sw " na i imumbihh' nananMMVW NW. fcj. WKnhSt?i iwinaaa:r n1lii n lHaiw iini i iam i m i i i im -..--. .... ,-,Bl..,, , i.-n,, ...M.. V KL'N ESDAY...... M A ii." I. i8Tr. WEyEALlS'tERE&TOF'niE COUNTRY. suWct? of - .... kTy.uiA it r riTTPP FAiLES FROMORJCEi i:: At tie Greensboro Contention of 182 L. V. Humphrey of Wayne was appointed one of the member, of tbe State Executive ;VitU' frJmlcrasi'tbo -lapT .ibe ' ! toBpwV itfiusWii'; there oy b. u iu "T ! cliiiatiJn to consider! departure from i as 0 t . t . . l t . nortlu.Jox; and fte retertnee to matters ot more direct praitufal uee'i aioiiietbiufH bum-drum and common place. V I ulitns however Nbut tlitf guiding principle of good Washington D-D.. Feb. 25th.' , The telc2raDb tell, a ret deal of the ! general work thai U going on J Congress Mild iu tins city but ur some pnrjniu g reason, the great dailies, ith their fuller ft of coi-wpoiideuti seVui (to fail iiuhowu j iboevermost working tbev dUtpe"etj;i9 beyond the outer court of the Temple, uor w the inner sanctuary. It is Ptvba they send off -Cm lumns of MSturliittb' they sail news but which j are only more or leas i Jbed i Sersi&ofcMtt-if al JU ea!t t 4J.4 ,New ,Yoik between 1872 3d the present time was illustrated Saturday by tlie. -le of eVvee luesi Veil tocated,., for ,425.iO(Lf t Lichaold for $3. , 000 in 181. iW for Senator Kugltai.'tasdectineaU bsok-i pay uue mm iw me nine mjwnig "" tli death of Mr. Ferry and bis eleotion In I ttm teaL.and baa ordered itue serneant-aV CnUU. Ute county of Wayne, , Mr. J r i " T ; , .bread pnrtvM . S?f OS UsiAi i !. i i .:. f. ili W i T'Ouuci in iiiieuiscm i ,4 , ot n inside lie to 1o tiica uui i -' . Humphrey'. po lM g. J wrfC.Ti. f,f t .-itl00. -t.o year, b,v. wHtW and exclude tnatenal inters U to ! L bouse were p.aced in j j 4 V fl J 81 ' ' igiiut4nB - I , M.-1lv-M;,UiiaTbeJJVMmwt mitlMUt l.opmgior w taeiem me numireu mmmnj-nraiwii ,ncleTo?threomm I i L. ...iMiiit unA t Via nth. . : a 1 1 ; ' .. i.. . one iMune irarin iio-m - vr . . ,. ' M,-.r -!er i neglected to tbo serious detriment of of reftUfiinthia w reuunciatton of tne pnrty. r , . ,w :. , i . . ui j ., ,.y a j? A denial of bis being member of the Kxutie lCTiMnitteo, called out letter lroia Uiul. C. t, Chairman . . the Couh uiiitee wbicli cowpellod Mr. llewpbrey to d. one "ibiug or tie otberj' either io deuy tbt S bad denied his being wember of (be Committee, ot to vo it, and resign, lid bus done the latter. He iy m bi re--ply to (Jen.' Co. "As it U neceiwary in Twur oproion, Trwigu s a nieiiiler Of '.be VVitb,iMr-.?IIwpbre rigbt.to resign r to eba'tige ? hi , political opinions.-we fiave nothing to do.v'lle 'is V, free rnan, nd if be can -bear 'the odlum if clilogc In bU the whole country. thev the pnpular braiiob of Congress.-: heji,, on the first Monday of December ! mew: Lcrs assembled, 1 1 was found tluit innjori ' tl this is exactly ibe potion' ofaffairs. I ty of tliem wer new wmt unacquaniteit We have purVuml be phai-tof poHtics. I whb oeoh otlier. and in ve.y ai.yw !: !L IkL u. A . into UMo n.oclv espenence ?s legif lators :Ii a, uMiMji-wm " i worse than. useless to ttnty Utai mere fjuaguitres of noiiittowiabie foun' we f wcre very grata differences t vpimoti lo have bceniiiflamed by the seal of the denu- 4 1 ween ntany of these nieniber upon tbe sneue to rusb after luiaginaVy objects'of Lmi proper course M be puwud not only for Dortaic - only W find that to' bav.'beeutbt. .benefit of the Cnuptry but of the p-rtjr. porianeconiyo u..u. , ' V-'X r'MThe industries of the country were paratyii nudeslaTM to .lbe personal anibitioftof ; , , ( , , , KP,ierally i.nnnveri.-bcd. nlaee bitr. to find em-selves tbe ud;of i y ,j ' 1i,eorJej been mlranved -W to yutert exbawfted witk tU UrreiriujLes juf H,e caitses and reniedf for this condition of j;; nJntmfl,.t i.. out band. .nil tb otilt Uffaini'-n.Ullof thew theories had reproeu. 1 .rvt , . i -i:' r k- .ti w! itationt upon the floor of -Cuugre. U nai frA l..fh-.H. difficult Uak to politlc's. io. W. b.vo bad reason, io' -irure,auo-, .m-m IhmrtlLt for tbe la.t two years be Uj4 tkid Vlth tne it,p.Wioao&. V4.e g PPfc "fT: ,h.t .rtiirS Member ot U.eExebutfv. t":: Co Wtteer0alijeast;ind tbat.. e urt remsiUek .iiW ilection, iuske. Hi .wortb pursuing -to .nduf , , , ... J tr'res if jtbe .country wid, tuirsd?eiop B.ilebffTolonUMywitbirewirf Jti i4vK. v " ' , stations upon the floor of Cuugres. It ba. ly, pUjer.uppn or credu ify. , , Unite these rather ioeowrou eleujenU, in- lt ia ijiiuo,that.)qlitw shogUi fe p'ajcu i oue homogenous eiaag who were ready Jo sucrifice-indivianal, and 1 perhaps lung eoor eeired ooinions for the rood vf tbewbole. i i t JiTe-m jrtm IBS tm. i!uu..j lj . - i s ( - iiiKDag Virginia's dislibgdslied, ; :V DOW'" WlU Of"' 3rP0Orl0 PrrVs Building, with a general We' of' "J'""ildi;4 ' ' Consisting in part" of ' ' ' ! 'ps"rnnea'1r)ui ol iU Illiuois peuitoutiary iMtf',i!,ii',w,,!,l kjII ntii'imiiv Humphrey was not now Democrat drewi. ... . , Vi.Krml i i j r '"V i,ff;;L C ve atteutwrti looiatuhof Taot. The first from tbe Sentinel defence of Mr.lluiu-!f , : . 1 2 i Jr .'- J . . ,r i rr ..iwftbe n te what we are glao to see, i i.brey witk tbe .ddiboa that m HM v ' 1 " ' v - 'v- . . ' . J I nartieularlv it itbardif 4o be. eipeeUd that men will sacrifice I heir own political advancement a. some bate been Culled on to -At.- for tlie gnel good. Tbt task of doing this arduous work and at tbe same time of combatting tbe -eolid pbalans of reptfblieaiis ntjder the leadership of ao dis lingnished a parlitnentarian as Speaker Blaine; baa falleo upon few of the older member.-- They hr J done. ,iueu- ..worn no V ' vtln ftii !'' f-lhnt t r,.,i htin t i fc'.Jif; JVa.de ilver Corrector' regulates tbe howel, ioiujh the storoach, t reiigthtns tiietH, Judulnit J'l'Jf, vijgoc eni id tvuf. r,.M.t.,w,.;ili , ,t(. (.,.., , .,,); f I h ... ..,,, .i . . i, .s, .... I 'vWahj,,gton,, J eb., The annual ineetmgff,the wtionat. association ol vet eran,vtine,extcan, war' wa s befd to-day, Geiletaf DenreK president', prewded. 0n eril 35TVe fWti. of Ohio j' Geiieral After! Hke.'oT. 'Afkansaki' 'and - H. S. i i.anl. o'rTodia'tt.'were seb'cted as the Ceu-. tonniil orattvrs. and eomwrttee was ap. pointed to arrange fur the CVutenoial eel- Montgomery. AU ; Feb. 22. A bill bas nagvxi Loth buuesof the lJ'i'iiilatnrerjf)- itig the settlement of tbe" Sittte debt, made by he comaiissoners.' .The seltlemi nt will biug; the ijidebttlue.s of tbe State io.ide of ,$10 000.000 ai a low fate" interest. !ndiaiwpol'is.Tb. 22. The lie puWiosn state Coataiiiioe ttaa nomiuatea uoaiove 8; Orth foi tJOveroor. ivcu'u ! vtf ;i- (CVL KUrt 8. Hobertiioa was nomtn.t. ed for Lieutenant iorernr. : Oiher iUle . . , ''. .'j eer ce ture. :iA . people no looger. able to e.orthomembeoftbeE?ecuti5e! . . . . i .a i !) .i.;rt r. s.l.t CaUliA saw pronnd.eaa no ! Vm,l r.irwpttin noihinr and laaroior netume ia.tue. .Mr, Humphreys resignation make. , , . huh di(l j lat the vast -Witf of the PnocraU in O , . . , , T 11.. .... 1t.ta H At rartaa4 tWM A VkatfilAtt IUQ liuuni issa c uvivnuiwvw wai w ...I I- J M JAtme in (imofOM 04 KOf J 1,K --..;. -1 - .imw c,r I ofliocr were aU aoiumated!. -if., !' "Tl ' 7.u. t- i A lon iea of resolution, were a.Ioptd, of Indiana who are bourbon. Of h. -onU JM 'tT'lt:8 ' iv. f w y. . . lj t .1. I .1 .' i . I'i. ooicriO 't ttf r.ir. i -nit i,l,l'(r . in i y i I". .ftrii- Imt .-ifV L'lIACKKAS. ' - V : I T ' v T! i V11KES&. Which we propose' to soil at LOWEST Market rates. IrtadJitioa i!iIiiKkIks. w will L'wn.' v , lV Vsl V W " , --- 1 unnn ViUUU AND WILLOW WARE TTinmiTinn - Solicit ing a ithare of the ra'tronage of, tie Citizens, anI the Buy - who visit thin Maiket. . . s. , We Buliscribe'ourselvcs ' KIKKLAND & CO' thai n'eteuct aomowbaA ridjcolous,, Jt K Several mora 'names bate oeen added te tie! iit of geuilemen snggifed asquallfied as candidates for (governor. Aweng tbem toIIoBThMiMjCe now meaibecpf CotrgreW frm ' tkn. W.debdro Ditr.fct' equally tlistiftgu4rd for talent aod nrtty of cbirseter";" Ifon-.M, f W; "ttansoroV Ibe mentioo of wbose name as Qorcrnor U bnlr . v - - . . . - v tl.a .m! .MiuHli ncAuiiMML-aiMl toe (MiCO woitb ly wears, and Col. t u.. Johnstone ' " , ' . . , v i j ti ... 4 -.j mimitaUe lanJ of promise is closed, there of Vtrarlotfe. dwungatahea ;as a rail road , . M a man of remarkable in.ol ability. ' " to . u el 1 wiU.by. penal cbaracter- Tbe Parf, tbe icstonawo of lands, tmpovcrubed. ba s:lx.JLtr, iWriJifi! notderoyliUnd.tooly.gu.thonndst "rr""J " " Y: of ieatf population and. o camvenient to tU W 'VII p w- w "rf it maVes iu choice. ' . V : ; ., A . ' -v r;r dead wrsoxEKs: A, lue monument, including ao obelink ri . :i.i..t..i-.ii t.i.J tbe House nave aeiermieea wpn .e,.M,l,8J T' - r i " .nTiIl .bide byit. The! f-l.cy will earry Ibejcaauot.ropr onianuswora "J '"g i them to certain wtery iu theeeit earn. years of careless-, culture, because they can 1 ign mitiithstanding ha bluadeef n no kager rely upon tie i0 or .25 bushel ol j few wrong beaded friend..; Iteia be.am wheat or nheir 80 or 40 bmu..W corn, jmised ia .few woroVi . .. ,4 . -. j .v I ' Ret rencb meat of pnblie eipenditam w mf. !'TP" r, 'tbe fimpl-nk. -The democrat, prembed Tbe bate eome. literally to the bard pan. I ttf tbe ,tid . ft w.. uo empty TJjfy'mustioiprove it or they must leave, pledge a. they are froriag. by tbeir oota. starve, or peri.h. v Uattl .oil ia no where j The' -ar-prcpnatione "will be redaeai J.rty dollar saved in one presidential term if tbe democrats' are Bueoewfol.Knongb money to pay off ttm Notional debt io twelte years. I. not this enough to secure e grand ciefury ? And it i. not a promise only for the demo- craU bale proven their ability jlo dotbw by tbeir action io this Congress.;. 'The neit plank in tbe platform is tbe misdeed- of tbe republicans, both in Congress aud iu tbe . 1 - an. A ' .a a departments, lh.se are being weal and Ibe record of tbem will make thw markets as to make them more profitable, if properly attended than "ereu tbe exube rast soil of the west. ' " Aod next after Agriculture tomes the ia to. t,be .tvonal Republican Convention as tlftcaudidateef that body for, President I W.'ahingtMi. Feb; 2.TI t'ongrea. sional Committee did bing to-day T In tbe ennrae of retrenchment' it t. pro posed to dispeose with pardon clerk.;' and the mardialsbipa ia t North Crliiw. and elsewhere, where expense, have beenenors mous. willbe eoiiSiJklatedj. ! -f fi- .-( 4 ewjjjM .t..,L.t UI LIS BO RO TOBACCO MARKET. Keported jbV K H. KOGUE A CO.. '20ff.'-tleo;ipU this Week' Urge demand good aod prioea firm ,, , . 4 00 to 00 j 00 to 6 00 inearthed peo, '. vKatrs, ft .. . .' Bright com., ':.f ! - rd. ,J u. . , ( -.. .fancy. Ji.f Eed com. (-, , .. "good. ,.' . eitra. .no im mora oi iue win nms. , rsppers-Bright com; ' 10 00 to li pleaod aghast. ' The expMore f the; . :rm , -,f .., W8J wbUky rin- of St. UUiv getlaMli. J..- . . , M M yy,,, aoapoles and 31ilwaukee will ple into i i.i .xil t!m iufliieiioe of .Manufactures mid fa be the bigWt in tbe gutted States j . . natcieBU,je pirita which give in-iznifictoce. when the fraud, tad eorrup- being erte4 at seimi-wj in memory v, . . nirrinc up ever principle t on Wist rule in every department oi tne ... I 1 L . ... . 1 . .1. . . . govenfment arw oroun vi iua nguv vi 4 they will be bf the iuvntigatione now bin2 coud acted by the Committees of tbe Huu. - Tbe trail ef the herpeot is) the rUooer. who d.cl there in tSe MiliU- j . . . . .y, .jvmeot to ry prison darh.g tbe war. Tbey arw ,d , ,j Wrmimuj tbe value ot WHawc-avv.- v--- - - - " ' other iovestioents already, made, giving em , 5 00 to 8 00 7.'i0 to 1000 10 00U100 17 50 to 2 00 5 0 to t 00 5l'b T'SO 7 UO to 9 10 00 14) 00 ' , . 5 filloro. 7 00 to 12 00 . .;.'; . : DcnnAM Feb. 25tb.,v Corrected by II. A. Heams. ; I. ii - a. . i rfrl.li ' i, i ,(( . ji .WE will Lite. CORN. WHEAT, OATS, &c, in exchange for Good; ... ... '. - ;.i i ...til t i I l.:. . tjollie 1iarK- IS Willi ua. mm wm uc wcascii n aw ui. . . -. ' '' - 'i ( . . tr. r, r . ..'Vt!; , 1 ( .. J I..t , " VW' .f . ...t, ' w ..,., oM fiieitns.' Deeply. V PURCELL, LADD & CO., " ' ltlC, Mab St.r (Wner ef 13th - , RICHMOND, VA.' KEEP ronrfanltv hand a law aiid wtllM. Iw-ti-d . nf ' iti I US, . MKUlCtSES, CIIKMICALS, ' .a m- ., Ae, ." .-., ... ' ' WINDOW G LA?S. of all .ie, I IrTliVe Xf. Ztc' Fir H Wnttktr pntfPittt. Puiuttrt ViMur$cf ettvf 1 '. detcriptiim. Unirrf OA. - Iitr : " niArs of til kimla. DntiAtM. ' 0 1 at t very aarce and embraces every .r U la mi onr Mne of Imimbt-i, all of w bU h we et frr terjr fcw r ah, or to unrul m tirdera NnMuam ru aim rwvu.f Undeeto, J'ttttKIX LAlHi A V. . WbolrNiir lrir.M. W. IJ4 lifc:fciatt4l.e. -: , ,Dr?" Di'A. Robertson.- ' feorffeon pentlst. ' OJtcr up atufre f' BiHtfk 'lrkM 1mOdmfi i . . e . . i; " ' a ktrttftfonr- Hed IJr2nt.-M om etiratt of tbe Monnmen! will taae place j . -nt u.e , u,e idle, .nd ! over tbem all' The department of justice l 6 ; , : , . e time in May. on tie Annual !erora. , ' of U,e Ut. (. mi.ion,r now) has bee. r4itoted for ... F(tot . , u tioa axr, sad it ia said that tbe I resident ' . . ... , . j political purposes. 1 he Secretary of Ststes Vaitt. ui jr. iu.. i'. wt,c" tn' wwrt,tTO4 ttf inTwW,dowo"Hitlc,,M nd speeo'atora The r . . Q.Hd. i. ao oral will U del.ved by a. ex-Con- totUi3dt,g Tr-(lB pllie- for tI(iem ,r,j - f Jer.t. tidier. Tb.Ml.ttary of ibe Stat. . wt u B0W gl)illg t0 wt.'or mak- co.ispir.tors to rob the r.venuw. . Tl.e XVp.Com. w.aUuvMed at.d AU propped tliat tbe ; valuable by tbe saving io lWOfficeaneleclioneeungmic.f.e. rbe . e Medium., caou will be Served in such a w.y, bat , ffhl t, ,coa U ,trt,a to U rnuur. .1 eetk) of tbe dead u former eoe. . , " ' "'.--'- v Kitra. ail reewti . lotee, w'ul beeHrrd It i ri'bab!e tU ceremonial wil draw ; l.!f .. .a.... ..... .1. f'.i4nt Mill " he tbere. ed. ' ' ! while the uavr department is rotten from Tbe tteotde of North Carolina most mm- I iuaideloout. , All these tbius wilt be sbowe reremoii,-. w,l dr.w ; tL ,y0lrf r sod de-1 and with jhe retrenchment .Ire.dy weured Urrc attea-Jance, etnr- ' . ..... ! ther are suiHuiebt to iu.il.e tbe American t ... V. lendeut. t i ... e r i : . i ...... THE MEXICAN VETERANS. UUcock was aciuitted on Thursday last I From tbe evidence, be sifeared as deeply . . There ore in I bw district a very eon wile- . . ,. W. ftu,J of .nrvivor. of . tl ilexicn I "lo .1 U ,e! War w wnll be ad t, learn tbsl . bill ' P' Jlot tU ""? T ! S ba. bee. reported ghin? r.a Wtb " . . frT. t-tt- 1 royal pteiwnce , sud is.t tbe fe.r of incur. ....- i tint tbe wrath of L jssea bad more to do l . Biatk Haw Wars. . It by no mesns cer. i nu "". . , ..... 4 uln that if it piw ' tbrourb- tie Senate, ' bvdy we believe it will get the Wore ' IC of tfce rrewdrt. who, ai a aonncr win. rstbe Ibte k wilt get ! tbe c b.rge of the Slf an d tbe d lt if it dose pass tb-t f 3 ' ilin 0,9 d'tttt,1 f Jtt knvw bow to sympathize with those who gave tbe bwt dajt of tLeir fives to the otthUy, , h is an act of tardy justice that st sboold shame Coi.grea not before to bave 8.1 'I . ! f , .):. .1 -: I.ngs, Very common Good ' people diard the unfaithful servants and f- ' rommon bright, elect others .who have proveu thciuselves! "fancy $mkera, utthful bonew oi capable. , L.er. common rsd ,1 have dwelt anmeabat cn thedijicultie in the way of speedy sctinp on the part of tbe deoncrte, use there ia a rpiiit "I impatience sbowti.by some of the democrat ic papers, who being removed from tbe scene of action, cinnut be expected to fully understand tbe reasons of what they consi der bnnecesaary delay upon tbe part of tbe democratic majority. Such comenU. -rioosly embarrass the party here. 1.00 io 5.00 i.OOioti.OO 5.00 to COO 7J0toS.i0 li.VJ to 1 4.00 .. , i 1G to 18 ,4 to 5 5..10 to C.i0 8.00 to 9 ,00 .. . II to 13 .. ! to 20 .' 40to.j() ' " .ViloCO Danville. Vs.. Feb. 2.ia. 4.00 to A. no 6.00 U 6.00 7.00 te 9.00 I f ,00 te l.00 ti.00 left.OO 10.00 to I2.'0 15.00 te 20,0b .. 25.IKI to 30.00 Sj.VO to 40.00 f.b 27ib.-i-Tbe NEW GOODS NEW ARRIVALS MIW MATTtK TAVLOK.fc.daHj rwlvlei from tbe Sorthrrw rHa. the ctotrw ft inrm ami tanbloe. rsrry laM f New tinwH, MitlvaUaa to tbetata, aod roartowot la IS Tht'enVrt essftWrotbertWima the MWwUf Gooib, rt4lng w part of . i - i S'tfHf' Wt u4 Ckildrt iato, i - .; Flower. ' '' 1 ' 4 - llibbune." ' ' 1 - - Vailrnr." " 1-4 r;,i " Leers.".' u , Kwtbroideriea. ' k ; '.' Lad'mTiee,- ..;.. Frilling.- ' ' Collor and CuHs, . Gloves, ' " 'lselt.- ,-.",.!-.. Jewelry. s ,. Combs, ,,,,!, A'ecklassee, ; . it Jinifetets, 4 j Needle. , i -Tbrred, - , . Ikttons, i ., Dcis'ts, WILL eanliMW to vUlt ( aaret It'll eathe finirlli TiHwlaf nt rurtf WMMk -. Aa.l ra lkt rourthi 'ek U rarb aantith at bis otttrr In MUHiof. an4 iU raauin tlia tUvMi wart If Iwtrawwy. t ' i I m hit l th rmt ararHt of- inart, Kb ; bavr ktmm riiiMil.be aaatetbey were Lriare lb war. - i lr.lrr Wt lih t Wies Jl.l'arba'-wlttbr prvNitHly aucoonl im. . , , Mareb t lj. - good ' ' . -Wrappers. Mslium Fine. Kttm . . CoTTM..-lUleieli m irket firm, receipts light. Mid Jling'l I jtsined. 101. . - . We are indebted to tbe Ral.tgb News for ear Cotton report.. pVRlUM HERALD. 31 r. Weodbnrn is .boot to publish a new - 4 fnpt in Durbafi to be called tbe Durham llirald. It will be Demoorstic in politice. bf . bear Mr. WoUbnrn'. .ViUty highly tj,;ieiv ,f. and wU bins ebandsot success." ') i THE SPANISH WAR. Tn aitempi of Don f arlot tn get posae -'.KVortbe'tbwe f I'psJnse Wed, n . .f Uebed battle in wtlcb be ws. defeated, ' m "iWidinrtie etioi. , Dvn.Crlos bas Sed towards Fra.ee nitd bis troof atl disport. i .roub the mvontarev. TUy rncy gW lrV.e as gaetUls. lot as orpnlrtJ Iwwps tkeit destiny m aocompliebcd. And AI looaa is .ndfpated aovereign of nn tif another tctolulion disturb. Uitn.. Con Urogden Is now on a visit to New (Mesas to attend the "JWirtf CVaa.' He will be gone about fortnight! .On LU ay be tii ped a! Atlanta, and w.l receiv. ed with dirtinguisbed bonor. by tbe Ooor gu Jx;gis!.ture now in session.' ' The Al.x.ndria C.tetteaa'y.t It ii na- f ierstood that tbe long ulked of cbsnges io tbe cabinet will be nude at an early date, and that tb plaees ia that bodf bitb knew Messrs. BrUtowsbd J.esll will know tbera no more forever, if tbe third termer, sac eeed. , . , . Mis. ffostta.n left n fortnne estimated at $000,000 and still sb.eloo to the stage to the day of her deslb. Fred. Doogls. tbe hading colored at ma. of tbe Uea; . Uuly refused, aa eenunodsttooe in an Indiaon kWti. ; Tbe Dem'icratie Jfatiornl .Convtntion j .ill met in St. L';u:, v tbeijihof Jone. dling. 12 Norfolk.' F.l rory tb Cotton 25ftmi ; middling 12J. FtotiaFlonr Msrketa doll and priee. role low.; llsteigb. Feb. 27;h, North C. rotma $6,.,0ft$C,73-, ,j IrovU;ons.Ro!eigb F.b. 27tb. Western shoulder. lOe.'i Clear rib .Il.m. Wheal ?-Hict.mond 27tb Ne material eisnge. price, for botn lied and White ranging between i, 40 to 1.4-1. ' t. mfmuTiof the boose sre abore the sre-t' Wilmington, 2ilb. Cotton qniet. Mid. rage ft men in Intelligence. They ee .bat : the country needs . nd they alo see tlie dilTiCu'tie in tbe Way of scouring the deir ed ends. They are httet io their effort, to satify tbe people and they sbuald be gi tea time to ceuuiplUh tbe work. It will he wflldone ; V t Tbe spprrpriatton bills are being die enssed. borne ot tbem in tbehouMt and oth er, in the committee, .nd it is said thtt all of them are in such a stato of forward ocm that they can all be tMcd, atd the bui ness of Cobgrei. 6ai'hed by the middle of April, After .11 tbe fo wade by tbe IU publicans about tbe tardiness of Mr. Iuo da!ls commiuce, it would he singalsrto see tbi. democratic tlouse reiJy toidjouru too months i. adrsnce of tb. republican boose. nsual time. Tbe Dcmoerttte eaneus eoro- i mittee have not yet .greed npon tbe finance bill, but it ia understood that a bill will be reported repealing Bberm.n'. sUm reseoip tion att. ., ... ,t i. Wbst other mesne will be adopted to af ford rali.f to tbe distressed eon n try are not known. Amntig thoe prominently d'ussasa ed .nd roming mora int. fa for a. a means of ptrtting large auouitr of men to work snd ch-eolsting a large mount of money, t tbe fvmt! of the bill rusrsate.ing tbe in- ureal oo me oonos vi iti i Ba ni aci-1 . t..v....., ttr. I Bar. I.iuf, ( Marshall C, .Cameron, it lf,i . -t J iCuQ Jill , Dentist. . . , ale rid Dn. !.' AT honEBTios. Omt I.S) am Ires teste w harts f IlilU. tvnrn ami tU-lullv. Las.sBnrfrrit aa4 aii-farlurr lafc-rriMMP plvm OrWnl. fiK will ba walled nrM st llteir IUwmmi, oalll I rs errant: a .iiHairM nw. AMonlera hxl at If. Ilnkrr, tr More, wHt prowiyttt alleeeV ed la. , Ie.Pth,l:4.in. ' " - ' ' - I .. . ', . ; . . ",l . ' This r to certify thai )laral rasvmii. af Mlll.tXHA X. 1'. U brrm tntHt In mr aaVe sar tkrea j eai. rMnaarcriiu n. imk Kl aad endiu. So. I'M h Ki. I l.k imi inr im ) m-miiinradln. t. MarMull liwmi la tar . wh saiv a.t bkaarirra aa a lirnlH. Mm jmrrthat bPlll !., joMa.e U bis falirflt.e.f , . , . Jl dk r, . ' , .Vorsctbv ,.... . I , ...... ., i'ar;la. , , j Illaanftha tnwn andtlf muiitnr arr arnt ! I anikltml tocalland examine 1st trb IiHwrei in.it. in g orrtrr bf r . r-M M etiobucm Hut. bewillmteaatiafavLiua. , . ava"nted.: ; a t.t, bimla af t'aiiMtrv I'nultt.-e-ftjr S.w Atioous. JlAMlK TAKl.tiR, . Milliner and Dress Mkef,' " 1 " ' ' ' ' "Af Urown. , miMOfflMMCABM. U SDK It this nsiKe the Inolltntkin. lately known aa III ill N Kit at OR At V.s'n K-IhJ. Ilos. ev. 1. 14. D.A. ROHERTrOf. ; pf-lTEBS yUlTE yltoXT. rba suliaeHbar bwt ly tt eHica Is bl "mi and (UHoiurr that M . WHITE FRONT Miimi KM. ben 1 full bartirulnr rn ln : hal hr (iflWlloil to N.d. U, II. HAMILTON, ' will. N BHMUHiiffl 4 tm wlilutraaal of Mr. J. t . IIUKk Kit, be roudnrted hy the iilrllirf . I IrfiiUrs roni jiiilu enntitttfrn lnffr lt mniJtrai-tlo. ltt lh flttM ftpuhr nmn m tbe rity of llalfl'S-l. The tAnir.lt lfcAM.N b Jt fpev-d. tiratora will ba arl to all at; Ira sad J1 hii. AllutUrr Aflwweot lhaarasH. be l.irmibrd. ' . , , The h f ItQt'OlU aaJ WlXf 4. tir.it i' i. tit. - . 1 .. M at im Whn Front. ....r l.t. IVJm . TV It. irtl'PfsV e.Jfat.'L Brown, - ' RAUJ'ill. N. . ! WXrITH In .. Mot .. ... .: .... liiMil liw alb t JaiLtand aOarwaiila Iu Mm Prlu. ' II . . elunlidso., In tl nwjn Urn the i.l.lb- are a i-lVI tumtrttAjla StHpt fl'f Trt ' tnhpjor VUUn, U'tXnrt. VW Cllll.1liNS' ; CAURUGf9, ! UT Carolina Agricultural, Works- f ,. . , l ii en n e igb sanr - BREM BF.OWN&CO.. Bole Agents. CUARLOTTK, N. C "1 f ASl'rAlTL'RElW of rb. .'"fn shb lL r. Wrsw Ciittera. t'UW Mill. HarroWa, Ware Trurh., J'bjW ItsHdle. Ilow Boll, OliSSS liyif ilular. sad Dcaim in r Ceurut AurkHltifrff Tovtt u ' ,' ' ' ' AND ' : ' ' ;unOLK5AtE DfiUEKS IM ' llsrdw.re. 1 ' . . ,, , Untltry. nd dHrlplbte will malnUiued, mid tbe rt-biHit plawtl nn an elial (nnling wun tlie I Um. eal and Millt iry linfitiill..a In tba eauntrv. TbaSH-tittiaiif !G wUl pprm aa Moo. uay IbeiUbef Jan. , , n. II. CRAVES. TMX niLLI.OBO KBC0ntKt, j " " And Lnoisv e . .i ,A WKEJCLT COVRlElt JOVRSAL fine tfsr foe U.W. f we papers t lluU; more than tbt irtre of . . , . , r-rmi hs Tbrae IMIara .nd reeelf. yenrbosM paper 'With tltt t nnrtrMonrml, tba t, wlu tW.Vitbtesi aw abtaat ,it nfrklr k tbe eoiiMtrr, . . , 'in. 4 . .L - YOU CAN GET MONEY For yeor ( , ' COR.V.1 . , Ooods. Toys. .. BASKETS. iUskets, tb. Urges awrt ' lath. hut. .itf Atirt AeriaMwsbiwM.?1,,!, t urtAiirtHttiAX. H.4 lor CbMrvbe." f .r l. SoolN ! tor tbr Home j';.'! ;mbr Ti-W aao aa.a fii7V Inl.M ht pneebwdm N ; A.I i. g.V Mml line luwtframd Catlf V y an n..tf,...,.i , a r !! 1 Csrrlsre. , . . W'sg'fli .l I'oeity. ' JUteriat. ,Fi.ofa Westbrook Nurseries. c. w iviTnitnoii VlUlTRlKTO; Ifift.imtlvoleoTr VlnJ yeum hatidlii tuv Nurwrii-j. '"Z lr4 varlrtlra wrrll a'tPf 'rSnii , culture st prtee to suit tU M,!f my done Mlr awe-. r rn Y M "ln bUreli. I am rf.,1" ia, tbead' pwniptly and Ht Uotr. f f 'D fjor ......ai-ri ww wui sen rmmiMry enwiMm - A.r.lf" TreU.ndWtrawborry I'l-nf. d'V CjitJtTAgvl f r 1 '1 MA.l; j;