V KDN KsftA Y....'.. A I'll. 4. ."S73. Il'M 7' IS BEEN DONE. llofore this roaches most of oursub. scriberstho eloctiou will have been over, and th5 good accomplished or the evil Jotie Tao year ago tlie ijuestiou of constitution ii! reform Was bcfvra you in another bIwjio. The legislative imdo of amendment was bo for yoil. I; was a small boou which was granted to joa under tie Constitution and wtf advisod you to embraeii that opportuai of getting such' reforms as wcro within your reacb.bolieviitg that you would havu no letter opportunity of bettering your condi tion ud that eouslitution.il reform could never be reaebo i thoroughly by th hands of the peoph. I'rovidcntially, as it rcem ed, the Legislature of last whiter was Da luocratio by so largo a ungority that wo im mediately urged thatidvautage.be takcu of it to make thorough and wholesale reforms io the Constitution, " Such opportunity does not present itself more thnn otice in a generation and whether the people have availed themselves of it or not we will not reproach ourselves for luck of wisdom or Lick of regard for the welfare of the people that we advised to that course Tbs CouMitutiou of 18GS was faulty in its very inception. Jt did not spring from the calls of the people but the demands of a miiit&ry despotism. It did not provide for tho wauU of tho people but for those who shaped the action of the Coiiveutiou for tue creation of offices and tho good of office holders.' It did not frame sound or ganic law but made fleeting and temporary legislation of permanent tiiudiug effect. , It did not consider the sparse opulation of the State, nor its impoverishment, but made its offices to correspond to a densely settled territory and its salaries bated upou exbausuess wealth. It created many more offices than were needed and it paid the holders of those offices more than they earn ed bv the performance of their duties. It burdened the people with taxes by the cre ation and support of penal and charitable institutions for which there was no demand, or in which the burden might properly have leea shared witi the tax payers by those who were able when posseaeed of suilkieiit private means. But the whole sul ject bs.lceu under re view and ly this time h.s bad the weight of popular verdict. If the eop!e have voted for the Democratic candidate? and the De tnoeratie party has a majority iu the Con vention, then such a change fill have been brought about, that public prosperity will rebound a& from the removal of a great weight upon it. If on the contrary the ra dical should be in the majority, thcu the people will have loaded tbemsches with chains ibey can never shake oSL They Lave Lauded themselves over to the hand of their enemies, and they will never free them selves sgaiu unless through the viu!eue of revolution t . ... ,-s. ..... But as we write the proi-pecU are so bright, and all accounts so cheering, that it is iiiipotible to anticipate calamity volun tarily Fought and calmly invited, in aniiiinnnini To tbose aboBi this paper may reaeb be fore the day of election a have only one word of advice. Kcmeuiber that thus is probably the last struggle at the fills le Ivcvn the Ieuoctat and the ILniicnt. If the latter controls in tLe Cuiiveution. he will make farther straggle fruitless, be-cu.-e he m going to found bis power so deep that it will not be shaken.' ' Civil fights is what the Radical are iuiisgat. 'ot Civil Itigbla either, Lc eao the ocgro has all that be needs, but ocul right, such as John i'age deuiund when be says, that there shstl be tw di li cence l et a ten the white acd the black hi aaylsing if tie fedic-t! Control the LVoieo tion. The Constitution is the csnipaign Org?. of the lUJical party in ltaleigli. Its local editor is a evlwrcd man. Think of that, ye men the CvmlUnilt seek to convert to t aiica!ifN ! Does that Wt like Civil rights? Color ed editors, colored lawyer, colore! J u Jges the all com from the party t'o-t wants to cootrol the CvoveiiU.x. After tb election,, we lope t give our seeder more varied editotlal aistu-r. We Lsve beeo compelled t feed them the unvarying dish of State politic. They are tired of the diet, bo doubt, but if they bare profiled by our regimen, and bare all vot ed as we Lave endeavored to pemuadt them to do, we will vary the repast, and treat them to some of the many subjects bow the food f thought for the buj world otnide of the limit of eur now c h.'. enfran chised i'.ate. , K)t:rt.i;, Ju'y 31. CJiii'l . K, Tkli tt, the lih-iir.gubhi J g"iicral in the ci,f, ,!ra!e rnii- did to day after a bri'.t iilccss rg"d fifty. TO OUR ORANGE READERS. VvT many weeks past wo bavo abstained from; all reference to tho troubles, which early in the campaign settled ui-ouud the nominations iu Urango eounty. We have not been provoked to it though we were perfectly aware of most causeless and un generous attacks upon us ut the different tax gatherings iu the county, which en gagements eisewhete made it impossible fur us to attend. We were eotiteiit to leave the solution of all troubles with the people of Orange, always loyal to party, always true to principle We were content tf) leave our own vindication with tbt satuo people who h id convincing evidcuce of our own loyalty, a ud vlio hud braiu euougli to know that opposition to an individual did not involve integrity of principle. I The people of Orange aejuiesced in the nomination of May, whether cheerfully or not wo will not undertake to say. li it there has been no overt opposition after tho failure to effect it at Cedar Grove We do not assume to express auy person al satisfaction at this condition of things, since to do so, would involve the sacrilioa of self respect, i Mr. Turner has made it imputable for us to regard him as a candi date acceptable to us, Uut we write to call attention to the fact that neither in the llecorder nor in the Xews have , we made any reference to the introduction of any other candidate, ince the Cedar Grove Meeting, as charged iu a recent issue of the Sentiuel, but have preserved most absolute silence opon this subject. ! And the people of Orange will bear wit ness to tho accuracy of this statement, , Wbo will Trove a Ilunegrade to his llace? Not the negro certainly! The negro has long ago fixed the color lino. If you want to gain biiu you uni.t go to bim. White men stand to your colors ! A de mocratic majority and white rule. A ra dical majority in lite convention and civil right and nero rule. WUicu uo you pre fer? -Wil, Star. THUNDER IT INTO THE EARS OF TUS iNKGUO-KQUAUTIESTSr ; That they have inputted the white women of North Carolina by endorsing at a prty meagre the iuramous Civil itighu Hill. That their Executive Committee have declared that they uu.-t not intimate that the Civil Jlight liiil is wrong iu principle. Thatinte Campbell, a pet oiator of the party and candidate for coiiveutiou, regrets tbat the ISill is not more severe. That Greasy Sam Watts, a Judge and leader of '.he party says he is glad the law was passed That U. C. l'adger, BTiothcr ree''giizd party leader, says be is hiaixelf a colored man, Tlist Jndge Kuxt.m, a lilies I candidate for convention, decides that a negro man and a white woman cun marry with im punity. , That wherever the negroes are in the majority in a county they have negro ean ditlates for Cuiivcuiion. That in every Eastern county where the Radicals Lave an assureJ majority they have either a negro ir a white man who ts in favor of the Civil Rights Rill as their candidate.- ' '.. That John Page, a Radiesl nopro can didate for eon vent ion. says; The Ilidict! mean to give the white folks belt, damn em' and that there will be no color distinction iu any thing. If negro men want to mar ry white women they can dti so. It should be . remc tnbered that t Jxcgh a Federal J ode in Tenne.;e bat '.Ici nleJ the Civil Rights Dill ui.cotistitntional, be did so oo the grounds that the Regulation of suth matter LcSoDgs excluMV-ly to the Slates. If a State mjkes smh a taw it is ConstitatKinal, ntherwise net. That is the g'bt of the deewon. ' Clnclsxayi, July SJ. The Gazette's Greenville rpecial says; "This morning st about i o'clock es-President Andrew Johnson died at the residence of his daugh ter, Jlrs. W. 11. Itrowo. formerly Mrs. Col. b'tover, in Carter eounty, from a paralytic stroke. He had bicii In rather bad Ix.ilth since the adjournment of the Un session of tJon (fie. tut nj.hi ig ri-.ui wis anticipated, tin Wtiiiti!ay i t left on the train for Carter's station, ai.d from thenee be went on berrehack to hi daughter's resider.ee, about ieven mil, riding in the Lot sun. Aiming there be felt terjf fatigued, and iheakMie a!k-rmn btriiut 4 o'clock Li right side ws f am'ysed, Ki,d-ring bin. spvechle. Ill fcife was with bim st the time. Hi ton i'rauk, and hi daughter, Jlr. PiterHm. were at t,ci sent for. and left Greci:vill hi Tiirsday. About boou Tbursl iy lie became cinci oo. and had a partial u-e of hi side again ; but it was evident that (be (treat cvmmoner ennld not live lonjf. an I thus ptirroended by kis entire family and ueighbnir! fmtwts b yield ap the ghost about 2 'clok this rooming. The excitement here end at Knoxvllle U intense. It m expected that a large delegation will arrive from Kt,oatiilcte attend the funeral' A publia meeting i in session at the court-house, which will make arrangements to receive vWtors from abrosd. The funeral will take idace a sr . . it s . f at urecovin on i aiy. AnguM ."ml. The body wilt arrive here (Greenville) to morrow, Great mac distingnls'jed perona from all section arevmding telrgramsto this plaee, ttatinf their d'-ire to be rt. sent t the last sad ritei T'.e family are ....,'.. . . . I no-lit, in wiiii li they buve lh sympathy j of tLe whole conunuu.'y,' ASiiiKti ros , July 5JS). Attorney General J'luriepont said yesterday iu res ponse to tho vii-Miun wiicUicr ho hud re cently roceivod any neeouuts of Ku Khix outrages thnt he had iceoived , none since he hud oeetipied bis prexiut position. Tho t:uinber of tipplnutions for' p:irdol) is Hot so large us herutotore J- the cireulur issued several monttis ngn by tho Atturtiey Geuerul on that suljoct being more rigid in ii i'ouireineiiU tnan tho former course. The CoiiunUsfoner of Internal Revenue was vUited by a delegation to-day it-pro-seining tiie whiskey interests. They were Mppoiuted by a convention recently held in Ciueinuiiti. They , ngreed - ;n tasnrofa uioditiuatttm of the reinltions coucorniug t lie i ni Hi c iu spirituous liquors. tVe. . The com in iwioiicr will give their views careful iittentiiiii. Tue Comptroller of Currency advisee the Secretary of tho Treasury of the issue of 1. '470, i)00 of lintltuial bank circula tion in llni month eliding itStu instant, 80 per cent of which is to he retired in leu's I lenOer notes, making tho whole amount of ie,;d-fonder notes reiired since the p.ag of the act uf January lltli lust. ; 7, 244 , 802. 1 The national trunk circulation out standing at this date is $;15U, 512,ooi. New Yokk',' July 27. Duncan ShtfN inun & t.'o. sui-peuded this morning Tim suspension causes gieat excitemetit in W all street. Gold has Bonu up to Hit 1 New Yokk, "July 27. The doors of Pniican. heimun A Co , were closed at 1 1 :"J." o'clock A. M. unly in a cnernl way can the causes of the suspem-iou bd asrer tained. It is admitted that the house has lost very 'largely on tottou iu fajt, that is the principal source of loss Involvements with various railroad enterprises, old and uew, also entailed bes. ; .The liabilities hfthe firm are Knder.MiMid to bebetweeu $o,00O. U00 and $a.tiO,000. v , . , New Youk',- July 29 The Treutim Ranking Company, of Trenton. N. J ; which lost $lo0. Out) by Jay t nrkfl, lose fctilO.OOU by Uuucan Sherman it co. The Tribune says a rWHjmriblo officer of oiid of the largest banks m tho city Mated to a reporter yesterday that funean. Sher man &eo. bud nearly $70O,iKH) tied np in securities of the Mobile and Ohio Rail road Company, of which I mciii was the president and the firm tLe fiscal gptirs and a small ainouut iu the Jjelma and Gulf railroad, an incomplete scheme adopted after the panic of lb73 It is understood, alst says the Tribune, that iu one of tlciir settlements iJu'iican. Sherman i Co. had Lieu obliged to take $300,000 iu Alabama State bond-, which are now quoted at i5 cents in the d iinr. It appears that transfers of real estate have been recorded at the Register' a office this week on the" part of William Rutler Duncan a-id other members of the su.-p.'iid-ed firm to the amount of $1,2.10.000. The deeds ju-t recorded date from 1M.8 to 1474 The tiame of the gmntue is freely iiocrted ia j dilfereut hand Writing from the body of the deed , J udge Hhipman, the assijjnee of Duncan, Sherman & co states that he Lnowns nothing of the arrangement made for circu lar notes in the bauds of travellers Usued by the hone. . Pa km July 28. Many letters have been received here from Americans in var ious parts of the continent holding letters of credit isMhid by Duncai.. Sherman & co which Lave been di.-houored. " imjuiritig about them. It was runoted here lo-dy that the English an 1 Ameriftin banker would accept Duncan, gliermaii ft 4jt. circular note. There was much Jis ppointnient when the report was foond to be untrue. ' " : - .; s , Waiunitow July 27. Commod.ire Cioper telegraphs tJ the Navy lijMrtm't that he fears there is some local eau-e for the fever at Darranca. The sick are well cared for and there is no panic Jas. Gil&lSen. the present e-ishier of the Tieasnry, LbS been appointed chief clerk iu the Treasury Derailment,"-' There isgrowinfftrourde 1tween Secre tary Drisiow and Treacurer New, retard ing the f widovecs in the office of the Trea- i - Surer. Profpwor Janney telegraphs the Secre tary of the Interior that he has found gold iu. paying -lantities in the Rljek Hills. A good bead of water ' amply sufficient for washinj pnrp'fv Il reports miners pouring il1o the hills from all directions. Cfstis.-SATf. July 27. A d t.-patch from New Orleans states that a riot i ap prehended at East Felicia, where the n groes have assumed the offenrive arid are collecting and aiming tLfotrghouttlu parish for the aupprml pmfio tf csptarin the town of Clarim. 'rent excitement pre vailt in the p trUli. A nnmmr of white Lave armed and congregated to patrol the town. A bad feeling La Mod between tbe rate to that panh for some mouth. Nkw ft:K. lul 27 DnrW f. ful thunder Morsn yesterday a bolt of light ning struck a carriage in a funeral cortege. kiiiM-Vinu the driver frorit ibe box and futally injuring him. The oceupstitsof the carriage were thrown ftito the road, but without serious ii.jury. The Avheiillo Ciiirn ssys, e tsfe be frrre us a secret circular sent out lo as of-fice-fudder bnder the Grant radical govern ment, from Washington City, calling on him for a remittance nf ' ten dollars, for campaign "pwpoiw, lo help the radwal party ia the Htate awd National campaigns. .Men are imt allowed to bold tm-o un der Grunt for merit, but only for the mount ef dirfy party work thef msy ibr. And the way ffcey demand money from snbs" Is oui'iio. They a! 1 simply that in replying that tiaute' of the post cfiW, Htate, date, and name of the wii'er should be written cleirly, in order thst credit may be gitvo." Which ii to say, if j ou don't respond, some body el.sc'a iiitino will occupy your place bot'ore very long.' a We call on Gen. , Hampton to tell the people how much he bus been assessed to help keep tuo outrageous revenue party oij the in. ' TROURhllS A'MhESTER, 0.. , ., ., f . The Charlotte Observer says wo learn from u gentleman who arrived in the city last night from Chester. 8. Cj that n riot Was imminent in tho streets of the town tit the lime tho train left, Yesterday was the day Tor the election of $hcrilf. of Chester eounty. and the candidutes were Walker, Consurvstivo, and Richardson, negro KuJi cnl. At last reports Walker was over 700 ahead." Parties aro very, touch divided uud Judge Maekey,. a few ;dus ago, made a speech in favor of Walker. As he left the Coiitt I lollop, he wi met by Richard son, who told him he had lied in tho tu-e of a curtain expression in his speech, where upon M u-krt v priHieided to cami him. ' The difficulty, yesterday, Was between Wi.lker and. Iliohsrdson negroes, uud the whites were not involved. Tho negroes wen! all drunk and werd assembled in the public square, tinned with heavy revolvers. When our informant lelt some shooting hud taken plitcit add one negro bud been 'sliotj it is thought fatally. 1 The business houses had all been closed, and the Citiseus were apprehensive of a general riot. UlLLSEOnO MARKETS. Corrected by ti M. PAHKS. , Oit no. . Meal, 110. Corn. I III. , ,,. Rutler. 2:1, E. Chickens. ti. Wheat. $ I (IO? 1. 10 Raeon home cured Cah ro'in l. i - MARKElS. Dan villk, Vs., July 23th. Reported hy II. Holland & Co., Re ceipts light and nnirkrt rery active; Lugs, Very e m inijii ' 0.00 to" 8.00 i.. Good 1 1. CO to 12.H0 common bright( l.'i.Oll to 1H.O0 "f.imy fmohen, 20,00 to ao.nO 1,-af. common red lO.tltl to 11.00 goid ' ' 12.00 to I4.H0 Wrappers. Mo.li.tnt $0.00 to 80,0b Finev 8.m to 4 j.00 Etra ; 50.00 to C0.00 DtlttlAw July 2Dth, CoTiveteJ by Reams and Walker. Lfus. Dark, C to Red, 10 to 12 liright. Com, t l to l.' G.mmJ. 1.) to 2i Pine. 20 lo t' piincy - , 2i to 30 Red liesf. Con. dark, 3 to II Good, 1 1 to 1.1 Pine. 2?Mi2 Rright Wrap Com. to 20 Medium, 20 lo .10 Pine, ' Rfl to :.o '", . Extra. .v.0toHO CoTTtiN. Raleigi July 23lh. The market firm, receipts light. Ianv middlings at It stained at ioaj.. . ., We im indebted to the Ilalcrgh News fur our Cotton report. , . Wilminstnn, 2CtH. ColMti rjtiiet. Mid dllnL's 11J ; low middlhigMl. Norfolk, :?lh.'t'ottoniuiet. Middling Ybovn Flonr Market dull ard price rn'n low. Raleieb, July 2J:b, North Ca rotins J(5,OOr7f(;,oO. - Protiidmis. Raleigh JullIOlli. Western shoulder 1CM1J. Clear rib Hams In. Wheat. niebmond ' If o frinfenal change-., prices for both Red and White ranging between !,I0to 1.2.1." " ' AUKfoLt: ' Full R E N T . 'PIlAr Urxe ami well Jilted VA RKHOt'JK, A lor tlie sule of LEAF TOBACCO, known tVctl'it"Vn-linu, will reiitf1 for tne )t.-ir comiiM'iM-iiii- Sept. 14 nrst. h4j to JA.HEH WEUU, Jr. . An-;. 4th it. FARM IMPLEMENTS, WKktt sftmitlne pftlw entirf farming community ttfoitr une.iiall.-J tltn k ol , Farm Machinery & Wagons 1 We sr wuwr reetlvinj one ear load of f- , THE MITCHELL WAGONS. And a ear iuad sf THE STI'ItEltAKFM WAGONfi Hot Hf ! Make f wa-'on ars een hratnt throughout tlir toimlrv. ami IhIIi ar o. nil I, IweHr liionlh' wirrnnty, ( c limit tlisin Isr fhe t-ar mi we talk nefl them low r tlx lirial'il l v ry lijjhi. J'or tne late crop ofgras wc have a lull low of MO-WlSSlTilQ, raugiiiX III Jrl TroiM is) to IIJO, amj nielmlliig J fit h illuOiM, -, Tin Clumjiiartf : , ' ' And the Cl-i'ff, IT n;ivs list tlirr wvond hand Jtower tm liaiiil and tor sale at v'si, SMl ami ;To gooj mow i?i ami In jH'ifi'ct order. ' KK W.Kit 1'AIKNT ca-rilax So oca. , Tho best end most perfect. fJKAl.V AN I GUANO tilllLIJf III flit inai krt. All the alMivpunil full itwii'tinxnt of roawins, hie KAItn IMI'l.K.MKXTi may te fnumliiMlis Wnr.lioiterf II. M. .SMITH & CO. 132 l.'niont. Richmond, Vs.' X. ft.' Writ lor siiUI i-lii-iii.ir TO FARMERS.MILLERS.BUILDERS.MEGHANICS t i ' AND ALT, OTHKRS PUUCIIASINO I1ARUWARK. ' " ' . DANVILLE, Va., V v ARK ofleriiig at very low PliCeS (1 largo Stock of Irun Sk'c1' ails l$ulld'n3 JttrJ'Vare,roolH, JJocs, f-heet Iron for Flues, Ilorao Shoes, Grain Qradlos, ; Grass " " tmd G r.nin Scjri'hea, Smiths, .Duggy, Material, Sailers' ' Goods, Delting, Files, Bono, Glass &c &c. ALSO Doors, Ssla fancl, X311rLclo. GOOD GOODS. LOW J'UIOKS, t"rlte t us. ' ?..'. IHCIvEY & SUJJLETT. Juno Ifith '73. . 1 Horner & Graves' -School! HILLS BO RO, N, C- A Ciril Hittaitial, Sasitilc; AND MILITARY ACADEMY. ' rplIK Kail Scwtion Im'kIiw tlie Ith .MonuVy In 1 July. fKUM! Uoanl anil Tuition. Im lmliiiK fuel rahinv'i ' ' li-iiN. mill fnrtii-lioit r.M.mn, t , f IStM iwriseMtuMMfTttrtATV Week INSTUL'UTOKS. , , . '.'' J. II. IIORNKR. A. M. , R. II, ORAVIvS. A. M. , HI GH MORTON. Jr. I i.i. of Va. iM..j. D. II HAMILTON. A VKXARI.K. Jr., ' )VecMo I! t'ollrgo. Cirenl.ir solif vn fl JilKalioii. siiif. tHi IK'i. ly. RRANt'll omt'K Stxnrity Life. , tnnttim t , uwl Annuity , , C''i'. OF XEH' YORK. ' ' Raleigh. N. t. July llth riIIK .iil,lh' .ir It.-ifU ii. ntt l;,t Mr. J. U. A it'.i.. .rt Ilill4ii.ro. i. h i loi.i. r an .tii-nt f. lilt- finolly l.tft, ln iiiiir U AHUtiily I oiuoniiv. i f riv rk Tlie H',.l- f IH-.icji-e.iirmr rili to IliMire In IIik r.t-roiU mirt r-fif i-Ut oiiiohv. em ifo So iiy rallme on ilr. f Mil. Hroil i i, who l llmuitlv aiiltr.riiwtl x"iri of tUe above meiitkiiit'd toiiiiKU'v hi i miii-etiiuty. R H II A V. 6V7. A'jnt. Pifority I,. In. an4 Amuiit v ('. j i!j2l fit. cf Ntm Viitk. , WOOL CARDIfJC. "lrK RiVB a-4it llul nor I'antiuii Miriiin.', V 1 r in lriil'l ri.T. bniiu a n-'Tl ml lIltioRofa I'd Lit. linrrrf, n,l drjIi iM-w ,lb liiar. WV lliink mt can giuraiita! tiia t-t Work doiwi In llnrM.it.-. OCR FOUNDRY l In fiiH l.fj.f, t iriMil.r :iilf JlilN. I! rm. rri and 3li)l Irnni mTrtl! a pKvinhit. Jttll.N liKHRY. w.r.-imowx. Jnljr Mi. UiiUboM. N. C. ;TIIKU4.NyiU.E TIMKS. II If U a IVnimiilic WM-lIy fJr. rjl.n.li- i ill tn l ".. ! ! rirroUtoHi a al the Virginia nml .rtli tnroliu roiutltf aroimil IiiiIIp. I'll- 2, a J..ir, f!. for lrt liiillti:Ao'iiN for S!ir,-r niMiiU-, fv.tiMi co i. tn Warilnl ui.oti ni.rlK-ilioii. , Al lre- I'. .'MifLMS. Jmie 11 Eililor Sort Pr rirlt. ..... I?:JI the lin.l.-rI.Mir( oh thr !t'hof JiiIt a iipjtii tun lv tlw iiaowof iU'. I'll ATI", aiNHil I'i c ir, ,4."-. Ami I li. r l.v for.xniii ll N-rwii r,'um n:trtxirin'.'nrioint l 1,1m, I sly 21 3t RICHARD MAYO. m HATS! SHOES! g." I a m mow ip.li tiii mj riiMomrr (in, Hi! w.ltlr mi lor loori M I I lii -,11 I I I r 'III.K M A l'.. -'r l'ioii :irt i, I Ii io n k. t . ,".lv .ini-lnl t lr lit Mb, in. r niol oii,ip. rt f..r h i.i- m.iii. a .!. mol Ar. ii;rtmi, mill I roiiMti,." l ir ,i.i!io. iii. ii. tnt 1nn (Irollolllt.itl m uunt a u.il.l-. o,l..l.'.. rflol oniiir it M t.rvrr H-.hIik',-.1 I m!' Hitler thri ll, III h!l ,l IJIi.aL.nl I...I 'J of i i..m aiiii MUllll of l.rim, rok.r ami ftnv oii.l oillr ioi.U.hI M,ih fnfl t;... ..r i.... ' nil lill.li. ii. Mnm in lMlli-; wrrt ami tlt; w ir ii or n ii non, iirr p, i.irp nnl l.utlon. t ft la orio-iiou IjIi- a-. ,.t . l.o.i it .t.d M ... I Hot kl' II. ' t iiimntfd with ttw plnl.timont , rk liofl wbw iM. a,IMl J U ,1 y. ,, I j A 1 1 iiin.il- to nri. r. .Vmw Lot rtu. fair rkm um,4 ami lit alws i;ii:ir uilwij. . , r'llH I nil lt4a an.t (u l.'ra hcirf ...ll. l t.i. k from wl.ji It m iy fail lo mil.- a . HO Mb. k ' .!(!, I TYACK, I'.inille, blio'fid Hut hlwif. imr , TI1K Fcnour CALDWELL, f 1 1,1. I r. "IIIH.-.I. Juiv inn in;;, w or jurm-uut. uiiii'm J. U lUiOWKR, , l'ALbWKI. ' i Orui."n C.of.fv . J'ine 23 3m ol. n Meiropoliian Tea Co. ON aft omit ,.t tho lunl fl.rM ari1,.w. mi .il fo H IV,. r kl(, thMIH.r lUiui nr nont lit tin; WorH. 1 ;.o Tm. fm,i 10 fo 1.00 1 V. 1 '(; o, ,, lii'ri,(n,til Guimnkf f,0 Off H)H A HAMI'l.K. . Tm yn wnni.ntid U vir lurtL i i.. r yo.. r..i rn t a.l,l.-,.! 1 h "'"f ,w ive tt A II M'r. mtf.t t' ;i.,lM.,l M RTROI'OMTAX TKA t OMRANy 32 and, 11 VM1y Kimi, NcwYoik. ; ;. DANUhLH, VA. rr Dr, D, Ai Robertson. Surgeons Pcntlst. Ojjlce vp ttuirt U Merry' $ h ick buit,liH,j, "-' IttTtloJvrt. f I I.I, rmlimi In vi.K CKtivl Hill on tho 1 lirtirlli Moh ilay of tfr monlli. . a... I ..U....I ii.. i, u l- ..r. , a......,. .wt. n,- i warn IUOIIIII m HI iiitfcf m Hill.lM.ro. ami ill ribniti Iims follow lp j t&'i.k If HMwM,rri dm initio tiic xrfat 'n-llv nf inotwy. rl.- Kimittiiy writ) iioiv IIm w ar. .. tnlrr Ut with t'baik-a U. rik' Willi lroiniily alliuil.il to. , , JlrrUtlj. Marshall C. Cameron . Dentist. . ; Lite fJrt Pit." I). A. Ronr.RTsos. " OKmtxhUw-rYkwtnUw) dtizrn of II ill m Ixiroanil vl.n Ilr. I m.mkiii.mWi anl Miililor ivfcii. ,. h.iml. 1'i'rwni lll tm w.nf.-il iifk.n t tlx-lrllnn.ru, nnh arranai' iiitairfc-iitWv, A II onli r. b-ft at lri ll.wki n, iTusMoiv, lll b i.ioiuiilii altruik ill lo. lVc.Ktbt;!, Cat. TliU lt rmify that M4rh.il I'immn. 4 HilUl-wo, X. I,'. Im Iw-n a Hiua-iit In mr M. Ir llim- i-nr-. i-oi.-iiM ii. lnit ,, )tli ,n, mliiia f. 1Mb git. llkl. grrat 4i.Urc hi ftvoitiUM-Hiliiis lr. Msr.wl 4 auk-ron In anf b' wv arij In. Mlm m aVnli n-elinif irtlMl lwil JiMk1 bubatiraKaMil linor lo hi. iiroftwlvu. Si.v.ltflt. I. A. EonEISTViJf. DAILY A XI) WKKKLY, . rt in.i.MiKu by The News Publishing Company, IWt.rfralln 11. lj I... . . . .. . " . . 2 , ' . m in- flair uf North t r.oiui. I iiu . . - .... .... . , . i i nivni. tl ny,llH- llr rk4HM. nl v I iir lu4J-H Wr.ltb .. . irr.,.r,,wra,w ,H imiourli.N int., our Oil'M, an.llHra.UaarriH.M M IU t llu ufoiir p o'l In wmtUKij Ih;.I lo nnu.r a Mj4 irrtTi ami Imb (viMk-ut. Ju , ARVKRTl.NUCOU'MNH n III tr f..inni ,.r n.i ..i. ...... ... , . , , ...n.,Miiir luiiirn, ) Hi liiH rrrtilali m ar ,r tM III Crk I'll. bihI 1 W.tl. ... .. I rouin l in t fcs MaUs, .u. iiMsJi-raH;, ' M'liSVItll'TlON JUTJXt D n'iyHhr mr, fi.Ort, ' 6 mm.., g i.f If'trHyotte fmrt i' JOIIX U. t'AMF.RO.V, E,i;u,r. ' .TOIIPAX .SfONK. A. F,ht.. h. I. WOORSO.V, Luod r.d,!r. "TBAM Carding Machine. NEAR CEDAR nnnvv 'f MIK MtWrlUr Inform. the ut.i that fait ! X tli i or. arr now In ttrat Jiiie Onfrr. Ami n0 ItivIIm i t.. ... . .... ... I .. . , i'niMi. i an initr in'rrr. ,L w,w; A" m,Wn prtiiliy 4 btlbtiill cw oirtt. ' r ' l ..'. u Mir. Wool ( ardnj at lrl.. Slik'it .. IVrl tr.i ,' r.afaril... rt.. I ." "" oiib jnrt illUth.ii.fU I iHIMmrol ...p .u...... t i L . ' pinmw. nraiiiiiuai'C me amf I. tvn tfnll toll, itmt. Ai.r.. .KKIOX. 'ATfeROWN'S.' GRAND orKSLVC OF ALU XKW. T I I.I, I t .!mr mr li-wra ftbrt If an low aa tbo lowr, (( ami r. Imlr MATT IK TAILOIL vanti:f). A I.I. lin.1, of r.ouHr. i'rmUttr Xf iV. 4.WKI. jmatth; r.vt Mm. Milliner J Ihrst MUr,f -AA lUtmu'K IT rn nt t.i rn-nli Artlrtiliits T.il ItoniMi,. i.gi, L1L' MM. TAYLOR'S. UXIVKKSITlf - :' or Nor t ti Carolina. v rJOTICE. A ';' f',m lmln dook or ll rfli I V Imlonyiiiu lo Ilia t nlrrr-ilr uf Nrf II 'SW niia, or loll,.. (llaMrtlr- or I'liflnHllirolili" fiwlr '. i-n.,iiii, , , )Hf , m , n, tn A. tlii-w '"'K'. K-i) , liornr oi lit.- I iiitfii'iiy. Hy nlrruf ti ! if.of TriMra. - , K1MII 1' t!TTMI. j"'l It. ' fw'A