WKDNKSDAY ..FEB.28, lif,!l. UM'ALBKP.tBTntXT. ' , tirniiMl Cwwt' . Remember ths .Concert to come off at Masonic Hall Friday night A number of the Fw mers will be la that day with tobacco, and lot them be jura to attend. Admission fee Is only fifty cents, and it is for the benefit of the Presbyterian Church, and a half dollar spent that way, might go to-vnr.ls puttitiga wing onj their shoulder when they go up yonder, that Is, if they give it right. Besides the very nicest sup per is In reserve after the Entertainment is over, n .. . . ; - ' . ' -, The Orange lintel. Mr, Bell of Newbern bus leaded the Or ange Hotel In this place for a term of five years and proposes very soon to open the House for the pubiio. We know Mr. Bel! to be a team that will make a Hotel "go" when he gets hold of It. Laut Deo! for this new enterprise. . '' " Te the Farmer. ' .. A penny saved is better than a dollar made. " "While no farmer ourself we have had ample means of learning from some of the best In the Middle Section " how they do" to raise a good crop, particularly, fine tobacco. And we know that wl'h a large number of the Border Fanners that Gil liam's Tobacco Fertilizer Is rapidly taking the place of all other guanos. It la cheap er. It is better in every way. MaJ. Suth erlln, one of the most successful farmers In Virginia, uses It altogether. Dr. Roan of Yancey ville endorses It highly. Also Cen. Wm. Lea of Caswell. Now Is the time to send to Richmond after it. Read the advertisement that appears In this pa per and profit by what we tell you. Fraying fr K.ta. Faitli works wonders. At Orange church, In a dry spell, some years ago, the Rev. Mr. It- -conferred with some good old Elders, In the evening, and they all a greed If they wanted tain, they must pray for it. So they went Into the old meet, log houe and prayed an earnest prayer, and down the ralu fell in heavy torrents, and before they went In, not a sign of a drop was there. Hut at another meeting when there was a sight dryer " spell," Mr. R asked .the elders In to prv, nd when they were all assembled, an old bro ther got up and said? "Brethren, hadn't we better enquire if we are all ready for rain?" The motion was agreed to, and the Moderator put the question. When to the surprise of ail. an old gray headed el der sitting 'way back in the corner got up and says he: "Mister Moderator, I'd like If we could put it oft till morning." "Why, what in the world does the bro ther mean " asked the Moderator, "talk of putting it off!" " when the people are starving for rain !" " Well," said the old Eider, "you see I've got a little hay oui yet that I alnt took lo, and it mought get vet." Brother IV said that though it wm iu a prayer meeting he felt like " taking a stick to that old roan." The Be. Belle. A correspondent Informs us that the Ec lectic Club, composed of the ladies and gentlemen of Charlotte, have begun a small newspaper published once a week, called the Beau Jlrlle, and that our friend Fred Nash Esq. formerly of this place, is its Fashion Editor. Has control of one column and "takes off" the peculiar styles of ladles and gents wear. We know it's rich. The paper is read to theClub at every meeting. Let us have an exchange. " TUTttmswHin rise. Messrs Webb and Itoulhac of this place have bought the Thompson Mill of this place for six hundred dollarsand we learn( lutend removing their Smoking Tobacco Factory over there and running it by wa ter. . trajfla wilts Fata. Mrs. Katie lty, living a few miles from town and the proprietress of the Mineral Spring so well known in this county, has been struck with dead patsy. She is Just as bail as she can be to be alive. ii A CesakMiisC SrtM la Raleigh. We learn from a correspondent that great excitement exists In Raleigh over a rowhlding Inflicted on the Sheriff or the county on the street by a Mrs. Mennlnger of that city. It is said that the Sheriff be haved hlmselfas a gallant MAS should do under sueh circumstances, and wouldn't strike a woman, no instter what be the provocation. Mrs. M. we karu, accused the Sheriff of talking about her. Kegre Cilrl Drewae. A rtfgro girl named Ada Ilountree living at Mr. Joe Mckce's in this county fell Into Little River while crossing a foot log and was drowned. Mr. Joe Smith let the wa ter off in his mill and she was found at the bottom of the pond. IV tr. W. J. l'slmer, of Belleville, CsiiaJa, pawed tbls point to-iilpnt on visit to lis excolleut mother st Milton. Ir. Palmer Iiss hosts of friends in Lis old tome and more since he Ins risen to dis tinction, of course, tie few who were not, If say such, will be ths glsdest to see liim. A Daily paper In Canada speaks la tie highest terms of Dr. I'almor and wishes him a pleasant visit to tli "old Turpon tine Stale. Tlios. Stanley of Nswbern got Corn for sale. John Klrklsnd Jr. of this town, now wltliCarhart&Bro. Now York, Ths CoiUu under the Steps. He belonged to Huth's Division and fell on that terrible Sunday morning fighting in front of Petersburg. He was a Georgia Seargcnt and his name waa George H. Williams. Ills body was taken to the ci ty by his friends and a coffin ordered. Mr. J. T. Morrlns made the coffin and the body was placed in it and set aside for his friends to have buried. But the cannon were booming, the shells screaming and bursting, our boys retreating, and the yan kees pouring in, so the body was left to lay, In its wooden bed, upstairs, In the un dertaker's shop. Mr. Morris could got no conveyance to bear It Away, and It had be come so offensive that he had It buried in the backyard under, the steps. A few diys since, and the Petersburg Progrc recorded a fire, and tbe house that was ihen the undertaker's fchop, on Sycamore street, was burnt The workmen com menced clearing away the debris and dis covered a coffin, through the crack of which, the remains of a man could be seen. All was excitement, the coronor gathered his Jury and sat inquest over it, and Mr. Morriss came and cleared up the mystery by telling his plain and simple story. Only a simple story, it Is true, but how it carries his old comrades back ' to that day! how it will be read and hugged as a treasure 'even now In that old UeorgU home! Poor old Confederate soldiers! Some sleep under the steps.. Some have turned to bonedust. And some are under the plow on the stranger's soil. Five bro thers sleep side by side on a little mound right In sight of their mother's little white cottage, that stands down by a mill about twetty miles from Appomattox Court House. She pointed them to us while the tears (rushed from her eyes. All she had ! Two others we know, killed, thud, thud, as quick as that! shot down face foremost, dead, and their bones left to bleach out in the dark thick woods of Spotbtylvanla. Couldn't be helped. But what matters? They are dead, ll'c are living. Let us " draw straws " which be the worst? ' We have all been put " under the steps" and the fire has been roaring and crackling above us ever'slnce that day at Appomattox. Who cares? Not the world. We have only got to are for our selves. The rest are too busy after poli tics and money. rr the Gald. First read the following : The Hillsboro' (N. C Jlecoikr, lias few su eior to it in statesmanship, and edi torlal ability. Richmond OmWc Now isn t that enough to make a man say thankee. And we say It. And it does us good. We have taken this pleasant lit tle companion Into our lap, many a day, on the tiresome train, and read all about things in the city, what street so and so lives, where's the best Hotel, what's the best Clothing House we were "seedy" at the time and where fellow could get a good pair of shoes for a dollar and a half. Everybody on the cars, and in the City reads the Weekly OuUU. Thanks to the little fellow for talking so loud of us. . TaeL-M) IDrlah. " The last drink I took in Illllsboro, said a worthy old farmer the other day, " was forty years ago, right up yonder In that house, and old Dr. Farriss drawod it for me. " " How come you to stop? " we asked. " Well, you sec, " said he, 44 1 got disgusted w ith it. There were two men, (mentioning their names,) both clever fel lows, and they were coming along from Durhams, a powerful cold day, and both pretty light, and one of 'em had a full tick ler in his pocket. When they got to a creek they both took a big parting drink, and one took one road and one the other. Tne one with the tickler hadn't gone very far afore he fell stone dead. His friends were all on the hunt for him, next day, and his Mend that parted with him at the creek, knowing the route lie had gone, was the first to find him dead. And he pulled the tickler out of the dead man's pocket and too a tlrink. And that cured me-'' TUB TAMBOROIUII. The Baltimore Journal says: " The Yarbonmgh House, Raleigh, X. C , Is one of he best conducted hotels in the whole country. Dr.Ueorge W. Black nall( the gentlemanly and obllglug pro prietor, Is in every sense of the word a wholesouied and generous host, and his whole aim seems not only to make his guests comfortable and at home, but he goes beyond this and never fails to give the bent poHMibte information as to the country and all Its surroundings. The Doctor is well poted in all business matters, and anv party who stops with him will feel, well when they leave, their bill to entirely too small for the amount of accomodations they have received as well as the Informa tion derived. We say to one and all who stop in Raleigh, put up at the l arbomugh ' Cedar Grove. From a sjsx-lal Correspondent. iA-aws. FkUtort: I notice in tho last number of your paper that Mebsnesville and (Jrahain have each shipped !,00 partridges North. Now Mebaneville has four and Graham more than that number of stores, yet from CcdarOrove, Ellis alone has shipped 10,000 partrjdges and as to eggs well he supplies the New York mar kct more or less. TIIKtMnY BtKIXICKft. , The infantile tribe of the Fairfield neigh borliood had four accessions to Its ranks on Saturday night lt, all th femalo per suasion, and the "cry is Ac" Fairfield has no Warehouses to shoot big guns over but in the "baby business" she defies com petition. , THEVMrtXIIf. "Speed the plough." Is the order of the day In U.I section. Corn scarce, seed oats scarcer, cow feed scarcest, money non ' ' Woodsdau?, N. C Feb. 20, 1872. Editort Recorder: c-" had seen in your paper so much about tho Slllton Tobacco Market that I concluded to give it a trial a few days ago, and I write vou this to say that I was much pleased not only with the prices I got for my Tobacco (I girf, more than I asked, and more than I really tlio't It worth.) but delighted with the treat ment I received from the proprietors of the Wilkekson Warehouse- I was somewhat annoyed at the Bridge (over Countryline) by a parcel of white boys and negroes tel' ing me what Warehouse to carry my To bacco, and I had a notion to wear my wa gon whip out on the party, but concluded to pay no attention to them. Tbe Wilkcrsoii Warehouse had a bully trade the day I was there, and I never saw Tobacco sell for better prices; ranging as it did from Five to Eighty dollars. Tell the planters for me that Milton is the place for big prices, and the Wilker- bou Warehouse the place to get them, tho' I understood Tobacco sold equally as well at Liberty warehouse. " Please place the enclosed $2.60 to my credit and continue the Recorder. Yours truly, B. TOWJf ItlABY. f t. La! ,. On me Ilow'ny do. Hcw is arnty ? What a bustle- FeeIi right saucy. Sweet Spring time . 4 And now for the news. One case of Kangaroo Stoop. Mb. Camkkon Las a son a Cadet at Lex ington iVa.) UiUJSBoBois the home of a talented young Authoress. A Fixe cow of Mrs. Owen slipped up and broke its neck on tlte Ice the laststell. Ot'B "jour" has tried a whole week to reut such a thing as a bed. He takes the Ibior. - Thank for two nice apples sent us by Mrs. Henry K. Nash. There tire apples lu town. Hillmdouo Is the Long Branch of North Carolina for summering It. Euo's the loug branch. Johnstone Jones, son of Co!. Cad Jones, is editor of " The .Lanteru," a very ueut paper published at Rock Hill, 8. C Mm. Pali. (J. Cameron lias returned from Mississippi from a visit to his daugh ter. Hesuw the Mississippi covered with lee. '',- v i ;'- , ' " . " ' .' " Please give me ten cents "is what an old woman asked us this morning. She cried and apologized afterwards. It's all right, now. . TWIGS. - . . . , The Pope is eighty years old. A deaf mute exhibits at Luinberton. Here's your paper. Dou't need a cent. There are seventy tobacco factories In Richmond. A Shanghai rooster at Trinity Clee weighs thirty-one pounds. A piece of bacon given by its mother choked a Richmond baby to death. All of Battleboro went Coon hunting and caught a coon that weighed twenty two pounds. Bryant's toll bridge in Chatham coun ty was washed away by the recent freshet In Haw river. A young lady in Wake county who has delicate taper fingers is afraid to scratch her head because her hair is so blazing red. A frisky old Texan Is now living with his 8th wife, and sixteen of his memorial " pledges " fought In the Con federate army. A negro stabbed and killed another at a candy stew near Weldon, but it didn't disturb the dance, they shuffled all night long. t- A young lady in Ohio asked the pray ers of the Congregation because she felt like "hugging a certain young man to death." We will thank T. C. Williams of Richmond or John II. Pemberton of Dan ville for a chew of good tobacco, just to see how It tastes. The Rev. Dr. Pritehard of Ralelch while preaching an earnest sermon at the Baptist church fell from the pulpit Into the basement. Not hurt Jim Flsk's private pox In the Grand Opera House at New York was sold to the highest bidder and bought by Jerome B. Fellows for or!e hundred dollars. The negroes In Norfolk are convinced at last that vaccination Isn't " plaen, ' and an old man of sixty headed a gang the oth er day and all had their arms stuck. MM Liz.Ie Marcellus, the young tq nest rlen ne of Dan Rlec's cl reus, was thrown In the ring at New Orleans but mounted the unruly horse and rode her ride nut Lsstweek was Kmberweek, recog nized In the Catholic church hy fasting, and the name derived from an ancient custom of sprinkling ashes or embers on the garments In show of sincere penlter.ee. Dempsey Gardner of Edgecombe lived wlh his good dame eighty-five years, rear ed a numerous offspring, died happy at a hundred and two, and his widow first weeds were worn In her hundredth year of age. An Undertaker at Lumlierton having charged so exorbitant a price for a pau per's coffin thst the Commissioners had It published, the editor bat received a letter from some immigrants at Columbia (Ala.) stating they had thought of moving to thst section, " but they could get burying a sight cheaper Hi I Isboro Tobacco Market. " Reported Weekly hy pr.: J, A! (teoffhegan, Proprietor of Orange County Warehouse, Sivkers, . $2 50 to 8 50 11 Pea green lugs, 3 75 to 4 00 . Park do 4 20 to 5 75 tted do . 5 00 to 6 00 Pea green leaf 4 25 to 5 50 Dark do 4 75 to 0 75 Red do 7 00 to 12 00 Mixed yellow lujrs " tX) to 8 5) Bright smoking do 10 00 to 12 50 - Mixed yellow leaf, U 50 to 21 60 ' Medium yellow, 18 00 to 40 00 No fine lu market. Salt In last week about 30,00 pound). Tobacco very much in demand. , Milton Tobacco Market. A Repohtkd by -the NEW W1LKERS0X W.lREIIOl'SE. Feb. 25, 1872. $5 00 to 6 50 5 75 to 0 50 0 00 to 7 00 8 00 to 00 12 00 to 15 00 15 00 to 25 00 7 00 to 8 00 9 00 to 10 00 12 00 to 15 00 15 00 to 25 00 25 00 to 50 00 60 00 to 80 00 .Primings, Inferior red lugs Red Lues, Good Bright ' com Oood " Fine " . Red Leaf, com. ". coin Fine leaf Wrap)ers coti do good do fine -iDanville Tobacco Market. . , : Fehruunj 13r Lugs, common red, $5 00 to 6 00 good 0 00 to 8.00 medium bright, 8 00 to 10 00 Fine. 10 00 to 15 00 Extra lota higher. Leaf, com red 5 00 to 8 00 8 00 to 10 00 goon red good rich and waxy 10 00 to 15 00 common bright 12 00 to 2-5 00 medium " fine " extra " 25 00 to 35 IN) 25 00 to 30 00 35 00 to 0 00 ESUMSII WATER PR90F OVERCOATS 117 K lisve lint received a siipdIv of corie V V DMle'i4, ct'lclirntfri (illlil OvfirnnN. Iimiui- nu-turei! in hiiKliml. TlH-y sre the lw viitr proof OvervonNevf-r Intn dticed Into tills country and only weih K oiinctn ( 'hii hs eitvily curried in imm ki t and ooiiiMiii a Wnteriinmf ven"Mt and outT. as either ide run lie worn -nt . Hhv iiitf received tlisxe oU direct, from tile Mioiu tHi'tunn' f nt", we are cimble t niti-r tlieHe ut vnrv Inu rrtfi. ' We renH'tfiillv Invite the miltlii to vail, mid examine thexu inMxf'. nl-o our tine flock of ( lollilnir. Shirts and tieiitleuien's Fur- niM.ins Hood", ii ml the litrint xtuvk of Clolli. rnsimtrx and ViwtliiK to lie fmiud houtli of the 1'iitotuse. . t. 15. S1M5NCE POX. ilKHrnANT Tailors, iJJUU .Msill Miwt. Jsa, 13th, kichinond, Vs, 1UCIIM0ND & DAN. KAIL 1WAD. Ou and after IVH-enilsT 1. : S()1X(S WEST. Tnin X'. !. (tliroii ;h pweiiLi"-) -svi !:l h mond IsilV (extent IMM.IV lit A. 31.; le;ve" tuiivilleut ti?J A. Ji.t ai'rivenat Uretui'lHiro' at :ti V. M. Train No. 6 (I.yncliUtirg D5enn,r)l(iii' Tth-li- mond naiiv si u:i.t a. M.; arrives at l.yiu-liijiin; ut 3 P. f. i Train No. If -(tbrnittili mall and exprw") leaven KKiiiiiotm naiiy m z:vt r. .m.; seave iimiviiie dailvat 10: It I''. M.; arrives at OreeUirlKiro dailv at 1:1 A.M. 'Train Ko, M (thnnih mail and exrfw) pVai e lireeiiMioro o.niv st i 1. 31., R-aTes iMiiviile Oatlv at 1:12 r. arrives at Kh-bUMind daily at Hii A. M. "'Train No. 9 (through pa-n2er) leave" tireenn lxro' daily (cxcciit SinULivn) at It ii A. M.; leaves UnnvilleatlT P. M.; arrives at Utehtuoud at l f. 31. Train Xa. 10 (I.vni Uluiri n:is.iL'cr) leaves Ia nrlilmn; iliilv at J:.'' A. 31.: leave Itiirkcviile at 1 1. 31.: arrives at Kii limond at 4 1. 3J. Train Now. J and II ennnect at (in-en-ltorti' with trains on the North CsruUua railroad lor all points south. Train No. IS. connects at IturkevHls with tnin a the Atlantic. Mi-ilii ami Olilo railroad far 1 tM'iiits southwest and south. Tlilldl (ill Tl( KKTSto all k.iiI. south and southwest can lie procured at the ticket otnVe !n Itii'liinonit.niid It. I'. U'ai.Kss, Acnt of the At. "mill.-, .Mi-Hi-wlpiH am Uluo ra:lra.l, .No, l.Gi Jlaiii streel. Kk luiniim. Jll IX fl. 3IACMt;ittK. (iem n-l Kniutit and Th-ket Aveiit. T. M. It. Tauorr. Knineor and t'uperintfnd- ent. ... ... . . . SKY-LIGHT WAREHOUSE I YANCEYVILLE, N. C. We have oin-netl in Yancey ville, a Ware house for the Sale of Ix-af Tolmceo. We have about Thirty resident buyers In this market who are paying the highest prices for Tobacco. We .solicit the iwtmnaKe of tiie Farmers of Caswell and tiie surrounding country; promising mem iuii prices, We have a large WAtJOX YARD well enclosed and gtssl LOlMllSd ROOMS and will do every thing to make our pat ron comfortable: pgvn daily from 11 o'clock to 3 o' clock, and we wy tho Vuh iu the ware house. I'lXXIX. NOll FLEET & J011DAX. Feb 19, 1872 tf jjrCAKlir YOUIt TOBACCO TO WEBB'S 3NT 23 "W lluilt especially lor tbe sale of Jeat iu . hscco. rpilElirfri siid West In Srtli Candlns and X tiie only Warehouse In lUIWboro' a ith 1 wl II ii'lve my tindlvldeil attention to the sale of jour foUss-o, and enn promi-e you the IIK.IIIr l'RM A t TfTwo pood Priserirs attarlird lo tiie bouse. I'lenty til Ituyers and smsl seconnnoilatiiins, t JTliesore and conic to WKItli'S New Ware house, fut fouth of the CoiiH-honse. 4. C. WE It 11, 1'mprk-tor. FI.,18TJ. tf S. II. WEBB, Attorney at Law, ' Oranin County, tf.tXirolina. WITt. prartletj In Alamance, Orange ind Chatham. Collection of Claims s special ity, reb. 171. iy cooo jPcxiXt Tooa. I thm4 assortment of Apples and Peach trees iV IHivered at 3IclAnsvilks or stithe Nursery at 10 cents aptce. ' . W. A. KIRKPATUICK. IfctswstiitoN.C. t A nsrry 3 miles Koutb Kat of Xcbanivilie. 1 1 fill . v e. " A supplv alwsj-s kept on hrnd at LIUKItTY XX. Wnrelioii"e. .Mtltoii, .!'., Iiy BALI.. SJIITII & l'UWJSLL, Proprietors. Ot juutou. r eu. u, iw,i. ' LEASEM'f AifflM. , rpiIK suhsi-Mtiers will open fn the2h Instln L the lurir and spacious huiUlln kn-iwn an li. . JIaiic(M'k V netorv. a Warehou-ie for the salic of Leaf tobacco, All we ak isa trial. If our prices do nut suit Votl K'fl U'U! iliM.rrnllv nut Vf.nr Tiilm.-n Iwk ill. lo the wflimnand you can take it clwwhere, even sliould you fnre worsn. No ellitrt will he spared to give our patrons - lie most perfect nutisfaction. tiivn us a trial. HANCOCK & tXNAId.Y. It. P. Ilancoi k. . . U. T. Coiinslly. Jan. 17, IsTJ 1m DEWT AlT"dTBCE ! . - . - ."..- V-Ii. r. . A. ROBERTSON. HAVING fitted up an Office In the new brick hullding over the Kore of C 31 Parks. I will be pksitrd to Imvo all Ihtmi tksiiliif; nrofessional si-rriei to call tliere. inj; I will enntinne to visit ( impel Hill on the first and third Atondava of everv month. JliliHhoroui;li, Jan J. lti ly ToToaooo! Moreliead's Warehouse, ORE EXSB0R0' . N. C. WILL open every Wednesday on and after the tlrst Wednesday In March (lithi for the sale of L li A F TOBACCO. Those who consign with mo are assured of the Uft prices. If the sales do not irive satis faction the Tobacco may lie 'lakun In,' 4 sliipjHxl elsewhere. No" charge for stor age. Warehouse fees the same as ut Dan ville. Liberal tulvnnces will be made. The Warehouse haea ilrst class prizery at tached. In the handling, ordering and assorting of your .Tobacco, too much care cannot betaken. Ample campinggrouuds areoilered to planters. I'll do my lst for consigners; they can't ask more. I re fer every man to his neighbors, that tho good news may spread. ery respectfully, EL'O IKXK MOliKUKAD. . Feb. 13, 1872. Ini rilTY lluTKL. (Formerly CK)ks Hotel,) HALEIG1I, N. C. Situated near the businesa portion of the City, yet quiet and retired. This house lias Ikh.-ii newly refitted In elegant style, and will ail'ord excellent and plejisa it accommodation to transient and private boarders. . The proprietor guarantees satisfaction to ail who may favor him with their statrou npe. Tlie;rooms are large, comfortable and neat, and his table shall be furnished with tiie best the market aCitrds. KATKtf MODI It ATE. P orters will be at the depot on the arri val of the trains, and omnibusacs will take jMWKengers to the Hotel. Meals can be had at nil hours. . ' The lest Liquors and Cigars will be kept at tbe Bar. MARX.SCHLOSK, Proprietor., Feb My. n m wiLsorj&co. PRUDUCK Commission ereliants( 1001 CAKV STKKKT, RICHMOND, VA. OSe'KiXSIKXTS solicited. trk-t uersoiiiil J attention paid to'. -ales, and pninipt returns rcndncd by Check or Express, as dc-ired. ITTMIstsI Cash advance on eoniiimmei Is. I iTKertilia? ami mnwls fiiroUhcd on ided e of shipment, on eoiHiiltaUon. Feb, , S."3 Leasburg Female Seminary WILL oieu the 12th, of Feb. 1872. lloard $10 is-r. month exclusive of w ash ing which will be tl a-r. month. Tuition accord inir to adva!enwt from !?10 to per. session. Music At least one third of tho board must be paid iu advance. h i'rtncini. Leasburg, Feb. 7th., 3w. JQIXX aSMSTftQ.YG. ' NO. 1 FAVETTVIt.l.K BTItEKT, RALEIGH. N. C, r a m cci .tndfr and jhnlt aaji rAi ii lien. VTEWt-PAPF.R. Maitazim-s and Ijiw Itooks -f 11 every d-scrlKkiu bound in tbe beat style and lowest rlres. -lit numiiers f Supreme eourt reports taken In rxcaanp for binding. Jan K,t ly J. 4. Wasfipnier. Wm. . llaney. WAGGONER & HARVEY W holetale Grocers & Geil Coiiission Merchants, No. I I'e rl Block. 1 Ith Street, . lUrilMOXI). VA. OTRICT personal attention rlven lolhesnleol kj t olton, lolstreo, urain, and Country l'ne dis-e. II. O. CAI.I.rM, W. L. CALLl'kt. n.o. k w. l.calu:m. DRUGGISTS. No ii Kut Market Street, Grcenstnro, N. C. OFFICII to sell Druifs and 31ell. lnes. Patois, Oils. Vami-bea and live Muffs. Palmers Oood'. Window (.l i-sninl Perfuns-rv, Toilet Ar. ttelinAc.nn nimiu c.vioik ami I'liil.ub lihia prk-esliy Wlsilesoleforejun oiilv. Particular at tentbm jtlven to orders from s distais iu every Instance satisfaction guaranleed. J:ui. 10. Just to Hand, A NOTIIF.lt lot of that excellent Htarr aml'lUlpli's Carolina SnulT in idaddera and Jtoxes, and for sale by Feb. 11, 1872 J. R. GATTIS, LIBERT V WAHEIIOlbE, MII.TOxX. X. C. ' ...It (. C.,. . fl . . 4 '....... a . . . . 4. ' 'r. niiuniiriT niif mi nil n a eo-jwiiierniip JL lor tiie jitiil i icelci i iii eliiit Iiiimiicmi at this will liii vn iim) l:ljl')y innler hiv.tr, sitnaud nt. thd t oet i t l.ilutv, tiet. 3iilli n, N. C, . M.' r.l .t... i I ... ..I....4A. . ..t. 1.;.. . LI- th "Bini B!-M I t.JM pmnirii. i p. nil; IJ1IK 1 II wu for the rm Meoruiiiiij.' Trl ano ttill Hud It to their iutcri st to tlve tis a rail, as our fsflillllts for pivitiK generat fBllufHclii n and (itrate nccuS;Hio itatitiiKarv unsiiipassed, . . . r : am Sa&ESflQ(M5t is very larwi.npa'ile of holding St) plica of To Imceo easily, A ith an abundance of good niiy flkhts, which are of immence advantage in Mioting I'u bacew iu tiie most favouraliie manner. Our wiurin lot is Int-iie, and is surrounded hy a IiIkIi txmrci tenee. doulile pile euteramtv and enn ly I'Hiked each niyht. We sre convenient to water, and liave (iM.d tslile ftir liuD.es. our camp house cannot Im suruawed for: warmth, i-li Milliiess aurl at nilort. having! 2 nw liooins, ith me placid lu each, and w furuisii an iilmndance of wixh! nnd lights without inonev and without price. ... We ftuaraiitee satisfaction. If nn sale made, no elim-i-n made, sod tiie Tobacco reloaded at our exiM'nsi', I 'lease try us. Take the rit'lit hand iinmediatelr after ernasing tiie Hi lde. " You will find a pood smooth road to the Wan-house, and avoid that tsbbiii.s bill catling up to main street. ' - All em.uirles in rejjard to the Tolre market answered pruiupilv. A. L. HAM.. : . . .1 3i. 8MITII. . W, J. PoWKI.L. Our Mr. Hall who Is no wav counseled in tht! iirulUs arKing from tlM puri'liaw ortradei in lu nnceo, win (icvoie ins wuoic tune and attention to the business as Weiirher, Auctioneer, snd general bushices maimgerofMiis Imiiv, .-.... lie will U- found at his post nt all times and lie,- Iiy an holiest and faithful discharge of his duties to receive a lilssral shw o, that patronage o s!ss)jrxteiided to him twrctafer... r t - . ' - CSASI.RS 0. HI LI., ' CUAKI.EH. SKIKKSB. , 0F.F.ft SONS i , . Ualtiuiore.J la,, HILL5&LSK1NKER, Kuccessois to Illij, Bentley. A r-kinker, Commission Merchants, No. 18Pear! or 14th Street, Eticltmtmd, IV. Silieit Consignments of Tobacco, Cotton, Flour, Uiain, Provisions, &c. tSTAfiKNTSfor U.oTeTnnd Sons'' stan dard Fertilizers in.tl.e fctalcs of A likiuia undoi th Carolina- A A i'hoxpho IVruvlaii Guano. Special Tobacco Compound, Animoniated 8up. l'hosphute of Lime. l'otasli and I'istaif r eombinwl in barrels. Also, n hand Peruvian Ciiano, Lime. Plaster, Halt, Hone Dust, Ac, Clover an J Glass Heeds. JVVFLV()UK' 18rir,S72. M,rs. U.QLcrk Suus: iKSTS.v-At the soliiltiifion of Sftsra. Hill & rkiiiki-r, twenl. AKcnts.ut KUhmond Vs., for the sale of viui leililiiiina euuimuud. we left our homes fur tlmrvpresK purpose of liivestipitine tboroiielilj lliecliarcteriindinanufa.-tureorvoiir various manures. We Ind jneviouslv learned that you bad. at all tiim-s, invited tiie l'lanter to v.sityoiir works, lnpwt nwtiriid used, and mode ofmrmu&etiire. Wewcru not lsviiuml to tx-s-t s.i full an exhibit, und we are more tluut pleased to say, that every facility has been afford ed to us to make complete our examination. We have visited your extensive works, butted Ua ust Point, in Haltlmore, and thronirh your la and candid exhibition, iu eonjuu ti..ii with y.mr excelk ut Koreman. we must evnr.. .lir. s. vesa.riilly re. mid for our visit, and amply satistHsl of tiie value ol your iiianures. and lrtir -ty of iimnuratiire. W'e are convinced that tmr clioK-est lu-iterbi Is used of Kertitiiiiig cliaraetef, combined skilfully mid earefullv. If Is all iui-p-ttaiit t. l-twitera to know whereof tls-v are uslnp lu this aps of imposture, and no business Is morclubcl to abuse than in the manufacture of manures, the sad ex.riem-e of thousands of I laniers. Lpon a full and thormieh examination we are determined to uae your manures, and ear-in-stly recommend and invite our Pbmters u join us in the distribution of wh.it we conceive lo lo entitled to merit ami conliiUiice. four sties a exhibited on your lMMksand testimony of an-iicite st-llnig for years Is further eonviiicinjr uroofc J. K.HoiuhmiH. Filled J.r.roopKK. x. r. U. It. 1IAKFIX, Of Amclisto. Vs. TVliNF.IfSLU YEli A SF.W LF.AF I thank 111.- public lor pt pitmusKe In tbe Sad die it Harness making business, and solicit an increased custom tlte current vear. 1 niakellielastiiimmerel.'3l,- Mlan.fpanlsh and rnll-back ad(lks, and the lM-st liarnesa ti llridliK, at prkt-a to suit tin? bard and liLvli-tax itme 1 will In future keep a Istter stock of work than I lw kept inr the MjrrriKlcr, and wlii tell it lower than ever. Come and look st my work l will cost yott llotliini! to (In so. I will take in exebante for work some iii.uer, some corn (tsouie floiirerbut no wood. Hrm me a prist T corn, and get Mind brittle asrran tetl to last live year. I will Itcpnir' Saddles and Harmless low for any kind of trade except wood and wheat straw. t.y" i will clean ami reyair old Clocks in rood atk-clieai. JOE. Tl'KXKlt. HilMmroj jan. Kth.. IfCl. tf. rpHK Kilt 31 OK UILL. PK.NTI.KY eKIX L KKK.h ivliiK twendissolted. I wo'd'l Infonii my friends tint I hnveents-e Into the emplov-ns-nt of .Messrs. X. 31. Wilson A Co.. and in this connection would respeetluliv ankeit s share if the pntronapeso tils-rallv ls-towe(l iimm the lata tlrmof Hill. Bi ntlev hkinker. . .. w,.,,L,A M hkxtlkv. Itlchimiiul, t a., Jan.. ITtli.. lur. G t K"VAR1.-I will pay one dollar for ths V 1 trest and delivery to me of a bound miiluN to isiy unmet llnywooil Webb, who alwronSed mi Hie l;tth Ins. All M-rsons are warned ajpln u.ii uvi oiy ii ruipio iiik nun. JaiilK, 1ST"!. .P.MOHKOW. WANTED )!A I.AKoltKltM on l.vsclihmv and Iui ) VllV Hnif K.hiiI. (near ISoivilie) W sees t me 1 KillMC par day and Katies. i'om sirtnbil ipiarfers. ..imJ niNoisi issued wei KrV ap ply on tins work lo. niw. r l ir.rArilll K. or C. SlllPl.KY.st tiie i.lt.e, P. I. A tlllCI-jl ASlltllllenMif i.ilt I.. . Bishlns h.inds. I ust tinii- I'aiivnir, vs., 'WANTED. 10,000 bk?,',k-w,,"'''r,,u J. Y.WHtTTKD ArALENflNES Gamos c&s Toy BOOKS, TtT rrsi-lveil and for ab-. ebean (br rssh. Jan. at. 1ST J yitj J.VMK.h H, OATTlJJ. IMiSCUDXEE&CfJ. WVIOI.KSAI.K AND MI.TAIU DRUGGISTS. XOlHiil.T'lu tine IVrfiiiiMrtes. Tcllet tMMl r-o.i lliriiu. aiiey Altkles. esj. (rsj s, rle-winx ToUi-co. 3iiiHind Waters, ellfiL-S l.tlillora fur mMlti.nMl iuii-iu... .1 also Paints, Oils, U lass. Ke fftifl, (ivden and lirss "SstK c. 14 KavettevilW street, Kaleieh, !ff-Mgn ol the (ioldrn Mormr. Jaa , li 3n

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