rEPNESsDAY.........aAN. 7. !874. NEW. YEAR. v Wo gret our reader at tht opening of ths New Yenr. end wish them uninterrupt ed health and prosperity. Ws know in the light of experience and under the inexorable decrens of Providence in the government of nan and of the Uni verse, that thia to til, ia not to be expected. The events of each past year, with its dark record of death and disaster, of pestilence and famine, of conflagration and shipwreck, of blasted crops and commercial disaster, rise Vividly before the memory, The same sad reiteration is to be repeated through all time. Yet to the masses the future is al ways gilded with bright presages , and that bnn. taliirh "unrip M atai-nat in His tiiinmn , r e- - heart, leads them forward into the 'sha dowy future, with brae hearts and confi dent expectation. - ' May such truthfulness and snch hope in spire all onr readers, and may the close of 1374 find them alt blessed in health, and " crowned with prosperity. THE PUBLIC DEBT QUESTION. On our first page will be found a letter of our Seoator, Mr. Norwood, and the bill which he has offered as a substitute fur that of Mr. Worth. , , The lill of the latter gentleman ia befre the public, and a synopsis of is plans and jaiiiciples have already appeared in this pa- .. The question w one of grave crmwwjuence . to the State and upon the settlement of which hinges its future destiny. It is emi nently right that it should be gravely and deliberately considered, and that no fjues- : tioni of mere expediency and no pins of present necessity should drive to conclu sions which may be fraught with future .shame, and that nothing should be done to imperil that fame for integrity for which in times past North Carvliua had so preemi nent a claim. It is the right of every one to entertain and express opinions upon a subject in which every citizen of the State has an equal take. And it is only by this free expres sion of opinion that legislators can be guid ed in framing plans for relief, and in finding an extrication from the labyrinth in which the financial interests of the State are en- tangled . V V ,, In the exercise of this right, we are free . io say. inn neuner tue bill of ilr. north nor that of Mr. Norwood meets our full concurrence. The latter gentleman as sumes a condition of things to which we are - not ready to assent. Basely, a state of abso lute poverty and inability to meet more than current State and County obliga tions, and therefore proposes a confession of pauperism, and an appeal to the genero sity of the General Government, for the as sumption of the State debt. Supposing the appeal to be successful, tht result would be the complete abnega tion of State sovereignty, the farther ' lfiMrflinifi't of ift irrAIn .?a- r.t . . '.a. -b - al consolidation, the tying of another cap tive to the chariut wheel of Federal Usur pation If it is ant successful, 'aud under ths general demand for retrenchment, and the manifest diminution of the resources of the national Treasury, it most probably aill not be ; there U added the humiliation of denial, to which may be affixed a sneer ing reprimand U the sturdy begjar to sup ply hU ows waats. And the reprimand will not be undeserv ed, for i. cannot Is said that North Caro lina is poverty stricken beyond hops of re covery. Poor she is comparatively, beyond doubt. The ravages of war. the loss of, Isre property, sod the changed svsteta of labor bars crippled her terribly. But the principles of recuperation are in her and sc tively at work, and must soon restore trur people to a condition of comparative peco niery independence. The glowing pictures of Itererdy Johnson l&sy be over-wrotght and his aloquent ap peals to State pride, tud the statement of Looor may be escribed to lbs facile e!o .juefsce of the paid advocate. Yet there is enough nf truth in them to strip us of the defence of Jpoverty , sod enough of encoo rsjeuient to cheer us on to active exertion. With a production of cotton bringing irtli Carolina high up in the rank of the I cotton stale, with a tobacco yiclj whkh makes Ler third no tbs list in tbs proJoc- j tion of that staple, with the highest rank as ; prodocer of naval stores, with her vslua- ( lis fisheries, with her stores of forest, uios-'i ral snd sgricoltural wealth, she cannot long remain nnder present depression, if Aod it is in contemplation of those re onroes, thst we are not prepared to yield an assent to all fhe provisions of Mr. Worth's lilt. There is a cls of debt in eluded in lis slsasiCcstioo which ws think should not Is scaled. It is a debt fvr which full talus Wts rewired sod which wss in curred nnder circumstances so gratifying to htslc pride, that its iliUgrity should tictcr be j'H'pimlited . - The icholo anti war dol t was created out of that confidence in the honesty of North Curoliua, and the t-k ill and integrity with which her finances had been huiidled. Hot of those bonds sold above par. and the proceeds were expend ed in the State for the designated purposes. Whether the investments or purposes were provable is not the question. In the settlement of this question the con dition end necessities of the present are not alone to Reconsidered. The life of a State extends through many generations, and not only the probable future wants of the ex isting population, but that justice due to its successors, demand that care be had no steps be taken to embarrass us or them by legislation which affixes an indelible stain opon State character. What would be the consequence of leg islation which taking the matter into its own hands; would decide for one side with out the participation or consent of the oth er? Would it not bear the character of scmi-repudiatiou ? What would be the va lue of the new bonds issued to replsce the old ones so arbitrarily displaced? What confidence that these in turn would not have to give way for others of still less va lue? What hope that die State should ever expand in greatness or increase in po pulation by the addition of strength from other territory? r ; Upon the pnjmcnt of the ante war debt, we have had but oi,e opinion ; that it should be paid, or at least fully recognised and se cured, with a provision for such a rate of interest ss the present means of the State "Uould warrant, increasing gradually to the present legal rate. . This recognition would at once re-establish the character of the State for honesty and facilitate all future operations in financial negotiation. As regards the balance of the debt it may be regarded as a fit subject of reduo turn, and which would probably encounter no obstacle from the holders of the bonds representing the debt. - The special, tsx bonds may be assumed valid by the Court. Until they are so dt finitelj declared, we repudiate them, end believe the State will be sustained in so doing by the moral sense, and the financial judgment of the world. THE VAJ.LEY OF THE AMAZOS AND Tht AilmiuldmtiuH of Mr. FUliaitrt . In the year IHuO, at the instance of Lieu tenant Maury, then at the bead of the Na tional Observatory, Gov. Graham the Se cretary of the Navy under Mr. Fillmore with the approbation of the President, is sued orders to detach Lieutenants Ileredon of Virginia, and Gibbon of North Carolina, from the Pacific squsdron at Call so, with instructions to cross over the Andes to the head of the Amnion river, stopping at some of the principal cities on the route, to pro care geographical and statistical informa tion from the Libraries of the Monasteries, and to descend the river to its mouth up wards of 4.000 miles, and make a thorough exploration of its valley in that vast extent, the permission of the Peruvian and Brazi lian Governments for thia enterprise having first been obtained. The object of the expedition was, in the i event of a favoratle report, to induce l'ra- til in whoe immediate dominion this val- ley ia situated, with the exception of an in considerable portion embracing the bends ol the river belonging to Pern, to open the Amazon, whkh was found to be navigable for sea going t earners nearly to its source, as well ss its vast tributaries in the North and South of the main river, to the free navigation, not of the United States only but of the world. The Brazilian minister at Washington, Mr. Mage Jo afforded every facility to the expedition, and wss under j stood to favor tbs grand commercial project in eoktemplation, as far ss bis duty to his sovereign and deference to public opinion at Lome mif ht allowand he was compli mented by order of tbs Department with a passege ia a man of war of the Uoi ted States on his return front his ntiijo. The offi cers above named having divided the terri tories to be explored. Sir. Ilcrndon com pleted his work and returned in 1352.' Mr. Gibbon not until 1853. Their respective reports made a treat addition to geographi cal and scientific knowledge. Brazil terbips then jealous of the pur- poses of the United States, from the recent war with Mexico, declined to concede those privilege nf navigation desired at that time, but the infomistioa diffused 6y the reports of this expedition would not permit so ss- trnsivs and fertile a region of the globs to tenuis shut out from the habitation of ei- ilixsd man and tbs eommercs of tht world. Until, snd with her Fern, has in coarse of time yielded,' snd the ships of all nations may now ascend the Am axon nesrly to the Andes. , . .. : ' . . Ws hsvs leeu ted to these remarks ly the following which ws extract from tbs 5sw fork Express, sod think it lot just to recall attention to the early measures by which so grand a result his been achieved i "Ia I "07 L'raril opened the Amazon to I the commerce tf tltte wwHdvand 'l'cru fol lowed her example (u 1863. Thei-uar now three niouthlv lines of stautuM-s from I'ara to Havre, Liverpool aud New York. tt i th in 23 years Para has arisen from nothing to a populous city of 70,000 iuhali'entA.'' The Amazon is uow navigaioJ by a" British com pany. which has absorbed the Brasilia!! and Peruvian steamers, and is constructing ten new ones for the twine trade upon the Mer sey of various burdens, from 3C7 to 731 tons'. , Such rapid growth of tMiinr.erca could not be 'stnunlated in a wilderness without the presence uf the greatest uatural facilities. - ' . . .. The Amnion transcends in length, hrej'iih and magnilicfuoe tha Mississippi, the Nile and Yaiigtse, "' It isalout 4.000 miles in its extreme length, and 180 miles wi le at its uotith. Thirty-five miles inland iu width is 10 milus, and at a distance of 2,800 miles from its mouth it measures 300 yards in width. The region traveisod by this flood of waters is unequalled iu the wealth and variety of its timber, but it is uninha bited except by savage tribes. v The soil is 'Unexcelled ' ''fertility.-: It abound in oaoutchouc,' cocoa,' Brazil nuts,, hulas ear supuriila and other medicinal druj:s eud roOU, which can be utuwd to supply the world. Cotton is indigenous, to 'ilia' soil aud climate, and can supply an unlimited quantity. . " ' PErmoiT . .,. 1 his is a resort for a remedy of grievan ces at the hauda of government very seldom resorted to by the Southern people, yet is one which acts more powerfully upon Con gress than any form in which the wishes and sentiments of constituencies ean be ex pressed. , The right among us fell into disuse, into contempt,' in fact become o dioua. from its abuse during the hateful and hotile days of abolition aggression, and we do not recal an instance since those days where the people have come before the rul ing powers in what may be ' considered tbeir individual capacity, m Yet the population of the North and West understand the power of petition and make no slitted use of it. If au expaimion of the currency is wanted, it ,becaiea thej subject of petition. If a relief fom su op-! prcssive tariS is demanded, that is a ub- jjett of petition If protection to a subject of manufacturing enterprise is sought fo.-, thst becomes a subject of petition. Kvery tbieg in truth, the subjects of human i.c cessity or human cupidity, becomes the sub ject of petition. , And the method is effective. Congress brought faca to face with the people. Their wants sre presented in such a way, that they cannot be pooh, poohed," cannot be whistled down the' wind. It is a direct per sonal demaud for relief or redress, which is to be heeded. A petition is invested with a force and a dignity which never finds place in a bill. ' 1 If our Southern people would get togeth er frequently, express their grievances, and bring them to the attention of Con gress, much would be sccomplished. It would more than almost any tiling else con vince that body that the South has a per manent interest in the country, and that it has the same reliance upon sod faith in the duty and power of the government to afford to it the same reliefs that are granted to the other sections. There may be nothing immediately prac tical in the above suggestions, but it is well to recal to the minds of our people the fact of the possession of a remedy, long sines disused and almost forgotten, to many trou bles which embarrass their prosperity. COFFEE. The price of Ibis beverage is going op so rapidly thst it will kii be etaased among tbs luxuries. It m not needed to restore the tst opon it to drive it from general con sumption. The Rncceaoive failures of the crop in Brazil, and the vastly increased de mand for the article both in this country and in Kurope Lave driven the prices np to war rates. . A decline ean hardly be looked for tbis year, and consumers mu4 make np tbeir minds to pay mors or ue lets, either alternative equally hard. J f.,v , . 1 ' MIS 1ST ER TO SPAIS. "! . Caleb Cusbing has been - appointed to succeed Sickles. Hi policy will be friend ly to Spain and hottiU to the Cuban patri ots. Therefore bo farther danger of war, ssalt matters of disagreement will be ami cably settled. ... fsT It is said that in the event of the failure to confirm the nomination of Wil liams, some present member of the Su preme Court will be mads Chief Justice and Hon. 8. F. Hiillips will be made sn Assoe'ste Justice of the Court tX. L .' A NEW BOOK. TIl'MlKE) North Carolina JiMlc and foria J llooh now in rre, ami will b radr fur illlverv and al fell. It IS74. l'riee IIirKinnd Mnt,p bwk A mulla aides t ull l,w Hra yle. tl 1.1 eat by saailon rerrii of niie. Mi din your dan "la I m 0 ii r.. ru wwiwr Italoltl .'' William UM & Tl Wholesale Grocers Cotton Factor -'. . . AND ... Ceraisissiott ' SIctcIiants, . 33 Fayctteville' Street, ntMgh" ; .v. c. Ill U Cotton for Fifty rente prr Ralr. TTKP eonstnntlv nn hand a Inrga ftoclt f XX. Ha taculnsnii't Tiesu ltefirs to .t W t'hfvk. Onrhsm. , A rfstrMirt, Iwpel Hill. JaTSm John Aritistronff. No. 1 Fa yetteville Street, . Rakish, JV C. BOOKBINDER Blank Book Manufacturer- NEW.PA1F.US. Masncine and Law Booka of fvwy dierlptlnu Ixiuml In the verv lt ttyle and at Lowest Tried jun 7 ly . St. Mary's School, RALEIGH. N. 0. I Founded. 1842, I7VIR more than thirty one veam thl Srhonl Ima . wtn eondii"td liy t(M IJcv. Aldert ttmedea. I). I). llnn th llev. Hi-nii1t (imtNltx. .M lik amHaut. HiUoi Atkinmn snd Lyman are victor. la reneel to sMhilltv and hmlthnilnewi ol llimlliin. extent mid ciMivriiieme of imlMlii rt ami grounds, and moderaMon in rhara", tlii Sch'wil rliallengt's a compurlsoo with any similar lnt)tuttm. Tli rtty f Mirth term will tvn J:in. 7IK t'ora rii'vular ontaiulng full lnfonntlmi. ap ply latne Keetor. Jan?t,.(, TOBACCO FACTO It Jf FOR RENT. THE Faftonr now owupli'd by Wehb Rnulhae t., vill be rented n.r the ytrnr I XT 4. Amilrto JAMKSWEBU. Jr,r jan.l I2t. . JESCIIOaLriELDCa. 'DEALERS IN UARDWARE, jJDTLERY, Covkiiifj Stove. Wii'jim und Bvyjy Muttrtal. DANVILLE. VA. 17 Peyton old s tand opnonlte lltkvin and Tyack. Jiii.M 74. 1v. RALEIGH NATIONAL BANK ; . . or NORTH CAROLINA. raid in Capital $500,000. PrtijiHited DqumUvry fA f rt Spiffs rind FimimcmI Ajtkt. W. II, WILL AUD. lfeMdent. C. Dkwky. Cshier. Make collections Iu any put of the country al e rate. BiKCTna: V. Prer. VT. It. Wdt i-d. A. . M -tnw., K.S.'l'ia ker, W. J. Ilivkin-. A.ti. Iw, W.i. IjK'bunsU. Nov.WU ICIy. Steam Engines and Boilers. SAW 31 ILLS 03D WQRKIN3 iUCfflliS3T. Grist Mill Machinery AND MILL FUUXISIIING GOODS M M Eipss anl Bte XJ Send fur Circular. KAUM &. IIUXTKR, ItlCIIMOXD, Dee. 3 3 m. , , V. OKANG K COt'XT - erlor Curt. James M. Crtln snil Kllwrt If. Vg, Copartners tmdlnir under the Arm and styl of C'oH'iii and IVue, Franklin L. (iardner n. t'liarl. (i. Clif. ford -nrtiien, tnt'linir 11 n. ler tin firm ami style of F. L' Oar.linr A t. ' SlH,)l'ih. 8TATK OF XOttTII CAIIOLINA. T't thfSlterifiJ Omni. nmntyX re-t in j Yllt r Ivfl'y n iimmnu. Kni.Mli l..lijrdo.Tii,i.l harlnll. I liir-rd tim di-fetid ml l named if thct he fimnd in yiireiiiely to Iw and 'i'ewr at llwiiulii rwnt of onr iiirlnr Court. I M Iteld ( !! county nt invr it lit fntirt lnnr In flilMor., on Ihr Wli M iu lar al'rr tiM mi l.v of Jl n'M !;: mid anw lie rnmidaiiit. a hlrh l rn. Hed la Ilia nRV i Ihe lurk tUt MiuertNT ( niirrni mini miiiiT on lit 2IKI .lay nfjannarv S7t. and let the rtrtrndanta lake notire If titer fail to aiuwer ll. wl.l evuiiilaiiit nil (tin that term, the PlalntilH will lak- Judgment raln lli.-m Inr Hie nm of Three ilnndrrd and Ten IWUra mtxi r.tuhir rrnla.! with Interest tltemm. and for enM h Ihla aethm. Ilrreia fall ni4and of thia fnmanw aaaka due returns Given under my band and seal of said Court this ind Dec UEO. LAWS, Vlr.rk. 0. K. PARiaif. Superior C'urt att'y for l'lantilTs. oraoe cocxtt $ijrUr Court. James W. Corbln. anil Kllert II. I'offtie, co-Miniiers tra'iiii under I lie naruo and styls of Corliln and 1'ogue. rifnliut Franklin l Oanlner and Clmles I,. Clif ford, (tmrtner, under the num. aud style of F. Ij. Oanlner k Co. AlUtrhtntnt. rpilRKB Hundred snd Ten tMllara snd SO eta , X due for Tolero aold and delivMed. Warrant of Attarhiwnt retumal.le lf.ire tHwrae lwa. trk it th Snili.r fniirt tn-aiiaet onnly, at hl n(IW In IlllUlmrn. na th inilrtav or January S7t. wtn-n and wlwre b IMrndanta are reiilred to aprnr and anawer as tossattmtotuiitnfthl Atlarhnwnt. (IKOUOK LAWS, Clerk. C. E. rARlulI, Superior Court. Iff. dec. 2nd lM.m, ... II ughcsV -Academy. rpHG next nelon o( mv whno! will enmmvnce I on tlw atsjjnd Mumlay in Januaiy 1874. Tuition r wMou of in weeks, ; rj5 0 Board, tiu-tmlioj.' nil nwewai-y exicnes except WKxhiitx and lij;liU. f (JO 00. ravim-iita ni:nt in follciwur at l'innlng; fit, at miditlu uikI balaiivs at el ul 'term . Address 8. W. IIUG1IKS, dec 17 if. " Ceilui dove, N. C. Fa V. KERCHNER. WILMINGTON, N. O. IS STORE! IS STORE!! O A itogslieailn and 82 UOXKS 1. 8, blJes, aiV 15 150 llhd. mid BOXES D. 8. bides aud Shout dcin, BBLS, TURK. - J.'iO (Ibds, and litis S II Molasses, 100 Illida and libla, Cuba, 400 lJbls Golden Fleece Syrup, ; 20 Fine Syrup, 1 700 Flour, 200 Hags Cofl'oi, 100 lllids. and llhls Sugar, 100 Ubls Apples, , 150 Uoxea Choose, 200 " Candles, 130 " t'andy, 15 DM and half Hbla Snuff. L0 cases 1 and 2 os Suutf, 100 lloxes Soda, 2."0 IJoxes Soup, . ' 2."0 Kegs Nnils : 2.G00 Bushel Oats. , 20 eases A ale Grease, 'ti& l'ls Glue, . " ' liO t Whiskey, 25 llrandy, 200 Cases llrandy Teaohes, 10O tahuspps, y 25 . Toiiititis, 25 " Frch Teaches, 75 Hue Starch, 40 Ton Hoop lrnn 100 Dozen Water liuclets. 200 lie:, in Wrapping Fa per Ae. e. For sale br F. W. KEUCHNEH. 27, 28 aud 29 North Water St. 29. Jan. Wilmington. N. C- To the Ladies. IflW Jt H)X EnKlUh huiM. j tl dix. Kneli-dt Tnolb Kintie, ' Unllr lreiiiix t uiulx aud Uril-li'. r.xTitA n rr oxks. t.;:Wn' and ober Kxtrartii. AiidToih-l artii-liMgriMfjIlr. Jo-t ren-ived at O. UOOKKll'S, . Drugstore. To Painters, Full Sitpp'jt of Dry Pftlntn. Tl'lUls PAI5T-.r nAr; rJy Cr n; j d niiwlilri'iry rMrn. HrMI? Itu-li; no liirt; " V AiM Ht: lio ni rSnp. I'll.-:. ill kind- li-n.l'v ki-jit U t ;.! ;l trk.-t. Uu' NZii and tWilJ U-l. V O. KOOKLirS, Diug Slurs. DRUGS. " r It AVK'and am romtantly rreehlng a tall sup. lT " KI.I XKK r the aUhVtwl . I'KiU'KIKfAUV Arlirlr.. A h-w Nti utrw, end alurt all a hill Updy l j dtr Vrr-ribm. fhUh I promi' to handle wllh u:Uto.-:wa Jay r niiit; and t rHif . uiu O. I1UUKKB, Sept. 3. Druggist. State of North Carolina. t uiu.qs covsTr. PtHtli'H tuttlt html fur jmytHetit of DeUt. FiMe Join-, as Kv'r f ('ttjsallaler Jones deTnnl. ngaiitmt. CadwnllmlrT Jonea, P I) RufTln Slid Wf. Mary, J'isinh t'olllna and wife Hully, yU.-y, lU'ltcf-ci, It.,idn, Sarali and Lnrw Johj. heintof J.Mien, ilrt-raanj. IT ap(eriiiie tn t!ie Mthtfai-tinn of Ili (Vmrt, Hint the IVreltduiila, Cadwalladcr Jonea, Mary, Itimin. luiln, ha rah and Lucy Jni. Iilr f lloi.iu Jonea, iUcM., rr ii.ii-rwileiiia of Hie Hinttt Jt ( ) t.M-e ordered that Itulilieatlftn Ifliiadelnliie IteiT.rdVr. a Xwatar mldUtr ol In tli Town of HillalainifM'aiaauv slve we-ka, iidiriiit tlicm toupl-earat the nfllceof tin Clerk nf tlicKiifem.r t.Viurtof OrniiK. I'tMiuiy, wllhlu that tine, to plead answer nr demur to th ComplaJnt filed In Ml'l ifllil. or Juda-Mieiil will 1 naked f Hie relief demanded In sold coin- plilnt l.y th rinlntiir. Wlm-s 0.iiik- imwn Vjrk of Hi. Bu erlor C'tmrt f Omnir., r.j. i-aws.i i.ri(. Kniirrlcir Court Orauae Co. I'ltATTS ASTRAL OIL A Willi. It at. rerterlfv tadnrleaa. Alwava' Horn-In any h.m.llh..1Md.nirr n( ejirfo,!,,,. or l.i' lnf are. alaniirvtnre rmly loitl ilae t lw Hanf irfal itr and Aafijrrnil nlla. Ila aaMf linU-r every mwi!.l Irat. and Uff.rrt nnrniflsfNaiHie, ra proved i.f Maeonlinuea n In oter .ift.milie. Milllnfianf.Hia bi Ivrn mid and nn u. ekk-nt dliwily or IikIIim II; . ha rtea wt-urrd ir"Ti iMirmnsi. norm tr nati.iiina it. Th Inannmr t'ompanlea and fire f'om mM.mrr tlin.iii;lnnit lint roimli v reeominettd Ihe Aatral a Die (a4 aah-fiiard 'ntt lamiMar rd. KendforHieiilar. r or wW al retnil hf Hi trad (retirrallj . and at wboktala 1 lit i.lwl.-fora.rllA'. fWAtr A Co., Jus, ultv. rtrerl, NW York. George Allen & Co. .EWBERS, aV. C, C'ulcr MUU, WomT$ Itottm & Ilea jeM, OAlim (Jin ami 1'rcm. TJtrtrfier, Horn Jbtccr. Manilfarttirera of THE WILEY PLOW. Tk Cfiimjiton time ami VttUtmtur. The Diek ton Uwl A Urn Strrrj,, Kither of wbk h save one half Labor of man and horae. t W Send f.H'ralul.u and I'rirea. FDR SALE, A Ne Wheels j, and W llwm aMr. in Aiaruinc, uie r Ima l. nmiiira al lh OKASt.euoli:. KKmioMi Av.:;t!iii .;i:'r. DMPD T 11 I 1320 Main Stn t t, AICIIMOND VA. MAKITFACT liRKIt OF CANDY. CAKES. CRACKERS. AND WHOLESALE DBA LEU IN Fruits, Nuta, TqImicco, Cl'jars, FALL TRADE. - A.?L: ELLETT & CO. ' ? stx the sttontlon of lb Jterrhmita or the South to the very larg and varkd block of JJry Crouds una Autiont. selected with kiwi chid of in:innfiiitiirM bkhiU lor C'Ahll, mid tijioa imwt favoinbte uriua leel awiirl wa ean eouvliire wiy uuurjudkd buyer that we will wit an fciw, ou win., ustnu m any J"liler ol Ui y Uoi(ia in any mm krt of thin coinitrj'. Wi oiilyka lair and uubbiwd ex. andiiatiunoruurMiwk to eiinstaiitiuta wlwt wa awi-rt. We solicit a call from nil merchants. ... ; . . , . .A L iA 1 to. s U 2ra Ko lull liain ft., UiclHuuud va. TAHES W. -'cinflOlfr" (Suocewor to Kellogg and liilsouj ; Importer and Dealer in ' China, Ghss, Queensware AND HOVSE-FURSISHISG GOODS. No. 1207 Main Street, . sept. 23 3m. Hichuund Va. Hans&man Bro's & Co.. - 1310 ilaia fctrect, RICHMOND, VA.; Manufacturer!! and Dealers in cve- ry Variety of papers,-.rincs gnvelopes, AND General .Stationery, Sept. 23 Sin. ELAIU & TIIAXT0N, JOHBfcLS VV Ml Q00D3 jfMCY (jOOES, NOriOXS, TOYS. &e. 1313 M .iti Mro. I, re -5 3m Kicliiiiond, Vn. W. W, CAUUrTELl of n.kinhan Jf, C. " WITH CLARKE, WIGHTMAX & 00., (? tn Clarke k Wsdd v.) hats rm sTBiw nnhm. " AN.... ,. . LADti!c TMmir.n hats. at wimi.ii;!.K. X". 131.1 Main Stree, l:ichuird. Vs.. New York lnVt:4i;itrmmat. . m'U.m. YANGY, Fit AX K M.N & CO., lVlioK'MfuV dealers in NOT I ON yiiito (xd, puniWiItig Qtxxls. lit .MaliiHtrsVt,(fiiair.) Kichniood, Va. W. rrnn-tfidl- tut It. t alt.. .tion tJ Ihe MrtrhaiiNef .V. 4'.. f.i . ( f. ant ar.l aa-wtuM-Mt T Xuikina ami laml.m.k (Mir prler ami l-rii argn nant. In im a C.v.Mral.l. a Ihinw ( N Aiarkna. trl Jul M. t. V t.rSTI.VK. ww. r. ontr. . M, S. VALENTINE h r0, WHMLtAI.K tKAU:i: IW Notion?, White Goods, Fumy timih, uml Miery, Ho. ttli SIMS STHKKT, al.p 23 3m JilCHMOM). VA. Pnmj4 ami oififulttn,ho fw Oftlt rs. gooksellcr & tationcr III MtIV STtll'VT ttr -l 1II.II.IU.U, VJl, WAT KINS ct-COXTOELlt, IMtOUTr-.RMA!(tUKAt.r.nS IX Harawaro ASO SADDLLRV GOODS, Gum Prtfltfi'. Rilliri'r nnil If aba Aider Bivwl Boltiuj Cloth, 1Z01 Main Street, lUCHMOXD.VA. fLAIrV'ttxr WATKlNw, o. ! ttn-rnt I.!,. , 2Mm 1873, FALL TRADE, 1873, WEISIGER & CO-, Wholesale CiOthicrs, 121 MAIN' f.THKET. niCHMOXU, VA. tvriGi; MOCK, Pr'vte Lute, EXCLUSIVELY WHOLESALE. srrt2lt, WEISIGER & CO

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