!,, t a!.. noli if fjjr..; 'w-r v f '. V'""rt : ,'.'',a tf .-itrf xVuw1 J'"" i l -pi.. .i i t rinrr-nnw rniTfta i wn PRnnonrTrtn i tf Ve bAlww aa w now i ivwi itiMtvni TRUTH 3P ( a. .v a If Is i:-k iJ A'?.?: ';', J I i I touunva-" j I I J 1 s.l Iy ill i 1..' 'i i 111 JlL'-il . W"W7 r .... . ... .... ! ,.,, . r ,,,.,(....',,,.,.,.....,. ,. ( ... ,t ' - - . I ' . ,.. v ,- I' .1 OOGM ' rxix 1.4 ( fa ' FALL -!.1.:pAU,oi' rm.' in 3. TEW GOODi. HHCKSON & TYACKr ' Ar io reooWIog their Fall Stoelt 'of Buy RMirtrTjiirpliel ! tint W SHlwr Mr krU, 4 tmkraatac Uw blC , Wra ( t rrM Gotit, Fe$Gwlt i AV'jotm, HLEACUKD AB30W2? DOMESTICS, lHkU. . ShU MrJ-Quitt- K !). KeatocSij Jmiw, m4 ! tit hMf f tv. " OUKLOTTaVIUJt TTOOltS f ft wVH kB a4 ; ii4H- rMrm4 for liimjr. W tuwt a4io4 rjr bujdr UU to to rurkf j , BOOTS and 'SHOES u H A4 Wmu4 rMd4 wiU (treat cart ixr anrtaeai aT CAlU irS HWr.. and FT Oil UuU UMf VI dk Jn I n4U-ll4 aad prirmara verf aiaca I ier Uaa bat jear lor waaaaiUr ada lata ; f ' rUOCKKRY k GLAS3-WARR SfTOHEl Wa ka iM Imrtt U tha awwtaMat, 'aa4' aor tikt afcMiaifVUaraKraf , , KA"CV r AlTKii Ti 0wWUa,lVlaai Tull.KT kKTS. TKAIsfcTS, laptmlarfclna a4 0iJ Ha rT Vaw. Kaiva aa4 rarfca. Vvlr Wlli w hW r. . . , . trakaafalwajaaahaai . Kacara, Taa. CaaWa, IMK ... HaK, aftUMfcvwaaiaMraatrrlea. Bmw( Flaw, i Bi n IKTURFCBXITURK DKPARTMKNT. W Iww rwf4 alilet W af Walaut ' 1 Bed-Steads aid; Bureaus' fr ihlWET. at nrVaa rt amea'aHAW laaar rdlaarfty a4cad. W ka aba aamatiTuI a anrtmaalaf Waluat UaaMr fsaav r ancy raiataa oata CW.ra. WiK-StaaJ, I'-ai-fitaads t. Tfi?reriUthrrOt0lb aHnra Mnrk a U lag aXTEKtOK fa attom aal varVtr !. aar ra Wa atar ofonal aad ant awk aar Irtrada a4Uai aaiik W gn w M kfMKkaatag. .... t m. TTllft arfc?tib4 4SrWe wtaiita4 afu MUuaaiBlparMaaoi w.i,tv nam Bun "- w i - PURELY- VEGETABLE. . JL.-.L.tl- tla ka kJM tlatnlB alAl IIff4m. I WWIOini imp p.rW.. a , mraaJl JA.w iaitaal i liawlnrailta rHr Wna; tnj bytemf k-rH iMd ibr lanaWiaiarawat wttt aajr .-V u.rr.... mmj mn chlkr la UaM , and (tartar Mi. ; r M ' J taa m aiKjnlit4 fcfatlniHii la lrtrt tWiitjr. eilaeairhiatawaa ewattaaa at t XFFECTUAL 8PECIFQT XrtaM lt tl,ta AinnftTt, iV''" aawraar! a4 aa iaay aa tunl " r. At a H moIr t ..O ' Jfufcirtouf jf hjCmai It k Ua rb!t. r ttrwt W'T family' T n 7T.lI.m&C0.nr MwonJ (J., inJ Philartelphia. led, $ t , WOfM S D&ttifH . ll.)T0 Wl) HtaiplHW.rar ll , 'XT' f. FLUIP.EXTPACT ws&m Th only known remedy ifor r-'.r-'iiLr - And m4Ut rtmtif for X'OiivUtfte, 1 Dyspepsia ''"' wervoii Ucbiltty, ': ,y' 1ropsy. Koa-rrtn(loa or Inooatluxaaa af Cnn, Irrlta - - . lion, tufl b rtton or Uinrmtloa J tba BLADDER 4 . KtD,y VS. r SPKRMATORRHffiA, ? . LaacarrWaar tfliTtaai l!rie'af tia Fraalaia A.UbO. Moaa la tat Bia&lar. i ( Coienlm Gravator Brtrkitart IVislt aad llacu 4t- j ar junvy uutcsargca. l' t jrair.vi.v r-uiMUy t'nrea all Dtoraaei of tba LladJcr Kidneys, and Dropsical v. s . Spellings, ;. ' Exbtiaft la JIaa, Weaica aa4 Caltraa, W AV 3'r &e Aye! prof. Mte Oaa fcntrta af Kurnn't ridtd Kximrt Be. ht warta aara taaa ail aU- tr l!.i.:Umcoaibioxt.' , Prim, OaaaViUar far BoUla, ar Sx BoUba for fiaa IMUra.. . , Depot, 104 Duano St Nw York. A PayiiMia la attft !ooe to aataner earraa paadaara aad tfr adrtea gratU. ., i t3" 1 ItnpHiU Iraa. i Kenronk and Debilitated OF DOTH SEXES. , A Chary fir Adrian rt4 Cvnuttatto. i -.1 ' 4 , a .a. Pr. J. R. DYOTT. aradiuta af Jrt?roa MfdU el Vutlrgc. 1'blUdrlpaia, milkur apvertl v(iia ata caa aa aaaxwtad aa atm r tlw xuJ ar L'riary Organs ( hka be Ina aiadc aa afMnai. Ami) jrmwr a aula ar IrNiaw-, no butler fro kat ran uriiiutiar nr af bnw liaig aLMdlag. A arac'itaaf H rearn aaablra aim iauK atatawa wua mwcrw. imvagiia wamai. Cbarawi raaaoaaWa. ' Tbaaa at a 4ia Ultra aaa forar4 Mlrrdmri'tlilajtrai)itaa naraMMigauaip i yrMr ar. . bckmI gur t ai4 ta icul i. frvi-ifte. - J. B.UVOTT.M. I- "kTMaa a4 Iwiaoa, l4 Iiun W X. T. . (Ua Hiirarpaacb txfort tkgOaorgia Bnuwlk of , ttt butuLera Hitor'ica Socie- Tbera war mnj peealaritiag I Ua ha bit and citaraciar f La, tuieu ara but ULUa koaaa aa4 ,nbwta uuy l studiaa ilk BiuHt. iia aiaiUtttSal avoijad firiur opibivM apoo aubjavta jt kick U kad , kut Immmi kta aaiiiiiif Lr lniaiiia u kivaaticata s -9 rm r-w O w C aad auUiauoiaa, 1 ikuaifbi ka carriad Una giaat tuia km iar.v auaer ua rra aeot, aor CnrjB.'iK)r frieadieuttld ft kia 'tiam to lion u tiuiilia oaaatiuai' not - r r i t - trudljr miliurjr, auU b aiaa bad aa nacb loiet, aiMtruatra MDUUipi Ibr.akat be ullaJ ixililar aialAaauia aad ritiliUAal iiarvl XlMtina ktnl Mia div'in tka o - m - v tfteuof KicbaKHj.l, at I wa gvtog wat. tod tit gtMog in :ua axaeuura viaoa, i aaia w Una, -Uauarai, t . auu im ria gira a ;r wptbUiti aa Uba proprtat j tf.obaug rg th t, ut'tarviuot, S1! fur tbar Soaib.' , ' 'liut U l political qaeatioa,' Mr. IiaU lf t-ilH lllllu imliM Okual llCtaflliiua It. 1 baU auueavur i Ukt air af ika arajr )a aawji aiaka Ibt la aad amttrol tba gurruuiut.,- , .. .. l'i, ... 'Ah, Utuaral,' I aatd,' 'but yoa will ktrt to ebtoga tbal rala, bad cxpre po ltiical epiflioail fuf7 if eatibl wk'wui ia dapaadauea, tba pavpla will auka Jo Mr. Oatla kueawr ZTJ; Z air, fa replied tth a firm dig utf tbat belonged oiilr ta Ie. t 'Tbtt ill near permit."1 iVbiUrrf talent 1 na poanjajt (tad tbay ar tat liatitad.) ara a.i UUtfJ 1 think tba lailitar aad ami ta lent acadirtinct, if not difiaraat, aad full datr la aitbtr rpharc u aboot atack a ma a1n ka ir.f Uirtaalf u. pwforal f I aball aat daUa paopl lb injuttie U eapt bigb aivil office with vboaa qaaatiuot it aa not kaad at Uuiueta U baoow fa Bjiliarfsn ff.?? t';1 ni K;.' Wall lut 0r.. I lbiud:iUU)rt daa awl aaauia) rear la. l'r , and . .a . a. a la - . Fradanck ai I'raaua aaa nuaaparia, vara alt rraat gUUsoeo, a well a great gen. rat. ";" .'" .....! And all feat tjraliU, be prowptlj ra- I jomad. " ! pek of iba proper rule la re- pHhii a, where, i tbiaa, wa aawaia oae uubor Hilitarv atatawnaa, ar political Kut whingtoo wa txim, anu j na a lyrtbl, 1 repeated. And with a beautiful (mil t aid J'il,ng1u wt aa itiepfltl anabf.. aad tbera wu ooo lib bi.t - I aould 8ud M word td abtwa furtAeV, t... ;n.t...iiI Id tiioBirU aaidt 8urlj Vabingtoa Una longer atoeptlo), fur ou like ktra If noi aveo graawi, A rigot, eld boa, r II l lU' wtd ia Al.l toy. wis iBlBad ii V taMl EXTRACT BUI Far the. tfrnuril "f f ! A FKW L DN FEMAL3E EDWA . tv.'.,fr.TON. in"'' ; Article on education ara everloaied W a, afWrpkitf ; tbry dofit mit the leadei1, buC ( (ioe tbat Ij (lie influence gfluieiu inatraotora ' and . tfreir ayataaMii, Aaertca pareo ta wilt act arglaet tba ' J.bj!axal; 4a aatioaaf Uwlr cbildrea,"., Imperfect child rea will beeowia imperfnet aaea aad ewly death i (b rtMilt. -' Wbjl aot :eMiene to improve our little onen. who twrtlf bv itu(.lu9rtiitlet hive to suffer, bnt bj plea' ant asercwee aa be rougUt taa.tuort healwjr?aaadUfent VT. """v1 iiaVVaat iadcba lai cob1tj,'-'VcV I U geaerailj atled,' ' Tba iuad ,f perfect ion V WUit doaa forth poor f irk ba ara teot ta Uoardipg ccnpvl?.,' I tlilink p rest and teacher ar . part!, bliud,- ou tiering the. fact, that of twontfjrotin w men aot an jtlurd.ia ttroog enough to aar two diiWreo'..'.' . U . r a VAaltia fact,' ))t U tt of l.altb i)f voung foioala bat to unJergo peculiar chargee of tba ajirtem.'lhe hiore we be to complain ud pit with all oar lart. that in tbia co entry ; aot Mora ia doaa -for tba pbraical derefopetaeot of woeB.''J , Life ii atotioa t otia pawr; power ia health .! Tbia I Jaw ia arery wbara eg prat)d in the ouifcrae 1'i'roeive it ia the imallaat aeiiaalt the awmlir plait and sn .b baaaii beig, th lit autoag th kr gaaiebtiaga It Iba g'.obd art alwbjact ta tbi 1 'J IheaatTfew liiiea ba 1akea HtaWaldaralaa b4'aiaata aad Taaaharai ; : FAT IX THE FAMILY. V When Chief Juatice Mamball livrd la Rijjhaiod.Uicf pwaita) ighbar', pa. Iduet HckdC ' Cofnoel I'ickett W f naa Of wtlth..lie4 well, and wa nM enutaiut unlexa errjtliing a boat bi txMMhnld bar th luarl of goad living. (Ik horaea wera ki priJe, aad -were . ennapicuAua - eterj where fr tbair anleadid appeaNacd, being a Wk, fat and high i iri'ctl a ahundn tooi aad lavaeflatvi gTwwmg' eualji nwba Uiaat ' " '. " .v f Jadg Maranall horee,5 on; tba otbr-r band, war Urioa1y lean aad ankewpt, Ererbod bat the Jalg bd ' long ra markeJ tbia. ''At l.nt 'it waa brought to hi nutka, with tba eugg'vtioil that bia aarrttgnriver ewglacUd taa boraea, atJJ aiacb af their food aad preprinted tba nua to hi wa ate. a jood deal of it go iag aa doubt, for liqaor ' "" Tba Judge called Mm ap-fwiAont! da layf Dkk, what Vfbe reaajfl Colonel Pickett' bant ara ia rack epleodid eon. dition, wbil win ara almost eke'etont? I am afraid jou iaglaet tbetn. . da't half curry tbem and don't half feed tbem. . Dick, not expecting the attack,' wan . act fair Ir poated. . II bemved d likaeJ a' bile till be could gather hi negro wit aboat bint, and then said t f, ''$,: Mars John, look at jea i von fat? IWaaid the Jadga dieilJlv Bot 'Weil look at aid (Mr. Mar- tbtl.) 'ilab fat!'. . . - , , ; NV - Dea look at aie--lI fatr - . " m i Nom: -' ' ; '"''.' Pea look at jo bono I He fatf , No.' i : ' -' ' - l ' ' Now den; tow. j t look at Kunule Pieketbe faf, bla caldpa driver' fat. hi Ihwm fat. bia J.g fat all frt D troof i, Mr J.hn, fat rnai in d Piekat fatu'l and It don't run in oar'n DU til. Walt, aa id th Jadgei after a liula ra. flection, ' tbara if a good deal ia tbat. - It never oeoartad ta ma before.' 4 It tamed back .into bia, etadj, aad Dkk a-a brer troubled ant.wor. j JetrsWiTR Black Sgtx In tba aity Cotoebin (IliudonUn) and it' neigh borhood lite nearly twa tnoaraad colored Jew. They ara aot o,nila atf 'dark akin acd aa the thioma. aegroea. They ara taraeliteaia tba full 'eeara of tba word, and faithfully vorehip the God of tbair an ceatort. According, ta their own" ; atat. ent their origin ia a follow t- Tbanon Iuatt of a portion of the Katt Indie by !uropn , epd to'; tba anmnlereial world the road to unlimited wealth, and th prospect of getting rich attracted ad venturers frota all part of th world. , -A-mong the war tmany, young ,Iarlita from lUgdad, Baaanra and Yemen, who eaai to teoh; tbat fortune, j, AfWf aetab. liibiBg tktMU tbej. pwchtwd7 lmI alavaa from thank tivev a number of wbuta' tdarriad their mtater after th(y war eon verted, and from the intermarriage th prenent ptpa1tioa of Cotoebin U aeneend cd. Out as aeeonnt nf tirtV "e1of they ar ander a ban J aeKbrf tba ItraallU of Bagdad nor the white Jew of their own locality will Intermarry oretbef wie aaao eiU witk iUn. " mmfmm m ralriel, lb widow )anry thai ye tfol one of nr iqoat rr oareclP 1 Yia, tr honor. Vt yoatdoaa wilb itK 4 Killed Ifao rtri1t,lba widow Maloncy fell f. It it bat bv and at it, yr honor. 'Ob. rtrick; rrickl Wkn you tr broeghl fe U fie witk the wid aw ud ll pig. oa tha Ureal Jadgmeat Day, wbttaaooaatwill yett bf abl to g;v of vottrtalf whrt th wiJow acetttca yea of itaalingf Didyontay the pg woald ba tkftr. yr rirrBoT Ta ba ora 1 did. Wall, tbea, jr Hraroaca, Td a, Mm. Malouev, (brr t tr f'j. 'll lAt iTtflV tV TflW STklT-S1 ir'WA Rkxassablx PBOPHsr.n y " ' ' 4 ii -I f!"?W ,!.,,, 4 . A fi'lcod baa called our . attention to rewarka via prophecy contained in ,tbe fol lowing extract froM an aid . work- entitled RectfllcUou,&o.,f tha Reiga of Geqrgai iff !. 4.11... r ii:-t::-..i . vk-J f " J niiuvi vi at iitatwviv, H vw at at. ever way bo the force of tba author' .rea- eone bow near be came t a htbe ,t . . ra i j .. m truth,. the u. , ... . i'!frlvwii . , TbehO State for a Federative .Re public. Tbey faav acitber King, -nor no biblttyfbor Kttabiiabed Cburoh -Tba Knglik Uuijt juge aod, the EngluJt Jov1 of liberty, prevail tbrongbvuttbe abola con federacy. Tba facility with which landtd property may be1 acquired and brought in to cultivation, fiixea in tba inbabiutii "a dinMiaiiio to migrat ; a propensity which will jewch Ca41ittf tba axteuaiva vf . gri culture and tnf ,Yptd population J( of the aoiintry. '"'.' ..-'C'v '" On the rea-coasi the actira-'rpintof the peopU load tbem to couinjerce- and the fiaberie; and wbeu pmpelled to beronie a niiliury iiuta, they bare shown tka moat courageous exertioua. , It ia 'vUible that tbey are capable of linwentiiig tbemeelvea a a formidable naval power. Great Brit ain, Vratiee and Spain ara thai only "naval powfraottavb eouMderatioo now: in 'Eu rop; and even tba furmidabl f tliee I mean Great BritaiawouldfiiiJ trtftfficuH to carry on a naval war with the Uoiud Hutfijlj AiiJ 1 It ia Uue Great Britaia t preaeut poaaeaae on that eontinout o.a naval port and araenal. via : Halifax. If deprived of thin. Great Brit ain would fudUt fextrrmely! diiSpuJtj to carry on a 'naval warfare and British A mariot could not lung be. dofeuded, except at an expena which caubl not ' be boriee. Li? Jl"Mtd tte.jbiii wwJbkleokiid. ared aa holding a high rank jju .the inti-r-eoiiraa letarw theiivoaad th aeveral Stataa of K urope : The Ticility of acf uir iag landed property, naturally ie.d Ui people to ppiy Iheataelva to agrieultarej, rathe than ta. nwuufucinres t and -it i mora for the interest of tha American to bring land into cultivation, baa to' ectib liab mnintioUres, Tka jndioioataoadact af tba Britiab Govarnmeut bat, ia many place (breed tha American to estalliah manufacture; aad -machinery will ba aaed with mora advantage in a oouutry where tba population Uthia, than it , can l U a oouutry like Great Britain, where the man afacturing population may be," 'perbap, too great, .'(. Tit application af tba at earn engine to tba navigation of river. alLrda an advant age to. Amerift. aim oat beyond calculation. , The inbabitanu of th upper partaof her great river, will caaily be supplied witb everything that commerce ean preaeut , The United State mi.' iditiUi. At tb whole continent of ' North ' America formed but one State, it . could ; only be oo ut rolled by a dtipotit government, but tha happine of maa require tbat govern menu abonld b free. . Una of t he eiream tanee which at preaent Vontribate tha' moat to tb , inhabitant of .tb ..United State, i that they ba oocaaaoa fur t lit tle government.' Th facility with which aubialbe can ba acquired, remeve tba temptation criminality." Whenever a divtaioa of th Uuitad State take, plaoe. mk4 probably it aill aot ba ia the fiftt fn mttnet. u inanition of the Northern run Uit SvHther SUrfes; through Uii awpara lien mill wvif fro'rtMj at Onf tint or ottur take place. But tha, firat' division probably ba. of(A ' WtHtrn ' SAiUt from, tkt EakUr "That immanaa plaid which i watered by ll. Misaifippl witb ber at; tendant atream. i nataral.y epa rated i from tbe Eaatera Stataa by ranges of moan- taint, and tha difference of aoil, climate, produce and eccapatioa will create, tbat opposition of itreat which leaJ to sepa ration. Bat thou,;U tbia aeparatkin Kay be attended witb blood-abed, it wilt alu mataly ba beneScial U lb country." ! A GOOO TRUK 8T0RY.- . A story tnf tb panic af 57".. wbiok bV th merit of being urie'.ly true, wi rcu ly told a by a gtntlema familiar with facta ia tb eaaa. Tka firm af Cannon $ Brother, wheieaala ' merchant ' ia ' New Albany, ia tbi Btat; aeeiag'that tba pan ic wa developing .into a formidable moa-. tefj add fearing a a entire Ireak-apof tbeif bamneaa, ptherad tbemwtvaa toother In eouTicit ta disenn the " Ixpedieney of elo. lug sp their Luaisca aoliu after tlierasti bad ptaned ovr; To ti on " teemed utter destruction bank r.stoa wart tt a dieount,3 and gooda uhk - wamedmtely te raiaoualy tow price. Paper Would b falling due tbat it would b impoaaibt te taect.if lb baioa wa dlacootinued ' and ' yet it aem4 qtt at nntikaly that it wan Id be met if tb hooe did not cJop. Ooa mem ber of tha firm uggeted that liberal d vertiahig !gtt ' lloat them ' through tb troaUeJ water atfely, ' nd argued tbat tha very dalloea of the time woald be tbe maan of drawing arecial . attention to their lvrtiaeat .if Iney were -fcppily ewM runted, f TWa rjnmnt -fn tt laH, ml tb oiler . mcmbcra . tb Jlrui gavd tbair euoaeiit to make the trial.' Ae eordingly a bargain l tbt Roping mad for ana-half page of tba next 'morning daily fapcr. Tba tdvertiacmcvt uoblaiucd tbe imfofu)tttiubatj!lf on ' ceit'uin .bautc that were t discount would L received by tbia firm at par. The result wa: mag ical.,; Money ponred iuto . tb band of fl etasT. jCannon , Brothers ,in, ruck , lavUh quaiitiliea tbat the panic paksed jby ott tb other sido, while tbeir le diaoernin aeigb bort nt to the" wall by the diHcena. Tliey f-apeot-tbaaaandsef dollafa In advertising tbroagltout! tba antire; V bard times a prooeeding wlticb a,ont onjlyj ry profi table to thew, but an abr-oluto benefit to the )ublio."' Tb junior " purtuer of tbia r etill rekidea in 1 New Albany,' one of ha weaUbieti and awnt, honored citicna. -UwifdcUirer' and Raj Estulti Guuetlt iHcliaHapoiis. lud '-','. pi; ..! ,1.1 . - 'V,' END 6f THK TICIIBORXK CASK KEVIKW OK THE TRIAL, i3 ' V' ,)k I.'. U .-.. 1 . The trial of the claimant to tb Tichborne estate in Eog!nd, on charge . of perjury OOBimiltad during the trial for tbepo&tes aion of the estate, ba been concluded with a verdict of guilty' and a aenteno to-fourteen year of penal servitnde. i The trial ba beeu a long one, having lasted one hun dred ud eigbt v dajiC aud it result eflTe tuulrj1 extiuguiobea tba pretension of tbe claimant to the Ticbborne estate. The caae. will itv a oua of the moat oolebrated in law recorda, and a popular iuterest will be long att-clwd to the man himself, who Ii a bad tbe audacity to assume a title that did not belong to bitn in order to get pos aeeNiooof a vast property. - Whether be be William Orton, the butcher.' or eoma other person, it ba been, it appear , well e tiled that ha ia . not a 'i ich borne. . Tbe follow ing is a resume of the extraordinary case j Roger lich borne, oldest urn of 8jir Jamas Tiebborne, after being educated in France and at Stan j burst, and aerving for a while iu the army aaa n officer of carbineer, , net tail for tiiuth America,,. iq 151. after which be waa never aceu again iu England, fli traveltandbla life ended or wereeup pored to bare ended, when the ship Bella; on which ba act sail at Rio da Jaucirb for New York, foundered at ea. , Hi uinthef refused to believe him dead, and dverti. ed for him for acveril Veara. At 1h4 ft wa rewarded by beariug from Australia that her ton waa aliv ana well, and abe got letter purporting to be from bim, in which b ettd that b . bad been ? picked p? at tea nd earriad to Malboame,,,. In , 1866 tb would le Sir Roger, in. tb person of the claimant,' reached England. Robert' fattier wa dead ; tha claimant was recognis ed by Lady Ticliborn a her ton . Ia a year or two the died, before tbe case came to tial; meanwhile aluiont every other member of the family deuied bia identity. Tbe suit iuatitutcd by bim for the pesaenkbtu of the title and estate, cuutmeuceJ on the 10th of May, 1871, and continued, with title interruption, until July 7, when aw adjournment for dome momht waa Lad. Too caae wa retained iu November, and the elaimcat't caae completed on" Jannary li, 1871 Sir John Duke Coleridge, tbcu Attorney General, on that day began hi opening addrca for the defence, occupying f v week in it delivery. On Mart It dtb tha jury haying juat li.tened to tbe teati many of Lord Bellew, te tba effect that ba had tattooed tba .real Sir; Roger when be wa at choot, and the claimant being una ble t show any tattoo mark, ware induced te eut te tbe court tbat they bad beard enough teatiaaony.' Two day afterward' tba claimant' ease wt withdrawn from be fore tbeeoort. Lord Chief Justice Boville who had prehidi'd at the firat trial, therefore iimtted a warrant for tba arrest of the clai mant oa tbe charge of perjury, aad hi bail waa fixed tt 50,000. but be was toon bait- m.1 ..ii I h liia aBLataaiaktw .rl ian.1.. On ril 23 ,874. u JW putrM trW befar j.j aief j,, Cockburn, Mr. Haw. lliu conducting the prorecuiion, and Dr. Keneajy tbe defence. tue testimony for the proaecution wa closed aa the '2nd of December laet , Tb defeaea wa then opened, aad Ooovludad ou tka 14th of Jn aary.' ; Tha komming ep for tba proeeca tiou wa fiuL-bedoo January 29, ud on tba ensuing day Chief Justice Cockb'irn began tba charge to tbe jury, which ba proved tlmoat at tediou a th tpeeobe of coun aL' Tb vardici of guilty waa an asez pectcd ana, fur there were two men oa tb jury wbn were vrvgrdrd with great tuxpi cioo. Tha two trial of tb eae have eot tbe govtmment alone folly $2.S0ti.OU0. tbe aennaet receiving emormoa fees, and wit net, bdug broagkt from .Aaatnlia and this) country a( great fxpena. Altogetb. er tbe ease ba le.-n a marvcloat one. ' Patboss or IIcAxnav.-.Tbl V.' cifia Rural I'rtM thu turns Bp tbe etja-t of ll I'ttron of Uu.bndrv I ....-.. I. The nnoblcmeut of Lbor and tbe t.rodooinff cla.r.. '.".. i , Z. jxmging more cioaaij lujevow yie . producer d eonaunier. . 8. Mntjal tnatroction. Tb ligtitrniu:! of labor by ditToaing a tetter knowledge of If aim. , .'', j - i v . I '" 1.4, Social ealtar.;., . i; . . 0. ilatukl relief in t'v'lnmana tdver mi 4 ' ; V I ' ' my. , - t t , . - . 6. Preventiott'of litipation."r( v t. l'rtvention of erualty ta animal. s 8. Tb overthrow of lb credit ayaiewu 9 Building Bp and tottering ' boma a-J dutry. t - 1(1. Mutual protection to lmsW'luien uuel abareri tud uiuuonolUlt, S fXTl Tii'O AN D WL'AkS WAN. !- ''-"iJf,D't Wi-.l1 -1: In Deeemtie;,' IS73,' the rn'd ;Ldi of JUakons ordered tb ejieniiig bf aa.A"'' Jum,. at 0xfvrd,ffr tlie4"Vfn;tin, V;uu. ing niid education of inoigeut and proinj ing Orphan". Several Veeks Wore tfccnp'nd with preparailoKai, ind; in FebBaryV. 188. tb work begauSoai forest w.ootnieg but failnrey and , predicted tbat tpontaneou donation would not sustain, tuth . ait inatituKoA." Otbtsrs (jeterniljied. thai K fajr aaita' auceet-a deptnded 'on tbem, 'tbeif whole duty ahonld be performed. Xodgeaj Cburcbe,, liinevclent Societie, and liber al individual bava ibjiwrteAl .it by Jtfaely toluutary coutributiou. aud many hetnie$ and lionieleab vrphans have been placed where wliolesbni foodicorhfortableoloibingj and fai Jifut instruction will make tbem in telligent citixens,-, Tba flkwa of . tb land offord bat little protection to orplifmX an'd tb bard of avarice often bold them in tad and ahaMcfuf luveryr Legutator disre gard tbeir appeals n Orpbant eonoot vote their fathers are all dead,, and ' the riph seldom eppouse the cause ' of their poor re lations. Csreful obtervatioD I. baa shown tbat, by Close economy, every orphan may ba fed,- olotbed kod taught, for Eve doltsrj) a iuonlh , ,In order that different aeetioqt of tbe State may be represented and that the rooitt urgent and most needy applicants may be admitted, about two hundred or phan should be kept in the Asylum. tbelJ expenacB will amouilt to twelve thousand dollar b yekt. I ensure the permahenc of tli institution and tbe continuance of itji work, there ought to be aome provision for lis support for at least five years. If sixty Lodge, Chditbe. - Benevolent - Sooietiea. or individual, wiJ each pay one bnndred. dollar every year for five years ; if teventr Lodges; Cburclleti Benevolent Societies or individuals will each pay fifty dollar a, year fur five 'yen ; and if onev buhdred Lodges, Churches, Benevolent tiocietie or individualn willach pay. twenty five; dolt lars each for five , year; ...the . pcopl iU then appreciate the value of tbe Work , and IN some way make 'it " permanent- Tbus for food, cloibing, and instruction, twelve th'cownd dollars a yeat rosy be raiasd, smaller Contribniiobt will supply, Ufijtlr and fix'nrj., tiWiH the. friendi 0 arphan raise tbi araouut? Tbe qucirtiou ai now ba fhre tlem:'" ; " ; -;f ' ' Direct eotitrlbiftitfns' ar eafnestty nollclfan X countenance ahould be given to tkoae wbo.winh.tn grind, theiraxestl the Cipenae of the Orphans, neither ahould public, at-r tention' be , diverted by new scheme for raining money out of 0: hers. When people fuel for Orptatiri tbey ib"n1d feel in tni own pocket and e-nitribnte- a tbe liord! ba prospered tbem. . Codttibutiuna for tbia year, aud pWt'C for future year ftioufd be tent 1 to the SunoriQ'.endent, at Oxford- i v ''i ' -": - J. IL SllM-a, u Jxo. NlCHOlijs I Superinteudcut. Grand Matter... j v A SALT,YATER TARTAlLvn , lion.' Rnfus Cboate. tbe great lawyer , rarely failed to slow mental tuprerndcj tny-. where, and generally came off with -flying colors fioui apy play of wit with Judges lawyer or witness. . But pccaaionally, whan easing a' witnet; be found bia tuatclt ana was silenced,' Tl ere is a ease: " , Cboate, 1a an important aaaaaH and bat tery tea at aaaf' bad iKck Barton, ebief, cate of tbe clipper hip Challenge, on tba tand,' and badgered hi in, to fur an hotrr.. that Dick got bia aalt water op and hauled, by tha wind to bring tba keen Beaton law yer .under bit latteries'. ; ' . ' .j At tb beginning of bis testimony,. 0 k" bad aid taat tb night vu dark and rainy. Suddenly "Mr. Cboata ked ; Waa there a moou tbat night V Ye.lr.' ' " ' ."- isAh, yetla niocrn ' ' I ('Yea, k full moou.' , . i i ;,Did job fee UP , . . Not a mite. t 'Then bow do yoof know there wit a moon T 1 i ' v 'The N'antical Almafiae' aaid aa, end I Will believe tbat tooucr than aby lawyer iu' the world... What wa tbe principal lunifnery that night, ir? r - . -Biunacle lamp alotrltb Challenge, - Ah I yen ar growing sharp Mr Barton.' .. What in liana have you been griudin me tbi boor for to make me dull V , 'Be civil, sir ! Aud now tell tut what latitu ' and longitude yon ermwed tha eqnaior iu V 'Klic y oe r' joking! - . Xo, sir, aut ia arnest, and I deaira ' you t Bwcr ine. . . . , , I han't.' " ' " " ." , ' ,'AH ! you reraw.'do youf " ; " ' " -?Ye; I can't!: . .k v 'Indeed Yoa are' tbe chief nmte of a clipper ahip. abi y tt ara auable to auawer no impla a qncttkft:' , ,.t i . Yea1. !ti tbe aimptt fitesi t ever litj tkked me.. Why I thought every foot of a lawyer knew there was no latitude at' tb equator. .-. . ,' ,r; . , Timt kbijt i!nced tb great lawyer, i , A'frectlmerf tfKU ted with tn intpedi- incur In h peh i n day Imdting tt' tb Kiamea twiui when tbey wre on x( bibbiiMK Acr fxamining tbem f-r oma time iu allenca ba turned to .b bdwinn and inquiringly miikrltd, JJ f-b Ifylbcrs, I J-rciUiuc?'