At her-wheel was spiuning away. . An J ever anon, a gbjr little song " ' ' . .11 l I ..I 1' . ." i n no me duzz oi oer wueei sep vihib ; bd his wrathful brow' Is eiauriug bow, - . j Auder her cheerful rbyiRe,,- ?j; . ; :j f j .'.' ! ,.!. ;; '-, , ... , , t . Come, conic, liitlo Turk ! put away jour i work,- W-'' ; 'V '' - ' . : And listen to' what I sayf '5.;:-.', j; What csn I da but a quarrel brew j .With the man across the way ? ; 'I have built tuy fnce, Lut lie won't com tueiK'O ? 1 To lay a single rail ; His cattle got n tud the food gnts thin I am tenipleJ to niuks s sale 1' . Why John, dear John, how you go on; ' I am afraid it wilVbo as they say.' 'No,' no; little wife, I Lave beard thut - strife, t la a lawyer's bund Uoa't pay.' t He is picking a flaw, to drive me to ( Uvr, 1 am told Unit he suiti ho would ; And you know long ago, law ! wronged me. .;:: S,,(i:!! i!si,..i i.j fvy irtpi-.'t .. I vowed that I never sltould. ,..,:'. . , . ' ijo !ut can I Jo, that I will not rov"' ' 1 To the man sexoss the way ?' ', ' If that's what yon wsnt, I can help yog ' haunt ! 1 ( That man with the speclr; grry I ' Thirty dolliirs will di) to carry it through. And then you have.gsined a 'neighbor ; It would cost you more to peep ia the door '- Of a court, and much more labor.' 'Just use good sense lot's build him i feiK-e ., : .. . - And shaCte bad act out of the fellow. They Luilt up Lis part, and sent to his heart Love's dart, where the good thoughts bellow. , ' ' " That very same night, by the caudle light, - They opened, with interest, a letter, : Not a word was there, but three greenbacks fair -; .,--'! i .''-.. Said the man was getting better, V ' Report has it that the recent extcmate purchases and leases of railroads in the Southern States, which ars suppose I to have' been cficeted by parties connected with the Penoiy Ivsuia Company, have turn ed out to be the work of an indepeodeut of gunization, controlled by J$.iltiuore capi tal. Among the parties concerned i.i the enterprise are W. I. Wsltcrs, Alexander Hrown & Sons, General O'Donnel, Meftsr. Thomas C. Jettk ins, Horace Abbott, Thos. Kctt'ie'.t, Georfre Uartlutt and B. F. rew coin her of lialtiumre j M K. .Tewp ii Vo. 1. Willis James sed Kooserelt Jb Sm.'of New York Iexl k Co., I. A. A 8. Few a'.I, and Whitney A Sons, of Pennsvlratiia, and James, of LivcrjKK)!. Over 7, OJO.OftO have ali-eatly been expended iu iie tu'al ck-L, and tip to the pwtit time.- ly the purcliawe of slock and controlling Utujo. ritiH in a a amber of tiie iitost impurtaiit liliM 4 rjil.roads. eemprisiug in all l.tj mile. Lr.re- beeu aecured. Ik i'Ie tlw' control Las Leen cltaiued ubder a I a e of SfiS'ihilui additi'tnal. The new eompitly now eontroU both the main lines south from P.iohQioad' the Nrtlt Carolina, roads the chief roads of South Carolhis, two main roads in Georgia, and the important lines of East Tennessee. ' ' " ' ' ' ' sSlArJ ' '"',,t'' "" ! A Rack witii a Vaktukil Tn Penn slyvahis, a tew days ago, a boy of fourteen years, living in Kockton, Clearfield county, tnade a narrow em-ape fron a panther. Whila on his way to the tunnel, on an er rand, in Union to wthip, he wasstsrtled by a ' low and heavy growl nearly everbetul. Upon looking up be saw a panther perched On a tree, about thirty feet from the gmnud, which, was wagging its toil, in suticipafion of jprinjrhig opon it prey. Na sooner did the boy's .eyes meet the, psbther than it f ar a load and very piercing yell, and caned to the ground. The sudden, bold and noisy demonstration on the part of the panther frightened the colt which tbo boy was riding, and it took to flight at full speed the panther keeping clows to its aide and about the neck to neck, giving an oc casional fierce yell, which seemed to add rpeed to the colt's feet, l After running in this manner for about forty rods the pan ther gave ap the chase. , . . , . . 4 AHonniBLnArfAiH. Welesrn that on Friday morning last a negro man and his wife, whose name we oould not sneer tain, residing few miles from the city, in Campbell eounty, left borne before day. light to tinit Lynchburg, leaving their three children, the elder about nine years of a?, asleep in the bouse. They alao left a bright fire burning in the fire-place, from which they apprehended no danger. On retaming late in the afternoon they fonnd their cabin a besp of smouldering roins, and the remains of their three children barely visible in the eahea. It Is supposed that a log of wood'rulled out of the fire Elsceand set the Bouse on fire. Lynch- EXTRACT FROM GOVS; MESSAGE. . (-.' l DSBT AND KtSUN'CKS, V.:--'Tho most important suljeot which will dtiinand your attention at this sexton is the debt and finances of the State , .. The report of the Public Treasurer exhi bits the condition of tho debt An ouuly sis of ii will show that the debt conista of the following classes j ,-,; ', ; C ': w iu ' ' riBSTJ. , ' .. i. .''Mj,' or 'ante-war debt' , . rtie'lddii.g $383,0-1.) held by ' ' tio '' Jttisrd of Education ' J ' whi ; is. in the form of a '. ' 1 1 ofrrnicuft' tested in-lieu of ' old bonds. v ' $8,761,215 Accruod interest, '" 1,588,515 $10,349,700 Bonds issued eiuoc the w:ir under nets paksctl be toro, in uid of Interim! Im provements. ' Accrued intercut, ' $3,015.()0t 542.7UO 0-1,557,700 t ' T111HD: . Bonds iiigticd since the war to fund accrued interest: and part doe bonds, lis: Vnder act of 1CC, ' ' lHGo,"' ' ' Accrued interest, , tfi2.-117.400 1.721,400 744.984 ? ' i ..-$1,883,784 : , roi'BTti : - Bonds iseued during tho''' wr for Internal Improve- '" :' ' went purposes, but not mar- '' ketoble, because of the tiuio 'J ' of isiiij. Ac, vix: ' ' . Bonds isued under acts p.toed before the war, $313,000 Bonds issued under acts . r passed duriuir U.e wsr, 215.00(1 Aocrutd iulcreat, - . , 383,550 i $1,511,550 " rirnis ' Bonds UsucJ under acts passed since the war for hi- 1 ternal Improvement pur- . es,, nut ieeitdUt, vis: ; Under ordinanee of Con- ' . veiTiun f 1&C8 to CLathi Ui' " Railroad Company, '$1,200,000 To Wilmii.gioi and Tar . buro Kailroud Couipany, 150,001) $1,350,000 231.000 ' Accrued interest, $1,584,000 sixth; , '. Special Tax Bonds, issu -ed under acts psvd in IHfiS-oa, and since re pea I ed by set of 8tb of March, 1870, vis: : ' lHiiidstoEte,rnDiviiiion .,. of V & tern North Carolina Rsilroad t'ompsny. $273,000 Western 1'ivinun of '. ; ; Carolina l'.ailroad Co. - C.5C7.00O Western lUilroad . 1.20,000 !"'Tilmiii(iuua tbarloite Si , ' P.u-l.i'il'ord luilrosd Cu., .., C.000,000 kUliiaiHton iV Jaruoro l'n'.lni-'l Company,, , 300,000 At untie, I ennco and . . Ohio ll.ii.iooj Ctiiitpiiiiy. .... 1 1 1 ,C00 $11,407,000 .7 ,I.47.-).C70 AccruuJ inteji"tA , ' ;. M.VHT..I ,.. w, I'oii'l t'l'otiouiieed iiliculi- Stitulloiial iv Supruiue Court : , -. .. Bomls istueJ to Chatham . f ,j lUitiiHid Couipany, iiow out , ' '' Standing. ... '. ',' '' $.".0.i.0O Puulltflitur' nil IV'fJi III- ' ' . teiw " ' . ' 100,000 ' $4.'y,ooo . sixjttnv cr xniiiT.1' The principal i-f the en- r . -tiredelnu s . $23,000,015 Th a tut .il suioiiitt ot act . ,,.-.. , trued interval tliereoU to October I, l7t, is ' " 4,987,419 45 t- ' , : .x'.-.i. ,. .;lf. -.-Jm i .i i.. .... ... ; Total ?m V -! " 834.887.4C 145 Tbo only securities held by the Mate from which she derives any income, are the f.100.U'MI stwk In tl.e'Nnrth Cafoliud U. 11. Company, mi which' aix per cent divi dend lti httely ben realised which d vioVndh by a drire of th Ciruuit Court of the l'uitJ State, fur the 1'intriet of JVortli Carolins, have been subjected to the paymsnt of iiioriBt due on the bonds of the tftate iwtied to pay for said stink. 1 ' ; it !!.". 1-1 't-e--w : j in t,,:!. ' . A Co.n9. ik. tu ct lady who couldn't pur- ustle her huaband to get . her a patent chitlics-dryer, took the pole out from hor old-fachioncd lino tho other .evening, and crouching down by the feooa screamed mutuerl' lit an instant berstartled lord came flying out of tho house, was caught serosa the throat by tho clothes line, and before he could recover himself it had near ly sawed his head off. The next morning a sombre-looking cbnp, with his tieck all djno up, was seen pntting up a patent olothcs-dryer in the yard, , i ii ! NAMES OF THE STATES,: h .Maine So called from the province of Maine, in France, in compliment to tiueen Henriotta, of England, who, it had been said, owned that province. " This is the commonly received opinion, i j" : ; I ; i New Hampshire Naiued by John Ma son in 1639 (who with auothor obtained the grant from the rown.) from Hampshire county in England. The former name of the domain was Laroniit. : " v . ' -j yemiout--Frotn the Jrcneli venl moid. or green mountain, indicative of the uiourv tttinous nature ofil,e State. ;The name was first blSoUlly recognixed Jan. 1C, 1777. v Massnehusct Indian name, signifying' 'tho country abont the hills.' ' i - ! Rhode Island -This name was adopted in lfiCl, from the Island of Rhodes, iu the Mediterranean, Lcciuso of, its fancied re- semblace to that Island. '"-' 1 Connettiout This is tho Eiigliftb olho- graphy of tho Indian word Quou-ee-ta-cut. which sicninos 'the Jong river.' - , , ( , ' ew iork Aamed . by the Duko of V'ork. under color of title given him by the Kugludi crown, In lCG 1. New Jersey So called in honor of Sir Geo. Carteret, who was Governor of the Is land of Jeresy, in the. British Channel. X'ennaylvsnu from W ilium Penn, the founder of tho colony, meaning 'i'enu's woods. , . Beieware In honor of Thomas West, Lord de-la-Ware, who visited the bay anJ died there in 1610-.... , , .... , .' . Maryland After Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I., of England. ' V trgniia So called lu honor of Queen Elizabeth, the 'virgin quecu in whose reign Sir Walter Raleigh made the first attempt to colonize that region. ortU and South Carolina were original lv in one tract, called 'Carolana' after Charles IX., of France, in 1504. Subse quently, iu 15C5, tho name was altered to Carolina. , . , . , i Georgia So called iu howr of George II., of England.' who established a colouy in thst region in 1732. J J Florida Ponce de Leon; who discovered thw portion of North America,, in 1512, named it Florida iu commemoration of the day he lunded there, wbkh was tho I'ss iinnx de Flore of tbo Spaniards, or 'Feast of 4'luw.' wtberwiite JiiMtwu. m Esgter Sunday, . , i . ... ,..;!; Alabama tomierly a portiouof jUnssis sippi Territory, admitted into the Union ss a State in 1819. The name is of Indian origin, signifying 'here we rest.' Missiseippi Foiwcrly a portion of the province of Louisiana. So named iu 1800 from the great river on the western line. The term is of Indian origin, meaning long river." .-"..-,.'". Louisiana From Louis XIV., of France, who for sometime prior to 17G3 owned the territory. s - ' , . Arkansas From 'Ksuss,' tho Indian word for 'smoky water,' with tho French preBx are.' bow. ' ! Tennessee Indian for the river of tho big lend,' 4. ..jho Mississippi, which is its western bounury. Kentucky Indian for 'at the Lead of the river." ()l,io From the Indian, meaning 'beau tiful.', rtevioualy applied to the river, which traverses a great part of its borders. Michigan Previously 1 applied 'to the Iske, the Indian bame for a fish weir.'' tni called from the fancied resemblance of the lake to a fish-trap, i : ? ,,..',( .'' ' Indians St exiled in 1802 from, the American Indisns. ( ' ,.,., j liiiuoi From tho Imliun "illini,' men, and the French snffix, Vis, together signi fying 'tribe of men.' " f i.i isconsin Indian terra .for;ai 'wild nudiiug channel.' , , . ,, , Mis-juri Named in 1821 from the prcnt branch of the 'Mississippi which flows tiiruughjt. Indian term, meaning 'muddy Iowa From the Indian, signifying '(he drowsy ones,,' "... t n . . . Minucaota Indiaa for 'doudy water. California Thj name given by Cortes, ; the discovcref of that region. ; He probably obtained it from an old Spanish romance, in which an imaginary inland of that namo ia described as abouuding in gold. . Oregon According to some from the In dian Oregon, 'river of the wwt,'" Others consider it derived from the Spanish "ore- 5 mo,' wild nwjoram, which grows abnn antly on tho Paeilio coast. ; , s if . , , j' " Cak MudKpalw.' "' ' It is a kind devil thst so wmtinnnlly In cites hlomtclisd ani sensation in aocieiy ior the stifotin of lovers of the marvellous . v.... I . .. and the newspaper. t u nuivuvry oi eight students of medicine . and the con demnation of forty more in Havana by the Ppaniah volunteers, becaose they had done some trifling Injury to th tomb of a gen erst is one of th most fruitful source of newspaper declamition 'out.. Th tot was indeed horribly barbarous ; a uiRgrace to Unamend a stain upon civilization in Havana that will not wash out. ; The comments upon this terrible tragedy (perpetrsted by order of a drum-head court upon the student who had been treache rously banded over to lb merciless volun teers by th civil authority) show a chsfing in th publio spirit in this country and impatience of restraint npon th desir to annex Cuba. Th press speaks of th poi Vibla outrage of these volunteer opon A- merican citizens more in tho spirit, of de si ring such outrages as a jtcte t for seizi ng Cuba than in the fear that they will take place. And this desire for - Cuba" at some day, in the absence of a real piovoea-' tion, break through all restraints, and that island will be annexed. W have no sympathy with the Grant Administration in its scheme to acquire St, Domingo, It would be foul patch upon ' tho nether integuments of the nation, and take us one step lower in the eyes of the world. ' But Cuba would be an acquisition indeed. f-:v. ''!: ..;,; , k ,f Speculatiom about the assumed iosta- : bilityofthe present government of Spain, and its inefficiency, are indulged as grounds of hope that Cuba will exfoliate from the mother country. That won't do for this country! ; It must belong to Spain or ther ; United States. It cannot bo left indepen dent with safety to . the iutcrests vf this country. It has been long enough a can- : cer on the side or the Union, fruitful of . disturbance and political annoyance. 'It -must bo annexed to . avoid consequences. For years it has been such a cause of irri tation, and its irregularities have - been to ' serious and have occurred in such rapid - .I At . . . . ,. auccesMon, mat an s question OI ponce, lor the preservation of , order upon water washing our own shores, the United State Govesnment should take hold on it. , With such incentives to tmblie poltey and to action with reference to Cuba, it is . humiliating to see our Government) treat 4, ing with the giddy-giddy-gout of Hayti and St. Domingo holding parley with th - J 'arrets and the , Lizzards attempt ing to impress the world with the idea that those poor creatures are endowed with sense and dispositions that entitle them to '. the dignity of treaty-maktng nations. It could be established in a court of law that they are no compos, and that what we -. might get from them were as good as sto len, as we believe, indeed, it would be up on tho terms of the ' put-up job to which the President lent the approbation and a a thority of this great nation. May kind Providence save n from such .disgrace as would be justly entailed upon a by soy . t such treaty with the poor and semi-civilized inhabitantsof that island of St. Domingo, whose history carries with it a moral that , should sink deep into the minds of th peo ple of the Vnited State. . "" We are uncompromisingly hostile to th sneaking, Gbant policy in the West In dies, and we are in favor of , a bold and '. mauly and rational diplomacy which shall secure to us Cuba and insure peace in the near Atlantic waters.' This ia what wa i want. St. Domingo, indeed 1 IV would much better acquire the right to an island! of monkeys, because they would be indeed monkeys, and no bsr to the establUhment of real civilization and the order and thrift which intelligence and industry would fash ion. Richmond Dispatch. He Little Rock (Ark.) Gazett saysx 'In our commercial column mettion has ai re a Jy been made of the fact that, according to the October report of the Department of Agriculture, Arssnsa stands tore most or -' all th Southern Slates in the culture of cotton. In addition to this pleasing intel ligence, onr information places the number of seres planted st one-third less than last 'year, and tbo proportion of com over last -yesr.corre-pondiugly increased. For on , year our farmers took a common-sense view ' of matters and the result isj their cotton will bring them as much as I Sat yc-ir th decrease in the number of bales raised mak ing the demand greater, and thereby in creasing the price while our cribs are over Bowing with com. " Every farmer has his ' barn full, and if ho was not to receive ono cent for cotton, he is consoled with the re flection that he has plenty hi id up to eat a nother year. To add ta this gratifying -condition, parties who hav traveled xtea- ' aivcly through tba Stale,' report the mast crop bolter than known for many years. It i sufficient of itself to fat ton all the bogs In the-country, and ther is a fair prospect of pork being cheaper than ny yoar sine th , war.' ThaCcnlral Texan, of tho 17th, sayij 'Wo have been shown by Mr. I. Levy a sample of the Egyptian wool-cotton, and ; ar highly pleased with its appearance. It j is soft, white, and ss fin as th best Meri-. no wool. and, in fact, can not be distin-" guixhed from it except by competent judges. ' It grows on a bush exactly liko the cotton " plsnt ; has seed liko it, and is cultivated ia the same manner and at the ssm season as cotton. It is no mora trouble to raise and is equally as productive, whiles pound of this fleece or wool is worth several timet as much asAi pound of ordinary cottJn-lint.' 't 1 tl'l t; : It is said that the very first thing th . Grand Duke Alexis tsked for on landing in America was a bottle of Wintersmith't Buohn. If the gentleman who bet with m that the Grand Duke first call would I ; for bottte of Bourbon will com forward and settle immediately, h will greatly oblige ns. i.i -:,., r. ' I respectfully recommend that an t ' propriatioo be made for a new issue of na tional bank notes. Thos now in e art ! much worn, snd very tneeessful eoenfer- . feit of several denominations have appeared. -Secretary EorttwU.

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