....may !V:"4- rofc tcrt. or rvatic isstrcctios. C6l StepJhenD; Poov OK CRAVKN. V In oar 1 oel columns,," wjfi bar de voted oonaiderabl se to the" tjjnestion'of Municipal rfiirjrnutni' tfon to our tuatnient of .Uumljeot. but to the rthjwt Kiself.wbica mount inlereat to very city,towB, and vil lag iu tb Stat. Jbe press of the Sute hould givf the natter grav consideration; The vilof nndefioed jurisdiction hare no uncertain 'igni3oanc' ler.'! Tlley lave been felt "by tbia communit to "their uji' weight during th fait jearK Jptber eo mootUM mj become iarelred tbe-uttfV enibarraumenter ! :4 ,jW5v 'i 'M On our firit. page wiU.b.Jlaid tbeset of (hn teat aewioft of tbe lg$ilatnre'J tbeef feci and object of, hichTeti eufirge'tbe J jariadictioa of JusticeiTcVPece; ,i pouiua it tor tbe neneat or PUgiatratet and tbrf ve,baj,otgut nocea ti.tba f& l'ubed !awt of tbe seiwiua. 4 , Attention baa been mora ''part waar'lj, eilled to il from tte'cbarjVof Judge Ij)ri, gee.a tbe W teeiooiif Superior Coart of Orange eoaotj. If tbe ooastraetiot be placea'apon tb la be eorrecCtteo the Act' it tbe Boat eitraordinarv inatauce'of lecia . ' .. . , - - lativacareleuneae and ovartight jUtat.w rer come ander OHr,obervatLo. ,jFr it would deebuw that to ba taw wbicb t no law, aeta itaelf ip eppoaition to tbe .whole apirit and teachings fff be conmua law, ibrawa itaelf couDter to all the taaetmenU of previonietatate lai and aiake that a rulentf actiofl for th people wbat b oppo.' ed to arefj principle of peace and good or. Hut we think the LegUlatvra ia innocen. ferred t admit of oo tech naiaoonctrnetiea, and that lb interpretation it 'that of oae who woald aak a elt fling at aCooierta-' ttve ligieTatarel and bring !u wisdonviato "Till -V ' U'-m ti tti .j, ,. Tt aola object oCth law ia to kcreeae th jariadictioa of Magratfataa, to expediU jnatic, to relier tb Superior Court of tl cojnuAncaoTia' Inferior grai f'ofJ acucn, B14. o ounmuw iu eoeuM prw. catkwx Utk ti oStoien and to th pabii. lfut tber aot word in tb aot, o far a vteaa aee thif pela"U'coioi law coTwo'of offewa apiort" Jb pab, lio peace, aot a word which gire a Seen to tiekoe r diaordar J adg Toargto h Via charged that tb raed of iaetie for the offence for. dinaxj aaaaaWaad baUerta or eaaea where iajorie ar mertlj Umporarj) aioat be aoagbt t th eompUbtof tb iojared par. tj, and Jt whew eompUiat i aot mad. th offended law mo ail with folded band im impotent iadiffnatloi. Frvm'wbtt elan f th law' doe h draw t'hi inferenee? Seetiw aiji 'in eM of, aeeaalt withoat iaUot to kill i, and when the part fa. jared aball auk omp!aiat Wfor a Jue tie of $' Peae for tbi eoratj ta 'which aid offrtie bIl bar aeea :.eoaiaiiUd, d shall ukjht JnU puJXf to deter wu'm A nctfoia, la och ca 4c 1 Now it ia evident that th lulicued elaaa 1 in tended to brior tb ea'Vitbia th iarie. dictiotof thw MagwtratoJ iu" between (U ampfafaiktWid (y7re(jr' TbdeoUiM f th Jlag Wato b pleaded to bar of aaj f artier octsoa to tb eaa. Bat itrp poee OBipUiB(aW aud befor a Mifi. trato. Th offttw againet tb law"tili r anaiaay aad th iwgilar oaserf aori f th tcae ar atilt 'aa aiocl boond to' (at JW- aiaascw of It aa If tb Uw aoder onaidra. tkm badiM. beew taaetod. t Graad Jarora r aa atroaglj boead by their etb b- t Ttorw-t tKKbhir Ht tit law dia. t hrg4ng them of "their Witionfc' Tb praeervation of tbe pee end qaiet of aoeiet; ie a mnca cmorac4 la Uo(ct a ia aav tki B.'.i.... i 'i. .. . ' - wm ywtf xactutiew lor i ditiagjnaticcMaaot UcMtnd totoaaU torfogcaor aewdiaf k. ?be?I being of wie eanao teierat tbe ya that th -rrwaerratwo of order t tatad deaoadeM wpow Individeaf will, h i a awel oeu. ol truly, that tw tnea wiaj engage in a diaaweeful brawl f tb pVU etseeu, may attr mryaatig Lmtnity ont f acb other fat, bay shock every Senti ment f pwbli dbfy. may bring odium wpow brry rfonsantiity.'spd leesna on of tha do aot eomptai i to a MagistnU. th ulrsged pntlieVea hare a rsdrea. ad m eeun'tj gaiut tl daily Marra of mh a,, ij ii: g jjvfj''; '; r Such would aewta to b th tMcltoV f u voun, . woo-siw,'ar lot tb toachiog tt this Statut.wr " J' ' TLcftDoscUr O'Sfie j 63 teri on SuaJiy VBDXBSDAT. NOMINATIONS. for Congress from the 3rd Congressional ditriut at the Convention at Magnolia jm the. fitHoH. oo '.tttr .Ionrtr balWtl fUreat food lealitif xbibited. bat dhe'other gentlemen had warm friend who clung to them uBiJcuJdtir, ' 111 V There vert put in nomination beside C1. Waddell, Jlon. 0. 1 Mearosof New h-inover. Holt. Strang of JCew Hanover, f-'Q' 8rtt f Oiuiow, W."C: Troy, of . , , j Cumberland and A. D. Mclean of Moor. t hi - rt- -irJ'!- .-.." - 1 .ncisiammyoi vew uanover, ana .ucoweeu of Cumberland alo received votes- d two tbird yoU of tbgCopYentioni nJ vti iDnouDced, amMUi-tremeudoai cbtt r iogj its nominee'. !. r ii ' 'At tb. Jidlcuf Conntioh 'for tb 4th T Stipav km nou natedM sea iidteli'or Jdc,an4 Mr.' Wj 8.. Nora out of Robeeoa'-for1 1 Solicitor-' ihiii!! 'eW ti' xmnwv ii l!nf Mft liM f WipMhtu .fe tit. Ck vu notnioatod an caudi- date forth Selicitorabip. Tb conveatioii u Mid to have teen verv harmonious one. ' - w e i . . jyn oouiij iasi j.e opposing catislniaU f W -thooffioe oI Superintendent of Ipwbllo lostractlon niet at Ualifaz, and bad as ani mated ' debite. We ar proud to learn f' from'the Rafeigh 'Newe, that Mr. Poo! ana- .5 ,1 l,;tf -iti. ..ai, fullj mataining th wiadoaa bf hie selection as the standard bearer of th Conaerratir P,"j -rt . t. .... . ..t, a (.. Th main ol.jeot of Mr.Pool in meeting tlrParneli at ,Hlifax. mn lo ilraw ont from this gentlcmatrlistrkwrow' th Civil RigbUldtl no teWCongW.' I" with, the life. of tbe Common bckuol system of th Stat, that a elear and vneiaivoil definitioa of view do th qoestkio wurt be bad front every candidate. Yet Mr. Pur- . t, . ' ; u-J,.''. nell would not giy aatiafactory .reply, and hia embarrassment can well be onceiv 1. . If b declare tw Cm! Right. which is certain death to freeicboolii. he" destroys himeelf friMhe'We.ifwhetothi wClli'elt ment preponderate. If ,4ta J)roaounc afaioat Civil Right,, b KV U l4 to him,, for tber the negro element preraiU: . ' Ruth mu4 aacwar, and 'oh "eitber'born of the dUemuiu Col, Pool wilfcatcb fci" If th Ut town lection are to ha token a a test ef party strength. W Cnnerv' tir sbw decided gato.'lii rnoet of the towns, party line were strongly drawn, and therefore tber tio U oo mistake in the io dication.", Ia , other, places iueal . tome wer buoduced, while in oiberw there was littl interest maaifested by either si ae. Raleigh electedalLdie.1 M4jr. JlC Ilolden,' but gain! 4 good eouservaUre on tb Rvard of Commissioner.. .. Ia Goldaboro, tb eommrratlres e'ect Mayor tod 3 out of a eomisueaiwttre-a d cided oooeervativ fietory 1v Ia Wilmiagtow, th emiMrva tires elect S o tb board of Mmmistiir.' v la Charlotte ' th bol eonsrvativa ticket 1c elected. , Durham elect a fall conservative board nlao, - tt i tu 'i- . , Salisbury lots a wnMrvativ ticket. ; Fsyettoyill !ecta4coiicrvaliv Mayor ana 8 aomawnooera,.. ... ... t-.-v Greensboro etoeU thtcitixe ticket which aeneara id be aaiiad ft - - Jeoesboro. all Conservative I I, I !. V! 1 1 t Th delegate from lb different Iowa- hia of Orsnr eoontv aanemblei to th Kurt tlooa in Jlilltboro oo tb 9th mat.. ana wer orgcauea. ny calling , am9. Clsytor, t., to th chair, J i , - . ... Jeha p. Cemeroti wa sppointed Secte tary ao l 0. B Green, saeiataot secretary, , V ?U, Pariah, chsirnua of th county s cativ t'-ommitte was called a poo for a report, abd plaa of set iow, 11 had not prepared any special pUa, but kpen bis motion th plan rubmitted by lb Central v- :., ' ..... e;Hfi vvuniiuew lov iu bum - Ws adopted-'" ",.,.,) ,r j, "Mr. Parish atotod that Lis eilateno' chairmsa f th county eiecntiv ommiU tt bad ei pi red by limitation, and moved that th chairman of the eonveotioa appoint wew committe. The ehairmaa. at a aab- sequent taf of proceeding,' appointed a commute: ra. , C. K. Parish, Thame W.bb. A. IV. UraUm. C B 6ra aad C E Smith.' ' - " i to utotinu f Mr. Strad wWi that th v rutiv 0Brmitto tismm. aad report si one v credentials. -.. - . ' Th eommrtUe mind, end retm'ed with" a fall ltm of delegates from each township, for whieb w have aA spc.' s ' ; Constderabl discueaiow wis had on (L mod of voting, and tb right of delegate. It w determined that eacw township wm aUttod to east vote trmpodiv of tbe tttaber of eavh delegation present ia th ovextoa. ; ' ' -Thdl(ntw lka retired,' by toir. ahip for ooMulutmc). " . . Upon their retnra, tb eowmlttc read their report arlich wer read by tb 8crV .tort.' ., Tb fylluninj' cotlemoc -wr iound to hav received a majority of the rot ea (40) j dared nominated btue convention; M. Atwatcr for tbe IIouM'of Repreaeotativu. George La, Probate JudgeJoho Laws, Register, I) C Park. Treasurer, "bond John U Kirkland end J F Lvon obutraitieiou&fs ,' Tbe delegatkma retired fur fun br con sultation. They report! J Vf Lafta" uoiuinatod ibr i ii. ot iv., ana vaieo uree comiuiauooer and no other name in nomination had a ma- rt t ....... v . . I jomy orjne vote eastw.,,, T, frtier tow of time JnhsUqttiog if lewtlfed, thai, ' W, . Patterson. , v ,. .. , , ' 7 .'", ; ; rHlalrb declared th choice of thi convention for thd TVemaiiiin a timber of tb5 comniiwhinera, and UiatT, J Wilaon bedoolaret) th aomtnee frisoroer and "A M. Litathera foi; county auryefor, b jrecom wended ,to etb Conveiion j at proipecl. jpilj ( s it choic- tor Teuator for the dint rict, aud that JoeiaD Tuner Jt. be rcouiuindd to the eougresitiouelr conven tion aa the ehoToe of thisbojly for Congress, and Jubn jKerr. a it ch,(ica for.Jndg. On'uiotiop of 4, pr CaiiHirou F, N Strud-. wica was aiiaiiMnousiy i-eeouimenua; s tb candidate, for the boiicitirsbip( - y v i Tlie chairuiaii then, on mot ion proceeded to name tbe following delegates to the Judi cial oouveutkjn to ra wt a) Grthtm ou th 3rd of Jniie : Matthew Atwater. Merntt Lneek. John V Laraerou. W m. rarruu, ( B Green, Jamca Riaokwood, A W Graham UK Parruh and Thomas Webb' aud 'that any and ill' good, conservative1 of tbia couiiij wog cuoae to avieuu, ve rwaraevi n j t" ; I- :- i ' " ueirjjuiea, To the congreavicinal conVeutioo at Kal- cigh ou the 2nd of June, the chairman ap. pomieaueorge a pointed ueoree l.ia, A Urabaw Inoui- aa Webb, J" D Cameron,' Janiea .jLyoOt J ur v. . -'.- v : i. it ' u N Patterson' Thomas Eliia'A M Lc-tber. Janies Rlacknall. and other eohaerrative m .1 :it .1 ' . . t ui me coumy wuo way iu aiicuuaui: yn th euoteution.'' " , , ... , ' . . To tb Senatorial convention at Pros- pebt IlilC tbe following geutlruicu 'were appointed by tbe chair John U Kirk land. J 8 CarrJuuea AVatHMi, ; A" M Leatlien ana Ad. Maueuin , aud the Secretary waa authorised to name such other, present at tb eouveutiin, that iu his opinion uiijjbt attend tbo coiiTiotion.1t being uudertood that the 'preference of tbia oouventiun a exprenicdi fur C UParriah aa its nominee khonTd be considered 'aa' obliintory ubou aucti delegates. . , , ' ,: . Uo motion of A Oraham, tbe conven tion 'adottcJ the followinif resolution : ''','. t' ' I . '.1 , jitiMiea. j nat we eoruiany euuore in recent action of the state Leutral bxecu tiy Uftftiniittee of the Demouratic-Conaer-trativ'partv in putting h" lipntiuatioii for tb office r6f 'u'Wiuteuient f Publi School Col. S. D. i;ool. -of Craven, b. lieving him eminently GtteJj front hi bility and high character, for that iuipor taot and TeK)nailIe poait'oa', , f j Ibe eouteiiliou Iben aJjoumi. . i -j J, n OA M KRO.N. Sc?, . The SeereUrV hutVequontlf , added to th list of delegate to tli convent ion at Prospect Hill, th following gentlemen Thomae J. Freeland." V , S Silrudwlc, Joba McCrackeu. R1I Uall.' W J Gr.T. and inch other good conservative a, wa npinmr irr ii-neTi ' fli v 4uf. t v4 um g: , Mr. Martitin Worth, widow of th 1m Governor. Worth,-died to Aahboro oa th 4th intt. in the 68th year of her age1. 'Her remain wer fntorrwd in Raftigb fi".. ' MARKETS, Tobacco. -fTh, Tobacco Leaf of the 6th note aom imprereuveit. and avor ae- tiv inquiry for nearly all grade.' ' It is eertaia that In our domestic Market there is a better piri,f, and, a entisiJenbl sdysnc in torn qnalitie. i shows by tb folwnmj notations j . ; ' mi 1 Rinrxo.D. Mr Btb."' . ,V... ' )A - . - , . PAK. f . . , ol Log common to medium, 3,00 to 4.00 .. , . Fair to medium,... 4,.')0 to 5,i0 a - good, to fin tem'g, 6.00 to 6,50 Laf-ommoa. ' t 4,50 to 5,50 ; " 1 fair to mdiam, "ri to 8,00 ff00"! itemming, ' j , 8.5S to 9,i'J ' . fin wrappers. '. 10,00 to 15,00 (.. -.r aitioiiT.'' ' ' Log common to medium 5.00 to 8.00 ' 1 rood to fln ' 9.W to 12.00 Ieaf r iller R.50 to 10.00 " wrspper - , .-IS.OOto 75.00 . Daxvillb. Ve.. Msy 5th reported by S. H. Holland k Co.. ' Receipt continue light.; W not sn advanc in all trades ad thseje our quotation accordingly t j t Lnga, common to good, f ' I 8 60 to 4 00 aood 4 ' 4.50 to 6,00 J 5 ,bright, M mH 8.00 to 10,00 amokmw, j 15 to 75.00 Laf, common to asodiaa, -i f to 8 ' good to Bsc, ,i ' ' ( 8.00 to 18.IK) I extra lna.-r.-t J Jkw 10.00 to lt,00 i i tommou bright, 20.(1) to 80.00 f g"od 4 . - 3i.W toj40.00 " J ,i,t. .nai Dciu,sy 9tb, 51 ' fr, Editor- TUv Market fof Dur ham anebwiigadyVcceipta -not so larr. and order tnocfi heturj receipts ti!l baivy." . IlillWro"jfiy JtW i flo'ebargo fafe bi av ytwifvvm ewti st pra ee felly sustained : .: -i ,'! "tfoTTO.- Th Market i naireaetiT Wlia n leuaiocj io igner prices t , w ... , t iltoligh, flthr middling 161. Low attd dliog IU to 16. 8uiad grade 10 to II. Norfolk. Ms t!tb, Low middlie! 161. i ilie secretary, alaoreported , that tb eoinmitteef by , the raiiijit, nisjoritick tocowmend. tW'UaJvin IS,. Parish i lsa. TO THK PUBLIC. THE PAIN-KILLER, MatinfWtnred h-.i. k(- II AS won foe itae'f a reputation unmiriwaaeil In inrclicul preparatliina. , Th MiuttrKiltty of ilit demand for the 1'AIX K1LLKK i a nuvei, late- KotUig, and aurjn'winn teil m-e tutbe awtory ol rm'Mtnir teil lire lutoa niKry ol tbia UH'dieina. 4'he J'ain-Killrr nv reKii'arlv I aid tn large and steadily tncrrtiMttg iiiaiinue, rot only tu iceiwral ageuta in every Mate and Ter ritory ofthe Union, aud rverv Province In HririKh America. uuio Huenue Avres nraaii, braipiay, Iern. Chila and other South American Ma'.en. In the ISandM-feh Islands In Cuw and nthf We4 India Itl.ind-: to r:'land (md.tintiiieiitid JCu uiiluue, XaUacacar, .umuar ana other Airtca buMbit to Antralia anwt'alentla. Rangoon h4 4Uir Nkw lu India. It baa abe beeu aeut to China, nU w doubt H tbvre la any fntvlgn port oranv inland ttty In Afrl-a er Aula, which to frrqttrutcd lif . American and European mbutonarfe. travrUr ur Iradf r. into wbicb tbe I'ain-Killvr liaa not betn Introduced. The rztritt nf Hi vtttvUtt la another rrt frahira of tbU remarkable nvtHlkiuv. lit- is nut only Hie bent tiling ever known, aa everybody wilfeoiift-M, for Hi'iilf, cut", burn, tt. but lor lvntery or Cbolcra, or any sort ot IhiwI eonv lilalnt.itn a reiuedy uniuriiaiaed for ettklriM.-v and rapidity ofactimi.., In tit graut eltieaof Urb iin inula an I lie West India inlands and oinar but rliinate. it lta become tbe UtatxUtrd eiae for all tuch eomplnlnU, a well aa dvirni. liver compiatni, auu oilier Kinurra aiivrtiera, Kor eouglai and eolda, (tanker, auhina and rheu matic dilhculties it haa been proved he the loo abnndanl and eonvbtcln trhiUand teatiruitny, te beau invaluabla uedielue.- 1'be DrnnriaUir are in ptwcwlon of letter fro.ii nerenu ot tltc biulit ocnaraeter ana rettpouMUimy. teieuymg in uu eguivneal ternia to the eurea Deeled and the tiaiactury reaulta pnuluved, hi an rndlua variety of rae by th u of Ihi great meilit liie. That lite faln-Klller ia deaenlne of all h proprietor etaiin for it ia pimply, nrmed ly tlieunparalalled ipiilarlty it n.i altained. . It ia a sure and tftxr UMremedr, Itlaauld in alnunt every emiulrv' In tiie- warldVanri la hevemlng ninr and wore popular every year. . Ita bealiue, urvpertlea have been fnllv teled, all over I he world end it Uevd outvtitbeknnwntAbeprUed.5 ' ' " ' r .u Um .ii rt.....i ... t. , ... 1 "... .' f.f 1 . ,ttf,,flir " fjlf m ;.t'. 1 JT Uirecthnaaomianv eaeh bottle , ., I Price ISe.; wv., and tl per BoiOe. " s . ,', PtRRV.DAVlSA SO.V'" ' " " UAxr'n aud rKo?'.1-4"' ) .'..ii.-. ir.THijhFt.rPruvwfcne, R. I. " 111 Sycamore St. Cincinnatr. U " 877 St, Peal St. Montreal. Vanad. ' ( 17 Southampton, Row, Londo) Fnglaad, ti l. MYEiyi. LjlSOATSv-RKillT, CHAS. D. MYERS CO, ;. ' i and 7 North Krmt Street.-' s ;'!-;.! .t; ... ' . T !, wiTAiivivrnv n WIIOLE-SALK A RETAIL DEALERS , . IN FAMILY 6UPPLIE3.', Stuart's Brokea Candy! TUB OLD-STYI.K.'.. Tennd and Hah Pound Papera. " ' The ISeat and Pnrert Candy nude la America. We aell k at retail. , . QllOICEof the IU1BT BUTTER . - :.4BEST.V 1 Oranges and Lemons, SIIAKKK PRESKRVKS.' V ' , ' McMURRT'S PKACHI-3. ..! . C- V. MYEHS & CD..' ' 5 and 7 North Front St. ' f may 3. .Wilmington," N. C. : FOR SALE, - IJURSL'AXT ! a decree af the Orewtt rwrt of the t'nile I ute. Inr the WMrn IH. triet of N'-Tth t amlina. at tbe April Term. IC4. at Urewhum. : In a imreetliit the and here pending iu jtiilr. In forecbv a m it gigt eaa. tima d in Ibr 4eailiiigabetireen t lleury t is and Hiram Silly and oth' '' TT, Wtern X.rth tn.lina' Rail Road ., R. D.T.nl R;CsMwll. Rnfus .MAdn. Th First National Rank ' of Charlotte. 'John Rutherford. Hiram Kelt Thntnia I? fIrM..l it.-. I'.- sou. A. IL Erwia. S. II. I." Wit., f Assignee, R , M. Walker and othrs 'DrftmianU. ' " " ', The nnVrlned. CemmMnnere annotated be thetouitat Iheaaid April Tern tlvwW, will eil at the Court Ilomn door In tbe rily mi Salisbury, the Itih day of Jane, II Bulitl. IbtU. I. iL. i.l..t . t.1 J J.. - M franebhee. rtMd-bnd. rolllna atek aad neoiMnf or every aino, tuUur and ue-cnpikia beloaaint totaeaaM , ,,, .. , i . . . . 7a Wtdtrn Nvrth Carvtina J!ail Rind menlloned ami draerlbed la the said Deer. The purcbawr or purchaaers lW be reuulred te par to ibe tiinmilnra . rk.XTUUlHA.MU IMJI.LAB8 IS CASH On tbe dav f rale, and rtU ba aiVM eraiit h.e tbe bUnee of the nurrtia-a moner umU alud.t timwtnwj mt wtiij. ia, im arm, mieiMy of miu tonrt, atn-MUure, h . neat ea-uing after the Uy ef Nile. -Tbum wbo iHWV-hww at aabl ulr. muUmI they lanblar Ml the lma(bmm b) lb nort menlntiwd In Ibe mu4 Imumi, may retain Ibeir abareanf tbe piirrbate auey,rke-aa lo the aald anm ol ilv.'fi.fh by iirteiid-r1tia tit t be Cnauiiara aa miiuM aamiiut f mid boua. . , ' Tbe amd wm.wr are tit b inrd. - t Mid Hie UtJI tie voiilSrud b) lit l aurt, lu eiva inNamliate p-i.r.t.n ih UUroad, ll prnrty awl eet of every kind vddeM-riptlm; aad all pr-iu. who my be Ih powanrfon ul tb said lUiiroad r any o4 Ms pre perty arcaimUiii to aurremlev the tame te the tninrbexers npu tbe produtUua f tb Coav nilxtoneradeed to Ibem. Tlil Knad. wnen waiownwiibinasnaH be com pleird, will form one of tbe rnoH . laFuitrAsr TiKiMuLuifWAkre la the entire Couth. Itafamftn H MS mi lea, of nwa 1 1 tmmm ewiini; Mat M from haltabo- rj lo Old f wt m MlneU enmity, at tb l Wrtt baM of tbe Olti Klde: and tbe arealar art aw remmiOTr m in roao m gnorit, or nearly a. --, ''-"l"" i.w'. , n, ... ' There hue skewrv lieea ettiexl-d ntma IhL. Road, elmm WHWjriorfe. ft m,n ut u aa twry bof about tMi0(O0 wbk-b cottatb liitw lb Hrw iico Orion lbs omoertv. Tk. Cntnbionrr, ta-Heve that the Uthj of tbe tour Cttanev, WIN lie fond. .- - . fat aw Im tber MRirmattan, add v i ,' I ..,. Ii. 8. UAlTiiKH, , . - ; j . Wnrganton, N, fj, MARCUS it R WIN, , . ,' ... Anheville, N. C , 7II0MA8 fti;FFI.Vt IlilUbom. W. C , i- ' ! v a ill l ri i.t. . Greensboro, C,. RAIL-ROAD PROPERTY i t ) m -M a' 1 II' , ' ' X, V " .iNjconjrtnction with " 'Pace. Warehouse Causer tSe Reductjoii of Warehouse charges, adoptecl by tha TOBACCO Aaguqiatioa Jlttrch 4tll 1874, ' W t f : ln.M-f ;S,..(,a.,T - ' : -w- ' - TvTiUS IS THE o$Lr-' ,-!i74,,-t ; f"1 In DanvUle,t: Shite Rooft -itU: W. t !, QZ?l iQ "' - ' rYWPl.fiTH IV fc'vrirnv beoBijmi""" atfiw f , - - jnrr npruitf naier uievm .Your" trade solicited and satisfaction guaian'teedi li " W. J. F0W1.KK?, :"mJ""' i W, J. F0WLKE9C0 RU.r.;PACKi ta.iM.il '-LvvPxopri.torlv-l ?.TJ. L.VNr.IIORSF; J- M AI' SMITH Aetiotieer.',- :.UMKS Ri'PIKRCK.' - . .. .. ' riimr ,-iaiinfer., , ..',' ... Saw A -viX ct: 'i t:n"'"X - Va : . - - - . A . . , J V ' ' fr. ,,-ruK 'I. t;.,-.w v --,r ' .J , L m .!-tt ii . V' " - . I , - i - ei . " " , THAT JUE r.PW) RLLUBLtl U , , i uiii 1 1 mi WIaII the assistance of Slar WareLouse, Of Warehouse chargvs7adi,d by the Danville JobdCCO Aasoeiatioa March 4lh lE74i i .Ji:j;ii..'V-i " PACE'S AIXS for 1873 were the LAR CEQT of any 'n Dntillft,' and "x ' , - ' - - rl, Qnr artntje jirvx hy her than tjf GmpctUor.s.t ..;. Vehay1! enlarged our WsfoTt-Yard one-half acre. tT ! ' l "i I fa " BtisinfM promptly and accurattly tnuiaacted.- it U ''. .... t ... , . v RO. O. PACK, , J. MAO. KMITIl. ...,!. - .. JAW W R. PIERCE. Floor Msesger. ' PLANTER'S; '. L YA:. Ao Moxoroir. fatr cojirKrr Z ' ' ro.v. ,., 1 Planters' Warehouse WIrtKiita fHemhln tbe eanntrv to wader stead that ttleaaiioua tor a lair bare uf their patronize at H large, well liubted. and eoavenlently arranged , . t: v. WAREHOUSE. We da et preome h4 a htrW arr. or thai ve are mom worthy of .I'atraware hat tedeelde whether Jbey netVu ane AuetHaer in liaavnie. or In the CUte ean I obtain bettor rnfasraaaManignravmesnau , . JOHN c. ML::. , Phnter'i Lk to pw intertst. .1.1 '.) ..It. vt ,A' , ' . . t rr':- " CEORCEPACE&CO., - amwfnainiosa of PATEIT PORTAAfCiemUI SAWMILLS, aMJeRiroiitamviite !' riKABJEXOIICA, HoasT.Bahaaadivet, ' BALTUoai,aia - la4rl. . rTAtrra. i Strayed" ' tb right blj. bb was 14 eea near liiU Lfll??T&!?r? .WM be th.nl. ' , ' . """""Hn-iaiinaiiiy rewarded. DANYILU -,'UV -t Hi I - y 1 'k"' - taft' .f it;!' "'i C I ana vonvenicm to coo room. 4 1 March 19. T, ' rr; i,ri 1 . . . PACE BROS. A CO. '1- ' ,.-. . Proprietor. . - Mereb 18'74'Cm. pr:-: ii Ar,s , . r u U ' SKW WIIULESAI.S HAT HOUSE, a . a ... a "I " 1 1 w' I -ti Wnitt fctrvct, - " 1SICIIMOND, VA., " ' i - - '... T TAKK rb-re In lfonnhie air Cud..atla 1 aad tiie iree-WTlrf Ibvt i a.l.llti. vw Ullv ferae anil UaM(ed aluak af LaJbV 1 aa4 tbibb-f - TMI3UIBD UATS M Ii, I E X KllX G 00D S, 4 ' I hme ib added seawpVteeaeertmeHl of Men J XT. WOOL AND TBW lATt InevervvarMr. TW floU bat Lea aeleet- dnnbarrjt rr,alatlW :' ... Aad 1 Btel rondel itmt an esaanlNatl m af mf ,i: S,TO C,K , vTeoaTlr.Dr:l tltiirf rli .4raitoa (.reatladnreaeiiK It- tl' 1M,LT. anerch II3m. ' - It ' I V s i I Om eaaa. a. run-rv. veecnuae, verrs ... vititiir e ',..-. I . i a t-ti OITKai In IM trb a rt kk Akt :i,K tr ' I, - t "i. I - t" t f VIRGINIA WHISKEY S3 nanaielMrWWutafln. . ' '' k,AI0. Vy a 4 ffc WU1SKET. tarn n ma ta aa saa.k.... r j. ..FtlllKUlX WttKi AN'DMtJCOnS, , Of tbown faiporUtloa. ; ' rrblttin. , t 4 H'V.icu bur uootm fuux :fJ5T;sttiDmTa,-.:..,r !h5..crL0lv''Pric, ittrORTKIt, WHOtBMLa ASB UlTAlfc . bXALta I rottriow, srij ixgamj "W ROODS. ' . Uf .to 6iMtV mirth 1 1 If m. . .NfjR 1 OIK, Ta, r : j v . a n;:t

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