V V , -u . .y .. .... - :...i. Cotton 21 cents in Raleigh. ? : , ! i ; A religions revival is going on at Piividson Cdllt'M. ', - W Gen. Ransom's credentials as Sena tor from North Carolina, were referred to Committee on Elections. ; iff Tie Colombia SoulU CWt'nton js that Gen. Wade Hampton contem plates removing to Raltiraoie. . IT?" foe' Charlotte Demvcrit says W. A. Ueame of tbe Raleigh Carvlimun has been elected lj the Legislature btate i rin ter for one year. 7?- Well executed $ 20 notes on the Na tional Bank of New York are b circulation in Thiladelphia. ; . We aiu't akeered about them 1 CiT The King's Mountain Rail Road (ruuuing from Chester, S. C. to Yorkville.) is to be soid at auction to satisfy a inort caee. If our subscribers will pay up we' ll buy that road. . IV The Apportionment Bill has passed loth Houses of Congress. Hereafter the State of North Carolina will be entitled to eight representstives in'Congress, instead of seven, as at present. The New York Sun ssys: 'The conduct of Gen. Grant toward General Ilancock is the perfection of meanness ; but there is no occasion to be surprised at it. "Where personal animosities are concerned no other man be quite so mean as he. fZT Tie Charlotte Democrat says the authorities of Salisbury have ordered the Sale of the. Market House provided the debts of the town can be so arranged as to make a good title to the property. We a gree with the Democrat. It is a bad sign. SST The Greenbboro Patriot. learns that one of the priaouers confined in the jail at Lexington set fire to that institution on last Tueslay night, and that it was entirely consumed. The prisoners, of whom there were several, were rescued and conveyed to Salisbury. V ' , . ," XST The Commissioner of Internal Be ' vaaoaJuui. glean orders to all the SCpervi- sors in the country to examine into the con dition of the Assessors office in their respec tive districts, with' a view to reducing the expenses of clerical assistance therein to the lowest possible point consistent with a pro per discharge of the duties of the services. Tie Raleigh Carolinian sstb: It appears from the Auditor's report that the county of Orange pays into the Treasury by way of taxes, ninety-nine' thousand nine hundred and ninety dollars and fifty cents ! County taxes, seven thousand two hundred and sixty-two dollars and fifty cents ! The growth of wealth and population in old Grange is wonderful indeed ! EST" The Greensboro Patriot learns of a painful occurrence at Company Shops, last Saturday, which resulted in the death of Sammy Swan, aged about thirteen, the interesting Utile son of Capt. Swan, for se - teral years a raideut here. It seems that the little fellow was playilig with lis com panions, and having in bis hand a small toy pen-knife pretended to swallow it, after the manner of sleight-of-hand performers, and dropped it into his mouth, when It dipped down his throat, causing death during the flight, notwitlwtaoding the effort of the physicians to save Lira. P. S. Not true. A mto in Iredell county went down to clean out a well, the rocks gave way on 'der bis feet, U give the rope a sudden jorksnd pulled the. wind.lasoutof the man's Land and down he weet with the falling rock, then the rock above gave wsy, snd he Leld Lis Lauds above Lis head sod stop ped two of tie rocks as they fell, forming a . perfcit rwf which prcwed tight against lite aides uf the well and caught tbe balance of the falling re;k, two young men went down and worked nearly all day and the limn was found alive and not hurt and is healthy now. This is a well told tale and t is a true one. IT. ITS Tie Ixcal of the Wilmington cur ttcil says s We Lad the ditinuilicd boner ,.f eneing, MiTewlay last, Maj. Gen. Hen t j Berry Lowcry Commander-in-Chief of the Army f Scufflctown Outlaws, who was ml Moss Nk. on Tuesday, as the train pd there going op. We were on the train, and bearing that the outlaw was at tie depot, we got a view of Lira just an the train wa moving off. He was standing in the door of negro bwel at the depot, p. pareutly nAd. H'd waiting f.r some Ijdy to come along and make that $10, 000 ofered fr his bead. He appeared, in the hasty glance we had of him, to le I about ft feet a or incites nign, miner stout, a light mulatto complexion, and - - i .1 V 1 long hair. We did'nt interview him." Eg" The Raleigh Carolinian of the 5th inst., says Deputy Marshal Bosher assisted by officers Berry, Owens and Winn have recently raided in rersoa county and we learn the following results : , , ; Hugh Woods, factory seized of five bun dred and sixty-six boxes of tobacco, and all its fixtures. ,; Larkin Brooks, of eighty-niue boxes of tobacco, five hundred pounds, trash smok ing tobacco, one thousand pounds, and all its fixtures. ' Greenway, a wagon and team, and eigh teen boxes of tobacco. 'ij Taylor Tool, Distillery house and still destroyed. Wm. G. Davies doj , W. K. Thomas, tobacco factory,, sixty- one boxes of tobacco, one hydralio press. four hundred pounds trash, and other fix- V.i turns. E7" Another kind of religionists has sprung up in England. A sect calling it self fverv nroDerlVi Teculiar People has taken possession of one of the arches of the London and Dover railway, near the W al worth road. la this- dreary vault the Pe culiars have fitted np a sort of clispel with benches and a platform, , There is a space left for dancing, which,' it appears, Js one of the ceremonies. The brothers and sis ters, upon meeting; kiss etch other." They ! then sing a hymn. Then somebody makes , a long prayer. Then either a sister or a brother preaches from the Book of Revels tions. Then some boy or girl has convul sions, apparently epileptic. Then the meet- . ing break up with what appears to be a ge neral 'break-down,' with much kicking and leaping, furious gesticulations and maniacal exercises. " . ' &. fj?" An accideut occurred in the Roan oke opposite this plce, on Monday morn ing, says the Weldon A'etrs, which resulted in the death of Dick Jeffreys, a young ne gro man of this place. Jeffreys and a mau named Ned Thomas started in a small boat for the fkh slides, located immediately at tbe foot of the falls and near, the icsland, and when near the middle of the river, the boat struck an obstruction and eapsiied, throwing the two darkies into the Roanoke. Ned Thomas swam wub the boat, and final ly succeeded in pulling himself upon it and ttiaa rowsLiog tL shore, terribly benumbed, however, tbe morning ' being extremely cold. Dkk Jeffrtys endeavored to swim straight to the shore, but must have become cramped by the cold water, as, after swim mini; some thirty steps, he was beard to ut ter an appeal for help, seen to struggle des perately for a moment, and sink to rise no more. ' The unfortunate man was some thirty years of age, was a shoemaker by trade, and was carrying on bis business on Water street. THE LEG IS LA TURE. ' This body, we learn, has rescinded tbe resolution far sdjournirgonthe'th. Guess some delinquent Sheriff has made a return to the treasury, and if this be so, the Leg islature will hardly adjourn while there is a dollar on band. We see that tbe apportioning bill has been changed so as to include Orange. Cas well and Person in one Senatorial district to elect two Senators. We kinder like this, and think we shall be a candidate for the Senate. We want to go to the Legis lature one session and one, only just to show them hew to make a contract for the Public Printing, and we want our old friend lion. Giles Mebanc, of Caswell, to go there with us. True, le is no printer, but a man with a better bead on bis shoulders walks not on this earth. And then bis heart is all right." N, It. We want to make our present a- ble Senator Maj. Graham, Treasurer of the State. TWELVE PER CENT. A Raleigh paper says the Richmond lfTUj. is urging the Legislature of North Carolina to authorize twelve percent, inte rest. Ono of the arguments used is, that t North Carolinian, who bad money to loan. refused to let any North Carolinian have it but came to Virginia, and put it out there at twelve per cent. ; whereby, it iscontend- ed, North (,aro!iria suffered much damage, snd Virginia rusde large profits. We should not like to be the titan in Virginia who rea lized thoney ros. No legitimate business csn pay twelve percent. ; snd the less mo ney borrowed at twelve percent, the better for the borrower. But the twelvo per cent, policy has been fried in Virginia, and it ban been repudiat ed by the general voice of the people. At one blow it arrested all sales of land i and as this rti almost the only property left to our people, it aggravate! the general dis. tret leyoid calculation. Whatever merit 'free trade in money,' as it is called, mar have in purely commercial communities, it is ruin to agricultural populations, like those of .Virginia and North Carolina. Ly doubling the value of money, the market value of all other property is reduced full' half, if not more. As money is the species of property ia which we least alouad, it is the essence of folly td euhanco its value and depreciate all others. But we are told that the mouey-holdcr should have the same right to get what he can for his'prc perty as the owner of h6rses, or wheat or tobacco baa to put his to tW highest bid. der that free trade in' all things is the true doctrine. It is forgotten that money stands on a different footing from all other property, fit alone is privileged by law to pay debts, A man may have a hundred hogsheads of tobacco or ten thousand acres of land, and be cannot pay a debt of a hun dred dollars without resorting to thi money changer. To make a perfect free trade all round, you must put every species of pro perty on tho same , footing make a barrel of flour or sugar, or bacon, "a legal-tender. as well as an intrmstcallwortliless banK note. Until this is done, it is preposterous to talk about free trade in money a UuU all on one isido, ;. .; Jl v SOMETUim FOR WIVES TO read. -"J; Upon the subject of the high prices now prevailing, and of the extravagance in dis play and mode of living, the New York St ir bas these vfcry sensible remarks r 'It is a lad commentary on the present modes of Ife that ruen with small families do not get along comfortably npon small salaries' They must keep tp a display, regardless of expense, and are finally brought to Euan. cial ruin and wretchedness. Have courage to live within your means. Ad.to every wife wo would say : If you want happiness at home, and desire the success of your hus band in business concerns, live economical ly, avoid a sham life, and determine, what ever may come, that you will do all in your power to keep the expenses of the household within the limits of your husband's income. The common sense justice of this course is so apparent that the great wonder is that people of limited means should fail to see the path of duty that so clearly lies before them. The ' p-.or and weak" anibision of cutting a figure' to use a j-oraely coLo- quialism in society has brought many an otherwise worthy man or woman to poverty 1 and debt. And after all, what, is to be gaiued by this wasting of one's substance for the bencGt of a hollow social system, which, more fortunate in the p assess loiT of riches, only lataghs at the vanity which ex-l hausta itself in attempting to keep pace with its grandeur? The social highway is strewed with the wrecks of the feeble imi tators, weak-minded and envious, who have sought in vain to 'keep up appearances' in spite of an empty wallet. Is the theme new ? Not at all. Was it not iLsop who long ago related the fable of tbe vain frog which sought to emulate in size tbe ox, swelled itself up to undue proportions in the foolish and unsuccessful effort, and fi nally burst? Oh ye of modest means and boundless, social ambitions, listen listen to the fable of the unhappy frog, and learn wisdom from it 1 SHOWING THE CLOVEN FOOT. Tbe Raleieb (N. C.) Era states that a Mr, Jordan a member of tbo House of rep resentatives of North Carolina, said, a few days since, in his place in the House, that be 'bated and dcued ui uenerai uovern ment: that bo bad taken a tuxde with ber once, and he was ready to do so again if occasion required it, and be would like to have a seat in Congress fur five minutes, just to tell them so.'. This North Carolina Ku Klox Democrat , in uttering the above ftcntiiucnts, speaks for two-thirds of the Democrats of the Southern States. He is candid. He shows tbe cloven foot of trea eon without hesitation. He does not con ceal bis sentiment. What would be the fate of this Government if it were in the Lends of such uenand their natural allif. the Northern Democrats. W ashingtou Chrwidt. If Mr. Jordan was silly enough to utter the language attributed to him Le will find that it is not endorsed by one-tenth of the working business men of North Carolina It may do foi needy politicians, but sot for the people who isve to work for a living aod want to save what they make by the sweat of their brow. Tbe people want peace, and if Mr. Jordan wants war we hope be will go across the ocesn or among the Indians to gratify bis ambition, tli don't believe Mr. Jordsn uttered the lan guage in the Legislature be is accused of; bnt if be did, we for one condemn it, and deny that be 'speak i for two-thirds of the Democrsts of thi So'ithern States.' We tell the Chronicle that such imprudent hot beads do not speak for scarcely any one in the South but themselves, and very often they don't know the meaning of their own ftpeecbrs. Such declarations keep tip the Radical party, and keep down the Demo- cralic; keeps dishonest men in office, and defeats good men who are compelled to pay heavily to support the Government and at the same time endure the evils brought on by bad men. Charlotte Democrat. IS DOWN. ).'".. Mkssks Editohs There is an bid es tablished regulation amongst thojrish pecn pie when they happen to get into oue.of their 'free fights,' which is, that when one of thero gives nnothor a tnp over the head, with bis sliulalun, which brings !nm to the ground, not to strike him until he rises to I perpendicular and is in due tortn to take another knock down. I have often thought of this custom and compared it with the u sage which prevails to such an ex tent among ms; warm-hearted, cbivalrio Southerners that we are. j. ' . il'I If a 'man is a man for a' that,' as the Scotch bard so forcibly expresses it, why do we not give him a man's chance?. What if he ia down down in money down in cha racier down in credit down in his own self-respect down in all that makes life desirable or even bearable; in charity's name let us not 'hit him when he is down.' There is an old saying, and I dare fay many of your readers can vouch for it truthfulness, 'that if a man starts down hill every body is ready to give him a push' just let a poor fellow get a little behind hand, and every body, and every body's cousin, are, Sbylock like, after their pound of flesh ; it matters not that be is trying to find, a skokh, to stop him in his dowirward course, 'pay me what thou owest' 1 must I will have it! It matters not that a help less wife and dependent little, ones, may suffer for the bare necessities of life, the last dollar must cornel What is it to any one, that a poor follow is down ? Is it any body's business? give him a kick and pass ou . But the Irixh custom ought to pre vail dont, oh dont, 'bit him when lie is dowur ,,,,.,. w .".',' Sometimes a real good meaning and real ly deserving young man may, form habits of intemperance, and become an habitual 1 drunkard ; his old friends pass him by with a sneer or a slight, instead of lifting biut up, and puttiug him in positiou for a fair light, by tneir cutting unkiudness 'they hit him wheo be is down.' " A party of friends may meet and some tale of scandal or reproach bfj circulated a uiongst them about some absent one, and not one will have the manliuess to defend bis good name, or speak a word ia his fa vor; tbfc is what I call, 'bitting him when he is down. - . f , This habit is not confined alone to indi viduals; it extends to towns, and commu nities. When one town or community is prospering, (peihaj s above its deserts) how apt is it, in its vaunting pride, to cast a slur at its less prosperous neighbour, or in other words to 'hit it when it is down. - It is wrong in this changing world, to le hitting everything that is down.' For ttne's wheel is continually turning the'top tpoke of to-day may be the bottom one of to-morrow, tbe bilsy throng of nuukiinj, have often reminded me of a pot of water put over a fire, as the beat begins to affect .the bottom drops, they immediately rise to L the surface, while the colder one's on top siak to toe bottom just so is it with us some of us are at the bottom, undergoing a heating process, perhaps being refined, and fitted for a more exalted station ; away op above us, we can perceive others basking and glittering, in the glorious light and sunshine, looking beautiful and happy ; af ter awhile our renning is completed and up we go, wbtle down go tnose wbo looked so bright but a moment sgo ; but when they are down, away down at the bottom, we should tread lightly and not 'hit tbem when tbey are down We are never so high up on fortunes lad der but that we may be reached by adver sity never so rich but that we may become poor never so happy but thut we may be come miserable never so beautiful but that we may become homely never so intelli gent but that we may become imbecile never so envied but that we may become despised never so distinguished but that w t nmy be forgotten never so honored but that we may be dutgraceo. All this being true, bow cautious ought we to be in our cond uct to others ! Surely ?we should never 'bit any one wbeu be is down. Yours truly, Ilillaloro Feb. C. VIATOR BittT Smith' 8Latest Joke. Major emitb bas been on a vuit to v ashtngton. and had the honor to be interviewed by Mrs. Victoria Woodhull. 'I his lady called on the Major to thank him in behalf of tbe women's righter for bis support of their croposuion of female suffrage, in voting two bundred negro women in Johnston county. He, tired of the interview, and by way of retting rid of bis visitor, told ber tbat I om Keogh, from Greensboro, was there, who voted twice as many negro women as be had and tbe better look him op and thank him too. At last accounts Mrs. W, was look ing for Tom Keogb, with a full procession of women's rigbteri following hor. Smith says thst if womsn suffrage ever prevails, be sball claim to have inanirarat ed the measure by putting it into practical operation, and prove bis claims to tbe 're sidency by files of the Raleigh Sentinel, Kaleign Uarotmmn. . Hid Under a Chestnut Tree. A report is afloat in Rockingham county, in this Slate, that there are three bundred thousand dollars of fold, supposed to have belonged to Uncle Jeff's government, as they retreated along that way, bid nnder a big chestnut tree somewhere in the woods of thst county. The report bas set the white people aod negroes on fire in find "thst gold." But it Las everlastingly 1 listed the chestnut crop in thst county for the coming year No matter where jou go, wherever you find a big chestnut, there is a perfect grave dug out at its route, and the roots themsoiues are backed to pice. The people are still a digging. Rultigh Caro- unnin. v Notice, 4 IX prrwrnt an) notified not to trnwrxws with j. v ag. Kn, wp or mnriw.upnii my fl-m. iaririn. mm tli law mill itm Mifor. mti titir.n fl Jamsl'a. I'lU'EftMcCOXSEL. DON' T HIT HIM WHEN HE Calico. 187 2. "ONLY PLACE IT IS SAID TO BUY IS CENT CALICOES." LET US HAVE PEACE!!! i :HEir:o.Y:i WASDM) IF an 11 Z c& n 2 - '" . . FOR " " Cotton, Corn, Wheat, Tobacco. PRICE " CASH; $50 per 2000 lbs., at Factory. .1; TIME, $55 per 2000 lb at Factory, payable Nov. 1st, 1872, Without interest. , Factory East end Ilasel Street, Mines on Ashley River. - ACID-PHOSPHATE OF LI F Cottipostingwith Cotton Seed," . - P RICE: "' CASH, $30 per 2000 lbs. at Factory. TIME, $33 per 2000 lbs., at Factory, payable -- - ; - Nov. 1st, 1872, Without interest. WM. C. DUKES & CO. ' ' General Ag&kts, No. 1 South Atltntie Wlvirf, C. ft. PARKS, AGENT at Hillsborough, IM. C. January 15, 1872,, . , ; IL til DIBRELL, 4 ommissiott irrctat' : VOB VBB S4LB tt icco, Wheat, Qrrn, ft lher Produee 1317 Cary St. RICHMOND, VA. 3EUA.L advances made on roiMistimente. , WALTER K. MARTIN & C0f GENERAL Coctnlsslon Hcrelians 13th snd CaYy Streots, RICHMOND, VA. anOX?IGSMKNTSrhU-d and to the sale of J which we give ttrW-t attention. Litmnd advance mad on rwictimfnU. W1LTI I. BAHTIX.) (MAVILTOM iBTIX, ll..)IUI, t ( aLBKBT . ail. J- W-p.13 FALL WHOLESALE TRADE 1871. Fancy Goods, White Goods, NOTIONS, HOSIERY le. VALENTINE & FRANKLIN, It l C 11 M ONI), V A . 1MPOUTEKS AXD WHOLESALE DEALERS, Offer Ui the Trwle titit Full "JCE of the IrtiI and mo rompM Work J of (iamb In Ihfir Itn of any previuiw ) Irki Kiurantrrd low a In nr NnrtNm War' k-t. VALENTINE Kit It AX KLIN. Auk. ft. 8m. WM Main Mm. BLAIR & THAXT0N, 131 Mala SUrcet, RlrhiauS, Tlr(lala, Wh"k-al Dealer In Foreign and Domestic FANCY GOODS. Notions & White Goods. TEQ to eal! the attntloB of the North t'arnll- X) naand Virirtnta tnuteui tnrmr itwi nry liafT I ' " i" m " - r . - - . - - 1313, Main rtrmt. fcilly ownnlfd by rrr riirm Co., and have nuuk hrge ailditlon to ai i . . '11 I. 1 1 . i 1. ( t i.f Mliinuil fmvy the North wh-re b iiirfwW In Mruring btrgf ally Woolen (1ocmI, at the old irlrp. by will. 6 H . f M ilt h, mr,tit In tttr I nnl tn tlui lit' 1' 11 . tin t r ... '- - . . trail tl miK'b Iwlow tlw prlr tlie same cln of . ... . ... . 1 1. M'k tlmHln win ronimana in u nwrpi. irri, iwrr fon, polk lt an exumlnatloa of tWr otork ftvllng tntltwlr natlpflcd thrt fn iniik It to the advan- . . . . . t . . , . i.i. .i luflt m tn ciowt uv h aetu na iutiu. , Aug, 21, 1871 8m Orange County Warehouse, RVFFIN & CALVS. THE Totiaeeo rUnt-r of the stirrotindInK Country are wp-tfnlly Infunnfil that tlx nlirrllxr hatnkrn lliln diw Wurt-hnt ne, itnt ed at the Hlll-lmro' drpnt on tN N. C, It. Rnnd, and that It w ll I ottrnrd for the Ml ol If To bmem, on T'ii-wUv Junimrv ftHh, 1H7J. Regular m" wry Tiifwlny and Friday, Tim Wa rhoiiw l itiulod In a frw yards of tbe RaII Bond drpot, ronvclilcnt for hlj'plnj. A romf .rtahlp hotie i priwrffi fr the accom modation "f (tm itrrn of the Warrtioike, and S rod V d to enmp their tork and team. Enoilr for tli" 'ilirllr vt ho protnhvs te do hl h-val lx-t 1th all Tolmwo broiiKht to his Warehouse, vthrlhor it be line or common. J GEO0KEGAN, rrojntcUir. nuwtoro', jn.i, m tr EXCHANGE. I FATHER -d i v,trt In ex.harjt for Hld.-s. J Wl!l Tan on hr, .. ( Iv Ili'lM f Tan on Chun at Hfiir 5. Rrown'f Wore. T.T. F(iRRJT fA),tA Sm()d Clover Soed. ME O K J. Ki. holmes, air., cup. of Agencies. mew Ki4 imo5iutAti:siTiHr.if:T. jpALL TRADE, 1871. WEISIGER&CO., WHOLESALE GLOTHIEES, , U PEAHL KTEr.FT, Ws have i.ined the lhWirAX AND BEST aborted atork of CLOTHING ever oftVrrd to tin trn.l In till rllr, V )roivw to offrr khk3 AT I-.V.T KALI.'l'KK K", imu wllliaiwlm; thf ndviiurr In mmI, and (.ivrtli Mm-linnU ol V Iryinb, North t nrnliua and Ten annpjixrtiMii'y tif patronUtn lili hiixmd, and hmiiiir IMr kmmI at Wwi prhf than they can be bought tn liw Nortliern tit1-. tXOTHI.N K KVtl;V UKCCKirTION, 4AKl DUAWKItS. i:XTRA SIZM, HK KOIlV SHIRTS, " NF.OLIOKK SHIRTS Of EVKRY QUALITY, mkkivo A wooLBiintTs, of eivrg qtttJlty. OESTI.KMKSs' TRAVELI.I.VO 8IIAWI.R. Mnn li:4iit of Vl'tnis, Trmifm nnd Norh Carolina are Iniitiil la call ami r.vmnlpe tnia Hu, tl niilpty tinni. W KIM.Elt A CO. ft) I.!, IS Hit. blUKl JOH.V BOWERS, Swveimr to Yah, Hon-, m & Yule, Inm llliK k, f)(ivt rtnr Hinct, lilCHMOND, VA. MAN! VM TI'ltKU and li-b-tle mid Mi denkr In 'l lu, t-lM-rt Ircn and Cnpir wre. Hove, l?nns,', and Hot Air Knrnsrv, Hounw Fuinl'.lihifjtiof d,ti4 CIsmMIr, I'lxtnrmanil Hhdr. In tfifnt vuih'tf. IVirlur i ;i.f.M ...,1 dVrn, I'iiimh A Hydi'aMlle Ham. All kln-U mi4 M 1 U I . . . . ... ,n . i -v. " iMiniii iron ami rHIII i'lur RoohitK. runi.litK, t.iwuml M4m ittlnt. , ia v.uik f- r libtln? Dwrlllnr, I'lihlie Rnlld lnjr, r, Work iu hi line ext-t uted In City or COIIIltl). hpu mU r STth, I'd tf 0"7U".sOt02?0! wi. iTsiiTu. Main Mm. KICH.VOND, VA. Vf Kv Voi.lV. nd Mo' CMhliur.iilvrayahi 1TI -amn, t Inthlns and lireas Mtiit made to DM a II 19. WAGGONER k HARVEY Grors & Ceal Ccsinission Herctantx, No. 3 Pa H Woik, HthKtrcet, IUCHMOND, VA. SX!i.(rr K'r'l attention rlv lo tbe ante n( dure "C'"' Urln' '0UlrT Vt e. a,iuo, s. s.si.trrr, I. n. ct-r, U'l.YGO, ELtBTTX CftVXP Wholesale and Itetall JJealere n "wnj unwt.J tlliU A 1 Ulilku, No. 1300 Main, Ut 13th & 14lh RU. nraiwoND.VA. Jamea A. Orljrg , Halenman.